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American civil war Blacks Hate Judeo-reductionism

Latest Morgan comments

Jonathan Revusky: “Oh, c’mon. The real history of all that is much more murky and complex.”

Complexify and obfuscate all you want, but what it comes down to is either the preservation of the white race is important to American whites or it isn’t.

The incorporation of negroes into post-Civil War America on equal footing with whites settled that question in the negative. All that remained was to devise the technical means of carrying out the integration. What’s happening today was set in motion 150 years ago. Except for a few isolated individuals such as these mass shooters, most whites seem at peace with it. If they weren’t there’d be many more such incidents, and “white racist” or “white supremacist” would be a badge of honor instead of an epithet.

Jonathan Revusky: “That statement is just plain dishonest.”

The statement is both easy to understand and accurate. That political equality would inevitably promote social equality and race mixing was obvious.

Sean McBride: “The unstated assumption in this Judeocentric and paranoid belief system is that Jews comprise a super-race that can bend all non-Jews to their will through magical operations of some kind.”

No, not magic. The usual story is that Jews control everyone else through their control of money, and through their domination of cultural choke points such as law, education, and mass media. But this ignores the fact that throughout history, exploited people have stood up to tyranny even at the cost of their own lives. For the question “Why don’t they stand up now?” the anti-Semites have no good answer.

It doesn’t seem to occur to them that it could be that the vast majority of whites actually agree with the cultural changes the anti-Semites deplore, or at least, aren’t sufficiently worried by them to want to revolt. They just keep on banging the drum anyway, hoping to “wake people up”. And of course, that won’t happen to any great degree, and can’t, because most are already as “awake” as they want to be. Right wing politics is a cottage industry, supporting a number of grifters posing as leaders, running the gamut from Rush Limbaugh to David Duke.

John Derbyshire: “With a hundred thousand people a month coming in across our southern border without permission, terms like “invasion” and “ethnic replacement” don’t seem hyperbolic to me… [but the shooter] was insane; and yes, the guy is a psychopathic monster.”

How else to repel an invasion but by force? Politely ask them to leave? You may say let the gov’t handle it, but plainly, it hasn’t and won’t.

Bardon Kaldian: “So, black worship among some/many whites mystifies me. I just cannot get it, both at visceral & rational levels.”

You shouldn’t have slept through class during Anti-Semitism 101. Don’t you know that whites are easily programmed by the mass media, education, and gov’t to believe anything the Jews want them to believe? As a consequence of their reprogramming, the North American stink ape, once held in contempt by white people (or so the story goes), now are worshipped as gods by them, very similar to the way cows are sacred in India.

Nicolás Palacios Navarro: “I think what stops a lot of us from being honest with ourselves about these kinds of subjects is how hate of hatred itself is inculcated into some of us from a very young age. To ‘give in’ to hate has become a moral crime in and of itself.”

This is the secularization of Christianity. That God is Love is one of the foundational lies of that religion. However, if God is Love, what does that make you if you are a hater? In a culture shaped by Christianity, one who hates automatically becomes part of Satan’s army; a devil incarnate.

Nicolás Palacios Navarro: “Hatred is not only a perfectly natural human emotion, it is also the catalyst for change and justice. To stigmatize hate is like neutralizing an opponent before they can even express dissent, let alone plan or act strategically.”

The world described by Darwin is a world of struggle, a war of all against all, in which all life ultimately ends in death and corporeal dissolution. In such a world, if there is a human emotion that could be said to characterize it, it’s hate, not love.

Counterinsurgency: “Hatred is the emotion engendered by serious threats to one’s life or the lives of ones dependents or the people who must remain alive as a support network for the aforementioned. That’s it.”

You’ve failed to understand what I said. Hatred is much more than that. It powers the whole world. That’s why the Christian lie that God is Love is such an outrageous imposture.

2 replies on “Latest Morgan comments”

Those are good quotes.

The last one reminds me of the Kai Murros video “On Hate”. The original has been taken off youtube but people keep re-uploading it (I know I saved my own local copy).

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