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‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.

—John F. Kennedy

This month will be one year after the event in Charlottesville, which incidentally happened on my birthday: an ambush on the white nationalists of the United States in which the government of the state of Virginia colluded with the antifa and the media. If there is one thing that emerges from that day, it is that the System has decided to make a peaceful revolution impossible. They were able to violate their own laws and decree a state of emergency in order to sabotage the right of peaceful assembly of those protesting against the government’s decision to remove a Confederate statue.
With the hindsight of a year later it should be increasingly obvious that the System itself is telling us that there is no other way but violent revolution. I have spoken with Norman Spear and Joseph Walsh about this matter via Skype. Although I disagree with Spear that the federal government of the USA would never allow, in my opinion, a Neo-Nazi state as Covington dreamed in the Northwest, his Twitter account is a treasure trove of FAQs on how to make a Revolution.
Using chess terms I would say that I disagree with Spear’s ultimate strategy. In my humble opinion, the strategy should be to checkmate Uncle Sam à la Turner Diaries. But we completely agree on tactics about what guerrilla fighters should start learning right now.

One reply on “Revolution”

You may listen to the Special Episode 12: ‘In Memory of Harold Armstead Covington 1954-2018’ on Lone Wolf Radio. These are Chris White’s words presenting his program with guests Joseph Walsh and Norman Spear:

In dedication to Harold Armstead Covington 1954-2018; National Socialist, patriot, philosopher, warrior, historian, writer, founder of the Northwest Front, veteran of three armies on two continents, eternal citizen Rhodesia and Political Father to us all.
Host Chris White joins Movement Scholar Joseph Walsh and Radical Nationalist philosopher Norman Spear to eulogise Harold Armstead Covington, after the tragic and untimely event of his death from an apparent heart condition on Tuesday July 17th 2018, at around midday.


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