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Painting of the day:

~ 1937
Museo Reina Sofía

2 replies on “Guernica”

The majority of the paintings displayed on TWDH are beautiful exemplars of the greatness of European art. But I do not include the name of Pablo Diego José Fransisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso among them. His paintings look like nightmares vomited up from the id, if nightmares could be vomited.

In fact, the only artist I’ve seen within recent memory who embodies more ugliness per square inch of canvas is that dead Englishman “genius” named Jonathan Bowden, whose tortured renditions have been so sickeningly praised over on Counter-Currents.

A Spanish painter that I do like is Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, aka Salvador Dalí. In particular, his painting The Persistence of Memory captured my imagination as a young boy, and still does.

Hold Back This Day
The Towers of Eden

The reason I included Guernica is because I see it between the two Hellstorm entries as an illustration not of what happened to that Spanish town, but what the Allied forces did to German towns.

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