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by Vlad Petre

Salutations once again Mr. Tort,

I hope you are doing well and I congratulate you for your recent articles regarding Nietzsche and his anti-Christianity. For too long mainstream culture has misrepresented and misunderstood the aforementioned German philosopher, using his works to promote nihilism and decadence. Nietzsche’s ideas represent a revolt against modernity and Abrahamism (and its offsprings: liberalism, communism, feminism, etc.), urging the reader to return to a heroic, politically-incorrect Pagan worldview.

There’s been something on my mind recently that I believe only followers of the fourteen words can truly understand. This e-mail handles the topic of animal and child’s rights…

I am no expert in anthropology, but there seems to be a natural predisposition, especially for individuals belonging to southern/oriental races for cruelty, Machiavellianism, deception and backstabbing. If that is the case, it should not come as a big surprise that the Nordic Aryans, as well as some Asians such as practitioners of Buddhism, are among the few human groups who have shown signs of true altruism towards kids and animals. The Scandinavian countries were the first to adopt laws which prohibited corporal punishment of younglings and when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, some of their first political actions revolved around the banning of vivisection and the protection of animals from abuse and cruelty… And yes, I agree, that slaughterhouses ought to be abolished.

The Nordic god-like Übermensch promoted by the Third Reich embodied not just traits like the desire to attain glory, to conquer and to destroy the evil and the inferior but also to show compassion and kindness towards fellow Aryans and Mother Nature. When I was watching the movie Triumph of the Will on the internet, what I enjoyed most were the scenes with the boys from the Hitlerjugend camping outside, close to Nature, exercising, training and overall having fun. No obnoxious teachers to bore and berate them, no abusive parents, no sick Christian priests to terrorise them with doctrines of eternal hellfire, and no fat ugly blue-haired feminists telling them that their masculinity is toxic. A heaven on earth I would say.

Why can’t today’s white nationalist movements and conservative right-wing groups be like that? Many of them are jokes, poisoned by bourgeoisie Christian culture. A true white nationalist, for example, would want to exterminate the mudbloods of North Africa and the Middle East, with the intent of restoring the Macedonian Empire and turning the Mediterranean Sea into a Roman lake again.

Eastern Europe isn’t doing better either.

It is not the conservative traditionalist utopia many naïve Westerners think it is. There are many groups here who advocate the traditional Orthodox Christian family ideal but never have I heard them talk about parental abuse or how Christianity’s toxic doctrines mentally scar children. These are of course taboo subjects that would completely destroy the image of the traditional Christian family…

To conclude, the salvation of the White race will come not from the bourgeoisie liberal democratic neo-Christian West, nor the post-Soviet Orthodox Christian Conservative East. As Buddha said, a middle path must be taken. That middle path is the creation of a National Socialist Nietzschean pagan nordic Imperium which strongly emphasises the well-being of Aryan children as well as Mother Gaia’s four-legged children. Only then we can make the world a better place and atone for the sins we have committed throughout time against Nature.

Thank you again Mr. Tort for your time and patience and I wish you good luck with your next projects for The West’s Darkest Hour. May Nietzsche’s blonde beast carry the banner of Kalki and lead us to a new Satya Yuga.

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