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Final chapter

Since the core of my trilogy is autobiographical, after my mother’s death I decided to add a final chapter to The Grail. But I think the final pages, which I have not yet finished, will make me decide to change the title of that book to The End of Love. Also, I think I will change the image of a cup on the cover of The Grail to an image of Uncle Adolf, as the book is dedicated to his memory.

I came to white nationalism, and eventually to National Socialism, from an unusual path: the fulfilment of the Delphic oracle’s injunction to know thyself, the profound autobiography. Many will think it is irrelevant to racial issues but it isn’t, insofar as personal biography can be a microcosm of the social macrocosm.

In other words, understanding my family’s tragedy (the last thing I mentioned here is that five years ago my first cousin killed his daughter and then hanged himself) and understanding the suicide of the West is a continuous whole. Understanding History is complex, and let us always keep in mind what we have said of Tom Holland about how Christianity mutated into atheistic hyperchristianity after the founding of the United States. But knowing the inner Self, and the faults of one’s own family provides the elements to understand the faults of Western society in general. This may seem very reductionist, but if one dives deep into the inner Self, one will be able to understand not only family tragedies but also the sick minds of millions of Aryan males who commit ethnosuicide.

I don’t know how long it will take me to add that final chapter. But if I decide to change the title of the book, I will delete the category ‘El Grial (book)’ that appears in red letters at the top of this post, and put the new title in its place. The new title, ‘The End of Love’, would refer to the fact that we must think like Kalki to save the race from future extinction, as Vlad Petre saw in yesterday’s post.

The mention of Kalki, as a figure of a religion created by pure Aryans in India, is important. If I were an orthodox Jungian, based on Jung’s Answer to Job I could use, instead of Kalki, the apocalyptic figure of an immolated lamb transformed into a demonic ram (see pages 196-199 of Day of Wrath). But the author of the Book of Revelation was a Jew angry at the Romans for the destruction of Jerusalem and dreamed of terrible vengeance to the extent of devising, in poetic prose, a New Jerusalem (which came to pass after the fateful 1945, courtesy of the Judeo-Christian Anglo-Americans!). The orthodox Jungian wouldn’t see much difference between the apocalyptic figure of the lamb, which Jung says rather resembles a demonic ram, and Kalki. But for us the difference is obvious: one came from the pen of an Aryan and the other from the pen of a Jew.

The new title, The End of Love, which I may give the book once I add the final chapter I am writing now, refers to this apocalyptic figure but without the need to use Judeo-Christian imagery. This is the eternal error of American white nationalism, unable to break with Judeo-Christianity, which we could sum up with the recent exchange in The Occidental Observer:

Devon said:

‘Christianity and Europeans worked fine together for around 1600 years right up until Jews took over America in the early 20th century via the media and Hollywood etc. The West’s decline directly tracks our increasing irreligiosity. Man will always need religion and with no alternatives Christianity seems the best option.’

Ragnarok responded:

‘Read Karl Heinz [Deschner’s] Criminal History of Christianity for a reappraisal of just how destructive to our Greco-Roman cultural heritage Christianity was. The Christians of the 4th and 5th centuries were engaging in the same cultural destruction as the woke mobs of today.’

3 replies on “Final chapter”

The last link in the above post links only to the comments section of a lengthy article that the Christian Andrew Fraser has been posting on Kevin MacDonald’s webzine. Anyone who wants to read Fraser’s recent pro-Xtian article on one of the most respected white nationalist sites can do so here:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Somehow, religion still has a deathgrip on the American mind and I find it bewildering. The whole thing seemed ludicrous to me by age 12, even without any of the understanding I now have as an adult. I suppose historical ignorance and cowardice is to blame.

I must say I got a bit of a surprise as I read down through your article, only to find my comment sitting there. Thanks for the spelling correction of Herr Dreschners name, was done from memory.

Also, thanks for all you do here.

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