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Philosophy of history

Last word

I have an appointment at noon at the entrance of the Palace of Fine Arts but before leaving I would like to say one last word about my recent series on Game of Thrones.

The huge number of fans on YouTube who are terribly disappointed do not understand, in the least, the final episode: in which the dwarf gives an explanatory speech about why Bran should be the new king after the near apocalypse that everyone suffered in Westeros.

It is clear that the millions of fans who watch those opinionated videos are clueless of the underlying philosophy. The best way to understand the speech of the dwarf is to simply observe that in the sticky post I recently added a hatnote that links to an article that I transcribed from the voice of Black Pigeon Speaks.

That is the story that currently destroys the white race. If we follow the dwarf’s speech, only a real-life Bran Stark—let’s say: a Tom Goodrich—that reclaims the story about WW2 can save whites.

I think I’ll leave that first line with the link so that new visitors will find out, through a series as popular as Game of Thrones, that ‘There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has the best story than Bran the Broken?’