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Landscape with Rainbow

Painting of the day:

Jan Siberechts
Landscape with Rainbow
~ 1690
Tate Gallery

2 replies on “Landscape with Rainbow”

These paintings are breathtaking windows into our past, and I never tire looking at them. It’s so easy to imagine oneself transported via time machine to the outskirts of that village, and then meandering over those fields and meadows on the way to it. If one could somehow manage to conceal one’s futuristic origins from the inhabitants, who knows if one would ever want to return to the world of today?

Hold Back This Day: new edition @ $12.95
The Towers of Eden: new edition @ $14.88

I live in a place where I can see pictures just like that for real…..but guess what? They are importing negros and Muslims en masse here now too…..so don’t count on it remaining beautiful for long 🙁

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