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Dwight D. Eisenhower Evil Thomas Goodrich

Love Germania. Hate the US. – III

Editor’s Note: The books that the American Thomas Goodrich wrote about the Second World War represent the most important literature of anything written in this century to understand the catastrophe that spawned the ethno-suicidal zeitgeist of the white man of today.

Below I reproduce chapter 3 of Goodrich’s Summer 1945: Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate. You have to invert the black-and-white colours of how the Americans depicted the Nazi leadership and themselves, a kind of photographic negative of what actually happened: War propaganda that persists to the present year. For example, the Eisenhower camps were the real death camps in 1945, where one million Germans were maliciously starved to death. This time the Bolshevik Jews weren’t the perpetrators of the Holodomor, but the Americans. Goodrich writes below that ten times of German soldiers died compared to those killed on the whole Western Front during the whole six years of war. And let us not speak in this hatnote about the millions of rapes of civilian women and tortures after the Germans surrendered…

The utter quackery of the so-called ‘white nationalist’ movement lies in that they aren’t harping every morning, noon and night, using books like Goodrich’s like a sword, to set the record straight about what happened in WW2. Hence the spawned ethno-suicidal zeitgeist, a ‘monster from the Id’ continues unchallenged to this day.

White nationalism must die so that an authentic movement may emerge, that we could baptise this day as the ‘priesthood of the 14 words’. As I live in the American continent, I dare not use the term ‘National Socialism’, which should be reserved for Germans and Europeans of the Nordic type once they wake up.

All the criticism that white nationalists make of Trump, that he has been false opposition (for which Richard Spencer prefers Biden) I could say of them. As long as American racists refuse to denounce the Hellstorm Holocaust their ancestors perpetrated in Europe their ideology is also false opposition.

Goodrich’s endnotes sourcing every indented quotation as well as the sources of those brief sentences between quotation marks—for example the words of genocidal manic Dwight D. Eisenhower—are omitted in this edited chapter. For a proper reading I urge visitors of this site to order a hard copy of Summer 1945: a book that, fortunately, has not been censored on Amazon Books.

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September 2024 Note:

I removed the following quote because I will be incorporating it into the Summer 1945 series.

Claude le Lorrain Nature Pride & Prejudice

P & P (2005)

In the early hours of the day after midnight, I began to watch once again the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice, based on Jane Austen’s novel. I felt really tired and had to suspend the function, already after two in the morning. I left when, advised by Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley struggles with himself to propose to Jane Bennet. Tonight I will see the rest.

Over the years I have talked about that movie, even since the old incarnation of this site. While what I said last week is true, that even seemingly benign films contain a subversive mustard seed that can grow, in this P&P adaptation there is no bad seed. It is a movie that may well have been filmed in a parallel world in which Hitler had won the war.

There are several readings we could make of the film. Personally, the actress who plays the blonde Jane represents, in flesh and blood, the ethereal nymphs that I place on the sidebar: the inspiration of David Lane. If there is something that I fail to understand in the white nationalist movement, it is this lack of praise for the most beautiful specimens of the Aryan race. I just do not get it. Eros’ force about women like Jane should, on its own, move millions of whites to Lane’s words. And I don’t mean only ‘That the beauty of the white Aryan women shall not perish from the earth’, but the consequence of Eros, lots of children: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’.

The other issue is marriage. If ours is the darkest of all times, it is because they inverted values in everything related to sexuality and the reproduction of the Aryan race. Needless to say, salvation consists of transvaluing values as they were before, in the world of Austen. But with the exception of Anglin and Devlin, who, among the white nationalists, insists so much on the subject? This is one of the many reasons I don’t take the movement seriously. In Hitler’s Germany, on the other hand, the sacredness of marriage and Aryan reproduction was primordial.

As I said, tonight I will finish watching the movie where I left after midnight. Those who want to capture the spirit of this site, what moves me to write, will have to buy the DVD of P&P and watch it from time to time. The music of Dario Marianelli, the landscapes of bucolic England, and even the buildings—for example when Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth—should move the deepest fibre of the white man.

If you visit my Facebook or Twitter pages, you will find the same painting of Claude le Lorrain above the pages. It is known that the wealthy 19th-century English tried to bring the beautiful architecture of some paintings of le Lorrain (paintings that I contemplated during my last visit to London’s museums) to the countryside of the island. The building that served as a refuge from the copious rain for the future couple, when Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, is the perfect framework for the fourteen words (or twenty-eight, if we are to count the two meanings of the Lane words).

Art, architecture, Aryan beauty, Puritan sexual customs, the 14 words, good music (the very antithesis of what whites listen today), bucolic landscapes—it is all the same. Hitler, who sometime in his life wanted to be an artist, saw it clearly. When will white nationalists see something so obvious?

Aryan beauty

This blog in a nutshell

‘That the beauty of the white Aryan women shall not perish from the earth’.

– The fourteen words

Evil Racial right Thomas Goodrich

Priesthood of the fourteen words

(Pythagoreans greet the sun with song by Fyodor Bronnikov.) White nationalism is charlatanry and visitors to this site should consider un-watching the alt-right sites for one simple reason: alt-righters are really afraid to confront the most elemental facts.

I mean what really happened in World War II.

What Yankee propaganda did was simply assign to the Germans the crimes they and the Soviets had committed in Germany, before and after the surrender.

Every site of white nationalism that does not hate the United States and Russia represents intellectual charlatanry of the worst kind.

What these idiots don’t want to see is that any excess that can be attributed to the Germans—excesses with what the media has been bombarding us for seventy years!—is just the iceberg’s tip of what the Allies committed.

A failure to hammer mornings, afternoons and nights with the events of that war that explain how the anti-white Zeitgeist was born means that white nationalists and those in the alt-right have a huge character flaw: Cowardice with capital C.

It is impossible to save the race with these cowards. We need a new generation of Aryan men who no longer call their movement ‘white nationalism’.

I propose a new name to distinguish it from German National Socialism (as the Führer himself said that NS could no be exported): Priesthood of the Fourteen Words.

The Priests of the Fourteen Words will leave the alt-right behind, as stagnant as they are at the middle of the river, and they will reach the mainland on this side of the psychological Rubicon.

I have no illusions. Since I started scolding white nationalists in this modest space, donations dropped almost to zero. But I will not give in because it’s them the ones who are dissociating historical reality instead of facing it as real Men.

It has been more than a month since I decided not to visit the WN/alt-right forums, not even MacDonald’s. Only when I search for something specific through Google and spot some info I am interested in, do I enter one of these sites.

It makes no sense to continue blaming the Jews for everything if the WNsts are unable to recognise that the white man is equally guilty of what Jewry does—and even worse, as what the white man does is treason.

Below for example, Goodrich mentions a Soviet Jew that preached genocidal hatred of Germans. What the WNsts don’t want to see is that even Bill O’Reilly used to invite a colonel who approved the killing of civilian Germans in that war, when O’Reilly had a program on Fox News. I still remember the words of that colonel: ‘Burn their families…!’

Can’t the WNsts realise that this is worse than what the Jew quoted below said, as it is treason to his Saxon cousins? And what about the millions of idiots who continue to watch Fox News and believe the lies about World War II? Even the abridged version of The Gulag Archipelago debunks such lies. But whites prefer TV than the most elemental reading, right?

The following is installment #11 on this site of Tom Goodrich’s Summer 1945:

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September 2024 Note:

I removed the following quote because I will be incorporating it into the Summer 1945 series.

Eduardo Velasco Hans F. K. Günther Madison Grant Nordicism Racial studies

Nordicism and National Socialism, 3

by Evropa Soberana

A woman from the North of Friesland.
Both the Nazis and the American eugenicists
agreed in considering the Frisians and the Saxons
as the purest ethnic elements of Germany.

Madison Grant(1865-1937) was a well known American Nordicist and eugenicist. Grant, who is sometimes introduced as a sort of Hispanophobe, actually praised the ‘virile blood of the Spanish conquistadors’.

The Nordics are, all over the world, a race of soldiers, sailors, adventurers, and explorers, but above all, of rulers, organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant character of the Alpines. Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north. 

The Passing of the Great Race, 1916 chapter 11.

The first is the Nordic or Baltic subspecies. This race is long skulled, very tall, fair skinned, with blond or brown hair and light collared eyes. The Nordics inhabit the countries around the North and Baltic Seas, and include not only the great Scandinavian and Teutonic groups, but also other early peoples who first appear in southern Europe and in Asia as representatives of Aryan language and culture. 

The so-called red haired branch of the Nordic race has special characters in addition to red hair, such as a greenish cast of eye, a skin of peculiar texture tending either to great clarity or to freckles, and certain peculiar temperamental traits. This was probably a variety closely related to the blonds, and it first appears in history in association with them. 

The Passing of the Great Race, 1916 chapter 2.
Karl Weinländer. Faced with these relatively reasoned positions, consider now a true exalted Nordicist who can be considered a radical. In Nuremberg in 1933, and with the assistance of the National Socialist Teachers League, Karl Weinländer wrote:

All races (Alpine, Dinaric, Mediterranean, Baltic-Eastern) are simply the bastards of the unnatural crossing of the Nordic man with the inferior races. This natural inferiority of the non-Nordic races is attested by the fact that the iris of the eye, the hair, and in worse cases, even the skin, are pigmented. 

Quoted in Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes(see also Rassenkunde Europas).
Hermann Gauch(1899-1978) was a racial theorist. His theories were considered too radical even in National Socialist Germany, to the point that one of his books was censored by the Reich authorities because he called the Italians ‘half-simians’.

The Nordic man is… the creator of all culture and civilisation. The salvation and preservation of Nordic man alone will save and preserve culture and civilisation. Lasting success, of course, can only be achieved through the unification of all Nordic humanity of the Germanic countries, and a number of other strongly Nordic areas.

New Foundations of Racial Science. (USA: Encyclopaedia of the Third Reich, published in 1934).

Examples of Nordic ideal in the art
and propaganda of the Third Reich.

Hans F. K. Günther(1891-1968), the most famous example of Nordicist and German eugenicist, provided the basis of the racial theory of the Third Reich. Günther was a friend of Walther Darré and member of the NSDAP since 1932. With extensive knowledge of classical culture and Germanic, Persian and Hindu history, he married a Norwegian with whom he had two daughters, Ingrid and Sigrun.

In 1935, Günther was declared ‘pride of the NSDAP’, and in 1940 Hitler himself awarded him the Goethe Medal of Art and Science. At the end of the war, Günther spent three years in an Allied concentration camp, and denied the official version of the Jewish holocaust until his death.

The decline and fall of the Hellenic world must be attributed to the destructive result of a millennium of devastating wars and strife and, on the other hand, to the political and spiritual transformation that has particularly harmed the lineage possessed by the predominantly Nordic Indo-German race, which had descended from Central Europe, particularly from central Germany. De-Nordization is the main cause of this decadence. 

Lebengeschichte des hellenischen Volkwes(Editor: Franz von Bebenburg, 1965).

It must be clearly stated that, within the German nation, Nordic blood should be considered ‘desirable’ and non-Nordic blood ‘less desirable’. It is the extended criterion of the immigration laws in force in America, for which, I point out, the Nordic blood represents what is desirable. 

This criterion, drawn from the observation of important general circumstances, is not directed against non-Nordic individuals, it only wants to protect the desired Nordic blood against the danger of extinction, and to increase as much as possible this desirable blood. The teaching of genetics that tells us: ‘The value of a man as a subject is different from its value as procreator’, must inspire each of our considerations.

Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes, 1922.

From the racial point of view, there is only one equality of birth: that based on the equal purity of Nordic blood. Racially, the noble of mixed race is not of equal birth to a Nordic peasant girl. 

Going back to the origins of the peoples of Indo-European heritage, one arrives at a political and spiritual aristocracy of a predominantly Nordic race… These original Nordic-Indo-Europeans called themselves ‘Aryans’, ārya [Sanskrit word] in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Persia. We can see it in the Rig-Veda, in the inscription of the tomb of Emperor Darius, in the Germanic names, and in the nobility. They described themselves with Nordic characteristics. 

Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen, 1927.

Axiology Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Michelangelo

New tablets of stone

First article.— Western civilisation is under the grip of an anti-white ideology that has been imposed in every white country after the traitorous Second World War.
Second article.—Aryans are being exterminated by genocidal levels of immigration: a wholesale European, North American and Australian population replacement for non-whites.
Third article.—Ergo, the 21st century will be the darkest hour of the fair race.
Fourth article.—Aryans either gain a sense of themselves or they are going extinct. Only an ethnostate will save them from extinction; that is, only complete sovereignty in a Fourth Reich, brought about by the expulsion of non-whites, including Jews, will save whites.
Fifth article.—If the ethnostate is formed, a Constitution may start with the words: We hold these truths to be self-evident: Men are created unequal. All men are unequal—nowhere in the natural world, and Man is part of Nature, is anything equal. Equality does not exist in Nature; only in the abstract world of mathematics and in the minds of delusional humans.

Sixth article.—The Priest of the Fourteen words is an anti-Judeo-Christian law-giver. The first commandment in his tablets of stone is ‘Thou shalt keep thy blood pure’. To avoid miscegenation, another commandment must dictate the necessity of not using non-whites.
Seventh article.—If we now remember Nietzsche’s Law Against Christianity, the rest follows from this…
Page 517 of the forthcoming 2018 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

David Lane Mein Kampf (book)

The Fourteen Words

by Albus

‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children’.
It seems to be uncertain that David Lane coined this phrase, and when. If he was the one, maybe he took the inspiration from Ben Klassen who had written in the year 1973 in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion, the founding work for the race religion Creativity:

It is the highest right, the foremost law in Nature to fight for our survival at all costs. We must secure the existence of the White Race on the face of this planet for all time.

Klassen, again, who advocated not less than strict segregation of the races, had read Mein Kampf in German, and wanted all good parts of the world to be populated only by white people. Hitler‘s words had been:

What we have to fight for is to secure the existence and propagation of our race and our people, the feeding of its children and to keep pure its blood…

My translation; in German: „Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermehrung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhaltung seines Blutes (…)“; Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, Zwei Bände in einem Band, 172.–173. Aufl., Zentralverlag der NSDAP Frz. Neher Nachf., 1936, Erster Band, S. 234.
Sounds pretty similar to The Fourteen Words, doesn’t it? So who is the spiritual father?

Autobiography Axiology Catholic Church Child abuse Degenerate art Energy / peak oil Heinrich Himmler Hitler Youth Lord of the Rings Manosphere Music Pseudoscience Psychiatry Psychohistory Racial studies St Francis Who We Are (book)

September 2016 interview

This original canvas signed by Antonio Zucchi (1726-1795) is a landscape in Flemish style, now very near from the desk where I work for this blog.

My friend Jake F. interviewed me last year. These are his words: “The below text is of a scripted interview I was to conduct with C.T. of The West’s Darkest Hour. Due to unforeseen circumstances we could not record. However, Cesar graciously offered to allow this interview to be published on The Right Stuff”.


Jake: Hello, and welcome to Manifest Destiny! This is Jake and I’ll be your host today. I have the privilege of bringing you a rare interview with C.T. of The West’s Darkest Hour. What Cesar brings to the table is rare combination of principled fearsomeness and refined sensibility. This interview will serve as an exposition and clarification of his thought for an unfamiliar audience. Questions and answers were composed in advance for purposes of clarity. As always, thank you for listening and enjoy.

Cesar, please give us a brief overview of your background and journey to your present ideological positions. Which books, authors, films, and music inspired you?

Cesar: Thanks for having me here, Jake. I’ll answer straight to the point.

Both of my parents were artists but since my middle teens they became abusive as hell, and I was the target of this abusive madness, which of course destroyed my young life. I explain the tragedy in two books, Hojas Susurrantes and the one I’ve just finished, Exterminio. Both comprise almost half a million words and soon I’ll start the third of the trilogy. As a matter of fact, my sister died this year. In my latest book I claim that her death was probably related to the trauma we endured in our teens.

With my books, I believe, I’m starting a new literary genre. If I manage to finish the third one I will be the first writer in history who analyzes his extremely abusive family in a million-word trilogy.

As to which books and films inspired me, I’d say that 2001: A Space Odyssey exerted a major influence since I watched it in 1968. I was 10 years old then. It was before the abuse at home. After my family became so destructive, Childhood’s End by Arthur Clarke made a huge impact in my life. Still later, the books of Alice Miller helped me to understand my evil family.

With regard to music, since I was a small child I listened to Mussorgski and Stravinsky. Mussorgski’s Dawn over the Moscow River was my first love. Later I discovered Beethoven.

Jake: You seem to be heavily influenced by psychohistory. Could you briefly define it for our audience? What insights have you gleaned from it? What faults have you found with it?

Cesar: This is my interpretation of psychohistory: Most adult children of extremely abusive parents become mad. Really mad I mean: like the magical thinking of the tribes since prehistoric times. And there are cultures that are far more abusive than others.

Psychohistory is a term used by the American Lloyd deMause to research child abuse through recorded history. The meta-perspective provided by psychohistory helped me to contextualize what happened in my family. The problem with deMause is that he’s a rabid liberal, some would even argue that he’s a Jew, like Alice Miller. In the only chapter of my trilogy that has been translated to English I try to Aryanize psychohistory away from deMause’s crazy liberalism.

Jake: You make incisive criticisms of psychiatry as a pseudoscientific field which often fails to draw upon or selectively draws upon neurological research. How specifically is it wounding our people? How deeply do such wounds go?

Cesar: Curiously, Kevin MacDonald used to teach child psycho-pathology in the university before his recent retirement. I don’t know if MacDonald knows that psychiatry is an “iatrogenic” profession, which means that psychiatric drugs often cause a much more serious mental condition for the client than the original distress or disorder.

For instance, there are international studies that show that people in third world countries, with few resources to purchase so-called anti-psychotics, fare much better for those diagnosed with schizophrenia. In other words, so-called anti-psychotics are iatrogenic: they only worsen the original disorder. My blog contains scholarly references to support this claim, but it is something you won’t ever hear in the media, not even in the outlets of white nationalism.

One of the things that I find exasperating while trying to communicate with white nationalists is that, in addition to the pseudoscientific racial and gender studies, there are other pseudosciences. Psychiatry is one of them. Nationalists are completely clueless of the fact that this pseudo-medical profession has as much scientific basis as the study of UFOs.

Let me expand a bit on this.

Those plugged in the Matrix believe that schizophrenia is the product of a chemical imbalance. Unplugged dissidents know that mental disorders are not a biomedical condition. A computer analogy is helpful here. Imagine a technician who doesn’t believe in the existence of computer viruses in the software. This guy always tries to fix computers by messing with the hardware. That’s exactly what psychiatrists do: they are in denial of the existence of the “software” in the human mind, so to speak. So they treat every mental disorder as a brain disorder. For psychiatrists, biology is destiny. Trauma does not exist, or is irrelevant. Only the genes matter.

But psychiatry cannot demonstrate any biological marker, genetic, chemical imbalance or otherwise, in any of the major psychiatric disorders. That’s why neurology, which is real science, is separated in the universities from psychiatry, which is not a science but a big, big business.

Also, all pseudosciences present their central concepts as unfalsifiable hypotheses, that is, hypotheses that cannot be refuted through the scientific method. What most people ignore is that psychiatry also presents its main concept, mental illness, as an unfalsifiable hypothesis. This is explained in detail in one of my scholarly articles.

Jake: You’ve written extensively on child abuse and its racial implications. Chiefly, that non-Whites are much more likely to abuse their offspring and much more likely to do it in horrific ways. Besides obvious things (like removing Judeo-liberal media or moving to a Whiter area) what advice would you have for racially conscious White parents?

Cesar: If you have in mind abusive parents, you cannot educate them. They are simply unconscious of their abuse. In my latest book for example I have published my mother’s entire diary. It is shocking to see that throughout her diary, mostly about the 1970s, she had no clue whatsoever that she was driving her children mad.

In an ethnostate it would be possible that the child finds a window of escape from abusive families through the Hitler Youth. But even in an Aryan ethnostate would-be parents should be taught not to abuse their kids. Together with the Hitler Youth, education for young couples that are about to marry is the only way that occurs to me that children won’t be abused in the future.

Jake: In the past, you have discussed a collapse scenario as presenting the best or only chance Whites will have to exercise the Fourteen Words freely. What if the collapse never comes? What do you think about the collapse as a mythical trope for “fringe” political movements or causes?

Cesar: I have referred to psychiatry as a pseudoscience that the average white nationalist is unaware of. But there are other pseudosciences taught at the academia that nationalists also ignore. Another example is Keynesian economics, that presently influences not only the academia but the Federal Reserve and the banking system.

You cannot have a thriving economy by means of the current system of huge debt and huge spending. The United States has a debt of almost 20 trillion and if the Fed starts Quantitative Easing 4 it will dwarf the previous QEs combined. QE, of course, is newspeak for inflation: expanding the currency supply, the paper dollars. Sooner or later the dollar will hyperinflate because of this astronomic expansion of the currency supply.

Those economists who reject the crazy paradigm that rules the financial world predict that the crash will happen in this decade. And this means something like the depression of 1929. But unlike 1929 there are millions of Negroes out there, especially in the big cities. After the financial accident they’ll chimp out, and contribute beautifully to the collapse of the System. By the way, have you seen the Jew-movie Imperium?

There is a movie character, the one that “Harry Potter” betrayed, hehe.☺ Well, with his group this character tries to produce what he calls “The Event”, which supposedly would awaken whites, a big act of terrorism.

In real life this is not necessary. The Event is coming nevertheless. And not from racists like us, but from the blunders of the Fed and the international monetary policies.

If by December 31 of 2020 the crash has not happened I will recognize I was wrong. But what if I am right? Because if I am right you should start obtaining coins of silver, and if you can afford it, coins of gold. Even the commercials of Fox News are advertizing this.

Jake: Nordicism is a particularly loaded term. Who exactly are the Nordic peoples? Are they a distinct sub race located only in certain White countries? Do they form the upper crust in every White society? Or are they something else entirely?

Cesar: In my opinion white nationalism or Altright, however you want to call it, is fake. The real thing is National Socialism. Unlike the Nazis people in the Altright are like the republicans: they have granted amnesty to millions of non-whites from Mediterranean Europe. The Germans of the 1930s knew better: the standard for whiteness is the Nordic type.

A pundit from Barcelona in Spain has developed a new racial classification that clarifies this matter. He basically says that the European race is divided in three primordial races: the European Nordid White (“White Nordid”), the Nordid Central Asian Redhead (“Red Nordid”), and the Near Eastern Armenid. The white race is actually a mixture of two or more races.

So we cannot say, “This person is a pure white” but “This person has a mixture of A, B and C races in such proportions.” With terms like Aryan we designate a mixture between White Nordid and Red Nordid and its mild crossing with non-white Armenids or Mongolids—usually people of Germanic and Slavic origin.

While the ideal white is a White Nordid with a Red Nordid, we cannot say that those whites who have some Armenid or Mongolid genes are non-whites. However, we could say they are non-whites if they contain a few drops of Congid blood, that is, Negro genes; or substantial Armenid or Mongolid blood.

In the new racial classification the phenotype is more important than genetic studies. Therefore, based on phenotype we can say that many of us Meds are not properly white. Some of them are, yes. I’ve seen girls as beautiful and Aryan in Spain as in the Nordish countries. But not in the proportion I’ve seen such women even in Texas. Many Meds are mudbloods, something that the Germans knew very well. So well in fact that inter-marriage between the mudbloods and the Nazis was discouraged.

Since this is a scientific subject, I recommend those who want to understand nordicism to study carefully the most scholarly article in my blog. It’s under the title Gens alba conservanda est, which is Latin for “the white race must be preserved”. Alas, most white nationalists are anti-nordicists. They are still under the grip of the egalitarian ideology that has destroyed the West. Most of them sincerely believe that all whites are created equal.

I would recommend they read William Pierce’s only non-fiction book, Who We Are, to grasp my point. Pierce was not a white nationalist. Like the Nazis he was the real thing. The biggest surprise that the reader will find in his book is that the founding stock of the ancient Greeks and Romans was Nordish, real whites.

Jake: Much like Dr. William Pierce, you postulate a Witches’ Brew (essentially a convergence of catastrophic trends) theory of factors leading to the gradual and sometimes rapid extermination of our race. What ranks near the top that most of our people are missing? Conversely, what are we greatly overestimating?

Cesar: For those who accept the premises of Who We Are it is clear that the main enemy of whites are whites themselves, especially the civilizational decadence that comes from wealth-over-race policies.

I have lived in Mexico more than half a century. Latin-America is very similar to Mexico if you visit the countries to the south of Mexico. What the Spaniards and the Portuguese did in the Americas, mixing their blood since the 16th century, was the product of greed, of lust for gold. It was also the result of the universalist creed of the Catholic Church, which considered the Amerindian women as “souls” to be “saved”.

The Iberians that conquered the continent also brought the Inquisition, which persecuted crypto-Jews. But even in Judenfrei New Spain these two factors, economic greed and universalist Christianity, destroyed the gene pool of the Spanish.

White nationalists ignore the history down the south of the US because it breaks their little narrative. Their narrative is that Jewry is the main factor of white decline. The fact is that there are other major factors beside Jewry that nationalists are ignoring. Christianity is one of them as demonstrated in the history of Judenfrei Spain and New Spain.

Jake: On a related note, you’ve produced a volume of writing on different strains of Counter-Semitism. Could you go into more detail on this taxonomy of Counter-Semitism?

Cesar: The Jewish problem is one the most serious problems of the West. For centuries and even millennia Jews have been a hostile minority in the West. There’s no question about it. Just see how they lobbied for a century to open the gates of non-white immigration into the United States. Just see the role they played in the Holocaust on non-Jews committed by the Bolshevik Jews. Just see who controls the anti-white media and how the kikes have been trying to prevent that whites wake up.

The problem itself shouts for a final solution of some sort. This is an aspect I don’t differ much from white nationalists. We both try to find radical solutions to the problem. We agree on the medicine.

But we disagree on the diagnosis. For me it’s clear that the Aryan problem caused the Jewish problem, and not vice versa. Perhaps the best analogy would be to see the Aryan problem as an HIV virus, and the Jewish problem as an AIDS-related infection like pneumonia. Kill off the bacteria if you want. I won’t complain about Alex Linder’s solution. But if you don’t eliminate the virus, you may still have a Judenfrei society that commits racial suicide, as happened here in Latin America.

It is simply untrue, as Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer recently wrote, that “physically removing the Jews will solve every other problem”. No. Our ancestors removed the Jews from New Spain and just look at the mess that Mexico is today: those ancestors still committed ethnic suicide, and on a continental scale!

Jake: From your research, what are the strengths and weaknesses of Nietzsche’s thought in general and in to furthering the Fourteen Words?

Cesar: No Nazi tract that I know mentions Nietzsche, but Hitler sort of admired him. Before Nietzsche lost his mind in January of 1889 his concept on the “revaluation of all values” was very handy. I use it a lot in my anti-Christian trolling. I’ll talk about this later in the interview.

Jake: Blake asks: In your writing, you refer to temples and priests of the Fourteen Words. Please expand upon these concepts. What would be the vocation and training of such a priesthood?

Cesar: Here we must recall what my Spanish friend Manu Rodríguez told me: We need to create the Aryan community, an ecclesia, which by the way we never had. Ecclesia, you know, was the principal assembly of ancient Athens.

The Aryan ecclesias need to thrive in our towns and cities, Manu told me. Our “priests”, for lack of a better word, won’t be experts in theology but in history, anthropology and Indo-European cultures. A priest of the 14 words must teach the Western tradition to his young pupils.

Nowadays, without money to build temples like those in Greece and Rome, we can only organize barbecue gatherings like those of my favorite character in the movie Imperium, hehe.☺

Jake: Your upcoming work From St Francis to Himmler has piqued my interest. Based upon the title alone, it is reminiscent of William Gayley Simpson’s journey from being an itinerant Franciscan to a fanatical Aryan racialist. To what extent are you familiar with his work Which Way Western Man? What is it actually about if not your own voyage?

Cesar: I have not read Simpson’s journey but From St Francis to Himmler will be the third and last volume of my autobiographical trilogy.

Francis is the most beloved saint for many Catholics. When I was abused by my father, who admired St Francis, as a defense mechanism I developed a sort of piety inspired in this Italian saint. After the abuse, the doctrine of eternal damnation, that I internalized from my father, destroyed my image of a benign God. The spiritual odyssey from my adolescent piety, to Himmler’s exterminationism, will be the axis of my last book. It is exactly that: an odyssey; the story of a long, long night of my soul.

Jake: For you, White Nationalism was merely a stepping stone to a much sterner and more disciplined National Socialism. Many American White Nationalists enjoy National Socialist iconography and pageantry, as well. What is the line of demarcation between these two ideologies? Is White Nationalism even an ideology or could it more accurately be described as a sentiment? How can American Whites steeped in republican, individualist beliefs adapt to a more “collective” or duty-oriented belief system? What about National Socialism is non-essential or merely adapted to Germanic norms? Finally, which National Socialist texts are American White Nationalists missing or refusing to read?

Cesar: Instead of responding question by question let me say that the line of demarcation is what George Lincoln Rockwell did: he formed a fascist party. White nationalists don’t do anything of the sort! If Rockwell had not been assassinated, radicals like Dylann Roof would have found a warm home and a healthier way to channel their hatred.

Individualist Americans will radically change, and I mean radically, when the convergence of catastrophes is already under way: something that will happen in the second half of the century. I refer to the tectonic-plate, apocalyptic convergence between energy devolution and a political crisis in the West. That collision will create a real mountain.

If “Our race is our nation” then, theoretically National Socialism is doable among Anglo-Saxons, not only among Germanics. Rockwell saw this clearly and he was right.

The most important book to awake whites is the one that Tom Goodrich wrote: Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany. I believe that any honest white liberal who reads it will break, in his mind, the media narrative about the Second World War. Once you nuke the media narrative, I would recommend a Nazi textbook for young readers, Faith and Action by Helmut Stellrecht. It is available online.

Jake: Blake asks: Many White Nationalists advocate the creation of an ethno-state or ethno-states for White-Aryans to seek refuge in. They often fail to mention whether this goal is their highest aim or merely a tactical one. Assuming White-Aryans had the capability to do with the Earth as they wish, what should they do? You’ve been called quite a few names for suggesting that Earth should be made a Whites-only planet. How do you respond to this?

Cesar: I don’t remember the names I was called. Perhaps I missed those threads? In the book that I’ve just finished, Extermination, I explain why the human race is a failed species. Most of them deserve extermination, save the most beautiful Aryans with good heart for nature, the children and the animals.

Extermination is a subject that has only been partially explored in fiction, at the end of The Turner Diaries. It is time to speak out in the genre of non-fiction, as I just did with my latest book, which will be available in Spanish this month or the next one.

I had said that I was inaugurating a new literary genre. But I omitted to mention that, if completed, my trilogy goes well beyond such autobiographical genre into a philosophical system. From this point of view, exterminationism is more than an odd subject: it is what we may call the Significant A of the coming Overman. But let’s change the conversation to a more “normal” subject.

Jake: Rock music is controversial within racialist spheres. You take an uncompromising stance against it for a host of reasons. Two that come to mind are its negro roots and repetitive notes. But, rock has been so heavily appropriated by Whites that even negroes flee from it now. At what point does White ownership (in terms of content; we know Jews dominate the music industry) erase a genre’s origins? Is this even possible? Are there any healthy modern White music genres? Many would defend folk and electronic music as the latest resurgence of authentic White culture in music. Do you agree? Finally, which classical composers or performers would you suggest to a modern White wishing to expand his or her tastes?

Cesar: Folk music is OK but not what the Nazis called “degenerate music”. Even nationalists have been unable to recognize that such music is used by the System to degrade the spirit of whites, to control them. A passage from 1984, written before the birth of rock, was prophetic. The music in the totalitarian world, Orwell says: “had a savage, barking rhythm which could not exactly be called music, but resembled the beating of a drum… The proles had taken a fancy to it.” Of course, the people of the Altright would be degenerate proles from the Nazi point of view: they listen so-called Retro-wave music.

As to which classical composers, I’d recommend starting with Walt Disney’s 1959 movie Sleeping Beauty. Its soundtrack contains a masterful edition of the music of Tchaikovsky’s ballet. But the trick is not adding classical music to your repertoire. The trick is subtracting degenerate music from what you listen.

I have always compared degenerate music with degenerate sex. A guy just cannot have a healthy marriage with a lovely wife and children and, at the same time, indulging himself in escapades in gay bars. The degenerate side of both sexual lifestyles and music tastes must be completely cut off from our way of life.

Jake: On several occasions you’ve described the Sublimis Deus papal bull as the original sin committed in South America. Could you give us some background on this proclamation? Was it a logical extension of Christian doctrine or an aberration?

Cesar: It was an expansion of the Church’s universalism, where all races can enter the church. “Catholic” in fact means universal. But the original sin was not the Pope’s bull. The original sin of the Spanish and the Portuguese was, as I said, the lust for gold and silver in Mexico and Peru. The Catholic bull that allowed Iberian whites to marry the brown natives was a very serious, mortal sin; but not the original one.

Jake: Lately, the phrase “Pathological Altruism” has been used to describe a weakness of the White-Aryan psyche. Is this valid and sufficient? Do you agree with Dr. Sunic and Pierre Krebs that a universal Christian memeplex is the source of our vulnerability, instead?

Cesar: I don’t know much of Krebs but Sunic is quite smart. He does not only blame Christianity as a more elemental factor of white decline than Jewry; he actually says that capitalism is the main factor.

I believe he’s right. And I must add that Americans love Mammon too much to purge the Jews! Once more, the Aryan problem has created the Jewish problem. Pro-whites must read Who We Are to contextualize historically the claim that wealth-over-race policies is suicidal, even when no Jews are present. March of the Titans by Arthur Kemp also reaches the same conclusion.

Jake: Blake asks: How do we as a race combat our predisposition to choose wealth over a sound society? Alain de Benoist notes that critics of immigration must also critique capitalism lest they contradict themselves. What must be done to slay Mammon once and for all? Or, at the very least, restrain him?

Cesar: Mammon will die in this century of natural death. I not only believe that the financial collapse is coming this decade. I also believe in peak oil and energy devolution later in this century. Once oil is depleted, corporate capitalism can no longer be the economic paradigm for whites, especially after the racial wars change bourgeois whites into blond-beast warriors.

The paradigm of the future lies in farming. Using an image of the penultimate chapter of The Lord of the Rings, I would say that the new paradigm lies in a return to the bucolic Shire. By the way, that very important chapter, “The scouring of the Shire”, was not filmed in Peter Jackson’s version of The Lord of the Rings. In the book, which I read, the war at the Shire actually happens after the One Ring has been destroyed. The ring is metaphor for gold…

Jake: What are your thoughts on the so-called manosphere? How should Aryans approach courtship in a day and age where it’s too early to procure Sabine women yet too late to find a young woman that isn’t a pod person? On a related note, how should White-Aryans answer the homosexual question?

Cesar: A lot of what is said in the manosphere is true. I’ve started to elaborate a guide for the priests of the fourteen words. He should not discuss with Jews, non-whites or women. He should even try to avoid talking with white Pod women.

Recently I discovered a YouTube blogger, Turd Flinging Monkey. I was shocked to learn about scientific facts that concern all white males that I didn’t find in the more formal writing of Roger Devlin. Yes: Turd Flinging Monkey is an anti-racist, clueless blogger about the Jewish question. But there’s something in his manospheric rants that merits scrutiny. After I finish the corrections of my book I’ll see all of his videos.

Courtship is impossible for the moment except if you move to an Amish or Mennonite community. So what can we do before the collapse of the rule of law, a rule that prevents Aryans from abducting and raping the Sabine women? The blogger Turd Flinging Monkey simply recommends masturbation. Well, well…☺ I prefer to be a workaholic to avoid thinking in sex.

As to homosexuality, it is a pity that some open homos in the Altright are not ashamed of talking publicly about their degeneracy, as if it was normal. Shame on them.

Jake: Unlike most pro-Whites, you stand by Heinrich Himmler with few reservations. What can we learn from him? How does he stand in relation to more “mystical” figures on the Right like Spengler or Yockey?

Cesar: I know almost nothing of Spengler except that he refused to support Nazi ideas of racial superiority. Yockey was a great essayist but the style he chose for his famous book, the very one which gave the name to the recent film Imperium, is too philosophical for my taste.

What I like of Himmler is that he volunteered to do the dirty job, extermination. I identify with Uncle Heinrich because, like him, I don’t look Aryan. But when he visited a specific town in Norway he admired them so much because of the purity of the Aryan breed there.

I believe that later in this century, when the demographic bubble pops as a result of energy devolution, Himmler-like exterminationism should become the religion of the Blonde Beast. Only the best should survive. I envision throughout the Earth the beauty that Hitler and Himmler saw in specific Nordish towns, a return to the Shire so to speak after the death of capitalism.

Here comes handy Nietzsche’s concept about the transvaluation of all values. Remember that I call atheists “Neo-Christians”. When millions of adolescent whites change their T-shirts from Che Guevara to Himmler, you will know that the race is already saved. I can only hope that my books will help young whites to revaluate their fucking values.

Jake: Are pro-Whites approaching the subject of Holocaust revisionism correctly or incorrectly? How should it be approached and why?

Cesar: Incorrectly. One must start with the Holocaust committed by the Allied forces. I sincerely believe that any nationalist who has not read the abridged edition of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago and Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm is a historical fool.

It is not only that after the Second World War the Germans were dishonestly demonized. The biggest secret of our times is that the astronomic crimes of the Allied forces dwarf what the Germans did. What the United States and the Soviet Union did in times of peace was more monstrous than the crimes attributed to the Germans in times of war—precisely because the Allied Holocaust was perpetrated in times of peace! I am talking about the crimes committed by Eisenhower and the Soviets from 1945 to 1947. Most people are unaware of this Holocaust. I would dare to say that if whites do not atone for the genocide perpetrated on the German people they will go extinct.

The root problem of white decline is Christian meta-ethics, what I have been calling “Christian axiology”. National Socialism revaluates such meta-ethics back to the mores of the ancient Greeks and Romans. This cannot happen as long as whites are Christians and neo-Christian atheists.

When the Aryan race reaches maturity, probably in the next century, the calendar must be changed from Jesus to Hitler. Anno Domini will start with the Fuhrer’s birthday, not with the crucified rabbi. White nationalists are incapable to reach this level of priesthood today because they are part of the problem as well as part of the solution.

Jake: Looking North, what are your thoughts on Donald Trump and the Alt-Right? What advice do you have for the average Alt-Rightist? What ideological pitfalls should he avoid that we haven’t already discussed?

Cesar: Alt-rightists might have their 15-minute fame after Trump wins. But when things get really nasty after the dollar collapses the proles will look after more masculine voices, those filled with hatred. Real hate I mean. Not the VDARE, American Renaissance or the Radix Journal types but The Daily Stormer, Neonazi types.

Jake: What is it like being a White or Aryan Man in Mexico? What has been lost in Mexico’s de-Europeanization process? Can the average “race-neutral” or un-awakened American White fathom what a majority colored country is like day in and day out? More broadly, what do we have to lose that we don’t know we have to lose?

Cesar: Recently Donald Trump visited my own town, Mexico City. But Latin America, not only Mexico, is too far gone. Nothing can be done here down the South. You guys have half a century of polluting your blood but there are still millions of pure whites in North America. Here down the south these guys have half a millennium of mestization, and in 500 years no intellectual voice has ever been raised against this genocide of Iberian whites! I can speak volumes on the subject but a single anecdote will be enough.

Recently, a meeting was organized by my former classmates of the Madrid School in Mexico that graduated forty years ago. This was a school founded by those who fled from Francisco Franco after the civil war. Two of my whitest schoolmates, blond and very handsome four decades ago, married mestizo women and formed mestizo families. I was shocked! Presently the young students of the Madrid school, who used to be mostly white in my teens, have become brownish. The second generation! Almost all white Latin Americans have already become Body Snatched Pods. Even Argentina and Uruguay are gone.

In the US you at least have Fox News. In Spanish-speaking countries, Spain included, there’s not even one media outlet that sides Donald Trump. Nothing! What remains of Iberian whites are like Jeb Bush: they’re happily marrying dwarf Latinas. Our only hope is that a tough ethnostate is formed at the North and then proceeds to conquer so-called Latin America.

Jake: Where can our listeners find your work online? Where can they purchase your books? What parting message do you have for our listeners?

Cesar: They can google “chechar” (that is, c-h-e-c-h-a-r) and “WordPress” and they’ll hit a blog, “The West’s Darkest Hour”. My books are linked at the top of my blog.

My parting word is simple: I am not a white nationalist. I am a guy to the right of Himmler. Only one of my books is in English, Day of Wrath that I dedicated to you. Since it will take some time for the rest of my books to be translated to English, read instead William Pierce’s books and see for yourselves how an American also rejected Christian ethics.

Jane Austen Manosphere Marriage Men Pride & Prejudice Women

War of the sexes, 10

Update: The following text is rough draft. The series has been substantially revised and abridged, and the section by the YouTube blogger Turd Flinging Monkey is available in a single PDF: here.

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Marketplace value for men & women

Successful career women overvalue their sexual marketplace because they don’t perceive they’re not anymore cute little reds riding hoods from our point of view. But we males commit a symmetrical mistake: even when young and handsome we are (or were) clueless about what women are actually chasing in men.

Regarding the first psychological fallacy, the desirability for a woman collapses after her late thirties. Little riding hoods’ beauty is the primary quality that attracts us wolves. That’s why women spend so much time and money in cosmetics. According to the blogger, second to beauty is youth. I slightly disagree because in the marketplace we cannot separate youth from beauty. (Why nature has permitted the genes of fat women, those who even on permanent diet have an endomorph constitution, is a mystery for me.)

The blogger also says that women are attracted by resources, physicality, alpha traits and personality. If men valuate a woman for her youthful beauty from one to ten, women valuate men by their resources.

The 2005 movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice is an absolutely must-see film for the architects of the coming ethnostate, even when the 1995 television series depict more faithfully the early nineteenth-century England. Women must be educated that way. In both the film and the novel, Elizabeth and Jane (dressed in black and blue in this pic) were impressed by Mr. Darcy’s and Mr. Bingley’s fortunes. In the specific case of Elizabeth, she changed her mind about smug Mr. Darcy only after she saw his awesome mansion. This is fiction of course: both the women and the men were valuated as 10 in resources and youthful beauty respectively.

The market value for a woman always falls in a descendant spiral, says the blogger. He doesn’t talk about Pride and Prejudice but we can remember the scene when 27-year old Charlotte becomes engaged with the ridiculous Mr. Collins for elemental survival. As in the Jane Austen world, in the ethnostate women should not be allowed to make careers or inherit property, not even their late fathers’ estates, to force them getting married and fulfill the 14 words.

Back to the blogger. He says that even if a woman is married properly, her marketplace value diminishes because she has lost her virtue as is now sexually active. On the other hand, we males don’t fall into a descendant spiral with age. Even I, in my late fifties, could find a much younger spouse if I won the lottery.

Inquisition Miscegenation

Myopic white nationalism


“DEspañol YD India produce Mestiso” (Spaniard and Indian produce a Mestizo”) says the caption on this old painting, in the times when the Inquisition of New Spain was busy targeting crypto-Jews. (When the Spanish Crown ruled the continent recent Iberian conversos were banned from emigrating to the Americas.)

But what was the point of trying to construct a Judenfrei continent if the Spanish didn’t get the monkey of Christianity off their backs (interbreeding was approved in the 1530s by the Pope himself)?

In other words, once you introduce Latin American history into the scholarship of The Fourteen Words, you see that the current narrative in white nationalism—“Jewry as the primary cause of our woes”—is myopic to say the least.

For a detailed discussion of what we call the Christian problem, see The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (cover image of the book and PDF link at the sidebar). See also another of my very brief articles, “On snatched Iberians and Criollos.”