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Kevin MacDonald

Time to troll the Observer

Apparently, someone has been trying to discuss with MacDonald by email about this devastating critique of his naïve views on Christianity, to no avail. Instead, the retired professor has published an article by a Christian pundit that advances exactly the opposite point of view of this site. In the first instalment of that piece, the […]

¿Me Ayudarás? (book) 2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) Deranged altruism Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy

On myopia and perspectivism

After Nietzsche became insane, his sister and a friend of the philosopher assembled some of his loose writings in a book she published. §481 of that book that Nietzsche never intended to publish, The Will to Power, contains this sentence: ‘In so far as the word “knowledge” has any meaning, the world is knowable; but […]

Der Antichrist (book) Friedrich Nietzsche Martin Luther Reformation

On Bardamu's essay

Instalment 17 of Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay revealed things I did not know about the history Christianity. It also reminds me of one of the passages that most haunted me of Nietzsche’s The Antichrist, which I have already quoted a couple of times but it’s worth re-quoting: § 61 Here it becomes necessary to call up […]

Ancient Greece Bible Child abuse Day of Wrath (book) Infanticide Lloyd deMause Psychohistory Wikipedia

Day of Wrath, 15

A bitter discussion A quick way to show the Aristotelian phase where present-day history, anthropology and sociology are stuck is by quoting excerpts from a heated debate about psychohistory. To make the reading easier I will omit the use of ellipsis even between long unquoted paragraphs. The complete debate can be read in the Wikipedia […]

¿Me Ayudarás? (book) Amerindians Aryan beauty Autobiography Blacks Counter-Reformation Goths Henry VIII Hojas Susurrantes (book) Metaphysics of race / sex Mexico City Miscegenation Nordicism Portugal Psychology Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Extermination • III

CHAPTER 1: THE STAR CHILD         A dream in Madrid The day after my birthday in 2011 I received a wonderful gift, a long letter in Spanish, from which I translate here only one of the opening paragraphs: You see, like you I was raised and educated in Mexico, where I was […]

Kevin MacDonald Red terror

An April 20th postscript

This is a postscript to the entry celebrating the 125th birthday of Hitler that has been just published on my main blog, The West’s Darkest Hour. Kevin MacDonald MacDonald is the only white nationalist that I respect. His work on Jewry provides the scientific basis to understand the problem. But I cannot respect other nationalists. […]

Americanism Civil war Conservatism Egalitarianism Emigration / immigration Enlightenment Individualism Liberalism Thomas Hobbes

An overly traveled road to extinction

by Hajo Liaucius As a distant observer of the American White Nationalist scene, I am struck by its utter irrelevancy in public discourse outside of being a fund-raising tool for anti-Occidental activists[1] and as a subject of lurid speculation. In part, this distressing situation is a product of the typical pathologies and corruption endemic to […]

Autobiography Axiology Christendom Deranged altruism Egalitarianism French Revolution Indo-European heritage Jesus Liberalism New Testament St Paul Tom Sunic Universalism

A response to Parrott

Or: The self-defeating notion of a “Christian” white nationalism by John Martínez So you can see that my position goes far beyond both Christian reductionism and Jewish reductionism. I believe that individualism, universalism, weak ethnocentrism (“hardwired” characteristics in the White psyche since prehistoric times) + egalitarianism, liberalism, capitalism (cultural “software” after the Revolution which ironically […]

2nd World War Americanism Axiology Bible Christendom Democracy Dwight D. Eisenhower Egalitarianism Evil Free speech / association Holocaust Indo-European heritage Kevin MacDonald Old Testament Oliver Cromwell Red terror Theology Third Reich Tom Sunic Universalism

The Yankee problem enabled the Jewish problem

“There is no human as willfully, malignantly, and self-destructively stupid as a White person in the throes of a moral panic.” —Matt Parrott   After summarizing the Jewish problem in the foreword to Tomislav Sunić’s Homo Americanus, Kevin MacDonald wrote: But the other side of the equation must also be examined—the traits that predispose Westerners […]

Auster’s unpublished chapter

Just in case this chapter is removed from View From the Right (VFR) after Lawrence Auster dies (he’s struggling with cancer), I would like to save it here:   ______ 卐 ______   “Any large number of free-thinking Jews” is “undesirable” if one wants to maintain or develop a society in which a Christian tradition […]