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Racial right

Don’t look at those left behind anymore

In this post I am referring to those white advocates who still live, not to deceased Americans like Francis Parker Yockey, George Lincoln Rockwell, Revilo Oliver or William Pierce. What happened yesterday, even though it happens every April 20, has me somewhat shocked. It adds nothing new to what I knew about the recent racial movement, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that we live in parallel universes.

In fairness, I must thank the American racialists who, with their work, helped me leave Normiland behind as I crossed the psychological Rubicon.

When Greg Johnson edited The Occidental Quarterly Online, this webzine meant my first solid steps across the river. In particular, Johnson’s comment on April 20, 2010, ten years ago, in Occidental Dissent helped me greatly. Occidental Dissent never publishes articles on Hitler, but a decade ago a writer was allowed this eccentricity. Johnson’s comment in the comments section was nothing short of Irmin Vinson’s entire essay, which Johnson would later choose for a book of Counter-Currents Publishing.

Vinson’s essay, published in toto in the comments section of Hunter Wallace’s webzine, was a watershed for me to stop demonising Uncle Adolf. (Conversely, the resistances on the part of racialist Christians are so overwhelming that Wallace later deleted Johnson’s comment-essay.) Johnson used to publish a post every April 20 with links to his old article on Hitler, a practice that he has abandoned. Yesterday, for example, he didn’t say anything about Hitler. In contrast, on each anniversary of dead right-wing writers, Johnson pays tribute to them.

Kevin MacDonald also helped me in my first Rubicon steps. I read his trilogy on Jewry. Of it, the first of his books opened the doors for me to understand Judaism as a group survival strategy.

Both the personality of Alex Linder and the novels of Harold Covington (not the character of the latter!) helped me regain my manhood, which had been overwhelmed by decades of propaganda and sex role reversals. I still remember, as if I watched it recently, Alien, the first movie in which the roles of warrior and defenceless women was reversed in Hollywood. (Due to that sexual inversion I didn’t include it in my recent list of 50 movies.)

Finally, Phil Rushton’s videos on IQ at AmRen helped me understand that intelligence is differential between races.

I must acknowledge the help I received from the work of these people. But except Linder I don’t withdraw what I said in The Fair Race, or yesterday, about white nationalists stuck in the middle of the river. What happened yesterday motivates me for a dramatic twist to the way I’ve been adding posts to this blog. In the past, I had been reading a few things contemporary racialists say on their forums to immediately criticise them from the POV of a priest of the 14 words.

It seems to me that I should discontinue that practice. Just visiting the forums of those stagnant who refuse to finish crossing the river injures my morale. Regarding future articles we’ll see what I can think of. At the moment I only can add that, as I said in ‘The power to see the past’, we are seeing History in a very different way.

Racial right

The racialist movement is pure quackery!

I had thought to leave the previous post, with an enlarged portrait of Uncle Adolf, at the top of this page throughout the day out of respect for his memory. But a comment in that entry motivated me to say something very obvious.

The last time I checked Goebbels Hub (1:30 pm), the best ‘news aggregator’ site that links almost all the sites of white advocates, I discovered that, with the exception of a Stormfront thread, it doesn’t contain articles that, this April 20th, honours the best man in the history of the West.

How is that possible?

I have said it many times: the racialist movement is quackery. These valiant anti-Semites were able to say ‘Happy Easter’ a week ago in their forums, thus celebrating the god of the Jews (a Jesus who didn’t even exist by the way). But to celebrate an Aryan man who did exist, and who fought the most against Jewry in the century when most of us were born? God forbid!

The movement with the deceiving title of white nationalism was quackery from its origins in the Judeo-Christian US, it remains quackery today, and it will be quackery.

Our only hope is that a wiser generation arises that finally transvalues Semitic values to Aryan values. Will it happen, or will the racists cling to their Semitism?

Hojas Susurrantes (book) Racial right Tree

Weirwood tree

I have said that the greatest of the taboos is not the racial question, something that only became taboo after the Second World War; not even the Jewish question, which was also discussed before WW2, even in the press. The biggest taboo is to talk about what destructive parents have done.

Stefan Molyneux has just spoken about his father’s recent death. He almost cried as his father not only didn’t defend him against the Jewish mother who abused Stefan as a child, but he never apologised, as an adult, for not having rescued him.

Why, among the alt-lite or the alt-right folk, does someone with kike blood is the one to speak out? Why haven’t white advocates who are pure Aryans said anything in online forums? I already quoted these words of mine last month but it’s worth reciting: ‘I am not asking my audience to read Miller. But my writings translate, and expand considerably, her findings for an Aryan audience. It is a very important subject for the simple reason that mental health matters, and racialists who have had mental issues are generally clueless about what caused them’.

Indeed: it is necessary to present the trauma model of mental disorders without having to read texts by an ethnic Jew like Alice Miller or watch videos by another ethnic Jew like Molyneux. That is why last month I also published the translation of the first book of my series, although it is in the sixth book where I touch on the subject of what it feels like when a father dies without having made amends with his victim.

I also have a YouTube channel where the previous decade I spoke out about the tragedy in my family: something much more destructive than what Moly has recounted. But I had to make it private because people began to misuse those confessions.

When I see white advocates blaming liberalism for the state of the West these days, I can’t help but think that their early traumas are unresolved, which involves judging not only their parents but their parents’ religion. In other words, not seeing that Christianity is behind the fallen state of the West and not seeing the behaviour of our parents are two sides of the same coin.

I freed myself because, after chasing the love of his wife, my father threw me from the high tower and I became disabled like Bran (so to speak). I had no choice but to get entangled in the tree of the past, for decades, to understand why that had happened. In no way have white nationalists, or human beings in general, gone through such a process of insight. But the serious thing is that they don’t even seem interested in listening to what the tree’s whispering leaves want to tell them, despite the fact that some of them still suffer from late symptoms of early traumas. The greatest of taboos cannot be broken because it hurts so much to take a retrospective dive to the core of our being: a being that our parents precisely formed. As Solzhenitsyn put it:

Bless you, prison!…

In prison, both in solitary confinement and outside solitary too, a human being confronts his grief face to face. This grief is a mountain, but he has to find space inside himself for it, to familiarise himself with it, to digest it…

This is the highest form of moral effort, which has always ennobled every human being. A duel with years and with walls constitutes moral work and a path upward… if you can climb it.

Racial right

Unhappy Easter

Which racialist site has more racially conscious visitors, The West’s Darkest Hour or The Daily Stormer?

Obviously The Daily Stormer, and by orders of magnitude.

My anti-Christian post yesterday portrays this site perfectly.

‘Happy Easter everyone’, Andrew Anglin’s post today on The Daily Stormer, perfectly portrays his famous site.

So famous that when an internet server provider kicked out Anglin’s website, anti-racist Tucker Carlson defended, on Fox News, Anglin’s right to freedom of expression based on the First Amendment.

Visitor traffic reflects the zeitgeist. If The Daily Stormer is much more popular than The West’s Darkest Hour, it’s because most racists see nothing wrong with Christianity.

Compare Anglin’s phrase in his article today (‘Today is the day that Jesus Christ overcame death, and the most important day in the Christian calendar’) with the phrase I ended my article yesterday (‘…as long as white nationalists don’t want to see Christian ideals at the core of their disgrace, their movement will remain half-talkative’). Also compare how Anglin and most nationalists blame Judaism for the pathetic state of the West today, with how I blame Christianity.

Definitely: this site provides a different paradigm than the paradigm of white nationalists. And because the purple pill is easier to swallow than the red pill, relatively few visit it.

3-eyed crow George Orwell Racial right Tree

The subtitle of this site

In these times of pandemic it is easy to forget the basic premise of this site: Christianity, and the set of values that Christianity generated, are the cause of ethnosuicide by whites throughout the West. Even at the origins of the pandemic in Italy, it can be seen how the axiological system that spawned Christianity is responsible for all the ills that afflict us. We can already imagine the ancient Romans embracing the Chinese on the streets with loving hugs, as was done in Italy right at the start of the pandemic.

Love of neighbour, or rather: universal love for all humans imposed by the state and civil society, is the cause of white suicide. Now it comes to my mind the words of Octavio Paz who mocked the neo-Christians who, during the French Revolution, tried to decree mandatory fraternity as if that were possible by law. The Jacobins never gave up the whole of Christianity, only the dogmatic part of it.

Something that I have observed in virtually all intellectuals and commenters of the dissident right, including the racialists, is that they don’t try to reinvent the history of the white race as the Nazis tried and, as far as English speakers are concerned, as Pierce and Kemp tried. They do the opposite: They rely on Christian authors or neo-Christian secularists, the heirs to the ideals of the French Revolution. They don’t seem to realise that, to understand what is happening, it is necessary to make a tabula rasa of everything that is taught in the universities about the humanities, and to start rewriting history from the beginning. That is why I chose the symbol of the three-eyed crow’s weirwood tree as the subtitle of this site. Such an odd symbol reflects that what we should focus on is the historical past of the white race—the true past I mean (cf. The Fair Race), not what is said even in slightly racialised forums for the dissident right.

The difference between my point of view and that of the racialists is that we start from completely different ways of seeing history. Except for the Third Reich, all the nations that emerged after Constantine are not to be taken seriously. George Orwell said: ‘All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force’. The entire Christendom has been ruled through fraud and force, but only until recently has the veil been lifted over the nonexistence of Jesus and the super-barbaric way in which the Christians eliminated the Aryan culture from the ancient world. To the extent that Christianity is being exposed, they are relying exclusively on force. The Jews are secondary from this point of view, as it is Christian and neo-Christian whites who have been empowering them. Even the Russian revolution that empowered the genocidal Jews would have been impossible without the help of the Russians themselves.

Unlike the Middle Ages and pre-revolutionary times, modern Western society allows the white man to disbelieve the dogmatic part of Judeo-Christianity, the ‘fraud’ to use Orwell’s quote. But under no circumstances does it allow the white man to abandon the axiological part of the religion of our parents. Hitler attempted complete apostasy, including axiological apostasy, and we see how they genocided their people and blamed the Germans for the holocausts that the Allies themselves had committed. We must never forget that both the American and the Soviet experiments of the last century were branches of the same trunk that emerged from the egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution. Real dissent had not occurred since Julian the Apostate tried to transvalue the values that Constantine, Constantius and their powerful bishops had inverted.

It has to be said once again: as long as white nationalists don’t want to see Christian ideals at the core of their disgrace, their movement will remain in the cradle. Fortunately, the looming monetary apocalypse, the bubble that covid-19 just burst, has the potential to awaken, at least, the children of those nationalists who refuse to finally wake up.


Note of September 2020: I posted this entry when the subtitle said: ‘The site of a man fused to a weirwood tree’.

Conspiracy theories Racial right

Lunatic commenters at CC

I have only thoroughly studied one conspiracy theory, the so-called Satanic Ritual Abuse: a moral panic that swept through English-speaking countries in the early 1990s and put innocent people in jail for incredible crimes. When I used to comment on child abuse forums, I found it disturbing that one of my closest colleagues believed such lunacies.

If someone were to read my autobiographical series, he would realise that it is an odyssey of the spirit. Having been born into a Catholic family I passed into an amorphous Christianity as a teenager, and after a family tragedy I fell into a neo-Christian sect that I abandoned after a few years only to surrender my worldview to the paranormal. After reading the sceptics (of which Nicholas Humphrey was only one of them) I began to see the tremendous damage that the religion of my parents had represented in my young mentality. A series of autobiographical books that I started at the age of twenty-nine, and that ended at sixty-one, made me see the world as that old man entwined in the roots of a tree who has been living in the past, as in the fiction of George R.R. Martin.

I said that the sceptics of the paranormal helped me out of a cognitive swamp. But a good percentage of racially conscious whites have not delved into the labyrinths of their own being and their past, at least not at the level of the mummified old man. One way to start doing it is to adhere to the most elementary common sense. If you’ve read conspiracy books about the JFK murder, for example, it’s time to listen to the prosecutor who refutes them—not to leave the courtroom as I have so often complained! The same can be said about the 9/11 attacks and so much conspiracy theory that many racially conscious whites believe religiously, including those who make wild hypotheses about the covid-19.

In The Return of Quetzalcoatl (translated in Day of Wrath) I present in the most didactic way possible the concept of paleologic thought: an antediluvian form, so to speak, of human cognition as opposed to the Aristotelian logic that should govern our intellects. One way to spot who is using paleologic forms of cognition is to simply find out how much that person can tolerate cognitive dissonance; for example, how much can a believer that Oswald didn’t act alone face Bugliosi’s book. The sad truth about the racialist community is that many are not thinking logically, as are totally unable to listen to the other voice. And they are incapable because, psychogenically, they are more immature than the three-eyed crow.

I am not asking you to read my books. But if you could at least begin to familiarise yourself with the most hilarious literature of logical writers (*), a gigantic step towards the repudiation of conspiracy theories would be taken.

In the case of the covid-19, even though Hunter Wallace has been promoting the very logical videos by Chris Martenson, several commenters still come up with lunatic theories. I bet they haven’t even watched some of Martenson’s videos about the virus. As I have already said, I’ve noted similar behaviour in Kevin MacDonald’s webzine commentariat. And now I find out that some commenters also say crazy things about the Chinese virus in Counter-Currents to which Greg Johnson recently replied:

Responding to lunatic commenter #1: I see no credible evidence that the virus is not a serious threat. And connecting it with 5G? That strikes me a simple lunacy.

Responding to lunatic commenter #2: When there’s a global crisis, there are plenty of leftist and globalist megalomaniacs who will try to exploit it for their aims. Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger being two prominent examples. But that is no excuse for paranoid ideation from the conspiratard community, which just taints reasonable attempts to block bad policies.

Responding to lunatic commenter #3: This is precisely the form of Right-wing denialism that I reject as false and harmful.

Responding to lunatic commenter #4: This is the sort of Right-wing denialism that I completely reject. I have not changed my mind on it at all.

Responding to lunatic commenter #5: You are completely wrong about this, and so is [Andrew] Anglin.

By the way, in his article today, Hunter Wallace says: ‘The conspiracies are getting more complex. If you don’t believe in the conspiracy, then you must be part of the conspiracy’. He’s referring to the hard-right WN truthers of course.

When I was in the process of disabusing myself, this was precisely what I had encountered in other conspiracy theories, not just Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) but at a 1994 conference where I listened to the UFO sceptic Phil Klass. SRA or UFO theorists are so incapable of tolerating the idea that you can honestly disagree with them, that they have no choice but to think that the sceptic is part of a sinister conspiracy.

But Wallace hasn’t studied conspiracy theories from the POV of paleologism. He even says that NY alone has more covid-19 cases than any country. If he paid attention to the Martenson videos he advertises, he would know that the Chinese statistics are propagandistic: commie stats that under no circumstances should be trusted.


(*) Among all the sceptics who helped me heal from paleologic thinking, Martin Gardner’s articles in The Skeptical Inquirer were a real treat from a literary point of view. It’s amazing how they make you laugh! Whoever wants to get started in the mysteries of the three-eyed raven’s cave would do well to add the following books by Gardner to his bookshelf: Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus (1981), The New Age: Notes of a Fringe Watcher (1988), On the Wild Side: The Big Bang, ESP, the Beast 666, Levitation, Rainmaking, Trance-Channeling, Seances and Ghosts, and More… (1992).

Conservatism Conspiracy theories Pandemics Racial right

On flu truthers

In an article on Counter-Currents, yesterday, John Wilkinson said:

Libertarians often stretch incredulity to such limits that they lose all credibility for the valid beliefs they hold. This nonsense is rooted in the same ill-conceived selfish individualism as the mask issue…

Modern conservatism is defined by libertarianism taken to the extreme, where every event is a hoax that threatens individual liberty and every participant a crisis actor engaged in a plot to subvert the Constitution. It wouldn’t shock me at all to hear someone claim that [coronavirus] masks are being laced with viral contamination in order to get us all sick. The current madness is one of the many reasons why Right-wing political ideas are mired in a muck of our own creation.

Update of 21:45 pm: See my first comment below.

Currency crash Pandemics Racial right

The two Occidentals

Update of April 5: Yesterday, The Occidental Observer published two articles: the one by Sunic I mention below and another that I just read today, ‘The Coronavirus and Galileo: An Interview with Italian Nano-pathologist Dr. Stefano Montanari’. I wrote the text below the swastika without noticing the latter, which seems extraordinary to me.

In the racialist forums, Andrew Anglin and some commenters of other forums are in denial (these images debunk the notion that ‘It’s just the flu’). But now we see one of the most respected racialist webzines, The Occidental Observer, posting an article that says, in more educated prose, what flu truthers have been saying. To boot, The Occidental Observer commenters, at least till now that I read the article (five in the morning), praise the Montanari article in the comments section. I have always had a very poor opinion of The Occidental Observer commentariat, but what happened yesterday confirms it big time.

Kevin MacDonald is the editor of The Occidental Observer and in this regard Hunter Wallace, editor Occidental Dissent, has much more contact with reality, as we see in Wallace’s constant criticism of those who advance irrational sceptical views about the coronavirus.

The first article on the Chinese virus that I added on this site recommended Chris Martenson’s YouTube channel as the most reliable source of what has been happening with the pandemic. I still recommend it as an antidote to those who join the voices of Anglin and now the commenters of MacDonald’s webzine.

Yesterday I wrote:

______ 卐 ______


In chess it is known that when an inexperienced player makes a mistake and panics, when trying to correct the position on the board he makes another move: a losing blunder.

Following the Austrian economists, since 2011 I have been alerting my readers about the economic crisis that only until now is going to unfold. January’s policies on the coronavirus, the curve which could have been flattened if the West had acted as Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea did, were that original mistake in world chess. But the measures, spearheaded by the US, that western governments are plotting—inflating their currency to hyperinflation—is the fatal blunder that will mark the beginning of the end of the System.

Curiously, among racialist forums very few are aware of what Austrian economists have been telling us since Nixon unpegged the dollar from gold in 1971. But the Cassandras had known this for a long time. We must not forget how Revilo Oliver complained about the very existence of the Federal Reserve, founded more than a hundred years ago.

I recently praised Croatian Tom Sunic for his understanding of the CQ, the Christian Question that most Americans still don’t get. Perhaps now I could say something similar just for a paragraph from a Sunic article that was published today on The Occidental Observer, where we can read:

The economic crisis will last much longer than the current epidemic; it will do far more damage and kill far more people. If it goes hand in hand with a global financial crisis, we will be witnessing then a tsunami: an economic crisis and therefore a social crisis, financial crisis, health crisis, ecological crisis, migration crisis. In 2011 I published a book called Au bord du gouffre (On the Brink of the Abyss). It seems to me that we have arrived there now.

Sunic seems to know that the virus was just an earthquake and that the real killer is going to be the looming financial tsunami. Compare the paragraph above with what Hunter Wallace has been saying these days. Neither Wallace nor the Occidental Dissent commenters seem to have any idea that it is only a matter of time before the tsunami hits their beaches. They are, as I said recently, living the calm before the storm. Mixing metaphors, Wallace doesn’t seem to realise that the actions the Fed is taking are like that chess blunder that will end in a tsunami.

Although I have announced the Chris Martenson channel for a long time, Wallace has recently popularised Martenson’s videos about the coronavirus on Occidental Dissent. I would recommend that every visitor watch Martenson’s crash course. Originally uploaded on YouTube in 2008, it was updated in 2014 and Martenson is planning to update it once again. The audiovisual course explains the looming economic tsunami in a very didactic way.

Racial right

Heimbach’s introjects


Cute niglet nephews in your family?

After the sordid affair two years ago with Matt Parrott’s wife, the racial community lost interest in Matt Heimbach. But yesterday a commenter called my attention to how Heimbach recently cucked, and quoted his recent words:

To zoom out and see the suffering of every person, of any ethnicity / religious creed / sexual orientation, who is struggling under the shackles of oppression and exploitation demands a sense of shared community, shared struggle, and of solidarity.

I have said it many times: Christian love is destroying the white race. Heimbach continues:

I’d always been an odd duck in American white nationalism, with my disdain for the American empire and compassion for people of color. I recall a heated debate with a Klansmen over my “radical” notion that Black people have souls.

And with the following words Heimbach looks like the proverbial prodigal son of the New Testament:

I had become convinced that I needed to be a part of something bigger, for the whole of humanity’s sake.

Yes: unlike the Spartans, the early Church was universal in the sense of admitting all ethnicities.

Most racialist forums are silent about Heimbach’s recent pronouncements. Last week, Trey Knickerbocker published an article defending Heimbach on Occidental Dissent. But the article has been deleted [1] perhaps because of a phrase that, once Heimbach cucked, was too embarrassing for the webzine: ‘Matt Heimbach, who has proven time and again he would never leave another White man behind, nor would he ever cuck in the face of danger…’

Heimbach’s cuckoldry doesn’t surprise me.

This Wednesday I wrote ‘Slaves of parental introjects’. In my humble opinion, the racialist movement is not advancing in the US due to Christian introjects not only from the normies but from the racialists themselves. Consider Heimbach for example, about who in 2013 and 2017 I had already written a few words on this site.

Before the scandal of 2018, the slogan of the neo-fascist group that Heimbach led was ‘Fighting for faith, family and folk’, and I remember watching several videos showing Heimbach repeating this slogan at the meetings. Note that the first word is faith, by which Heimbach meant faith in his parents’ religion. Heimbach himself confesses:

I grew up in a middle-class home in a small rural town in Maryland, to loving, color-blind conservative Christian parents.

A parental introject! That Heimbach was already a cuck before the 2018 scandal can be seen in this snapshot of one of his internet discussions with a Christian Identity guy. In the discussion, Heimbach said: ‘And no, I do no think that miscegenation is a sin’. More to the point:

If my sister or brother was engaged in a mixed race relationship I would express my views but they are still my family.

Really? And would your cute niglet nephews also be your family, Matt? Note that the affair with Parrott’s wife and the fact that his comrades repudiated his immoral conduct did not produce this cuckoldry. He was already a cuck before falling from grace.

White nationalism will get nowhere unless they give up their parental introjects, especially when it comes to religion. Addressing the members, in his 1992 National Alliance Membership Handbook William Pierce knew something that white nationalists have forgotten today.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other.


[1] A capture of the cache of Knickerbocker’s article can be seen: here. Although the three embedded videos do not appear in this copy, since I saw the original cache yesterday, which will soon disappear from the internet, I know they can be seen here, here and here.

Alice Miller Child abuse Racial right

Very important subject

I am perfectly aware that virtually all people of white nationalism, or even the alt-lite, are unaware of the psychic havoc caused by abusive parents. The exception, as I have said more than once, is Stefan Molyneux as we saw not long ago in his review of Joker.

What bothers me is that Molyneux’s mother is Jewish, and one would expect a non-Jew of the alt-lite or white nationalism to venture into a subject that I consider fundamental: the actual aetiology of mental illness (as opposed to the psychiatric lies that we hear in the universities).

If the Aryan world shakes off all Jewish influence, beginning of course with a rejection of Christianity and its secular offshoots, over time it will ‘translate’, into Aryan language, the most relevant findings of Jews on the trauma model of mental disorders. In the introduction to my work for a racialist audience I recently wrote for this site:

For now, suffice it to say that Alice Miller continued to mention Hitler under the influence of the official narrative in almost all of her texts, so I currently do not recommend any of her books. It is not that I have repudiated Miller’s findings: a Jewess who, although she suffered as a child in the Warsaw Ghetto, after changing her Jewish surname she never wanted to return to the shelter of her mother’s religion. But I must say that Miller’s psycho-biographical analysis of Hitler is based on the great lie of our times. The Swiss psychologist never considered such elemental issues as the fact that the Holocaust of millions of Ukrainians, largely perpetrated by Bolshevik Jews, caused the legitimate fear, and eventual reaction, of the German state.

But that is a separate matter. The issue that concerns us in Whispering Leaves is very different: the Dantesque hell that some parents put their children in: something that Miller got right.

The issue of abusive parents is not only taboo in all societies, as almost no one connects the dots between mental disorders and poor childrearing. Like the racial issue or the WWII theme, as to mental health the values have been completely reversed.

For example, two years ago, in March 2018, a commenter told me: ‘I have since forgiven my father and every other person of note in my life needing forgiveness’. But forgiveness is a Christian doctrine, although many secular psychotherapists also subscribe such unhealthy way of treating their patients. I answered: ‘I cannot speak for you because I ignore the full story. Generally, for an adult child to forgive a parent who never recognised his fault is psychological suicide. Alice Miller said that a child can excuse his parents, if they in their turn are prepared to recognise and admit to their failures. But the demand for forgiveness that we often encounter can pose a danger for healing. These are some quotable quotes from her’:

• It is the resentment of the past, we are told, that is making us ill. In those by now familiar groups in which addicts and their relations go into therapy together, the following belief is invariably expressed. Only when you have forgiven your parents for everything they did to you can you get well. Even if both your parents were alcoholic, even if they mistreated, confused, exploited, beat, and totally overloaded you, you must forgive.

• The majority of therapists work under the influence of destructive interpretations culled from both Western and Oriental religions, which preach forgiveness to the once-mistreated child. Thereby, they create a new vicious circle for people who, from their earliest years, have been caught in the vicious circle of pedagogy. For forgiveness does not resolve latent hatred and self-hatred but rather covers them up in a very dangerous way.

• In my own therapy it was my experience that it was precisely the opposite of forgiveness —namely, rebellion against mistreatment suffered, the recognition and condemnation of my parents’ destructive opinions and actions, and the articulation of my own needs— that ultimately freed me from the past.

• By refusing to forgive, I give up all illusions. Why should I forgive, when no one is asking me to? I mean, my parents refuse to understand and to know what they did to me. So why should I go on trying to understand and forgive my parents and whatever happened in their childhood, with things like psychoanalysis and transactional analysis? What’s the use? Whom does it help? It doesn’t help my parents to see the truth. But it does prevent me from experiencing my feelings, the feelings that would give me access to the truth. But under the bell-jar of forgiveness, feelings cannot and may not blossom freely.

• I cannot conceive of a society in which children are not mistreated, but respected and lovingly cared for, that would develop an ideology of forgiveness for incomprehensible cruelties. This ideology is indivisible with the command “Thou shalt not be aware” [of the cruelty your parents inflicted to you] and with the repetition of that cruelty on the next generation.

I’ve added italics in the above quotations.

Again, I am not asking my audience to read Miller. But my writings translate, and expand considerably, her findings for an Aryan audience. It is a very important subject for the simple reason that mental health matters, and racialists who have had mental issues are generally clueless about what caused them.