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Chris Martenson Conservatism Currency crash Pandemics

Greg Johnson on the coronavirus

Ferdinand Bardamu’s long and important essay on Christianity appears in The Fair Race. On the coronavirus as a subject, of the in-depth articles that have been published to date in the racialist forums, I only recommend the article by Bardamu on The Occidental Observer, and the one that Greg Johnson published today in Counter-Currents. Johnson wrote:

Extreme classical liberals don’t believe it is legitimate for the government to do anything for the common good, because they don’t believe that collectives exist or have interests that are legitimately pursued by the state. Thus their reaction to the globalvirus is the same as their reaction to any other collective problem: simple denial. Denialism comes in two flavors: vanilla economism and tutti frutti conspiracy theories.

Since we have a Republican administration, when intelligence reports about the globalvirus outbreak in China started coming in as early as November, they fell on deaf ears. Apparently there was not a single populist who cared about the American people anywhere to be found in the Trump administration, just business boosters who wanted to protect the economy from people who feared drowning in their own bodily fluids. And, because Republicans are not just greedy and stupid but also cowardly, they were well aware that any attempt to restrict travel from China would be decried as “racism” by the Left. Hence they decided to go with the “It’s just the flu, bro” narrative.

If Hillary Clinton were in office, the result would have been exactly the same, because she is 100% owned by the oligarchy. Her rationalizations would simply have put greater emphasis on anti-racism.

However, the criticism I made of Bardamu can be made to Johnson as well. Bardamu and Johnson are well aware of what the virus earthquake means, but neither is aware of the economic tsunami approaching their beaches: the real killer, as unlike the virus it will affect the hundred percent of westerners.

This is unsurprising. Hardly anyone in the racialist forums has followed Austrian economists closely, whose message I have been promoting since 2011 on this blog, and more so now that their predictions have finally begun to come true.

The only content creator I know who masters both topics—the coronavirus and why cash will become trash—is Chris Martenson. While Martenson’s latest videos are all about the coronavirus, there is also the older ‘crash course’ videos on his channel. For a brief intro to the course see, e.g., here.

Currency crash Pandemics

Cash is going to be trash!

As bad as the fact that a Chinese government agency has likely created the virus, that’s nothing compared to how the US Federal Reserve will destroy cash.

As Milton Friedman sarcastically put it, ‘Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program’. Let’s go back and listen to President Nixon’s hypocritical announcement to ‘temporarily’ cut the link between the dollar and gold in 1971.

Temporarily? That was forty-nine years ago! Mike Maloney observes about Nixon’s announcement: ‘We were supposed to go back to gold some time or another… It might be coming soon’.

Yes: it will come right after American cash becomes trash.

Currency crash New York

Mammon must die

Further to ‘Peter’s birthday’. If you remember a central passage of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour you will see that it is no coincidence that New York is being the western city most punished by the virus:

Imagine an immensely speeded up movie of Manhattan Island during the last hundred years. It would look less like a work of man than like some tremendous natural upheaval. It’s godless, it’s brutal, it’s violent—but one can’t laugh it off, because in the energy, strength of will and mental grasp that have gone to make New York, materialism has transcended itself. It took almost the same time to reach its present conditions as it did to complete the Gothic cathedrals.

At which point a very obvious reflection crosses one’s mind: that the cathedrals were built to the glory of God, New York was built to the glory of mammon—money, gain, the new god of the nineteenth century. So many of the same human ingredients have gone into its construction that at a distance it does look rather like a celestial city. At a distance. Come closer and it’s not so good. Lots of squalor, and, in the luxury, something parasitical.

The Fed has transcended itself. It is counterfeiting currency and buying stuff. Now it is the largest owner of real estate in the world. They want to expand their balance sheet over ten trillion. Using Newspeak they’re calling the asset purchases ‘stimulus’, and it is already rumoured in Congress that a crypto-dollar is coming: a digital dollar where the IRS can take the taxes directly out of you and the government will track each of your purchases; and the central banks can take interests way negative to force you to spend your pseudo-money.

Something big will happen…

Currency crash Peter Schiff

Peter’s birthday


The coronavirus does not compare to the
looming economic crisis (you’ve seen nothing
yet; it’s going to get a whole lot worse in the US).

In my previous post today I linked to a Robert Whitaker lecture in which Whitaker said that the profession called psychiatry works like a guild, in the sense that its purpose is to protect the financial interests of Big Pharma, not the mental health of its patients, and that it completely silences the medical dissidents. Now I would like to say something similar.

These days not a single sane voice is heard in the American mainstream media regarding the economic crisis that is coming upon us. The airwaves are full of nonsense. Even the billionaires are speaking nonsense. On the other hand, Peter Schiff is not even allowed to speak on Fox News, due to what he says about the financial situation that the United States is going through: a monetary crisis; a sovereign debt crisis; an American economy that will completely implode not because the coronavirus (the pin), but because of the bubble that the Federal Reserve and Congress are now inflating.

The Fed is destroying the dollar; it will be completely slaughtered. Other countries with fiat currencies won’t fare so bad as the coming American hyperinflation (their phony currencies are not the default currency in international transactions). It is Americans, including nationalists, who are unready for a pretty, pretty rude awakening.

To educate my visitors, what better than to embed Peter’s video today, which is his birthday, to know the point of view of a ‘prosecutor’ before whom everyone covers his ears on the mainstream media:

It is irrelevant that his father Irwin Schiff was the son of Jewish immigrants from Poland. The white nationalist who doesn’t want to hear Peter listen instead to what the gentiles Martenson and Maloney are saying these days, also recently linked on this site (tip: they say the same thing).

Racial right

Crazy town

I remember that when I lived in California in the 1980s, from time to time I watched a few seconds of the preaching of the televangelist Oral Roberts. But I was unaware of the biographical profile about such a folkloric American until very recently.

The preacher Roberts, leader of a $120 million-a-year Christian organisation, was such a grotesque, and typically American, figure that the mere fact of his existence should invalidate the US as a serious nation.

This is one of the problems of white nationalism. They see Jewry but are unable to see the beam in their own eye: a beam that certainly has to do with the power that Jewry has gained in the country of white nationalists.

If one reads the webzine of Kevin MacDonald, for example, one finds that the subject-matter is Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew… And the Christians, that numerically are more in the country of MacDonald? Or is it that the fact that there are millions of morons who worship the god of the Jews has nothing to do with Jewish power in that country? Last year I quoted some words from Robert Morgan that are worth reciting:

Man has everywhere and at all times been a wolf to man. The big difference between Christians and others is that they lie about it, just as they lie about everything else. Case-in-point: The Christian apologists on this thread, who claim to be fighting Jews by worshiping a Jewish rabbi and calling him God. Needless to say, such people are residents of Crazy Town, with Kevin MacDonald as their mayor, and Andrew Joyce as his chief publicist and amanuensis.

But the problem is not Andrew Joyce or The Occidental Observer. It is the entire movement, and you must not have been born in the US to see something so obvious. I still remember Tom Sunic saying, after witnessing an evangelical event replete of pure whites in Alabama, that that was ‘worse than communism’—despite his sufferings in the communist Yugoslavia of Josip Broz Tito.

Traitor of the new year

Unbelievably stupid thing to do, Trump.

(In 2016 he promised that he would never do this.)

Tom Sunic

The double helix

Tomislav Sunić
(a.k.a Tom Sunic)

Remember the conference in Hungary where Richard Spencer was arrested for thoughtcrime? In ‘Defying the Budapest Ban: The Rebel vs the Dissident’, on October 2014 Tom Sunic said:

Despite the ban by the Hungarian government, the NPI conference did take place in Budapest on October 5, albeit in a truncated version but with an air of rebellion and emotional intensity. A day earlier, despite the arrest of the NPI Chairman Mr. Richard Spencer, despite constant police surveillance of all NPI guests, and despite the fact that there were only two official speakers, the conference turned out to be a surprising success. The distinct possibility of a police crackdown on the venue did not prevent more than 70 people from attending the dinner and listen to the speeches delivered by Jared Taylor and myself. Two journalists, one from the BBC, the other from the German daily Die Welt, covered the event and interviewed the speakers.

Last Tuesday I quoted a Serbian. Now I would like to say something about the Croatian Sunic. Starting from this moment of his Budapest speech, Sunic blamed both the Catholic Church (he could have simply said ‘Christianity’) and capitalism for the phenomenon of mass non-white immigration into the West.

He said that cardinals and the pope himself are fond that such immigrants come because ‘they are all our brothers in the face Jesus Christ’. Sunic added that capitalism to a large extent is a secularised version of Christianity and mentioned that according to Adam Smith ‘merchants know no borders’. Capitalists are interested ‘in cheap labour’ at the expense of all ethnic loyalty.

Now you could imagine what a society based on both would become: Christianity and capitalism, the double helix of the United States. After all, the business of Christian America is business, right?

Free speech / association

‘I am less free in the US than in Tito’s Yugoslavia’

Dr. Srdja Trifković (a.k.a., Serge Trifkovic)

Today a commenter said:

Years ago, when Communism collapsed many people left Eastern Europe and moved to America. Someone asked one of these people what was the biggest difference they noticed when moving to the U.S. I found the reply interesting and unexpected. They said that the level of propaganda in the U.S. was so incredibly high and so ubiquitous that they were shocked. In the communist countries they had propaganda, but nowhere near this level.

This reminded me of Srdja Trifkovic’s interview, where he said: ‘Today in the postmodern West, it is very hard… to exchange any meaningful thoughts on race, on immigration… without encountering some seriously strained looks! and even stunned and uncomfortable reactions from friends and neighbours, and that is why you avoid these conversations’.

Today’s West is far more totalitarian than the communist countries of the Eastern Bloc when I was also a teenager, as political correctness has possessed the soul of the man of the street, not only of the commie elites, as in my youth.

Watch Trifkovic’s interview: here. In the process of unplugging myself from the Matrix, years ago this was the most didactic interview I had ever seen.

George Lincoln Rockwell Racial right Vikings Who We Are (book)

Criticising G.L. Rockwell

by Verdigris

This is one of the problems I had with George Rockwell’s White Power. He did apologise to Europe for WWII but at the same time he was speculating on a leader for the white race and seemed to think Europe needs America to save itself. This personally irked me because Europe already had that leader. They can blame the Jews all day long but it wasn’t the Jews who gleefully pulled the trigger, they just pointed the gun.

Sometimes I get this feeling that Americans and English care about Europe only so far that they can tie it back to their own exceptionalism.

They’re also naïve and ignorant on the Christian question. They seem to think that because Christianity is “attacked”, this makes it an intrinsically white religion. They would do well to read Celsus’ On the True Doctrine: Jews and Christians, and Christians and Christians have been squabbling since the first inception of that religion.

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Editor’s reply: I have complained dozens of times why Pierce’s Who We Are, published on National Vanguard from 1978 to 1982, never was popular among white nationalists. Presently I am the only one who publishes part of it in my Daybreak Press!

Gradually the thought dawned in my mind that it’s simply because Pierce introduces the most relevant chapters of white history outside the American continent. And American white nationalists are still stuck with their provincial history (just as Mexican nationalists don’t want to know much of the history of Spain).

Recently, for example, Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent published a series of articles about the Vikings. He is stuck with the story that the Norsemen were the bad guys and the European Christians the good guys; and that only their Christianization solved the Viking problem. Just compare this interpretation of history with what Pierce wrote in Who We Are about the Vikings.

My prediction is that white and southern nationalists won’t become National Socialists in the US. They will cling to their American and Confederate flags. Fortunately, the collapse of the dollar that is coming will start their lesson in humility…

Hellstorm Holocaust Judeo-reductionism Racial right


Several times I have referred to white nationalism, which is basically an American phenomenon, as ‘charlatanry’. If one keeps in mind a paragraph of the sticky post, the words of a commenter, it will be clear what we mean:

Sooner or later the world will recognise that Hitler was right and that until the West accepts this fact, they will continue their ongoing self-destruction, especially in the US and the UK. Either way, massive destruction is unavoidable because after the Second World War the Allies must pay a massive karmic debt.

My friend Paulina, whom I have referred to elsewhere and whom I constantly quote from the third book of my eleven autobiographical books, sent me a letter to Manchester telling me ‘Cómo es necesaria la humildad para reconocer los propios errores’ (‘How humility is necessary to recognise one’s mistakes’). She was referring to my parents who never recognised what they did. But the same can be said of Americans, including many racialists, who don’t want to see what their parents and grandparents did in the last century: the direct cause of the strange phenomenon of white suicide today.

Paulina, I, and those who have delved into the labyrinths of the human mind know that ‘people do not change’. Even if monthly lists of the 10 most popular WN internet sites existed, my intuition is that none of them would constantly denounce what the Americans did in Germany.
This site is for those Aryans on both sides of the Atlantic who, unlike most white nationalists, are humble enough to acknowledge the mortal sin that their ancestors committed—mortal, as it will cost the fair race its very existence. As long as they don’t atone it, and that means that books like Tom Goodrich’s would have to be on their list of must-reads, white nationalism will continue to be a charlatan movement.

The West’s Darkest Hour does not appeal to racialists who currently hold the highest ratings in Alexa Internet, Inc., but to new generations of racists who are willing to question the dogmas of white nationalism. I am referring to a blind, deaf and self-righteous mono-causality that places all evil in Jewry omitting that it was whites that empowered them. (In today’s America the mere fact of being a Christian empowers Jewry, as it validates both the god of the Jews and their Old Testament.)

The power of the Jews in the West is mere punishment for the mortal sin of whites. Do you want less Jew power? Repent. Straighten your ways. Reject the figure of the fictional Jew from which the West counts its calendars and place a real man, Hitler, in his place. Not doing this is pure ethno-suicide, and white nationalists are an integral part of this disease. If they weren’t part of it none would have held the enemy flag in Charlottesville. (Remember, the US has fought three anti-white wars: the first in the 1860s on its own soil, the second in the 1940s in Europe, and the third one is an international war based on its cultural hegemony over the West: a cold war of gradual white extermination.)

In the future things will go from bad to worse. My wish is that when it really gets black sites like this one, or PDFs like The Fair Race when the Americans repeal their first and second amendments, will come to life.