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Conspiracy theories Racial right Real men

On ‘Private Hudson’ commenters

Vig once asked me how I endured answering so patiently what the commenters were telling me. Indeed: since I modified the comments options, and now every comment has to be approved, I’ve been saving good time since I’m not approving every comment.

I must say that there are issues that have bothered me greatly about the character of even the most intelligent commenters. One of them who used to comment here, a ‘Stubbs’ (‘Vance Stubbs’ at VNN Forum) suddenly stopped doing so in 2015 without giving any explanation, and he did not even answer my personal message.

Other commenters are intelligent on many issues but cease to be so when it comes up, be it conspiracy theories (9/11 or JFK), or a psychotic admiration for Charles Mason: as can be seen in a loonie Unz Review article. In many respects, the racialists who post in the alt-right forums are still normies. They are clueless about the logical fallacies inherent in conspiracy theories because, unlike me, they have not studied magical thinking. (*)

But what I like most about the fact that all the comments are now on moderation is that I no longer let the pessimists pass so easily. I refer to those who claim, almost dogmatically, that everything is lost for the white race. They remind me of Private Hudson in the movie Aliens that I watched in a Marin County theatre in 1987:

The spirit of the true soldier is to fight even against all odds, as did those who survived in the movie. That is not the spirit of the defeatists who used to comment here, and I’m glad they can no longer do it.


(*) From November 1989 I began to familiarise myself with the CSI’s magazines and books: research that culminated in 1997 when I lived in Houston. I will never forget a JFK conference by CSI in Seattle, which I attended in 1994. Many years before Vincent Bugliosi published his 2007 book debunking the conspiracy theories about the murder of JFK it was already known that they were as crazy as Fake Moon Landing theories.


Update: On August 7 commenter Stubbs replied thus:

[…] Also I apologize for leaving so abruptly, that was rude of me. There wasn’t much to it, I just got busy and didn’t have nearly so much time to read or write. I think I just deleted your PM because it was old by the time I read it, but I still should have sent something back. I didn’t mean to come off as derisive or anything.

Deranged altruism New Testament Old Testament Racial right

Morgan vs. Ryckaert

Franklin Ryckaert: Racism= harming people of another race because of their race. Race realism = realizing that races are inherently different and avoiding risky situations with people of other races.

Robert Morgan: Or in other words, racists do what ‘race realists’ would do if they had the courage.


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Editor’s note: Franklin Ryckaert exemplifies what is wrong with white nationalism and the alt-right.

Per the Old Testament and the Talmud, Jews must exterminate the Gentiles.

Per the New Testament, Gentiles are commanded, instead, to love the Other including Jews and non-whites.

White nationalists and alt-righters don’t obey the Führer. They obey the Jew who wrote the New Testament: prolefeed for us Gentiles.

It is just that simple.

Whites are condemned to become extinct unless they transvalue Ryckaert’s et al values back to pre-Christian mores. But nationalists won’t do it. They’re self-righteously addicted to their (((drug)))…

2nd World War Evil Racial right Summer, 1945 (book) Thomas Goodrich

Priesthood of the fourteen words

(Pythagoreans greet the sun with song by Fyodor Bronnikov.) White nationalism is charlatanry and visitors to this site should consider un-watching the alt-right sites for one simple reason: alt-righters are really afraid to confront the most elemental facts.

I mean what really happened in World War II.

What Yankee propaganda did was simply assign to the Germans the crimes they and the Soviets had committed in Germany, before and after the surrender.

Every site of white nationalism that does not hate the United States and Russia represents intellectual charlatanry of the worst kind.

What these idiots don’t want to see is that any excess that can be attributed to the Germans—excesses with what the media has been bombarding us for seventy years!—is just the iceberg’s tip of what the Allies committed.

A failure to hammer mornings, afternoons and nights with the events of that war that explain how the anti-white Zeitgeist was born means that white nationalists and those in the alt-right have a huge character flaw: Cowardice with capital C.

It is impossible to save the race with these cowards. We need a new generation of Aryan men who no longer call their movement ‘white nationalism’.

I propose a new name to distinguish it from German National Socialism (as the Führer himself said that NS could no be exported): Priesthood of the Fourteen Words.

The Priests of the Fourteen Words will leave the alt-right behind, as stagnant as they are at the middle of the river, and they will reach the mainland on this side of the psychological Rubicon.

I have no illusions. Since I started scolding white nationalists in this modest space, donations dropped almost to zero. But I will not give in because it’s them the ones who are dissociating historical reality instead of facing it as real Men.

It has been more than a month since I decided not to visit the WN/alt-right forums, not even MacDonald’s. Only when I search for something specific through Google and spot some info I am interested in, do I enter one of these sites.

It makes no sense to continue blaming the Jews for everything if the WNsts are unable to recognise that the white man is equally guilty of what Jewry does—and even worse, as what the white man does is treason.

Below for example, Goodrich mentions a Soviet Jew that preached genocidal hatred of Germans. What the WNsts don’t want to see is that even Bill O’Reilly used to invite a colonel who approved the killing of civilian Germans in that war, when O’Reilly had a program on Fox News. I still remember the words of that colonel: ‘Burn their families…!’

Can’t the WNsts realise that this is worse than what the Jew quoted below said, as it is treason to his Saxon cousins? And what about the millions of idiots who continue to watch Fox News and believe the lies about World War II? Even the abridged version of The Gulag Archipelago debunks such lies. But whites prefer TV than the most elemental reading, right?

The following is installment #11 on this site of Tom Goodrich’s Summer 1945:

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By mid-May, 1945, the Allied conquerors had laid claim to virtually all of what was once the Third Reich—the Americans, British and French in the west, the Soviets in the east. Behind the Red Army lines, the final pockets of resistance also surrendered.

At the Courland enclave on the Baltic, over two hundred thousand German soldiers and Latvian volunteers laid down their arms, then joined the defenders of Berlin on the long, one-way march to Siberia. After seventy days of desperate, heroic struggle, the besieged garrison of Breslau also lowered its flag and these men too began their Siberian death march. And also after surrender, the already haggard females of Breslau began pondering “whether life had not been sweeter during the worst days of the siege.” Remembered one girl:

Rape began almost immediately and there was a viciousness in the acts as if we women were being punished for Breslau having resisted for so long… Let me say that I was young, pretty, plump and fairly inexperienced. A succession of Ivans gave me over the next week or two a lifetime of experience. Luckily very few of their rapes lasted more than a minute. With many it was just a matter of seconds before they collapsed gasping. What kept me sane was that almost from the very first one I felt only a contempt for these bullying and smelly peasants who could not act gently towards a woman, and who had about as much sexual technique as a rabbit.

“For four years [Propaganda Minister, Joseph] Goebbels kept telling us that the Russians were rapists, that they would violate, murder, rob and pillage us,” explained one woman. “Such propaganda did not shock us and we looked forward to being liberated by the Allies… We could not bear it when Goebbels turned out to be right.”

“Red soldiers during the first weeks of their occupation raped every women and girl between the ages of 2 and 60. That sounds exaggerated, but it is the simple truth… ,” a stunned American reporter revealed. “Husbands and fathers who attempted to protect their women folk were shot down, and girls offering extreme resistance were murdered.”

Although frantic females tried numerous stratagems to stop the attacks, nothing they did seemed to slow, much less halt, the Soviet sexual assaults-not age, not looks, not illness, nothing.

“A young Russian with a pistol in his hand came to fetch me,” a mother of two small children reminisced. “I have to admit that I was so frightened (and not just of the pistol) that I could not hold my bladder. That didn’t disturb him in the least.” When this same woman later went with her sister to see a Soviet military physician, far from helping the females, the doctor and another officer raped them both. The young mother herself was on her menstrual cycle; her sister was in the late stages of pregnancy.

Far from being sanctuaries, houses of worship were some of the first stops for the Red Army. In addition to the mass rape of females who sought shelter in churches and cathedrals, nuns likewise suffered the same. In one Silesian city alone, Soviet soldiers brutally raped nearly two hundred Catholic sisters leaving sixty-six pregnant nuns in their wake.

Although German women were naturally their favorite targets, virtually any female in the path of the communist army would do. Thousands of women of all nationalities held in German and Polish labor camps were not merely liberated when the Soviets arrived.

“I waited for the Red Army for days and nights,” admitted one Russian female. “I waited for my liberation, but now our soldiers treat us far worse than the Germans did. They do terrible things to us.”

At devastated Dresden, Chemnitz and other cities in eastern Germany that now for the first time experienced Soviet occupation, the situation was the same. Encouraged by the Jewish propagandist, Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet soldiers were not merely encouraged to rape and kill all Germans they encountered, they were all but ordered to do it; it was the Red soldier’s “patriotic duty,” insisted Stalin’s murderous mouthpiece.

“Kill them all, men, old men, children and the women, after you have amused yourself with them!” demanded Ehrenburg. “Kill. Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn… Break the racial pride of the German women. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious Soviet Army.”

Although front-line troops-Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians committed their share of savage atrocities, it was the rear echelon—Mongolians, and other Asiatics—that were responsible for perhaps not just the greatest number of crimes but also the greatest degree of crimes. To most Germans, however, all were known simply as “Russians,” or “Ivans.”

“There were no limits to the bestiality and licentiousness of these troops…,” remembered a pastor from Milzig. “Girls and women were routed out of their hiding-places, out of the ditches and thickets where they had sought shelter from the Russian soldiers, and were beaten and raped. Older women who refused to tell the Russians where the younger ones had hidden were likewise beaten and raped.”

When groups of fleeing refugees were overtaken by the Soviets the rapes and murders took on a massive, mechanical quality.

Typically, all captured females—old, young, sick, pregnant, mothers and their children included—were forced to lie by the sides of roads while the laughing Soviet soldiers lined up, then lowered their trousers. One after another, the attacks continued. Generally, as more passing troops arrived, the lines got longer, not shorter. Those females who lost consciousness from blood loss were dragged to the side or rolled into a ditch. Any mother who tried to save her daughter was automatically shot. Even those soldiers who would have otherwise avoided such sadistic crimes were compelled, “without exception,” to join in by “grinning officers” who stood at the head of each line.

Like the case above, whenever possible commissars made certain that German men—fathers, husbands, priests, soldiers—were forced to watch the rape of German women be it inside homes, schools, churches, in parks, on sidewalks, or by the roadsides.

With machine guns trained on them, one large group of surrendering German soldiers, including the famous air ace, Erich Hartmann, were forced to look on as a mob of drunken Soviets threw captured women and girls to the ground, tore off their clothes, then, amid howls and laughter, began their violent sexual attacks.

A young German woman, mother of a twelve-year-old girl, knelt at the feet of one Soviet and begged that he and the others take her, not the child. Ignoring her tearful pleas the man strode away, a mocking grin on his face. “Damned fascist pig!” yelled a soldier nearby as he kicked the mother in the face then shot and killed her. With that the killer dragged the dead woman’s daughter behind a nearby tank. He was joined by others and for half an hour only the screams of the little girl and laughter of the men was heard. Then, their hate and lust sated , the rapists finally withdrew. Completely naked and unable to stand, the bloodied child crawled slowly back to her dead mother. An hour later the sobbing little girl at last stopped crying and joined her mother in death.

At the same time as the above was transpiring, eight- and nine­ year-old children were also being raped and sodomized repeatedly by the Soviets. Mothers who tried to protect their daughters were beaten unconscious and dragged to the side where they themselves were savagely raped and killed.

“Kill! Kill!” urged the blood-thirsty propagandist , Ilya Ehrenburg. “In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil!… Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these German women… Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army.”

“Fear is always present,” young Regina Shelton admitted. “It flares into panic at tales of atrocities—mutilated nude bodies tossed by the wayside—a woman nailed spread-eagle to a cart and gang-raped while bleeding to death from her wounds-horrible diseases spread to their victims by sex-drunken Mongolians.” Those frustrated rapists too drunk to physically conclude their act instead used the bottle they were drinking from to symbolically continue the savagery with even more hideous damage done to the victim.

Certainly, not every soldier in the Soviet army was a drunken, sadistic monster. Some officers protected helpless German victims. Other upright soldiers placed their own lives on the line to defend the defenseless. A few, like the poet, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, were haunted for the rest of their lives by the things they had seen… and haunted by the things they had perhaps even done:

Twenty-two Hoeringstrasse. It’s not been burned, just looted, rifled. A moaning by the walls, half muffled: the mother’s wounded, half alive. The little daughter’s on the mattress, dead. How many have been on it? A platoon, a company perhaps? A girl’s been turned into a woman, a woman turned into a corpse… The mother begs, “Soldier, kill me!”

No, not all Soviet soldiers were child-killing rapists… but enough were. Ilya Ehrenburg:

Break the racial pride of the German women. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious Soviet Army.


Editor’s note: The footnotes have been omitted. Summer 1945 is a book that exposes the atrocities committed by the Soviets and the Americans, especially in Japan and Germany. If the reader is interested in a book by the same author that focuses on the holocaust perpetrated by the Allies solely in Germany, obtain a copy of Hellstorm, The Death of Nazi Germany: 1944-1947 (sample chapter: here).

Deranged altruism Mauricio (commenter) Nordicism Racial right Racial studies

Three types of Meds

by Mauricio

Granadinos by Robert Kemm (1837-1895)
stored at Biblioteca Provincial de Granada.

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Meds are very polarised in terms of racial awareness. The way I see it, there’s three camps:

Camp A – “We wuz never Nordics.”

They believe “Mediterranean” to be a race on it’s own, separate from Aryans. Most will unwittingly glorify the Hollywood versions of the Greek and Roman Empires, and will refuse to admit they were spawned from nigger miscegenation.

It’s like that “sour grapes” tale of the fox, bit with Aryan genes instead of grapes.

These Meds have a crushing inferiority complex, and deep down, they envy the beauty and purity of the Aryan genes. I wouldn’t classify them as anti-White, but they are certainly anti-Nordics, which makes them borderline race-traitors. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them had Jewish ancestry—after all, blood speaks louder than words. Well, at least they hate niggers…

Camp B – “We’re mixed, and that’s fine.”

For these Meds, there’s no racial purity anymore; the world is becoming a Big Beige Village, and soon the Aryans will be mixed too. These degenerate quitters are the most common. They secretly lust for brown, easy flesh. They don’t care if they come from Aryans or niggers. They capitulate under PC atmospheric pressure, and won’t even feel an ounce of hate if their daughter is fucking a mulatto. Traitor scum. To the gallows.

Camp C – “We’re mixed, and that sucks.”

The minority. Closet racists, they care about their ancestry and descendents. These Meds are soldier material against ZOG if given the proper 14 words guidance. My guess is, they comprise the least mixed portion of the Meds, and they can see a glimmer of hope in their brown eyes when they look in the mirror.

Last year, I wrote a comment on Varg Vikernes’ YouTube channel, on a video about Racial Purity. My comment got pinned at the top and received hundreds of replies. Varg recently got shoah’d, so I can’t link the video, but my comment went something along the lines of:

The racial standard for Europeans has always been blue eyes and blonde hair. Brown hair and eyes is admixture. We Mediterraneans need to recognise this. Our European ancestors have miscegenated, and the result is us. But there’s still hope.

If we choose to stay in Europe, and brave the European climate; if we feed ourselves from European wilderness; if we breed only with our own; if we raise our children to be traditional and self-sufficient, then eventually, Nature will reward us, by re-surfacing our dormant Aryan genes in our descendants. Our children will inherit Thule.

So let’s make it happen.

The next day, I got lambasted by at least 30 comments from Med Camp A: “Meds are glorious too!” “If you like them so much, why don’t you go suck Nordic cock” and some 20 comments from Camp B: “Haha, you’re a sand-nigger, you’ll never be Aryan.”

And some Aryan commenters, in the same vein as this Kurwenal fellow, actually praised my comment: “That’s the spirit! We’re all together in this fight! Hail our Mediterranean brothers.”

It’s all fun and games until the music stops. And modern Aryans are addicted to music.

Editor’s note:

What matters here are the words of the Aryans collected in the penultimate paragraph. All of them around the globe suffer from a psychological problem after World War II. Before the war, the eugenicist associations assumed that the parameter of whiteness and eugenic selection in Europe was the Nordic: England, Ireland, the Scandinavian countries, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and those uncontaminated in France, Northern Italy, Russia and other countries.

All that was thrown overboard after the war against Germany, and white nationalists in the United States no longer read racialist pioneers like the American Madison Grant, a Nordicist.

After WW2, virtually all whites have accepted with extraordinary fanaticism the Christian ethics that equals men with women, the black with the white and the Nord with the Med. What these nationalists insist on not seeing is that the entire line of Aryan preservation studies before the war, from Gobineau to Günther through Chamberlain, took Nordicism for granted.

White nationalism really represents a radical departure from racial orthodoxy. Neither Mauricio nor I are inventing anything new. It is them, the nationalists who, in pursuit of political correctness, don’t want to hurt our feelings.

To put it bluntly, white nationalism is a regressive aberration towards Christianity. Even the agnostics of that movement subscribe the ethics of loving one’s neighbour as oneself. Everyone who really wants to save the race from extinction must replace this utter nonsense in the alt-right with National Socialism.

For those new visitors who don’t know the subject, I suggest you start researching it by reading this abstract.

Ancient Greece Aristotle Aryan beauty Christian art Civilisation (TV series) Kenneth Clark Nordicism Plato Racial right

Veritas odium parit, 2

In the royal chapel of the cathedral of Granada this painting representing the Mass of St. Gregorio is preserved. Jesus shows the wound on his side and the attributes of his passion appear around him. It is a work of a 15th-century painter known as ‘Master of the Legend of St. Lucía’.

Apparently, the images of Christian art that I have been choosing as introductions to different posts have nothing to do with the content of the articles. For example, apparently this painting, in which the most famous Jew in history shows the wound on his side, inflicted by evil Romans, has nothing to do with the phobia that many white nationalists feel toward Nordicism (a Nordicism that, in times of the golden age of the American eugenicists and the Third Reich, was taken for granted).

But art is the Royal Road to understand the Zeitgeist of a stage of Western culture. In his 1969 series, Civilisation, Kenneth Clark showed the Greek head of Apollo as an example of the highest white culture. He then said that, with the arrival of Christianity, the human body virtually disappeared and the only thing that remained were degenerate homunculi in Irish pictorial art, especially as illustrated books.

A lot of white nationalists are still Christians who don’t want to hurt the feelings of the homunculi. If the beauty of the ancient Aryan man had not been demonised throughout Christendom, there would be no anti-Nordicists in the alt-right today. In other words, anti-Nordicism is the tail of the Era in which the Semite convinced the Aryan that His beauty was sinful. This is the last part of the tail of ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus’.

The superiority of National Socialism over the American movement today consists in that, like the Renaissance Italians, the Germans transvalued the Christian disvalue of a wounded Jew to the ancient value of Aryan beauty. That was very remarkable in the art, pamphlets and outdoor sports of the Third Reich. Replacing the Jew that shows us his wounds to make us feel guilty (the ancient version of the Holocaust), with the sculpture of a perfect Aryan, is part of the healing process to save the fair race.

The author of Counter-Currents insulted by anti-Nordicists (surely muds with an inferiority complex) wrote:


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Northern Europe vs. the Mediterranean

The oft-quoted statement of Aristotle, “Man is a political animal,” is actually a mistranslation. A truer rendering of his words would be, “Man is the kind of animal who lives in a polis.” That Greek word encompasses more than “city-state,” its usual translation. First of all, the English term “city-state” makes the city the dominant element and the surrounding countryside an afterthought, whereas in ancient Greece, most people lived in villages and farming communities. Even in the polis of Attica, which had the bustling city of Athens, the citizens it sent to fight at the Battle of Marathon were mostly farmers.

Such a community, moreover, must be relatively small. Athens was the exception: most Greek poleis had a total population of fewer than 50,000, with perhaps 5-10,000 citizens. In the Laws, Plato sets the ideal, with characteristic precision, at 5,040 citizens. Aristotle did not have Plato’s affinity for applying mathematical exactness to human affairs, but he did believe that a man should know his fellow citizens, if not personally then at least by reputation – else how could he properly judge if a man is fit to govern? He also thought it important that the citizens should be able to assemble in one place. Still, the polis must not be so small that it cannot meet its economic needs and defend itself properly.

Most important of all, by polis Greeks understood a whole nexus of ideas centered around a self-governing community that is bound not just by laws but by traditions and a common religion, language, and history. Absent these elements, the polis ceases to be. If the community is ruled not by itself but from a distant capital, or if it is a vast metropolis comprising a kaleidoscopic range of ethnicities, it is no longer a community in the true sense. What is more, its inhabitants cannot reach their moral, spiritual, or intellectual potential, because their nature has been cramped. Thus, life in the kind of community Aristotle describes is intimately bound up with Western man’s nature; without it, he becomes less human.

Using Aristotle’s criteria, we can see that medieval Iceland, for example, meets the definition of a polis. Overwhelmingly rural, it possessed no metropolis drawing off all financial and intellectual capital from the countryside. While spread over a large territory, the citizens of the Icelandic polis managed to assemble once a year at the Althing. That they knew of each other by reputation, or through a sort of medieval Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, is evident from the impressive corpus of their sagas. In these, newcomers in the narrative always identify their kinship and lineage to an impressive degree, often crossing over between sagas, giving others the proper context in which to place them. The Icelanders governed themselves and were as fiercely independent as the Greeks who faced the Persian invasion. Above all, they were bound by a common history, language, and religion—this latter unity being such an important point that the official conversion to Christianity was decided at the Althing.

It does not take much imagination to see that the polis can also be a tribe: that is, kinship proves more important than geographic location. Aristotle was adamant, in fact, that whatever we call a collection of people who happen to live in the same place and interact merely for the purpose of making money off each other, we cannot call it a polis. Upon closer inspection, then, any of the Germanic tribes described by Tacitus meet Aristotle’s definition of a polis, and this would apply even later, during the period of the great Völkerwanderung that hastened Rome’s demise. But the polis had long since died out in Aristotle’s homeland, which had much to do with his most famous pupil.

Nordicism Racial right

Veritas odium parit, 1

‘In these days friends are won through flattery, the truth gives birth to hate’ —Terence.

Ten years ago I did not start a career as a blogger, but as a vlogger. I did it in Spanish, showing my face about the subject that I master the most: the tragedy that occurred in my family. Given that in the study of family abuse I touched on the incredible abuse of parents to children in the pre-Hispanic world, I received great insults from Mexicans with an inferiority complex. Nowadays my YouTube channel is private and I blog in English.

In the city where I live, I barely have contact with pure whites. Nor do I have dealings with Jews. My place is in an area at the extreme south of Mexico City, very close to central Tlalpan, which four decades ago my father chose for the huge colonial mansions near that centre. Originally he wanted to buy one of those mansions but finally settled for a house closer to the Golf Club. (Today I did only ten minutes walking from central Tlalpan to the house that my sister and I inherited from him.)

Thus, without whites or kikes in my immediate circle, what I know best is the tremendous inferiority complex of the Meds in general and mestizos in particular. A few years ago, for example, an Italian who posted very intelligent comments on this site got upset when I told him that an Arab player of the Italian football team was not white. This smart American-Italian stopped commenting here. The same happened to me with a son of Spaniards living at the opposite pole of this big city: he showed zero tolerance to the texts of Evropa Soberana and Arthur Kemp due to their Nordicism. We are no longer on speaking terms.

Such is the experience—experience of decades—that I have had with mestizos and Meds that I dare to conjecture that the vast majority of those who have insulted me in racist forums are not pure Aryans. I even believe that those commenters who recently tore their garments on Counter-Currents are mudbloods.

The editor of Counter-Currents is anything but a Nordicist. But recently he accepted an article that vindicates, to some extent, what I’ve been collecting on this site from several authors, including William Pierce, about why white civilisations fall: miscegenation. I refer to ‘The Saxon Savior: Converting Northern Europe’ by Ash Donaldson.

There is no doubt that telling the truth breeds hatred!

Such is the anti-Nordic hysteria of several of the Counter-Currents commenters—and elsewhere!—that I feel moved to reproduce the long article of Donaldson in seven entries, beginning with the introduction:


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“There were many whose hearts told them that they should begin to tell the secret runes.” Thus begins an ancient manuscript written in Old Saxon. It may surprise the reader to learn that these are, in fact, the opening lines of the Christian Gospel in the version known as the Heliand, produced for the Saxons in the early ninth century, after their conquest by Charlemagne.

More than a mere translation, it is a reimagining of the Christ narrative on so fundamental a plane as to constitute a message utterly distinct from the Mediterranean cultus that became the official religion of the Roman Empire. It took a thousand years for even an official conversion of Northern Europe, from the fourth-century mission of Ulfilas among the Goths to Grand Duke Jogaila’s formal adoption of Christianity for Lithuania. Why conversion took so long there, and by what methods, hinges on the relationship between the individual and the community.

Christian art Exterminationism Friedrich Nietzsche Matthias Grünewald New Testament Old Testament Racial right Technology

Prostrated anti-Semites

Sometimes it is important to focus on a detail of a masterpiece of Christian art; for example, close-ups of Jesus’ feet and hands nailed to the cross. Here we see the contorted feet of Grünewald: a painter of the badly named ‘German Renaissance’. Grünewald ignored the Greco-Roman world of the Italian Renaissance to continue the style of late Central European medieval art.

In the Gates of Vienna discussion forum, ten years ago a Swede commented that all Westerners are now either Christians or liberals. I would paraphrase that statement by saying that every white is either Christian or neo-Christian. This includes the alt-right atheists, unable to let Christian ethics go. Even most anti-Semites remain prostrated before the contorted feet of the crucified Jew.

For that reason I do not even comment on The Occidental Observer anymore. But I am very amused that a few who have broken away with such ethics try to argue with Christians and neo-Christians on The Occidental Observer and Unz Review. In this site I have collected many comments from Robert Morgan, but I have also expressed my differences with him regarding technology.

Well: a regular visitor to The West’s Darkest Hour has been discussing technology with Morgan (here). Morgan is anti-Christian. Adunai, another anti-Christian, has also discussed with others in that webzine. What Adunai replied to one of these Christians reminds me of something that caught my attention from the first time I read Nietzsche, more than forty years ago.

Nietzsche said that while he rejected the universal love ethic that the New Testament preached, he loved the Old Testament because, unlike the gospel, the ancient Hebrews fulfilled Darwinian laws.

Obviously I’m rephrasing Nietzsche, but in essence he said that. What now has piqued my attention is that white nationalists who have not broken with the religion of their parents see things the other way around: they accept the New Testament and reject the Old. They do not realise that, with this, they have fallen into the trap that the Semitic authors of the New Testament set up for them: to use the fairness of the fair race to invert the values of that race. I refer to the transit from a culture when handsome Greco-Roman statues were so much admired to Grünewald’s feet.

Next, Adunai’s responses to Morgan and others on Unz Review:

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Robert Morgan said: Civilization too is a revolt against Nature.

Adunai responded: How so? The very definition of humans is a bit anti-Nature, but nothing’s wrong with that. Man invented fire and scorched woods with it—like any other form of life, he wants to kill everything around himself. Humans destroy species in Amazonia, they breed out pathetic mutants such as dogs, cows and wheat—all to consume and to enslave, in order to ensure their own survival.

The problem only arises when their super-animal intelligence bugs out and accepts the anti-Nature inside themselves, the anti-human suicide—see Christianity. No other animal would fall for the schizophrenia of a virgin mother of a resurrected corpse, and for a god that gives ‘life’ as a reward for death. But no other animal has invented a space rocket either.

It’s just hard for humans to accept a science-inspired atheist Darwinian worldview. But I believe it to be possible—see the DPR of Korea.

P.S. It’s a shame Laurent Guyénot is a 9/11 truther. How can one see through the madness of Christianity, and yet swallow the lies of truthers?

A commenter said: It is obvious that the OT is just Jew mystical garbage filled with tribal hate.

Adunai responded: You are so Christian, you see the good part of the Bible as the bad one. That tribal hate you speak of is precisely what we need! What we must admire and put into myth! What every single healthy nation has lived with.

Currently, you hate Jews for being racist. That’s insane. No wonder Jews despise Christians—just like a scientist ‘despises’ the poison he has created, he will not drink it himself. Think War—Harm Your Enemies—Produce Children.

Robert Morgan said: ‘Technological innovation tore those barriers down. With the barriers down and races mingling freely, discrete human races and discrete cultures are doomed’.

Adunai responded: I never understood this position. Hadn’t it be for the Christian axiology, the White race would have cleansed all of Africa, Asia and America of the non-White nations as early as in the 1890s. Or for sure in the 1950s, with the advent of atomic weapons.

Why do you focus so firmly on the technologies failing to see it as a tool Whites have used as they have seen fit? The problem is not the technology, it is purely the axiology. Technology only allowed the HIV to transition into the AIDS.

But for all I care, it’s only for the better. Better to deal with this menace sooner than later. Europe had little hope in 317, even less in 732 and 800 (when the Franks failed to kill the Church). The French, industrial and green revolutions do not change that.

In short, I disagree with your pessimism concerning technology.

Robert Morgan said: ‘Further, you seem to be very much in the “free will” / man is a special creation camp (basically a Biblical point of view), and as I said above, I’m a determinist, so I believe free will is an illusion’.

Adunai responded: So, you believe the Whites’ conversion to Christianity to have been unavoidable? That is pessimistic.

Of course, there is something in the Aryan’s psyche that has failed him—see Buddhism in India. There is also the deep contradiction that I see between man as an animal and his newfound intelligence and introspection, his ability to commit suicide, his ability to hate all life. It is in our Nature to destroy Nature, and that is healthy, but can inspire Christianity as a side-effect.

But I am an optimist and I disagree that the White man was born irredeemably defective, that the Jew is our perfect parasite. Because if it is so, or at least cannot be fought against, then all hope is lost, or worse yet, never existed to begin with.

Robert Morgan said: ‘Therefore, when you say something like “whites could have” done this, that, or the other thing, it makes no sense to me. They had what they thought were very good reasons for not doing it, or in effect had no choice’.

Adunai responded: Whites could have made a party that tried to curtail the destruction by technology. Oh wait, they did—namely, the NSDAP. Even the last anti-Christian emperor was born after 317.

What I’m saying is that Whites could have denied Christianity in the 4th, 8th, 16th or 20th century, but chose not to. They could have mastered technology, for with the right axiology, it would have spelled certain doom for all non-White nations on Earth, and not at all led to any race-mixing—but under Christianity, it did provoke suicide. You can only see technology under Christianity, and you think it’s the only way [red emphasis by Ed.].

When you see a car, you see a Negro arriving in Finland. When I see a car, I see Whites arriving in Egypt in 1910 and genociding all the locals. We had the first shot.

A commenter said: ‘Given the US Constitution, Eisenhower’s desegregation orders made sense’.

Adunai responded: Yes… Then why won’t you tear down that stupid White-hating Christian document? Why are you trying to rationalize it?

Desegregation is diametrically opposite of the genocide of blacks. Desegregation = death of Whites. Desegregation makes sense due to the Constitution and its idealist Christian egalitarianism… To hell with the Constitution!

A comemnter said: ‘Congo Rats are rated as repugnant in reliable tests of racial attractiveness’.

Adunai responded: Who cares how attractive Negroes are? Are you a faggot? Because only faggot feminists think in this way.

The real culprit is White men, and White men alone. It is the White men that allow their daughters marry non-Whites. Not women. Not the attractiveness of said non-Whites. It’s the Christian malware in your head.

Robert Morgan said: ‘In the context of your example, what I’ve said is that if the negroes had had no way to get to Finland, they wouldn’t be there, and this seems to me inarguable’.

Adunai responded: It is not. Because a non-Christian technological civilization would not have given Negroes access to their technology to begin with. And would have exterminated them in a short while, as predicted by Darwin.

Robert Morgan said: ‘I agree that in your imaginary world…’

Adunai responded: The world without Christianity. It happened in a localized version in Germany.

Robert Morgan said: ‘The struggle for survival and human nature determine how it will be employed’.

Adunai responded: No, they don’t. The White race does not struggle for survival. The reason is still unclear, but I blame Christianity first and foremost. You don’t have an issue with doing likewise when it’s about the 1860s America, but when it’s about more recent times, it’s suddenly technology. I fail to see the connection.

Robert Morgan said: ‘…and almost never have they been killed off completely, even in non-Christian societies. They have usually been assimilated into the conquering race’.

Adunai responded: There were different kinds of conquest in history. The conquest of Europe by Aryans, by Rome, by Mongols. Some were genocidal, others not. Some were empires, others loose confederations of savages.

What is different now? Science. Knowledge of the world. Materialist philosophy that clearly states the supremacy of genetics in the genesis of culture. The issue is not technology—it would only have helped the extermination. The issue is that the idealist poison of Christianity seeped so deep into the Aryan soul that any hope for the materialist worldview was vanquished in 1945 under the double sign of Christianity and Bolshevism.

Robert Morgan said: ‘The struggle for survival will force this outcome, because if you don’t use slaves in this way, then your enemies that do will become wealthier than you, more powerful, and eventually overwhelm you. This is how, in the real world, human nature and the struggle for survival determine outcomes’.

Adunai responded: I don’t deny it. But how does the industrial civilization relate to it? I say that its advances in sciences would have made race-mixing the highest taboo and race war the noblest goal in any non-Christian society. Industry would only have amplified the desire to healthy life in a population. But in our case, technology has amplified the death wish.

You want to remove industry—then what? A return to pre-industrial society will not bar crude empires from spawning that can and will race-mix anyway. Too rotten to keep healthy values, yet not bright enough to develop racial science and fission weapons. Where’s a good future in that?

Do you put all your hope on the hypothetical barbarians that will burn Rome time and time again? Our pre-industrial Rome ate a good chunk of Europe, mind you—and even all of central Germany might have been romanized and judaized. Mongols and Turks demolished all Aryan culture in Kazakhstan. Vikings interbred with Eskimos in Iceland. What would stop Aryans from perishing in a non-technological world? I posit that only the power of chemical and atomic bonds can assure the existence of the European race once and for all.

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Editor’s note: Morgan is obviously violating Occam’s razor by multiplying entities (technology) when the Xtian inversion of values alone explains the West’s darkest hour beautifully.

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Racial right

Holy wrath, 12

These is my take about my most recent translation of an essay by Evropa Soberana:

Quoting Hitler, as I did in my previous post, is something that white nationalists rarely do in their main webzines. The very term ‘white nationalism’ (WN) was coined in the 1990s by an American racialist in order to distance the American movement from National Socialist fads in the US. Some of them have been talking about ‘WN 101’, ‘WN 102’ and recently ‘WN 103’—always concerned about ‘optics’ and distancing themselves farther and farther from the spirit of the Germans and the ancient Scandinavians. The result? This is Robert Morgan’s latest comment on Unz Review:

It would be difficult to overstate the idiocy of this. Trying to organize whites politically along explicitly racial lines has failed in America for over a century and a half now, from the first Klan in the 1860s, to its revival in the early decades of the 1900s, through Rockwell and Pierce, and lately with the morons who actually thought voting for Trump was going to change things. All this time, the only gradual shifts have been in an ever more leftist, anti-racist direction, which is now ripening into a virulent anti-whitism. As I see it, the gradualist approach that sees white racial survival as the probable result of a long-term educational project is favored by only three types:

1. Those who, like Taylor, make their living from it.

2. People too stupid to have studied history and learn from it.

3. Losers, who advocate a losing strategy precisely because they want to keep losing.

In any case, there’s no reason to expect that something that has such a long track record of failure is ever going to succeed.

Since only a total awakening of the spirit of ancient Scandinavians can save what is left of the Aryan, I’ve now run a grammar engine on ‘Holy Wrath’ and reread it for the 2020 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. You can save in your hard disk this reviewed edition (click: here).

Racial right

More on Raphael & Jared

Since to some readers the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts sounds like a narrative showing Peter complicit in the deaths of the couple, the story is rarely shown in art. But it is the subject of one of Raphael’s paintings. Below, Robert Morgan responding to a Christian commenter about this gospel story (after that, Morgan added a few more comments about Jared Taylor and related subjects):

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It appears you’ve forgotten the setup to the murders [of Ananias and Sapphira]. It was previously stated in Acts 4 that nobody in this cult had any property of their own, but held everything in common. In other words, it operated like a typical cult, using such techniques to brainwash and control its members, much like Koresh or Jones did. Leaving members with no private money or means of support ensures they won’t leave, and helps enforce obedience. Now you’ve invented this whole story about their being wealthy to excuse your psychopathic God’s action in killing these two people. It’s all quite pathetic, really. Your desperation is showing.

Though we must have some sympathy here for the couple, let’s also keep in mind that like rest of the stories in the Bible, it’s just fiction; a lie. The true victims were the real-life cult members this story was meant to intimidate; i.e., the non-Jew suckers who became Christians and were swindled by these criminal Jews Peter, Paul, and the rest. Christianity in the ancient world was a death cult that grew like a cancer until it murdered not just two people, but a whole civilization. It caused millions to suffer and die, and will certainly do so again if it’s allowed to.

* * *

Disappointing that Taylor, in his audio version of the interview [with Fareed Zakaria] at his site, at minute 22:26 to 22:40, is still spreading the misinformation about Lincoln, and his so-called plan to send the negroes away after the war. I don’t know why he keeps repeating this lie. Lincoln never had any plan to forcibly round up the negroes and ship them off whether they wanted to go or not. Neither did anyone else, afaik [as far as I know]. The only kind of “colonization” (as it was referred to) that was under discussion was to be on a voluntary basis, offering assistance to any who wanted to leave.

Of course, it didn’t work, and I would argue that Lincoln knew it wouldn’t. Negroes back then didn’t want to return to Africa any more than they do today. Only about 3% ever left. Furthermore, in his last public address before being assassinated, Lincoln called for negroes to be made citizens and given the vote. Why did he do that if he thought they were all going to shortly be leaving for Africa? It’s all part of a false narrative he’s helped construct, probably with the ulterior motive of obscuring Christianity’s role in the American racial disaster, since almost all the abolitionists were Christian fanatics.

Alden: “Our racial collapse in America occurred between 1956 (Brown) and 1973 (Griggs). and it had nothing to do with Christianity.”

Morgan: No. Start at the Civil War, immediately after which the Constitution was amended to make negroes citizens and give them the vote. Christian abolitionists were instrumental in starting the war. Christian morality guided whites in making negroes citizens and giving them the vote. All that has happened after that was just a matter of living up to the letter of the law…

I don’t really care if anyone responds to my remarks. Most here appear to be people who are stuck in a certain worldview, and because of this will never get it no matter how many times the situation is explained to them. Occasionally though, interesting things are said.

Editor’s note: This is why I quit commenting in white nationalist forums: we are seeing things from a broader paradigm than that of nationalists (the Christian problem as a sort of extension of the Jewish problem).

Jared Taylor Racial right

Morgan on Taylor

Editor’s note: My most recent comment on this site has inspired me to reproduce the latest exchange of Robert Morgan with silly racialists on Unz Review:

Jared Taylor: “Whites were never asked if [becoming a minority] was what they wanted.”

Robert Morgan: They show they wanted it by their past and continued support of actions that inevitably lead to it. They support the churches who bring in non-whites to dwell among them; they elect and re-elect the politicians who put into place anti-white policies.

The argument that the racial eclipse of white America is somehow illegitimate because there was never a referendum on it is transparently false, unworthy of a man like Taylor, or at least his public persona, since he likes to present himself as the intellectual face of white nationalism. If he really doesn’t know this, he’s not as smart as he likes to pretend; if he does know his argument is false but uses it anyway, he’s dishonest and just another grifter making his living from “white nationalism”.

Rosie: “Nonsense. The two-party system is a two-headed monster, and no real choice has been offered for decades.”

Robert Morgan: Yet white people keep participating in it, voting mostly for the two parties. They have always had the option of starting their own, racially-oriented white peoples’ party, but recoil in horror from such a prospect. They could have demanded a referendum on immigration such as Taylor pines for, but haven’t and won’t, because they don’t want to be “haters”.

In short, the people have the politicians they deserve.

As an aside, I will add that I’ve just been reviewing night two of the Democratic debate. Eight of the ten candidates appear to be white, and yet all were trying to outdo each other to see who could be the most anti-white. This has also been the case “for decades”, as you put it. The vast majority of politicians who put anti-white policies into place were white themselves, as were the people that voted them into office.

This should tell us the problem is primarily cultural, not political. Two thousand years of Christian thinking has softened the white man’s brains. Politicians must go with the cultural flow, and despite a nominal secularization, that flow is still guided by Christian morality. So long as that morality prevails, even if there were a referendum, whites would probably vote to become a minority. They’d do it “for the children”, just as their Bible tells them to do, or to “welcome the stranger”, as it also tells them to do.

Bardon Kaldian: “Especially your crusade against Christianity is both comic and primitive…”

Robert Morgan: I get a laugh out of you, Kaldian. You could be a poster boy for the brain-softening effect of Christianity. Too bad you can’t answer my arguments, and instead are reduced to invective. Rabbi Jesus was counting on you…

AaronB: “While whites were Christian, they were self-respecting.”

Robert Morgan: It’s precisely because they are still Christian that they are not self-respecting. Whites are so indelibly imbued with Christianity that even white atheists accept the Christian “brotherhood of man” nonsense. Christianity was the Bolshevism of the ancient world, and as Spengler observed, Christian theology is its source in the modern world too. (“All Communist systems in the West are in fact derived from Christian theological thought… Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.” – Oswald Spengler, in The Hour of Decision.)

Robert Dolan: “Just a few decades ago whites were a confident race, proud of their achievements, convinced of their fitness to dominate the globe.”

Robert Morgan: Just a few decades ago meaning say, in 1945, when they had just finished defeating white supremacism in Europe, at the cost of millions of white lives?

Or did you mean by “a few decades ago” to go all the way back to 1865, when American whites had just concluded their first big war against white supremacy, and were in haste to make negroes citizens of their country fully equal to themselves, and grant them voting rights?

The idea that the white race as a whole has ever been explicitly united in a belief in its own racial superiority is just an hallucination; a lie. If they had been, neither of the above wars would ever have been fought, let alone won by the anti-white-supremacy side.

Robert Dolan: “Christianity is universal, while Judaism is particularist.”

Robert Morgan: That’s right. To a Christian, it’s more important that a man is a Christian than that he is any particular race. A Christian would rather his daughter marry another Christian who is non-white than marry a white who isn’t Christian. Not so with a Jew. They stick with their own, and stick together.

AaronB: “And yes, God is greater than race or biological family, and must be your ultimate loyalty.”

Robert Morgan: God is an adult version of a child’s imaginary friend, perfectly explainable in psychological terms as a coping mechanism, something weak people need to avoid the existential terror that would otherwise overwhelm them at their fate of being utterly alone in a hostile universe. The allied Christian project of trying to figure out what the probably fictional character called Jesus “really” meant is a vain one, exactly like trying to decide what your imaginary friend “really” meant or wants you to do.