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Judeo-reductionism Racial right


Several times I have referred to white nationalism, which is basically an American phenomenon, as ‘charlatanry’. If one keeps in mind a paragraph of the sticky post, the words of a commenter, it will be clear what we mean:

Sooner or later the world will recognise that Hitler was right and that until the West accepts this fact, they will continue their ongoing self-destruction, especially in the US and the UK. Either way, massive destruction is unavoidable because after the Second World War the Allies must pay a massive karmic debt.

My friend Paulina, whom I have referred to elsewhere and whom I constantly quote from the third book of my eleven autobiographical books, sent me a letter to Manchester telling me ‘Cómo es necesaria la humildad para reconocer los propios errores’ (‘How humility is necessary to recognise one’s mistakes’). She was referring to my parents who never recognised what they did. But the same can be said of Americans, including many racialists, who don’t want to see what their parents and grandparents did in the last century: the direct cause of the strange phenomenon of white suicide today.

Paulina, I, and those who have delved into the labyrinths of the human mind know that ‘people do not change’. Even if monthly lists of the 10 most popular WN internet sites existed, my intuition is that none of them would constantly denounce what the Americans did in Germany.
This site is for those Aryans on both sides of the Atlantic who, unlike most white nationalists, are humble enough to acknowledge the mortal sin that their ancestors committed—mortal, as it will cost the fair race its very existence. As long as they don’t atone it, and that means that books like Tom Goodrich’s would have to be on their list of must-reads, white nationalism will continue to be a charlatan movement.

The West’s Darkest Hour does not appeal to racialists who currently hold the highest ratings in Alexa Internet, Inc., but to new generations of racists who are willing to question the dogmas of white nationalism. I am referring to a blind, deaf and self-righteous mono-causality that places all evil in Jewry omitting that it was whites that empowered them. (In today’s America the mere fact of being a Christian empowers Jewry, as it validates both the god of the Jews and their Old Testament.)

The power of the Jews in the West is mere punishment for the mortal sin of whites. Do you want less Jew power? Repent. Straighten your ways. Reject the figure of the fictional Jew from which the West counts its calendars and place a real man, Hitler, in his place. Not doing this is pure ethno-suicide, and white nationalists are an integral part of this disease. If they weren’t part of it none would have held the enemy flag in Charlottesville. (Remember, the US has fought three anti-white wars: the first in the 1860s on its own soil, the second in the 1940s in Europe, and the third one is an international war based on its cultural hegemony over the West: a cold war of gradual white extermination.)

In the future things will go from bad to worse. My wish is that when it really gets black sites like this one, or PDFs like The Fair Race when the Americans repeal their first and second amendments, will come to life.

Racial right

Top 10 white nationalist sites

I don’t find on the Internet information about the hundred, or at least ten, webzines, YouTube channels or blogs of the alt-right, WN, neo-Nazism or even the alt-lite ranked by traffic. I used two search engines but (1) there is no information about it or (2) search engines purposely hide this type of information.

There should be updated info every month, don’t you think?

Autobiography Child abuse Racial right

Christmas alone

I did not share the Christmas table yesterday and today with what is left of my family after a couple of deaths. And how could I do it if they give me what I call ‘air treatment’?

My so-called family has learnt that I’ve been writing for the last few decades. I have let them know that I write about them in the first comprehensive autobiography of a family tragedy that has been written in history. Only my nephew Cristóbal, when he was six years old, was interested in what I was doing. He is now a degenerate teenager, like the rest of my nephews (we live in the most degenerate era of the West). Although as a child he used to ask me how my literary project was going, now, a decade later, he never does it.

Before my biological family I am air, I was air, and I will continue to be treated as air: they transparent me in their minds as if I were not present.

As I have already confessed on this site, most of my life I thought that Jesus of Nazareth had not only existed, but that he was a special being. It was precisely the tragedy in such a Catholic family that killed two people and left me reduced to a kind of three-eyed crow that moved me to question my parents’ religion.

This is something that many white nationalists fail to do for the simple fact that they have not faced tragedies as directly as I have. When I mentioned last year that one of my first cousins strangled his daughter and then hanged himself, even that event seems minor compared to what appears in my first ten books.

I will not explain the details of the family events here. I leave that to my readers once the English translations begin to be available as hard copies. But the point is that, as some may understand, such events force the victim to question everything hold sacred.

Since entangled in a tree I’ve spent my life ‘seeing’ the past to understand the present, I’ve developed the talent of being honest with the bare facts. This is the starting point to understand other issues. If one is honest at the biographical level, one becomes honest at the historical level, as history is simply the sum of the biographies of a conglomerate of people.

History and biography (or autobiography) are interconnected. Once one survives the lies of a family (see the context of this quote [1]: here) it’s easier to see the historical lies. Thus, if I cannot sit at the Christmas table it’s because what is left of my family plays what I call the perverse game of the happy family. (Don’t be surprised that many people get depressed in the Christmas season: playing that perverse game in dysfunctional families causes depression in the most honest or sensitive members.)

I would say the same about many white nationalists. In the Christmas season they play the perverse game of a happy culture, as if the celebration of the Jew Jesus was something good for the 14 words, noble and to be celebrated.

Actually, celebrating the birth of a fictional Jew, or not condemning it openly [2], lays the foundation for Aryan decline. What we should celebrate is the birth of Leonidas, Hermann and Uncle Adolf. The mere fact that millions of whites ignore who Leonidas and Hermann were, or that they have believed the propaganda that demonises the uncle, shows how lost the fair race is.


(1) ‘This other girl is powerless, helpless, trapped, and overwhelmed. She can’t stop the abuse, she can’t escape it, and she can’t predict it. She is trapped in her family’s societal denial, her age, threats, physical violence, family rules and double binds. How does the little girl cope?’ (a quotation from my only book that has been translated).

(2) See for example the lukewarmness of the articles in this Christmas that appear in Counter-Currents, the ‘secular’ webzine of white nationalism (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).

Racial right

An entire continent worships the enemy god


The secrets of evolution are death and time

White nationalists hold a very poor diagnosis of Aryan decline. They are able to analyse the Jewish problem at incredible levels and, at the same time, be completely incapable of the most elemental insight, of the most elemental seeing themselves in the mirror: as it was whites themselves who have empowered them.

As we know, the tragedy began when a Roman emperor decreed that it was only legal to worship the god of the Jews, either in the churches or in the synagogues. The cult of the Aryan gods was declared illegal. Thus began the Dark Ages from which we have not yet left.

So badly done is the diagnosis of the whys of white decline—and this includes the supposedly secular webzines of Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson—, that these guys seem to see nothing wrong with the fact that an entire continent has been conquered for the god of the Jews!

Not seeing this means stubborn blindness at such level that I would dare to say, without fear of exaggeration, that the movement of white nationalism is quackery.

Here down the south of the Río Grande, where I live, this extension of the West was not founded from the Reformation, but from the Counter-Reformation. Miscegenation began even before the Conquest, as I accuse in one of my books that I hope to translate into English. For the fourteen words, the Christian version of the Counter-Reformation was even more catastrophic than that of the northern neighbours, as the pollution of the Iberian white gene began since the 16th century.

But the northern neighbours, with their stubborn and continuous worship of the god of our enemies, were destined to become New Zion.

My prediction is that white Americans won’t make a good diagnosis of their decline until several years, if not decades, after the forthcoming collapse of the dollar. It is impossible for them to dare to see the truth of their nation unless they cross the long process of historical suffering that atones for sins.

But that does not mean that those who today publish articles on the webzines of MacDonald, Johnson or Jared Taylor will see the light. Paraphrasing Thomas Kuhn, this generation of sinners is required to die —time + death = evolution!— so that new generations of American whites are brave enough to see that their nation started badly from its very origins. Or was it not George Washington himself who, having the Jews in mind, said that the United States ‘gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance’?

Racial right

‘Pro’ white charlatans

Although I no longer read literature from webzines that grotesquely claim to defend the white race, I have a morning routine. I visit Goebbels Hub and see the headlines of three sites: American Renaissance, Counter-Currents, Occidental Dissent and sometimes The Occidental Observer. I generally don’t read the articles. I only do it to know if I am not missing out on important news.

In the last two sites, the most recent articles (here* and here) of very Christian authors display their Judeo-Christianity in a way that seems extremely offensive to me. Just compare what I say in the bulleted points in ‘Forgive Game of Thrones’ with what these guys write.

Obviously, none of the admins of those sites will answer the information that I have been collecting on this site about the religion of our parents. Their doublethink of being Jew-wise and at the same time promoting a religion created by Jews for white consumption will be taken into account when, in the future, a coloured historian tries to explain the extinction of whites.

Let’s not fool ourselves. These racialist Americans are not going to be cured of their sin, so well portrayed by a Jew and an Aryan on pages 163-174 of The Fair Race.


(*) The admin deleted his piece, ‘Protestants: The Faith that Made the Modern World’ while I was working on this entry. Maybe it’s because, as he himself wrote, ‘This is a work in progress’ which means that he will probably republish an updater version later.

Racial right

Toxic commenters

In the early hours of the morning a commenter called my attention to a discussion thread about Hitler in Unz Review. As soon as I leafed through it, I realised that idiots are still staining Hitler’s image—as if the eighty-year defamation campaign of a controlled press by Jewry was not enough!

If there is a triad of Western heroes throughout the history of the West they are Leonidas (times of Greece), Hermann (times of Rome) and Hitler (times of Germany). The ‘white nationalist’ who doesn’t want to see this is not really on the side of white preservation.

Until yesterday I used to visit the comments section of Unz Review to see what Robert Morgan was saying. From today on I’ll discontinue that practice. All I can add is that the morals of many English-speaking white advocates are a real disgrace.

Racial right

Britain is gone!

Probably you have already watched Jared Taylor’s latest video…


Most horrifying is that not even after the recent murder of his own son by the Muslim terrorist the English father questioned his neo-Franciscan ideology about those who are raping English girls and killing English boys.

Postscript of 11:00 am. I am cutting and pasting my response to one of the comments below:

This situation is horrifying indeed, something is biologically wrong with the brains of White leftists.

I would blame the ‘software’ rather than the ‘hardware’, although if I remember correctly Richard Dawkins once said that memes could be as biological as genes.

Since I lived with my two grandmas in the 1970s and 80s, I have told myself many times that when they were young the meme ‘racist’ didn’t exist, as it was coined in the 1920s. That’s why my grandmas never used the word—never—, as their minds were wired up before the 20s.

Later generations are doomed. We live in a meme society where, for most folks, it’s impossible to see that they’re trapped in a matrix of memes, of which ‘racist’ is the central one that, like a virus of the mind, is destroying the white race.

It would be possible to try to transvalue the value, claiming that ‘racism’ is a badge of honour and invoke NS Germany. But that would mean rejecting Christian ethics and the ethics of Christianity’s bastard son, the secular liberalism imposed throughout the West after the French Revolution, something that most whites are unprepared to do.

In my opinion, only the facts presented in sites like The West’s Darkest Hour could potentially disabuse whites from their ethno-suicidal memes: the real history of Christianity and the real history of WW2 (which is why I’ve chosen Bran under the Heart Tree as the symbol of this site). But reading real history is something that the overwhelming majority of white nationalists are uninterested. Not even Kevin MacDonald or Greg Johnson are interested, in spite of the fact that both have published book reviews of Hellstorm some years ago. Jews would be hammering on such lachrymose story day and night, but most white advocates don’t even want to ponder about a brief summary of the book Demolish Them by Vlassis Rassias.

Even in today’s article, Hunter Wallace claims that his religion is compatible with racialism. Like other white advocates, he continues to fail to address what we can read in Rassias’ book: that, while destroying the statues, temples and burning the libraries, these Semitic or philo-Semitic terminators used the word ‘gentiles’ to refer to the advocates of Greco-Roman civilisation.

3-eyed crow Racial right

Tuesday’s comment

by Haas

You’re not talking to yourself. The work you are doing is fantastic. I thought I was “redpilled” before I found this website a few months ago. Now I know that I was still asleep (or better yet, in a coma).

In fact, this website made me realize that there isn’t just one redpill but many. For example, it was through this website that I discovered the truth about Christianity. Before, I was a stupid White Nationalist who thought Christianity was a White religion. But reading the texts and watching the videos you recommend was like being hit by a bolt of lightning. After watching the Richard Carrier videos, I felt like a total idiot. The whole thing is just so obvious and staring at us in the face.

I’ve also really enjoyed these past few articles about women. What an eye opener! For someone used to the White Nationalist sex egalitarianism of Red Ice, this was really refreshing.

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of success redpilling normies with what I learn here. My strategy is to plant a seed in their minds that will make them doubt the garbage they’ve been fed their whole lives and then they come back to me asking for more. I’ve realized that it’s better to make them come to the conclusions themselves than to just feed them everything.

You’re right, this website is unique. Please continue.

Racial right

On ignoring the other side

In his article today Hunter Wallace said: ‘It was only in the years between 1935 and 1945 that American racial attitudes were transformed and that “racism” went viral and became stigmatized’.

I have no stomach to look now for the links in which, with strawmen, Wallace answered my question of how an anti-Semite white advocate is capable of worshiping the god of the Jews. (He responded by claiming that my question was ‘What is your perspective on Luther?’, something I never asked.) Since I am not an American, I would not mind that the Christian who in the US advocates the interests of his race ignores the content of this site. But the fact is that they also ignore other Americans who have taken Christianity to the dock with more incisive arguments than those of Connor Grubaugh, whom Wallace quotes.

Yes: anti-racism went viral when Wallace’s nation fought Germany. But Wallace does not seem to realise that the American Robert Morgan has been demonstrating in Unz Review that American anti-racism has much older roots (see for example the following posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and also my collection of fifty-five quotes of ‘Jack Frost’: 10). All those posts in a nutshell: Anti-racism clearly dates back to the times of the American Civil War if not before: something that Wallace should know as he calls himself a southern nationalist.

Beyond Morgan’s controversy with the racialist Christians with whom Morgan discusses in Unz Review, the southern nationalist who overcomes the prejudice that the admin of this site is not American should weigh upon what I recently said in red letters in ‘The uniqueness of this site’. If this hypothetical American visitor wants to delve deeper into the subject, I suggest you read Part I of the PDF that is linked in the sticky post, as well as Ferdinand Bardamu’s criticism of Kevin MacDonald in that same PDF.

All of this is related to Christianity. But neither Wallace nor other Christians have tried to respond to this information. Why?

George Lincoln Rockwell Racial right Real men


I don’t know if I’m going to start a series about George Lincoln Rockwell’s books, but yesterday that I read Chapter 12 of White Power some ideas came to me.

I realized, even then, that talking and educating are useless unless they are directed at the only worthwhile political goal, power. (page 297)

In other words, everything white nationalists do today is almost useless. With the exception of Harold Covington they don’t even have a plan on how the United States will be reclaimed (well, in the case of the late Covington, at least part of its territory).

Although it is made to appear so, the battle between the “conservatives” and “liberals” is not a battle of ideas or even of political organization. It is a battle of force, terror and power. (page 299)

Completely true: as we can see in how the System used the Charlottesville event to imprison innocent young whites.

As long as the right-wing confines its fighting to being “nice”, the great masses of the public will bow down like sheep to the left-wing which is not nice—which uses smear, economic persecution, legal harassment, and finally physical terror to maintain its domination of our national life and culture by force. The force is disguised, of course, in checkbooks, judge’s robes, rigged party conventions, etc.—but it is still either the force itself, or the threat of force which has America down and afraid.

No amount of papers and pamphlets, were they all masterpieces of propaganda—and no amount of talk and meetings can stop this growing left wing force… (page 300)

It is amazing that these words were written in the mid-1960s! Rockwell was not a ‘white nationalist’: a term that didn’t even exist when he lived.

What exasperates me greatly when reading the real white nationalists is that since Rockwell’s time they have lost their manhood. Of the notable racialists currently active, only Alex Linder speaks as a man. And with the exception of youtuber John Mark, the vast majority have been so emasculated that they are not even able to talk about revolution within the limits of freedom of expression allowed by the US government.

Any man who spends thirty or forty years pretending to imagine there is such an easy way while our country and our White Race go down and down and down—is not a dreamer—or ignorant. He is a coward! (page 302)


Before a mass of people will rise up and do anything effective and forceful about a tyrannical situation, there must be built up a certain emotional pressure. (page 304)

Since today’s whites are degenerates, only the convergence of catastrophes can save them: the coming collapse of the dollar and, later, the gradual energy devolution throughout the century due to the growing oil shortage. (Hopefully, an international exchange of nuclear strikes during the chaotic societal circumstances will fulfil Little Finger’s ‘Chaos is a ladder’…)

There are plenty of people already awake in America. They are afraid and they are frustrated by their inability to do anything about the terrible evil they see growing.

Mercury magazine did indeed “inform” a lot of people. So does the Birch Society. But we don’t need any more informed people who won’t stand up and fight to oppose tyranny!…

As Hitler puts it so masterfully, “eight lame men walking arm in arm do not make one gladiator”. These weak rightwing leaders, who, for forty or fifty years have been preaching a million different tricks to avoid the desperate, dangerous fight which is always the price of any victory, are approaching the end of the road. (page 305)

This reminds me of something else. Pace Rockwell, it is impossible to fight with defective people. Rockwell played a very risky gambit in the recruitment of soldiers in his movement, like that shirtless young man who entered his barracks and eventually became a good element. The risk was that one of them killed Rockwell in cold blood simply because the assassin was already suffering from a previous mental disorder.

Of today’s revolutionaries, unlike the retired Norman Spear, who in the past had connections with the Covington group, the James Mason fans who formed cells have suffered fatal in-fight shootings (such as the fatal shooting Rockwell received by admitting an insane person among his ranks). In other words, only sound-minded revolutionaries will be able to do something for the cause, and it is almost impossible to find them among Siege fanatics (remember Mason’s lacrimae lunae of which I spoke in another recent entry).

The people already sense this. But they do not yet want the all-out, bloody battle, in which they would probably lose their color TV, their two cars and their electric lawnmower. They still hope they can win by some easy way. (page 316)

William Pierce saw this in his two novels, which every revolutionary racialist must read to understand what is happening.

How long before our masses of great Americans get mad enough to say, as we must, “To hell with all the pretense and fancy talk!”…

Racism is not only not “evil”—racism is our only hope! America will soon be ready for a leader who has gone through hell to preach pure racism, to fight for our White people, as a race, without any pretty excuses or cover-ups. (pages 317-18)

If the approach of Mason’s epigones is defective, Nick Fuentes’ approach is defective too. Christian ‘optics’ has been tried before and did not work. For example, just for an innocent joke from Fuentes about the holocaust, the media is now trying to assassinate his character as a ‘holocaust denier’—completely ignoring the core of Fuentes’ message: the cultural and ethnic changes by mass migration; the charlatanry of American conservatism, and the return to moral values as far as sexuality is concerned.

To conclude, the System will always label us as Nazis and Holocaust deniers. If so, why not, once and for all, speak with brutal honesty as Linder speaks? Why not abandon shy white nationalism in pursuit of Rockwell’s neo-Nazism?

It makes no sense to worry about optics while the only optics endorsed by the System is that of those who, as Rockwell said long ago, is enforced by totalitarian leftists.