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Daybreak Publishing Heinrich Himmler Schutzstaffel (SS)

A notable comment

Truer words were never spoken…!

Seriously, the SS was without a shred of doubt the noblest and virtuous military organisation in history, perhaps only barely approached by the Spartans. Not to mention that the Third Reich was despite its short length, the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen, with the most brilliant and charismatic leader (greatest person in history). I regard it as the perfected ‘reincarnation’ of Greco-Roman civilisation which it definitely surpassed (in my humble opinion) in all attributes but still could not last more than a thousand years, unfortunately.

I cannot deny that I am equally obsessed with the life and work of both Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler thanks to you Dear Mr. Cesar. Your words and the texts you feature on this site have been my moral-teaching compass for the past one year and a half since April of 2019 when I first encountered your website after a random search about Aryans/Nordics on Google images where a picture in one of your posts suddenly appeared.

Once I clicked, my life changed forever. I was urged by my eye-opening discovery to delve further into the rabbit hole and explore as much as I possibly could, every nook and cranny of ‘the world outside the Matrix’ which the Chosenites and their lackeys vehemently try to conceal. I had already been embracing National Socialism but it was you that made me leap instantly from Level 5 to Level 9 in fellow commenter Mauricio’s list. I am also proud to say that the line separating me from Level 10 is extremely thin, almost inconsequential.

I have been freed from the Jewish shackles and now serve the 14 Words. I would not condone the active genocidal elimination of lesser whites by Aryans though. Not yet at least. Let those who are weaklings and who have their blood compromised die in the coming holy racial wars.

Ever since that day I cannot recall, your blog has been my main go about political matters and for guiding me in putting under scrutiny and evaluating, from a racial perspective, individuals, ideas, movements and ethnic groups on a variety of topics stretching from today back to Antiquity and for supplying me with arguments to dismantle the unsound claims of passive, cowardly, degenerate—even white nationalists who still cling to neochristian ethics as you call them. However, I must admit that proselytism to our cause is a futile effort.

Anyway, you have become my ideological mentor! Thank you for inadvertently enlightening me, cultivating my spirit and boosting my knowledge and understanding of… the ultimate truth from which all others in our human experience derive. I still have not read in full your literary masterpieces (The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour, Day of Wrath and Daybreak) or Pierce’s Who We Are due to time constraints but I wish to do so soon.

It is only now that I have gained the courage to comment and this post was the most appropriate.

Transvaluation of all values!


Read all the comment: here.

George Lincoln Rockwell Real men William Pierce

Pierce’s surviving clip

I would like to add something about what I said yesterday, in one of the comment threads, about one of the few videos that survived the YouTube thoughtpolice, in which we see William Pierce speak.

I don’t agree with everything the prematurely aged Pierce said there. For example, I don’t see anything wrong with some young people exclaiming 14/88 and giving Roman salutes. But we must understand that Pierce founded his association in the shadow of Rockwell, whom he admired. That Rockwell was murdered by one of his own group must have caused young Pierce great consternation.

Rockwell admitted every young Aryan to his ranks, and I remember very much an anecdote that he himself tells that he accepted a young lad who was practically homeless; he even entered their headquarters half-naked when he wanted to join the club. In time, this young man proved to be an excellent element for the group, and we shouldn’t criticise the commander for having accepted him.

The problem with this practice is that it is impossible to detect who the real deranged is; who will later become a traitor and a murderer.

It is unrealistic to ask people to be ‘winners’ and not ‘losers’ in life as Pierce demands in his video. As Trainspotter once said, so-called winners are pigs: bourgeois who, if they join a racialist organisation, they won’t go beyond what we see in AmRen meetings or the discussion threads of the webzine with the same name.

In other words, we either have would-be revolutionaries of unsound mind who in any moment can kill us (what happened to Rockwell, Tommasi or the most recent accident in Atomwaffen Division), or decadent bourgeois who won’t ever raise a weapon.

It is a huge dilemma, and the saddest thing is that there is no way to solve it today for the simple fact that the feminised bourgeois need to suffer horrors before growing a pair, as Pierce himself splendidly portrays in his novel when talking about the liberated zones. Only after the coming catastrophe will it be possible to find more and more people of sound mind who also will be useful to the cause.

Our only options are meta-politics although never condemn a lone wolf in our forums, which is why I just changed the subtitle to ‘Metapolitics because it’s not time to kill yet’.

Conservatism James Mason

Siege, 50

Editor’s note: Rereading my post quoting Greg Johnson last year prompts me to renew my excerpts from James Mason’s book:

______ 卐 ______

Marching to one drummer

One of the biggest differences between National Socialism and the rest of the Rightist spectrum, aside from ideological, strategic and tactical differences, is the nature of the intended “State-to-be” once the System is collapsed and destroyed. We’re of course not talking about immediately after the fall of the System, when it will be largely up for grabs, but well after the smoke has settled, once new sense and order has been established…

Most Rightist reactionaries have as a part of their platform the belief and the statement that “big government” is an evil by itself and has to be done away with. Neo-Republicans and Neo-Democrats alike are of the conviction that the purpose of Government is merely to serve as caretaker over affairs of business, property, and defense. We disagree with them all. Commander Rockwell stated that the question is not one of “how much” government but “how good” a government.

Hitler was clear in Mein Kampf just as he was clear in Triumph of the Will that it was always his intent and the intention of the whole NSDAP to be the one and only source of power and authority in Germany. We intend the same here, in North America. We hold no illusions that this march to power will not be long and hard. We still have a strong and powerful Enemy System firmly in place before us that has to be removed by one means or another. Once accomplished, there are the myriad factions that will then be vying for power over this continent and the rest of the world. Foreign and domestic rivals for control will have to be met and dealt with. At the end, there will be the factions within the Movement itself that will have to be united into a single unit, under a single authority…

In our view, the function of government is as the leader of its people, not merely caretaker or arbiter. Hitler said that the leading forces make the society and the nation what it is and what it will become. This means taking the youth firmly in hand raising them up in the manner that our ideology commands so as to achieve the ever-more-perfect Race and State in the shortest possible time. Only a centralized government can accomplish this. So-called “rights” and “freedom” all take distant back seats to this highest goal. The task must be accomplished without petty interference from any quarter.

Aside from future considerations, if in the present day the Movement could somehow find the wisdom and maturity to discipline itself into functioning as a single unit, then it would be in short order one hell of a long way ahead. The White Man’s greatest strength in the past has been his genius for organization. His greatest weakness has always been his tendency to contrariness and disunity…

Make no mistake, this country today is ruled by a dictatorship— that of Big Brother. What we plan is as far removed from this as it is possible to get. Yet ours will be a dictatorship also. It will be such because we will have no tolerance whatever for opposition of any kind, even ineffectual opposition…

The coming rule will be one of, and with, its own people. It will be strictly manned and operated by men of the people with their one goal being the furtherance and betterment, the increased greatness of their people. Considerations such as governmental, financial, or international matters will be but sidelines to be used or discarded according to whether or not their application in any case will favorably or adversely affect the White Race. And it will be because of this complete dedication to the interests of the Race that no interference will be allowed. Big Brother is absolutely BENT upon the destruction of distinct races and most of us know to what lengths he has already gone to see to it his plan is not altered in any way. We must at least be as determined as he is—at least that and MORE SO.

Vol. XIII, #2 – February, 1984, edited.

James Mason Real men

Mason interview with Metzger

If white nationalists were like James and Tom instead of the conservative types they are, I wouldn’t have been criticising them so relentlessly on this site…

After minute 47: ‘Name the real enemy: Not the black on the street but the government!’ And after 1:07: ‘Broad masses of non-whites are not the enemies: it is the criminal regime in Washington’.

After YouTube’s thoughtpolice took down so many channels, the full interview still can be seen on two different platforms (here and here).


Tom Metzger (1938-2020)

At 82, Thomas Linton Metzger passed away a week ago. See the Metapedia page on him. Metzger belonged to a different generation of masculine racists than today’s racialist gentlemen.

His web page can still be seen although it was edited to notify his passing.

Civil war Free speech / association Racial right

The demise of the Northwest Front

If American white nationalism were not charlatanism, in these times of electoral fraud its proponents would be writing dozens of articles against democracy and in favour of the revolution.

Not only do they not do any of that, but except for Stormfront they hardly comment that the only revolutionary site with a specific plan for how to do the revolution has shut down (James Mason and his epigones never had a specific plan).

It is true that the Butler Plan was flawed as becoming independent in the Northwest leaving Uncle Sam with all of his toys of mass destruction wasn’t going to work, and Harold Covington’s character was as flawed as the Butler Plan.

But that is not the point. The point is that no one today, after the late Covington’s Northwest Front closed recently, is talking about the only option to take back the western lands after the worst betrayal against the white race since prehistory! It is very significant that if we click the address of what used to be Covington’s webpage, we find the ignominious message: ‘The Northwest Front has been shut down. Consider Life After Hate’! This recent comment by a Nietzschean on this site hits the nail:

It’s an unmistakable trend that white nationalism has become softer over the years. Compare Pierce, Rockwell, Lane and Oliver to Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald. In temperament and character it’s night and day. The former were willing to deal with uncomfortable truths and advocate actions which were appropriate to a grave situation. The latter tells you to vote for a mainstream political candidate while rattling the tin can. If we have anything going for us in the absence of money, military or media it can only be truth but WN ‘leaders’ are still trying their best to obfuscate and implicitly or explicitly deny reality. These charlatans serve as a boogeyman and punching bag for the system while rendering effective opposition impotent.

I would suggest that visitors to this site read my excerpts from The Brigade—Covington’s masterpiece—that by the way I don’t see how to purchase it in print. Covington’s novels were one of the first victims of internet censors. Even MacDonald got to comment on it when they censored the novels a few years ago.

Civil war Kevin MacDonald Racial right

On hypocrisy

by Robert Morgan

Kevin MacDonald: ‘This could possibly turn out well. Civil wars are messy and disastrous in many ways, but we have reached the point where compromise and discussion are impossible’.

It’s good (I guess?) to see KMD talking out of the other side of his mouth about this for once. But how to have a civil war without violence? Without breaking the law? That’s a real problem for him. Ordinarily (examples Breivik, Tarrant, and Roof) MacDonald and his coterie of admirers vigorously denounce any move towards war. His pal Greg Johnson has even written a number of essays doing so. This one’s typical.

Kevin MacDonald: ‘The divisions in the contemporary U.S. are too great to heal… unless we can somehow develop a consensus that the country should fractionate into more politically homogeneous areas’.

Okay, never mind. A peaceful solution is possible after all! Hooray! I can hardly wait to hear the magic words that will cause the country to ‘fractionate’. But wait, aren’t the Jews in total control of everything? It seems like I heard that somewhere. Well, never mind about that too. The magic words, you see, will send their power up in a puff of smoke too! Poof! And that will be the end of them. Oh, happy day!

C.T.: ‘Sometimes I think it would be ideal if the main sites on the alt-right and white nationalism closed (including this one [The Unz Review]) in order to funnel traffic to mine’.

I seem to recall that your own site got shut down for a week or so some time back when it started to get a little too radical.

C.T.: ‘I’m not saying this is the time to imitate Tarrant and Co., but it is the time to amalgamate our spirit with The Turner Diaries, at least as an academic discussion’.

Here, I’m just objecting to the rank hypocrisy of KMD saying that a civil war could be a good outcome, while whenever any move in that direction is taken, guys like him and Johnson always use the opportunity to take a nice, long, leisurely crap all over men like Tarrant, or Roof, or Breivik; men who initiate such actions.

They want nothing to do with them! I have to wonder just what these supposedly learned gentlemen think the beginnings of a civil war would look like if not murder and terrorism. Of course, they are academics, and they are accustomed to fight with words and ideas, not bullets. They are also part of the merchant right, and actually doing something instead of talking about it would be bad for business. Might get the website shut down, and the books banned! LOL. Gotta avoid that at all costs!

If, by ‘amalgamating our spirit with The Turner Diaries’ you mean becoming an outlaw like Earl Turner, then that isn’t something that can be done just as an academic discussion. Actually being an outlaw is miles away from anything of which MacDonald, Johnson, and their fan clubs are capable.

It’s been a while since I’ve read The Turner Diaries, but as I recall Earl Turner killed people, and didn’t just write essays or novels. This is the white man’s problem. Technological civilisation has made him soft. He shrinks from violence and worships ‘law and order’. He prefers to write essays and spin tales instead of taking the steps necessary to save his race. It’s a problem that can only be addressed by destroying that civilisation, since for reasons I’ve repeatedly explained, it can’t be reformed.

Currency crash Democracy Kali Yuga Kevin MacDonald Mainstream media

Not demo-cracy but media-cracy

The reason I don’t like to comment on the news is that just commenting on it validates the System. For example, commenting on recent elections in the US validates democracy. And if you hate democracy you can afford not to comment on any of the elections in any Western country.

But what happened yesterday is something I cannot ignore. Prematurely all the media declared Biden the winner before the legal process of Trump’s lawyers, caused by irregularities like Big Tech censoring the truth, demonstrable fraud, ridiculous turnouts, dead voters and mockery of the proper legal remedy.

Since I live in a banana country I remember the fraud of 1988, after the vote for the president. Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas beat Carlos Salinas de Gortari although the latter was declared the winner. I still remember that day.

While the votes were being counted in this banana country, a ‘failure in the system’ was reported with the count of the votes as they were carried out. Before the ‘failure’ the numbers favoured Cárdenas. When the system was restored, Salinas de Gortari emerged as the winner.

The incident, known as ‘fallo del sistema’, sparked accusations of fraud in the election of the President. In 2009, former President Miguel de la Madrid confessed that the PRI lost the 1988 election, thus confirming the electoral fraud orchestrated by his government to impose Salinas de Gortari as the winner.

In 1988 many were waiting for Cárdenas’s call to defend the vote at the polls, but it didn’t happen because, according to his collaborators, a civil war could have been unleashed.

What strikes me greatly is comparing what happened here more than thirty years ago with what happened yesterday in the neighbouring country to the north. Apparently, it is no longer the government that governs the US, but the media.

Even in a banana country like Mexico many complained in the mass media (there was still no internet). The difference could not be greater with the US, where even Fox News joined yesterday to proclaim victory for Biden before the courts reach a ruling on the lawsuits of Trump’s lawyers (by the way, is Rupert Murdoch Jewish?).

One might think that the racialist right would complain. But yesterday Kevin MacDonald just said he was feeling depressed (I won’t link him or the other white nationalists I mention below).

Greg Johnson in an article with a long title (‘The Counter-Currents 2020 Fundraiser: This Weekend’s Post-Election Livestreams with Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Mark Weber, James Edwards, & Many More’) links to podcasts of this weekend. But those podcast webpages are very hostile to the visitor, including that of James Edwards. If you click it, a maze of links appears and if you click a link again, commercial-type voices appear, not Johnson’s voice. For a long time I gave up going to Edwards’ site because of how hostile it is to the visitor, but in none of the links that Johnson puts up does his voice appear (surely you have to listen to them only within the hours when the interviews are announced on the respective sites).

Jared Taylor’s webzine on the other hand hasn’t even said anything about what happened yesterday until this early morning when I write.

If we visit Twitter there is some more information if one sees what Trump’s sons are saying or what they are re-tweeting. But the media is censoring others who are complaining about the stolen elections.

If the media, including the internet, and not the American courts decide when to declare a winning candidate, the situation in the US is infinitely more serious than I imagined.

If I lived in the US I wouldn’t have voted. But I find it incredible that there was much more media opposition in Mexico in 1988 than in the US today.

It seems that Jewry has come to absolutely control not only the MSM but of social media and, except for white nationalists, no one seems to complain about those who control the media.

Although the Mexican media are a hundred percent anti-Trump, at least yesterday I got to see on television Rudy Giuliani’s conference dubbed into Spanish for the Mexican audience for a long time: something I didn’t see on Fox News where they apparently eliminated, yesterday, the Saturday show of Judge Jeanine so she wouldn’t say something similar to what Giuliani said yesterday.

The United States is really fried for not having rebelled, since Hitler’s time, about who controls the media. Richard Nixon and Billy Graham had a chance and did nothing. And the saddest thing is that people like Hunter Wallace and Richard Spencer, who should know better, have joined the Biden triumph chorus because Trump had disappointed them.

Only The Daily Stormer has been complaining yesterday and today as in 1988 millions of Mexicans complained about the fraud. But voices like Anglin’s are not heard in the MSM. When it comes to mass media Mexicans had far, far more liberty thirty-two years ago than Americans today!

Today’s world is infinitely more surreal than what I imagined, and the next few months will likely be more surreal—and more totalitarian. In this MacDonald is right to feel utterly depressed. My only hope is that the dollar will collapse making Biden the fall guy. The interregnum that began in 1945 will end with a crash in the 2020s that will resemble the hyper-inflationary crash of the German mark of the 1920s.

The rest will follow from there…

Heinrich Himmler Quotable quotes

Himmler, my patron saint

Currency crash Democracy Richard Wagner

I had said (cont.)…

that ‘I don’t talk about the news’ but I find myself violating that promise again because of the election disaster yesterday and today. Few are talking about the consequences that the disaster will have. But Greg Johnson wrote today ‘Is America a Banana Republic Now?’ which is worth reading.

From the point of view of this site—America delenda est—this is good news.

Remember: the collapse of the dollar is a psychological issue. As markets perceive that the Fed no longer has any interest in keeping its promises, and that the US is increasingly becoming a banana republic, the international confidence in the dollar as the reserve currency will be lost.

Also remember: since the US started with the worst kind of Christianity imaginable, a philo-Semitic Christianity (Richard Wagner’s pagan, anti-Semitic Christianity was the exact opposite), in addition to having fought two anti-racist wars in the 1860s and 1940s and a Cold (anti-racist) War raging now, the priest of the 14 words can only smile at seeing that bastard nation fall.

As an American southern nationalist put it in 2012: ‘We invite King George III to come back and resume the throne. He could dissolve the Union, arrest the pretender in the White House [Biden?], and round up our so-called “representatives” in Congress. In exchange for an apology and a promise to never misbehave again, we get lower taxes, a less intrusive government, secure borders, and an end to all the madness that has flowed from the “self evident” idea that “all men are created equal”.’

To which I added: Alas, King George is no longer with us.