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Enemy mine

Make no mistake: Wikipedia is our enemy.

I was officially retired from the wiki but now that I tried to say something in the talk pages of the wiki articles on Aztec and child sacrifice I followed the recent contributions of one of the editors with whom I had a terrible discussion some years ago, which led me to the wiki article “Racism”.

WikipediaYes: most wiki editors are real goners and we know it is useless trying to discuss with them. The Judeo-liberal trick of their site lies in what they call the “reliable sources” policy, which means that you cannot quote alternative media or even the intellectuals, scholars and historians that the anti-white establishment marginalizes. While trying to edit wiki articles you got to stick to the sources that had obtained the System’s imprimatur, especially articles dealing with race, ethnic conflict or the subversive tribe.

Metapedia, which I quoted here, has nailed Wikipedia. But I would love if a contributor of The Occidental Observer deconstructed, point by point, the ridiculous wiki article on racism.

Charles V Christendom Inquisition Jesus Porphyry of Tyre Tom Sunic

On Spain and literature – II

“Zionist Occupied Government? Pffft! Zionist Occupied Culture? Closer. Zionist Occupied Soul? Bingo! The Inner Jew.”

—Sebastian Ronin

retrato de soledad anaya
On page 227 of her textbook, Soledad Anaya mentions that Naples and Sicily, Flanders, Germany, Hungary and Bohemia; Portugal and all the kingdoms of Spain itself became subject to the scepter of Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor, in addition to the rich new lands of America. Anaya mentions that the subsequent, various Philip kings lost, one by one, all the European lands; and she also recounts in passing the religious wars that ripped Christendom apart. On the same page, Anaya began her introduction of one of the Spanish poets of the time, Luis de León, born in 1527, “who has been described as the greatest of the Spanish lyricists.” Luis de León professed in the Convent of St. Augustine and was a teacher of theology and scriptures. But at the very end of that same page, Anaya tells us that in 1572 he was put in jail by the Inquisition of Valladolid, accused of not having the Vulgate as authentic, something considered contrary to the warnings of the Council of Trent.

I made a pause while reading that page and thought about writing an entry, “Iberian blunder on a colossal scale.” But it is a huge subject and I must limit myself to mention only a couple of thoughts of my soliloquy.

Precisely what I value the most about my favorite philosopher of the Greco-Roman world, Porphyry or Tyre, is that he could have prevented what the Führer called the greatest calamity that fell upon the white race: Christianity (for a couple of entries explaining my admiration of Porphyry, see here and here). It comes as a shocker to see that, unlike Revilo Oliver, Ben Klassen, William Pierce and others, most American white nationalists still stick to their parents’ religion. This month for example, Matt Parrott wrote in his Facebook page, “I’ll be praying for his [Craig Cobb] merciful treatment, for his health and vitality, and for his discovery of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ while he’s being persecuted.”

Wow. I wonder if Americans know how and why the Iberians lost their power in both Europe and the Americas? It was precisely what Spain did not tolerate in Luis de León; precisely what Christian Rome did not tolerate in Porphyry, what caused the fall of both Rome and Spain.

I have added to WDH many entries on how this Semitic-inspired religion (“prolefeed for the gentiles”) did not pay any attention to the racial boundaries. But the real point is that white nationalism, as a project that doesn’t reject our parents’ faith, is a lost cause insofar as the Christian problem has been more serious than the Jewish problem, even according to Hitler’s table talk.

Sebastian Ronin also believes that white nationalism is a non-starter. It should be a no-brainer among racialists that, in order to save the race, the first thing to do is to abandon the faith that amalgamated the Aryan psyche with the Semitic one. Only in such way it is possible to understand, as Tom Sunic does, why the US committed the vilest act in all Western history: siding the subversive tribe against her brothers in the century when we were born, and perpetrating with the other Allies a true Holocaust of Germanic people. Although Sunic has been video-recorded as politely saying to white nationalist Christians “Give up this Christianity!” I see no reason why not saying the same in more direct terms:

There’s no way to save the white race except by rejecting the Inner Jew to use Ronin’s words in the epigraph above, which I interpret as rejecting the symbol “Jesus Christ.” So let’s start with the very honorific name of this semi-historical or completely fictional personage, whoever he was. Just as “The Buddha” is a title of the very human Siddhattha, “Jesus Christ” is a title of the very human Yeshu.

Islam Islamization of Europe Mainstream media Reconquista

Empty-headed Spaniards


Further to my post “Empty-headed Britons.” Of the television series I have been reviewing, I have found the first season of the Spanish-produced Toledo: Cruce de Destinos, premiered the last year, as the most offensive to date. It starts with a stunning scene in a Spanish garden of a wealthy family of whites in the 13th century. After some idyllic moments the family is attacked by the Moors with women, adolescents and children being assassinated in cold blood. One would expect that when the men return and see their families butchered the plot of the entire series would be revenge and expulsion of the Moors, right?

Nope! The whole series is an attempt to demonize the patriot Spaniards of such century, some of them real historical figures, that tried to expel the enemies by force. No kidding: that is exactly the ethos behind the script.

King Alfonso X of Castile is filmed as talking about “el sueño de la convivencia de las tres culturas” (“the dream of the coexistence between the three cultures”), meaning the Christian, the Muslim and the Jewish cultures as his ultimate dream for Castile. The series are perfectly Manichean: the hawks who crave for a war against the Moors and the Semites are absolutely evil; and the multicultural doves are the goods guys of the films. The first season actually ends with King Alfonso saying that his son Sancho, the hawk, is going into exile for life while the dove, his son Fernando, will inherit the crown to pursue his dream.

The whole series can be sketched thus:

• The Moors are revealed as the cruel invaders that they were in real history

• The Christian patriots who hate them are depicted as intolerant bigots throughout all episodes

• No single piece of mischief—nothing at all!—is ever committed by the Jews, who are always depicted as innocent doves

In a heated discussion in the first episode, the very one that depicts realistically the butchery of a white family, the Queen Violant of Aragon gives a speech to the main hawks of the story, the Archbishop of Toledo and the Count Miranda. The Queen says that Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek. Most surrealist of all is that the central character of these Spanish series, Rodrigo Pérez de Ayala whose eldest son and wife were among the victims of the butchery in first scene, sides the pacifist monarchs against the hawks!

Then Rodrigo returns to his home after not seeing for ten years what was left of his family. Who is the first guest to share Rodrigo’s table? Abraham Rubini, a Jew: his best friend throughout the series in fact. So much so that Rodrigo has a conversation with Abraham almost ignoring his surviving family who had been entranced to see that his father had finally came home after a decade…

Toledo serie estreno I

The hawks Sancho and the Count Miranda are depicted as almost rapists or as rationalizing or excusing the rape of an innocent commoner girl. And—typical—the casting directors chose a very stunning actress to interpret the role of a Moorish woman: the one who speaks for the Muslim side (in the pic, sat at the front center).

In another scene, Abraham (extreme left in the pic) tells Rodrigo that Rodrigo’s role in the Castilian government must be “to defend the weak” of Toledo against the hawks. And in a discussion between Abraham and the Archbishop (standing at the right with his hands together) inside the royal court, the Christian is depicted as pig-headed and the Jew as wise. The richest Muslim of Toledo is also depicted as wise and concerned about the inexcusable intolerance of the Archbishop. It’s the Archbishop the one who incited a mob of fanatic Christians to attack the candid scholars working in Toledo’s school of translators, a school headed by Abraham. Afterwards there’s a scene where the hawk Sancho cowardly tries to stab the dove Fernando in the back, also in the royal court.

It is unnecessary continuing to recount more outrageous scenes, except adding that the series also contain typical scenes of soft-porn that have become so fashionable in recent TV series.

What alarms me is that Spaniards are largely clueless about what is happening to their media. Yes: it is true that in the blogosphere some Spanish critics have pointed out that the historical King Alfonso, also called The Wise, did not participate in such alliance of civilizations between Christians, Muslims and Jews, and that the series puts Toledo as a mainly Muslim city when really at the time they were a distinct minority in the city, surpassed even by the Jewish quarter. The TV story “invents a conspiracy of radical anti-Muslim Christians against King Alfonso, when in fact there was no such company.” But what made me laugh was a comment in “La serie Toledo” stating (my translation) that “the series could have been called ‘Zapatero in the country of the Alliance of Civilizations’.”

Even these critics don’t see the obvious: that patriot Christians have been painted with black; warrior Muslims with grey, and the Jews of Toledo with white! (In contrast to these fictional white doves, those interested to learn how the Jews behaved in historical Spain are advised to read the pertinent sections on the subject in Kevin MacDonald’s Separation and Its Discontents.)

Blacks Mainstream media William Shakespeare

Hollow-headed Britons

Recently I complained that the 1998 movie adaptation of Les Misérables committed an insult by using a nigger for the role of revolutionist Enjolras, who in Hugo’s novel is a good-looking white. Today I watched Richard II, a 2012 British television film based on William Shakespeare’s play of the same name, commissioned by BBC under the series title The Hollow Crown.


Was the 6th Baron de Ros a mulatto? Following the grotesque steps taken in the said adaptation of Les Misérables, Rupert Goold, the director of Richard II, chose Peter de Jersey as William de Ros: the sixth Baron de Ros (1370-1414), the brown sat flanked by two white actors in the photo.

To boot, was the Bishop of Carlisle a nigger? Adding insult to injury and not content with that, the director chose Lucian Msamati, a Zimbabwean actor, as the Bishop of Carlisle (bishop from 1397 to 1400): an even blacker and purer Negro!

On a lesser note, several other actors in this first episode of Hollow Crown look not like Anglo-Saxon Aryans but like Mediterraneans, sand-niggers and some even resemble Semites. For example, the actor Ferdinand Kingsley who played “Bushy” in Richard II doesn’t look like a credible character of 14th century England, and the actor David Suchet, who interpreted the Duke of York, is indeed of Jewish descent.

hollow_crown_Henry-4I haven’t watched the last episode of Hollow Crown, but regarding the episode of the series about the reign of Henry IV, why these looks of King Henry that evoke the appearance of a Jew? Could it be because the producer, Sam Mendes, is the son of an English Jewess? Whatever the cause, Britons must be empty-headed to watch such rubbish in the name of Shakespeare!

Tomorrow I’ll see the last episode, this one about Henry V. If further treason is spotted I shall add a brief note. How I remember now my tender years when I watched movies about historical England in the elegant and large theaters of Mexico City with pure Anglo-Saxon actors…

P.S. of November 5th

Yes: they managed to use another fucking nigger to play the role of the Duke of York (1373-1415).

Alfred Rosenberg Helmut Stellrecht Hitler Youth Liberalism Mainstream media Swastika

NS replaces WN

cartel nazi


(Tod der lüge = death of the lie; Hochfinanz = high finances.)


I am afraid that from this post on I’ll try to avoid the term “White Nationalist” to describe myself. I’d rather use the old term, National Socialist.

Reason: Virtually all bloggers that subscribe White Nationalism love what the Nazis called “degenerate music,” and quite a few among them despise the heroic efforts of the Germans to protect their race from Marxism, and also from the world of high finances, the subsequent degeneracy, and the brainwashing of whites by the Judaization of the West (including Christianity).

Even those Americans in Dixie who currently reject the term White Nationalism and prefer to call themselves “Southern Nationalists” love to watch the thoroughgoing Judaized television and the Hollywood movies of today, including nigger sports; and some of them even boast their pre-marital “games” in the comments section of their blogsites.

Other White Nationalists go so far as okaying “gay marriage” while, at the same time, follow the most abject form of political correctness by prohibiting a frank debate on this issue within their sites. Still other racialists are reluctant to approach the Jewish Question and some openly advocate libertarianism (see the “Marxismus/Hochfinanz” serpent above) as well as the liberal use of drugs…

The above is only the tip of the iceberg but enough to make a point: I have little to do with this people. Yes: the name “National Socialist” may sound bad to many ears but I still will use it to mark a distance between me and the current degeneracy that is engulfing the West, including racialist circles.

After all, the NS principles have already been introduced in this blog with the full citations of Helmut Stellrecht’s Faith and Action, originally written for the Hitler Youth in 1938. Always keep in mind that Alfred Rosenberg said that the swastika was the symbol of a White rebirth which must someday save the entire West, including North America.

Rather than keep swallowing the gross caricature of the mainstream media, breath the true spirit of National Socialism by reading the booklet by Stellrecht here.

2nd World War Communism Israel / Palestine Kali Yuga Mainstream media William Pierce

In defense of Hitler and his National Socialism

Excerpted from William Pierce’s response to one of the Letters to the Editor originally published in National Vanguard No. 103, Jan.-Feb. 1985:


The Second World War was the great watershed in the collapse of the West. Had any major Western nation—in particular, Britain, France, or America—had the integrity to resist the Jews and avoid being drawn into their worldwide conspiracy against Germany, there would have been no world war, but only a war between National Socialist Germany and the Marxist Soviet Union. Germany would have won, Marxism would have been eradicated, and it would have been the beginning of the end for the Jews everywhere.

Instead, Western men were persuaded by their bought politicians, their Judeo-Christian priests, and the Jewish manipulators of public opinion in their midst to take up arms against their German brothers in an unholy crusade to eradicate National Socialism, so that the Jews and the Marxist cancer they had unleashed on the world could survive. Before the Second World War the West was still viable; afterward it was not.

The catastrophe of 1945, with the triumph of the Jew and his allies, made inevitable the opening up of the immigration floodgates for non-Whites into Britain and the United States; the destruction of American White public schools; the enactment of laws curtailing White freedom of association and the rights of White employers and renters (and with them the rights of White employees and tenants); the rise of feminism, homosexuality, and drug use; the breakdown of the traditional family structure; a soaring miscegenation rate; and the displacement of healthy White art, music, literature and drama by a Judeo-democratic-Hollywood schlock culture. It also led to the metastasis of the Marxist cancer throughout huge areas of Europe and the rise of malignant Zionist power in Palestine—a power which surely would be the instigator of the Third World War.

It behooves those of us who still hope that enough healthy genes for a new beginning can be salvaged from the coming chaos, therefore, to understand everything we can about the Second World War; about its preeminent personality, Adolf Hitler; and about his ideology, National Socialism, from the eradication of which logically followed the evils briefly accounted above. That’s why National Vanguard often has articles on these subjects and will do so in the future.

Child abuse Christendom Human sacrifice Islam Israel / Palestine Judaism Old Testament

Christians: clueless about Judaism

Below, “The Conspiracy of Man,” forward to The Tabernacle and its Sacrificial System, posted by Arch Stanton as a comment in this blog:

The problem with Christianity is that people do not understand the Jewish mind behind it. To understand the New Testament, one must understand Jewish culture, history and religion. Of course the Jews make no effort to enlighten the ignorant goyim on these subjects. In fact they prohibit the transference of their religious texts under penalty of death!

Long before the Temple came the era of the Tabernacle, where the sacrifice was ceremonial bloodlust. It was a place where priests butchered animals to atone for sins against their God, Yahweh.

The Torah originally referred to the first five books of the Old Testament. The books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy are Levirate laws forming the basis for Judaism’s sacrificial system. This system is naturally founded on the sacrifice of both blood offerings, in the form of specified animals, and non-blood offerings in the form of specified grains. In the early days of the sacrificial system, the Tabernacle was nothing more than a moving slaughterhouse, a place where priests butchered animals. It is telling that only the best animals, the least “blemished,” could be offered for sacrifice.

The indication as to the true purpose of the sacrificial system lay in the fact that priests took ten percent of the choicest cuts of meat for themselves and burned only the fat and viscera upon the altar as “sweet savor” to the Lord. The remaining meat was then returned to the sinner. Think about this for a moment, the Lord preferred fat and viscera to the prime cuts commanded by the priests.

Imagine for a moment, your priest as a butcher. Imagine going to church on Sunday and seeing your priest at the altar slitting the throat of various parishioners’ pets, catching their blood in a golden bowl and then splashing it around the altar as he dances around in a trance-like state chanting pleas to God for the forgiveness of sins and begging for salvation. After the service, you say to your spouse, “Boy that certainly was a different sermon this week wasn’t it dear?” Your spouse replies, “Oh I don’t know, next week is communion, when we eat the body Christ and drink his blood. Speaking of that, let’s hurry to the restaurant before the church crowd gets there.”

marked-bloodAfter making their sacrifice, the Hebrew sinner was marked with blood, mixed with other bodily fluids, on either the forehead or the big toe. This mixture ensured longevity of the mark. The blood marking was visible proof that a tribesman had paid his “sin tax.” Later, this mark was washed off in a ritual purification bath called the Mikveh, at which time the sacrificial cycle began anew.

However, this marking system had one obvious, glaring drawback. Blood is a commonly available substance produced by the higher organisms. In their attempt to control the easily counterfeited blood marking, priests forbade their followers from butchering their own animals or even possessing the instruments for doing so. This was the primary reason for the kosher slaughter, a process where the living animal’s throat is slit to ensure the pumping heart will drain the blood as completely as possible. This also led to the prohibition of various implements and practices used in the butchering process. The priests defined these as “clean” or “unclean,” but think “legal” or “illegal,” as these are in fact legalistic dictates that have almost nothing to do with hygiene.

Any contact with blood was strictly prohibited, like that produced by menstruating women or “lepers,” which meant anyone with running sores. As a result, a Byzantine legal structure arose to control the minutiae of everyday life. There is a forgettable tract in the Mishna that elaborates on the cleanliness of a bowl. The upshot of this legal commandment is that if a bowl in intact, then it is unclean; but if the bowl is smashed into pieces of which the largest piece is no larger than the tip of a man’s finger, then it is clean. This makes absolutely no sense unless one understands the bowl in question can be used to hold and mix blood products.

Eventually the phylactery replaced the blood marking. This was a small box attached to the forehead or the back of the wrist holding a scroll with a passage from the Torah. The scroll changed in accordance with the sacrificial cycle; and like tabs on a license plate, it could be checked as proof that Temple followers were current on their sacrificial tribute. Despite this modification, Levirite laws concerning blood products remained in full force.

Imagine yourself as a very young child of a primitive, nomadic, tribesman. Having heard only stories, you are dimly aware of the importance of a much talked about, upcoming ritual. You are aware this ritual occurs on regular basis and the anxiousness of your parents is palpable when discussing the subject.

On the prescribed day, the day the ritual begins. You follow your parents down to a running stream. A man richly attired in strange garb stands in the middle of the stream. One by one, your neighbors walk into the stream where the man mutters strange words as he immerses them in the water while rubbing their forehead with the palm of his hand. After your father has undergone the ritual immersion, you note the red mark he always wears on is forehead has disappeared. The ritual continues until every adult in the village has undergone immersion. You hear someone nearby whispering that the sacred cycle has ended.

The following day, your mother wakes you earlier than usual and your family spends the morning in careful preparation for the day’s activities. You want to play with your friends, but your mother insists you attended to her demands. You accompany your father as he goes out among his meager collection of animals. He spends quite a bit of time inspecting the herd until he finally chooses a prized sheep. This animal happens to be one of your favorites. You have often played with the sheep, chasing them around the meadows and finally catching one, you buried your face in its soft wool. Your nose takes delight in the earthy smell of the sheep. It is the smell of life, and life seems to be everywhere among the hills where the herds roam.

tabernacleLater that morning, your father takes you by the hand and with animal in tow, you are dragged to a portable slaughterhouse your parents refer to as the “Tabernacle.” Here you are to witness the important ritual they have been discussing over the preceding weeks. You enter a large enclosure surrounded by a fence made of cloth. In the middle of the enclosure is an odd tent-like structure with rude wooden columns and entry doors. A number of wooden tables, sagging oddly along the longitudinal center line, are set up in the makeshift courtyard directly in front of the tent. Soon, other families begin arriving with their animals.

Finally, the ceremony begins. A neighbor of yours steps forward and presents a prized calf to one of several strangely dressed men, like the men you saw at the stream the day before. Your parents refer to these men as “priests.” One by one, the sinners step forward and present their animal to a priest who then hoists it upon one of the many tables. Your neighbor drops to his knees in front of the priest, closes his eyes and begins chanting something unintelligible. As you are witnessing this, your father grabs your hand and places it alongside his on the prized sheep. You can feel its heart racing. The animal transmits its terror though the palm of your hand. The priest takes hold of the struggling animal and with quick, practiced motion, slits its throat with a razor sharp knife. The animal struggles, kicking and bellowing in protest, as geysers of blood erupts from its jugular vein. A froth of blood spews forth, splattering you and everyone present. You can feel the spark of life draining through its hide as the stillness of death overcomes the animal. You look down at the viscous red fluid splattered on the front of your robe. You stare with revulsion at the red stains soaking into the fibers as the stench of death assaults your nostrils and addles your sense.


Even before the animal has ceased struggling, you look up from your bloodstained robe to see the head priest/butcher moving quickly to catch the animal’s blood in a golden bowl. Now you realize the sagging tabletop forms a trough that allows the blood to flow from the end, where the priest awaits with his bowl. With eyelids half closed and muttering some strange incantation, he seems to be in a trance. Shouting, he lifts the golden bowl skyward at arms’ length before splashing the rapidly congealing blood over and around the base of the altar. The priest then comes out of his trance and begins eviscerating the animal. During this process, the animal’s bloody guts are laid aside so they can later be burned on the altar as sweet savor to the lord, who evidently has an abiding taste for burnt fat and viscera.

In just a few strokes, the priest/butcher finishes his gory task. Working rapidly, he begins cutting the animal’s joints. As he separates the portions of meat, he carefully lays aside a large portion of the best cuts for himself. He then returns the remaining meat to your neighbor, who by now has given the priest full admission of his sins.

After the sacrifice is complete, the priest produces a smaller bowl with a cupful of the animal’s blood. The priest mixes it with another bodily fluid that appears to be semen. He uses his thumb to smear a large daub of the mixture on the forehead of the entranced, chanting sinner kneeling before him with closed eyes. Then, with a loud shout, the priest/butcher declares that by this act, your neighbor’s sins have been atoned. Your neighbor staggers to his feet and like a drunk, lurches away from the butchering table with a beatific look on his face, even as the priest calls for the next sinner to step forward with his animal.

Suddenly you feel the full emotional horror of the fate awaiting the other animals brought to the ritual. All the while, these men called priests, howl, chant and dance about, reciting their ritualistic incantations that beg god’s forgiveness; it must have been a bloody spectacle. The bloodlust continues well into evening.

BundesladeWhat you never witness is the secret ceremony inside the Tabernacle’s tent where the high priest in a final act of crazed bloodlust drinks the sacrificial blood before the mercy seat. The Levirate injunction against consuming blood is a public admonishment to restrict the use of blood products. However, the priesthood exempted itself from its own laws and secretly does not observe such restrictions. This covert act, along with the acceptable act of consuming sacrificial meat, will later be replayed by Yeshu during his last supper, when he symbolically offers wine and bread representing his blood and body to his disciples.

yeshu A few days later the priests fold their Tabernacle tent and move on. They will move to the next tribe where the sacrificial cycle will be played out once again.

Consider the effect of this gruesome spectacle on a child. Blood spewing everywhere, chanting priests mesmerized in their crazed bloodlust, driven by the howling and grunting of animals bleeding out the last of their life on the ground. The restless bleating of animals, now aware of their fate. Sinners raising their hands towards the heavens as they cry out for god’s forgiveness. Imagine your parents continually consumed with the thought of blood and the avoidance of it, thoughts that translate into an unnatural obsession about the stuff.

Extrapolate this horror out over the generational millennium and you have the foundations of a psychopathic bloodlust that is not a preference, not a peculiar, incidental twist in a few exceptional personalities: it is a culturally inbred condition, one that can neither be altered nor escaped. This culture of blood has permeated the very core of Judaism until it has become a genetic component of their race.

The Bible is a book whose stories have influenced humanity in the most profound manner. Few would argue the statement that it has been the single most influential book in history. Yet few truly comprehend the true breadth and depth of its influence. Fewer still stop to consider why this ancient book has had such a powerful influence when other similar books of antiquity faded into complete obscurity; curious artifacts examined only by experts. What is it about the Bible that is different? Why is this particular book considered relevant to modern man, when its contemporaries are considered irrelevant, archaic works of ancient, primitive, tribes? What is it about these stories that drive modern man in the same manner as they drove the men of ancient times?

The original book was known to Jews as the Torah. These were the first five books attributed to Moses. “Torah” is an interesting word. Many words in Jewish culture have multiple constructs. Therefore, to understand the intent, such words must be taken within the frame of reference to the context in which they are used. To Jews, Torah can refer to anything from the first five books of Moses to the entire linage of Hebraic religious works, ranging from Genesis to the last volume of the Talmud. For our purpose, Torah will refer to those five books of the Old Testament attributed to Moses. This collection is commonly known to Christians as the “Pentateuch.”


The actual definition of “Torah” is likewise interesting. Again, we find a double definition in that the word is defined as both “law or legal” as well as “instruction.” From this definition, we find the Torah is in fact books of legal instruction. The reader is asked to keep this definition in mind while reading this book.

The Torah spawned three of the most influential religions on the planet today: Judaism and her unwanted daughters, Islam and Christianity; unwanted because the Jews never intended their book or beliefs to be adopted by non-Jews. It is truly ironic how few Christians realize that these two daughters have far more in common with each other than they do with their mother religion. All three religions are based on the original stories found in the Torah. All three recognize and revere the ancient patriarchs of the Old Testament. All three pay tribute to these stories as their foundational beliefs about monotheism. All three base their concepts of God upon the descriptions found in these stories. One only needs to compare these three religions with a religion like Buddhism or Hinduism to find the close relationship of mother Judaism and her two daughters.

Yet, while Western civilization has been profoundly influenced by these stories, the book in fact addresses the issues of the ancient Jews. The Bible was written by Jews, about Jews, for Jews. The information in the Torah was never intended to play any part outside Jewish culture for as it is written in the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 59a, (“Gemara… Johanan said: A heathen who studies the Torah deserves death, for it is written, Moses commanded us a law for an inheritance; it is our inheritance, not theirs”).

cross-and-star-of-david-togetherIt has been written that the worst reference source for information about water is a fish, for a fish is immersed in the fluid. The immersion of the fish is so complete that it does not even perceive that water exists. Thus, the fish’s immersion and dependence on water precludes any objective analysis of the fluid by the fish and so is the case with the Bible. Western civilization has been so profoundly influenced by its immersion in these stories that it can no longer see the original, objective truths behind them. The Bible is not a book about the history of the Jews: it is a book about the culture and beliefs of a people instrumental in shaping our world. Essentially, the Torah is a cookbook that might well be titled in the same manner as the one in Rod Serling’s play, To Serve Man.

Throughout their history, Jews have been renowned storytellers. Much of their superior verbal skills are undoubtedly derived from the history of their religion’s long oral tradition. Storytelling has long been the common method used by primitive cultures to pass down traditional beliefs and law, but the Jews elevated storytelling to the highest level possible. For Jews, storytelling goes well beyond even an art form, it is in fact the very thread from which they weave the fabric of their culture.

From the first millennia of their existence, Hebrew law and religious beliefs were passed down in the form of storytelling. Around the time of Yeshu, heated debate arose among the Sadducees and Pharisees over whether or not to continue adhering to the oral tradition. By the time of the second Temple period, a major point of friction between the Pharisees and the Sadducees was the validity of the oral law, since the Sadducees only adhered to the written law. Attempts were made to codify a collection of rulings, but the Sadducees rejected the Pharisees’ notion of abiding by the Oral tradition before it was later committed to ink.

There are some interesting considerations inherent to this disagreement. First and foremost, an oral tradition can be much more closely controlled as to who is allowed to receive the information. By this, one can see that had these stories not been committed to the written form, modern Christians would have no more idea of their content than they have of the Hebrew language. Secondly, oral traditions lend themselves to modification far more easily than written traditions. Orwell pointed out this difficulty in his book 1984, where an entire ministry is devoted exclusively to changing the written history of a culture. The Pharisees eventually won the argument as the modern Talmud teaches “God made a covenant with Israel only for the sake of that which was transmitted orally.” Yet, to this day, Jewish boys devote much of their time memorizing and reciting long, torturous, Talmudic tracts and arguing the legal precedence set by these laws, doing so in the very same manner as their ancestors.

Today, Hollywood’s writers, producers, and directors are predominantly Jewish; so it comes as no surprise to find the Torah’s influence clearly visible throughout most Hollywood productions. This marvelous ability to fantasize and tell tall tales can be visibly witnessed in numerous Hollywood and TV shows written and produced by these Jews. While names like Spielberg, Lear and Katzenberg have replaced Biblical names like Moses, Ezekiel, and Saul, the same form of story telling is still much in evidence. When one examines the fantastic and fanciful stories written and produced by those like Spielberg or Serling, or morality plays written by Norman Lear, one has a direct window into the mind of the Biblical storyteller.



My two cents:

The author of the above foreword restricts his critique to animal sacrifice. More recent scholarship has established that those sacrifices, which would be condemned by any animal rights advocate today, were the sublimation of the ancient Hebrews’ filicidal impulses toward their own children: sublimation of actual child sacrifices in even more ancient Israelite history. See the pages of my book where I address this extremely disturbing subject: here.

Hate Justice / revenge Mainstream media

Fucking the Red Woman


I have a very obscure past. After I left my parents’ home for horrendous, soul-destroying abuse, I fell in a sort of New Age cult which promised me to develop paranormal powers. Even after I quit the cult the internal damage was done and I spent the most precious springs of my life in a futile search of power through a “psi-development system,” as I used to say in my twenties. (I use the term “psi” in the sense of the purported paranormal abilities studied by parapsychology.)

Presently I not only disbelieve the existence of such abilities. After reading tons of skeptical literature debunking the claims of the paranormal, I have become one of the staunchest skeptics of religion and the paranormal in the pro-white blogosphere.

Notwithstanding such obscure origins, I still can enjoy cinematic experiences on how to “develop psi” as, say, Yoda teaching Luke Skywalker how to levitate a small ship in The Empire Strikes Back. More recently I enjoyed watching even darker “magic” as a powerful scene in Game of Thrones featuring Lady Melisandre: the priestess of fire who, always dressed in dark red, is in service of the phlegmatic Stannis Baratheon.

Stannis is the character of these series who, by right after his brother died, can claim the throne of the kingdom usurped by Geoffrey. In season two Lady Melisandre promises Stannis a son. Stannis has sex with Lady Melisandre on a table, scattering the war models onto the floor. Davos Seaworth (the “Onion Knight”), Stannis’ most loyal hand, vehemently dislikes black magic and always calls Melisandre “the Red Woman.”

In a later scene, Davos enters a cave in the cliff with a pregnant Lady Melisandre. Stannis had ordered him to watch an occult ritual. Davos, alone with the witch, says that it is strange that her Lord of Light asks her to work in the shadows. She counters that shadows cannot live in the dark and are servants of the light. He finds their way barred and says that the bars are new. Melisandre says that their passage cannot be barred and opens her robe. She appears nude and heavily pregnant and Davos calls on the seven gods for protection. Melisandre tells him that there is only one God and that He only protects those who serve him. Davos’ lantern glows with increasing intensity startling him as Melisandre takes off all her clothes. He backs along the wall of the cave as Melisandre lies down on her robe. Laying down on the cave’s floor she begins to moan to give birth and something shifts under the skin of her belly.


Her moans and gasps intensify as Davos looks on. A shadowy, black demon’s hands grip Melisandre’s legs while the dark figure pulls itself free of her womb. It stands before her for an instant before passing between the bars. Davos watches in horror. (As soon as detected, YouTube deletes most illegal clips of Game of Thrones but someone video-recorded the above scene directly on his TV screen with no electronic fingerprint to be detected: here.)

The smoky demon infiltrates Renly’s camp and assassinates Renly (like others, Renly, Stannis’ younger brother, illegally claimed a right to the throne). Thanks to such powerful sorcery Stannis regains control of the majority of his army that his homosexual brother Renly used to command. Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth are in the tent with Renly when the smoky, unkillable creature stabbed Renly right into his heart. (YouTube clip: here. Later in the same season Catelyn is not sure what she saw, but Brienne is sure that the phantasmagorical creature resembled Stannis.)


Davos is so disturbed by what he saw in the cave that he convinces Stannis not to bring Lady Melisandre along when their fleet and army attack King’s Landing to reclaim the throne. Davos wants a clean victory with no involvement of black sorcery at all.

Leaving these fantastic HBO series aside, this “one handy demon per fuck” to assassinate your enemies, even your brother if he misbehaves, reminds me my extremely recurrent fantasy of disturbing the whole anti-white System by means of killing a single human per day.

I confess that, after becoming racially conscious, I’ve indulged in a little fantasy before watching Game of Thrones, especially when trying to get some sleep. Psi or black magic probably don’t exist, but if they existed behold my list for targeted assassinations through ungraspable smokeys:

All heads of states in the West, starting with Chimpanzee

All moguls that own the mainstream media

All headmasters of Western universities

The Pope and all of his Cardinals

All protestant leaders

VIPs of the J tribe

The last point includes the millionaire sponsors of all Europhobic groups that promote anti-racism in their endeavors to exterminate “the best of the goyim.”

In season three of Game of the Thrones Stannis asks Lady Melisandre to make him another “son” to slay Joffrey, the monstrous king—monstrous in soul; physically he’s very young and good-looking—who had ordered the beheading of Ned Stark, thus usurping Stannis’ throne.

The witch refuses explaining that creating still other shadow-creatures may kill him. She needs to use Stannis’ own life-essence to fuel the entities, but this hugely drains him. (In the books more than one smoky demon is created inside Melisandre, and Davos notices that Stannis looks ten years older than before the Battle of Blackwater.) The use of assassins conjured from the witch’s womb is thus limited: the creation taxes the creator to the point of death.

So according to the traditional tales of black magic I would die. But I would gladly give my life to see at least some justice performed out of my above list.

Just curious: Knowing that you would also die in such an effort, would you fuck the Red Woman, the “mother of demons” as Davos once called her in impotent fury? If so, who would you add to your own black list?


Give up Christianity.

Transvaluate all Christian values in your heart.

Only real hate will save the white race from extinction…

Democracy Final solution Real men

Alex Linder on GD crackdown

GD symbol

He’s [Greg Johnson] going where the money is, and that will always be in safe, comfortable, respectable conservatism, rather than in radical nationalism.

Just look at the Golden Dawn types—they are burly. Not effete men of letters. Military hard men and such. That shows you what type is necessary to get ahead under conditions as they actually are today. Yes, you need writers and speakers and lawyers, and Golden Dawn has those, but you mainly need ass-kickers. Why? Because our enemy cheats. It lies, beats down, and murders. After all, if it played fair, it would lose. Because its views and interests belong only to a minority. The majority view is nationalist. Always and everywhere. It’s not even a racial thing, it’s a species thing. Not even a human thing. People prefer their own kind. This idea that it’s going to be better after we wipe out the white race, replacing white countries with a grabbag of third-worlders, is not merely not what the actual people want—you know, the democratic view, the view of the people—it is flat wrong. Demonstrably, obviously, measurably wrong. But the super-elite have accepted it, and are doing what they can to enforce.

Basically, the superelite need to be killed, down to the last man. I don’t see any way around that. And the jews need to be counter-exterminated en masse, as they are very deliberately, calculatedly and brazenly trying to wipe other nations off the globe.

For once and for all, we need to smash marxism and multiculturalism, and that means nothing more or less or different from destroying jews, right down the to the very last one.

You’ll note I alone have posited this as the only solution that can work. Yet idiots only judge what I say from a moral or respectability standpoint; not one person has ever yet put forward any reasoning that shows what I have said is analytically wrong, and that’s the only argument I’m interested in.

The jews are not going to stop doing what they do. They have to be stopped. That’s on us.

It is highly evident that jews are our main enemy, and christianity is the main reason we fear even to consider doing what we rationally ought to do to defend our kind.

Greg Johnson can hardly be interested in Golden Dawn when its daily doings amount to a refutation of his thesis about meta-politics. He’s going to effect a sea change in the culture that will save white people, all without any actually gritty engagement with the real world. He’ll do it all with the smoke and mirrors of clever essays about Batman XIV and private conferences.

Same with MacDonald—do you think he grasps that Golden Dawn’s experience directly belies everything he advises through A3P?

Heck, no. Smart people are just like dumb people. They don’t ever want to admit they’re wrong, not even to themselves.

Another little feller completely shown up by Golden Dawn’s experience is Hadding [Scott]. He is #1 among those embracing the illusion that white nationalists are responsible for their own failures, mainly because they haven’t stayed within the law.

Golden Dawn offers a perfect example of what happens when you stay within the law and use the democratic system precisely the way it was intended. Golden Dawn is being punished, attacked, lied about, sued, prosecuted because it is successful, in the true democratic sense of the word. What does democracy mean if not the people engaging in politics directly? Isn’t that exactly what Golden Dawn does when it, in every part of Greece, prints up and passes out newspapers, directly talks to the folks, helps them with whatever they need, getting physical protection the police are too busy to provide, food they need simply to stay alive? It doesn’t get any more democratic than what Golden Dawn does daily. In public. In the streets. With the people. And what happens? Why, the machine fails to function! Its operators say that Golden Dawn is outside the law when it passes out food to people! When it gives its literal blood for the people?

So tell me again, Hadding you mentally constipated idiot: how is working within the system working for Golden Dawn?


Gee, the System doesn’t seem to be very interesting in saying, gee, Golden Dawn really appeals to people. It’s getting an increasing share of the votes. Soon its man will be running Athens. We need to study what we’re doing so that we can capture some of that appeal. What are we doing wrong, that The People reject us and turn to GD? Is that how the System reacts? Hell, no. It moves, rather to outlaw this legal party. It moves to declare it a criminal organization. To arrest its leaders. Every article in the domestic and foreign media supports and backs up and reinforces this anti-democratic impulse. They all, as a one, System parties and System media, portray Golden Dawn and its leaders as evil incarnate.

Tell me again, little Hadding jackass, how staying legal is working for Golden Dawn? Tell me how it’s going to be any different anywhere else.

What do I have to say to get through to the high-IQ morons WN is beset with (apart from the dirt-eaters it is also beset with)?

Our enemy has a minority view. It cannot win by playing fair.

Please. Spend the ten or fifteen hours you need to ponder on that statement until you understand what I mean by it.

WN is just white normalcy. It is the default. Most people support it, without thinking. The alien elite hostile minority, led by jews, buys up the media because it has to. It buys politicians because it has to. It criminalizes ordinary human activity and speaking language because it has to.

It has to control every normal down to the last jot and tittle because the normal’s instincts are a hundred percent against the agenda the jews-led-abnormal coalition tries to impose. They are anti-democratic tyrants by necessity. They don’t have a choice. Calling what they do and their agenda democratic rather than tyrannical is of a piece with everything else they do: A sour lie. A cynically knowing deliberate reversal of reality. And a lie they mouth incessantly because they have to.

Do you really think you can get through an anti-white agenda without the help of a term like racism? Hell, no.

Do you really think you can get through a pro-homo agenda without the help of a term like homophobic? Of course not.

Everything they do is on this pattern.

They cannot do otherwise. Their views are too weird, twisted, abnormal and unthinkably undesirable to the normal majority.

Get it?

At long last, do you understand this, people?

We are not in a debate, a game, a contest that is overseen by any rule except one:

Whatever works, works. Whatever goes, goes.

This is the eternal stumbling block of the respectable right: they simply refuse to accept that their opponent cannot win an unfixed game, and, unlike them, he is not content to lose. He must and will win, and there is only one way he can do this: by lying, cheating, browbeating and murdering.

Now that you know that… what are you going to do about it?

If you’re a conservative, your answer is: nothing. You will listen to your favorites gasbags, pride yourself on how smart and moral you are, and how “stupid” the left is, and you will continue to lose.

If you want something better and different, then you need to swallow the reality pill and join the racialists. In Greece that party is Golden Dawn. They show what the normals do when they are truly seriously intent on not letting the jew-led abnormals control their country and decide their future.

Greece is the only place in the white west this is happening, and that is why it is worth microscopic attention I give it daily.


If we exterminate termites because they destroy the foundations of our houses, how much more lenient should we be in our treatment of jews, who destroy the foundations of our society? [Source: here]

Emigration / immigration Israel / Palestine

VNN commenter on GD crackdown

GD symbol
The kikes that placed Greece in the economic chaos it is in, should be the ones wearing handcuffs and placed behind bars, not Golden Dawn members. To the international izzies it is a crime to look after and protect your own race, ethnicity and country first and look out for your own interests first.

To these kike vermin it is a crime to want your own kind to be safe from the illegal mud immigrants coming into White nations that commit violent crimes and take everything from the native White population. That is, of course, unless that nation is Israel—then it is okay to do whatever it takes to protect the “native” people. I hope GD fights these jew criminals and continues to be the effective force for the Greek people that it has been for years.


Source: here

For the context of this entry, see here.