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Mein Kampf (book) Pedagogy Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Against compulsory education

It’s curious, but these days I have been thinking that what was missing for my worldview to be complete was a critique of the traditional pedagogical system (which, by the way, contributed greatly to destroying my adolescent life). And today, in the same chapter of the Heydrich quote I posted yesterday, I come across this passage from Savitri Devi:

The absolute rejection of ‘free and compulsory’ education—the same for all—is another of the main features that bring the society that Adolf Hitler dreamed of establishing, and already that of the Third Reich itself, closer to the traditional societies of the past. Already in Mein Kampf the idea of identical education for young men and women is rejected with the utmost rigour.

It isn’t possible to give the same education to young people whom Nature has destined to different and complementary functions. Similarly, one cannot teach the same things, and in the same spirit, even to young people of the same sex who, later on, will have to engage in unrelated activities. To do so would be to burden their memory with a heap of information which they, for the most part, have no use for while, at the same time, depriving them of valuable knowledge and neglecting the formation of their character.

Later on, Savitri continues:

Hitler considered the superficial study of foreign languages and the sciences to be particularly useless for the great majority of the sons (and even more so for the daughters) of the folk… But there is more, and much more. In a European society dominated by its Germanic elite, such as the Führer would have rebuilt it (if he had been able), education, culture and even more the practical probability of advanced spiritual development, had to regain the secret character—properly initiatory—which they had had in the most remote antiquity, among the Aryan peoples and others: the Germans of the Bronze Age as well as in the Egypt of the Pharaohs, and India. They were to be reserved for the privileged.

And finally:

The secrecy of all science in the future Hitlerian civilisation and the efforts already made under the Third Reich to limit, as far as possible, the misdeeds of general education—that ‘most corrosive poison’ of liberalism—evoke the curse that, thousands of years ago and in all traditional societies, was aimed at all those who would have divulged, especially to people of impure blood, the knowledge which the priests had given to them.

Can you see why the science educators who used TV for the masses, Bronowski and Sagan, were wrong on this point?

Amerindians Heinrich Himmler Reinhard Heydrich Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reinhard Heydrich

The following is one of the passages I reviewed today from the translation of Savitri Devi’s book. It clearly shows what the transvaluation of values is:

One can compare the action of the Einsatzgruppen against the Jews in Germany and in the countries occupied by the armies of the Third Reich with that of the Einsatzgruppen in the Eastern territories.

In both cases, according to the instructions given by Reinhard Heydrich in May 1941 to the leaders of the latter, the aim was to ‘mercilessly destroy all past, present and future opposition to National Socialism’ that is, to eliminate as many actual or potential enemies of the new Germanic faith and Empire as possible. In both cases, the action revealed a scale of values in complete opposition to all anthropocentrism or a scale of values completely devoid of hypocrisy. War is in itself the negation of any anthropocentric faith or philosophy—especially war between men of different races and civilisations, some of whom regard the habitat of others as necessary, or favourable, to their development.

Himmler remarked that the Anglo-Saxon pioneers in North America had ‘exterminated the Indians and only wanted to live on their native land.’ And the fiercest anti-Hitlerites are forced to admit that he was right, and that there is no ‘respect for the human person’ in the attitude of the founders of the US towards the real Americans. It is all too easy, after the fact, when you have installed your democracy over the entire surface of a continent practically emptied of its inhabitants, whose race you have destroyed in the most cowardly way by alcohol, it is easy then, I say, to proclaim that the age of violence is over; to forbid others to carve out a ‘living space’ for themselves as you have carved out one for yourself and, should their effort end in failure, to bring them before a parody ‘International Tribunal’ as ‘criminals against humanity.’

3-eyed crow Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Science Videos

Carl Sagan’s Library of Alexandria

In 1980, when I was much younger, my dad invited me to watch Cosmos, in his words, ‘the best television show’. And indeed, Cosmos really captivated me. I watched it again last month, but from the point of view of a mature César who has emerged from the cave of the three-eyed raven (cf. the final pages of The Grail).

I have already posted a couple of entries about Cosmos in 2012 and 2017 but now I would like to elaborate on a few points.

In the first episode Sagan introduces us to what will be this thirteen-episode series, and in the opening moments he tells us: ‘Our species [sic] is young and curious.’ So right from the opening moments we hear something that isn’t quite true, in that only the white race [1] has been truly curious, to the extent of having invented and/or discovered philosophy and science. What sense does it make to call sub-Saharan negroes ‘curious’ (Sagan uses the word ‘species’ as referring to all apterous bipeds)? Also, in those opening minutes, Sagan comments: ‘I believe that the future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos…’

This is the crucial error I have detected in all science educators: from a writer of countless popular science books, Isaac Asimov (of whom I own several of his books), to Sagan’s predecessor Jacob Bronowski, and even the society of sceptical scientists CSICOP (now renamed CSI), at one of whose conferences I shook Sagan’s hand a couple of years before he died.

Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist and astrobiologist. His words (‘I believe that the future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos…’) remind me of the anecdote of the Greek philosopher who, distracted by stargazing, fell into a hole. The reality is the opposite of what all the aforementioned popularisers of science believe: it is only by knowing ourselves (gnōthi seautón—inscription at the temple of Apollo at Delphi) that we will arrive at wisdom.

The hard sciences, that is, the objective study of the empirical world, can only be wise if we know beforehand who we are. I remind the regular visitor that The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour includes an article summarising National Socialism from its ‘esoteric POV’, to use the term from my last article.

I refer to ‘National Socialist worldview – SS pamphlet’. In just ten pages, perhaps dictated by Himmler himself, we are informed that, for our psyches, the revolution on racial issues will be far more cataclysmic than the Copernican revolution. It is a manifesto (pages 501-510 of The Fair Race) that admirably sums up National Socialism.

Hitler said so too, as we see in these words of Savitri Devi from the book I’m still proofreading: ‘Despite his political alliance with Mussolini’s Italy the Führer was perfectly aware of the gulf separating his biologically based Weltanschauung from fascism, which remained alien to the “stakes of the colossal struggle” that was about to begin, that is, the meaning of his mission. “It is only we National Socialists and we alone,” he said, “who have penetrated the secret of the gigantic revolutions that are coming”.’

It is the scientific study of human races, not cosmology, that will revolutionise the world. Thus, from the very beginning of Cosmos, Carl Sagan puts the cart before the horse. He died in 1996, two years before the first signs of the metastasis of what has now become the Woke monster: a state of mass psychosis suffered by all white nations except Russia, thanks to the warlike barrier that she has just put up (‘They shall not pass’) against the insane Homo-Globo agenda. Despite immense advances in the hard sciences, including astronomy, the egalitarian folie en mass that began with Christianity’s universalism, the founding of the US, the French Revolution ideals, and is culminating now is such that a huge number of whites can no longer even define what is a woman.

Back to Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. After the initial journey in which Sagan shows us the universe on its grandest scale, his ship of the imagination arrives on Earth and here we watch the first bad message of the series. When I was a kid, American popular science magazines only featured the white man in their illustrations. Here Sagan shows us, as he arrives with his ship on Earth, all races without distinction—and the TV producers did it with the first movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony as background music.

The first hero in Carl Sagan’s personal journey is Eratosthenes, the chief librarian of the Library of Alexandria, who was neither sandnigger nor Indian, gook or kike. In fact all the heroes of this series are whites: something Sagan cannot say openly out of political correctness. Then, this first episode shows us images of Alexandria, now the second largest city in Egypt, and acknowledges that the city has lost its glory, and that now there are only minarets. But ancient Alexandria was a white-dominated city (I remember a documentary that shocked me when I saw a reconstruction of a North African city in the Ancient World completely populated by whites).

Sagan fails to see the relationship between scientific flourishing and the white race. ‘Our race [instead of species] is young and curious’ he should have said. The scientist Sagan was unable to connect the simplest info of two of his neurons because he lived and died within the Christian Era in which even secular humanists, like him, subscribe to a universalist doctrine.

Sagan then talks about the Library of Alexandria and visits what is left of it since the Christians destroyed the classical world: a dark and dreary basement, without a single papyrus of course. Everything was destroyed! Shortly afterwards the producers of Cosmos reconstructed, with visual effects, the Library of Alexandria: the beacon of the Greco-Roman world. Sagan walks through this reconstructed library and talks about many other great whites who, like Eratosthenes, flourished in that city before the catastrophe that devastated the Ancient World. The scenes inside a reconstructed Library of Alexandria are the best of the series and Sagan will return there in the final episode of Cosmos:

What the celebrated communicator says resonates with the thesis of this site: the inconceivable tragedy for the white race of the destruction of the classical world. It is here, not in the stars, that any analysis of the West’s darkest hour should begin, which is why the masthead of this site remains the translated essay by Evropa Soberana (pages 33-123 of The Fair Race).

If you don’t want to watch the whole TV series, I recommend the first and last episodes of Cosmos as long as you pay special attention to what this guy says about the Library of Alexandria.


[1] I am referring to the pure Aryans. Regarding the hard sciences, this month we will publish a colleague’s article criticising the pseudo-scientific anti-Nordicism of the American racial right.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 2

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Savitri Devi

The Secret Fire

‘He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own
disciples, he explained everything.’ (Mark 4:34)

In my entry last Tuesday, I had said that I wouldn’t post anything for the rest of the year, but a thought came to me that urgently needs to be communicated:

Is National Socialism dead, insofar as American neonazism is a caricature of it—see my book Daybreak? It’s disturbing that, after my Tuesday post, I have received no feedback from the Germans who visit this site (except for one German who has been contacting me for years, other Germans haven’t done so). Isn’t it a scandal that someone on the other side of the Atlantic, who isn’t even a pure Aryan (me), carries on his shoulders the mission to resurrect the core of NS (which can only be understood with the Führer’s after-dinner talks)? Mein Kampf, a book for the masses of mostly Christian Germans, hardly criticises Christianity and does so, between the lines, until the second volume.

The literary side of National Socialism had two facets. An exoteric one: the long-winded Mein Kampf and an enormous number of inspirational and illustrated pamphlets. And an esoteric one: not only Hitler’s table talks but what laconically he confessed to his inner circle of co-religionists, so well portrayed by Richard Weikart in Hitler’s Religion. Since those who read no more than Mein Kampf are unaware of the more esoteric aspect of Hitlerism, which was taught formally in Himmler’s castles for the SS, they are under the impression that Hitler’s ideology is similar to American white nationalism.

Nothing could be further from the truth! But I don’t want to go into detail on what has already been said in the first five books of the featured post. Rather, I’m writing this article because I don’t see the core of NS anywhere: neither in Europe nor on the continent where I live. The reason for this, of course, is that the esoteric side was anti-Christian, as the Christian Weikart demonstrated in his book. It had to be hidden from the masses of Germans! However, since we are already living in the darkest hour for the white race, the time has come to reveal the Secret Fire, the esoteric facet, to every Aryan male who wants to do something for his race.

In The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf
invoked the ‘Secret Fire’ at Khazad-dum.
It’s nowhere else referred to in the
trilogy, so its particular meaning
remains unclear.

That’s why the second book on the list in the featured post will be Savitri Devi’s, since she understood the esoteric side of NS perfectly (and unlike the anti-Nazi Weikart, Savitri was, to use the title of a biographical book about her, Hitler’s priestess).

I confess that in our translation of Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne I am eliminating all her very long sentences, shortening them into much shorter sentences. Reason: Savitri made countless parentheses within parentheses throughout her book written in her native French by merely using commas, and the train of her thought is lost in most of her sentences. Mine won’t be a literal translation and once finished—yes: it’s taking a long time—it will be a perfectly understandable text.

Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne is the only post-1945, didactic introduction to the core of NS that conveys, with due numinousness, the new religion for the Aryan man that is to conquer the world. (Her best-known work, The Lightning and the Sun published seventeen years before, has the defect of being an immature work. It opens with a couple of chapters that function as an anti-rhetorical barrier for us: the idealisation of Genghis Khan and Akhnaton.)

Perhaps it’s an excess to say that NS is dead if, at least, it survives in a couple of minds, like mine. But it is alarming that so far only one German has corresponded with me on the subject. Perhaps there are other Aryans, even outside Germany, who in the privacy of their hearts keep the Secret Fire alive. Do they have a code of secrecy and that’s why they have failed to contact me?

Whatever the answer, I wonder if there is anyone on the planet willing to raise, at least, one Aryan boy and one Aryan girl and educate them strictly in NS, with all that such an education would entail. If there is anyone who harbours this fantasy please contact me (my email is in the single reply to my featured post). In case NS is already dead in Germany—that there is no such secret society of NS men—the Secret Fire must be revived, at least, in a couple of young Aryans…

Philosophy Sponsor

WDH needs sponsors to survive

I don’t know exactly why donations to The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) have decreased in recent times. Is it due to criticism of Christianity (when I wasn’t so critical I received more donations)? If that is the cause, donors should note that if we reject Christian ethics, the Jewish problem is automatically solved. As we have seen on this site, it is precisely Christian ethics, especially potent in the ‘secular’ West, that has empowered Jewry (I will continue my excerpts from Tom Holland’s book in January).

Are the diminished donations due to my criticism of the United States? If that is the cause, Americans who used to donate must understand that, while WDH defends the DNA of the white American, we also believe that the culture of that country is the number one enemy of white American and European blood (cf. Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe).

A normie doesn’t know how to distinguish between culture and nation (nation here understood as a specific ethnic group). American culture has been the enemy of the white nation on American soil so to speak. If we compare it with Latin America, the Catholicism of the subcontinent has been the enemy of the Iberian whites since the end of the 15th century, when they arrived on the continent. The mestizaje is proof of this. Just as the few Iberian whites south of the Rio Grande shouldn’t hate me, the Anglo-Germans north of that river shouldn’t hate me either. The advocate of the 14 words should repudiate both projects of so-called nationhood: the one that came out with the Counter-Reformation and the one that came out with the Reformation.

In other words, if I hate the nationalist symbols of, say, the country I live in (the Aztec civilisation, the War of Independence and the Mexican Revolution), it is because I am taking the side of the very few white Latin Americans, even if they stupidly accept those symbols and hate me (because they simply don’t care about their white blood). Likewise, if I hate the symbols of Yankee nationalism (the puritanism of the early settlers, the American Constitution, Mammon worship, etc.), it is because I want to save the white man in the US and Canada from extinction. Although there are incomparably more pure whites in those countries than south of the Rio Grande as far as Argentina, the principle is the same: hatred of Catholic and Protestant cultures—Christianity conquered the entire continent!—because Christian axiology is the cause of white decline on both sides of the Rio Grande.

Will the diminished donations be due to inflation in 2022? Apparently, such inflation doesn’t impede thousands of whites travelling to Qatar to watch the Football Cup being played this very moment (and I believe the final will be played this week).

Without regular donations, however modest, WDH cannot continue as I would have to suspend my activities to look for a job in the third-world country where I live.

I won’t post new entries until next year. The revision of the translation of Savitri Devi’s book, Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne, which we will publish here, is taking up all my time. Savitri’s book is vital because, given that WDH is a National Socialist site that differs from American white nationalism, NS requires a formal presentation: a text written after the catastrophe of 1945. It is such an important book that I will put it second in the featured post.

I would like to end this post with a few quotes from Émile Michel Cioran (1911-1995). As will be recalled in my preface to the 2022 edition of Deschner’s book on the history of Christianity that we recently published, there I quoted this Romanian philosopher (‘The whole world has forgiven Christianity…’). The book I own by Cioran contains some aphorisms that remind me of Nietzsche’s style, and I would like to collect a few of them. The first, which can be read below, reminds me of the pre-Hispanic religions of the American continent, the Christianity that Europeans later imposed across the same continent, and the Woke religion of our days led by the US. The book from which I took these quotes is titled Adiós a la Filosofía (Ediciones Altaya 1998), with an introduction by Fernando Savater:

• ‘History is nothing but a parade of false Absolutes.’

• ‘We only really began to live at the end of philosophy, on its ruins: when we have realised its terrible nullity, and that it was useless to resort to it; that it was not going to be of any help to us.’

• ‘You destroy a civilisation only when you destroy its gods.’

• ‘…to exchange the old gods for a nailed corpse… To abandon the gods who made Rome was to abandon Rome itself to ally yourself with this new race of men…’

Tommaso Laureti: The Triumph of Christianity also
known as The Triumph of the Cross, painted in 1585.

(Donate: here)

Evil Sexual "liberation"

American sexual psychoses

Translated and excerpted from an article by a German:

With the current draft of the Self-Determination Act, anyone who uses the wrong (old) first name (dead-naming) a person can be fined 2,500 €. This is how the law wants to enforce the use of the new pronouns, because whoever wants to be politically correct here [in Germany] must ask every interlocutor about the current sexual orientation before naming. Where does this fixation on intimate practices come from?

It is part of the core cultural substance of Puritanism. When the Puritans invaded North America, they found open sexuality among the Amerinds, just as the Victorians found among the Indians, which had its own spaces for homosexual or transsexual phenomena—the Indians still know the subculture of the Hijra. This uninhibited interaction confirmed the Puritans in their idea that the savages, like the ancient pagans, were possessed by the devil and were morally depraved. The Puritan colonial rulers immediately enacted their infamous sodomy laws, which of course also applied to the indigenous population.

Based on the English Buggery Act, they declared all sexual acts that did not serve the purpose of procreation to be a criminal offence, regardless of the sex of the participants, and intensified the punishments to monstrous levels: onanism, anal and oral sex were massive crimes. In the ‘freest country in the world,’ anyone who let his wife suck him off went to jail and was dispossessed. If he had sex with a rear-entry position, the God-fearing Christians would hang him from the nearest tree. Both men and married couples who practised anal intercourse were hanged. Unlike murder, the priesthood wasn’t exempted from the death penalty. The offender’s property became the property of the state.

Pennsylvania, for example, explicitly criminalized fellatio, and Massachusetts extended criminalization to lesbians, who were flogged Taliban-style. So it goes queerly through all the states. In the New Haven Law Code of 1656 hell was declared heaven. In Puritan-woken politics lesbians were threatened with the death penalty for the first time.

For centuries, this monstrous punitive and religious practice produced uptight, guilt-ridden subjects ready to atone and submit… The name of the Protestant sect of the Quakers is derived from this trembling out of fear of God. The clinical picture of anxiety neurosis includes a pronounced avoidance behaviour. Thus, evangelicals today still don’t want to have anything to do with the ‘dirty stuff’ of sexuality…

The brief period of more liberal normalcy between the 1970s and 2000s is now coming to an end. Woke sex is picking up the old thread, and it is anything but free. It is as neurotic, guilt-ridden, and defensive as the old one. Men are afraid to be alone in an elevator or room with women. The woke LGBTQIA+ priesthood is obsessed with intimate practices and categorises everyone’s identity by his/her sexual behaviour. It punishes anyone who doesn’t comply with woken laws. Apple and other corporations ban their employees from flirting. On college campuses, intimacies between students must be quasi-contracted in advance. Whoever deviates from the agreement and licks first, although according to the script he should have kissed, is up for rape. Eroticism with all its ambivalences cannot and should not arise in this climate of fear…

This brings us to the centre of queer, which is also the innermost core of the Puritans. The overcoming of the flesh, and the fearful rejection of sexuality is the bond that connects LGBTQIA+ and sodomy laws. This is also their common Christian heritage: the ‘Holy Family’ is sexless. The mother Mary conceives Jesus ‘immaculate,’ that is, without sin, from God who begets sexlessly. The father Josef is not involved in his procreation. Jesus lives at home with his mother and has no erotic interest. A religion that worships a saviour whose ‘Holy Family’ is sexless and whose apostles only speak derogatorily about sexuality, already harbours in its myth of origin a deep rejection of everything sexual.

According to Paul and Augustine, sexuality and suffering entered the world with the Fall… What comes from nature, the innate, the body, is condemned. This is reminiscent of Plato, who called the ‘body the prison of the soul,’ and of the Christian, world-despising hatred of all that is natural. Writer J. K. Rowling was massively threatened for the statement, ‘If biological sex isn’t real, it erases the reality of women worldwide.’ That’s what it’s all about, the erasure of men and women and sexuality.

But one does not underestimate… the power of the United States. The Anglo-Saxons already brutally used sodomy laws as a means of domination, and wokeness is nothing more than another US revivalist movement to subjugate other peoples with the best of consciences. American colonialism, like Christianity, sets deadlines. Time is running out, and those who have not yet adopted the last insane twist of American sexual neuroticism are lagging behind.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 1

Click here

Racial right Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Bad habit

Because I have a bad habit of wanting to argue with people on the American racial right, things like this happen to me.

I have to discipline myself. At this point, it is naive to believe that any of them, let’s say those who believe that Jewry is the primary cause of our misfortunes, are going to answer my favourite argument: the catastrophe of miscegenation in Latin America when the Inquisition had the Jews well under control. I must resign myself to accepting that the only discussion of these topics will be possible in the discussion threads of The West’s Darkest Hour. The rest of the racialists don’t want to play what I call ‘the real chess’, the battle of ideas, with me.

So I will focus on correcting the translation of Savitri Devi’s book which I want to publish, at least, as a PDF so that it will appear third in the featured post.

Although we’ve published the full translation of it in 103 posts under the title ‘Reflections of an Aryan woman’, some problems have arisen. For example, I suspect that Greg Johnson’s The Savitri Devi Archive has used Google translator to translate chapters 1, 10 and 11 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une aryenne (which I originally copied from there and pasted here). That means the arduous task of cross-checking that computer translation with another translator (even though I studied French for three years, that is not remotely sufficient for a text as complex as Savitri’s).

So instead of continuing to criticise the racial right for not being Nazi like us (see also what Hunter Wallace wrote today), I will concentrate my efforts on a revision of those chapters in Johnson’s archive, to make our product more readable than the defective Google translation he apparently used.

If I don’t upload more entries soon, it is because I am very busy proofreading Savitri’s book, whose preface to the forthcoming edition I wrote yesterday. So I will try to overcome my bad habit: inviting to play chess someone who simply doesn’t want to play…

Autobiography Christendom Evil Racial right

Editor’s preface

(pages 9-10 of the forthcoming Savitri’s book)

When Savitri Devi wrote the foreword that follows, I was seventeen and at the nadir of my life: mental hells into which my very Catholic father and his damned society had put me, as I confess in Letter to mom Medusa (see the book list on page 3). Curiously, a couple of years before that family tragedy I went to ask, in a bookshop, if they had any pro-Nazi books. An employee of the Librería de Cristal in the Cine Manacar in Mexico City, a fair-haired white man, hesitated a few seconds and informed me: ‘No’. True, that bookstore had the old Spanish translation of Mein Kampf, but what I was looking for was more recent literature.

If the worst country in all of Western history had never existed, the United States, Hitler might have won the war and, as I recount in The Grail, the last book in my autobiographical trilogy, the teenager I was would have been spared from the psychosis that two years after my visit to the bookstore would be brewing in my parents’ minds.

The book I was looking for at the age of fifteen was precisely this one that the reader now holds in his hands. I do not presume that this French-English translation is perfect. Far from it! But it seems to me that, of all the books by Savitri Devi (1905-1982), this is the one that best introduces us to the thought of this impressive woman.

If the American racial right is at a dead end, it is precisely because Americans have not had the nobility to see that only by making National Socialism their new religion can they save their race. Furthermore, unlike Hitler’s anti-Christian pantheism (cf. Richard Weikart’s Hitler’s Religion), the great failure of the pundits of the American racial right consists in not repudiating the Semitic religion of our abusive fathers. And abusive by necessity must be all those who traumatise their children with the idea of eternal torture, as I was traumatised as a teenager.

Although the hellish nature of Christianity reveals the twisted psychology of the Semitic mind, the typical anti-Semite ignores that the Jews created the New Testament for gentile consumption (cf. David Skrbina’s The Jesus Hoax). Anyone who invents a superheated torture chamber and then threatens billions of gentiles with it has a sick soul. Right after white traitor Constantine handed over the Roman Empire to his Semitic bishops (cf. Karlheinz Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History, also listed on page 3), the doctrine of hell became the greatest weapon of psychological terror used by Jews against whites. Ben Klassen was right on this point! And this is the kind of anti-Christian worldview I badly needed as a teenager to save me from the doctrines my father had put in my little head. Even now, so long after I abandoned Christianity, I am haunted by the idea of eternal damnation. As Gaedhal, a commenter on my website, The West’s Darkest Hour, told us by email:

If you fear a Jewish Hell, then you are controlled by Jews. I speak by experience. I know, rationally, that Hell doesn’t exist… However, more than thirty years of Catholicism means that I still believe in Hell emotionally. I still believe in Hell in my bones’ marrow. And this residual belief in Hell still has negative effects upon my psychology and behaviour. I probably have religious trauma syndrome…

Alas, the American racial right has been, since its origins, extremely addicted to Judeo-Christianity. I would even claim that white nationalism is an ideology that, at its core, functions as a gatekeeper preventing the transvaluation of our darkest values to Greco-Roman values: that is, the luminous values of Antiquity before the Semitic infection. Thus, white nationalists are actively preventing the Aryan man from freeing himself from the yoke that the Jews have created. How could we shake such a yoke from our necks?

Only Hitler saves. Savitri Devi, Hitler’s Priestess, saw this with extraordinary clarity! And the white man who does not want to recognise this is doomed to extinction.

César Tort
8 December 2022