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Amerindians Heinrich Himmler Reinhard Heydrich Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reinhard Heydrich

The following is one of the passages I reviewed today from the translation of Savitri Devi’s book. It clearly shows what the transvaluation of values is:

One can compare the action of the Einsatzgruppen against the Jews in Germany and in the countries occupied by the armies of the Third Reich with that of the Einsatzgruppen in the Eastern territories.

In both cases, according to the instructions given by Reinhard Heydrich in May 1941 to the leaders of the latter, the aim was to ‘mercilessly destroy all past, present and future opposition to National Socialism’ that is, to eliminate as many actual or potential enemies of the new Germanic faith and Empire as possible. In both cases, the action revealed a scale of values in complete opposition to all anthropocentrism or a scale of values completely devoid of hypocrisy. War is in itself the negation of any anthropocentric faith or philosophy—especially war between men of different races and civilisations, some of whom regard the habitat of others as necessary, or favourable, to their development.

Himmler remarked that the Anglo-Saxon pioneers in North America had ‘exterminated the Indians and only wanted to live on their native land.’ And the fiercest anti-Hitlerites are forced to admit that he was right, and that there is no ‘respect for the human person’ in the attitude of the founders of the US towards the real Americans. It is all too easy, after the fact, when you have installed your democracy over the entire surface of a continent practically emptied of its inhabitants, whose race you have destroyed in the most cowardly way by alcohol, it is easy then, I say, to proclaim that the age of violence is over; to forbid others to carve out a ‘living space’ for themselves as you have carved out one for yourself and, should their effort end in failure, to bring them before a parody ‘International Tribunal’ as ‘criminals against humanity.’

3 replies on “Reinhard Heydrich”

I’d like to share a few points. First, I could never understand this idea about “promoting peacefulness is easy”. Isn’t it astronomically harder to remain peaceful when one sees English roses marrying Negroes? Or simply when seeing Jews inhabiting a European country? Savitri is of course an “academic” type, and she apparently denied the Holocaust later on. But to me, it’s the most natural thing in the world, just like offering floral baskets to a bronze statue of Adolf Hitler would be – the pagan solemnity that profane Christcucks jeer at.

Second, there are no signs of transvaluation indeed. Whenever there is a mass shooting, way too many label it as a “false-flag”. And whenever there are Negroes in film, all the reviewers critique the logic, internal consistency, the incorrect use of storytelling methods, but not the Negroes themselves (see The Little Platoon’s “Rings of Power – Bad Lore, Worse Writing” video essay which encapsulates this cuckoldry beautifully).

There is nobody aside from this blog who would have the gall to call it “House of the Nigger”, for example. Just as there is nobody glorifying the Holocaust, militant paganism, or a totalitarian one-Party state. Unthinkable. Beyond the pale. Hilariously coarse to the point of incomprehensible parody to the Christian sensibilities.

Just see the final match of the recent Football Cup in Qatar. Who the hell complained about the “French” team (pic below)? The triumph of Xtistianity is complete.

” It is all too easy, after the fact, when you have installed your democracy over the entire surface of a continent practically emptied of its inhabitants, whose race you have destroyed in the most cowardly way by alcohol, it is easy then, I say, to proclaim that the age of violence is over; to forbid others to carve out a ‘living space’ for themselves as you have carved out one for yourself… ”

This. I am going to remember these words very well.

It is ok for us to exercise our will to power, but not for you. A clear example of American double standards.

Anti Hitlerites have no words to say as long as they live in a country whose lands have been purged by its previous inhabitants so they could live comfortable and safe there.

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