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Tom Sunic

The double helix

Tomislav Sunić
(a.k.a Tom Sunic)

Remember the conference in Hungary where Richard Spencer was arrested for thoughtcrime? In ‘Defying the Budapest Ban: The Rebel vs the Dissident’, on October 2014 Tom Sunic said:

Despite the ban by the Hungarian government, the NPI conference did take place in Budapest on October 5, albeit in a truncated version but with an air of rebellion and emotional intensity. A day earlier, despite the arrest of the NPI Chairman Mr. Richard Spencer, despite constant police surveillance of all NPI guests, and despite the fact that there were only two official speakers, the conference turned out to be a surprising success. The distinct possibility of a police crackdown on the venue did not prevent more than 70 people from attending the dinner and listen to the speeches delivered by Jared Taylor and myself. Two journalists, one from the BBC, the other from the German daily Die Welt, covered the event and interviewed the speakers.

Last Tuesday I quoted a Serbian. Now I would like to say something about the Croatian Sunic. Starting from this moment of his Budapest speech, Sunic blamed both the Catholic Church (he could have simply said ‘Christianity’) and capitalism for the phenomenon of mass non-white immigration into the West.

He said that cardinals and the pope himself are fond that such immigrants come because ‘they are all our brothers in the face Jesus Christ’. Sunic added that capitalism to a large extent is a secularised version of Christianity and mentioned that according to Adam Smith ‘merchants know no borders’. Capitalists are interested ‘in cheap labour’ at the expense of all ethnic loyalty.

Now you could imagine what a society based on both would become: Christianity and capitalism, the double helix of the United States. After all, the business of Christian America is business, right?

Deranged altruism Kevin MacDonald Tom Sunic

Sunic responds to MacDonald

I am relocating my previous post today, ‘On pathological altruism’, with a new title because it seems that Tom Sunic read my mind in his reply to Kevin MacDonald:

Kevin: I am looking forward to the book. This is a subject of utmost importance for our survival. Now, I do hope you also delve in your manuscript into the origins of the Levantine- Christian inspired Original Sin that led to this secular self-flagellating self-hatred among Whites now. It needs to be covered. 

The following is what I had posted ten hours ago:

I still receive email notifications of the latest articles of The Occidental Observer. Yesterday Kevin MacDonald published ‘The Role of Empathy in Moral Communities: Altruism—and Pathological Altruism’. MacDonald’s abstract says: ‘This is an excerpt from a book to be titled Western Individualism and the Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. It is completed apart from proof-reading and deciding how to publish it now that Amazon has become part of the thought police’.

I don’t claim having read the manuscript of the book, but at least in yesterday’s excerpts the retired professor does not mention the role of Christian ethics in the aetiology of Western pathological altruism.

I wish that the forthcoming book mentions Christian ethics, as the subject has been missing in MacDonald’s previous work. For a critique of such omission see what Ferdinand Bardamu says (here) or what a commenter said on the Observer four years ago (here).

Destruction of Greco-Roman world James Mason Third Reich Tom Sunic

Siege, 49

The German mystique

Since this writer has not a drop of German blood in his veins, it gives me good qualifications to write on the following issue. So fundamental is it to what we’re doing and the way we’re doing it that without fail it hits us squarely in the face each time we are either attacked by the ignorant or are approached by the unfamiliar for membership, etc. Unless we ourselves come to understand it fully, we can hardly hope to convey the proper impression of it to the people we are out to win.
Detractors will attack us as “Krauts”, somehow agents for a foreign power, while a great many sheepish sympathizers will open with lines like, “Do you have to be German to join your group?” Generations of war hysteria propagated by Hollywood: anyone who uses the Swastika must be German, or so they imagine. Part of the kernel of ignorance and misinformation which is our people to this very day.
Neither Marx nor Stalin were Russians. Napoleon Bonaparte was not French. Jesus of Nazareth was neither a Jew nor a Christian.


[Editor’s interpolated note: It is precisely here where Mason errs. Just see the previous series of posts on why ‘All Christians are cucks’.]


National Socialists in America today are not Germans. National Socialism is a philosophy first codified and brought to power by Adolf Hitler in Germany. Today a Catholic need not be an Italian simply because it was in Italy that his religion first became the official one of the State. Philosophies and philosophers—or prophets—are largely interchangeable within the framework of our blood. The most recent, and certainly the greatest yet to appear in the world, happened to materialize first in Germany.
Any philosophy must adapt itself to a large degree to the customs and traditions of the people among which its proselytes must move and work. The Christians are undoubtedly the greatest masters of that art to date. Having stolen or latched onto most of the important Pagan holidays, they came to dominate the entire White world as “Christendom”. As successful as those extreme tactics were for the Christians, I can hardly visualize our bending the birthdate of Hitler to match some existing, popular feast day. But then what is the importance of a date on a calendar as compared to power over men’s minds and “souls”?
Hitler made the philosophy work for his people in the context of the time and place and, in turn, the philosophy made the people greater. Hitler made National Socialism in Germany the epitome of everything German and, by that, he was the first and thus far the only man to forge a truly united Germany—even the Kaisers had been unable to fully accomplish this. By making some superficial concessions to the everyday whims of the people. Hitler’s philosophy, together with its greater meaning, was able to “creep up” painlessly on the common man in his simplicity, who otherwise could have been expected to rebel against such sudden changes in his world and in his picture of things. Hitler’s was the world’s first truly peaceful revolution.
Such a super-human job was done by Hitler and his German National Socialists in the twenty-five year history of the NSDAP, that the image has stuck and probably always shall stick. This is in no way a bad thing. Without it today the White Race—and particularly the very young—would have no means to any knowledge at all of the greatness of their people in the recent pastor the brilliant promise ahead if we are only able to gain White unity. All of the White nations of the earth—from antiquity to the recent past—possess the most magnificent histories, customs, and traditions of their own equal to the best that Germany has. All branches of the White Race have great cause to be proud of their own heritage… so long as that great heritage is made known to them.


[Editor’s interpolated note: What does Mason exactly mean by ‘all branches’? Is Mason one of those white nationalists who, out of PC, is unwilling to distinguish Meds from Nords?]


The deriders of Germany, and the authors of “quickie” world history for the busy man, love to harp away on Germany’s two sensational tries at conquering the world. People remember this sort of thing as there is nothing else around to quite compare with it. It captures the imagination. The plain truth no one is interested in is that not only was ‘world enslavement’ never even contemplated by the Germans, it was never within their capability. European unity dominated and maintained by Europe ‘s heartland was the furthest goal at any time.
The Coca-Cola Culture isn’t told that the nation having come the closest to complete world domination was England who, by the turn of the last century, held one-fourth of the surface of the world’s continents and controlled the oceans between. In spite, Germany gets the credit/blame. But the important thing is that at least there stands the example of the White Man’s incomparable, irresistible military prowess in glaring, almost incomprehensible contrast to “democratic” actions in Korea, Vietnam, and lately Iran.
Inextricably intertwined with this is the charge of the Liberals about “German militarism”. Victorious nations have historically taken turn-about at setting the military style and pace for the other leading armies of the world. Prior to 1871, the pace-setter was France (one needs only to glimpse at the design of the uniforms of both sides of the U.S. Civil War for confirmation). After 1871 it was the turn of Germany and spiked helmets appeared in the United States, England, and Russia. The “German” goose-step was and still is utilized in East Europe, Russia, and large parts of South America. The unique German stahlhelm is still today worn by armies in places such as Spain, Egypt, and again throughout South America. One place neither the goose-step nor the stahlhelm is practiced or worn is West Germany. Yet without Nazi Germany catching the hell today, these fine examples would be unknown to Aryan youth.
The liberal pacifists and humanitarians, with their momentary power of the press and dollar, hate all symbols of strength and masculinity and they therefore seize upon all the strongest, most outstanding of these very things and hold them up to ridicule. And that nation which has most lately demonstrated the greatest strength of masculine willpower and self-assertion (without which not much is ever accomplished) gets the full “treatment” from these impotent liberal democratic types. When those of our own revisionist historians claim that Germany was a crucifixion, they are right. But if this is a cross we as National Socialists in America today must bear, we do so willingly.
As much as by all this name-calling on the part of philosophical and intellectual pansies, also by the fact that the great German tradition is now locked forever in time, unchanged and unchangeable, does all of this stand out to the lost White masses of today as peculiarly “German” and not generally White or Aryan. National Socialist Germany went down in a blaze of glory and it will forever be remembered that way. All of the other nations of the West—those that “won” the war—have died or are now dying slow, painful, lingering deaths as they are infected and eaten alive by liberal democracy and Jews.
When one thinks of a German, one envisions a helmeted, goose-stepping Stormtrooper. When one thinks of an American, a Briton, or a Frenchman he sees only a degenerated, “beat”, pot-blowing slob, one indistinguishable from the other. They don’t know that forty years ago every American, Englishman, or Frenchman was as disciplined, squared away, and patriotic as any German of that day. Neither do they grasp that in West Germany today the people are for the most part as liberalized and degenerate as the worst in America.
It’s all a matter of imagery. If we are called “Germans” because we have as our ideal all the very best traditions of the White Man, then I suppose that’s as good and convenient a name as any other. (The same people would stand back in disbelief when informed that Hitler designed the Stormtrooper uniform, patterning it largely after the British World War One model originally designed by one Sam Browne for service in British India.)
There’s nothing wrong in taking pride in one’s German ancestry or mentioning with pride a proportion of German blood in one’s veins. But we still are faced with one of our Enemy’s more deadly fabricated lies designed to throw a split within the White Race: that Hitler, the Germans, and National Socialism in general regard the other branches of the White Race as untermenschen. (Germany never had anything to compare with the British slogan that, “The niggers begin at Calais”.) If anything cost Germany the last War, it was the number of narrow-minded, chauvinistic bureaucrats who did stupidly feel and operate this way.


[Editor’s interpolated note: It is precisely because Mason is a Christian that he was blind to see what Tom Sunic saw: the greatest crime the US committed (WW2) is related to its Christianity.]


But they are found in every nation and have a lot to do with the ease which the deceitful Jews have been able to get the White Man killing one another in the past. But it wasn’t part of Hitler’s program and it isn’t part of ours.
Another danger is fantasizing that the situation today is that of Germany in the 1920’s and 1930’s; that we must somehow find or create a “Fuhrer”; that we should act the part of Hollywood Nazis; in short that we can expect to do an exact replay of 1933 here in the United States. It is a danger because it just won’t work. In Southern Europe, Christianity came to power slowly, via more subtle means, while in Northern Europe it was brought to power largely by the use of the sword.


[Editor’s interpolated note: Mason wrote this article the year of my first visit to the US. There was no internet and Mason was completely unaware that Southern Europe had suffered an ISIS-like takeover by fanatic Christians after Constantine empowered them (just as today the System allows the antifa). Remember: the real history of early Christianity has only been revealed in the latest years to the general public thanks to the efforts of Karlheinz Deschner in German, Vlassis Rassias’ book Demolish Them in Greek, and more recently Catherine Nixey in English. At the time that Mason wrote his article only ivory-tower academics knew about the apocalypse that southern whites had suffered in the 4th and 5th centuries.]


Many of the rites, etc., remained the same but the methodology was vastly different and was suited to do the job at hand in the setting that existed.
We—thanks to Adolf Hitler and his great German compatriots—also have our rites, rituals, and holy days on the calendar and I expect they’ll not change. Hitler and his movement in Germany have given us traditions, martyrs to honor, and great battles to commemorate, but it does not mean that we should try to live in the past or be that which we are not. The Christian Church has its age-old customs but they do not go around as Jesus did two thousand years ago in beard, robe and sandals, trying to walk on water. (Those that do are written off as nuts; a thing which we must avoid at all costs.)
Yet we do have a valuable and powerful weapon to use in that, whereas our Enemy has been able to gradually do away with much of the rich heritage (and thereby, identity) of the nations of the West, they, by their very paranoid hatred of Germany, have actually preserved for us all the very finest of the White Man’s way of life. Mention Nazi and you think of German; mention German and you think of an ordered, strong and healthy way of life. You think of a people who are united and proud of their race and able to accomplish things together in a big way. Commander Rockwell bet everything on the theory that when the White Man got sick and tired of the alien, hothouse atmosphere artificially created by the Jews, he’d instinctively know where to expect the opposite—which will always be represented by no one but us.
So when a good, white brother or sister comes up to you with the rather timid and awkward question as to whether he or she must be German to be part of this Movement, don’t deny the great German contribution to Western Civilization but rather point out to them that, if you are White, you belong with us. And emphasize that you’re either White or you are not!

Vol. X, #2 – February, 1981

Free speech / association Racial right Tom Sunic

Renegade Tribune censorship

The series in four instalments, ‘All Christians are Cucks’ authored by Axe of Perun a couple of years ago, that appeared in Renegade Tribune with many comments, has been deleted (here, here, here and here).
I was using the most interesting aggregations from the comments sections of those articles for the series on ‘anti-Galilean quotes’ in this site. I have been able to save some of the content through the cache but not all. This means that I still can quote at least some of the comments that piqued my interest, but won’t be able to reference them properly unless the series ‘All Christians are Cucks’ is restored on its original site.
‘No subject is so dangerous to address among White nationalists as the Christian religion’ said Tom Sunic. I am afraid he’s right.

Tom Sunic

On white sins

It is true that this site focuses on the Christian problem. But that does not mean that I believe that Christian ethics is the sole sin in white decline. Our focus is due to the fact that no Alt-Right site is exposing such sin as a factor to be studied.

There are other cardinal sins. Recently for example Tom Sunic said: ‘Both the early liberals C. Montesquieu and later A. Smith wrote that “merchant ignores all borders.” This is how the West was designed by the world improvers in the wake of WWII’.
In other words, in addition to Christian ethics being a pig is a major factor in the downfall of whites!

Francis Parker Yockey Friedrich Nietzsche Men Nordicism Real men Revilo Oliver Savitri Devi Tom Sunic William Pierce Women

Edwin’s arrows


On Guillaume Faye

Guillaume Faye outlines a compelling vision to the immigration problem in the last chapter of his book Archeo-Futurism. This is presented in the form of a utopian dream, and should be seen in part as a reaction against the doom and gloom despair of the French New Right. I might also add that fiction has the added utility of allowing a French writer to advocate more extreme solutions and avoid hate speech laws.
The basic narrative is straightforward enough, if short on details. Sometime in the mid-twenty first century, due to a series of environmental disasters and resource shortages, Europe is plunged into a series of internecine wars. America is gripped in an endless series of race riots and is unable to help. Into this chaos, Russia sends an army of liberators to restore order.
What follows afterwards is reminiscent of the more visceral moments of William Pierce’s Turner Diaries. Native Europeans regain a sense of their identity. A Nietzschean hypermorality is realized. The vast majority of non-whites are summarily liquidated over the course of a few months. The handful of non-white survivors are forcibly shipped en masse to the remote island of Madagascar.
A new European Imperium is created out of the ashes of the Old Europe. Picture an empire with explicit inequality enshrined in law, an agrarian paradise with a small bureaucratic elite lording over a continent of hobbits. Faye is obviously borrowing heavily from the American writer Francis Parker Yockey.
Curiously, Faye is dismissive of America, seeing it as a separate entity—culturally, spiritually, historically—from Europe. Indeed, America is seen as an occupying power, imposing its grotesque lifestyle and values on Europeans. It could even be said that a new European Renaissance requires the death of everything American, including America itself. I sense a certain amount of schadenfreude in Faye when he describes an American continent in a state of mass starvation with race riots in every major city.
But who can blame Faye in wanting to write off America as a lost cause? The white nationalists have a far more nebulous ephemeral definition of identity than their European ancestors (i.e., if a man gets a stamp certifying his whiteness then he is my brother is how your average WN reasons). Then there is the feminism, the patriotards, the rock music, the culture, the greed, the degeneracy, the conservatives… the problems never seem to end.
Faye is dead wrong, however, on the Jewish question. He regards the Jews as a part of the European social fabric and is a rabid supporter of Israel. Just like Jared Taylor, Faye believes that European Jewry will come around to his way of thinking. Indeed, Jews are a well integrated minority in Faye’s Imperium. This is simply unacceptable.
Just as problematic is Faye’s biological concept of a European. It’s clear in his writings that he makes no distinction between North and South, Mediterranean or Nordic, Germanic or Slav. Faye would have you believe that very limited racial mixing has taken place in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Just close your eyes and pretend that all the Europeans living from Lisbon to Vladisvostok are pure White. Of course many white nationalists share this delusion. In Europe, the sand nigger from Malta, Norman Lowell and the Finn, Kai Murros, peddle similar nonsense.
What to make of Faye? I am rather ambivalent here. Not a good writer or a bad writer. His ideas need to be taken with a ton of salt.

On Tom Sunic

There is a distinct dualism in Sunic. An abyss between the radical and respectable that is not easily reconcilable.
There is Sunic as the erudite scholar, translator and academic. His two books Against Democracy and Equality and Homo Americanus are the most eloquent critiques of America from a European New Right perspective I have read. There is a sense of nobility, aristocracy, refinement, taste, beauty and greatness. I must admit that it was Sunic who first introduced me to the potency of National Socialist scholarship; and the importance of incorporating pre-Christian pre-Socratic pagan writings in European consciousness. Fundamentally, I see nothing wrong with him as a writer.
Then there is Sunic as the political imbecile. The man who promotes the path of “non-violence”, of kosher country club reactionary conservatism, of democratic demagoguery, of “taking back” the US, of endless qualifications, of the lowest common denominator, of outright craven cowardice: the American Freedom Party.

On Arthur Kemp

Kemp is the most outspoken public figure I noticed who advocates the desperate Orania-style solution (isolated Aryan outposts) in his book Nova Europa: European Survival Strategies.
Kemp’s solution is only viable if you agree with Alain de Benoist and much of the French New Right (Faye excluded) that it’s far too late to achieve any success through revolutionary party politics; that some sort of political accommodation with the hordes of non-whites now invading Europe like a swarm of locusts will have to be made.
I read the above mentioned book after being very impressed by March of the Titans. I came away bitterly disappointed. He’s actually one of the few men out there who has an accurate view of history yet he won’t fight.

On WN feminists

They accept every single triumph of the left on the woman question as a fait accompli. Covington is a prime example of this.

On Johnson et al

Johnson, Spencer, Sunic and other white nationalists retain traces of conservatism, a belief that a perfect argument exists that can convince Whites to suddenly “wake up”; that the correct presentation of the “facts”, on whatever issue, will make a difference to the wider culture at large; that only ignorance has prevented otherwise decent and level headed Whites from taking action thus far. Hence, the endless multiplication of essays, speeches and conferences. The post-modern radical suffers from a singular blindness: that action and words are the same thing.
The problem with Johnson and others of similar ilk is that they think winning can be done without a drop of blood being spilled. No one needs to dirty his hands by engaging in street politics. No one needs to get hurt. No one needs to die. All that is needed is a quiet infiltration of the existing institutions with men sympathetic to our views, and a bloodless counter-revolution will happen.
White survival can only be properly understood as a war, without any rules of conduct. We are not dealing with an opponent that understands the concept of fair play. There will be no smooth transition of power. Should it not be obvious by now that all pro-white groups active in America are harmless?

On Francis Parker Yockey

Yockey, like Julius Evola, held to a spiritual conception of race which he believed to be more important than the biological. Already in the 30s he observed white Americans behaving like blacks and Jews. He did not object to clever non-whites immigrating to America as long as they assimilated into white society.
Imperium is a clever eloquent mish-mash of Lamark, Spengler, Schmitt, Haushofer, National Socialism, and even trace elements of Catholic Scholasticism. Yockey wanted to “prove” that a “Germanic” European aristocratic element existed within America. He is not your garden variety white nationalist patriotard (hence his popularity), but the book is a failure.
But I agree with you: universalist religions like Christianity have no use for a purely biological conception of race. White Nationalists are deluded in this and Linder is correct that one must choose a side.

On Revilo Oliver

I take two important lessons from Oliver that most white nationalists would do well to heed:
1) A contempt for everything supernatural and conspiratorial. There is no “god” out there looking after the interests of Whites and ready to rescue them at the last moment. There is nothing written on the stars or in the book of life that says Whites must survive. Whites are as beholden to the laws of the universe as all the other animals. And the universe does not know “mercy” when confronted with degeneracy. (Some white nationalists envision a “Mad Max” scenario in which a system collapse presages a mass racial “awakening”. But this assumption is without hard evidence and a mass extinction is just as likely. That is, no political movement can guarantee victory.)
2) A disgust for the ordinary White American, the “ordinary Joe”. Whites are to be saved for sake of the handful who are wise, beautiful, noble, and strong. The white working class has no value apart from the few who are culture creators; they are to be treated as raw material by those who lead. To put it bluntly: most whites are not intellectually or physically impressive.
In my view, white nationalists should see Oliver as a source of inspiration. Will this happen? I highly doubt it.

On women

Reading this article reminds me of a passage written by William G. Simpson in his book, Towards the Rising Sun:

There is hardly one man in a thousand who will not put aside his ideals, his highest vision, everything which for him is God, in order to get the girl he loves or to be able to stay with the girl he has married. Moreover, there are all the ways which the wiles of woman have with a man. Nietzsche said, “Women always intrigue privately against the higher souls of their husbands,” and as a generalization his statement is true. And such must most women be.
For, again speaking generally, the instinct in man is to create, and the instinct in woman is to procreate. She is more physical than man, lives closer to the earth, and, naturally and justly since to her is committed the continuation of the race, once she is with child she is almost certain to be overwhelmed with a veritable tidal wave of sheer biological concern for security. And a reasonable degree of security both she and the child ought to have. And if you as would-be creator feel that you cannot do your work and provide that security, then you had better simply refrain from marrying.

Sadly, the numerous absurdities written by women and their male sycophants in the white nationalist movement to rationalize (encourage) weakness does not inspire much confidence.
A man’s focus is to create. A woman’s focus is to procreate. Nietzsche said, “Practically all problems a woman encounters can be solved by one solution: pregnancy.”
Of course we can imagine outliers or exceptions. Savitri Devi is known to have written: “I cannot love any man that chooses me over his ideals.” But Linder is correct in writing somewhere that such women are one in a hundred thousand…

On overmen

Nietzschean morality requires that superior men surrender all hope of personal gain for the sake of the cause: fame, money, wealth, respectability, hope for an afterlife, even a normal family life if need be. If they can die for the cause, living in penury if need be is mild by comparison. The German Idealists already pointed out that sincere authentic “virtue” requires a man to have no possibility for personal gain. Otherwise, what is the whole point of this struggle if whites merely end up as spiritual semites (inner Jews)?
Very few American Whites grasp this. Pierce and David Lane being the notable exceptions.

Catholic Church Judeo-reductionism Karlheinz Deschner Tom Sunic WDH radio show

Second thoughts

I’ve been thinking about the relevance of the WDH Radio Show and what I’ve been doing on Saturdays: adding translations of Karlheinz Deschner’s first book on the criminal history of Christianity.

Regarding the radio show, I must confess that I do not recognize myself in what has been said in the four episodes. The reason is obvious. As I have already confessed, my knowledge of English comes basically from reading (on the sidebar, see the photograph of this year of me in my home library). Speaking a language is something entirely different from reading or writing it, and involves even another area of the brain.

I have done inquiries to correct the problem and to be able to speak well in the radio shows. If I wanted to make myself understood immediately, I would have to pay for the services of a simultaneous translator, who would charge me approximately $315 dollars for each episode. But that would only solve the problem artificially. A better solution would require intensive training to get my tongue out in English. Last week I made an appointment with an Aryan woman who in Mexico City presides over the offices of the Berlitz Corporation. The “Private Program,” that is an individualised and intensive program that lets me loose my tongue in three weeks costs $ 1,180 dollars.

The alternative for free would be to find a native English-speaker who is going to study to Spain and desperately needs one of these courses in reverse: to speak fluent Spanish. Through Skype we would train with each other: I trying to speak in English and he or she in Spanish until we both correct the pronunciation to the degree of speaking fluently. But that’s not going to be easy to find. That’s why people usually pay the amounts I quote above when they have the need to do so.

In the radio programs I would like not only arguing, but also making long and elaborate speeches. It is very frustrating not to be able to do it, especially since the voices that have been heard in the four episodes, even those of our guests, do not reflect my ideas. Not being able to argue with them, or with my co-hosts Joseph and Jake, is very frustrating.

What I said in the hatnote of yesterday’s entry on Yeats goes to the heart of the matter. I do not believe that Jewry is the primary factor of white decline. I think it’s the swamps of Aryan sin what have caused the tremendous proliferation of mosquitoes. These must be killed off, of course: but I don’t believe in the “spontaneous generation” of mosquitoes. (For those who have not gotten the memo, this is the Aryan Problem in a nutshell: “A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins” —Codreanu.)

And here is where it is clearly seen why I no longer want to prolong the radio episodes indefinitely. If Alex Linder accepts our invitation, the fifth episode will be the last (unless, very unlikely, a sponsor to fund my simultaneous translation for a sixth episode appears). I do not object to the Linderite idea of eliminating mosquitoes, the proposed topic for the next episode. I partly agree with his medicine, but not with the diagnosis. (“Partly” I say because I’m not only an exterminationist of our obvious enemies, but of the greater part of humanity as proposed by Pierce in his immortal novel.) My diagnosis, and here I differ not only from Linder but from almost everyone that I know (with the exception of Tom Sunic), are the swamps of capitalism and Christianity.

Gold over blood is only the most conspicuous sin (read the stories of Pierce and Kemp on the white race to understand this subject in depth). An equally mortal sin, though not as historically old as using non-white labour, is the religion of our parents. And here is where I have second thoughts on the pertinence of continuing to add Saturday translations from Deschner’s books.

It is clear that on Saturdays I am talking to myself! It is assumed that the purpose of blogging is to communicate with others. But even my friends do not seem to be B-type bicausalists; like many they lean toward bicausalism A.

If I believe that Aryan sins—materialism and Christian ethics—engender mosquitoes, and if this bicausalism B is not part of your accepted wisdom (there are even monocausalists in the movement), continuing this Deschner adventure becomes soliloquy. I am not motivated to continue these monologues. Having said that, I would like to confess what I liked about the three volumes of Deschner’s “criminal history” I purchased in 2002.

The late historian showed that most of the Christian martyrs’ stories are legendary. Before reading his books, I already knew that the New Testament is full of internal contradictions; for example, what the Synoptics say compared to John’s gospel. (On the discipline of studying the NT from the secular POV see: here.) But what impressed me greatly in discovering Deschner is that, in later centuries, the church was dedicated to inventing a rosary of martyrs and saints, of which there is very little if any historical evidence! As someone deeply educated in Roman Catholicism, this surprised me because, as a good German scholar, Deschner’s books are full of bibliographical references in several languages, and as far as I know he has not been rebutted on this point.

The making of saints and martyrs is one aspect of the religion of my Catholic parents that I would have loved to expose on this site. Instead, what I have decided is adding other titles of interest to my Daybreak Press. Although I will no longer add translations of Deschner on Saturdays, or Sunday passages from the novel Julian, next Monday I will continue to reproduce those passages that I consider important of Eugenics and Race by Roger Pearson. Pearson was a real catch. His Darwinian science almost reaches my exterminationist POV of the inferior races, going beyond the political correctness of American race realists.

If any of the visitors to this blog, or if my friends Joseph and Jake, do not agree with what I say above do not hesitate to express your criticism below.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes Tom Sunic

On Judaised Americans

My last posts on the Greco-Roman wars against the Jews (here and here) made me wonder… Just compare how pre-Christian Europeans handled the Jewish problem with how, in modern America, the red carpet was rolled out for the Jews since the 19th century in line with the dominant Judeo-Christian, liberal ideology.

As Tom Sunic explained in the very first chapter of Homo Americanus, in the US not a single politician will ever admit that America is a theocratic system with a peculiar political theology. Think of how Donald Trump recently became the first sitting American president to visit Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

If Aryans ever wish to re-establish their own racial sovereignty, they must identify their foe: Judeo-Christian ethics, which pervades even the white nationalist movement. One example will suffice. Greg Johnson has been working on a White Nationalist Manifesto for some time. When he finally publishes and advertises it through the forums, will it contain his “Old Right” bashing favouring an effete Neo-Christian “New Right”?

Whatever the impact of the forthcoming White Nationalist Manifesto among American racists, many of whom are Christians, the US owes its very existence to the Jews. The 17th century reverence for the Old Testament by those naïve, starry-eyed colonisers who imagined a “City on the Hill” comes to mind. “Very early on America’s founding fathers, pioneers, and politicians identified themselves as Jews who had come to the new American Canaan from the pestilence of Europe,” writes Sunic.

After another post on the Jewish-Roman wars, the following Saturdays I’ll be adding passages from Deschner’s Criminal History of Christianity describing how the Early Church dealt with the Jews. Despite their rabid anti-Semitism, early theologians did not push for those pagan attempts to solve the Jewish problem once and for all.

Certainly, unlike the US, in anti-Semitic Christendom the Jews were not revered, but they were tolerated. Those early theologians that I’ll be quoting on Saturdays are similar to the white nationalists of today: much barking but no bites. This is why, unlike National Socialism, white nationalism won’t ever work. Whites must transvalue “New Right” values back to “Old Right” values!

Antiochus’ war (167-164 BCE)

“He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.” —2 Maccabees, 5:11–14.

The siege of Jerusalem (63 BCE)

Jews were massacred by invading Romans. The event marked the end of Jewish independence.

The Samaritan Revolt (36 CE)

The Samaritans rebelled against the Romans. The rebels were ruthlessly massacred by order of the Roman Procurator.

The First Jewish-Roman War (66-73 CE)

Jews were massacred by Romans throughout the war; 97,000 enslaved. It was the first of three major Jewish revolts against the Romans. It resulted in the destruction of the Holy Temple and a devastating depopulation of the Jewish population as the massacre wiped out a large percentage of their population. (Again, compare Titus’ deeds with what Donald Trump did a couple of months ago in what remains of that temple.)

Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136 CE)

Decisive Roman victory. The Romans enslaved many Jews of Judaea, massacred many Jews, suppressed Jewish religious and political authority, banned Jews from Jerusalem, and renamed and merged Judaea into the Syrian Palestine province. The war meant another devastating depopulation of the Jewish population.

If white nationalists, so overwhelmed by Judeo-Christian ethics, are not committing ethnic suicide how do you explain that they are not celebrating such victories?

Deranged altruism St Paul Tom Sunic


A passage from a Tom Sunic piece
on The Occidental Observer:

Most White Americans and Europeans, even those with a strong racial identity, can barely stand criticism of Christian ecumenical and multiracial trappings. It is often overlooked that the higher Catholic clergy, both in Europe and the US, is a prime advocate of non-European arrivals…

Hence a dilemma for many racially and ethnically aware White Christians in the US and Europe. On the one hand they are well aware of the destructive nature of multiculturalism, while on the other they cannot ignore early Christian sermons for a multiracial and global society, as put forward by St. Paul’s Epistles to Galatians (3:28): “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The task of creating White homelands won’t be easy.

Tom Sunic

Alt right

This is a comment by Tom Sunic
on an Occidental Observer thread:

The Alt-Right in the US, although being minuscule in terms of its number, shows the unwritten rule how a few individuals with lots of brains can make a big political change by accepting their adversaries’ rules of engagement.

Alt-Right is far better positioned in the USA than in the EU, given the monolingual cohesion of White Americans in comparison to many heavy-weight AR/NR intellectuals in Europe, who are too often fueled by their personal or own narrow ethnic agenda only.