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St Paul

On Galatians & Patrick Crusius

Today that I went to buy, in a special store, the video of the first James Bond film, Dr. No, I took the opportunity to pick up my mother from the church. She was accompanied by an old female friend, whom she knew even before I was born. Although I did not go to Mass, taking them to her home in the car my mother commented that the priest had said very wise things (referring to the verse of Galatians 3:28).

The old female friend also liked today’s sermon on that verse and brought up the recent event in El Paso.

This white friend said that the perpetrator (Patrick Crusius) was ‘white’ and my mother replied that it was typical. Both said the guy was crazy and that Paul’s words served to compensate for any allegation of the superiority of some groups over others.

‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus’. It bothers me that, even in the most literate sites of white nationalism, some pundits rationalise these words of St. Paul in such a way that they do not violate the Christian faith of the racists.

George Lincoln Rockwell once said that he learned more from his direct experiences with people than with books. Today’s anecdote exemplifies that what counts is how common normies understand the gospel, not how American racists try to explain away such a verse.

2nd World War Mainstream media William Pierce

The loss of WW2 is the reason for the WDH

WDH stands, of course, for the West’s darkest hour. Four years ago I reproduced this 1992 interview of William Pierce. Today I would like to quote only part of it:

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Kevin Alfred Strom: You keep referring to the changes which have taken place in the economy since the Second World War. Why is that? What does the war have to do with it?

William Luther Pierce: The Second World War really has everything to do with it. It was, after all, an ideological war, one could almost say a religious war, a war between two fundamentally different world views.

On one side were the believers in quality over quantity, the elitists, the believers that White people, Europeans, are more progressive, are better able to maintain and advance civilization, and should hold onto their position of world mastery.

On the other side were the believers in quantity over quality, the egalitarians, the believers in racial and cultural equality, the people who thought it was wicked for the United States to remain a White country, wicked for White Britain to have a world empire, wicked for White Germany to be allowed to smash communism, wicked to permit nationalism to triumph over internationalism. And the fact is that the egalitarians won the war. After the Second World War White Americans could no more justify keeping hordes of hungry, non-White immigrants out of their country than Englishmen could justify hanging onto the British Empire. They had cut the moral ground right out from under themselves.

KAS: Of course, that’s not the way it was presented to Americans back in the 1940s. We were all taught that we went to war to keep America free, that we were fighting against tyranny, that we were fighting on the side of decency and justice.

WLP: Nonsense. We were fighting on the side of the folks who marched the entire leadership stratum of the Polish nation into the woods and murdered them. And the people who control our news and entertainment media knew that too. When the German Army discovered those huge pits full of murdered Polish officers and intellectuals, they called in the world press to look at the evidence. But the controlled media kept it quiet, so that we would keep fighting on the side of the murderers.

After the war they blamed it on the Germans. And there was nary a squawk from the controlled media when we turned the surviving Poles, and the Hungarians, and the Balts, and all the rest of the Eastern Europeans over to the same gang of cutthroats who had butchered Poland’s leaders in 1940. Of course, it made sense in a sick sort of way. After all, murdering a nation’s elite is an egalitarian act. After you kill off the most intelligent, the most able members of a nation the ones who’re left will be more nearly equal.

KAS: And easier to control.

WLP: Yes. But the point is that, the reasons given to the American people for getting into the war against Germany were all spurious. It was not a war to keep America free. Americans weren’t in the slightest danger of losing their freedom to the Germans. It was, as I said, an ideological war. It was a war about what kind of ideas would govern the world. It was a war about whether we would be proud and White and strong, or whether we would feel guilty about the fact that Mexican peons aren’t as well off as we are. And we lost the war. That was a real turning point in the fortunes of our race and our nation.

The loss of the Second World War is the real reason for the decline of the U.S. economy—and of our social life, our cultural life, and our spiritual life. Before the war we had a White country, a country determined to stay White. After the war we no longer had that determination. Instead we had the vague feeling that it was wrong of us to want to stay White. After the war when the controlled media began pushing for so-called “civil rights” laws and for opening our borders to the Third World, it was just a continuation of their push to get us into the war on the side of the people who had made Poland a more “equal” country by slaughtering her leaders at the killing pits in the Katyn woods.

KAS: Is this spiritual failure entirely the fault of the American people? You’ve repeatedly referred to the controlled media as the principal promoters of the ideology which is at the root of our problems. Aren’t they to blame? Aren’t the people who control the media responsible for what’s happening to America? And, by the way, who are these media controllers?

WLP: Well, I think we all know who wields more control over the news and entertainment media than any other group. It’s the Jews. And, yes, they deserve a great deal of blame. But not all the blame. Perhaps not even most of it. After all, they’re only acting in accord with their nature. They’re doing what they always do when they come into a country.

We shouldn’t have let them do it. We should have stopped them when they were taking over Hollywood 75 years ago. We should have stopped them when they began buying up newspapers back before the Second World War. After the war we shouldn’t have let them get anywhere near a television studio.

But we didn’t stop them, and the blame for that really lies with those who have set themselves up as our political leaders. They sold us out. They sold out America. They sold out their race. When our kids are exposed to the godawful, anti-White rap musicals from MTV, should we blame the Jewish owner of MTV, Mr Redstone, or should we blame the politicians in Washington who let him get away with it? Personally, I’d go after the politicians first.

Blacks Charles Darwin Christian art Exterminationism Miscegenation

Kill ’em all

Editor’s note: This crucifixion of Antonello da Messina is kept in a museum of Antwerp. The death of the thieves escorts and accompanies Jesus. The iconographic tradition puts the ‘good guy’ on his right and the ‘bad guy’ on his left.

But Christian morality has crucified the laws of selection that Darwin discovered, to the degree of irreparably fouling much Aryan gene through miscegenation. The following is Robert Morgan’s most recent comment on Unz Review.

His position is not original. Remember that Charles Darwin himself predicted that blacks, as an obsolete subspecies, would be exterminated in a world ruled by the selection of the fittest. Or as I would say in my blasphemous paraphrase of Jesus, ‘Many genes will be called but few will be chosen’.

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Commenter: “However deporting 4.5 million blacks in 1865 would have required 22,000 ships, if each ship held 200, or 10,000 ships if each carried 450.”

Morgan: Shipping the negroes back to Africa wasn’t the only option, of course. They could simply have killed them; failing that, they could have put them on reservations.

Why didn’t they?

A policy of extermination, with reservations for any left over, seemed to be good enough for the injuns, so Christian morality can’t be entirely to blame, even though the negroes, unlike the injuns, had been Christianized and thus were imagined to be the white man’s brothers and sisters in Christ.

But the answer becomes clear once we realize that the one drop rule, coupled with the white slavemasters’ proclivity for breeding with the negro women, meant that there were no doubt many nominally negro slaves who, like the half-sister of Thomas Jefferson’s dead wife, Sally Hemings, had a lot of white blood.

So much interbreeding had gone on that some of the negroes could even pass for white. How to dispose of the octaroons and other racially mixed posed a difficult problem for whites of those days, who perhaps might otherwise have been more inclined to send them all to Jesus. No doubt the white-looking contingent among the negroes was also a factor in the decision to make them citizens and give them the vote.

One might pity whites of those days for having to make such a difficult decision, but that pity must be alloyed with a degree of contempt for their cowardice in taking only half measures to address the problem. They’ve cursed their posterity by making them deal with the consequences of their greed and lust.

Each time we read these days of a negro senselessly murdering or brutally raping a white, we have them to blame.

On cucks in Alabama and Tennessee

Nine years ago Hunter Wallace asked Trainspotter:

Care to explain how worshiping Adolf Hitler as a religious figure or advocating the destruction of Christianity is supposed to ‘prepare the cultural ground’ in states like Alabama or Tennessee?

Wallace and the rest of American southern nationalists, of course, ignore that the only way to save the race is precisely through destroying their cult. What Wallace is saying is like a staunch chain-smoker that will get cancer asked us this nonsensical question: ‘Care to explain how worshiping MDs as religious figures or advocating the destruction of the tobacco industry is supposed to prepare the ground for addicts like me?’

Unlike this site (follow the white rabbit in the sticky post), neither southern nationalists like Wallace nor white nationalists like MacDonald have advanced a profound diagnosis on precisely what has been destroying their race.

Morgan’s latest comments

The lie of human equality is the foundational lie of this nation of liars called the USA, so it’s perfectly fitting that the only man it commemorates with his own holiday [Martin Luther King], other than the probably fictional character called Jesus, is also a liar, and a consummate one at that.

All Americans secretly admire an adept liar, but of course, being who they are, will lie and tell you they don’t. I conclude that scandal won’t diminish his fame; it can’t, because just the fact that this rape ape is honored as a “great man” is a scandal, a particularly outrageous lie in which a people addicted to lying can revel and participate. If anything, it will help his cult grow.

Wally: “You also ignore the fact that the Civil War was not fought over slavery as even Lincoln stated.”

Wrong. He not only said that slavery was the cause of the war, but that this fact was known by everyone:

“One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war.” – Abraham Lincoln, in his Second Inaugural address

(Sources: here and here)

Civil war Videos

Civil war 2 in America – who would win?


Up to 4:45 pm (CT), this comment by a Taylor Garza—:

This will cause whites in the millions to flock towards the alt-right and race-realism in search of an alternative solution, and when that happens, the alt-right can finally gain political power. Things will get chaotic in the short term, but there’s much to be optimistic about in the long term. Thoughts?

—has gotten 79 replies on that YouTube thread.


SJW: an offshoot of Christianity

Editor’s note:Last month I mentionedthat the medieval monk Fra Dolcino (1250-1307) tried to create a new egalitarian society based on mutual aid, holding property in common and respecting gender equality. Fra Dolcino used thugs against the rich and fat bishops in his social justice war. Yesterday I posted ‘Lincoln refutes monocausalism’, where I quoted Robert Morgan’s comments in the last few months on Unz Review. The following is the most recent exchange of Morgan with folks on the right who still don’t get that Social Justice Warring has medieval roots:

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“I wonder if it has to do with the declining importance of religion among white liberals? That this SJW nonsense has taken the place of religion and they are its true believers out to stamp out any heretics.”

It’s a big mistake to set up an opposition between Christianity and modern liberalism. Modern liberalism is a Jesus-less sect of Christianity; one that, as Spengler observed about Marxism, has its roots in Christian theological thought. It acts like a religion and its adherents act like religious zealots because it is, and they are. Recognize that big liberal causes in contemporary America such as women’s rights and minority rights can trace their genealogy back to the Second Great Awakening of the 1820s, which fueled the abolitionist movement and eventually led to the Civil War, the result of which was full citizenship and the vote being given to negroes. All the rest of the unfolding racial disaster white America is currently experiencing got its start there.

America was founded by Puritans, Christian religious fanatics so uncompromising in their beliefs they had to leave Europe, and has never collectively apostatized from that religion[emphasis added]. Liberals may deny being Christians, and revile other Christians and even Christ himself, but unless they reject Christian ethics, specifically, the utopian Christian vision of universal brotherhood, they should still be regarded as adherents of rabbi Jesus. Disputes between Christians about what constitutes true Christianity and what is heresy have raged for almost two thousand years, so their seeming enmity towards each other isn’t unusual; it’s more the rule than an exception.

Obscuring this connection serves the purposes of both sides though, so it’s easy to lose sight of it and become deceived. Church-going Christian “conservatives” want to distance themselves from liberals even though liberals merely call for them to live up to raceless Christian ideals. They also can use the dispute to call for a return to “real” Christianity [Editor’s note: exactly what Fra Dolcino wanted], by which they mean their particular sect; so it’s a good recruitment tool.

Liberals, on the other hand, may want to distance themselves from church-going Christians and even Christianity, but this is just a pose, like an ex-prostitute who now claims to be reformed, or an alcoholic who got on the wagon and stopped drinking. No matter what they may claim, liberals remain the spiritual descendants of abolitionist John Brown, a Christian religious fanatic referred to by his contemporaries as “the last Puritan”.

Indo-European heritage

The worst scum

‘If we forget what we have been or what we’ve done, we are not men anymore; just animals. Your memories don’t come from books. Your stories aren’t just stories. If I wanted to erase the world of men I would start with you’ I quoted in my previous post. This is much like what an adept of classical culture would be telling one of the few surviving Roman intellectuals or historians when the night king of Judeo-Christianity was sweeping away all the temples, statues, and libraries of ancient knowledge.

The quote above comes from a TV film. In the real history of the West the night fell, indeed, on the white man: a night in which he was apparently going to wake up in the Renaissance but the forces of evil won with Luther, as Nietzsche clearly saw, to the extent that the grotesquely named Renaissance of the North, represented by the Catholic Erasmus, was also a regression to psychosis and evil, as I’ve already said.

The Enlightenment did not wake us up completely. It was an imperfect apostasy of Christianity insofar as the ideals of the French Revolution not only left Christian ethics intact (‘human rights’, etc.) but strengthened those values, now from a purely secular point of view. Only until a Nietzsche, who was still sane when my paternal grandmother was born, someone really broke away from Christian moral tenets, as we have seen so many times on this site.

The Nazis followed this complete apostasy of Christianity and, as a punishment, the American Christians and the Judaized Soviets committed a holocaust of German victims: the greatest secret of the century in which we were born.

On the other side of the Atlantic, at least one awakened mind followed the German awakening not only by putting Christianity in its place in his writings, but by revaluating values as the leadership of Nazi power had done. Alas, as Pierce said, history carries on a great inertia. After his death the pro-white movement suffered a Christian and neo-Christian (‘enlightened’) regression that coined new terms: white nationalism in the mid-1990s and alt-right in recent years. In a way, the regression suffered by both Christians and non-Christians of that movement is a triumph of the story that has been killing the white man since Judeo-Christians took power more than 1,600 years ago.

Whites who claim to defend the white man at least in their blogs are reluctant to finish crossing the psychological Rubicon. Yesterday night came to me the thought that Jews and Muslims never condemn their terrorists (which they see as freedom fighters), but many opinion leaders of the white cause condemn their own. They do this precisely because they are unable to shake off the Christian morality that compels them to love their neighbour. That’s why I call most of today’s anti-Semites ‘Jew-obeyers’.

Everything has to do with stories. From Constantine the white man was forced to believe a false story about his past, which includes worshiping the god of the sworn enemy of the white race and a Jew who never existed. Those who have not read my post on Friday about the Romulus story will be unable to see the level of subversion that represented the infinite change from an Aryan story (Romulus) to a Jewish story (Jesus). In other words, the gospels are more subversive than all the Western media monopolised by Jewry that white nationalists complain about on a daily basis.

In a parallel world, if the Vikings had conquered the continent (including ethnically cleansing it of American Indians and from the Aztecs to the Incas), New Scandinavia would not have waged war on a Hitler who wanted to conquer the enormous lands of Judeo-Marxism for the Aryan race. But the world that we had to live in is not that parallel world. It is a world in which the worst scum of Christians of the Old World conquered the most powerful nation in the New World. And the so-called white nationalists and people of the alt-right have failed to repudiate this scum: many of them are part of it. That’s why they focus so much on Jewry, as if there were not more Christians than Jews!

The Arrival of the Pilgrims Fathers
Antonio Gilbert (oil on canvas).

I have said it several times and I must repeat it: the traitor is worse than the external enemy. The Christian is worse than the Jew. Without Christians, there would be no darkest hour in the West. The ideas of this site are ignored by nationalists simply because they represent a paradigm shift. While I accept the Jewish question more or less as a MacDonald exposes it, I also expand that vision on Judeo-Christianity. (I insist on this term, ‘Judeo-Christianity’, because there is no such thing as a ‘pagan Christianity’—a mental jerk of those males who believe that the chimera exists.)

There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it, not even the Jews who control the media—if at least we told that story to ourselves. If Westerners began to repudiate the great lie (the story of the non-existent Jesus) without replacing it with the story of the Enlightenment (axiological neo-Christianism), but rather with the story of Romulus, so to speak (in the sense of reconnecting with the classical world), in a single stroke the night king would be torn to pieces in a myriad of ice cubes, together with his army.

But this is something that, we know, won’t happen. At least it won’t happen soon in North America. The level of the conquest of the Aryan psyche by the worst scum who arrived to the continent is truly overwhelming.

Only a convergence of catastrophes could save them. Only an Apocalypse could, at last, change the story that these folks have been telling themselves from the pilgrims to a story in which, instead of finding inspiration in biblical Jews, a new generation of Americans find in Leonidas, Brutus (as Caesar betrayed the Republic), Hermann, Charles Martel and from there a leap to Hitler.

2nd World War Evil Summer, 1945 (book) Thomas Goodrich

Summer 1945 • 9

by Tom Goodrich

Editor’s note:

Reading the below passages makes me think that the dark hour that the United States is currently suffering is the perfect punishment for the sin they committed in the 1940s: an Aryan sin so astronomical that it reaches Pluto. The punishment for having committed it is nothing less than the extinction of the founding stock of the US—and the rest of the whites around the world, as other whites are also reluctant to question the current narrative about the Second World War.

Many white nationalists also sin, to the point of ethnic suicide, because unlike Goodrich they are not even able to recognise what their ancestors did (when Richard Spencer, for example, has commented something on the subject in his recent YouTube interviews?).

Mark my words: if the white race is extinguished, let it be clear that it was due not only to the propaganda of the media at the hands of Jews, but to the fact that in the present century the dreadfully named ‘white nationalists’ hardly speak about the Hellstorm Holocaust in their forums.

Here we see again why the retrocognitive visions of a Bran under the Heart Tree, although this time seeing what really happened in WW2, could help to save the white man. But unlike the Stark family who in the TV series listened to Bran, in real life even nationalists are uninterested in Goodrich’s retrocognitive visions:

It is amazing to observe how brave and firm some men become when all danger is past. I have noticed on fields of battle brave men never insult the captured or mutilate the dead; but cowards and laggard s always do. —US Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman

While the Allied occupation of Germany was in progress, the cold­blooded murder of Nazi Party members, German SS troops and other anti-communists was in full swing. Unaware of the vicious propaganda aimed at them in America, when proud SS units surrendered to the US Army they naively assumed that they would be accorded their rights under the Geneva Convention and respected by fellow soldiers as the unsurpassed fighters that they certainly were. Instead, moments after giving up their weapons thousands were simply beaten bloody, then slaughtered where they stood. No less than seven hundred troops of the 8th SS Mountain Division were massacred by the Americans soon after surrender. Likewise, members of the SS Westphalia Brigade were marched a short distance then shot in the back of the head. Elsewhere, other SS units fared no better for the unwritten but understood orders from above were “no members of the SS shall be taken prisoner.”

“The Americans forced the Germans to walk in front of them with raised hands in groups of four,” recounted an eyewitness on the fate of another fifty surrendered soldiers near Jungholzhausen. “Then they shot the prisoners in their heads from behind.”

After shooting them and smashing their skulls with rifle butts, the US 7th Army threw another two hundred SS men into a mass grave.

Reveals one American soldier of another massacre: As we were going up the hill out of town… some of our boys were lining up German prisoners in the fields on both sides of the road. They must have been 25 or 30 German boys in each group. Machine guns were being set up. These boys were to be machine gunned and murdered. We were committing the same crimes we were now accusing the Japs and Germans of doing. The terrible significance of what was going on did not occur to me at the time. After the killing and confusion of that morning the idea of killing some more Krauts didn’t particularly bother me… I turned my back on the scene and walked on up the hill.

“Those who were able stood at the window, and told those of us who were lying down what was going on.” So wrote Lt. Hans Woltersdorf. At that moment, the young officer was himself recovering in a German military hospital when US forces arrived. Outside, a motorcycle with a sidecar had just pulled up carrying an officer and two men of the Waffen-SS. When the Americans disarmed them, the two soldiers were allowed to proceed on foot but the officer and others were led away. Soon, Waltersdorf and the other patients heard a loud burst of submachine gun fire.

“Did you see that? They shot the lieutenant! Did you see that? They’re shooting all the Waffen-SS officers!” shouted the men at the window.

Horrified, but thinking quickly, several patients raced down to the hospital office, destroyed all the SS medical files they could find, then replaced them with records from the regular German Wehrmacht. After locating a number of army uniforms for the SS men to wear, the soldiers could only hope and pray that their efforts were rewarded. Unfortunately, such stratagems seldom succeeded since SS soldiers had their blood-type tattooed under the left arm.

“Again and again,” continues Waltersdorf, “Americans invaded the place and gathered up groups of people who had to strip to the waist and raise their left arm. Then we saw some of them being shoved on to trucks with rifle butts.”

When French forces under Jacques-Philippe Leclerc captured a dozen French SS near Karlstein, the general sarcastically asked one of the young soldiers why he was wearing a German uniform.

“You look very smart in your American uniform, General,” replied the boy.

In a rage, Leclerc ordered the captives shot.

“All refused to have their eyes bandaged,” a priest on the scene noted, “and all bravely fell crying ‘Vive la France!“‘

Although SS troops were routinely slaughtered upon surrender, anyone wearing a German uniform was considered extremely fortunate if he was merely punched, kicked, then marched to the rear.

“Before they could be properly put in jail,” records a witness when a group of little boys were marched past, “American GIs… fell on them and beat them bloody, just because they had German uniforms.”

The footnotes have been omitted. Summer 1945 is a book that exposes the atrocities committed by the United States in Japan and Germany. If the reader is interested in a book by the same author that focuses on the holocaust perpetrated by the Allies solely in Germany, obtain a copy of Hellstorm, The Death of Nazi Germany: 1944-1947 (sample chapter: here).

Civil war

Liz Warren endorses Tarrant

by Andrew Anglin

Pure Aryan master race Liz Warren endorses the “Tarrant Plan,” pledges to arrest white nationalists for their beliefs:

Last year, Democrat candidate Elizabeth Warren publicly released her DNA test results after Donald Trump had repeatedly accused her of being a “wagon-burning prairie nigger.” She was shown to be a pure member of the Aryan race, with the 1/1012th bit that might be unpure within the margin of error.

She is sticking to her race and endorsing the meticulously planned plan for America laid out by Knight Templar Brenton Tarrant.

On Twitter on Monday, Warren went beyond the standard line of “shut down the internet to stop hate” and said she would begin prosecuting white nationalists for their beliefs. The only possible reason she could want to do this is to release a string of white nationalist terrorist attacks across the Western hemisphere, thus inciting a global race war.

In other words, she is pledging to do exactly what Brenton wants the president of America to do. He wrote in his manifesto, under the heading of “Why did you carry out the attack?”:

To agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash as a result. 

Further in, he writes:

The United States is in turmoil, more so that at any other time in history. States hate other states, the electoral college is under attack at every turn and the races are at each others throats. On top of this is a two party political system, split by racial, social, cultural, linguistic and class divides. 

The end result is a nation in gridlock, unable to respond to any great change, unable to commit to any great projects. A political and social stalemate that makes any advancement impossible. 

Meanwhile the 10000 ton boulder of demographic change rolls ever forward, gaining momentum and possibly destroying all in its path. Eventually, when the white population of the USA realizes the truth of the situation, war will erupt. Soon the replacement of the whites within Texas will hit its apogee and with the non-white political and social control of Texas; and with this control, the electoral college will be heavily stacked in favor of a democratic victory so that every electoral cycle will be a certainty. 

After an election cycle or two with certain Democratic victory, those remaining, non democratic voting, non brainwashed whites will see the future clear before them, and with this knowledge realize the impossibility of a diplomatic or political victory.

Within a short time regular and widespread political, social and racial violence will commence. In this tempest of conflict is where will be strike, a strong, unified, ethnically and culturally focused pro-white, pro-european group will be everything the average white family need and long for. With these boosted numbers, and with our unified forces, complete control of the United states will be possible. Above all be ready for violence, and when the times comes, strike hard and fast.

There is no way that Elizabeth Warren would come out and announce that she is going to do exactly what Tarrant wants American politicians to do, which he planned in order to start a race war, unless she is an Aryan accelerationist shill and a pied piper for the Democrats, purposefully inciting a race war in order to create an America that is as racially pure as her own blood.

If she was not an Aryan shill, then coming out after a mass casualty shooting and announcing that as president she will do exactly what Brenton Tarrant wants her to do would be completely insane.

No one is that stupid.

We’re into some serious shit now, lads.