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Civil war James Mason

Siege, 15

Revolutionary Common Denominator

There is no need of revolution in a healthy State and society and indeed there can be no talk of it. Each revolution has been preceded by the SELLING OUT of the existing ruling class. And who else but they are in charge of all the building blocks of a civilization’s government, church, professions, military, arts, etc.? These things all go when the ruling, or upper class sells out and becomes decadent, unfit to rule any longer.

This goes way beyond the removal of Jews—it amounts to total revolution. The Jews can’t be credited for all this though they are a large part of it.

The Jew remains a Jew but without a corrupt, inept, and decadent ruling establishment, he has nowhere to peddle his goods. A healthy state will expel—or kill—the Jew; a decadent one will take him to its bosom. The Jew corrupts the nation. He buys his way into opinion-forming and taste-making media, feeds the gullible masses his poisonous, liberal garbage; this in turn gets sounded back onto gutless opportunistic politicians in the “democratic process”; finally the very fabric of the nation is a tangle of perverted legislated Talmudic euphemisms. This is how an originally Puritan state becomes Sodom inside fifty years.

Neither the victims nor the leftovers, we are an historic breed: Revolutionaries. We appear and vanish as the times demand, just long enough to do the job at hand. After us comes the slow, historic process over again.

The mark of a revolutionary movement can only be seen in its complete separation from the current establishment. It is completely apart. It is not apart because it can’t make the grade in the sick society, but rather because it can’t stomach it and refuses to be part of it. It is set apart because it is disciplined, sober and austere, truly moral.

It is a revolution because—finding itself faced with an absolute abomination—it has as its highest priority the destruction of the System and therefore is not some piddling conservative sideshow crusade. It can and does reject the prevailing decadence of the sick society, not because of any leftover code of taboos but because to dissipate oneself in such a manner is counter-revolutionary.

It utterly scorns such phony “revolutionary” elements as the “hippie” or “drug culture” because it knows them to be only the more virulent forms of the same cancer as the System itself. It has historically been the task of each revolution to destroy that which is unclean. That accomplished, nature and man can once again assume their proper course upward.

Vol. X, #1 – January, 1981

Order a copy of Siege (here)

Ancient Rome Axiology Emperor Julian Jesus New Testament Old Testament

WN is deluded, the rabbi is right

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?”

Emperor Julian to the Christians

White nationalism is deluded. WNsts believe, to use Alex Linder’s recent words: “it is now understood by huge numbers of people that JEWS ARE THE PROBLEM. Not a problem, THE problem.” Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer has made very similar comments this year.

But Jews are only the most serious external enemy. What is behind the external foe is the internal enemy: the religion of our parents, as commenter Justin Kire put it in this site:

Christian Identity is a rather clever twist. Rather than seek to avoid the fact that Christianity is rooted in worship of the chosen, you [a CI commenter] pretend that you are the chosen people whose racial consciousness is so unabashedly advocated in the Old Testament. But if you are going to pretend to be jews (not jews, you say, but Hebrews!), you should just follow the Old Testament, as horrible as that is. Because the problem is not that the New Testament has been perverted, but rather that Jesus is a pervert who really did intend for his followers to be wandering, penniless pacifists with no healthy sense of the real world or any drive to preserve themselves.

That’s why no one can technically follow the insanity offered in the sermon on the mount. But what Christians can do is make that sermon part of their mentality, which is disastrous… And as racial as the Old Testament is, the New Testament really did dispense with that. Jesus himself dispensed with it (if he existed at all).

But we won’t overcome jews by pretending to be them. And the idea makes my skin crawl anyway. I’m of Norwegian / German and I won’t trade my heritage by pretending to be a semite. The ten commandments are a step down from the nine noble virtues. Aryan values are what we need, not semitic values. And the same scientific discoveries that smash the out of Africa theory of human origins also dispenses with the kinds of scientific claims made by William Finck or any other proponents of CI. Think about the words of Rabbi Marcus Eli Ravage.

Justin refers to a quote in The Century Magazine of January 1928, Volume 115, Number 3 pages 346-350, “Part I: A Real Case Against the Jews” by Marcus Eli Ravage that can be found in a number of places on the web (e.g., here). This is the truly shocking quote of the rabbi addressing the Aryans:

Our tribal customs have become the core of your moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poets have filled your hymnals and your prayer-books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars. Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors are your heroes.

Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricably woven into your very speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage.

Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.

The rabbi is right, painfully right. Something similar, but written from the pro-Aryan POV, can be found in William Pierce’s Who We Are.

We drank the deadliest potion ever concocted when we abandoned the beautiful and healthy religion that we inherited from the Hellenes for the cult of a demonic, volcano deity that allegedly spoke to a Semite. Christianity is what transmuted healthy Aryan values into the ethnosuicidal meta-ethics that is killing whites around the globe.

It doesn’t matter that Linder and others assign some blame to Christianity. They believe that it is a secondary causative factor. The truth is that what our parents taught us is the primary factor. Jewry takeover of the West is the secondary infection—an infection after the religious treason in Imperial Rome, as Julian saw.

Want to save your race? Give up Christian ethics, which includes what in this site we have been calling Secular Christianity (e.g., the values of the American Constitution).

Give up Christian ethics and the next day we’ll have a final solution to the JP. Give up your parents’ sense of moral decency and the world will be yours.

Umwertung aller Werte!

2nd World War Revilo Oliver WDH radio show

Letter from Joseph

Hi Cesar,

This post is in response to your post “Second thoughts” from yesterday.

If you are not capable of speaking fluent English at the moment then you should not have made a radio show. It was your idea to make a radio show after I sent you that interview Jan did with Alex Linder on Christianity and I admit I was surprised at first that you would not be saying much (although I understand why) because you never mentioned you wouldn’t be saying much when you proposed doing the show. It was only after it was organised with me, Jake and Alex that you revealed you couldn’t say much. I thought it was a shame for readers of the blog that they would not be hearing you on your show. It is also a shame for me as I wish I could understand Spanish so I could hear your long and elaborate speeches as well as your own opinions and debate with me, Jake and the guests.

When me, you and Jake first organized the show, the episode of Linder on the extermination of the Jews was to be the last episode, episode number 8 if I remember correctly, however if you want to only make 5 episodes that is your choice. It is your show, your blog and it is ultimately up to you. If it is frustrating for you not being able to speak your mind then you should not continue the show in my opinion.

Like you, I think it is primarily the Aryans weaknesses that are the cause of our race’s impending extinction, while Jews are a secondary effect of our race’s weaknesses. In fact, paraphrasing Codreanu, I would say humanity has the Jews it deserves. If humans didn’t miscegenate a tribe like the Jews could never be created in the first place, and if Gentiles weren’t such hypocritical liars Jews could never have ended up playing the goyim for fools and ruling mankind. However, unlike you I don’t view Christian ethics as having generated Jewish influence as I view Christianity itself as a product of Jewish influence, a creation of the Jews and therefore I would think Christianity is, like Marxism and Feminism etc. ultimately an offshoot of the Jewish problem.

Also, I think the actions Aryans have taken since 1945 that are leading to their extinction are different to past situations when Aryans have gone extinct. Before 1945, individual Aryan civilizations, whether in Egypt, India, Persia, Greece, Rome or South America committed racial suicide but the rest of the Aryan race outside those civilizations was not committing racial suicide. Since 1945 the entire race, from North America to Europe, Australia and New Zealand is deliberately doing everything possible to bring about its extinction, this is not a case of individual Aryan nations dying but for the first time in history the entire race is dying. Like Revilo Oliver I think Whites developed a death-wish which the Jews are exploiting to genocide us. Whites are embracing all their sins and living ‘sinful lives’ to make themselves extinct in the present. Thus the present malaise of the West’s darkest hour differs from the past extinctions of White civilizations in my opinion.


Joseph Walsh

Catholic Church Judeo-reductionism Karlheinz Deschner Tom Sunic WDH radio show

Second thoughts

I’ve been thinking about the relevance of the WDH Radio Show and what I’ve been doing on Saturdays: adding translations of Karlheinz Deschner’s first book on the criminal history of Christianity.

Regarding the radio show, I must confess that I do not recognize myself in what has been said in the four episodes. The reason is obvious. As I have already confessed, my knowledge of English comes basically from reading (on the sidebar, see the photograph of this year of me in my home library). Speaking a language is something entirely different from reading or writing it, and involves even another area of the brain.

I have done inquiries to correct the problem and to be able to speak well in the radio shows. If I wanted to make myself understood immediately, I would have to pay for the services of a simultaneous translator, who would charge me approximately $315 dollars for each episode. But that would only solve the problem artificially. A better solution would require intensive training to get my tongue out in English. Last week I made an appointment with an Aryan woman who in Mexico City presides over the offices of the Berlitz Corporation. The “Private Program,” that is an individualised and intensive program that lets me loose my tongue in three weeks costs $ 1,180 dollars.

The alternative for free would be to find a native English-speaker who is going to study to Spain and desperately needs one of these courses in reverse: to speak fluent Spanish. Through Skype we would train with each other: I trying to speak in English and he or she in Spanish until we both correct the pronunciation to the degree of speaking fluently. But that’s not going to be easy to find. That’s why people usually pay the amounts I quote above when they have the need to do so.

In the radio programs I would like not only arguing, but also making long and elaborate speeches. It is very frustrating not to be able to do it, especially since the voices that have been heard in the four episodes, even those of our guests, do not reflect my ideas. Not being able to argue with them, or with my co-hosts Joseph and Jake, is very frustrating.

What I said in the hatnote of yesterday’s entry on Yeats goes to the heart of the matter. I do not believe that Jewry is the primary factor of white decline. I think it’s the swamps of Aryan sin what have caused the tremendous proliferation of mosquitoes. These must be killed off, of course: but I don’t believe in the “spontaneous generation” of mosquitoes. (For those who have not gotten the memo, this is the Aryan Problem in a nutshell: “A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins” —Codreanu.)

And here is where it is clearly seen why I no longer want to prolong the radio episodes indefinitely. If Alex Linder accepts our invitation, the fifth episode will be the last (unless, very unlikely, a sponsor to fund my simultaneous translation for a sixth episode appears). I do not object to the Linderite idea of eliminating mosquitoes, the proposed topic for the next episode. I partly agree with his medicine, but not with the diagnosis. (“Partly” I say because I’m not only an exterminationist of our obvious enemies, but of the greater part of humanity as proposed by Pierce in his immortal novel.) My diagnosis, and here I differ not only from Linder but from almost everyone that I know (with the exception of Tom Sunic), are the swamps of capitalism and Christianity.

Gold over blood is only the most conspicuous sin (read the stories of Pierce and Kemp on the white race to understand this subject in depth). An equally mortal sin, though not as historically old as using non-white labour, is the religion of our parents. And here is where I have second thoughts on the pertinence of continuing to add Saturday translations from Deschner’s books.

It is clear that on Saturdays I am talking to myself! It is assumed that the purpose of blogging is to communicate with others. But even my friends do not seem to be B-type bicausalists; like many they lean toward bicausalism A.

If I believe that Aryan sins—materialism and Christian ethics—engender mosquitoes, and if this bicausalism B is not part of your accepted wisdom (there are even monocausalists in the movement), continuing this Deschner adventure becomes soliloquy. I am not motivated to continue these monologues. Having said that, I would like to confess what I liked about the three volumes of Deschner’s “criminal history” I purchased in 2002.

The late historian showed that most of the Christian martyrs’ stories are legendary. Before reading his books, I already knew that the New Testament is full of internal contradictions; for example, what the Synoptics say compared to John’s gospel. (On the discipline of studying the NT from the secular POV see: here.) But what impressed me greatly in discovering Deschner is that, in later centuries, the church was dedicated to inventing a rosary of martyrs and saints, of which there is very little if any historical evidence! As someone deeply educated in Roman Catholicism, this surprised me because, as a good German scholar, Deschner’s books are full of bibliographical references in several languages, and as far as I know he has not been rebutted on this point.

The making of saints and martyrs is one aspect of the religion of my Catholic parents that I would have loved to expose on this site. Instead, what I have decided is adding other titles of interest to my Daybreak Press. Although I will no longer add translations of Deschner on Saturdays, or Sunday passages from the novel Julian, next Monday I will continue to reproduce those passages that I consider important of Eugenics and Race by Roger Pearson. Pearson was a real catch. His Darwinian science almost reaches my exterminationist POV of the inferior races, going beyond the political correctness of American race realists.

If any of the visitors to this blog, or if my friends Joseph and Jake, do not agree with what I say above do not hesitate to express your criticism below.

Oliver Cromwell Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Edward the Great

by William Pierce

In England, throughout the 13th century there were outbreaks of civil disorder, as the debt-laden citizens sporadically lashed out at their Jewish oppressors. A prominent Jewish historian, Abram Sachar, in his A History of the Jews (Knopf, 1965), tells what happened next:

At last, with the accession of Edward I, came the end. Edward was one of the most popular figures in English history. Tall, fair, amiable, an able soldier, a good administrator, he was the idol of his people. But he was filled with prejudices, and hated foreigners and foreign ways. His Statute of Judaism, in 1275, might have been modeled on the restrictive legislation of his contemporary, St. Louis of France. He forbade all usury and closed the most important means of livelihood that remained to the Jews. Farming, commerce, and handicrafts were specifically allowed, but it was exceedingly difficult to pursue those occupations.

Difficult indeed, compared to effortlessly raking in capital gains! Did Edward really expect the Jews in England to abandon their gilded countinghouses and grub about in the soil for cabbages and turnips, or engage in some other backbreaking livelihood like mere goyim? God’s Chosen People should work for a living?

Eduard_IEdward should have known better. Fifteen years later, having finally reached the conclusion that the Jews were incorrigible, he condemned them as parasites and mischief-makers and ordered them all out of the country. They were not allowed back in until Cromwell’s Puritans gained the upper hand 400 years later. Meanwhile, England enjoyed an unprecedented Golden Age of progress and prosperity without a Jew in the land.

Unfortunately, the other monarchs of Europe, who one after another found themselves compelled to follow Edward’s example, were not able to provide the same long-term benefits to their countries; in nearly every case the Jews managed to bribe their way back in within a few years.

Feminism Joseph Goebbels

Beware of Game of Thrones

In the last seasons of Games of Thrones:

1. A female knight, Brienne of Tarth, beats a couple of the best male knights: Ser Loras of House Tyrell (one of the great houses of Westeros) and The Hound (who was the personal bodyguard of king Joffrey Baratheon).

2. The wildling Ygritte, physically beautiful, goes to war as if she was just another guy. [1]

3. A few non-white, masculinized female warriors at Dorne are capable of inflicting a coup d’état on a society which architecture resembles Islam’s.

4. Daenerys Targaryen, the Queen of Dragons, a liberal-minded bimbo, thinks it’s her job to liberate the brown people from slavery. She lusts to conquer the Iron Throne and “break the wheel” (smash all Feudal Houses).

5. The adolescent Arya Stark (pic above) trains to become one of the two best assassins in Westeros.

6. Yara Greyjoy is depicted as smart and her castrated brother Theon as stupid. In the TV series Yara is lesbian or bisexual—though George R.R. Martin, the author of the novels A Song of Ice and Fire has confirmed that she is not in the novels. Of course: the hetero Theon has claimed that Yara, not he, is the one to be crowned as lord in the Iron Islands.

7. In what is perhaps the best battle ever filmed, Lady Sansa gives rational advice to Jon Snow, who fails to follow her advice and, in a rash decision to save his half-brother Rickon, lost the battle and almost got killed. Jon and his comrades in arms were rescued by the Knights of the Vale and Lord Petyr Baelish, popularly called Littlefinger, who surprisingly appeared in the last minute. (In real life it’s women who generally think with their emotions and men who think more coldly.)

8. The last season ended with blonde, bimbo Daenerys leading a mudvasion into the white part of Westeros.

Similarly, in the first episode of Season 7, which started tonight featuring the Lannisters (obviously Queen Cersei, not her twin brother Jaime, is the one who sits on the most emblematic symbol of the series, the Iron Throne):

9. The adolescent Arya—remember: she’s one of the best assassins in Westeros—is capable of wiping out an entire House (in the previous season she killed the Feudal Lord).

10. While preparing the defence of the North against the white walkers, a 12-year-old Lady Lyanna Mormont, the head of House Mormont, lectures a 60-year-old male: the head of another Feudal House.

“If the Jews speak the people must beware,” Goebbels warned. Well, well. The screenwriters of Game of Thrones are Jews. Beware of the subliminal messages of what has become the #1 television series!


[1] Compare it with Beowulf, a medieval epic poem and the most important piece of surviving literature in the Old English language. In the 2005 Icelandic film Beowulf & Grendel, Selma is abducted and tied around with a rope by the brute and handsome Beowulf, as used to happen in those times.

Joseph Goebbels

Hail Moscow!

by Joseph Goebbels

The following excerpt from “Hail Moscow!” was
published in Der Angriff, 21 November 1927.

We have it prophesied a hundred times. If the Jews speak, the people must beware. The Jew is rootless, a ferment of decomposition. Whether he lives as a capitalist or a Bolshevist, his nature remains the same: Ahasver, the eternal destroyer. His gospel is chaos, and where he succeeds in fomenting revolution, he rises to the top. He brought the worker’s movement to its present deplorable state: a mixture of phrases, cowardice, terror and class hatred.

Why shout “China for the Chinese,” yet stand by in cowardice as the Jews sell Germany piece by piece and turn it over to the world dictatorship? You cry “Reaction” when one speaks of a lost fatherland.

Art Bible Degenerate art Miscegenation

Why we are antisemites

by Adolf Hitler

Excerpted from a speech in a public meeting in the Great Hall
of the Hofbräuhaus organised by the National Socialist
German Workers Party in 15 August 1920:

My dear countrymen and women! We are quite used to being generally referred to as monsters. And we are considered particularly monstrous because, in a question that certain gentlemen in Germany are nervous about, we are marching at the head—namely in the question of the opposition to the Jews.

Note of 20 September 2017:

Carolyn Yeager, who translated the speech, has just threatened: “Take it down from your blog. You don’t have permission to post it. I will file a complaint with WordPress if you don’t.”

Note that I didn’t reproduce her whole translation, only excerpts. No male racist that I know, except her ol’ friend Tan, has reached this level of hysteria.

Joseph Goebbels


by Joseph Goebbels

A passage from Der Nazi-Sozi, Elberfeld: Verlag der Nationalsozialistischen Briefe, 1927:

“You make a lot of noise about the fact that you oppose the Jews. Isn’t anti-Semitism outdated in the twentieth century? Isn’t the Jew a human being like everyone else? Aren’t there decent Jews? Isn’t it bad that we 60 million fear 2 million Jews?”

“You miss the point. Try to think logically:

If we were only anti-Semites, we would be out-of-place in the twentieth century. However, we are also socialists. For us, the two go together. Socialism, the freedom of the German proletariat and thereby of the German nation, can only be achieved against the Jews. Since we want Germany’s freedom, or socialism, we are anti-Semites.

Sure, the Jew is also a human being. None of us has every doubted that. But a flea is also an animal—albeit an unpleasant one. Since a flea is not a pleasant animal, we have no duty to defend and protect it, to be of service to it so that it can bite and torment and torture us. Rather, our duty is to make it harmless.

The same is true of the Jew.

Sure, there are decent (weiße) Jews. More of them every day. That however, is not evidence for the Jews, but rather it is evidence against them. The fact that one calls scoundrels among us decent “Jews” is proof that to be Jewish carries a stigma, else one would call deceitful Jews “decent (gelbe) Christians.” The fact that there are so many decent Jews proves that the destructive Jewish spirit has already infected wide circles of our people. It is encouragement for us to carry on the battle against the Jewish world plague wherever possible.

It is a bad sign for you, not for us, that 60 million fear 2 million Jews. We do not fear these 2 million Jews, but rather we fight against them. You, however, are too much of a coward to join this battle, and behave like a cat on a hot stove.

If these 60 million fought the Jews as we do, they would have nothing more to fear. It would be the Jews’ turn to fear.”

Antiochus IV Epiphanes Tom Sunic

On Judaised Americans

My last posts on the Greco-Roman wars against the Jews (here and here) made me wonder… Just compare how pre-Christian Europeans handled the Jewish problem with how, in modern America, the red carpet was rolled out for the Jews since the 19th century in line with the dominant Judeo-Christian, liberal ideology.

As Tom Sunic explained in the very first chapter of Homo Americanus, in the US not a single politician will ever admit that America is a theocratic system with a peculiar political theology. Think of how Donald Trump recently became the first sitting American president to visit Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

If Aryans ever wish to re-establish their own racial sovereignty, they must identify their foe: Judeo-Christian ethics, which pervades even the white nationalist movement. One example will suffice. Greg Johnson has been working on a White Nationalist Manifesto for some time. When he finally publishes and advertises it through the forums, will it contain his “Old Right” bashing favouring an effete Neo-Christian “New Right”?

Whatever the impact of the forthcoming White Nationalist Manifesto among American racists, many of whom are Christians, the US owes its very existence to the Jews. The 17th century reverence for the Old Testament by those naïve, starry-eyed colonisers who imagined a “City on the Hill” comes to mind. “Very early on America’s founding fathers, pioneers, and politicians identified themselves as Jews who had come to the new American Canaan from the pestilence of Europe,” writes Sunic.

After another post on the Jewish-Roman wars, the following Saturdays I’ll be adding passages from Deschner’s Criminal History of Christianity describing how the Early Church dealt with the Jews. Despite their rabid anti-Semitism, early theologians did not push for those pagan attempts to solve the Jewish problem once and for all.

Certainly, unlike the US, in anti-Semitic Christendom the Jews were not revered, but they were tolerated. Those early theologians that I’ll be quoting on Saturdays are similar to the white nationalists of today: much barking but no bites. This is why, unlike National Socialism, white nationalism won’t ever work. Whites must transvalue “New Right” values back to “Old Right” values!

Antiochus’ war (167-164 BCE)

“He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.” —2 Maccabees, 5:11–14.

The siege of Jerusalem (63 BCE)

Jews were massacred by invading Romans. The event marked the end of Jewish independence.

The Samaritan Revolt (36 CE)

The Samaritans rebelled against the Romans. The rebels were ruthlessly massacred by order of the Roman Procurator.

The First Jewish-Roman War (66-73 CE)

Jews were massacred by Romans throughout the war; 97,000 enslaved. It was the first of three major Jewish revolts against the Romans. It resulted in the destruction of the Holy Temple and a devastating depopulation of the Jewish population as the massacre wiped out a large percentage of their population. (Again, compare Titus’ deeds with what Donald Trump did a couple of months ago in what remains of that temple.)

Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136 CE)

Decisive Roman victory. The Romans enslaved many Jews of Judaea, massacred many Jews, suppressed Jewish religious and political authority, banned Jews from Jerusalem, and renamed and merged Judaea into the Syrian Palestine province. The war meant another devastating depopulation of the Jewish population.

If white nationalists, so overwhelmed by Judeo-Christian ethics, are not committing ethnic suicide how do you explain that they are not celebrating such victories?