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3-eyed crow Hojas Susurrantes (book) Racial right

Why I don’t talk about the news

Talking about the news is a matter for commoners, not the crow. These days I rarely read entire articles that come from the pen of white nationalists. And indeed, today I didn’t read the entire article that MacDonald published yesterday, ‘Why It’s Important for Trump to Win’. If we imagine that there is such a […]

Hate Indo-European heritage


Keep in mind what I said in ‘White nationalism is a club for women’. The gulf that separates me from those who promote race realism, civil racialism, and even outright racism and white supremacy, is my ability to hate. Today for example I was reviewing the comments about the article that Fred Reed published yesterday […]

Newspeak Psychiatry

Beware of the psychiatric Newspeak

To contextualise this series about psychiatry, see: here. Below, an abridged translation of a chapter of one of my books that I wrote in the last century:     The ritual murder of people has always been preceded by the ritual murder of truth—and, indeed, by the ritual murder of language itself. —Szasz [1] The […]

Jesus New Testament

Fictional New Testament

I started to type directly from Randel Helms’ Gospel Fictions for this blog (as there’s no online PDF) on May of 2012 and finally finished yesterday my excerpts of it. The excerpted series can now be read from the beginning at my Ex Libris page (here). Don’t miss the 7th chapter, ‘Resurrection fictions’. The resurrection […]

Axiology Deranged altruism Islam Islamization of Europe Paris

CUCKASOIDS: new neologism!

“I’m going to march arm and arm down the street with sandniggers and talk about how open minded I am about this great religion of peace, Islam.” —direct quote from faggot Frenchy right before his head was lopped off by a kebab. I stole this hilarious satire from The Daily Stormer, but some of the […]

1st World War Americanism Christendom Crusades Democracy Deranged altruism Egalitarianism Enlightenment Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) French Revolution Jean-Jacques Rousseau Liberalism Psychology Revilo Oliver

Succedaneous religion

Or: A race that has become too imbecile to be biologically viable by Revilo Oliver   What has happened to the evangelical atheists without their being aware of it is clear. When they expelled their faith in Christianity, they created within themselves a vacuum that was quickly filled by another faith. And the fervor with […]

Kali Yuga

Brave New World

 “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” ―Chris Hedges


On the so-called “New Right”

Or: The New Right rejects winning. There is no winning without violence. Below, Alex Linder’s retort to Greg Johnson’s manifesto, “New Right vs. Old Right” (video here; textual version here), originally posted in Vanguard News Network Forum that in October of 2012 I excerpted for my Addenda. It merits inclusion here. Keywords: OR (Old Right), […]

Alexis de Tocqueville Egalitarianism Emperor Julian French Revolution Liberalism

The new god of the Romans

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Julian, addressing the Christians Whites have been nuts for a long, long, long time. In a film or documentary about the times after Julian I listened a pagan character saying “…the new god of the Romans” in the sense that […]

Indo-European heritage Newspeak

Get rid of Christian newspeak

by Manu Rodríguez   It always seems to me that the words are to be used in a certain way. We must think the words. Before using a word we should weigh it, measure it, investigate it from the beginning and set certain (even personal) criteria for their use, and stick to these criteria. We […]