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Racial right

On picketing WN meetings


On kike cock-suckers

There’s a recent comment in the thread ‘Fuck white nationalism!’that I would like to respond.

I think at present, the only thing we can really agree is guaranteed, is that even at best, a large swath of the White Population – for one reason another – is soon going to go extinct, and that there are likely White Nations which will soon cease to exist or be gobbled up by another Nation with stronger resistance.

If the convergence occurs, and I have in mind peak oil and energy devolution throughout the rest of this century, billions will die in the Third World. This can only be a win-win scenario for whites, as it will be obvious by then that it was Christian morality what inflated the demographic bubble with their psychotic sense of altruism.

But we are going to be drastically reduced in numbers, and then comes the problem of ever finding the most Noble, Racially Pure and Moral beings that still exist among our ranks, and I can assure you that they are almost non-existent. They were even very few during Hitler’s era.

Again, don’t forget the psychological law: One week of hunger = the Law of the Jungle. Pessimists tend to think that reversal is impossible. They often forget that the present stage of degenerate whites has to do with easy bread and circus as in no other time in history. But this will change soon with the convergence.

We often underestimate just how grave and bad the situations and bad timing of all the events of the last century which plagued Europe and were the unfortunate tragedy for Hitler and National Socialism in the total rescue of Europe.

This is a huge problem in white nationalism. Folks in the Alt-Right are still living under the optimistic shadow of the 1950s. Greg Johnson for one believes that whites still have two centuries of opportunity, which is why he condemns any direct action against the System. Johnson is the rule, as we saw recently in how nationalists responded to Tarrant.

If Hitler won the war, he would have indeed far surpassed reputation and greatness more than any other leader in world history, even far past Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. Nevertheless, Hitler still stands ranking within the Top 10 Influential and Immortalized leaders / figures of all world history.

This is a misunderstanding, and it still mystifies me why white nationalists don’t want to read any of the two histories of the white race by Pierce and Kemp. Both Alexander and Julius Caesar largely contributed to the mess that resulted in miscegenated empires. With Caesar and Augustus the Roman Empire betrayed the Republic, and after some centuries the miscegenated empire was eventually vampirized by a Jewish sect, Christianity.

Despite the Desperation of our modern world and existential threats to our existence, Hitler still stands as a measure of Hope and Light in this world, that even a Man who came from nothing was capable to raise himself to the top of everything out of nowhere…

The greatest tragedy however is this mindless, numbing stupor that Whites have been living in since 1945, where they are ignorant of the fact that we have been dealt a mortal wound and been sold a bill of false goods, which has made us live off of borrowed time, marching towards our extinction where nobody thinks it would have ever been possible. If more people knew the truth about what a tragedy the loss of WW2 was by the Germans, people would be in total devastation, depression and hold themselves solemnly even up to this time.

The greatest tragedy is that most of the self-styled white nationalist sites didn’t pay last Saturday any homage to Hitler, and that last Sunday they did pay homage to Jesus of Nazareth, a fictional kike.

White nationalism is such a gigantic fraud that only the Germans of yore could have detected the fraud. Alex Linder likes to say that white nationalists should attack conservatives. But Linder believes that Jews are the primary cause of white decline, something that recently has been debunked by Robert Morgan with his comments at The Unz Review, some of them reproduced here. It’s whites themselves who are causing their problems by axiologically sucking the dick of Jebus. But following Linder’s tactic, what about starting to attack white nationalists and call them names for what they are: cock-suckers?

What about going to their forums and troll them with pics such as the one linked in my recent ‘Fuck white nationalism’?

This site isn’t popular. I used to have a single donor who contributed generously to The West’s Darkest Hour but it seems that he died. If I had a Legion of visitors like The Daily StormerI would ask them to go to all Alt-Right forums to troll them. If I had wealthy sponsors I would even go to the white nationalists’ meetings and troll them on the streets with pickets, inviting any of them to pick up my white glove on the floor: ‘White nationalists are ethno-suicidal—prove me wrong’. Or ‘Racist anti-Semites are Jew-worshipping cucks—prove me wrong’. Or ‘People in the Alt-Right, including Richie Spence, are reluctant to transvalue values back to sanity—prove me wrong’.

I am serious. I want to do this to them. You can imagine me, ethnically a non-Aryan, side by side with Antifa thugs unaware that I am criticising nationalists not from the left, but from the right!

Racial right

Fuck white nationalism!


On American schizophrenics

See what American racists are saying this Easter: — ‘Be kind. Love one another. Go to church or read the Bible’ (Occidental Dissent). — ‘Christ is Risen!’ (The Daily Stormer). — ‘This Easter Sunday we need to go back to church’ (Adam Piggott). — ‘The Promise of Easter’ (The Political Cesspool). — ‘Dr. Duke and Mark Collett on Taking Christ Out of Easter’ (David Duke). — ‘Happy Easter, in Spite of the Christophobia-inspired Spring Bunny’ (VDARE). — By referring to ‘god’, just before Easter while speaking about Notre Dame, Jared Taylorinadvertently was referring to the god of the Jews that his silly parents taught him in Japan.

With schizophrenics such as them and many others, who fancy they’re doing some work to save the Aryan but still worship the god of the Jews, no wonder why whites will go extinct. Look, in this Alt-Right aggregator, how most of these folks with split personalities didn’t pay yesterday any homage to Adolf Hitler on the 130th anniversary of his birth. Instead, they pay homage to the Big Jew, who didn’t exist by the way!

I won’t add any post tomorrow to give new visitors a chance to ponder on the main texts of this site:

• The masthead of this site

• The Hellstorm Holocaust

• WN is a farce, NS is the real thing

______ 卐 ______

Fuck white nationalism!

Fuck American southern nationalism!

Eternal glory to our eternal Führer!

Racial right

New subtitle

Alex Linder is not a National Socialist. However, his comments today about one of the foremost white nationalists inspired me to change the subtitle of this site from ‘The JQ [Jewish Question] and Christianity are one and the same’ to ‘WN [white nationalism] is a fraud; NS [National Socialism] is the real thing’.

In line with this decision tomorrow I’ll start posting old NS texts on a daily basis.

Racial right

Bye, bye Alt-Right!

– sticky post –

Why I won’t visit again the sites of
the white nationalists is explained: here.

Racial right

The price

What is wrong with white nationalism? Simple: They do not give due credit to the most heroic awakening of the white race in modern history, the Third Reich. Listen for example what, in his most recent interview, Jared Taylor said about the Nazi burning of books (here). Similar pronouncements can be heard despising or simply ignoring Nazis from several main figures in the movement.

The fact that they don’t give credit to National Socialism betrays the pygmy stature of the character of most white nationalists compared to the character of the Teutons when my parents were young. It is impossible to become a winner beside them. We need a new generation of Aryans that leave all neo-Christianity and Americanism behind. And the same can be said about the Europeans of today—even about Faye, who died a week ago. What’s the point of saying this (‘Today we need more than morality. We need hypermorality, the Nietzschean ethics of difficult times’) while Faye participated, as an actor, in pornographic films when he was young?

We need a new generation of Aryans who love Hitler and hate the mythical Jesus. That is the price to save the white race from the danger of extinction: stop worshiping the non-existent god of the Jews and love the existing Aryan who tried to save you all.

Otto von Bismarck Quotable quotes Racial right

What the Alt-Right doesn’t get

“Not by speeches and votes of the majority, are the great questions of the time decided… but by iron and blood”. —Otto von Bismarck

(*) Nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden… sondern durch Eisen und Blut.

Racial right

Ethno-suicidal nationalists

The Suicide of Thomas Chatterton~ 1856
Oil painting on canvas, by the Pre-Raphaelite Henry Wallis

Since this is an updated version of my January 1, 2016 post, old visitors may only read my new, bold-typed phrases:

Liberals, conservatives and white nationalists are heading for the abyss. A friend whom I talked in London told me that even the pro-white movement seems to be carried away by the irresistible death wish suffered by contemporary whites. Led by the Jews, gentile liberals are driving the train into the abyss; the conservatives are simply trying to slow it down, lightly stepping on the brake here and there to hinder the liberals’ ways. Off the train, white nationalists are headed in the same direction, but at a much slower pace: they go on foot.

For the sake of clarity, let us compare the values of the white nationalists with the true defenders of the Aryan race:

• Hitler and the National Socialists organised a political party: the first step to make a difference in the real world.

The cyber-based movement of white nationalism refuses to leave the homely comfort zone. They have good reason to do so: just see what happened in Charlottesville! Since the System won’t allow a peaceful revolution, white nationalists ought to have reached the conclusion by now that violent revolution will be inevitable: something they are reluctant to do.

• The Germans clearly defined their ethnicity as Germanic, including Austria, the Scandinavian and Low Countries, Switzerland and parts of the old Soviet Union. Hitler even dreamt of sharing the world with the Anglo-Saxons.

Those who advocate white nationalism are either openly anti-eugenicists and anti-Nordicists, or do not care about Nordicism at all. Like the conservatives of the Republican Party who treat mestizos as equals, in order not to offend Mediterranean sensibilities white nationalists refuse to recognise that the standard of whiteness is the Nordic type. Many have no objection to granting the amnesty to the whitish population in Europe with dirty blood, even if that means the eventual mongrelisation of the true whites (this is why I say that nationalists are going on foot toward the abyss).

• Hitler and his closest pals abandoned Christianity, a religion of Levantine inspiration that only weakens the Germanic peoples.

Many white nationalists, unable to apostatise from the religion of our parents, proclaim their religion candidly and have been blinded about the toxicity of the Galilean cult.

• National Socialists, including Catholics and Protestants, renounced Christian ethics and became pragmatic Nietzscheans.

White nationalists are frightened by history, for example the legitimate will of the Germans to conquer those Slavs who had handed over their country to the Bolshevik Jews. (If a Reich existed today, the same could be said about the legitimacy of conquering the Judaised United States by this hypothetical German empire.)

• Hitler and the National Socialists took sexual polarity as something to be taken for granted. Like all militarist cultures, the Germans subscribed patriarchy and no woman was admitted to the leadership class.

The men of white nationalism have become unrecognizably feminised. Some of them, especially in the Alt-Right and Alt-Lite, have no problem with the feminism that has been wreaking havoc since the 1960s. National Socialists had an absolute will of biological fertility. The feminised Alt-Righters have no problem accepting that women make careers; that they enter their conferences, and some among them don’t criticise that they practice ethnosuicidal forms of natal control.

• The National Socialists pursued the fulfilment of their duty to the point of dying heroically for the fate of their race. Like the Republican Romans their ethos was severe, stoic and brutal.

Some white nationalists still live under the illusion of the American dream and the childlike pursuit of universal happiness. Like the Romans of the decadent times when the empire was committing the sin of miscegenation, these nationalists lack the Teutonic spirit of tribal sacrifice. The saying ‘We don’t stand a chance unless our men become killing machines and our women birthing machines’ sounds like anti-music to their ears. Very few want to sacrifice themselves for the 14/88 words. Who wants to become a bloodthirsty soldier or literally force our spoiled women to become birthing machines?

• From time immemorial, the number-one enemy of the Aryans has been the inexorable thirst for riches at the expense of their race (cf. the most important book that an American racist has ever written, the history of the white race by William Pierce, Who We Are). Because of that corrupting power, Hitler and the National Socialists subscribed collectivism, honour, hierarchy and militarism always in harmony with the aesthetic impulse of the Aryan soul.

In the forums of white nationalism one does not read much criticism of the largest factor of white decline: modernity after the Industrial Revolution and the artificial comfort it provides.They mention the Jews a lot, but not the mercantile societies that degenerated into consumerist materialism: the most corrupting thing for the Aryan soul for any honest reader of history.

• The National Socialists pointed to fascism, war and conquest. Just read the Führer’s various pronouncements about his projected empire or these rephrasings of what Francis Parker Yockey tells us.

Many Alt-Rightists, light-years away from the spirit of Yockey, seem to sympathise with the human rights proclaimed by the French revolutionaries and, to boot, with pacifism (what we call ‘neo-Christian ethics’).

• In his table talks, Hitler constantly spoke of the most beautiful European architecture, painting and classical music. All of this was omnipresent in the plans of what the Reich was to be after the consolidation of his conquests. At the same time, the Nazis recognised the problem of cultural degeneration in general and degenerate music in particular.

In sharp contrast, many white nationalists are amused by the Negro-American phenomenon of rock and the filth that the Hollywood Jews make us see on the big screen and our TV sets. Neo-Nazis usually don’t even know the plots of the Wagnerian operas.

* * *

But the most serious problem with white nationalists is that they have not realised that their race is their nation. Had they realised it, they would have repudiated the founding ideology of their American ‘nation’ (capitalism plus Christianity) and would do something analogous to what Jews have been doing for decades: denouncing the Hellstorm Holocaust that claimed more lives of innocent Germans than the alleged Jewish holocaust.

Eisenhower, Stalin and Churchill, who ordered that Aryan Holocaust after the war was over, ought to be considered the greatest Satans not only of the 20th century but of Western history. If white nationalists knew that their race is their nation they would have sympathised with the true martyrs, their German cousins, and would have been reporting the Hellstorm Holocaust every morning, midday and evening until the West wakes up.

They do nothing of the sort because, like the Judaised liberals and the Judaised conservatives, they are on the road to racial extinction. As our old friend Sebastian Ronin said:

Zionist Occupied Government? Pffft!
Zionist Occupied Culture? Closer.
Zionist Occupied Soul?
Bingo! The Inner Jew.

______ 卐 ______

The diamond speaks

‘Why so hard!’—said to the diamond one day the charcoal; ‘are we then not near relatives?’—

Why so soft? O my brethren; thus do I ask you: are ye then not—my brethren?

Why so soft, so submissive and yielding? Why is there so much negation and abnegation in your hearts? Why is there so little fate in your looks?

And if ye will not be fates and inexorable ones, how can ye one day—conquer with me?

And if your hardness will not glance and cut and chip to pieces, how can ye one day—create with me?

For the creators are hard. And blessedness must it seem to you to press your hand upon millenniums as upon wax,—

—Blessedness to write upon the will of millenniums as upon brass,—harder than brass, nobler than brass. Entirely hard is only the noblest.

This new table, O my brethren, put I up over you: Become hard!—

Racial right

Why Jews beat white nationalists?

Simple: because white nationalists are not supportive of those whites whom ZOG victimises.

A week ago the System crucified James Fields Jr., who is totally innocent of what happened last August 12 in Charlottesville.

For a week, through this aggregator site I waited for links to white nationalist articles that showed great outrage and renting their garments for one of the greatest judicial injustices in the history of the US. Only David Duke, and some isolated commenters who opined in the comments section of some white nationalist forums, said relevant things.

On this site I have been posting my ‘mantra question’ of how it is possible for white nationalists not to use the information that Tom Goodrich collected in Hellstorm to nuke a narrative that has demoralised whites to the point of ethno-suicide.

The lack of a healthy universal outrage among white nationalists in the US, to the extent of failing to turn their fellow citizen, James Fields, into a martyr in all pro-white forums, resolves my question.

White nationalists apparently lack the most elemental nobility to achieve the solidarity that has worked so well for our enemies, the subversive tribe. Isn’t it paradoxical that I, who am not American, find myself writing Mr. Fields—while most American white nationalists fail to offer him the least support?

Take the time to write, send books (soft cover only) or money to

James Fields 631438
Albemarle County Regional Jail
160 Peregory Lane
Charlottesville VA 22902

Saturday update:

At least Unz Review published today a lengthy article on the Fields Charlottesville trial. But it contains this unfortunate phrase: ‘He [Fields] also attached a picture of Hitler—idiotic and cringe-making…’

Hate Racial right Sponsor

Writing is not for me

These days I’ve been fantasizing what I would do if I had the means to do it. I would reduce the entries of this blog to a minimum and hire a secretary to continue with the translations of Deschner.

Since as a child I wanted to be a film director, the most natural thing for me would be to have a Crossfire program inspired in that TV program of the 1980s, when Pat Buchanan argued with a liberal and I saw them in my job in Novato, California.

It is natural that the massive hits are on YouTube of the Alt-Lite (for example, Molyneux) and the Alt-Right (Gariépy) more than on websites and blogs. We can imagine the number of hits that a daily crossfire encounter, from Monday to Saturday, would get featuring two of the most radical voices of The West’s Darkest Hour.

In addition to that audiovisual program, I would like to visit all the Western countries that are receiving massive migration. In a white area I would have a picket on the street, ‘I am a Tourist, Speak to me in English’.

I confess that I have the obsession to answer a question that I am unable to answer in this blog. In Europe and North America, Australia and New Zealand, I would interview only Aryan males. After the usual courtesies I would ask the direct question, ‘Do you hate the culture that is exterminating your race?’

Recently in the comments section of this blog a British nationalist declared that it was difficult to hate. As it happened to me when I met the people of the London Forum, all the English people left me perplexed. The most natural thing is hatred when there is an explicit extermination program, to the extent of putting images of mixed couples everywhere in the largest city of Europe. And the nationalists don’t hate? Why…?

Sometimes I wonder if the people I know are not NPCs and I am alone in a virtual world to which I have been punished, a kind of solipsism.

Why white men do not hate with their entire mind, with all their body, with all their soul and all their heart (the reversal of Jesus’ commandments)? Who don’t they see the sin against the Holy Spirit of life everywhere (Aryan women with blacks)?

Let’s put it bluntly: As a mudblood myself I don’t get white people. I do not know what they have in their heads.

If I had power, you know what I would do: you only have to see the central chapter of my book Day of Wrath to find out. But apparently, not even white nationalists hate. They look like NPCs in a virtual game that only torments me.

But as a therapy, if I had the means, I would make that trip to interview as many Aryan men as I could and transmit my elemental hatred (and my state of absolute astonishment and perplexity that my interlocutor did not feel exactly the same).

What are their reasons? A whole race is being exterminated and goes to the streets as if nothing? And why don’t even white nationalists hate like me? It would be great to interview them too, at least the best known.

I do not want to reach a premature conclusion. But my working hypothesis is that they do not hate because the Jew told them not to hate, and the white nationalists obey the Jew, even the atheists. Maybe there is another explanation and that would be the goal of my hundreds of interviews. I wonder if in Germany or Austria it would be illegal to ask this type of question to the Aryans who pass by the street and see my picket ‘I am a Tourist, Speak to me in English’.

On the other side of the Atlantic I cannot imagine what would happen when I interviewed the white nationalists who send money, say, to a Greg Johnson. ‘Do you really believe that Batman’s essays will save the race?’, I would ask. ‘Why, instead of reading Johnson’s webzine, you have not become an idolater of The Turner Diaries, to the extent of spreading the novel everywhere?’, I would ask.

How interesting it would be, in my program, to be able to interview Richard Spencer, who recently expressed himself against the Diaries. I would let him know that throughout Latin America the mestizos and the few remaining Creoles are like little Jews who do not give a damn about the fact that Nordish whites are dying out. (Interestingly, the pure Indians I know do not hate the gringos.) I would ask Spencer why he hates the Diaries when the feeling of unconditional love for the Other is not reciprocal. Non-reciprocity is a phenomenon that can be observed not only in Latin America but also in North America. What would the atheist Spencer say? That we must love them even though they don’t give a damn about white extinction, and many even celebrate it?

I am a creature of pure hatred. I doubt very much that any of the interviewees could dissuade me from my exterminationist ideology. But at least the torment of solipsism, of feeling that they are all NPCs in a virtual game that only torments me, would begin to dissipate throughout the interviews.

Racial right

What is wrong with white nationalism?

White nationalism, Alt-Right, race realism. You name it: it is a thoroughgoing weak movement. Once you reach the other side of the psychological Rubicon (pro-white exterminationism), these stepping stones look like a thing of your past. Last month, for example, Jared Taylor told Grégoire Canlorbe, Vice President of the Parti National-Libéral:

If Europeans are to be replaced, I would far prefer that we be replaced by Asians than by Africans or Middle-Easterners and, certainly, by Muslims. I hope, of course, that Western civilization will survive, that white people will carry their civilization and their biological substrate forever into the future. I hope that’s what happens. But, if we are—if we really are—to be bred out of existence, or if we do not reproduce ourselves, if the continent of Europe becomes non-white, if North America becomes increasingly non-white, I would prefer they became Asian rather than African, Middle Eastern, or Latino. Asians are a high IQ group, and they would organize superior societies, whereas if the United States became populated by people like Guatemalans, Haitians, Syrians, then the United States would become a Third World mess.

You can imagine an exterminationist like the William Pierce who wrote the Diaries talking like that!