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Only for hatred’s sake…

Savitri was devastated by the defeat of Germany in World War II. In June of 1945, near Varkala on the Malabar Coast, she resolved to kill herself by walking into the ocean.

But when the water was up to her shoulders, suddenly the Life Force stirred within her. A thought flashed through her mind like lightning. It was a command: live! Live to bear witness to the truth. Live to see the day of vengeance, when the victors of 1945 are hurled into pits. Live to say, ‘I told you so!’

As Savitri put it in a letter to George Lincoln Rockwell dated 28 August 1965, ‘I walked out of the sea for the sake of that future possible enjoyment, and for that alone, and started living without hope, only for hatred’s sake’.

Source: here.

Hate Racial right

What bothers me most

This is a response to Krist Krusher’s most recent comment.

The lack of hatred of the Chinese after all the evidence indicates that they manufactured the virus does quite surprise me. Among Christians, liberals and woke people (i.e., secular neochristians), this is explained by the unconscious command to love the Other. But white nationalists’ lack of hatred is pathological: the other side of the coin of paranoidly blaming Jews for things they didn’t do, like the coronavirus.

What bothers me most about white nationalism is that the greatest subversive triumph of Jewry, the ethics of the New Testament that conquered the soul of white people (the axis of this site), goes completely unnoticed. As a concerned reader recently said, ‘The SS and NSDAP are being viewed as agents of “evil” not because of the Jewish-AngloSaxon-Bolshevik conspiracy, but because of the parasitic and self-destructive nature of Christian ethics deeply ingrained in the Aryan psyche and soul’.

Hate Mauricio (commenter) Racial right

Greg Johnson: racial traitor

by Mauricio


You don’t consider Johnson an enemy of the White race?

Would you take less umbrage if I labeled him ‘Traitor’?

He’s a homosexual.

He never commended Hitler, Himmler, the SS or National Socialism.

He chastises William Pierce and his books.

He refrains from promoting hatred against non-Whites; in fact, he downright denouces hatred and racism.

It’s one thing to abstain from promoting violence; one risks losing their platform / job / get doxxed / get arrested. But denouncing hatred is going against Umwertung aller Wertes.

Some might call Greggy ‘a stepping stone’ for crossing the axiological Rubicon. I think he’s ‘a stepping on a nail’ – you waste time, you continue to suffer.

It’s preachers like him that are slowing down the transition of Happy Mode into Angry Mode, by promoting schizo double-think like ‘I hate other groups because of multiculturalism… I don’t want to hate other groups’.

He’s siphoning money from would-be racist whites. He’s siphoning awakening Whites’ time with his bullshit articles. He’s siphoning White Hatred away.

Without Hate, we are defeated. And the first targets of our Hate should be White traitors who stifle our Hate.

Feminism Hate Kali Yuga Miscegenation

The Rains of Castamere

‘The Rains of Castamere’ is the ninth and penultimate episode of the third season of the HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones. It centres on the wedding of Edmure Tully (Catelyn’s brother) and Roslin Frey, one of the most memorable events in the book series, commonly called ‘The Red Wedding’ during which Robb Stark and his banners are massacred. The title of the episode is a song belonging to the Lannister family, the lyrics that herald the Red Wedding and which the band plays at the wedding just before the slaughter begins.

The first scene of the episode provides the viewer with a bad message. King Robb asks his mother Catelyn for advice, who should have stayed safe at the castle of her uncle Ser Brynden Tully, popularly called ‘Blackfish’, whom she just visited. But the mother is in the tent of the King of the North in a military campaign against the Lannisters. Robb seeks advice from precisely this stupid woman who started the war by arresting Tyrion Lannister for a crime he didn’t commit. So not only is Robb going on a honeymoon at the most serious time of his life, but he asks his mom for advice early in the episode.

During the wedding, Walder Frey beckons Robb of what he missed (a true nymph, by marrying non-white buttocks) while Edmure Tully is the one now marrying Roslin Frey. ‘Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger…’ Immediately following this, still speaking simultaneously, Edmure and Roslin recite their vows. The groom says ‘I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days’ while the bride at the same time says ‘I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days’. Secular whites today should know that even for pagans—there are no Christians in Martin’s universe—marriage was the most sacred institution.

At Yunkai, Dany’s watchdogs open the city gates for her SJW whims and come back in blood, Daario bowing once more to Dany and saying ‘The city is yours, my queen’. But let’s go back to The Twins, sometimes known as the Crossing, the castle and the seat of House Frey. Before the climax of not only the episode but the season, Robb kisses his wife even though, standing in front of Lord Frey, that is an insult as Robb broke his promise to marry a Frey girl. But Lord Frey had it all planned out, and Robb and his banners didn’t realise that the wedding between Roslin and Edmure was a trap.

If white fans of Game of Thrones weren’t the worst dung since prehistoric times they would celebrate the stabbing of non-white buttocks, Walder Frey’s little wedding gift to the couple, just as the Visigoths celebrated the murder of a mixed couple. But contemporary whites are the worst dung. Their values, including some of white nationalists, have been inverted in pursuit of the evangelical message and now good turns bad in the eyes of viewers.

Feudal Lord Frey, on the other hand, enjoys the reckoning. Catelyn and Robb have already been wounded by crossbow arrows and non-white buttocks lies lifeless on the ground, stabbed right into her pregnant belly by a Frey man. Stunned like an imbecile, Robb stares at the corpse while his wounded mother, who appears to be the one with the guts, tries to negotiate with Frey for her son’s life.

These reversals of roles are very good in that they even portray many white nationalists who don’t give a damn that their women have been empowered (see for example what I have said about ‘revolutionary’ novelist Harold Covington on this site). If values hadn’t been inverted by Christianity and neochristianity Walder Frey would be considered one of the heroes of the series.

In 2019 I had already said something about the Red Wedding and women’s reaction to it. Interestingly, among the videos I’ve seen on YouTube only David Bradley, the English actor who played the role of Walder Frey, seemed to enjoy the bloodbath because Robb broke his word. Afterwards, both Robb and Catelyn are finished off by Frey men and die. Immediately afterwards the credits appear: the only episode I remember they don’t play any music.

Hate Mainstream media Racial right

Part of the problem

Tucker Carlson spoke last night. The charlatanism of the so-called white nationalists can be seen in a simple anecdote. Carlson’s monologue yesterday (see, e.g., the minute after this moment) has been one of the most powerful in MSM. I have often said that what the white race needs first is a baby-step: moving from happy mode to angry mode. And Carlson’s anger contrasts with the even tone of the articles that can be read these days in American Renaissance, The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents and others. Not even in the recent podcasts of Richard Spencer can we listen any anger. How is that possible?

Basically, because people who had Christian parents in the United States (often Protestants) are prohibited from hating, or even uncovering the most legitimate emotions. As many of my visitors know, my specialty is not racial issues but the trauma model of mental disorders. And if there is one thing that follows from this model, it is that repressing our early traumas is what causes psychosis. It is true that when we were at the mercy of our abusive parents we could not explode our feelings. But if as adults we don’t report what they did to us, the result is a one-way ticket to any point among the entire range of dysfunctions that go from the simplest neurosis to the most serious psychoses.

There is no point in linking my recent posts about the situation in the US: the visitor can simply scroll down to read them. In short, it is unbelievable that a normie anchor like Carlson is already capable of handling the most elementary emotions while the racialists continue in that academic tone that is not going to lead the race to any revolution.

If you are white and your blood is not boiling over what is going on, then you are either asleep or part of the problem.


Robert and Ned

‘Civil war or the gulags… That’s now the choice of white males in America and they should take chances with the former’. —My paraphrasing of a commenter

For some time I have been imagining that, when starting the racial wars, some guerrillas will execute their victims with a photogenic message to upload on the internet: two daggers in each eye until they reach the brain, and another dagger stuck in the solar plexus of the traitor with the message: ‘This happens to me for having voluntarily given myself to Evil’.

Of course, it’s pure fictional imagery for a novel of the future, when things get much worse. But the imagery shows the gulf between the racialised right and what I imagine will be those freedom fighters who feel infinite hatred.

Yesterday for example I heard part of the podcast from Keith Woods (a brat about whom I said something last year), who invited Richard Spencer and Hunter Wallace to ask them about their reaction to the MAGA march on the US Capitol. I also heard the beginning from Jared Taylor’s podcast about the same event yesterday.

None of these hetero fags think about the bloody revolution that is coming, not even at the level of futuristic novels. But even the topic of literary fiction needs to be discussed outside of this site. I don’t think WordPress censors would like an expansion of Pierce’s or Covington’s fiction on their platform. Will the dark web be the site for the priests of the holy words? One thing is clear: I feel increasingly more and more disgusted towards everything that comes from the hetero fags of the racialised right, be it their texts, videos or radio podcasts.

But perhaps more than insulting them we have to understand what is going on in their cute little heads. They remind me of a passage near the beginning of the first A Song of Ice and Fire novel. King Robert Baratheon curses the northern climate even in summer; he tells Ned Stark that the Others (meaning the white walkers) take the light snowfalls, and he wonders what Winterfell would be like in winter. Then Robert adds a phrase that I consider key to understanding the chasm that separates the three-eyed crow from the Americans: that in the south—that is, far south of Winterfell—all citizens are drunk and have become rich.

The wealth of the West has corrupted the white man in ways never seen before in all of human history. With people like those native English-speakers who have become so rich we won’t get anywhere.

Friedrich Nietzsche Hate

The philosopher of Sils-Maria

Now that I’ve asked that only those who are ideologically similar to Himmler’s willing executioners comment here, I think I should say a couple of things.

The first, the most important, is that I cannot tolerate talking to people who do not hate to the point of wanting to blow up the ethnocidal System throughout all Western countries. If there is no infinite hatred like the one I feel, there cannot be an authentic dialogue.

On the other hand I am pleased that, since I linked my excerpts from a psychobiographical study of Nietzsche, apparently twenty-nine visitors have clicked on the link, although I don’t know if they reached the following passage:

During all the years of his pilgrimage he never once put up in friendly and cheerful surroundings, never at night felt the warm body of a woman pressing against him; never did the sun rise to see him famous, after a thousand nights of dark and silent labour. How immeasurably vaster was Nietzsche’s loneliness than is the picturesque highland of Sils-Maria where between luncheon and tea our tourists wander in the hope of capturing some of the glamour that clings to a spot sanctified by his presence. Nietzsche’s solitude was as wide as the world; it spread over the whole of his life until the very end. Conversation wearied and irritated him who constantly gnawed at his own vitals and whose hunger for himself, and himself alone, was never satiated.

Sometimes only in the most terrible, and even maddening solitude, is it possible to see the great truths that plague the white man: like what Nietzsche saw and we quote at the end of the masthead of this site, the essay on the surreptitious war of Judea against Rome. But I am glad that, apparently, I’m no longer as lonely as Sils-Maria’s philosopher because of what some people have told me and I recently reproduced.

Nevertheless, I am still a voice crying out in the desert as a commenter put it the day before yesterday on The Unz Review.

Exterminationism Hate

Infinite hate

A recent comment from Simon Elliot in my previous post prompts me to say something before I close the comments section at midnight.

In one of my recent posts I said that my friend Paulina is the only person in the world who knows me. She’s very well aware of my exterminationist ideology and, as the ultra-feminine lady she is (there are not many like her in the West anymore), she couldn’t be more contrary to this unusual mix between NK and Bran.

The serious thing that I see in Western men today is that they are exactly like my friend Paulina. For example, Simon confessed to us that reading Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm made him wish for the annihilation of all Aryans so that they won’t suffer again that hell inflicted by the Allies on the innocent German people.

Compare that yin stance with my Yang hatred, who have said on this site that if I had the power I would force all Americans to change their language to German in addition to destroying all their churches and institutions; and if they become reluctant to follow my new world order, besides all non-whites I would kill all white Christians too.

In a sense, and I don’t think anyone has understood me to date, the religion of the four words is the religion of infinite hatred: the primal fire that arises from the core of what Jung called the Self. See what Zweig wrote about Nietzsche to get a slight idea of what I mean.

I must keep this last entry short for posting it soon, as these last twelve hours before midnight, Mexico City time, will be the last chance for commenters to respond.

Hate Third Reich

Lebensraum, 6

Norwegian women had perfect genes

When the storm subsided, the Führer extended the Lebensborn Program to the occupied countries. Here the soldiers were invited to have relations with the purest women from the racial point of view: a modern recreation of the abduction of the Sabine women, although in a more formal, orderly and less brutal way. If a pregnancy resulted, the expectant mother was invited to a Lebensborn home, where the child would be born in a safe place. These types of houses were opened in France, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Poland.

In Norway the program was carried out with great zeal, since the women of that country were very close to the National Socialist ideal. The German regime believed that the genetics of Norwegian women were superb and wanted them to have many children with German soldiers. They loved Nordic women, with their blond hair and blue eyes, and so they considered Norway a suitable country for Lebensborn. During the occupation about 12,000 children were born to Norwegian mothers and German fathers.

Unfortunately, due to the betrayal of the Anglo-Saxons, it became clear that Hitler and Himmler could not come to fulfil their dreams of increasing the Aryan race. Far more lives were lost in the unfair war than the Lebensborn Program could ever produce. But infinitely worse was their military defeat.

On May 1, 1945, troops from the vilest country the West has produced, the United States of America, arrived at the Steinhöring orphanage, a community in the Upper Bavarian district of Ebersberg, and came across three hundred blond children between the ages of six months and six years old. I don’t want to recount what happened next with the Lebensborn project: it is something that hurts me, especially where the children were more perfect: in Norway. Suffice it to say that the dream of the Lebensraum that would last a thousand years was aborted by the Anglo-Saxons, as soon as the baby had been born.

Stalin’s Soviet Union was not an Aryan nation, as were the US and UK. That is why the priests of the fourteen words must hate these last two nations with all our heart and with all our strength, and with all our being and with all our soul.

Civil war Feminism Hate Patriarchy Racial right Roger Devlin

On Roger Devlin

Not long ago, in ‘Andúril: the broken sword’, one of my essays that appear in Daybreak, I complained about a video by Jared Taylor with these words: ‘Finding ourselves on the brink of a civil war or rather an anti-white, exterminationist war that gets closer and closer to Ward Kendall’s novel Hold Back This Day, Taylor gives counsel like getting married, having a good job, and trying to do politics without overtly revealing our true colours’.

Something similar happened yesterday to me while listening to an interview of F. Roger Devlin about Incels (who was annoyed by the Nazi salutes headed by Richard Spencer in that famous 2016 video because, according to Devlin, the alt-right shouldn’t endorse National Socialism). Although the interview was good, especially Devlin’s insights about feminism, he is the typical alt-right intellectual who, as we have seen, more than a ‘white nationalist’ is actually an American nationalist. (The term white nationalism suggests fighting a civil war to create a nation only for Aryan Man, something that the alt-righters don’t recommend openly.)

By the end of the interview, Devlin advises the same that Taylor recently advised: to get a good wife. The advice is quite dishonest because Devlin himself concedes in the interview that the laws of our time make it very hard for the white man to get properly married. For example, the divorce industry hasn’t been challenged, let alone eliminated along with the stupid laws that prevent males to have sex with their wives whenever they want, etcetera. Without the normal state of civilisation, patriarchy, marrying bitches that steal our children in courts and a law that commands you to send them money while she’s living with another guy is insane.

I think in the comments section I’ve already mentioned the case of a very, very Catholic family, friends of my mother since she was in Grammar School. One of their members, married to a traditional Catholic woman, after a severe illness the woman put him in an asylum and she stayed in his house with their daughter. The man is younger than me and is already committed in an asylum! His late parents were so Catholic that the Opus Dei folk were their clients. (Incidentally, they are a white family: the image of the many blond nephews of this guy now come to my mind when they were kids.)

That family proves that what Devlin said by the end of the interview is wrong. Even if you marry the most traditional girl, under the current laws the bitch can betray you to the degree that—as happened to our friend—not letting him attend even his own daughter’s wedding! The poor man stayed in the asylum during the wedding! When not long ago we visited him at the asylum, this very Catholic man came up that, despite everything, he should never hate…

The repulsion I feel for anything related to the American racialist movement can be summed up in one sentence: like this man they don’t want to hate, let alone fight. Just compare Devlin’s stance to Robert Morgan’s recent comments that I’ve collected on this site. It is more than obvious that, like Taylor, Devlin and the rest of the American racialists are held back by Christian morality. If Devlin & Co. didn’t subscribe to Christian ethics but National Socialism, they would know that only a bloody revolution could bring us back our women.

As long as male racialists don’t amalgamate their soul with the spirit of The Turner Diaries their whole movement will remain a women’s club.