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The return of the Blond Beast


Against Pierce and Laje

In our latest translation of the preface to a reliable edition of Hitler’s after-dinner talks, we came across this passage:

The defeat of 1918, he thought, and the harsh terms of the peace treaty so wounded the national pride and self-confidence of the German people that they exerted all their strength to get out of the distress.

The German who wrote that passage was referring to Hitler’s mind, but now I could say that the defeat of 1945 and the harsh Diktat imposed by the Allies so wounded the national pride and self-confidence of the German people that they, finally, gave up.

And this reminds me of what I said a couple of days ago in criticising Jordan Peterson: that the Woke Monster was spawned by the anti-German propaganda that the entire West has suffered after 1945. As to the medicine, I would like to take this opportunity to say something vitally important.

The most popular Spanish-speaking intellectual on conservative media is Agustín Laje, whom I have discussed both here and in the Spanish section of this site. Laje’s case reminds me of an argument between Greg Johnson and Hunter Wallace a dozen years ago about why, according to the former, conservatives will never win. Laje, branded an ‘ultra-right-winger’ by the Latin American and Spanish press (in fact, he’s a typical conservative), has said several times in interviews that a man who rapes a woman should be given life imprisonment and chemical castration.

Compare Laje’s stance with what I quoted yesterday from Andrew Anglin!

The Spanish Vox party, branded as fascist by the Spanish press, has made identical pronouncements on life imprisonment for rapists (i.e., males). How can’t we be living in the darkest hour if these so-called ultra-right-wingers and so-called fascists do nothing but demoralise males even further? Certainly, conservatives will never win! Note that they aren’t saying that women who give false testimony against men should be given life imprisonment as liars. No: the phoney right-wing extremists and fascists in today’s media are part of the machinery of absolute demoralisation to which the Aryan male has been subjected since Hitler lost the war.

The Aryans are so demoralised that they no longer want to fight. As we also saw at noon, in table talk #114 Hitler said ‘If the German people are not prepared to stand up for their self-preservation, fine: then let them disappear!’ In this light, even the toughest thing ever written in America to save the race, William Pierce’s novel, has a passage that resembles what Laje is saying in the media about rapists. Two years ago I wrote:

An individual who truly transvalues all values detects reminiscences of the Christian ethos even in the harshest novel a white advocate has written. The Turner Diaries contains a passage in which it is said that the Order would take a freedom fighter to the firing squad if he rapes a woman who also belongs to that liberation movement.

The first thing to consider here is that Pierce wrote his novel before the movement of frustrated men emerged on the internet analysing women’s psychology to the point of understanding it. In a nutshell, women only become bad if they don’t have many children, just as men become bad if we fail to kill the enemy.

During war the life of a man is worth infinitely more than the life of a woman, and this is where Pierce erred. One of the toughest episodes during Caesar’s war in Gaul happened when those on Vercingetorix’s side had to expel Gallic women and children from a besieged fortress, as the food was scarce, and it was understood that without the precious life of the male warriors the war would be lost.

Unlike the above anecdote, which shows how precious male life is worth in time of war, in the reader’s mind that passage from Pierce’s novel, which is very brief, only demoralises the would-be soldier. In total war what counts is to kill, genocide, exterminate, and not leave a stone unturned of the enemy culture as the Romans did in Carthage. Occasionally, this Blond Beast is allowed to rape even the women in his tribe. Although the Vikings TV series is as flawed as Game of Thrones to describe the spirit of yesteryear, I remember in one of the episodes of the first season that the Viking Rollo raped a woman from his village simply because he fancied her.

For the white advocate who wants to do something for his race, and even for the Pierce who wrote that passage, it would be inconceivable if you carried that barbarism into the world today. True, once there is a social contract in a pure white society (think of the Jane Austen or Downton Abbey worlds), rape shouldn’t be allowed. But in those societies the institution of marriage—every Jack had his Jill—was rock solid.

The point is that we are not living in times of early or late Victorianism. We live in a time when Christianity has been axiologically transformed into a neochristianity whose goal is that whites must immolate themselves. In these times, the only thing that matters is to disabuse the Aryan male from the lie of millennia, as Nietzsche would say.

Postscript: The Aryan must be disabused even of what visionaries like Pierce occasionally said. This is the only way for the male to regain his self-esteem and self-image, so crushed after WW2. Do whites want to rise from the ashes like the phoenix? Think like Vercingetorix and other Germanic warriors—including the Berserkers—, not like the white nationalists. Ultimately, the referenced page from The Turner Diaries smells of ink: not of fresh enemy blood from the ax of the Blond Beast.

Conservatism Darkening Age (book) Feminism Liberalism Sponsor

On Agustín Laje

Here we can watch Nicolás Márquez and Agustín Laje in their video yesterday discussing Laje’s new book.

Agustín Laje Arrigoni (born in Córdoba in 1989) is an Argentine writer, political scientist and lecturer. He is co-author of El Libro Negro de la Nueva Izquierda (The Black Book of the New Left) and author of the recently published book La Batalla Cultural: Reflexiones críticas para una Nueva Derecha (The Cultural Battle: Critical Reflections for a New Right).

Laje is the founder and president of the Fundación Libre, a conservative think tank. In Latin America he has been labelled an ‘ultra-right-winger’ by various media. Remember that Latin America subscribes to the egalitarian madness of the West, but since miscegenation has already been consummated here, there is little talk of race, hence racial issues are not discussed by Laje. Although his remarks have been labelled homophobic by the Spanish-speaking MSM, Laje subscribes to the liberal paradigm of ‘let him live’ regarding lifestyles, and only rejects third-wave feminism, not the first two waves. Despite this, Laje calls himself a paleolibertarian, anti-feminist and opposes euthanasia, abortion and homo marriage.

Given that La Batalla Cultural has just been published by HarperCollins, it’s perhaps worth saying that Laje quotes a writer as his conclusion: “Todo lo bueno de la civilización occidental, desde la libertad individual hasta el arte se debe al cristianismo” (‘Everything good in Western civilisation, from individual freedom to art, is due to Christianity’). Obviously, like racialists north of the Rio Grande, Laje is ignorant of the history of Christianity even though Catherine Nixey’s book, which we have been quoting here, has been translated into Spanish.

I have already said a couple of things about Laje on this site, albeit casually (here and here). But I would like to say something else. In the last-linked post I said:

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable.

I mention this only because the experiences I have had with racialists in the UK and US concerning Latin America have been surreal. When I spoke to Jez Turner in London, for example, he asked me if there were no nationalist movements in Latin America. His question left me cold, because any nationalism in this part of the continent is preached based on a consummated miscegenation—never based on Aryan preservation! Also, when I corresponded with Tom Goodrich, I noticed that he had an infinitely naïve view of Latin Americans. He told me that, unlike Americans, they would give me juicy donations here. The truth is that, in all the years I have received donations, I haven’t received a single cent from a Spanish speaker!

I’ve already written about these things in my review of David Duke’s trip to Mexico seven years ago. But I am still surprised that English speakers haven’t realised that there is no such thing as a red-pilled activist in this part of the continent. Not a single one. They all sleep in the matrix that controls us. Still, if I read Laje’s new book that is turning into a bestseller, I will be reviewing it in the Spanish section of this site (although it is the Catholic Laje who should read Nixey’s book).

Conservatism Roger Devlin

On IQ studies

It’s true what Jared Taylor and his group say about IQ differences between races. But I have long been thinking that these studies are biased towards certain intellectual abilities, which aren’t necessarily the most important. As I wrote in my book The Human Side of Chess, what good did it do the only Americans to achieve the world championship crown, Morphy in the 19th century and Fischer in the 20th century, to have very high IQs if in their personal lives they literally lost their minds?

The problem with IQ studies is that they measure a part of intelligence, but not all of it. Those who have read the neurologist Oliver Sacks will know that, for a long time, neurology studied the left hemisphere of the brain to the detriment of the right hemisphere: something that Sacks tried to correct in his books.

Something very similar could be said of IQ studies. It isn’t credible that Asians are about five points higher than Aryans while the latter are much more creative, and Asians merely imitate what whites have come up with. It is obvious that something huge is missing in the IQ studies.

I think it is precisely judgement, so well studied by Sacks in his field of neurology and by us in psychohistory, that is missing from the ‘hemiplegic’ approach, so to speak, in IQ studies.

As I see it, if we take judgement in conjunction with the values measured by conventional IQ tests, pre-Christian Aryans would rank above not only Asians, but Jews themselves. It was Christianity that literally drove us mad. In Spanish we say ‘perdimos el juicio’, literally ‘we lost our judgement’ (we lost our minds in a non-literal translation). That’s why when we finish our translation of Savitri’s book we will continue with the translation of Deschner’s history of criminal Christianity.

An illustration of why IQ studies are so limited can be found in yesterday’s American Renaissance article by Roger Devlin, ‘How and why men and women differ in intelligence’. I’ve been a fan of Devlin’s articles debunking feminism, and even included his seminal piece on the subject in On Beth’s Cute Tits. But like everyone at AmRen, Devlin is a typical American conservative who falls into the traps conservatives fall into.

In his most recent article, for example, in which he discusses the IQ difference between men and women, Devlin is quick to add that women, especially as teenagers (men take longer to develop their faculties), outperform us linguistically and in other faculties. Such an approach to intelligence betrays the same failings in approaching intelligence compared to, say, Asians: the most important thing, judgement and creativity, is omitted.

(Conservative speaker Roger Devlin at the latest AmRen conference.) An American racialist who is not a conservative, say Andrew Anglin, is able to see the naked truth about judgement in the most brutal way possible. For example, in a text I also picked up in On Beth’s Cute Tits, Anglin tells us: ‘What I am “claiming”—which is in fact simply explaining an objective reality, based on accepted science—is that women have no concept of “race”, as it is too abstract for their simple brains. What they have a concept of is getting impregnated by the dominant male’ (from ‘White Sharia: Why we don’t have any choice’, The Daily Stormer, May 16, 2017).

A typical conservative would never talk like that since bourgeois codes of conduct, especially if he speaks in public, oblige him to be nice to everyone present, ladies included, and not to say brutal things.

But Anglin has better judgement than Devlin. The problem with judgement, which is part of intelligence, is that it cannot be measured by simple tests. Even in neurology Sacks had to resort to narrative, that is, to telling little biographical vignettes of those who had suffered a lesion in an area of the right hemisphere of their brains to show how it affected their judgement. The same could be said of those who have healthy brains (hardware) but who have terrible damage to their way of seeing the world (software), such as Christian ethics. In the latter case—software—, narrative is also crucial although, unlike biographical profiles, we are talking about a vast historical study of Christianity and how it metamorphosed into runaway egalitarianism (cf. Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay, now in four languages).

In sum, IQ studies are very limited. They only measure part of intelligence. If whites could get the monkey of Christianity off their backs, they would be the most intelligent subspecies of Homo sapiens on the planet.

Autobiography Conservatism Richard Wagner Roger Devlin

Violating the first guideline

‘If you are going to talk about serious matters (like killing someone or a coup) don’t ever let the women know about it’. —Jamie

In 2015 I published the first guideline I came up with for a ‘New Aryan code’, which can be summed up in these words ‘Thou shalt only speak to Aryan males’.

Even I, who coined the term fourteen-word priest, fail to comply with the first priesthood guideline.

Ever since my sister got very upset with me when I tried to defend Richard Wagner against the accusations she had been taught at school about Wagner’s attitude to Jews, an argument that ended when my sister not only walked out of the family room but told her teenage son to go with her so as not to listen to me, I had promised myself never to sit with them again.

And I kept it: not even at Christmas did I sit with my family.

But even the priest falters when he lives among little women. Not long ago, still keeping my promise that I wouldn’t sit with her, standing in the kitchen she advised me to go back to school. Since, trying to keep my promise, I didn’t sit at the table, I made the mistake of telling her why that didn’t make sense (can you imagine me in a woke university?).

My sister not only disregarded my arguments, me still standing and her sitting. She escalated her motherly advice to insulting levels. And because I didn’t give an inch to the grotesque advice to go back to college, she was so offended with me that she didn’t speak to me for the next few days!

But the fault was mine. I violated the priest’s first guideline: in profound matters, speak only to Aryan men.

It is easier for a hundred per cent Aryan male, at least genetically, to listen to a priest in private than if we try to do it with one of these little women.

In June this year I published ‘Best Russian film’ about Andrei Rublev. Although the whole film has now been removed from YouTube, it’s worth getting hold of a DVD and watching it at home: an art that is light years ahead of American cinema, and portrays with infinitely more verisimilitude the real world than that of the Hollywood Jews.

It really is worthwhile for the apprentice priest to pause in the torrent of information coming from a media monopolised by Jewry and look into the Russian Middle Ages. Tarkovsky’s film, I said in my June post, has a masterful scene that perfectly portrays the psychology of women. I mean when a Russian girl, after the Tartars destroyed her village and horribly tortured some male villagers (one had liquid metal poured into his mouth with a funnel), still willingly gave herself up to one of the polygamous Tartars!

Not that the Russian girl was a bad woman: her nature is simply to go with the strongest. (That’s why I criticised American Renaissance’s recent conference yesterday, insofar as it only shows that unlike the Nazis those speakers are exactly like Andrei Rublev.) But once one understands the nature of women it becomes obvious that one should never argue with them, although there are great exceptions, such as Savitri Devi.

I write all this because of the email I received today:


Last week I got into a conflagration with my sister that you might have some expertise in:

My sister is a big BLM supporter, who had a BLM sign in her yard for quite some time in 2020. She is also the single mother of two green-eyed, blonde-headed little boys. The fact that the mother of my nephews stumps for a black-supremacist organization is truly galling.

In an angry letter to my cousin, I was ranting something along the lines of: ‘Where does it all lead to? What does she want? For her children to grow up to become the bottom bitches of Mexicans?’

My cousin did not understand my hypothetical, tongue-in-cheek tone, and sent photos of my letter to my sister, who took great offense and is no longer on speaking terms with me.

I sent the below email to her trying to explain the basis of my disdain, and my worry over the long-term prospects of my nephews, but I received no meaningful response in return.

What is occurring in the United States is the institutionalized soul-murder of our children, César! And their mothers are too programmed to stop it.



Among the racialists only Andrew Anglin and Roger Devlin (one of the speakers at the recent AmRen conference) know the nature of women. The problem with the conservative Devlin is that, as a typical American conservative, he is so feminised that he cannot see that only a revolution à la The Turner Diaries could save us. Nor does Anglin speak of revolutionary violence in the future, but at least his anti-feminist humour is so brutal that he comes a little closer to the priest’s guidelines.

New visitors who wish to educate themselves on the subject should read On Beth’s Cute Tits, linked in the sidebar.

Conservatism Racial right

American Gothic

Now that we have been translating Savitri’s book, the first thing that comes to mind is her admiration for Hitler’s Germany: something that the mainstream sites of American racialism lack. We also see that she had an exact understanding of the role that the Christian Weltanschauung played in putting what we call Neanderthals (see previous entry) on the pedestal: an aberration that has culminated in the Woke movement (see ‘Terminal Stage’, pages 190-192 of Daybreak, translated this year into German).

Recently one of these American racialists began to write apologetic entries for Christianity in the face of attacks from other racialists who have spoken about the Christian question (CQ). But as always, this American ignores the in-depth criticism we’ve been drawing on this site, including that of Savitri. As a typical American racialist, he focuses on the history of his country, seeing only his navel and ignoring for the umpteenth time what we have said about how the Iberian Europeans ruined their blood, both on the peninsula and this continent, because of their universal Catholicism.

‘Chess is a matter of vanity’, said world champion Alexander Alekhine. And in the battle of ideas there is much vanity among American white nationalists. And there will continue to be, as long as they don’t answer what we say, or what the Spaniard who wrote the masthead of this site said about what happened in the 4th and 5th centuries of our era.

I don’t even want to mention the name of the American racialist who has started his apologetic series. I have mentioned him many times, linking to his site, and he has never responded to any criticism. In the discussion threads on that site, the profound criticism of the CQ is also unmentioned.

So let’s leave the American Goths alone, ignore them from now on, and keep working on the book by our priestess of the fourteen words…

Update of 6:30 pm

The American Robert Morgan has replied to my quest about the racialist dude I didn’t dare to mention above.

Conservatism Racial right

Massive blindspot

As of this writing, only one commenter has said anything on Counter Currents about the preface to Greg Johnson’s latest book:

America died when my parents’ generation (b. 1920s) failed to respond positively and constructively to the black uprising of the 1950s and 1960s, and couldn’t find a way to resolve the Indochina crisis before the country was torn apart. (Granted, those were both devilishly difficult tasks.) All that the ‘conservative’ counter-revolution that began in the 1980s did was dive deeply into globalization, which only poured gasoline on the fire.

What strikes me greatly is the blindness of these conservatives who comment on racialist forums. Instead of seeing the elephant in the room, Christian ethics (see my post yesterday) they fixate on these trifles. I would say that the US died as early as 1861 (*), and the foundations for ethno-suicide were further laid in WW2.

I have already said it and it bears repeating: although a few commenters are more or less in agreement with our diagnosis of Aryan decline (see for example the two that have commented in the previous post) in general I preach in the desert. While I am not completely alone in the desert, very few racialists are willing to change paradigm: from JQ to CQ.

Only the CQ explains all the historical data, including the mass miscegenation after Constantine re-founded Byzantium, the way the Iberians stained their blood after the expulsion of the Jews in 1492, and today the anti-racist nonsense of Michael Jones in his recent debate with Jared Taylor.


(*) Note that the American Civil War was fought in favour of the Negro long before the Jews took over the American media. Obviously, the CQ precedes the JQ in as much as if the Vikings had conquered the continent, they would never have allowed neither that war nor the appropriation of the media by Jewry.


Derbyshire’s blindness

‘For the future of our civilisation’, John Derbyshire wrote in an article published yesterday, ‘I would like to see a task force—a Manhattan Project—of historians, psychiatrists, neurologists, behavioural geneticists, quantitative psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists get to work explaining this strange, weird, suicidal phenomenon’ (white ethnosuicide).

Derbyshire is blind of course, inasmuch as he doesn’t want to see the elephant in the room. See what Robert Morgan answered him today: Christian ethics alone is the culprit. You don’t need a Manhattan Project of so-called ‘specialists’ to see the obvious!

Conservatism Feminism Racial right

And now his watch is ended

‘And Now His Watch Is Ended’ is the fourth episode of the third season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 24th episode of the series. Above we see Lord Tywin in his study with his daughter during the episode. The lion is the symbol of the Lannisters, the wealthiest House in Westeros.

A recurring mistake in Game of Thrones, and I mean a cinematic mistake, is putting a cruel scene and then putting a similar one immediately afterwards. Thus begins the episode, with the continuous torment of Jaime Lannsiter with his amputated hand, and then Lord Varys shows to Tyron the witcher who, in a magic ritual, had castrated Varys as a child (Varys has the witcher locked in a wooden box apparently with his lips sewn so that he can’t speak). A good director doesn’t put the two scenes together. If you have to film them, separate them so as not to overwhelm the viewer. But in these degenerate times TV viewers have already lost their taste for good cinema.

After a few more scenes in various places in Westeros we see a third scene of cruelty. This time Ramsay Bolton, the most sadistic character in the series, returns Theon to the torture chamber to torment him again. Despite three cruel scenes in the same episode, afterwards we hear a dialogue between Jaime and Brienne, from which it is worth quoting what the latter said to him in one night, in front of a campfire, both being prisoners of the Boltons:

‘You had a taste of the real world where people have important things [Jaime’s sword hand] taken from them’.

Much very true. In real life I have come across many people who are absolutely incapable of generating the slightest empathy in the face of some human tragedies simply because, like Jaime Lannister before he lost his hand, they have had a gifted life. It is precisely for this reason that I speak so badly of the racialist bourgeoisie and of those who in the US are called conservatives (a word that means something different in Europe). In fact, after the above words, Brienne tells Jaime that because of his defeatist attitude he now looks like a woman. Similarly, unlike the Nazis the racialists’ attitude is defeatist (who speaks now of taking power, as Hitler and his own did?).

But even in this episode the scriptwriters cannot control themselves and launch their typical feminist message. The Brotherhood Without Banners kidnaps the Hound and Arya and takes them to a secret lair, a cave. In a discussion with all the members of the Brotherhood and the Hound, the leader, Lord Beric Dondarrion says that perhaps the girl Arya is the bravest among all those gathered!

But that’s nothing compared to the scene that follows, in which Dany takes over an entire army by burning the slavers of Astapor with the fire of her recovered dragon, implanting for the first time in the series her Diktat of brave social justice warrior. Then she delivers a liberation speech to her army of mulattoes: ‘Will you fight for me as free men?’ They accept of course.

The triumphant music played for Dany, the conquering SJW woman, ends the crude episode.

Conservatism Democracy Michael O'Meara Racial right

Against white reformists

Editor’s note: The following text by Michael O’Meara originally appeared on Vanguard News Network, September 24, 2007 and Greg Johnson later republished it on Counter-Currents, July 17, 2012. It also appears in O’Meara’s book Toward the White Republic.

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‘Je crois à la Révolution dans la mesure où je ne crois ni à la durée ni à la valeur de la Société qui m’entoure’. —Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (pic left)

Almost as depressing as the thought of our people’s extinction is that of the white opposition to it.

It’s not just that this opposition is minuscule in number, confined to the internet, has a negative rather than a positive understanding of what needs to be done, lacks consensus as to its common aim, and attracts a great many asocial, dysfunctional types incapable of sustaining any sort of nationalist resistance.

Worse, it seems at times not even to know the enemy. Whether racial conservatives endeavouring to stem the rising tide of colour and get back to the high ground of pre-1965 America or white nationalists ‘who are not revolutionaries, but paleoconservatives who don’t want to change the system, but to make it work for them’, the white opposition fixates on media (i.e., the internet), on consciousness raising, and on political policies aimed at reforming a system that is inherently anti-white.

Worse still, its Sisyphean activities are engaged in the belief that the old white America, dedicated to money-making and happiness, can be won back and is worth winning, that this can be done through ideas, in the form of media-conveyed information, exposés, and arguments, and through existing institutional channels, like the courts and the electoral system.

If only it were that simple.

Our people face extinction not because the Jews or the liberals monopolise the media, force feed us anti-white ideas, control the leading institutions, and wield all the power and influence. This is a big part of it, to be sure, but to see things solely—or principally—in these terms is to overlook the last two or three centuries of Western history.

The threat to white existence is profound, rooted in the civilisational, ontological, and spiritual disorders undergirding the Judaification presently pervading our daily lives.

When Yuri Slezkine boasts that the modern age is the Jewish age, he gets to the heart of this in a way few white nationalists ever do. Based on the Levantine behaviour of ‘rule breakers, border crossers, and go-betweens’, the entire course of the modern Jewish age works, in effect, toward our collective de-Aryanization.

Since its advent, with the liberal-democratic revolutions of the late 18th century, the Modern West, unlike its Medieval and Ancient counterparts, has shed all sense of tradition, transcendence, and fidelity; it violates the natural order of things; it pursues a purely practical, economic course geared to the lowest order of existence; it can’t see the higher points of reference; and it replaces the rights of blood and heritage with false creeds and material acquisitions.

Whether the modernisation spurred by the liberal-democratic revolutions was inherently Judaifying or not (the anti-Semitic tradition is divided on the question) is irrelevant to the fact that Judaification and modernisation—what Kevin MacDonald calls ‘the rise of Jewish power and the disestablishment of the specifically European nature of the US’—happened in tandem, being obverse expressions of the same historical phenomenon.

With the advent of modernity’s Judaification, the Aryan spirit that gave form to our race at the dawn of history and accompanied it through every subsequent stage of its Greco-Roman, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and European growth was exiled from the world.

Our people face extinction, it follows, because the entire structure of Western life—culture, civilisation, economy, whatever you want to call it—betrays the defining essence of their being.

What is to be done?

The development of alternative media, consciousness raising, various local activities to defend white existence must, to start, give no credence to the reformist snare that the system can be made receptive to white interests. This illusion is the greatest treason. For it is the system itself, communicating vessel of the Jews’ lunar spirit, that de-Aryanizes us, contaminates our blood, and seeks our destruction. It is the enemy. It cannot be reformed, only abandoned—if we are to live. All talk of working through it is but Utopian chatter, better left to sheenies, darkies, and schoolteachers.

The notion that racialists follow the left’s Gramscian ‘march through the institutions’ is equally unserious. Covington’s Northwest Volunteer Army is a hundred times more realistic than the thought of re-establishing the integrity of white life through elections or an expanded media.

Of necessity, our course must be Aryan, not American. The old America may have been racially conscious, but in a typically liberal way, privileging the lower functions of production and reproduction—which fated it to become ‘capitalist, cosmopolitan, and anti-national’. Its racialism was thus not the blood consciousness native to the warriors who sired our race, just as its upper world of wheeling-dealing money men, bought politicians, and leading families is but the respectable verso of its criminal underworld—alien to traditional Aryan standards of hierarchy, form, virility, transcendence, authority, and sovereignty.

As for the white masses—whose vegetative existence is lived unconscious of the higher forces governing them and oriented to the materialist and family concerns of the lower orders—they’ll never be moved by ideas and principles openly challenging the existing order. Only a social crisis set off by some cataclysm that makes their normal way of life impossible will cause them to look for alternatives. And at that point, what matters most will not be ideas and principles, but men and organisations whose exemplary stature instils in them the confidence for decisive action.

What need, then, have we for more education, more programs, more market strategies, more media, more time in the Gay Old Party to make the existing anti-white system work for us? Any self-respecting white man who wants to know what’s going on or what to do doesn’t have far to search. All the answers are already there, waiting for the taking.

In any case, the increasingly totalitarian character of contemporary liberalism, not to mention the plantation of a hundred million muds on our soil, makes the entertainment of such reform an exercise in folly.

The white race will be reborn, then, not by electing Congressmen, hiring lobbyists, and participating in a system that seeks its destruction, but by returning to its original self—and to the challenge of creating a new elite, a revolutionary vanguard morally and organisationally armed to stand against the Jewish age—so that when the foul system supporting it collapses in decay, there will be someone around to fight for our fair share of the spoils.

It’s in this way that the nobles of blood and spirit are born and come to rule.

All the ancient Aryan civilisations arose, in fact, from ‘a race of conquerors who overcame lands and peoples on the basis of a higher calling and qualification’—a higher calling and qualification modelled on the Aryan Doctrine of Battle and Victory. Hierarchy, order, courage, and a solar universality came, as a result, to inform white life.

If our people are to restore European America (in the Pacific Northwest or elsewhere), it will be in the Aryan way, through a return to the ancient practices that formed us in the beginning and made us who we are. It will not come about through a process dependent on all that is the root of our present humiliation.

Conservatism Correspondence Free speech / association

There won’t be a PO box

It will not be possible to rent a PO box in the country where I live, as I had recently promised. I have just returned from the offices and they informed me that my full name had to come, as addressee, in each envelope that arrived at the post office box. As I recently had problems because a (Jewish?) woman complained to relatives of mine, a woman whose son guessed who’s C.T., I can’t afford to keep putting my full name on this site or allow that envelopes are being addressed to me.

The idea of renting a PO box was not bad considering what will happen to the pro-white sites once the new administration is inaugurated: we will have to return to more archaic forms of communication. I would suggest that those interested in not losing contact with me write down my email address that appears on the sidebar: the only way to keep in touch after the US enters a state of complete anti-white totalitarianism.

The American elites have already been able, in the past few days, to deplatform Trump and his fans across the internet, and even threaten not to give jobs in the real world to those who have supported him. And this happens before Biden’s inauguration. We can already imagine what will come next…

By the way, yesterday and today I visited Counter-Currents to see who Johnson was posting in the aftermath of the event in the Capitol. The same old conservatives keep writing there. Let’s remember Commander Rockwell’s litmus test to distinguish who’s a conservative and who’s a National Socialist: the conservative wants to protect his social status and money, the National Socialist wants to protect his race.

From this angle, all those who claim to defend the white race on the internet are, in reality, conservatives: as no one begins to speak of revolution by quoting those famous words of President JFK.* It was last week when I used a commenter’s words ‘Civil war or the gulags. That’s now the choice and whites should take chances with the former’. But white advocates insist on remaining de facto conservatives.

Although I can’t be sure that the woman who complained to my family is Jewish (they don’t want to tell me her name), it’s worth ending this post with some humorous links. What bothered the woman the most is the little swastika that appears at the top of this page and what I wrote about Beth’s beautiful tits (after she complained I added this and this).


(*) In 1962, John F. Kennedy famously said, ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.