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Aryan beauty

This blog in a nutshell

‘That the beauty of the white Aryan women shall not perish from the earth’.

– The fourteen words

On the need to undemonize Hitler



What the media has concealed about WW2:

1.- The best-kept secret of our times!:
The Holocaust perpetrated on Germans

2.- The Second World War


On the need to undemonize Hitler:

3.- Best essays on Hitler

4.- Hitler in his own words—his table talks


Informal comments in the blogosphere:

5.- Anglo-Saxons and Hitler

6.- What Nazi Germany tried to prevent


What the media has concealed about the “holocaust”:

7.- Irmin Vinson’s must-read articles about the holocaust

8.- An unheard of Holocaust perpetrated by Bolshevik Jews


On Himmler and National Socialism:

9.- Himmler’s worldview

10.- Rockwell: A National Socialist life



The word ‘racism’

First of all, Hadding Scott wrote an article about how, in the late 19th century, the term originated without the derogatory meaning with which it is used today (see Scott’s article: here).

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The critique of language is the most radical of all critiques.

If we don’t uproot from our vocabulary the Newspeak of the anti-white West—keep in mind that when all great European civilisations were at their apex the word ‘racism’ didn’t exist—, we won’t even be able to start discussing the issues.

According to George Orwell, the objective of Newspeak is social control. ‘Newspeak’ is propagandistic language characterized by neologism, euphemism and the inversion of customary meanings.

The 4th century of the Common Era, during the reign of Theodosius, witnessed the consolidation of power of the bishops in the Roman Empire after the premature death of Julian the Apostate. Those unconverted to the new religion became second-class citizens. A new word was coined, ‘pagan’ to label the adept of the millenarian Hellenic culture. Once created the Newspeak those stigmatised as ‘pagans’ were persecuted (see the masthead of this site: here).

If we translate the term racist back to Oldspeak, just as ‘pagan’ only really meant the common adept of classical culture, we will see that ‘racism’ is a code word for ‘pro-white’. But after the Second World War it has been weaponized to become a term that induces guilt among whites.

Detecting this psyop together with other epithets is pivotal in the process of de-brainwashing whites. Besides the most obvious words—‘Islamophobe,’ ‘xenophobe,’ ‘transphobe,’ etc.—, below appears a short sample of Newspeak terms translated back to Oldspeak:

‘Affirmative action’ – Blacks stealing our jobs.

‘Anti-Semitism’ – The belief by gentiles that Jews may be criticized like any other group.

‘Civil rights’ – Untermenschen and spoiled white women have more rights than Übermenschen in the New World Order.

‘Diversified workforce’ – Much fewer white males are to be hired or promoted.

‘Disadvantaged’ – Unqualified and can’t speak English, German or another Aryan language, so give them money.

‘Equal treatment and opportunity’ – Fewer opportunities for the Aryan folk.

‘Historic grievances’ – White people ended slavery, human sacrifice in the American continent and cannibalism in tribal societies.

‘Homophobia / gay bashing’ – The healthy revulsion by Lot for Sodomite or Gomorrahite behaviour.

‘Human Rights Commissions’ – Inquisitions denying free speech. Thought Police that enforces liberal political doctrine.

‘Immigration’ – Race replacement. Genocidal levels of immigration.

‘Interracial relationship’ – White women having non-white babies. Also called racial engineering or soft genocide of white people (just see the ads advertising mixed couples throughout the city of London!).

‘Misogynist’ – Anyone who disagrees with the racially-suicidal empowerment of the feminists.

‘Multicultural enhancement’ – Destroy all European cultures.

‘Politically correct’ – Fines and/or jail for anybody not sufficiently ‘woke’ and following the New World Order.

‘Respect and tolerance’ – Surrender. ‘Tolerance’ for millions of immigrants means demographic genocide for whites.

‘Culture of Hate’ – Anything pro-white.

‘Woman’s choice’ – Abortion and genocide of millions of white babies.

Nevertheless, and despite all that has been said above, ‘racism’ might be a term mostly used not by our enemies but by us! (Tom Metzger’s tactic). Hadn’t values been inverted by Christianity and its bastard son, liberalism, racist attitudes would be considered a great virtue, as Nietzsche saw:

Gotzen-Dammerung-coverChristianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity—the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against ‘race’: the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.

If the transvaluation of values advocated by Nietzsche were to take place throughout the West, ‘racism’ would be considered the greatest of virtues. Therefore—

Umwertung aller werte!

Evil Racial right

Priesthood of the fourteen words

(Pythagoreans greet the sun with song by Fyodor Bronnikov.) White nationalism is charlatanry and visitors to this site should consider un-watching the alt-right sites for one simple reason: alt-righters are really afraid to confront the most elemental facts.

I mean what really happened in World War II.

What Yankee propaganda did was simply assign to the Germans the crimes they and the Soviets had committed in Germany, before and after the surrender.

Every site of white nationalism that does not hate the United States and Russia represents intellectual charlatanry of the worst kind.

What these idiots don’t want to see is that any excess that can be attributed to the Germans—excesses with what the media has been bombarding us for seventy years!—is just the iceberg’s tip of what the Allies committed.

A failure to hammer mornings, afternoons and nights with the events of that war that explain how the anti-white Zeitgeist was born means that white nationalists and those in the alt-right have a huge character flaw: Cowardice with capital C.

It is impossible to save the race with these cowards. We need a new generation of Aryan men who no longer call their movement ‘white nationalism’.

I propose a new name to distinguish it from German National Socialism (as the Führer himself said that NS could no be exported): Priesthood of the Fourteen Words.

The Priests of the Fourteen Words will leave the alt-right behind, as stagnant as they are at the middle of the river, and they will reach the mainland on this side of the psychological Rubicon.

I have no illusions. Since I started scolding white nationalists in this modest space, donations dropped almost to zero. But I will not give in because it’s them the ones who are dissociating historical reality instead of facing it as real Men.

It has been more than a month since I decided not to visit the WN/alt-right forums, not even MacDonald’s. Only when I search for something specific through Google and spot some info I am interested in, do I enter one of these sites.

It makes no sense to continue blaming the Jews for everything if the WNsts are unable to recognise that the white man is equally guilty of what Jewry does—and even worse, as what the white man does is treason.

Below for example, Goodrich mentions a Soviet Jew that preached genocidal hatred of Germans. What the WNsts don’t want to see is that even Bill O’Reilly used to invite a colonel who approved the killing of civilian Germans in that war, when O’Reilly had a program on Fox News. I still remember the words of that colonel: ‘Burn their families…!’

Can’t the WNsts realise that this is worse than what the Jew quoted below said, as it is treason to his Saxon cousins? And what about the millions of idiots who continue to watch Fox News and believe the lies about World War II? Even the abridged version of The Gulag Archipelago debunks such lies. But whites prefer TV than the most elemental reading, right?

The following is installment #11 on this site of Tom Goodrich’s Summer 1945:

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September 2024 Note:

I removed the following quote because I will be incorporating it into the Summer 1945 series.

Catholic Church Christian art Deranged altruism Universalism

Veritas odium parit, 7

According to the theologians’ interpretation, the Church is born from the open side of Christ. It is the Church that congregates next to the cross of the Saviour in this painting of a Navarrese-French teacher at the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid.

The Imperial Church of Constantine and his successors always was a catholic, i.e. universal church. It is the institution that sanctioned universalism in the West. In ‘The Saxon Savior: Converting Northern Europe’ Ash Donaldson said:

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Universalism’s pyrrhic victory

It took centuries of relentless indoctrination to get the peoples of Northern Europe to extend the in-group boundaries outward to embrace, first, all those who said the words and bent the knee before the cross, and eventually all of humanity, whose encompassing by the true Faith is a Christ-given goal.

But at the moment of its greatest success, with European missionaries dispatched to the remotest corners of Africa and Asia, Christianity found itself assailed by the very universalism that had provided its appeal in the first centuries. The same weapons it had wielded to discredit the pre-Christian myths and folkways were now turned against it by the advocates of a universalism that had no need for something as quaint as deity. If, today, the notion of God seems less and less of a possibility to the rootless inhabitants of our soulless cities, it is partly because Christian universalism paved the way by making our tribal identities, ancient customs, and cherished myths ultimately irrelevant.

Today, with that thousand-year resistance behind us, we can see how the triumph of universalism, set in motion by a very different sort of savior in the fourth century BC, has gradually left us without a folk, without a polis, and without the means to even comprehend how fully life was once lived. All that remains, it seems, is to double down on Christian universalism, throw oneself instead into a substitute universalism such as Marxism, or chuck it all for an unabashed individualism.

Yet as the past century-and-a-half shows, ethnic identity has a habit of returning with a vengeance. Those who rediscover such myths, folkways, and traditions as have come down to us often find that these things strike a chord within them. They simply fit, without all the caveats and yes-but’s of syncretic universalism.

Ultimately, however, a folkish way of life must have a folk community, and not the virtual communities that exist only on social media. We must have a polis again, in all that the Greeks understood by that term: small, self-governing communities bound by common language, ethnicity, customs, and religious traditions. Such a thing, far from being utopian, would spring from our nature, life as it was lived across thousands of generations.

What is artificial is our divorce from the land, our crowding into cities to live alongside strangers for the purpose of endless consumption, and our insistence on universalism even when we ourselves—those of European descent—lose the most by it. In the long view, all this is fairly recent, and in the North, quite recent indeed. That should give us confidence, for though the line is frayed, it is far from broken.


Bibliographical references appear in the original article.

Amerindians Carl Gustav Jung Ethnic cleansing Vikings

Time-tunnel fantasy

Recently I came up with the idea of starting to change our colloquialisms, residues of Judeo-Christianity, for expressions like ‘For the Gods…!’ If people answer us by saying that there is only one god, we shall answer: ‘I don’t believe the god of the Jews exists!’ (not long ago I told exactly that to my very Catholic mother).

It does not matter that the Aryan Gods do not exist either. They exist in another sense. As Jung said, they represent healthy archetypes of the Aryan psyche. Just remember the high opinion of Jung about Hitler and Wotan as a Germanic Renaissance.

Yesterday and today I have continued watching the fifth season of Vikings. My favourite dialogue of everything I’ve seen since the first season appears in S5-E15, after a war against the Christians on English soil (YouTube clip: here).

Harald Finehair: Magnus, son of Ragnar… What is to become of us now, eh?

Magnus: I think our Faith should prevail. No doubt at all. Our Gods will ultimately triumph over the Christian god [contempt in Magnus’s voice] who is a usurper, who has no meaning; is not real. One day not so far away the name ‘Jesus Christ’ will be utterly forgotten [emphasis in Magnus’ voice].

Oh how many times I have fantasised about a time tunnel that will take me to the 9th century to deter the Vikings from entering Europe at the moment…

First, I’d advise, they should conquer the Mesoamericans and the Incas. In a couple of centuries of ethnic cleansing, with all the gold of the New World and those fertile lands producing hundreds of thousands of American Viking warriors, they could then conquer Europe to make Ragnar’s son’s dream come true…

Deranged altruism Mauricio (commenter) Nordicism Racial right Racial studies

Three types of Meds

by Mauricio

Granadinos by Robert Kemm (1837-1895)
stored at Biblioteca Provincial de Granada.

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Meds are very polarised in terms of racial awareness. The way I see it, there’s three camps:

Camp A – “We wuz never Nordics.”

They believe “Mediterranean” to be a race on it’s own, separate from Aryans. Most will unwittingly glorify the Hollywood versions of the Greek and Roman Empires, and will refuse to admit they were spawned from nigger miscegenation.

It’s like that “sour grapes” tale of the fox, bit with Aryan genes instead of grapes.

These Meds have a crushing inferiority complex, and deep down, they envy the beauty and purity of the Aryan genes. I wouldn’t classify them as anti-White, but they are certainly anti-Nordics, which makes them borderline race-traitors. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them had Jewish ancestry—after all, blood speaks louder than words. Well, at least they hate niggers…

Camp B – “We’re mixed, and that’s fine.”

For these Meds, there’s no racial purity anymore; the world is becoming a Big Beige Village, and soon the Aryans will be mixed too. These degenerate quitters are the most common. They secretly lust for brown, easy flesh. They don’t care if they come from Aryans or niggers. They capitulate under PC atmospheric pressure, and won’t even feel an ounce of hate if their daughter is fucking a mulatto. Traitor scum. To the gallows.

Camp C – “We’re mixed, and that sucks.”

The minority. Closet racists, they care about their ancestry and descendents. These Meds are soldier material against ZOG if given the proper 14 words guidance. My guess is, they comprise the least mixed portion of the Meds, and they can see a glimmer of hope in their brown eyes when they look in the mirror.

Last year, I wrote a comment on Varg Vikernes’ YouTube channel, on a video about Racial Purity. My comment got pinned at the top and received hundreds of replies. Varg recently got shoah’d, so I can’t link the video, but my comment went something along the lines of:

The racial standard for Europeans has always been blue eyes and blonde hair. Brown hair and eyes is admixture. We Mediterraneans need to recognise this. Our European ancestors have miscegenated, and the result is us. But there’s still hope.

If we choose to stay in Europe, and brave the European climate; if we feed ourselves from European wilderness; if we breed only with our own; if we raise our children to be traditional and self-sufficient, then eventually, Nature will reward us, by re-surfacing our dormant Aryan genes in our descendants. Our children will inherit Thule.

So let’s make it happen.

The next day, I got lambasted by at least 30 comments from Med Camp A: “Meds are glorious too!” “If you like them so much, why don’t you go suck Nordic cock” and some 20 comments from Camp B: “Haha, you’re a sand-nigger, you’ll never be Aryan.”

And some Aryan commenters, in the same vein as this Kurwenal fellow, actually praised my comment: “That’s the spirit! We’re all together in this fight! Hail our Mediterranean brothers.”

It’s all fun and games until the music stops. And modern Aryans are addicted to music.

Editor’s note:

What matters here are the words of the Aryans collected in the penultimate paragraph. All of them around the globe suffer from a psychological problem after World War II. Before the war, the eugenicist associations assumed that the parameter of whiteness and eugenic selection in Europe was the Nordic: England, Ireland, the Scandinavian countries, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and those uncontaminated in France, Northern Italy, Russia and other countries.

All that was thrown overboard after the war against Germany, and white nationalists in the United States no longer read racialist pioneers like the American Madison Grant, a Nordicist.

After WW2, virtually all whites have accepted with extraordinary fanaticism the Christian ethics that equals men with women, the black with the white and the Nord with the Med. What these nationalists insist on not seeing is that the entire line of Aryan preservation studies before the war, from Gobineau to Günther through Chamberlain, took Nordicism for granted.

White nationalism really represents a radical departure from racial orthodoxy. Neither Mauricio nor I are inventing anything new. It is them, the nationalists who, in pursuit of political correctness, don’t want to hurt our feelings.

To put it bluntly, white nationalism is a regressive aberration towards Christianity. Even the agnostics of that movement subscribe the ethics of loving one’s neighbour as oneself. Everyone who really wants to save the race from extinction must replace this utter nonsense in the alt-right with National Socialism.

For those new visitors who don’t know the subject, I suggest you start researching it by reading this abstract.

Deranged altruism Egalitarianism Nordicism

On Voldemort the Mudblood

Today I changed the name of one of the most used categories on this site: from ‘deranged altruism’ to ‘out-group altruism’. The latter term better denotes what happened in the Aryan psyche since it was finished being conquered by the Judeo-Christian ethic. (In the pagan world, neither the Greeks nor the Romans nor the Norseman felt obliged to altruism outside their ethnic groups.)

Lately I have been thinking about the transition from Christian ethics—thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself—to secular ethics—altruism towards non-whites—, and I realised that there is no comprehensive treatise on the subject.

For this reason, I reread ‘Egalitarianism’ which I reproduced on this site four years ago. I was so impressed by the lucidity of the author, who in the forums signed as ‘Kurwenal’ that I was about to request a printed copy of his book, Suprahumanism: European Man and the Regeneration of History by Daniel S. Forrest (London: Arktos, 2014. It is unclear if Daniel S. Forrest is just another penname of Kurwenal or his real name.)

Kurwenal had posted very intelligent comments on this site from 2012 to 2015. I have the impression that he is a German who has lived in Spain. Kurwenal is one of the few white nationalists who has read some of the content of Hojas Susurrantes and I even mention him in the second book of my autobiographical trilogy. A big admirer of Richard Wagner, he used the name of one of the characters in Wagner’s operas: Kurwenal.

However, just before clicking on the shipment from Amazon it seemed pertinent to read a review in Counter-Currents. The book-review title is ‘Daniel Forrest’s Suprahumanism’ and was authored by Ted Sallis. You can imagine my surprise to find, in the comments section, the following comment by Forrest/Kurwenal:

From a political perspective, an inclusive approach is preferable: all Europeans of good will both in the mother continent and overseas are to be considered members of the future European ‘polis’, independently of past ‘admixtures’ or present unprepossessing genetic traits.

Joseph Walsh has told me that not only whites seem to suffer from a death wish, but that even the white nationalists themselves suffer from this ailment. The first time he communicated such an idea, I’m not sure if it was in London, it seemed to me implausible and bizarre. Only over the years did I realise that it was sadly true, and Kurwenal’s quote exemplifies it.

Out-group altruists do not seem to have weighed on my scolding to the editor of Counter-Currents about the most abject confusion between some Meds and real whites. See for example these two photos that I reproduced in 2013 where the face of one of the purest whites of Scandinavia is contrasted with one of the swarthiest Italians in Sicily. Kurwenal’s non-Nordicist philosophy, orthodoxy among most alt-right folks, can only end in their extinction.

Although not as swarthy or ugly as the Sicilian referred above, what is most paradoxical is that a mudblood like me is the one who wants to save what remains of the Aryans. In contrast, pure whites, whether nationalists or not, have been, since WW2, in pursuit of their extinction—and precisely because of their eternal guilt complexes dating from the transit of pagan to Christian axiology.

In the Harry Potter saga Lord Voldemort is a mudblood obsessed with purity. Of course, J. K. Rowling used it as a metaphor for her anti-racist ideology. I kind of project myself on Voldemort because it’s precisely the fact that the dark lord himself has lost his pure pedigree what explains his concern that others could lose it too.

Christian art Deranged altruism Miscegenation New Testament Universalism Vikings

Veritas odium parit, 6

The blood of Christ, the subject of inexhaustible meditation for the believer, is visible in a detail of this Crucifixion by Fra Angelico in which a monk appears contemplating the bloodied feet of his Lord. In the detail of this painting, which is located in the Florentine Convent of St. Mark, it can also be seen how such blood flows from the cross to the truncated tree.

A guilt-tripped man at the feet of the crucified rabbi is the archetypal antithesis of the proud Aryan Berserker of other times: to whom the morbid fascination of Judeo-Christians seemed unhealthy, bizarre and even inexplicable. In ‘The Saxon Savior: Converting Northern Europe’ Ash Donaldson said:


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The Saxon savior

The author of the ninth-century Saxon gospel known as the Heliand undertook much more than a translation, as difficult as that task has proven for missionaries. In his harmonization of the four Gospels into a single narrative, he presented Christ as an Odinic wizard-chieftain, with the apostles as his war-band. Consider the episode of St. Peter cutting off the ear of the Roman soldier arresting Jesus. While it takes up only two verses in John (the other Gospels do not even mention that it was Peter), in the Heliand, Christ’s foremost “swordsman” flies into a berserker rage:

Then Simon Peter, the mighty, the noble swordsman flew into a rage; his mind was in such turmoil that he could not speak a single word. His heart became intensely bitter because they wanted to tie up his Lord there. So he strode over angrily, that very daring thane, to stand in front of his Commander, right in front of his Lord. No doubting in his mind, no fearful hesitation in his chest, he drew his blade and struck straight ahead at the first man of the enemy with all the strength in his hands, so that Malchus was cut and wounded on the right side by the sword! Blood gushed out, pouring from the wound! The cheek of the enemy’s first man had been cut open. The men stood back—they were afraid of the slash of the sword.

Similarly, the author of the Heliand knew that the episode of Joseph and the pregnant Mary searching in vain for a place to stay for the night would be incomprehensible to the Germanic peoples, whose valuation of hospitality is clear from the Hávamál. So when the parents of Jesus arrive at the “hill-fort” of their clan, they are tended to by horse-guards, not shepherds, the former being suitable representatives of the warrior class, while the infant Jesus is placed among jewels.

There is more at work here than cultural transplantation, or even such ambitious modifications as moving the Last Supper to a mead hall or having Satan don a Germanic cap of invisibility to deceive Pilate’s wife. There is little to no valorization of victimhood in the Heliand, and the Beatitudes are reworked as praises of warrior endurance.

Sin, fate, and even generosity are all revised to fit a Germanic hero such as Christ is made out to be (problems which the sympathetic Jesuit who translated it into modern English is at great pains to square with orthodoxy). The author of the Heliand even seems to imply that the twelve members of the apostolic war-band might not even be Jewish, and hail instead from a northern people.

Notably absent from the Heliand gospel, moreover, are two famous parables that would not have sat well with a Germanic audience. The events described in the story of the Prodigal Son would have been unthinkable to a society in which kinship was paramount. The absence of the Good Samaritan parable is even more suggestive, since in the original, Christ uses it to introduce a universal moral obligation to treat strangers and foreigners as one would kin. Such an idea was foreign to the free peoples of the North, and one that Aristotle rejected as well.

And here we come to the nub of the problem. The Mediterranean audience for the Gospels and missionary work of St. Paul had been subjected to a political unification across ethnic and racial lines. [emphasis by Ed.]

Long before its decline, the Roman Empire displayed ample signs of declining civic engagement and social trust, qualities Harvard Professor Robert Putnam has statistically linked to diversity. What kept everyone’s Fagin-like concern for “number one” from pulling the whole thing apart was both the iron fist of Rome and the emperors’ insistence on public worship of the state.

Political universalism was thus reinforced by religious universalism, and Christianity proved more determined and well-equipped to insist upon that universalism than any of the pagan emperors had. Thus, either individualistic hedonism, or some variety of universalism, seemed the only choices to a people who had lost all of the intermediate institutions that tribe and kin provide.

The free peoples of Northern Europe, in contrast, maintained all of the strong links Aristotle identified as natural to our condition. As a result, they rejected individualistic hedonism quite readily and had no concept of universalism or of out-group obligations.

The sagas instead teem with people who have clear obligations framed by ties of kinship and friendship. Had the author of the Heliand presented the parable of the Good Samaritan, his Saxon audience would have incredulously asked, “Where were this man’s kinfolk?” Having no notion that mere physical proximity implied extra-tribal duties—an idea originating in the ethnic melting pot of Mediterranean cities—they would have difficulties extending that concept universally, as the parable seeks to do. That would require centuries of patient indoctrination.

Through syncretism and outright omission, Christianity was presented as—and ultimately became—something less foreign and less threatening to the peoples of the North. A faith that was Semitic in origin won only by becoming partially Europeanized, as James Russell describes in The Germanization of Medieval Christianity. (The Greek language has an admirable way of expressing this phenomenon: in addition to the active and passive voices of verbs, it also has a middle voice, in which the agent is both acting and acted upon.)

Yet today, the Völkerwanderung of Third World peoples is a reminder that this syncretism has gone on throughout the world, giving us such bizarre phenomena as the wildly popular cult of Santa Muerte, reviving the worship of the Aztec queen of the underworld trussed up as a skeletal Catholic saint.

Many tradition-minded people seem to be calling for a revival of Victorian “muscular Christianity,” yet the muscles have always been provided by the pre-Christian elements in this amalgamation, which tends to downplay the very things that the Heliand left out altogether. It is as if such people are trying to work their way back to something more familiar and more intuitive without sacrificing orthodoxy. Yet beyond the trappings of old-school Europeanized Christianity lies a core message that, of necessity, consigns ethnic identity, ancestral traditions, and ultimately this life itself to irrelevance in the face of our ultimate unity with God.

Mainstream media William Pierce

The loss of WW2 is the reason for the WDH

WDH stands, of course, for the West’s darkest hour. Four years ago I reproduced this 1992 interview of William Pierce. Today I would like to quote only part of it:

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Kevin Alfred Strom: You keep referring to the changes which have taken place in the economy since the Second World War. Why is that? What does the war have to do with it?

William Luther Pierce: The Second World War really has everything to do with it. It was, after all, an ideological war, one could almost say a religious war, a war between two fundamentally different world views.

On one side were the believers in quality over quantity, the elitists, the believers that White people, Europeans, are more progressive, are better able to maintain and advance civilization, and should hold onto their position of world mastery.

On the other side were the believers in quantity over quality, the egalitarians, the believers in racial and cultural equality, the people who thought it was wicked for the United States to remain a White country, wicked for White Britain to have a world empire, wicked for White Germany to be allowed to smash communism, wicked to permit nationalism to triumph over internationalism. And the fact is that the egalitarians won the war. After the Second World War White Americans could no more justify keeping hordes of hungry, non-White immigrants out of their country than Englishmen could justify hanging onto the British Empire. They had cut the moral ground right out from under themselves.

KAS: Of course, that’s not the way it was presented to Americans back in the 1940s. We were all taught that we went to war to keep America free, that we were fighting against tyranny, that we were fighting on the side of decency and justice.

WLP: Nonsense. We were fighting on the side of the folks who marched the entire leadership stratum of the Polish nation into the woods and murdered them. And the people who control our news and entertainment media knew that too. When the German Army discovered those huge pits full of murdered Polish officers and intellectuals, they called in the world press to look at the evidence. But the controlled media kept it quiet, so that we would keep fighting on the side of the murderers.

After the war they blamed it on the Germans. And there was nary a squawk from the controlled media when we turned the surviving Poles, and the Hungarians, and the Balts, and all the rest of the Eastern Europeans over to the same gang of cutthroats who had butchered Poland’s leaders in 1940. Of course, it made sense in a sick sort of way. After all, murdering a nation’s elite is an egalitarian act. After you kill off the most intelligent, the most able members of a nation the ones who’re left will be more nearly equal.

KAS: And easier to control.

WLP: Yes. But the point is that, the reasons given to the American people for getting into the war against Germany were all spurious. It was not a war to keep America free. Americans weren’t in the slightest danger of losing their freedom to the Germans. It was, as I said, an ideological war. It was a war about what kind of ideas would govern the world. It was a war about whether we would be proud and White and strong, or whether we would feel guilty about the fact that Mexican peons aren’t as well off as we are. And we lost the war. That was a real turning point in the fortunes of our race and our nation.

The loss of the Second World War is the real reason for the decline of the U.S. economy—and of our social life, our cultural life, and our spiritual life. Before the war we had a White country, a country determined to stay White. After the war we no longer had that determination. Instead we had the vague feeling that it was wrong of us to want to stay White. After the war when the controlled media began pushing for so-called “civil rights” laws and for opening our borders to the Third World, it was just a continuation of their push to get us into the war on the side of the people who had made Poland a more “equal” country by slaughtering her leaders at the killing pits in the Katyn woods.

KAS: Is this spiritual failure entirely the fault of the American people? You’ve repeatedly referred to the controlled media as the principal promoters of the ideology which is at the root of our problems. Aren’t they to blame? Aren’t the people who control the media responsible for what’s happening to America? And, by the way, who are these media controllers?

WLP: Well, I think we all know who wields more control over the news and entertainment media than any other group. It’s the Jews. And, yes, they deserve a great deal of blame. But not all the blame. Perhaps not even most of it. After all, they’re only acting in accord with their nature. They’re doing what they always do when they come into a country.

We shouldn’t have let them do it. We should have stopped them when they were taking over Hollywood 75 years ago. We should have stopped them when they began buying up newspapers back before the Second World War. After the war we shouldn’t have let them get anywhere near a television studio.

But we didn’t stop them, and the blame for that really lies with those who have set themselves up as our political leaders. They sold us out. They sold out America. They sold out their race. When our kids are exposed to the godawful, anti-White rap musicals from MTV, should we blame the Jewish owner of MTV, Mr Redstone, or should we blame the politicians in Washington who let him get away with it? Personally, I’d go after the politicians first.