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Free speech / association Homosexuality Savitri Devi Vladimir Putin War!

Putin speaks out!

Kremlin says: The US has long bombed civilians and used nuclear weapons in Japan at the end of WW2. So the US president has no right to lecture Russia. For context, RT’s recent article about Putin’s speech yesterday (click here for the whole speech) is an eye-opener. Here there are some excerpts:

Ultimately, the West’s desire to maintain its global dominance is the root of the ongoing Ukrainian turmoil, as well as crises in the other parts of the globe, Putin believes. ‘Today, the entire planet has to pay the price for the ambitions of the West, for its attempts by any means to maintain its crumbling dominance’, he said. Concerned only with their ‘vested interests and super profits’, the Western elites led the world into the current situation through ‘years of mistakes and short-sited decisions’.

For instance, the impact of the anti-Russian sanctions, imposed over the Ukrainian conflict, is already being felt by the common people in the West—while the elites have been bizarrely trying to blame it on Moscow, Putin noted.

‘I want ordinary Western people to hear me as well. You are being persistently told that your current difficulties are the result of Russia’s hostile actions and that you have to pay from your own pockets for the efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat. All of that is a lie’.

Emphasis in the original. Andrew Anglin has commented today on RT’s article: ‘Of course, no Westerners will hear this, except you dear readers and others who already understand the situation… At some point, you would think someone, somewhere in the media would be offering some kind of counterpoint here, or at least saying “just at least listen to what Putin is saying”. Instead, everything is banned. RT is blocked outright in most countries and banned from social media. No Western outlet will publish transcripts of these Putin speeches’. He adds:

When I was censored, virtually no one stood up for my right to share my thoughts, excluding Tucker Carlson and a few others. Then, three years later, the sitting President of the United States was silenced. All dissenting information about coronavirus was silenced. Glenn Greenwald pointed out that this was a big transformation, as they had gone from political censorship to information censorship. That largely went unnoticed.

Anglin concludes: ‘If free speech was not de facto illegal in America (and literally illegal in Europe), none of this would be possible’. We must, therefore, understand what young white nationalist Nick Fuentes also said yesterday. He encourages brave Russian soldiers who are fighting to ‘liberate Ukraine from the Great Satan and from the evil empire in the world, which is the United States’ (see clip here).

Indeed. ‘The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order’. This is a literal quote from the official Russian Officer’s Handbook. Captured by Ukrainian GUR, the document appears authentic (see source here).

Also recently, Robert Morgan said on The Unz Review that the US started out as a nation; a group of biologically related individuals occupying a definite geographic range. But it forswore true nationhood when it decided to admit negroes to citizenship—courtesy of Christian ethics! That changed it into the so-called ‘proposition’ nation. It’s now become an empire; a global empire based on the technological ‘progress’, Morgan states, that dominates worldwide culture, sucking up everything in its path, homogenising it, and changing the West into itself.

I can even observe this phenomenon in Mexico. Yesterday, out of curiosity, I saw what a very popular anchor was saying on a pundits show and it looked like his nails were painted. I don’t see anything of Mexican media because it disgusts me. But this time I made an exception and found out, through Google, that this swarthy guy is a vulgar fag. When was I going to see an anchor with painted nails in the Latin American media when I was a child? The idealisation of Sodom and Gomorrah began in the neighboring country to the north, specifically in what occurred to the mayor of San Francisco. Then the Gomorrahite idealisation passed to Zapatero’s Spain, and finally to Latin America. But all this shit originated in the United States of America.

The moral of this story—America delenda est, just like those two biblical cities were turned to ashes—can be guessed in my editor’s note today, regarding the book by the priestess of the sacred words we have been translating from French (we still need to translate the last chapter…).

Currency crash

On the coming US crash

by Andrew Anglin

Most Americans don’t really understand the importance of dollar hegemony. It’s effectively the only reason that the US is not a third world country. The stock market’s value and the value of property and other assets is a result of money being sucked out of the global economy and directed into Wall Street via the dollar swindle…

The thing is, we are pretty late game here, in terms of the American Empire. There are not really very many moves left. Especially after the last few weeks.

If the current government would have just met the demands of Putin with regards to Ukrainian neutrality, they’d have several more moves than they have now. Even after Putin had invaded, they could have made very different decisions. But as of March 16, 2022, the moves are pretty much just either:

  • Go full WWIII basically immediately using some gassing hoax, and maybe a fake bombing in Poland, or
  • Loss of dollar dominance and rapid decline into third world status as China assumes the role of dominant global superpower

I’m somewhat confident that if I was the age I am right now in 1999, I could have plotted this out. But at this point, if you can’t see the collapse of the empire coming into view, you really aren’t paying attention—or, like most, you’re in a state of denial.

I would argue that even very intelligent and competent people couldn’t salvage things at this point.

If I was made dictator tomorrow, I would immediately surrender Ukraine and remove all sanctions on Russia, then call up for negotiations on the surrender of Taiwan and the South China Sea in exchange for trade guarantees and peace with China. Then I would make drastic social changes in the US, restoring national pride and white heterosexual male identity [Editor’s note: What most racialists fail to understand!], and begin a project to rebuild the manufacturing and energy industries while we have the lifeline from China.

But that would not be a plan for world domination, that would be the reestablishing of the 19th century model of a multipolar world. Everything about the current thinking in the entire West is still based around the whole “end of history” global government scheme, and there is just zero chance they are capable of completely transforming their thought processes. It’s either pull the trigger on a last ditch effort to establish this one-world order, or to choke, and fall back, with a bunch of yes men and outright morons explaining it all away as being part of the plan.

Quotable quotes

Best quotable quote of 2022!

What does Russia’s break with the West mean?


The modern West, where the Rothschilds, Soros,
Schwab, Bill Gates and Zuckerberg triumph is the
most disgusting phenomenon in world history.

—Alexander Dugin


A realist voice

John Mearsheimer’s Ukraine-Russia War 2022 analysis has some technical flaws in the recording. But it is worth listening to. Westerners nowadays are all crazy, suffering from moral panics in the past years like the BLM riots, the hysterical psychosis about Covid, and now the folie en mass in favour of Ukraine. But this American represents the voice of a gentleman from another era.

Quotable quotes

Strom v. Spencer

Kevin Alfred Strom responds to patriotard Richard Spencer with a Tweet:

‘The Washington regime is the most gigantic engine of treason against our people that could possibly be conceived. Loyalty to that regime is inconceivable to any honorable man or woman’.

Currency crash Eastern Orthodox Church Vladimir Putin War!

Good Christians

The apoplectic left is choking on their own saliva—including Fox News (they’ve always been phoney traditionalists)—because Putin has defecated on American superbia (‘Nobody invades countries but me…’). Here’s another quotable quote by Nick Fuentes: ‘I for one am glad that Putin is standing up to Washington DC. Fuck the State Department, fuck the Pentagon, and fuck NATO!’ (see again our previous link from Fuentes here).

Someone with far more media audience than Fuentes in Eastern Europe, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, has endorsed Putin’s vision on Ukraine. According to him, ‘the West essentially organises genocide campaigns against countries that refuse to stage gay parades’. Unlike these good Christians, neither normies nor most white nationalists are getting the historical significance of the Ukraine war.

If Putin wins it’ll be the biggest setback for the anti-white project we’ve suffered since the defeat of Nazi Germany. With the Russian-Chinese alliance (one flaunting the atomic missiles if the anti-white West wants to attack, and the other the economic muscle), the interregnum that started in 1945 will be over and the dream of Fukuyama, winning using ‘soft totalitarianism’, will evaporate like morning dew in the sun.

And soon the petrodollar will evaporate as well…

Mauricio (commenter) Vladimir Putin War!

‘It’s time for America to be humiliated’

Sometimes what I call an ‘alarm clock dream’ wakes me up early in the morning. In the dream that woke me up today I was talking to Nick Fuentes about my book Hojas Susurrantes, and when I was wide awake I realised that, just as my autobiographical book breaks taboos (who talks about family tragedies with real names?), so Nick hilariously broke a political taboo in America.

I had originally embedded Nick’s two-minute clip on this post but as its white frame doesn’t match the colours of this site, I just linked to it above. Fuentes says in spoken words what we have been saying here in written word, but it’s far more powerful to use a video and speak out as he does as an American. Pay special attention to what he says: that the US regime must be humiliated, distinguishing it from the American nation. (We recently saw Michael O’Meara distinguish between nation and regime; the American regime being the big foe of Aryan Americans.)

On the other hand, Mauricio’s comment today is so much more insightful, so much profound than what Fuentes says, that it is worth reproducing it below (if this site is censored, the PDFs I’m uploading to the backup don’t pick up the comments, only the entries).

This entry [a passage of Savitri Devi’s book] was such a good read.

We know a Hitlerian society is impossible, and Time was against the Aryans ever since the mustard seeds of destruction were sown long before the Third Reich was born. But I can’t help but dream about how the War for Europe would have played out had it been prolonged into the Atomic Age; a vision of a much more brutal dawn of the Pax Americana.

That’s why Putin’s Show is so exciting—we’re witnessing the dusk of the Amerikwan Sun! We’re living in that scenario of hypothetical mushroom clouds!

‘One incommensurably harder than he will accomplish the final task—the task of rectification—on the ruins of a humanity that believed all was permitted…’ [Savitri]

Even as a degenerate Level 1 normie back in my twenties, I instinctively knew that humanity deserved much ‘worse’ than Hitler; that ultimately an Orwellian global hellscape would come in the 21st century from dwindling resources, ruled by tyrants more cruel, cunning and merciless than every communist leader put together.

Only then will the remnant Aryan thought-criminals begin to worship a deity made of pure Hatred.

Ave Kalki.

But let’s bring it down to a level that ordinary racists can understand.

It’s a pity that O’Meara, the mature American intellectual who studied in Paris, is retired. Given what we have been saying here about white nationalism, should I be surprised that only Nick Fuentes and Andrew Anglin are understanding what is going on in Ukraine (Anglin’s latest post can be read here)?

Sometimes you need a truly juvenile mind, like that of a naughty child, to say that the king is parading naked in front of his subjects.

Free speech / association Vladimir Putin

American Pravda

‘RT is now subject to censorship in many western countries because it tells the Russian side of the Ukrainian crisis story’ (watch the 2-minute clip here).

This reminds me of what some Eastern Europeans used to say when, even many years ago, they visited America: that censorship in that country was far more wicked than censorship in the Warsaw Pact countries because Westerners were under the illusion that they lived under the heaven of free speech, when in reality the West was as totalitarian as the countries under the shelter of the Soviet Union.

Listen to the interview of what a Serbian intellectual said years ago on the subject here.

Regarding passing the microphone to the other voice (‘Putin, Putin…!’ —Nick Fuentes), you can follow me on Twitter here. I had to write my name backwards because even in the Latin American country where I live friends and relatives started to complain when I tweeted with my real name. The goal of totalitarianism is that there are no dissenting voices, not even south of the Rio Grande.

Just remember that, although I’m not a Putin fan, I love what he did because it’s a slap in the face to Uncle Sam, who is leading the anti-Aryan crusade in the West. (Now history is starting to move on from the glaciation that began in 1945…!)

1st World War Michael O'Meara Stefan Zweig War!

Mass formation!

‘The West has developed a toxic brew of essentially anti-civilization mind viruses, which have acquired cultural hegemony, and which all outside cultures & polities would be very well-advised to firewall themselves from’. —Anatoly Karlin

Lately I have seen the term ‘mass formation’ used to describe what, in my vocabulary, I call folie en mass or madness shared by all westerners.

And madness it is, indeed. Fox News’ Sean Hannity ready to start World War III? A seizure of Russian sovereign assets with no precedent in post-war history? US Senator Lindsey Graham calling for President Putin’s assassination? A Russian store in Germany vandalised? Restaurants in Prague that say Russian citizens have to apologise before being allowed to enter? Russians out of chess tournaments just for being Russian? I mean: if globalists can steal a yacht of a Russian oligarch with no due process, they can easily steal your home and your savings account (cf. Trudeau’s Canada). The cause of all this has been explained by Raiden today on Twitter (to whom I sent the link to the masthead on this site):

Culture is a shared intellectual software that helps people navigate through life. If the software is good—if one is operating from correct first principles—he will find a solidity and constancy to his ideas, continually adding to and refining them.

The problem with the Western mind is this to some extent has been the issue with our civilization as a whole, ever since the traumatic destruction of classical antiquity, in which we were sundered from our spiritual traditions.

Because of the above tweet I sent him the masthead.

Today westerners are spiritual orphans.

They lack intellectual and spiritual solidity, and thus wander from ideology to ideology.

From Christianity to Marxism to anti-white woke ideology. And just as Fox News when push comes to shove is no better than CNN, in racialist forums something similar is happening.

Today for example I deleted my Sunday post, linking to a Pat Buchanan article on The Occidental Observer, and put in its place my mantra post about the word racism. The reason is that, while I had liked Buchanan’s first piece on the Observer, in his article today in the same webzine, ‘Is Putin Considering Using Nukes on NATO?’, the patriotard has joined the mass formation by saying that NATO should secure the independence of Ukraine, effect the removal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory and that Finland and Sweden should be invited into NATO (today Fox News’ Jesse Watters just said something similar). Even Richard Spencer recently said that, as a good patriot[ard] he is, he’s siding his country and NATO.

I still believe what I said in ‘Putin’s show’: that since the US is the spearhead in the war against the Aryan, anything that weakens it should be welcome. That doesn’t mean that I’ve suddenly rejected everything I’ve written on this site about Solzhenitsyn, but that this war has broken the US monopoly on who gets to do the violence in the international arena. If the gringos no longer have that monopoly, and that is why they are all hysterical (including Hannity and Buchanan), thanks to Putin’s war there is a better chance that they will wake up and we may save the Aryan DNA that still exists in America.

The only racialist blogger who has good preservation instincts these days is Andrew Anglin, who in his post today said that Russia now has a quarter of Ukraine under control and that this is a lot faster than the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When will Americans understand the obvious? To save Aryan DNA north of the Rio Grande you need to hate your state. If your race is your nation, the state is the enemy of your nation: the original stock that founded your country. Or haven’t you read American Michael O’Meara’s 2004 article about why the US has been the greatest threat to the white race?

In times of mass psychosis, the healthiest thing to do is to cancel your cable news subscription, never use your cellphone (I bought one just because the bank needed a cellphone number, but I always have it turned off in a drawer and don’t have any plan or contract with the company that sold me it), and read a printed book that sheds light on what mass formations have been.

(Holding the copy of The World of Yesterday that I read when I lived in Houston, Texas.) I would suggest reading Stefan Zweig’s The World of Yesterday about the days before the First World War. It describes how all Europeans began to beat the war drums with no idea about what was going to happen…

If the visitor to this site has a warm room where he can enjoy traditional literature, he might be able to insulate himself against the mind software—a massive formation—Anatoly Karlin and Raiden were talking about that is literally driving all Westerners mad through TV, the internet, mobile phones and woke friends and relatives.


Anon on Putin’s war

Re: “It is complex and that it is really none of our business and we should stay out of it”:

Sounds just like something Tucker Carlson would say.

But the truth is not complex at all. It is very plain and simple. And it is our business because it is our war that we have been fighting (by proxy) against Russia for many years. Until now Russia has been too weak and destabilized by us—actually almost destroyed by us in the 1990s—to really fight back.

To say that “we should stay out of it” is extremely misleading, because we are in it, and we have been in it.

It was our war from the very beginning. It is we (the “people” or population of the homeland of the Anglo-Zionist global Empire) who nurtured and stoked the anti-Russian hate in Galicia, with our taxpayer-funded propaganda machine at least since the 1980s.

We are the ones who originally (since the 1990s) trained and supplied, and continue to spend billions of our tax dollars to supply and support these gangs of drug-addicted psychopathic anti-Russian terrorists (the so-called “Ukrainian patriot” militias) who are persecuting and killing the Great Russian people who constitute the majority of the population of so-called “Ukraine,” who speak Russian as their first or only language, and write and read Cyrillic and belong to the Russian Orthodox Church.

It is also our business because we (the Anglo-Zionist global Empire) did the Maidan colour revolution and coup d’etat, and we engineered the latest puppet presidency (Zelensky).

Everyone who dies in this hot stage of our long war is blood on our hands. Everything that is destroyed is our fault. We have already spent many billions to create this hell. Now we must pay many billions more in reparations to rebuild Russia.

We owe it because we live safe, secure, and content in the belly of the Beast. We give our consent so we are responsible and we must pay for whatever the Beast does. So we can’t “stay out of it,” because we are in it, and we can’t slip out of it now (get out for free).

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Editor’s note: The above was posted today in the comments section of the American racialist forum Occidental Dissent. My take on Putin’s war can be read in my yesterday’s post, ‘Only Kalki saves’.