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Quotable quotes

Three quotes

There’s something that I forgot to add in my answer to ‘T’ yesterday where I said that whites are exactly like the Eloi.

The financial crash will certainly occur (see my October article after Turner’s painting). Later in this century, peak oil crises are probable but not certain. (Can a concerted effort of western nations invent, in time, nuclear fusion for the energy needs of the third world?) Finally, an international war during the likely but not certain energy devolution is only a possibility.

Also, there is something I forgot to say in my Monday post. The fact is that, unlike Europe, the United States never had a pagan past. Conversely, Europe has lived more millennia with Aryan religions than the 1,700 years of Christendom, if we start to count more or less about the Constantine century.*

But the United States has always been Christian. This moves me to quote three North Americans:

‘The Jewish-American entity is Jewish as respects its head, American as respects its body… [It] will not surrender, since the very existence of Jewry is at stake, and the whole United States and its population is there to secure the existence of Jewry’. —Francis Parker Yockey

‘An awakened, recommencing Europe promises, thus, to repudiate America’s betrayal of herself—America, this foolish European idea steeped in Enlightenment hubris, which is to be forgotten as a family skeleton once Europe reasserts herself’. —Michael O’Meara

‘Amerika is a racial and cultural abortion. The scalpel of pop culture has performed a lobotomy on racial memory, with the full and eager endorsement of the patient’. —Sebastian Ronin


(*) Despite claims to the contrary, Europe is not secular now. They are in the ‘red giant’ phase of Christianity.

America = a bad idea

by Inconspicuous conspirer

‘In many ways, America is simply a bad
European idea’. —Michael O’Meara

The one thing that a lot of people forget when dealing with the Americans, is that even to date they are still by and far a rootless people. America, along with even Canada and the nations of South America were colonized on the basis of opportunism and exploitation as a means of survival and the ability to continue their nation’s existence.

I’ve never found any American Nationalist of any kind to be reliable or trustworthy sources, and yet at the same time I’ve even found some of these jaboogies going “Praise Yahweh” at the end of the interviews they conduct online.

The goofiest part about them, and I’ve spent many years attending their meetings or trying to interact with them, is they have always lacked any sense of real culture or identity, and so did their ancestors who came here from the Mayflower or what else have you.

Their family lines were pirates, rebels, outlaws and criminals, and historical records from England even indicate this. Despite them being rebels, they were not rebels with a cause.

2nd World War Conservatism Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Hate Racial right Summer, 1945 (book) Thomas Goodrich Vikings

Siding the Christians

Groypers, Spencer and Allied rapists

About the arrest and deportation of Greg Johnson from Norway for pre-crime of a possible thought-crime, isn’t it ironic that Johnson is the one who has written the most against the lone wolves? Will he learn the lesson? It is not enough to comply with the laws of a country: the anti-white System will still get you.

As axiologically I consider Johnson a pseudoapostate of Christianity (see my previous entry to understand the concept of pseudoapostasy), I prefer an openly Christian activist like Nick Fuentes (sample videos here, here and here).

Fuentes is the leader of the Groyper War that is currently exposing the American cuckservatives. Though I would much prefer something closer to what Hitler did in the 1920s, after Charlottesville the System made it clear that it will not tolerate such events, even if no laws were actually broken. So what we have in regards to tolerated activism is a movement led by Fuentes and three other Catholics: Vincent James, E. Michael Jones and Patrick Casey.

In The Fair Race I said: ‘I’m looking forward to Richard Spencer and James Edwards running for president and vice president in 2024 to let white nationalists know that, legally, they’re not going anywhere (cf. Charlottesville). The time has come to speak about a revolution within the limits allowed by the law of the United States’. But now that Spencer has gotten into trouble we should consider the Groyper movement which has deeper roots in America’s superficial culture than Spencer’s more profound Kultur. As a Counter-Currents columnist recently said, ‘The groyper movement is far more than a Nick Fuentes fan club. It is the primal scream of Deep America, of an American nation which intends to make itself known and rise on the world stage. Fuentes is riding this wave—how far, I cannot tell’.

Before the Spencer scandal (more on it below), the McSpencer Group recently assembled ‘to discuss the recent storming of Charlie Kirk’s “Culture War” tour by members of Groyper Nation. Speaking of the Culture War, the group also takes a deep dive into the history of the “paleoconservatives” and the politics of nostalgia—their triumphs, their limitations, and whether their movement and moniker make any sense in the 21st century’, according to the video’s abstract in YouTube. A commenter replied: ‘Got to give Nick credit. This is the type of IRL [in real life] activity we should be doing rather than street battles with Antifa’. But the Groyper movement has its problems for secularists who comment in Greg Johnson’s webzine, as Hector Quinn said a couple of days ago:

The only problem with this groyper uprising is its attachment to extreme right-wing Christianity. Not only does this alienate it from most people, but it’s also not particularly revolutionary. Their questions about gays and “Christian morality” are really just a throwback to the George W era. It’s not interesting and already has a place within mainstream conservatism. The pressing and truly vanguard issues that they should be focused on are those of race and Israel.

I disagree. It doesn’t matter that Groypers are stagnated in levels 3 and 4 in Mauricio’s metric. Compared to those racialists who use the Newspeak term ‘gay’ I am on their side, as can be deduced from what I said about sex in my article on pseudoapostates. Groypers are absolutely right that what the white man needs is a return to morals. Secular nationalists, on the other hand, seem to ignore the information from The Fair Race and other sources: the Spartans, the men in Republican Rome and even German invaders during Christian takeover of Imperial Rome were Puritans: the rock upon which a culture can be built.

Let’s go berserk!

Richard Spencer for one is a non-Christian. Regarding the audio about Spencer’s visceral reaction, immediately after the Charlottesville event, I remember seeing and hearing, if not that same audio (with an accompanying video), a very similar one in which Spencer, inside a moving car in the streets of Charlottesville, ranted against the vile ambush by the System.

When I saw that video in August 2017, I felt vindicated: finally someone speaks as violently I speak! But two years later, when the audio became public, Alt-Lighters see things exactly the other way. They talk about a ‘temper tantrum’ or a ‘meltdown’ of Spencer as if his super-healthy, super-cathartic explosion was something negative. How is it possible for normies to see things in photographic negative: white is seen as black and black is white; dark gray is seen as light gray and vice versa? If something ought to be considered positive it is precisely Spencer’s slurs about Jews and blacks in expletive-laden rants, even though for normies’ ears it sounds like the most poisonous kind of white supremacism! Only in a world where Aryan values have been 180° inverted, courtesy of Xtian ethics, could Spencer’s fury be considered mad.

One thing is clear: due to my apparently ugly self (‘ugly’ only for neochristian eyes) I find talking to myself on this site, where I now only post once a week. If this site were popular, many racially aware whites would already know the history of the Berserkers, included in one of the PDF chapters of the sticky post that appears above this article. The Berserkers story is fundamental: it shows that the blond beast must suffer, occasionally, outbursts of holy rage as the Vikings did during their war cries.

But for the castrated white after WW2, and this includes every notable figure in racialism except exterminationists like Linder, that is considered insane. When we talk about transvaluing Christian values to pre-Christian times we mean precisely to recover our warrior manhood, including the ultra-violent cries of war, as part of the psychogenic price we must pay to re-conquer the West. Alas, the average Alt-Lighter is closer to the ultra-pacifist Johnson than to the Viking of yesteryear…

Christian apologetics

A piece of older news is that Weev of The Daily Stormer was finally discredited in the movement. Good news, as a Jew would never have been accepted as a contributor in the Nazi tabloid Der Stürmer, times when whites had not castrated themselves.

Originally some people thought that The Daily Stormer would be the webzine for adolescent Berserkers but they could not be more wrong. If that were the case, once the legal age was reached, DS readers would graduate from websites like The West’s Darkest Hour or from those that guard William Pierce’s old essays and speeches. But they stay at the Anglin playground. As far as Andrew Anglin is concerned, more serious than the fact that he had collaborated with a Jew is the POV from which he starts: ‘We cannot let anyone influence our agenda, which must remain what it always was: Pro-White, Pro-Christian… Pro-American’.

Not let anyone influence you? This is also the problem among Groypers and American conservatives in general. What about the historical facts about the origins of Christianity, for the first time systematically exposed on a racist site (this one)? Pro American? Apparently, it doesn’t occur to American conservatives that their Philo-Semitic, Mammon-worshiper country is a major factor in white decline. The only way to fix the problem is to understand the fact that your race is your nation, which means accepting all Aryan history as the story of your true nation (once more, cf. Pierce’s historical essay in The Fair Race).

Recently, like Anglin and the Groypers, Hunter Wallace has been writing apologetics (‘It is a mistake to conflate our particular lifetimes with Christianity. Before the Second World War and the television era, there was no such thing as a social stigma on racism’). Wallace and the southern nationalists of his webzine do not seem to have listened recently to Alex Linder, or the argument which compares Christianity to cancer. Cancer, too, doesn’t necessarily kill immediately. You can have cancer for years until it suddenly metastasises and kills you (cf. Part II of The Fair Race).

These days, for example, I have been watching some of my favourite scenes from the 1959 Ben-Hur movie, based on a novel that was a tremendous bestseller at a time when there was still no television. I am surprised how, even in those times, the Yankees (the novel was written by a Yankee) idealised the Jewish quarter at the expense of Aryan Rome. When the movie was released I was one year old. With a few more decades, the comparatively small cancer that represented the values of that novel and film—the values of the American culture!—would metastasise at runaway philo-Semitic levels, and the anti-Roman values so to speak, of today (cf. the essay of Judea against Rome, also referred to in the sticky post).

Objections aside, I am glad that some American nationalists seem to be awakening on a substantial scale. But something infinitely more challenging that Groypers could be asking to cuckservatives are questions about the lies about the Second World War (‘You call me a holocaust denier but the real Holocaust deniers are you: Why hasn’t the Republican Party said a peep about the genocide of millions of Germans from 1945 to 1947?’).

In stark contrast to the above American news, I would like to change the mood to my usual gravitas and cite some pages of Tom Goodrich’s book on the Americans’ rape of European women:


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Meanwhile, to the west, the Americans were engaged in their own version of sexual conquest. Soon after they stormed ashore on D-Day, June, 1944, the worst elements in the US Army were allowed virtual free reign to rob, rape and kill.

“Reports that disciplinary conditions in the army are becoming bad,” General Eisenhower’s personal driver and mistress, Kay Summersby, candidly recorded. “Many cases of rape, murder, and pillage are causing complaints by the French, Dutch, etc.”

Expecting an army of heroic liberators, the Europeans were naturally surprised and shocked at the lack of discipline among the Allied forces, especially that of the Americans. Drunkenness, theft, wanton destruction of public and private property, casual sex on streets and in parks, but above all, violent sexual assault—many French soon referred to the American occupation as a “regime of terror… imposed by bandits in uniform.”

Historian, Mary Louise Roberts, poignantly recounts one such incident:

The handsome American soldier was Elisabeth’s tenth client that evening. Working her trade on the top floor of a dingy apartment block in Paris, she felt that she had seen them all.

For the past four years, the men had been Germans, and now, since the city had been liberated in August, 1944, they were Americans. It made little difference.

Elisabeth held out three fingers of her hand to indicate the price of her body—three hundred francs.

“Too much,” said the soldier.

Elisabeth sighted. She had seen that before as well. Wearily, she kept the three fingers held up, almost as an insult.

There was no negotiation—three hundred was little enough as it was.

“Two hundred,” the soldier insisted.

“Non,” said Elisabeth. “Three hundred or nothing.”

The soldier approached her, hate in his eyes. Elisabeth glowered back, starting to feel scared.

“In that case,” said the soldier, “it will be nothing.”

The soldier then placed his huge hands around Elisabeth’s neck and started to squeeze. She struggled as hard as she could, lashing out, but it was in vain.

After a minute or so she slumped down, her lifeless body falling on to the stained sheets. The soldier then calmly removed his trousers and had sex with her. For nothing.

Afterwards, he went through Elisabeth’s belongings and stole her cash and jewelry. He then went round the block, found another prostitute and took her to dinner and the movies.

For the GI, it had been a swell evening. Paris was just as they said it was.

“The French now grumble that the Americans are a more drunken and disorderly lot than the Germans and hope to see the day when they are liberated from the Americans,” admitted one US general in disgust. “I am informed the Germans did not loot either residences, stores, or museums. In fact the people claimed that they were meticulously treated by the Army of Occupation.”

After raping and robbing their way across France and Belgium, the US Army reacted much like the Soviets once they crossed into Nazi Germany in early 1945. Imagining the Americans to be much like the disciplined and well-behaved Wehrmacht, many German women, young and old, actually greeted the invaders euphorically as the long­sought symbol that the war was finally over and peace was at hand. Unfortunately, most found out too late, just as the boys at Dachau discovered, that these were not the Americans of their imaginations.

“We were crazy with happiness when the Americans came…,” lamented one woman, “[but] what [they] did here was quite a disappointment that hit our family pretty hard.”

“After the fighting moved on to German soil, there was a good deal of rape by combat troops and those immediately following them,” offered Australian journalist, Osmar White, a war correspondent traveling with the Americans. Soon after entering towns and villages the rapes began. Indoors or out, night or day, on park benches, against walls, on shop floors, the sexual attacks continued as the American conquerors laid claim to the conquered. Often going house to house in search of victims, some rapists initially claimed that they were looking for weapons, or food, or German soldiers in hiding. All too quickly their true purpose was made clear. In one German town, a group of six GIs found an attractive mother and her teenage daughter home alone. In the struggle to drag the victims upstairs, the females escaped out the door and hid in a neighbor’s closet. Finding their hiding place, the soldiers immediately threw the mother and daughter onto beds and one after another took turns raping the females, even as the daughter cried out, “Mama, Mama.”

At the Bavarian village of Ramsau, revealed one priest, “eight girls and women [were] raped, some of them in front of their parents.” In other villages, “heavily drunken” US soldiers helped themselves to the females. After raping one woman, a GI bragged that he had “liberated” her. In an apparent attempt to make the job easier for their men, some US officers required all homes to state the names and ages of their inhabitants and then nail the lists to their doors.

“The results of this decree are not difficult to imagine…,” a priest from one town answered. “Seventeen girls or women… were brought to the hospital, having been sexually abused once or several times.”

Rather than use their authority to punish the criminals and thereby stop most of the sexual attacks, American officers, much like their Soviet counterparts, seemed utterly indifferent to the crime, preferring instead to either ignore it entirely or blame the victims. Instead of arresting black soldiers for a massive number of rapes, the victims themselves were blamed because they “smiled” at the negroes while begging food. US Lieutenant General Edwin Lee Clarke went even further. “German women are creating a feeling of great insecurity among our soldiers by untrue charges of rape…,” announced Clarke. “These tactics might be part of a German plan.”

As with the Soviets, the Americans seemed to have no age limit and an elderly woman of 65, or older, could expect to be raped just as could a child of seven, or younger. There were other similarities. Revealed an Allied official:

German women were more frequently injured, beaten unconscious, abused more frequently in front of husbands or relatives and more frequently penetrated orally or anally by Gls than by the British or French.

“Americans look on the German women as loot, just like cameras and Lugers,” confessed a reporter for a New York newspaper.

“[W]e too are considered an army of rapists,” admitted a US sergeant matter-of-factly.

Added a writer for Time magazine succinctly: “Many a sane American family would recoil in horror if they knew how “Our Boys” conduct themselves… over here.

And the duty of concealing from the American public these crimes their husbands and sons were committing in Europe—and later, in Japan—was the job of the Office of War Information. Issuing its unequivocal marching orders to a small army of journalists following along with American troops, the OWI simply perfected a Soviet style censorship on all news and information destined for the US. “The rules for correspondents [were both]… imposed and self-imposed,” explained the American writer, John Steinbeck, about how he and other reporters hid the truth:

There were no cowards [or rapists or murderers] in the American Army, and of all the brave men the private in the infantry was the bravest and noblest… A second convention held that we had no cruel or ambitious or ignorant commanders… We were all a part of the War Effort. We went along with it, and not only that, we abetted it. Gradually it became a part of all of us that the truth about anything was automatically secret and that to trifle with it was to interfere with the War Effort. By this I don’t mean that the correspondents were liars… [but] it is in the things not mentioned that the untruth lies. We felt responsible to what was called the home front. There was a general feeling that unless the home front was carefully protected from the whole account of what war was like, it might panic. Also, we felt we had to protect the armed services from criticism, or they might retire to their tents to sulk like Achilles.

Thus, in effect, each “reporter” was expected to ignore or deny the looting, rape and murder committed by the Americans and exaggerate or invent the war crimes committed by the Germans; to dutifully deify their friends in the one breath and viciously vilify their enemy in the next. In essence, a corp of conscientious, diligent newsmen during times of peace had been transformed into an obedient herd of propagandists during times of war.

While some upright American officers, like their Russian counterparts, tried manfully to control the scourge of rape in their units, most did not. For German women, the baffling contradictions in each army was itself a source of nonstop terror and stress. Near Berlin, when a family encountered their first Soviets at war’s end they were naturally paralyzed with fear, fully expecting a riot of robbery and rape to envelop them. Surprisingly, the Russians were very polite and left without harming anything or anyone, including the family’s females. When the Americans later arrived, however, one of the daughters was raped so brutally that years later she still had not recovered.

Although sexual assaults by French troops in Germany were fewer than other allies, perhaps only because there were fewer French troops to begin with, not so the African colonials under their command—Moroccans, Senegalese and others who raped on a massive scale. Just as with their American and Soviet allies, the French commanders seemed indifferent to the fate of German civilians, especially women. Indeed, many French officers seemed to gloat in their power and allowed their black troops to run wild, robbing, raping, and murdering. “In the next few nights,” boasted one French sergeant, “no woman will go untouched.” When Senegalese troops reached Stuttgart in southwest Germany, they herded thousands of women, and a number of men, into the subway then raped and sodomized them all at their leisure.

While the British were far and away the most disciplined and correct of all Allied forces, that army too had its criminal element. “I didn’t go out and chase my chaps away from the women,” laughed one junior officer. “I didn’t have time. I was doing it myself!”

And thus, in the east, in the west, in their thousands, in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands, perhaps in their millions, the sexual assaults and spiritual slaughter of German females continued long after the war was declared over.

“I was panic-stricken. I was always afraid that everybody could see it in me. I was insecure in myself. I felt so empty,” confessed one young victim expressing the emotional chaos and confusion of countless others. “I wanted to do away with myself and kept crying. My mother would not let me go anywhere alone, not even to the toilet.”

“Is this the peace we yearned for so long?” cried Elsbeth Losch from a town near Dresden. “When will all this have an end?”


Editor’s note: Pages 42-47 of Summer 1945. The footnotes have been omitted. Summer 1945 is a book that exposes the atrocities committed by the United States in Japan and Germany. If the reader is interested in a book by the same author that focuses on the holocaust perpetrated by the Allies solely in Germany, obtain a copy of Hellstorm, The Death of Nazi Germany: 1944-1947 (sample chapter: here).

Conspiracy theories

Conspiracy idiots

I didn’t plan to say anything about the September 11 attacks in 2001. But this comment at Counter-Currents today—:

I don’t see how anyone can look at the evidence and determine anything other than the US government was involved in the attacks. I was very reluctant to come to this conclusion but Ryan Dawson and James Corbett have proven this beyond a reasonable doubt I believe.

—moves me to remind visitors that 9/11 conspiracy theories have been debunked beyond reasonable doubt (see e.g., some videos here and this year here).

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Free speech / association

Busy for proof reading

This February I wrote: ‘I recently flipped through the copy of the 2014 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour that I own and was surprised that, since that year, I have eliminated no less than… fifty essays!’ In the later versions, I have been also adding many new essays and translations from the Spaniard Evropa Soberana and others.

Unfortunately, the PDF that a certain person uploaded to the Internet, without my permission, is the very outdated 2014 version of The Fair Race.

The United States is the country of the First and Second Amendments, which makes them superior to Europeans, at least in regard to freedom of expression and the right to possess weapons as a counterweight to the government’s power.

But the recent events in that country, as we see with Donald Trump’s pronouncements about confiscating weapons from unruly citizens, or Lindsey Graham’s super-quotable quote in my post yesterday, make me think that anti-white accelerationism has already begun. When Graham, the same senator who defended Judge Brett Kavanaugh last September, makes such pronouncements it can be said that the first snowflakes of a long winter have already fallen.

For this reason, I feel obliged to place on this site the PDF of the most updated version of The Fair Race for free. The updated book will still be available from Lulu for those who want a hard copy. It was never my intention to profit from the essays of other authors collected in The Fair Race. But it seems to me important that, if the US government were to violate the First Amendment, visitors of this site should download the PDF of the best essays collected for ten years since I started blogging.

The next few days I will be reading the more than six hundred pages of The Fair Race so that the public PDF may be as clean as possible, and I will add a couple more essays that will render obsolete even the previous edition of this year.

I apologise to regular visitors that I will not be very active these days, as I’ll be busy reviewing the long book.

Free speech / association

Bye, First Amendment

‘The guy in El Paso was on one of these white supremacist hate sites where they radicalize each other. We should shut those sites down’.

Lindsey Graham

Civil war Racial right

Brad’s way or Will’s?

On Occidental Dissent Brad Griffin writes:

We’ve also been sued for $10 million in a civil suit for allegedly causing James Fields, Jr. to crash his Dodge Challenger into that crowd of folks in Charlottesville. I had never heard of James Fields until I saw him on the news. I wasn’t even in Albemarle County at the time.

Recently also Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:

And look at what happened to David Duke. To Ernst Zundel. To Will Williams. To me. And to James Alex Fields of Charlottesville fame, who was convicted of first degree murder of a woman he didn’t know, never saw, certainly didn’t intend to kill, and certainly didn’t even know had been killed. America, America, God shed His grace on thee.

Law enforcement and prosecutors are very often politically motivated liars and persecutors these days in the USSA. They pursue—a not justice, but the opposite of justice in many, many cases. There is no justice, only injustice, if you are a member of a politically disfavored group. Especially if you don’t have a spare $250,000 lying around to pay a good lawyer. (The defense side of criminal prosecution should be socialized, just like the prosecution side is.) And racially conscious White people are the ultimate disfavored group, thanks to Jewish money and influence in our society.

The United States that I saw in movies as a child no longer exists. Today’s US is penalising law-abiding nationalists basically for thoughtcrime and, as Strom says in his piece, concurrently it has tried to liberate criminal Jews from jail. But in spite of such blatant violations of the old American law, virtually all racially conscious whites over the internet still think like reactionaries, not like potential revolutionaries.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not advocating doing something illegal now. My point is that these folks don’t understand what is most elemental to me:

That they should start taking revolutionary thinking seriously as purely academic discussions, starting with the videos of John Mark or, for the truly mature post-Christian, Will Pierce’s The Turner Diaries.

But they won’t do it… Even the commenters of the once inspiring Daily Stormer will be thinking like law-abiding good Christians and, when they finally find themselves in prison for thoughtcrime, they’ll be clueless as to why the hell they got their asses there.

Ethnic cleansing Eugenics Lothrop Stoddard Nordicism Third Reich

Great personalities defend eugenics, 7

by Evropa Soberana

José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), Spanish philosopher and writer. Perhaps because he studied in Germany, we can read ideas in the eugenic line from a philosophical point of view.

If Spain wants to resurrect, a formidable appetite of all perfections must take hold of her. The great misfortune of Spanish history has been the lack of egregious minorities and the undisturbed empire of the masses. Therefore, from now on, an imperative should govern the spirits and guide the wills: the selection imperative.

There are no other means of ethnic purification and improvement than that eternal instrument of a will operating selectively. Using it as a chisel, we have to start forging a new type of Spanish man.

Political improvements are not enough: much deeper work is needed to produce the refinement of the race (Invertebrate Spain).

Below, Conklin on the cover of Time Magazine, July 3, 1939.

Edwin G. Conklin (1863-1952), biologist, zoologist and American professor, head of the Department of Biology at Princeton University. The quotation below has a lot to contribute in the fight against the pernicious individualism that ravages our time and that underlies, together with self-centeredness, at the bottom of most people who oppose eugenics and strong political and authoritarian regimes.

The freedom of the individual is to society what the freedom of the cell is to the human being. (The Direction of Human Evolution, 1921.)

Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), American nurse and precursor of some feminist currents that I don’t find very funny. She is notable for advocating ‘birth control’ and the controversy for opening a clinic in Brooklyn, an area of New York inhabited by Jews, blacks and Italians, with the intention to diminish their birth rates. The police closed the clinic and Sanger was imprisoned for thirty days. She was a friend of Stoddard and also the girlfriend of Havelock Ellis and H. G. Wells, both pro-eugenicists.

Sanger pointed out that one of the reasons for the high birth rate of the worst human elements is that ‘sexual control’ decreases the more it descends on the evolutionary scale, setting the example of Australian aborigines who, according to her, were the lowest human race; a step away from the chimpanzee, and the only reason they didn’t ‘get sexual satisfaction in the streets’ was because of police repression.

Sanger’s problem was that she saw badly the high birth-rate in general and also large families, when precisely what the First World needs is an overflowing birth, while the Third World must reduce their birth rate greatly, with the aim of favouring a constructive colonisation of areas that are now Third World because they are inhabited by inept races.

Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950), political scientist, journalist, historian and American anthropologist. Lothrop was a friend of at least two American presidents, and he had a great influence along with his colleague Madison Grant in laying the foundations of immigration policy and in defining the need for white supremacy. Anti-communist, he wrote key racial books like The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, his most known book; The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man, and the pamphlet ‘A Gallery of Jewish Types’.

From a neutral point of view, he testified about a few months stay in the Third Reich in his book Into the Darkness: Nazi Germany Today, in which his admiration is manifest for the German people and the eugenic policies that were carried out in Germany. Until the end, he maintained that the greatest danger to civilisation was neither the ‘reds’ nor the ‘Germans’ but the dark races.

The glitter of civilization has so blinded us to the inner truth of things that we have long believed that, as a civilization progressed, the quality of the human stock concerned in building it progressed too. In other words, we have imagined that we saw an improving race, whereas all we actually saw was a race expressing itself under improving conditions.

A dangerous delusion, this! Especially for us, whose civilization is the most complex the world has ever seen, and whose burden is, therefore, the heaviest ever borne. If past civilizations have crushed men beneath the load, what may happen to our civilization, and ourselves? (The Revolt Against Civilization, chapter I.)

These two phases of race betterment clearly require totally different methods. The multiplication of superiors is a process of race building; the elimination of inferiors is a process of race cleansing. These processes are termed “Positive” and “Negative” eugenics, respectively. (The Revolt Against Civilization, chapter 8, ‘Neo-Aristocracy’.)

Racial impoverishment is the plague of civilization. This insidious disease, with its twin symptoms the extirpation of superior strains and the multiplication of inferiors, has ravaged humanity like a consuming fire, reducing the proudest societies to charred and squalid ruin. (The Revolt Against Civilization, chapter 3, ‘The Nemesis of the Inferior’.)


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Editor’s Note: In my hatnote on the first entry of this series, about a few words from the prologue of Evropa Soberana I wrote: ‘These words are key to understanding what I have been calling “the extermination of the Neanderthals”, and I hope that the abridged translation of this long essay, published six years ago in Spanish and that I will be translating this month, sheds light on the subject’.

The same can be said of the above Stoddard quote and the Laughlin quote below. The only difference is that I use more inflammatory language than that of Soberana, Laughlin or Stoddard because I believe that, in the darkest hour of the West, our language must be like fire.

It is almost seventy years since Stoddard passed away and, although his books now seem the work of a Cassandra, in 1950 it did not seem that the white race was heading for sunset.


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Harry H. Laughlin (1880-1943) had different priorities for European immigration. He prioritised the Germanic peoples: ‘Teutons’ (North Germans), Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians and Dutch. At the bottom, the Chinese. Hitler was inspired by his eugenic laws to elaborate on the ‘racial hygiene’ of the Reich.

In his time Laughlin advocated the need to sterilise ten percent of all American society, those considered of lower biological quality. He became president of the Pioneer Fund, a group established in 1937 to finance research projects in matters of race, genetics and eugenics.

The sum of human freedom and human happiness will be greatly promoted, in the long run, by eugenical processes which call for the elimination of degenerate and handicapped strains, from the racial stocks, and the increase of numbers of citizens highly endowed by nature with splendid mental, physical and moral qualities. The state, then, must exercise its undoubted right and duty to control human reproduction along the lines of race betterment, and so doing is fully justified in putting into effect such measures as, in keeping with the Bill of Rights and human principles, will bring about the desired ends. (Eugenical Sterilization in the United States, 1922, p. 339.)

Misael Bañuelos (1887-1954), a Spanish doctor, gynaecologist and a Nordicist who drew attention about a certain Asian and African influence in the Iberian Peninsula. He was also a professor in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valladolid.

Influenced by eugenicists and American and German Nordicists, as well as the racial authors (Gobineau, De Lapouge, Chamberlain, Grant, Günther, Rosenberg), he thought that the salvation of the West consisted of taking care of the race; that only the nationalist governments were in a position to carry out such a task and that, among them, the Government of Nazi Germany ‘is the only one that has understood, in all its transcendence, the value of blood and the race’. In pre-war Spain, Bañuelos was one of the men who unconditionally admired Hitler.

When linking by marriage, the family must always take into account the value of a new relative belonging to a racial group of superior selection, that s/he may be a beautiful specimen of their race and also well endowed intellectually and morally. That is worth more than thousands of pesetas that families usually grant when it comes to linking by marriage. (Antropología de los Españoles, pages 133-34.)


Below, original plates of Darwin and Mendel from Volume 1, Issue 1 of the American Breeders Magazine, 1910.

The American Genetic Association, formerly the American Breeders’ Association, founded in 1903, was active in eugenic research, in the promulgation of certain laws and the regulation of American immigration. This committee was responsible for letting large numbers of individuals of Germanic descent into the country [1]. The Association included, among its ranks, men as prominent as Charles Davenport, David S. Jordan, Alexander Graham Bell, Edward L. Thorndike, Henry H. Goddard, Walter E. Fernald, and the founders of the Immigration Restriction League Robert DeCourcy Ward and Prescott F. Hall.

The time is ripe for a strong public movement to stem the tide of threatened racial degeneracy… America needs to protect herself against indiscriminate immigration, criminal degenerates, and… race suicide. (1910 Committee of Eugenics letter sent to prominent citizens requesting support and militancy. The letter also warned about the ‘destruction of the white race’ if it did not follow a preservation policy.)


[1] Understandably, the American immigration policy was once praised by Adolf Hitler himself, who saw America as a Germanic stronghold, and its measures as the precursors of racial hygiene of the Third Reich.

Eugenics Exterminationism Winston Churchill

Great personalities defend eugenics, 5

by Evropa Soberana

H.G. Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer and philosopher, particularly notable for his prolific science-fiction novels. Member of the Fabian Society, he followed a pseudo-leftist line.

And the ethical system of these men of the New Republic, the ethical system which will dominate the world state, will be shaped primarily to favour the procreation of what is fine and efficient and beautiful in humanity—beautiful and strong bodies, clear and powerful minds, and a growing body of knowledge—and to check the procreation of base and servile types, of fear-driven and cowardly souls, of all that is mean and ugly and bestial in the souls, bodies, or habits of men. (Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought, final chapter.)

I believe that if a canvass of the entire civilized world were put to the vote in this matter, the proposition that it is desirable that the better sort of people should intermarry and have plentiful children, and that the inferior sort of people should abstain from multiplication, would be carried by an overwhelming majority. They might disagree with Plato’s methods [The Republic, Book V], but they would certainly agree to his principle… Mr. Galton has drawn up certain definite proposals. He has suggested that ‘noble families’ should collect ‘fine specimens of humanity’ around them, employing these fine specimens in menial occupations of a light and comfortable sort, that will leave a sufficient portion of their energies free for the multiplication of their superior type. (Mankind in the Making, Chapter II).

Luther Burbank (1849-1926), botanist, horticulturist and American farmer who patented legislation for plant breeders of food plants such as potatoes, peaches, plums, nectarines, walnuts, strawberries and a long etcetera. By his knowledge of the techniques of production of varieties, he also supported eugenics, not only in the botanical field, but also in the human to prevent criminals and the weak from reproducing.

It would, if possible, be best absolutely to prohibit in every State in the Union the marriage of the physically, mentally and morally unfit. If we take a plant which we recognize as poisonous and cross it with another which is not poisonous and thus make the wholesome plant evil, so that it menaces all who come in contact with it, this is criminal enough. But suppose we blend together two poisonous plants and make a third even more virulent, a vegetable degenerate, and set their evil descendants adrift to multiply over the earth, are we not distinct foes to the race?

What, then, shall we say of two people of absolutely defined physical impairment who are allowed to marry and rear children? It is a crime against the state and every individual in the state. And if these physically degenerate are also morally degenerate, the crime becomes all the more appalling. (The Training of the Human Plant, Chapter VI, ‘Marriage of the Physically Unfit’.)

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish writer awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925, a supporter of that ‘other socialism’, more fascist and more Nazi, which led him to defend the Nietzschean concept of overman in his work Man and Superman. Bernard Shaw literally appealed to chemists to invent a gas that killed quickly and painlessly to dispose of the wastes of Western society. He was convinced that the only thing that could save civilisation was a eugenic religion and a socialist political system.

A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people’s time to look after them. (Address to the Eugenics Education Society, cited in The Daily Telegraph, March 4, 1910.)

Being cowards, we defeat natural selection under cover of philanthropy: being sluggards, we neglect artificial selection under cover of delicacy and morality (Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy).

David S. Jordan (1851-1931), naturalist, educator, taxonomist, zoologist and American ichthyologist, president of the Indiana and Stanford universities and the London Zoological Society, professor of zoology and notorious pacifist who tried to avoid the unleashing of the First World War and that defined eugenics as ‘the art and science of being well born’. It was this man who, precisely during the First World War, invented the word ‘dysgenesic’ referring to the dysgenic effect of the war, where the country’s best young men died, leaving no offspring.

No doubt poverty, dirt and crime are bad assets in one’s early environment. No doubt these elements cause the ruin of thousands who, by heredity, were good material of civilization. But again, poverty, dirt, and crime are the products of those, in general, who are not good material. It is not the strength of the strong, but the weakness of the weak which engenders exploitation and tyranny. The slums are at once symptom, effect and cause of evil. Every vice stands in this same threefold relation. (The Heredity of Richard Roe: A Discussion of the Principles of Eugenics.)

Leonard Darwin (1850-1943), the youngest son of Charles Darwin, as well as a military and political man, economist and eugenicist. He was president of the Royal Geographical Society and directed the British Eugenics Society.

As an agency making for progress conscious selection must replace the blind forces of natural selection; and men must utilise all the knowledge acquired by studying the process of evolution in the past in order to promote moral and physical progress in the future. The nation which first takes this great work thoroughly in hand will surely not only win in all matters of international competition, but will be given a place of honour in the history of the world. (Presidential Address, First Eugenics Congress, 1912.)

Charles Davenport (1866-1944), American biologist, geneticist and anti-communist professor at Harvard University and then Chicago. In 1902 he met Galton and Pearson with the intention of establishing a eugenic research laboratory in the US. In 1904 he succeeded in persuading the Carnegie Institute to donate $10 million to establish an ‘experimental evolution station’ in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York. In 1918 he founded, together with Grant, the Galton Society.

Davenport was concerned about the influence in America of elements from the South and East of Europe, which he considered inferior to those of the North and, especially, to the first English settlers, founding fathers and revolutionaries that in the world of eugenic America were considered the best lineage available to the country.

For having treated in a statistical and rigorous way the degeneration produced by the mixture of races (for example, in his book Race Crossing in Jamaica, 1929), he is considered today simply a representative of the ‘scientific racism’, as if this man would not have been, first of all, a scientist and also widely respected in his time. In the words of James Watson, the genius of modern genetics and controversial Nobel Prize, Davenport ‘wanted to prevent fit families from having unfit children’.

The general program of the eugenicist is clear. It is to improve the race by inducing young people to make a more reasonable selection of marriage mates; to fall in love intelligently. It also includes the control by the state of the propagation of the mentally incompetent (Heredity in Relation to Eugenics, 1911).

Alexander Graham Bell (1827-1922), Scottish inventor, speech therapist and scientist, the famous and acclaimed father of the telephone, pioneer of telecommunication technologies, co-founder of the National Geographic Association and also responsible for important advances in Aeronautics.

An enthusiast of eugenics, he was on the committee of the first International Eugenic Congress in 1911, and would be honorary president of the second in 1921. Organisations such as these advocated for the passage of laws that would establish forced sterilisation of persons considered, Bell called them, a ‘defective variety of the human race’.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965). As Home Secretary he circulated a eugenic pamphlet entitled ‘The Feeble-minded: A Social Danger’. In 1910, he wrote to Prime Minister Herbert Asquith to defend a motion on the sterilisation of genetic inferiors. In 1912 he agreed to be vice-president of the First International Eugenics Congress in London.

Subsequently, he praised both Hitler and Mussolini and then, placing himself under the Masonic umbrella, turned the United Kingdom into an anti-European stronghold. His later life, soaked in gin, is far from having the splendour that some try to attribute to him.

The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate. I am convinced that the multiplication of the Feeble-Minded, which is proceeding now at an artificial rate, unchecked by any of the old restraints of nature, and actually fostered by civilised conditions, is a terrible danger to the race (December of 1910).

Karl Pearson (1857-1936), English mathematician, historian and philosopher, as well as Galton’s disciple. Known for founding biostatistics, mathematical statistics and biometrics.

Gentlemen, I venture to think it is an antinomy, and will remain one until the nation at large recognises as a fundamental doctrine the principle that everyone, being born, has the right to live, but the right to live does not in itself convey the right to everyone to reproduce their kind. (Darwinism, Medical Progress and Eugenics, 1912.)

The garden of humanity is very full of weeds, nurture will never transform them into flowers; the eugenist calls upon the rulers of mankind to see that there shall be space in the garden, freed of weeds, for individuals and races of finer growth to develop with the full bloom possible to their species. I believe I am justified in the interpretation I have placed on Galton’s address… (Life and letters of Francis Galton, Volume III).

St Paul

On Galatians & Patrick Crusius

Today that I went to buy, in a special store, the video of the first James Bond film, Dr. No, I took the opportunity to pick up my mother from the church. She was accompanied by an old female friend, whom she knew even before I was born. Although I did not go to Mass, taking them to her home in the car my mother commented that the priest had said very wise things (referring to the verse of Galatians 3:28).

The old female friend also liked today’s sermon on that verse and brought up the recent event in El Paso.

This white friend said that the perpetrator (Patrick Crusius) was ‘white’ and my mother replied that it was typical. Both said the guy was crazy and that Paul’s words served to compensate for any allegation of the superiority of some groups over others.

‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus’. It bothers me that, even in the most literate sites of white nationalism, some pundits rationalise these words of St. Paul in such a way that they do not violate the Christian faith of the racists.

George Lincoln Rockwell once said that he learned more from his direct experiences with people than with books. Today’s anecdote exemplifies that what counts is how common normies understand the gospel, not how American racists try to explain away such a verse.