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Angry Christian

On The Occidental Observer Bonny Alba responded to the following angry comment:

I’m so tired of this absolutely idiotic “Christianity” bashing in our movement; normally, I always simply avoid the comment section when I see that it is (once again) “discussed.” It shows that many (maybe most) people in our movement simply lack the necessary broad perspective and clarity of thought.

Apparently, any assessment of the effect of blind faith in a universalist religion that people interpret to mean that all people are equal and the same and that you must turn the other cheek, be completely passive, let authorities destroy you and your family and race, and treat hostile aliens as you would with your closest relatives is an idiotic thing to do at a White nationalist site which examines the attacks of a hostile foreign elite using other minorities and immigrants as weapons against said Whites.

You call that idiotic?


Silly Christian apologetics

on The Occidental Observer

by Jack Frost

I’d suggest re-titling this piece [“Is Universalism So Bad for Whites?” by Enza Ferreri—a woman!]: “Is Worshiping a Jew So Bad for Whites?” or in the alternative “Is Anti-Darwinism So Bad for Whites?” Maybe then the well-worn silliness of these arguments in favor of Christianity would stand out a bit better.

As I’ve written before, Christianity’s worldview opposes on virtually every point the scientific view presented by evolutionary theory. Nothing could be clearer than that the racist case will never succeed among people still hypnotized by the pre-scientific belief systems of Christianity, so we should welcome its demise, and do what we can to accelerate it…

Any theoretical arguments pro and con may be beside the point. Owing to its universalism, it’s simply a fact that today Christianity is very close to the tipping point of being a majority non-white religion worldwide, if it hasn’t already passed it. Come to think of it, a third alternative for a better title might be “Is Racial Suicide So Bad for Whites?”

After all, that is what all the Christian churches are promoting with their evangelism and their enthusiastic support of immigration. Of course, one would not expect to encounter such a straightforward question coming from a disciple of the crucified rabbi. But the honesty would be refreshing, and it would be equally good to at last see a Christian admit that, according to all the precepts of his religion, the answer must be “No”.

2nd podcast


Today’s Radio Renaissance podcast touches subjects reviewed here, like the criticism of Christianity. I don’t want to add anything to it except quoting Jack Frost again, who was not invited to the program: “The culture-wide triumph of Christianity has made it immoral to support one’s own race exclusively, or even to value it above others.”

Quotable quotes

Quotable question


Since Christianity is premised upon the belief that a certain Jew is God, why should it be at all surprising that America, with its deeply Christian heritage, adores the Jews?

Jack Frost


Sacrificial lamb

by Jack Frost

Valerie-SjodinIn our culture, shaped as it has been by Christianity, the premier innocent victim is and always has been Jesus.Jew-lamb
He laid the groundwork; established the archetype.

It’s inconceivable that the Holocaust racket would have been as successful as it has been in a non-Christian culture.

Axiology Quotable quotes

On previous posts

by Jack Frost

19th-century cartoon depicting Jack Frost
In prior posts I’ve covered how even non-believers and anti-religious people see things with Christian eyes. They accept without questioning that universal brotherhood is good, the triviality of race, that who they really are has nothing to do with their bodies (i.e., Christian dualism), free will, etc.

All of this is pre-scientific thinking that has to go if we are ever to make any headway.

Bible Jesus Socrates


It’s helpful to go back to the contrast between Jesus and Socrates.

The life of Socrates represents the search for truth, and search implies freedom. It isn’t an unlimited freedom, for Socrates eventually transgresses the limit when he threatens the social order by spreading atheism and a spirit of inquiry generally.

jesus_paintingBut Jesus, by contrast, brings a strain of intolerance to the West that didn’t exist before the advent of Christianity. Jesus doesn’t engage in a search for the truth at all; he doesn’t argue, present facts, and seek to persuade us of anything. No, a search is not needed, for the truth has already been found. He proclaims himself as the truth, and what is more, the only truth. It’s his way or the highway, no argument allowed. This is the truth of the God of Moses and the Oriental despot, outside of the narrow confines of science. This spirit of intolerance is what now dominates the West.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6)

That’s pretty damned intolerant if you ask me. My point was that this kind of moral zealotry, a forerunner of political correctness, comes from the Jews, and didn’t exist among whites before the contaminant of Christianity entered white civilization.

Whether Jesus engaged in a personal search for truth is also beside the point. Jesus is saying that further search isn’t necessary, since, as he proclaims, with typically Jewish ego, he is the truth…

Freedom of speech is an alien concept to Jewry, including rabbi Jesus, and isn’t found in the Bible at all.

– a comment by Jack Frost on The Occidental Observer

Christendom Kevin MacDonald

Frost responds to MacDonald

I’m just saying that the source of the moral justification for the West’s immigration problem is to be found in its Christian past; that the entire worldview of life as some kind of moral contest is a Middle Eastern import that didn’t exist in whites before the coming of Christianity. Saying, as you did, that it has “nothing to do with Christianity” because the elites in Sweden are secular and have turned against the churches just makes me think you don’t see how two thousand years of Christianity have seeped into every atom of the white man’s bones. I’ll be convinced that the Swedish elites have turned against Christianity when you can show me they’ve turned their backs on the Christian ideals of universal brotherhood, peace, love, and charity.


I find it extremely odd, to say the least, that I should be the one to have to point out to someone who is frequently considered to be one of the world’s foremost anti-Semites, that maybe, just maybe, trusting a moral system developed by Jews, and built around the idea that one Jewish rabbi in particular is God, is not the best of strategies for white people concerned about limiting Jewish influence.

Nevertheless, that’s the situation I find myself in. KMD [Kevin MacDonald] and many of his acolytes, who unabashedly here tout Christianity as good for whites, must also then be of the opinion that, in at least this one instance, whites benefited from their association with Jews; that the relationship was symbiotic, not parasitic in kind. How this relates to the central thesis of this site, which as I understand it is that the Jewish race is locked in a struggle with the white race and is attempting to dominate it, is unclear.

KMD appears to think this struggle only commenced in the twentieth century; that there’s no possibility that Christianity itself was developed as a weapon of interracial warfare to subvert whites. I don’t think that reconciles very well with sociobiological theory. If the races are at odds, then haven’t they always been at odds? Aren’t they, according to the principles of Darwin, necessarily at odds, since in a world of finite resources a win for one is a loss for the other? Why should that have only begun in the twentieth century? It would be interesting to see how he deals with that thesis, which is something that Nietzsche appeared to believe, and also Revilo Oliver. If KMD has set this out somewhere, I haven’t seen it.

Then we have these two rather threadbare arguments presented above, which I’ve seen many times before, and I’m sure others are equally familiar with. In the main, they are:

  1. Christianity was the religion of the West during the period of its expansion, therefore it can’t be something inherently wrong with Christianity that’s the source of the modern problem with whites.

This is supposed to be the strongest argument.

  1. There’s “real” Christianity (which is smuggled in here as “traditional” Christianity), and subverted Christianity. The former is A-okay for whites, the latter is poison.

The first doesn’t deal with the argument which compares Christianity to a cancer. Cancer, too, doesn’t necessarily kill immediately. You can have cancer for years until it suddenly metastasizes and kills you. You can have it and be apparently strong and have many accomplishments; but nevertheless, you have it, and it will eventually kill you. So this argument in favor of Christianity doesn’t actually come to grips with the charge against it. It’s not a strong argument at all.

The second argument is a confused muddle. “Traditional” Christianity is supposed to be good for whites, yet in the next breath, KMD says that throughout history, Christianity has been on both sides of every issue. So which side is “traditional”? In the American Civil War, was it the South or the North? Were the Puritans traditional, “real” Christians, or not? Since the term is never defined and no examples are ever given, it’s hard to avoid the impression that “traditional” Christianity is whatever the author approves of, and subverted Christianity is whatever the author disapproves of.

Of course, the implication is that “traditional” Christianity is not corrosive to white racial solidarity; that Christianity hasn’t always been universalistic and has at times been racial. But then, in the next breath, he refers to the early Church Fathers, who were anti-Semitic because the Jews weren’t good race mixers like they thought Christians were supposed to be. So it would appear that the early Church Fathers weren’t “traditional” either; and also that the race mixing proclivities of Christianity are of very ancient vintage.

How then can it be argued that there’s nothing inherent in Christianity that subverts race? Is KMD saying that the Christianity of the early Church Fathers had already been subverted? By whom? When? Some details would be nice.

Jesus Tom Sunic

Mini Jesuses

In an article published this month at The Occidental Observer, Tom Sunic wrote: “Those desert Levantine deities and their secular modern offshoots (Marx, Friedman, Dershowitz, Spielberg, Sontag, et al.) were soon to become the new guiding ‘heroes’ of the West.” Christianity critic Jack Frost commented:

The crucified rabbi, of course, is the only hero that has any influence anymore. With him sucking all the oxygen out of the room, all the white folk heroes of bygone times have gradually disappeared from public consciousness. In their place, a proliferation of “innocent” victim-heroes now revolve around the crucifix like minor planets circling a sun.

The Jews you mention are only their publicists. Andy Warhol said that in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes, but perhaps he should have said everyone will get to be Jesus for fifteen minutes.

Faggots, dykes, trannies, liberated and unliberated women, abused children, negroes, Holocausted Jews, injuns—all conceive themselves and are presented to us as victims, innocent and heroic in equal measure, brutally crucified by the innately evil white man.


Old Testament

The New Covenant

On April 16, 2015 a commenter asked:

Jack Frost, on beliefs of the Church: Can you explain to me why the Bible includes the Old Testament at all?

Frost responded:

The Old Testament is included to provide context. Remember, according to the usual interpretation Jesus is supposed to be the Messiah foretold by the Jewish prophets.


Also, his message of love and universal brotherhood (i.e., anti-racism) is revolutionary precisely because it is a New Covenant that replaces the old one described at length in the Old Testament. To accept the New Covenant message is to deny the importance of race, and even family. All are one in Jesus (see Galatians 3:28).