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Conservatism Friedrich Nietzsche

On Southern Nationalism

Some racialist Americans at Dixie are trying to distance themselves from the term “white nationalism.” However, Southerners are still stuck in the worldview of white nationalists, as shown in “Was the Second Klan cuckservative?” To Liaucius’ critique I would add that like the Yankees, Southerners are also infected with Christian ethics. A couple of examples from one of the most popular Southern nationalists sites will explain our irreconcilable worldviews.

• Jack Ryan: “CINO [Catholic in Name Only] Pope Licking Black Muslim Migrant Boots!”Occidental Dissent, March 25, 2016

Reality check: Pope Francis is not a “Catholic in Name Only” leader of the Church. Quite the contrary. Ryan fails to see that what this Pope usually does simply follows undiluted gospel message, as shown in my 2014 Christmas post.

• Hunter Wallace: “The Alt-Right and Abortion”Occidental Dissent, April 8, 2016

In the comments section of this article the exchange about abortion between the author and Greg Johnson shows how stuck Southern racialists are with Christian ethics. Just compare them with the eugenics program among the Spartans in an essay, originally written in Spanish. Compare them also with the Nazis, who certainly were not “pro-choice” but not “pro-life” either. They didn’t allow abortion for healthy Aryan German women, but demanded abortion upon women deemed un-Aryan (i.e. Jews, Gypsies, etc.) and German women with hereditary diseases.

Incidentally, Wallace didn’t even allow my own comment to pass. About the German philosopher who wanted to revaluate occidental values back to pre-Christian, Spartan-like morality, Wallace wrote: “BTW, Nietszche [sic] died childless from syphillis [sic] in an insane asylum, so he is hardly any guide to the family.”

Below, my comment that got censored in that thread:

He actually died at his sister’s house, and the biographers that I’ve read on Nietzsche, Curt Paul Janz and Werner Ross, considering the documents of the time don’t give any credit to the rumor of syphilis. As to Nietzsche’s views on the family see: here. The causes of Nietzsche’s solitude and incapability to form a family are explained in a lyrical essay: here.

Only if these racialist Americans become deeply familiar with the history of Europe they’ll grow up.