Brad Griffin, better known by his pen name Hunter Wallace, of whom I recently said a few things, has started a new series of articles where he says he’s disappointed with the movement. Yesterday and today he wrote two essays under the title ‘Der Movement’ (here and here). But what Wallace fails to see is that American racialists don’t understand that they’ll never win by playing by the rules and the cultural and economic roots of their country.
It seems to me magnificent that, after Charlottesville, the movement is confused and without daring to go out into the streets again. It is a good opportunity for an odyssey into inner space, into Bloodraven’s cave: an introspection and insight into ultimate questions, such as to question the worldview that led the white race to the darkest hour in the history of the West.
Imagine how absurd it would be to want to save the very few whites of Latin America without questioning the ideological DNA, or double helix, from which the Spanish and Portuguese conquered the Americas: the Catholicism of the Counter-Reformation and the search for gold and silver by bachelor soldiers instead of bringing the families of the Iberian Peninsula so that the conquest resembled what the Anglo-Germans of the north would do.
In other words: wanting to save the very few whites in Latin America without fighting to the death the Catholicism that allowed miscegenation, or the blind thirst for the exploitation of natural resources, would be folly. As folly as wanting to understand what is happening north of the Rio Grande without questioning the Protestantism that emerged from the Reformation, or Yankee capitalism.
The basic aetiology, or double helix, of the catastrophe of both the Anglo-Germans from the north and the Iberians from the south has been the same, with the difference that those from the south began interbreeding 500 years ago, and those from the north barely 50 years ago. Gold and Christianity, Mammon and whites worshiping the god of the Jews, have been the primary cause of the dark hour. This is so true that, even before the Jews took over the media, miscegenation had already been consummated in Latin America, and the American civil war to free the slaves had already been fought.
The obvious causes of Aryan decline are the Christian religion and a treacherous thirst for riches, but religion is the real perpetrator. While China currently adores Mammon, they are not so stupid as to import millions of foreigners while developing a vicious anti-racist ideology like the one that reigns today in the West. In other words, it is possible to be a degenerate Mammon worshiper in Asia and, in turn, refuse to mix their blood with foreigners.
If racialist whites weren’t so blind, the first thing they would do is investigate the causes of the suicidal zeitgeist that’s killing them. They would seize the opportunity the System gave them by cornering them back to their moms’ basements to rethink the matter and apostatise from the religion of mom who lives upstairs.
But neither Wallace nor those who comment on his blog or other racialist forums dare to question the god of the Jews. The price of not doing so is the extinction of their race. There lies the original virus that later mutated into the mental virus that destroys them today: a virus that has not infected the Chinese because they’ve never worshiped the enemy god.