A couple of days ago an article by Tobias Langdon was published in The Occidental Observer, ‘The Cuckoo Cult: Mainstream Christianity Is Now an Implacable Enemy of the White West’.
Langdon’s article is typical of white nationalist (WN) webzines, who see the speck in someone else’s eye (Judaism) but never the log in their own (Christianity). It is an article that, as is typical of the movement, is all framed as JQ, as if whites are innocent that a Semitic cult took over the Roman Empire and continue to worship the god of the Jews to this day, including many contributors and commenters to Kevin MacDonald’s webzine.
Langdon’s article informs us, for example, that it was at Jewish instigation that the Second Vatican Council changed its stance towards the Jews. This denotes, as is so often the case in WN, complete ignorance of historical fact. The Roman Catholic Church began not only by murdering the Aryan religion of whites, but by legalising, from the 5th century onwards, Judaism and Christianity as the only religions tolerated by the Empire: a situation that persisted until the late 18th century. Many times I have quoted the culmination of the masthead of this site, but as WNsts have not responded to us I have to link it again.
Another fallacy is what Langdon tells us about Protestantism: ‘Jews have tamed and corrupted American Protestantism too’. Why is the American racial right unable to assimilate what American William Pierce said about Luther? I’ll go ahead and answer: because they are Christians or sympathisers of Christianity, and Pierce wasn’t.
Fortunately, as of today several commenters rebutted what Langdon said, and the moderator allowed the following comments from
Stan Wood:
This article ends, without explanation, with the same pretzel logic it condemns. Why should a nihilistic Semitic cult be vital to the salvation of ‘the West?’ Christianity is the original Marxism and the foundation of Political Correctness. Is ‘the West’ a euphemism for the species of hominin commonly referred to as ‘Whites?’ If so, it isn’t logical that a Middle Eastern god or cult of mixed-raced desert dwellers should be vital to ending our extermination; an ongoing genocide engineered by this same tribe of destroyers.
And speaking of genocidal engineering, it’s evident in many ways that Christianty is designed to weaken and destroy the White race for the benefit of the unholy self-proclaimed Chosen of the Judean God of Genocide; a projection of Judean psychopathy.
The only way out of the ongoing racial holocaust is for our species to regain our identity. Identifying with Middle Eastern beggars, their racist folklore, and their Semitic Buddhism, is exactly what has brought us under their power.
Our people need a racial religion or philosophy that meets the higher, purer standards of a race noted for being ‘white’. We do not need a fictionalized mixed-race Marxist hippie of questionable reputation and harmful dogma, and the scion of our mortal enemies and their God of Genocide, as our idol.
From its European beginnings in Rome, to today, Christianity is a Marxist, Antifa (anti-nationalist), anarchist death cult. In its Roman Catholic permutation, it created Hell on Earth for millions of White Europeans, for centuries, and works diligently today for the genocide of Whites by ethnic replacement.
We need to practice our own unique spirituality for healing and repairing our identity. We need to draw from our past mythologies, folklore, and traditions; and from our White collective unconscious. This is the foundation from which we will build something new and better. Semitic religion? Never again!
‘Christianity is central to the sickness, but will also be central to the cure’.
I hear this same oxymoronic view being parroted by far too many on the pro-White alternative right, and I keep waiting for anyone who seriously believes this to explain how it is even remotely possible to un-brainwash the millions of White Christians who have allowed the jews to switch off their racial survival instincts and to fall in love with the very same race who works 24/7, 365 to do everything possible to destroy and genocide White Europeans off the face of the Earth.
I’ve tried to gently bring up the topic of jews and their… hatred for White Europeans and point out their leading role in the Great White Race Replacement agenda with a few marginally ‘Christian’ people I know… and these self-hating, self-loathing, white guilt ridden idiots will immediately start foaming at the mouth and blurting out every memorized bible passage that they can remember.
Fourth Horseman:
I appreciate Langdon’s writings here, but he completely misses the boat on this one. To claim that ‘Christian’ is not ‘Judeo’ is to totally overlook the history: Jesus, Joseph, Mary, the Twelve Apostles, the Gospel writers, and ‘Saint’ Paul—all ethnic Jews. The Bible, OT and NT, is a Jewish construction intended strictly for the benefit of Jews. The ‘Jesus miracles’ are nonsense—obvious fiction intended to sway gullible Gentiles. Paul’s constructed theology, based (perhaps) on a tiny core of historical truth, works directly against Roman rule and simultaneously corrupts its Gentile believers. Langdon needs to read Nietzsche’s The Antichrist.
Do Christians value their religion more than their race? Yes. Can any member of any race be a Christian? Yes. Do Christians believe everyone is a child of God? Yes. Does Christianity have irrevocable ties to Judaism? Yes… What more do we really need to know? Of course, it’s pointless to debate Christians on this subject as they have deep psychological needs that transcend rationality. But I hope non-Christian White racial activists understand the threat Christianity poses not only to our race, but to the entire planet itself.
Frederick Ford:
Christianity (& conversion religions), in general, is a multiracial, multicultural cult that preceded the eventually downfall of the White race through its message of universal human unity through morality—which is still used for international law and universal human rights. [Note of the Editor: what we call secular Christianity or neochristianity.]
Thaddeus Noble:
Christianity is, and was from inception, a Jewish plan to groom Gentiles into supporting Jews agendas. Starting literally from birth (baptism), gentile children are force fed pro-Jew propaganda starting with the Old Testament fiction on into the New Testament fiction. Bible schools, weekly Sunday schools, church services, church youth groups, summer bible camps, etc. The pro-Jew propaganda never ends.
The strange thing is that none of these commenters cites any of our featured essays or books that demonstrate, in a more learned way, what they have said informally. It’s weird that no one mentions, or links, The West’s Darkest Hour in WN forums.
This is why: unlike Langdon, this site demonstrates that mainstream Christianity has always been an enemy of the white West.