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Jared Taylor Quotable quotes

Sam, again

‘As far gone as it is, I think that it would be easier to save Britain than the United States’.

—Jared Taylor (1:23:40, cf. his video
in yesterday’s Counter-Currents article).

Taylor is right. For those who doubt it, see Michael O’Meara’s Counter-Currents articles (abridged in our site here).

Homosexuality Jared Taylor Sexual "liberation"


See the recent video of Jared Taylor criticising the sexual psychosis affecting the West. Taylor’s point of view is infinitely more sane than Andrew Doyle’s and Peter Boghossian’s POV mentioned in a previous post today. Unlike those liberals, Taylor calls a spade a spade: homosexualism, in the sense of indulge in homo behaviour all your life, is plain and simple psychopathological.

Sadly, this sort of thing can no longer be said on YouTube, which has been taken over by the radical left. But at least today Taylor’s video can be watched, in addition to Rumble, on BitChute, and Odysee.

Jared Taylor Racial studies Universalism William Pierce

Taylor debates a Catholic

Watch the video in Bitchute: here. American anti-Semites love E. Michael Jones, who has written on Jewish issues, notably in the 2008 book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History. It is pitiful to see Jones read his pseudo-responses to Taylor, previously typed on his computer before the debate, instead of trying to answer Jared’s superb class on race realism. However, I disagree with Taylor that some Jews could be accepted as part of the tissue of the West.

After a tough question by the moderator, after 1:31 Jones said that by ‘preaching to all nations’ the Gospel meant ‘ethnic groups’.

He is right! There’s an irreconcilable conflict between Christian doctrine and racism, as Savitri wisely said in our latest posts.

After 1:39 the Christian Jones showed his true colours. The moderator asked him: If the millions of non-white Muslims and blacks in France suddenly became Catholics should they be expelled? Emphatically Jones answered ‘No!… They could become Frenchmen, without any problem!’ He even added that an African who migrated to Poland could become Polish as well…

It is interesting to know that Jared read Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy, as he says in this debate (I read it too). His argument that not all Jews are subversive is easily answered with Pierce’s article ‘Seeing the Forest’:

Perhaps only 10 per cent of the trees in this Jewish forest have roots deep enough to inject their poison into us, and the other 90 per cent play only supporting roles of one sort or another. It is still the whole forest which is our problem. If the forest were not here we would not have had to endure the curse of Bolshevism. If the forest were not here America would not be growing darker and more degenerate by the year. It is the whole forest, not just a few of the most poisonous trees in it, which must be uprooted and removed from our soil if we are to become healthy again.

There is much truth in this statement despite the fact that, even with the Jews fairly controlled by the Inquisition, the Iberians miscegenated both in the peninsula and in the Americas. As we have been saying, this was due to Christian ethics that do not distinguish between races. In fact, Jones’s stance on race has been universal among Catholics and traditional Protestants. Among the former it was universal even before Constantine handed over the empire to his bishops.

On balance, for the health of the fourteen words I find Jones’ racial universalism more toxic than Jared’s relatively benign view of Jews.

Heinrich Himmler Jared Taylor Racial right

Jared & Kevin

Since I was disappointed with American racialism I have only occasionally been visiting The Occidental Observer and American Renaissance. But even in these sites we can see the extreme level of feminisation of the white male of today. Recall Himmler’s brief preface to the pamphlet I have been quoting, Sieg der Waffen – Sieg des Kindes (Victory of the Arms – Victory of the Child):

Men of the SS and Police!:

Two weapons are available to each folk in the struggle for existence. Its fighting strength and its natural fertility. Never forget that the fighting strength alone cannot secure the folk’s survival into the distant future. The inexhaustible fountain of its fertility is also necessary.

Read this book, which I have given to you, and act accordingly. The victory of German arms must be followed by the victory of the German child.

H. Himmler.

Two things together can save the Aryan race: their ability to fight and their fertility: two sides of the same coin that it’s impossible to separate. Since the western states of the world today are trying to exterminate the Aryans, the only chance to reverse the process is to seize power during a revolution. Only after that would the laws favour white marriages. In contrast, with an ethnocidal state and culture the advice to marry white women cannot, in the long run, be successful due to the tide of colour.

That should be obvious. But American racialists don’t think in terms of Waffen for a future revolution. Kevin MacDonald published today Was ist Weiße Identität? on the White Date website’: an article about a dating agency for whites. This is palliative, like palliative medicine given to terminally ill patients. What ultimate good is such an agency if the male cannot force the female to have ten children? Recall a passage from On Beth’s Cute Tits that appears on the sidebar: in a patriarchal society the power of reproduction lies in the male; in feminist society, in the female. With the current laws in today’s West, forcing a woman to have many babies is illegal.

The article that Jared Taylor allowed this day, ‘Proud to Be Gay and Proud to Be White’, is even worse than Kevin’s. Jared passes the microphone to a lesbian who was discriminated when applying for a job for being white. We can already imagine a booklet whose preface was signed by Himmler making concessions to homos! (The AmRen article uses the Newspeak term ‘gay’ which in Oldspeak simply means ‘cheerful’. Racialist sites should always use Oldspeak!)

What bothers me the most is that, other than The West’s Darkest Hour, no site realistically defends the Aryan race. Or is there another site that makes not a single concession to the ethnocidal ideology?

Jared Taylor Racial right

Greg interviews Jared

After minute 35 the American Jared Taylor talks about the founding fathers of his country and even mentioned Eisenhower as someone congenial to white interests! Compare this to what I say in ‘The Iron Throne’ that is now a kind of sticky post for this site, and to one of the final chapters of Pierce’s book that I have been linking to lately (where he also talks about the psychological toll of the Second World War).

The blindness of white nationalists is portrayed in this interview. Neither Jared nor Greg Johnson want to see that the founding myth of post-war whites has to do with the bestiality of the Hellstorm Holocaust, the de-Nazification of Germany and the lies that, through the media, reversed the story about what really happened in WW2. Greg, who interviews Jared, suffers from identical blindness throughout the interview. In the 40th minute, speaking of Eisenhower’s repatriation of Mexicans living in the US, he tacitly put that monster as a good president.

In the 45th minute Jared wondered ‘how white people have been tricked into thinking like this’ referring to the anti-white religion suffered by whites, ‘a church where there is no salvation’, only collective suicide. Neither of them realises that the story about WW2 that we have been telling each other for over seventy years triggered the final phase of white psychosis: a condition that was already underlying the collective unconscious of whites due to Christian-instilled guilt, but that has only recently metastasized.

By the way, the review of the book on feminism that will be published by my Daybreak Press is taking much longer than expected. Those who haven’t read Pierce’s book should print it out at home and study it while I am away from this blog.

Blacks Jared Taylor

Jared is sensitive

A couple of days ago I posted a chapter from Erectus Walks Amongst Us by Richard Fuerle. Jared Taylor wrote an interesting book review but it’s marred by this passage:

Erectus Walks Amongst Us is stuffed with so much information and so many good arguments it is a pity it suffers from several flaws. First and worst, the title and cover illustration are so insulting to blacks—implying that they are primitives just down from the trees—that one can hardly carry this book around in public. The writing can also be contemptuous of blacks and of people who accept the Out of Africa theory. No book that flouts as many orthodoxies as this one does can afford to aid its critics by indulging in intemperate language.

When I read passages like this, I think of an interview with Jared in which he said he had no idea what the dark hour of the West was due to, that he was absolutely clueless. This is my answer: to the Christian ethics that Jared himself accepts as axiomatic. And this regardless of whether or not he has given up the Christianity he learnt from his parents (a topic that he’s reluctant to discuss when asked in interviews).

Democracy Jared Taylor


It is fascinating to listen to Jared Taylor in this interview from about minute 25 to 30. We can see the ideological gulf between him and us, especially what he says about Hitler and fascism, democracy as the only legit approach for a solution to the racial problem in his country, and—God forbid!—never think about the possibility of a violent revolution in the future.

Jared Taylor

Jared’s latest video

Yesterday I quoted writers from Counter-Currents and The Occidental Observer but not American Renaissance, which I also mentioned.

Today Jared Taylor uploaded a video on a subject that has me very worried: the number of statues that the rabid and anti-white rabble has recently thrown down. But Taylor said the phenomenon of whites pulling statues of white men is without historical precedent.

If I add this postscript to ‘Apollo and the cross’ it is to clarify that, although a large number of Semites were involved in the destruction of the classical world, the Roman emperor who initiated the betrayal was not Semitic: Constantine. This emperor forbade the erection of new statues to the gods, and even the worship of existing ones. His son Constantius, also involved in the destruction of the classical world, had no Semitic blood either. And they were not alone. After them, all the Christian emperors were involved in the great destructive psychosis that became the Dark Ages.

Those who promote race realism would do well to familiarise themselves with our translation of some passages of Karlheinz Deschner’s work (see sidebar for free PDF, or printed book). I am in favour of the thesis that whites are not genetically ill, nor prone to insanity. It was Christianity that drove them mad, as there is no historical record of such an ethno-suicidal passion before Constantine and the following Christian emperors.

Jared Taylor Racial right

Morgan on Taylor

Editor’s note: My most recent comment on this site has inspired me to reproduce the latest exchange of Robert Morgan with silly racialists on Unz Review:

Jared Taylor: “Whites were never asked if [becoming a minority] was what they wanted.”

Robert Morgan: They show they wanted it by their past and continued support of actions that inevitably lead to it. They support the churches who bring in non-whites to dwell among them; they elect and re-elect the politicians who put into place anti-white policies.

The argument that the racial eclipse of white America is somehow illegitimate because there was never a referendum on it is transparently false, unworthy of a man like Taylor, or at least his public persona, since he likes to present himself as the intellectual face of white nationalism. If he really doesn’t know this, he’s not as smart as he likes to pretend; if he does know his argument is false but uses it anyway, he’s dishonest and just another grifter making his living from “white nationalism”.

Rosie: “Nonsense. The two-party system is a two-headed monster, and no real choice has been offered for decades.”

Robert Morgan: Yet white people keep participating in it, voting mostly for the two parties. They have always had the option of starting their own, racially-oriented white peoples’ party, but recoil in horror from such a prospect. They could have demanded a referendum on immigration such as Taylor pines for, but haven’t and won’t, because they don’t want to be “haters”.

In short, the people have the politicians they deserve.

As an aside, I will add that I’ve just been reviewing night two of the Democratic debate. Eight of the ten candidates appear to be white, and yet all were trying to outdo each other to see who could be the most anti-white. This has also been the case “for decades”, as you put it. The vast majority of politicians who put anti-white policies into place were white themselves, as were the people that voted them into office.

This should tell us the problem is primarily cultural, not political. Two thousand years of Christian thinking has softened the white man’s brains. Politicians must go with the cultural flow, and despite a nominal secularization, that flow is still guided by Christian morality. So long as that morality prevails, even if there were a referendum, whites would probably vote to become a minority. They’d do it “for the children”, just as their Bible tells them to do, or to “welcome the stranger”, as it also tells them to do.

Bardon Kaldian: “Especially your crusade against Christianity is both comic and primitive…”

Robert Morgan: I get a laugh out of you, Kaldian. You could be a poster boy for the brain-softening effect of Christianity. Too bad you can’t answer my arguments, and instead are reduced to invective. Rabbi Jesus was counting on you…

AaronB: “While whites were Christian, they were self-respecting.”

Robert Morgan: It’s precisely because they are still Christian that they are not self-respecting. Whites are so indelibly imbued with Christianity that even white atheists accept the Christian “brotherhood of man” nonsense. Christianity was the Bolshevism of the ancient world, and as Spengler observed, Christian theology is its source in the modern world too. (“All Communist systems in the West are in fact derived from Christian theological thought… Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.” – Oswald Spengler, in The Hour of Decision.)

Robert Dolan: “Just a few decades ago whites were a confident race, proud of their achievements, convinced of their fitness to dominate the globe.”

Robert Morgan: Just a few decades ago meaning say, in 1945, when they had just finished defeating white supremacism in Europe, at the cost of millions of white lives?

Or did you mean by “a few decades ago” to go all the way back to 1865, when American whites had just concluded their first big war against white supremacy, and were in haste to make negroes citizens of their country fully equal to themselves, and grant them voting rights?

The idea that the white race as a whole has ever been explicitly united in a belief in its own racial superiority is just an hallucination; a lie. If they had been, neither of the above wars would ever have been fought, let alone won by the anti-white-supremacy side.

Robert Dolan: “Christianity is universal, while Judaism is particularist.”

Robert Morgan: That’s right. To a Christian, it’s more important that a man is a Christian than that he is any particular race. A Christian would rather his daughter marry another Christian who is non-white than marry a white who isn’t Christian. Not so with a Jew. They stick with their own, and stick together.

AaronB: “And yes, God is greater than race or biological family, and must be your ultimate loyalty.”

Robert Morgan: God is an adult version of a child’s imaginary friend, perfectly explainable in psychological terms as a coping mechanism, something weak people need to avoid the existential terror that would otherwise overwhelm them at their fate of being utterly alone in a hostile universe. The allied Christian project of trying to figure out what the probably fictional character called Jesus “really” meant is a vain one, exactly like trying to decide what your imaginary friend “really” meant or wants you to do.

Free speech / association Jared Taylor Videos

Jared vs. Jew

After minute 36 of this video this Israeli journalist, Nitzan Horowitz, tells Jared Taylor that his Jewish relatives living in the US, and even he himself, would ban Taylor’s race realism! No freedom of speech in America for such ideas!

Very interesting interview to gauge the Jewish mentality, including the other Israelis who also reacted angrily to Taylor (and spoke among themselves in a foreign language).
As a Priest of the 14 words, I would never engage a Jew in such matters. Remember our code: ‘Speak only to Aryan males’.