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Day of Wrath (book)


I know that very few visitors have read Day of Wrath (PDF also linked at the end of my previous post): the translation of some chapters of the books I wrote in my native language.

But now that I work full time on the complete translation of the first book, I will not be adding many entries to this site. However, I can leave this discussion thread open for a week in case anyone has read DOW and wants to tell me something.

Day of Wrath (book) Neanderthalism

Psychoclasses: a vital concept

The video that I embedded in the comments section of my previous post made me think of something.

What happens in China (e.g., a toddler on the road is not rescued by any Chinese who casually passes by, and is finally run over, etc., etc.) is not ‘the battle of morality between different cultures’ as this other vlogger says about China. If it were a moral battle, there would be a substantial proportion of Chinese with greater empathy not only towards other Chinese, but towards animals. In this video there is apparently an image of a Chinese woman boiling a turtle alive in the kitchen of the mentioned vlogger. I didn’t want to see the image again because those atrocities with animals hurt me. The Chinese, on the other hand, a race inferior to ours, have not developed due empathy.

Speaking of the sacrifice of children in the ancient world on Day of Wrath, we have called psychogenesis the historical process of the development of empathy. In that book I explained what a lower psychoclass is and used, as a paradigm, the infanticidal psychoclass of Mesoamerica (Amerindians) before the coming of the Spaniards.

Psychogenesis or development of empathy, and different psychoclasses such as Amerindian and Spanish in the 16th century, are concepts that the common man ignores. Confused by Marxism and attempts to explain everything from economics and the hard sciences, Westerners have yet to realise that there are different psychoclasses of humans on earth. Even today, the burying of living small children is still practiced in certain tribes of the Amazon: an even more primitive psychoclass than that of the Chinese.

The 2020 edition of Day of Wrath is almost identical to that of the last year, except that I added my brief entry of this month’s 18th, ‘Possessed whites’, as a kind of corollary of what I say in ‘Dies Irae’. It is not only available in hard copy (here), from now on there is a PDF (here).

Exterminationism Welfare of animals

On serving two masters

The problem with white nationalists is their damn Christian ethics: a set of moral values shared by even those atheists who live under the illusion of having abandoned our parents’ religion.

Christianity not only has a dogmatic facet but an axiological one as we have said so many times.

Last week Ramzpaul said in one of his videos that ‘they literally take a bat, I think he is alive, and they throw it in the fryers, seems really cruel’. But a minute later he added that he didn’t condemn the Chinese but that he admired them. Typical Christian ethics: compulsory universal love by obeying what the son of Yahweh commands us in the New Testament.

Compare Ramzpaul’s words with the novel that I most recommend to every visitor to this site, The Turner Diaries, which culminates when the Aryan ethnostate exterminates the Chinese through a combination of nuclear, chemical and biological attacks on their continent.

It is impossible to serve two masters because one will always end up loving one and abhorring the other. It is impossible to love your neighbour and at the same time the 14 words. What white nationalists have chosen is to love their neighbour as themselves, even those bastards who torture animals. In other words, these apprentices of racists have barely taken a few steps to cross the psychological Rubicon and imagine they already crossed it.

Loving those who torment animals is what in my soliloquies I call ‘un quebranto psicótico marca diablo’ (literally, a psychotic breakdown of the devil brand): a huge voluntary surrender to evil, self-deceivingly believing that that by subscribing universal love you’re doing good.

Since the times of Greece and Rome the moral compass of the White Man has been shifted from North to South by the religion of our parents, and these poor devils who believe they defend the white race haven’t even noticed it.

PDF backup

WDH – pdf 333

Click: here

The software converter could not add the image of the video within the article ‘Spencer’s eschatology’, but I’ve embedded it below:


Film George Lincoln Rockwell Racial right William Pierce

Poisonous 1917

The Hollywood movie 1917, which I saw today, directed, co-written and produced by Sam Mendes, whose mother is Jewish, is poison to the Aryan race.

Of the most notable contemporary racialists, Richard Spencer’s voice is the least bad. I’m not saying it’s a good voice: it’s just the least bad. Let us listen, then, what together with Hollywood buff Mark, who never shows his face, Spencer said yesterday about Mendes’ movie.

The problem with Spencer is that he is very lukewarm. A truly fanatic priest of the 14 words would be furious not only against this new film, but against the entire film industry (with the exceptions of the 1995 and 2005 movies based on Jane Austen’s novels, of which I spoke this week.)

One of the problems with films like 1917 is that they are made with great craft and even art we could say. But that turns the film into an even more rhetorical poison, and therefore more dangerous, than a poorly directed film.

For me the seventh art, as a subject, is crystal-clear. As long as there are non-whites on Earth, every film must be propaganda: audio-visual spectacles that must have the imprimatur of a totalitarian Fourth Reich, as Yockey said in one of the quotations of The Fair Race: ‘L’art pour l’art values must be transvalued to Art practiced in conformity with the cultural task’. Of course, that was collectivist Germany, not libertarian, Mammon worshiper and Judeo-Christian America.

Compare the above way of seeing art—a priest’s POV—with the words of Spencer and the faceless Mark. Spencer said that 1917 ‘is valorizing WWI, and I think that is something that is extremely problematic’ (after minute 6:30, and he repeated these words after minute 34). Note the word ‘problematic’ and realise why, compared to me, I label Spencer as lukewarm. I’d simply say it’s Jewish poison for the Aryan mind. Mark added about the hero of the movie: ‘he defeated the villain, he defeated the foe… from the British side’.

Spencer also spoke of World War II but did not say a word about the Holocaust that the Allies committed on the Germans. I wonder if Spencer has read Hellstorm? This astronomic omission reminds me that Hunter Wallace wrote about Justinian I today in glowing terms about ‘reconquering the Western Empire’. These are words as deceiving as Sam Mendes’ visual art about the Great War. Does Wallace know about the Holocaust perpetrated on two Germanic peoples by Justinian I, the emperor of the capital of miscegenation, Constantinople? (see the final pages of the book I recently translated, Christianity’s Criminal History).

Just as in official history the Germanics that invaded the already miscegenated Roman Empire are presented as barbarians, in 1917 a ‘German is depicted as an insane maniac’, said Spencer around minute 36 and he added that the scene was ‘insulting to Germans’. Mark then said that in the film the German point of view is never represented, that it is taboo in Hollywood. I would add that, unlike one of Clint Eastwood’s films about WW2 where the Japanese POV is presented, the German POV continues to be taboo. Incidentally, both Spencer and Mark use the word ‘gay’ without realising that it is Newspeak to avoid.

Only until a few seconds before the 57th minute Mark said ‘I knew that the guy was a Jewish filmmaker’, something he should have said from the first minute. Then we hear, after 1:06, that the film is pro-Zionist and glorifies the two world wars that only favoured the Zionist Christians: wars that transvalued values in the US to a philo-Semitism based on the Schofield Bible. Spencer & Mark’s review aside, it is time to say a few more words about the American racialist movement.

George Lincoln Rockwell was the only one who understood racial reality. If he had not been murdered the journal National Socialist World, in which William Pierce and others collaborated, would have continued.

The wisest thing I heard in England the last time I visited the island was what Arthur Kemp told me: that William Pierce’s mistake had been not to form a political party. I recently talked about Pierce’s blunder, but degenerate music was only a tactical blunder. The fact is that Pierce committed something much more serious: a strategic blunder, not having followed in the footsteps of Commander Rockwell.

Only Rockwell tried to follow in Hitler’s footsteps. After Rockwell everyone else has been talkative, despite Pierce’s enormous intelligence (whom I cite so much in The Fair Race).

After the assassination of Rockwell, everything we have had in this continent have been impossible compromises with Christian ethics and the American way of life. The tremendous inertia of American Judeo-Christianity is such that, as a commenter said on this site today, the purported anti-Semite Andrew Anglin no longer speaks about Hitler. He now speaks about Yahweh and his son Yeshu, as the gods that the valiant visitors of The Daily Stormer must follow.

If white nationalism were a legit movement, everyone would be talking about Christianity’s Criminal History and the forthcoming revolution, although theoretically and patiently, waiting for the dollar to collapse so that the masses transit from happy mode to angry mode. But they are stagnated in the American way.

Aryan beauty Painting

Painting of the day

Detail of Perdita by Anthony Frederick Sandys, circa 1866

Jane Austen Mauricio (commenter) Sexual "liberation"

On trying to be an Austen fan in today’s West

by Mauricio

Last year, in May, I went on a coffee date with a young Med woman. Thin (vegan), no tattoos, good manners. No siblings, parents divorced. Lives with her mom, avoids her father. She’s graduating in psychology, can’t speak English (but can read), watches tons of Netflix, and wants to travel the world.

I stopped courting her after that date. Too many bad seeds.[1] Sense told me she was a piece of work; sensibility told me she was angry and lonely. Prejudice told me she’s another feminist zombie; pride told me to move on.[2]

A 14-words priest would say “It matters not the contents of her mind. What matters are the contents of her womb. If there isn’t a White fetus in it, that’s a problem that needs fixing”. But we aren’t living in Lane’s world, with Castilian wolves hunting for caperucitas.[3] We live in a world full of Willoughbys and Wickhams.

Whenever I see a damaged young woman, I see a father who didn’t do his fatherly job of raising his daughter properly. I see a boomer who left all the work of fostering a normal, healthy human being, to others; to her neurotic mother, to her selfish friends, to her weak millennial suitors.

May the gods of Wrath bring the Great Suffering before the last of the boomers dies out. [4]


– Embedded clip & notes by the Editor – :

[1] This alludes to the ‘mustard seeds’ in my article ‘Downton Abbey (film)’.

[2] This, and the Willoughbys and Wickhams below, alludes to Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice.

[3] The paragraph alludes to David Lane’s novel and to the ‘little red riding hoods’ in the articles ‘Caperucitas’ and ‘Lycanthropy’.

[4] See the very last essay in The Fair Race: the wise words of William Pierce regarding how the West will go under.

Real men

On Norman Spear

Too bad that he got doxxed today. In 2018 I had the opportunity to talk to him through Skype. His ideology was revolutionary, yes; but Spear always maintained his activities without breaking the law. I have written short articles mentioning Spear: here. I wish him well…

Claude le Lorrain Pride & Prejudice

P & P (2005)

In the early hours of the day after midnight, I began to watch once again the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice, based on Jane Austen’s novel. I felt really tired and had to suspend the function, already after two in the morning. I left when, advised by Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley struggles with himself to propose to Jane Bennet. Tonight I will see the rest.

Over the years I have talked about that movie, even since the old incarnation of this site. While what I said last week is true, that even seemingly benign films contain a subversive mustard seed that can grow, in this P&P adaptation there is no bad seed. It is a movie that may well have been filmed in a parallel world in which Hitler had won the war.

There are several readings we could make of the film. Personally, the actress who plays the blonde Jane represents, in flesh and blood, the ethereal nymphs that I place on the sidebar: the inspiration of David Lane. If there is something that I fail to understand in the white nationalist movement, it is this lack of praise for the most beautiful specimens of the Aryan race. I just do not get it. Eros’ force about women like Jane should, on its own, move millions of whites to Lane’s words. And I don’t mean only ‘That the beauty of the white Aryan women shall not perish from the earth’, but the consequence of Eros, lots of children: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’.

The other issue is marriage. If ours is the darkest of all times, it is because they inverted values in everything related to sexuality and the reproduction of the Aryan race. Needless to say, salvation consists of transvaluing values as they were before, in the world of Austen. But with the exception of Anglin and Devlin, who, among the white nationalists, insists so much on the subject? This is one of the many reasons I don’t take the movement seriously. In Hitler’s Germany, on the other hand, the sacredness of marriage and Aryan reproduction was primordial.

As I said, tonight I will finish watching the movie where I left after midnight. Those who want to capture the spirit of this site, what moves me to write, will have to buy the DVD of P&P and watch it from time to time. The music of Dario Marianelli, the landscapes of bucolic England, and even the buildings—for example when Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth—should move the deepest fibre of the white man.

If you visit my Facebook or Twitter pages, you will find the same painting of Claude le Lorrain above the pages. It is known that the wealthy 19th-century English tried to bring the beautiful architecture of some paintings of le Lorrain (paintings that I contemplated during my last visit to London’s museums) to the countryside of the island. The building that served as a refuge from the copious rain for the future couple, when Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, is the perfect framework for the fourteen words (or twenty-eight, if we are to count the two meanings of the Lane words).

Art, architecture, Aryan beauty, Puritan sexual customs, the 14 words, good music (the very antithesis of what whites listen today), bucolic landscapes—it is all the same. Hitler, who sometime in his life wanted to be an artist, saw it clearly. When will white nationalists see something so obvious?

Ancient Greece Indo-European heritage Quotable quotes

H.P. Lovecraft’s letters

‘I’d like to see that Delphic festival. Greece is the third in order of European nations which I would enjoy visiting—England and Italy being the other two. Greece contains some remarkable survivals of classic myth among the peasantry—I heard a highly illuminating lecture on the subject a year ago by Sir Rennell Rodd, a lifelong student of neo-Hellenic folklore. Much remains to be excavated in Greece—indeed, it is possible that art will receive a new stimulus from what archaeolgy will unearth during the next ten or twenty years’.

‘Emotionally, I endorse religion, and people the fields and streams and groves with the Grecian deities and local spirits of old—for at heart I am a pantheistic pagan of the old tradition which Christianity has never reached’.

Epistle to Woodburn Harris, 1929

‘The cringing Semitic slave-cult of Christianity became thrust upon our virile, ebullient Western stock through a series of grotesque historic accidents’.

Selected Letters, III, p. 45

‘If a Christian tells me he has felt the reality of his Jesus or Jahveh, I can reply that I have seen hoofed Pan and the sisters of the Hesperian Phaethusa… My pompous book called Poemata Minora, written when I was eleven, was dedicated “To the Gods, Heroes and Ideals of the Ancients”, and harped in disillusioned, world-weary tones on the sorrow of the pagan robbed of his antique pantheon… I was, and still am, pagan to the core’.

February 1922