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On silly Ann Coulter

A couple of days ago, on The Occidental Observer, Ann Coulter was annoyed by these words of Nick Fuentes: ‘Hitler is great, women should be forced to marry young and have children.’ Doesn’t Ann realise that in Jane Austen’s very decent world, women were forced to marry because they couldn’t inherit property? Doesn’t she realise that, by virtue of those values, the British Empire became so powerful?

Ann Coulter is certainly not a racist. She’s an asshole like the rest of the Republicans that ignore what Ludwig Klages said in Cosmogonic Reflections #25 about mankind and race: ‘We must draw a sharp distinction between the man who sees the world as divided between the “human” and the “non-human,” and the man who is most profoundly struck by the obvious racial groupings of mankind (Nietzsche’s “masters”). The bridge that connects us to the Cosmos does not originate in “man,” but in race.’

That is what I call genuine spirituality (in contrast to the ‘spirituality’ that the Jewish authors of the New Testament have drummed into our heads). In the second chapter of Savitri Devi’s book, which will be available as a PDF the next month, we read some prescient passages on how it is that the Christians of the 1930s had an intuitive knowledge that made them see that National Socialism was nothing less than the paradigm that replaces the old paradigm: the Jewish god by an Aryan God. Thanks to the Nick Fuentes / Ye scandal, nowadays we see some of that debate even in discussion threads among Christians, such as this Occidental Dissent thread, where a certain Dicarlo said:

I don’t agree with you, Brad [i.e., Hunter Wallace, who mocks Ye et al]. We’re losing because the jews have unlimited money, and control every platform where Whites need to get out the truth. They have shut down our ability to get out the truth. You might as well advise, never say “jew”. :rolleyes:
There’s nothing cartoonish about Adolph Hitler or the Third Reich. Their mortal enemy is the exact same enemy Whites face today, the jews. Of course there is a problem that most Whites have been lied to so much and drummed down to a point where the truth means nothing to them. We can only soldier on. George Lincoln Rockwell was right!
It doesn’t matter what you tell the normies—those who don’t want to think or know, the jews and their completely controlled media sources are going to lie, cover up, distort, over and over about any topic Whites bring up. Your criticism of praising Adolph Hitler, or the WW2 topic, is just a result of repetitive jew demonization of it [emphasis added]. There is no proper approach to wake up the White normies. All one can do is keep telling the truth about what the jews are doing and have been doing since Rome.

Since Rome… I wonder if Dicarlo has been reading this site, e.g. our excerpts from David Skrbina’s book?

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Nordicism Racial right Racial studies

White Nationalism has something in common with the FBI

I had resolved not to upload any more posts until the translation of Savitri Devi’s Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne was ready. But I couldn’t resist responding to an anti-Nordicist piece that Counter-Currents published on Saturday.

If I have maintained for years that the internet movement that since the mid-1990s began to call itself white nationalism is phoney, it is precisely because they broke with the Nordicist tradition that proceeds from the French aristocrat Gobineau, the British Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the German Hans F. K. Günther to Americans like Madison Grant and even the eugenicists on both sides of the Atlantic, who flourished before World War II. After the war, the Establishment suspended these activities, and recently even Grant’s bust in an American park was removed permanently by the anti-white Establishment itself.

Has the author of the Counter-Currents piece read the work of Gobineau, Chamberlain, Günther or Grant? Rather, he cherry-picks out of context from Hitler’s legacy, omitting that the Great Plan of Himmler and his henchmen was to conquer Europe for the Nordics (not just the Germans). Although I am arranging our NS POV in a very orderly fashion with the PDFs in the featured post, very few on the racial right seem to read not only our Daybreak Press books, but not even the books of other authors! Remember: The West’s Darkest Hour will always be incomprehensible to those who don’t read entire books. The following is a passage (pages 117-129) from ‘Lebensraum’ which appears in On Exterminationism:

‘If we could establish the Nordic race and, from this seedbed, produce a race of 200 million, the world would be ours,’ Himmler said eloquently. A few months after its founding Lebensborn opened Heim Hochland, the first home for pregnant women. For this purpose, the National Socialists took over the building of a Catholic orphanage in the city of Munich. Initially, the institution could accommodate up to thirty mothers and fifty-five children, and the applicants were carefully selected. Only women who met the characteristics of the dominant race were admitted. Candidates had their skulls measured, and only those with the coveted elongated skull, typical of the Nordid type, could be admitted. They also had to meet other requirements, such as blond hair, blue or green eyes and good health.

And this one is a passage from Daybreak (pages: 91-93):

The Germans clearly defined their ethnicity as Germanic, including Austria, the Scandinavian and Low Countries, Switzerland and parts of the old Soviet Union. Hitler even dreamt of sharing the world with the British Empire. For the eugenicists of the last century on both sides of the Atlantic, Nordicism was taken for granted. Those who advocate white nationalism either ignore eugenics or don’t care about Nordicism at all. Like the conservatives of the Republican Party who treat mestizos as equals, in order not to offend Mediterranean sensibilities white nationalists refuse to recognise that the standard of whiteness is the Nordic type. Many have no objection to conceding amnesty to the Caucasoid population in Europe with their bloodline compromised, even if that means the eventual mongrelisation of true whites.

Because the American racial right has rejected the legacy of Hitler and his predecessors in race studies, it has slipped into a slippery slope that leads to positions very similar to those of the US government, that in its FBI statistics categorises mestizos as white. The author of the aforementioned Counter-Currents article, for example, speaks of ‘white’ Latin Americans. In reality, except for true whites such as the Mexican Mennonites, of Germanic descent, who do not interbreed with mestizos, and other immigrants who have very recently emigrated from Europe, there are no pure whites in Latin America. Centuries of miscegenation with Indians and mulattoes have diluted the white gene to such a degree that more than ninety-nine per cent of the inhabitants of Latin America have tainted blood. Yes: compared to the bulk of Mexican mestizos I would be a sort of ‘castizo’ or ‘harnizo’ who phenotypically could pass for a Spaniard, but I am not Aryan genotypically speaking (unless we use the parameters of the FBI or Counter-Currents).

Pure Nordid. I would suggest that people who are unclear about how to classify the various Caucasoid groups (and remember that even Jews are Caucasoid, especially Ashkenazis who have absorbed a lot of white blood) read the appendix to The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. The best way to refute anti-Nordicism is simply to look at a lot of pictures of the various European groups (Meds, Nordics and Semites) and their interbreeding with each other: including those with black blood such as the Portuguese.

Sicilian man. I would also suggest watching the short YouTube clips these days, in which the players of the 2022 World Cup parade in the stadium, with camera close-ups of their faces before the actual games, revealing that not only the Latin American footballers, but the Latin American public in the stadium in Qatar, and even the players and public of some European countries, are no longer authentically white. Those who still refuse to read whole books should at least read the abstract of the final article of The Fair Race, written by the Spaniard Evropa Soberana and a colleague who specialises in racial classification.

If we keep in mind the new subtitle of this site (‘May the beauty of the White Aryan woman not disappear from the Earth’), I would fight for the blonde genes above to produce the beautiful nymphs of the Daybreak painting. But what would be the point of fighting for the Sicilian’s genes if he can’t produce such beautiful creatures?

As I said, WN is phoney.

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Racial right

Backup of Evropa Soberana

It seems like December last year, about a year ago, when Blogger cancelled the account of the Spaniard who used to blog under the pen name Evropa Soberana.

The previous month I had an article published in The Occidental Observer about a Spanish-speaking intellectual of Jewish descent whose work has had considerable influence in Mexico and Spain. It upsets me that this writer is currently travelling to several Spanish-speaking countries to promote his latest book, and that the most valuable writings in Spanish from the pen of a Spaniard have been vaporised by the System!

Fortunately, I have long since made a backup of Evropa Soberana’s site, and every Sunday I will upload to this site a PDF of each of his articles, starting with this PDF of what the site’s homepage looked like before his account was cancelled.

As my regular visitors know, a few years ago one of Evropa Soberana’s essays represented a sort of eureka moment in my spiritual development. Reading it, I realised that the Christian problem and the Jewish problem are one and the same (something Nietzsche had already glimpsed since the 1880s). Not only does that long essay appear in the first of our books that can be accessed in the Featured Post; it has also been translated into French (click here).

Given that, after a year, Evropa Soberana has not re-uploaded the content of his site using another platform, nor has he answered my emails since 2018, I fear the worst. Of course: I cannot know, but if a sudden death has surprised him, I would suggest that visitors who value The West’s Darkest Hour content not only save the PDFs of the Evropa Soberana backup that I will be uploading every Sunday, but the PDFs of our books that can be accessed in the Featured Post (remember, this Friday I added the revised edition of Christianity’s Criminal History authored by a German scholar). While I am healthy at the moment, an unexpected death can surprise anyone. Only by saving the most valuable content on our hard drives and DVDs will we have the elements to survive intellectually if the System decides, in the future, to cancel all our platforms.

By the way, the day before yesterday I wanted to change the Daybreak image that was the emblem of this new incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour for another image by the same artist, Maxfield Parrish. The idea was to put up all the Parrish paintings I know of, changing them every Sunday so that you wouldn’t always see the monotony of the same image.

But the WordPress software got stuck and no longer allows me to upload images to the main page. And as I never edit the code directly, I couldn’t fix it. But it doesn’t matter: I moved Daybreak to the Featured Post and it will stay there.

I’ve been disgusted by what the racial right has been saying about Kanye ‘Ye’ West these days, after his pro-Hitler pronouncements. Interestingly, Greg Johnson has said kind things about Ye, which prompted me to comment on his forum yesterday. But many so-called racists, by which I mean commenters on forums like The Unz Review and others, are throwing dirt on Hitler’s memory because of Ye’s comments.

These people just don’t get it. If there is one thing I like about Evropa Soberana, it is that he admired the Third Reich’s transvaluation of values. Soberana was able to get to the other side of what we have been calling the psychological Rubicon because he had already rejected Christian ethics. As I told Johnson, the Christian Matt Walsh was one of those who joined the chorus in defaming for the Nth time the memory of the Führer in a way that seems indistinguishable from the pronouncements of the ADL or the SPLC.

It disgusts me that a large percentage of commentators on the new right feel such hostility towards the most admirable man History has ever produced. Such a disgusting situation motivates me that the next book to be in the Featured Post is Savitri Devi’s Souvenirs et Réflexions d’une Aryenne: most of whose chapters we have already translated from French. This is the best of her books as far as an introduction to Savitri’s thought is concerned: the greatest European admirer of Hitler after 1945.

If anyone wishes to face a very different pro-white thinking from that of many anti-Nazi commentators on the new right, you can use one of the online translators to start reading the articles of Evropa Soberana, another European, that I will be uploading from next Sunday onwards. The litmus test for he who has crossed the Rubicon is not, as many of these imbecile commenters say, to believe the 9/11 conspiracy theories. The real test is to admire Hitler—the real Hitler, not the Hitler of the allied propaganda that subsists in the minds of the so-called new right.

When I finish proofreading Savitri’s book, I will resume the new translation of the Führer’s after-dinner talks. Only then will I be able to shake off some of the crap I have recently read in the English-speaking world about Hitler.

Daybreak Publishing

Our books

You can donate to this site via PayPal or crypto-currencies here.

If you want to unplug from the Matrix that controls you, it is an absolute categorical imperative that you read the first book on our list: Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich (or at least J.A. Sexton’s book review). Hellstorm exposes the modern world’s best-kept secret: the Holocaust committed by the Allies, from 1945 to 1947, against defenceless Germans.

For the best-kept secret of the ancient world, how Christians destroyed Greco-Roman culture, see the essay ‘Rome against Judea; Judea against Rome’ (pages 33-123 of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour). This long essay is so important to understand our point of view that it is also available in French. An abridged version of the original article by this Spanish author may be read here. Articles from this site in the same vein that have been translated into German can be read here.

Hellstorm and The Fair Race are only the first stepping stones for the adventurer who has already dipped his feet in the psychological Rubicon. Now, thanks to the third stepping stone, Savitri Devi’s Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman, he can finish crossing the river. (When we get the proper sponsorship, hard copies of our books will be available as traditional binding. See this post from February 2023 for details.)

White nationalists have misdiagnosed the causes of Aryan decline. The Jewish problem is merely a catalyst for an ethno-suicidal process that had been brewing since Constantine handed over the empire to his bishops. This abridged translation of Christianity’s Criminal History: Volume I by German author Karlheinz Deschner is the first step to understanding this issue.


If someone wishes to give a book critical of the American racial right to a friend—albeit critical from the point of view of National Socialism—Daybreak is your book!

Unless patriarchy is restored in the West, feminism will eventually destroy the white race, as explained in On Beth’s Cute Tits. For those who only want to read a single article from this anthology we recommend ‘Our lycanthropic lust’ (pages 99-116).

Few racialists, such as Savitri Devi, and William Pierce at the end of their best-known books, have dared to touch on truly eschatological issues as our ultimate goal. On exterminationism collects thirty articles (and an appendix containing some prophetic texts of the Indo-Aryans that give context to this ultimate goal).

Letter to Mama Medusa is the first book of my magnum opus From Jesus to Hitler (see the comments section of this post). Unlike the others, this one won’t be available as a PDF. However, it is already available in printed form here.

While Letter to mom Medusa strikes an emotional chord, the translated chapters in Day of Wrath of the same work are more intellectual. Anyone who wants to know the story of how abusive parents have been driving their children mad since time immemorial, should read this book.

Christendom Daybreak Publishing Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

‘Krimi’ – 2022 edition!

After much work, the PDF of the revised first volume of our translation of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminal-geschichte des Christentums (Krimi they call this work in Germany), Christianity’s Criminal History: Volume I, is finally ready.

Compared to the foreword I published last month, I added several paragraphs to that foreword (grey letters mean that those sentences also appeared in the previous foreword):

One thing I have noticed about virtually all dissident right-wing intellectuals and commentators, including the racialists, is that they do not try to reinvent the history of the white race as William Pierce did in Who We Are. They do the opposite: they rely on Christian or secular authors ignorant of the real history of the West. So-called dissidents do not seem to realise that, to understand their darkest hour, it is necessary to make a clean sweep of everything that is taught in universities about the humanities and to start rewriting history from scratch.

That is why I chose the weirwood tree as the symbol of my website. It reflects that what we should focus on is the historical past of the white race, the true past (read The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour listed on page 3), not on what is said even in the (semi-normie) forums of the racial right. Whoever is able to touch the millenary tree and see the past not as we are told it happened, but as it actually happened—especially the history of Christianity!—changes his worldview all at once. In his after-dinner conversations, Hitler, who had touched the sacred tree, said: ‘Christianity is the greatest regression humanity has ever experienced.’ Alas, as the Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran, who once described himself as a Hitlerist, wrote, ‘The whole world has forgiven Christianity.’

Well, not the whole world… As I confess in my philosophical autobiography De Jesús a Hitler, Christianity played a key role in the destruction of my teenage life and my twenties, something I will never forgive. The tragedy that destroyed several members of my family motivated me to embark on a long odyssey in search of the sacred tree in order to, retrocognitively, visualise my past. But Karlheinz Deschner’s ten-volume tree has too many branches and whispering leaves in which those who have barely taken their vows can get lost…

Which is why I have abridged it.

Such is the importance of seeing the historical past as it really happened, that I will put Deschner’s book second on the list in a new featured post!

Although the next book of my Daybreak Press will be Savitri Devi’s Reflections of an Aryan Woman that we translated from French, we will continue to upload entries from Deschner’s magnum opus until we can publish the second volume of Krimi.

I take this moment to remind my racialist visitors that The West’s Darkest Hour provides a different paradigm from white nationalism for understanding the decline of the West. While the Jewish problem, in our view, is a catalyst, it is not the active substance that is poisoning the white man. The active substance is Christian ethics.

Let me illustrate it by comparing Mexico to the US. It is less bad to live in a place like the 21st-century Woke US than Catholic New Spain of 1521-1821, which thanks to the Spanish Inquisition controlled Jewry to prevent subversive activities. Ironically, thanks to the heat that Americans are already beginning to feel due to the strong Jewish catalyst, the ‘frog’ is realising that they want to kill it. By contrast, without that powerful catalyst in New Spain, after three centuries the ‘frog’ ended up burned because it didn’t even feel the heat. Pure Christian ethics without Jewish subversion was enough to mongrelize the Iberian whites south of the Rio Grande without them even noticing it. In other words, the CQ is the actual poison; the JQ, a mere catalyst. Thank you, kikes, because your catalyst is so strong that it’s beginning to awaken Americans from their lethargy (cf. Greg Johnson’s article published today about the Kanye ‘Ye’ West controversy)!

Incidentally, there is a chance that an online friend will publish the above-linked PDF as the print version of Christianity’s Criminal History: Volume I on IngramSpark. It is a book that deserves to be on our bookshelves as a hard copy. (I cannot do it myself because I don’t have the time to master the software to design book covers.)

Homosexuality Sexual "liberation"

Pathological homosexuality

by Gaedhal

The radical trans-exclusionary feminists are usually full-throated supporters of homosexuality.

Again, it is not my intention to whip up violent hatred either against Trannies or homosexuals. We have had internet pornography launched at us—by Jews—as a psychological weapon for thirty years now. Trannies and homosexuals are victims of this. Trannies and homosexuals who mind their own business have my deep respect and sympathy. I wish them no harm or ill will.

Who voted for thirty years of internet pornography? Nobody did. Fuck democracy. Do you think that Hitler would allow this?

That being said, Gluck’s arguments that transanity is Pornogenic, i.e. a pathology created through porn use could easily be used with homosexuals. Pornography, as she says, is like heroin. You need harder and more concentrated doses of it to achieve the same effect. You start off with the nude women of Playboy. Before long, it is scat porn. It is lactation porn. It is gangbang porn. Some years go by, and then it is gay porn, then it is transexual porn. Some years go by and then it is so called “child porn”. Gluck is correct when she says that we live in a pornified culture. I remember remarking to myself that the early 2000s were disgustingly pornified. All the Jewish “entertainment” media was exceedingly pornified.

Trannies are at the stage in their porn addiction, according to Gluck, where they need trans porn to be sexually stimulated. Trannies aren’t quite at the “child porn” stage. In my view, though, homosexuals are only one stage behind the trannies, and only two stages behind the paedophiles.

If Gluck advances pornogenesis and the contagion model for transanity, then why cannot I advance pornogenesis and the contagion model for homosexuality? If Gluck says that Trannies are on a trajectory that leads inexorably to paedophilia, then why cannot I say that homosexuals are merely one step behind trannies on this same trajectory? If transanity spreads by social contagion, according to Gluck, then why cannot I say the same thing about homosexuality?

Miscegenation Racial right Videos

‘Taliban rule in America’ – Nick Fuentes

I agree with almost everything Nick Fuentes says in this clip that a lesbian Jewess put together for mainstream TV. But from the point of view of the 14 words, it would be toxic, as Fuentes suggests, to have the equivalent of a Taliban in America forcing women to wear veils and enter Catholic churches.

The problem with this POV is that all churches, not just Catholic, admit non-whites to the altar with white women. Tonight, I couldn’t watch even a very short YouTube clip of the recent results of the Soccer Cup matches being played earlier because, inside the stadium crowd, the cameras focused on pure Aryan women next to blacks: both wearing orange shirts, Dutch fans and even young Dutch mongrels between pure Aryan and black!

I know that Catholics like Fuentes will never, ever read Deschner’s book on the real history of Christianity, a revised edition that I’ll publish this week. But that’s exactly the kind of literature that racial political commentators and live streamers like Fuentes should read.

Remember: I have lived for more than half a century in a city where Jews and crypto-Jews were super-controlled throughout three centuries by the Spanish Inquisition, and yet, because the Catholic church accepted that Iberian whites (like me, Fuentes has Iberian blood) married Indians, whites became extinct here.

We don’t need the equivalent of Taliban rule in America but the equivalent of the Third Reich’s Nuremberg laws!

Daybreak Publishing Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

I’ve changed my mind

I had said that the revised edition of the first volume of our abridged translation of Karlheinz Deschner’s criminal history of Christianity would cover the origins of Judeo-Christianity up to Charlemagne.

Now that I have just finished proofreading up to the time of Emperor Justinian of Constantinople, I realised that it is better to finish the first volume up to that monarch and leave the rest of the High Middle Ages (roughly from the 6th to the 10th century) for the second volume.

As I am thinking in editorial terms for my Daybreak Press, I think the cover of the first volume should have the face of Constantine; and the second volume, the face of Charlemagne.

So the revised edition of the first volume will soon be ready and its PDF will be available on this site, and we will continue working on what we still have to translate for volume II.

To give the visitor an idea of what we have translated so far for this site, here is the table of contents:


Editor’s foreword


Forgeries in the Old Testament

The bibles
The five books that Moses did not write
David and Solomon
Joshua and Isaiah
Ezekiel and Daniel
The Jewish apocalyptic
Portrayals of the biblical female world
Opposition to the Old Testament
Forgeries in diaspora Judaism

Forgeries in the New Testament

The scriptures are piled up
God as the author?
Christians forged more consciously than Jews
Neither the Gospel of Matthew, nor the Gospel of John,
nor John’s Book of Revelation come from the apostles to
whom the Church attributes them
Forged epistles of ‘Paul’
The second epistle to the Thessalonians
Colossians, Ephesians and Hebrews
Forged epistles of Peter
Forged John and James
Interpolations in the New Testament

The invention of Popes

There is no evidence of Peter’s stay in Rome
The story of the discovery of Peter’s tomb
The list of fabricated Roman bishops

Christianity’s Criminal History:

Background in the Old Testament

Moses and the Book of Judges
The ravages of David and the modern translators
The sacred warmongering of the Maccabees
The Jewish War (66-70)
Bar Kokhba and the ‘last war of God’ (131-136)
The Jewish religion, tolerated by the Roman state

Early Christianity

Interpretatio Christiana
‘Orthodoxy’ and ‘heresy’
First ‘heretics’ in the New Testament
Thirteen good Christians
Saint Jerome and Origen

The persecution of the Christians

Anti-Hellene hatred in the New Testament
The defamation of the Greco-Roman religion
Celsus and Porphyry
The persecution of the Christians
Most of the written statements about the martyrs are false,
but all of them were considered as valid documents
The Roman emperors viewed retrospectively

Saint Constantine: The First Christian Emperor

War against Maxentius
War against Maximinus
War against Licinius
The Catholic clergy increasingly favoured
Constantine as saviour and vicar of God
No longer a pacifist Church
Savage criminal practices
Constantine against Jews and ‘heretics’
Constantine against the Greco-Roman culture

Constantine’s successors

The first Christian dynasty founded
on family extermination
First wars among devout Christians
Constantius and his Christian-style government
A father of the Church who preaches killing
First assaults on the temples


Hecatombs under the pious Gallus
Emperor Julian
Christian tall stories

After Julian

Rivers of blood under the Catholic Valentinian
Trembling and gnashing of teeth under the Arian Valens

Athanasius, Doctor of the Church

The complicated nature of God
It was not fought for faith but for power
The Council of Nicaea
Character and tactics of a Father of the Church
The death of Arius
The battlefield of Alexandria
Antioch and Constantinople
Shelter with a twenty-year-old beauty

Ambrose, doctor of the Church

Ambrose drives the annihilation of the Goths
Emperor Theodosius ‘the Great’
Against the Hellenist religion

The Father of the Church Augustine

‘Genius in all fields of Christian doctrine’
Augustine’s campaign against the Donatists
The overthrow of Pelagius
Augustine attacks classical culture
Augustine sanctions the holy war
Christianity sanctions the mistreatment of animals

The Christian Book Burning and the
Annihilation of Classical Culture

The annihilation of the Greco-Roman world
The oldest Christianity is hostile to education
The Christian ideal: the inversion of values
The hostility to culture of the first Greco-Christian writers
The hostility to classics in early Latin-Christian writers
The theatre, ‘The temple of the devil’
Natural Science
Everything a person needs to know is contained in the Bible
The Western world darkens more and more

The Catholic ‘children emperors’

The division of the Empire: Two Catholic states emerge
The massacre of Goths in Constantinople
Alaric enters Rome

Justinian (527-565): A theologian on the imperial

Justin: From pigman to Catholic emperor (518-527)
Emperor Justinian, dominator of the Church
The Vandal state
The great beneficiary of all that hell: The Roman Church

The Middle Ages

A panoramic view

From convinced subjects to convinced lords

The Christianisation of the Germans

The spread of Christianity in the West
Conversion methods
Jesus becomes the Germanic broadsword
The weed of the past
‘Demonstrative destruction’

Clovis, founder of the Great Frankish Empire

The Rise of the Merovingians
A great bloodbath and the German Church
A moralistic assessment of history?

The sons of Clovis

The division of the kingdom
A saint and murderer
Theudebert I and kings killer

The Invasion of the Lombards

The last Merovingians
The Conversion of the Visigoths to Catholicism

Pope Gregory I (590-604)

The flight from the world
The man of double standards
Thinking differently: a crime worthy of death
Use and abuse of slaves as livestock
The beginning of papal propaganda in England
Pope Gregory’s books

The Christianisation of the idea of king

The Christianisation of the idea of kingship
Mission and slaughter

The Church in the Merovingian Period

A kind of holy cancerous ulcer
Ignorant, criminal and a good Catholic
St Gregory of Tours
The throne and the altar

The Ascension of the Carolingians

Armed mission among the Frisians
The irruption of Islam

St Boniface, ‘Apostle of the Germans’ and of Rome

Deliverance from ‘all uncleanness’
The dispute over images begins
The papal revolution fails

Charles I, known as The Great or Charlemagne

Papal negotiations
The most momentous event of the Middle Ages
Criminal excesses at the papal court
The beginning of the pro-pope warfare
The bloody mission of the Saxons (772-804)
Plunder and Christianisation
The Christian banners enter Saxony
A mission along military shock lines
The butcher of the Saxons
Last uprisings, war of annihilation
Charlemagne’s bloody laws
Karolus serenissimus augustus


Appendix: Constantine controversy

‘Response given’ by Hermann Gieselbusch
Deschner responds to Maria R.-Alföldi


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Regarding the way I rearranged Deschner’s books, as can be seen in the index above, he published his Vol. 3, Die Alte Kirche (full title: The Ancient Church: forgery, brain-washing, exploitation, annihilation) in 1990, from which I took the passages of the first couple of chapters of our abridged Vol I. Twenty years later, biblical scholar Bart D. Ehrman published Forged: Writing in the Name of God: Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are, pictured left.

European beauty

Croatia 2021

2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) Art Film

60K words article!

‘Jews control Hollywood and make movies for themselves that the dumb white gentiles believe to be about them.’

You may read this article, nay a mini-book, on The Unz Review here.

In the comments section we learn that the mini-book is full of typos, and there’s another comment I agree about ‘the late great Stanley Kubrick.’ He wrote: ‘2001 a Space Odyssey ASO is the greatest work of art ever made by a human being.’ But what does ‘ASO’ stand for? (remember, I am not a native English speaker).