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George Lincoln Rockwell Racial right Schutzstaffel (SS) Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

The astronomic tragedy of Rockwell’s murder

This month National Vanguard published ‘102 Years of National Socialism’. Although I have barely skimmed it, the essay contains a substantial section about George Lincoln Rockwell (1918-1967).

In her 1958 The Lightning and the Sun, Savitri Devi makes a threefold distinction between men ‘above Time’, ‘in Time’ and ‘against Time’. Men above Time are visionaries and prophets who orient themselves by truths that transcend the present world. They are, therefore, impractical when it comes to changing the present world (e.g., my religion of the four words). Men in Time are entirely creatures of the present world. Therefore, they are more capable of attaining worldly success (the normies). Men against Time orient themselves by truths that transcend the present, yet they are capable of operating within the world to advance the cause of truth. (Rockwell was clearly a man against his time.)

As editor of National Socialist World, William Pierce created an abridgement of Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun for the first issue, an issue that Rockwell liked so much. Rockwell was, if he can be called that, the last priest of National Socialism who, by the depth of his convictions, equalled, on American soil and as a Yang activist, what Savitri did on the other side of the Atlantic as a yin writer.

It is a great tragedy that Rockwell was assassinated when he was at the top of his career. Everything else that has been produced in his country has been a gradual move away from Hitlerism to the ideology we now know as white nationalism.

Why am I reading the priestess’ Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman published in 1976 and not the essay on National Socialism published this month? Because you don’t breathe as deep a fanatic conviction of NS in NV as you did in Rockwell’s career, or the texts of Savitri Devi.

So I will continue my reading of Savitri’s Memories and will be adding some quotable passages on this site. When I finish it I will publish it with the elegant typeface of my Daybreak Press, so that the printed book will look more professional than the PDF currently available on the internet. On the first page from the pen of Hitler’s priestess we can read:

Dedicated to initiates,
dead or alive
of the Order of Schutzstaffel,
in particular those of the
Ahnenerbe section of the said Order,
and their followers and followers of today
and centuries to come.

Civil war Racial right

Rosenberg’s book

This morning I had barely started reading the first page of Blood and Honor in English (Alfred Rosenberg’s essay, Blut und Ehre) and a thought struck me. But first I would like to clarify something.

A decade ago I used to visit various sites of American racialism. Over time the list narrowed, and earlier this year I only occasionally visited The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents, Occidental Dissent and American Renaissance. I recently stopped visiting Counter-Currents and Occidental Dissent, which are a shadow of what they were in 2010.

Since I had subscribed to The Occidental Observer by mail for years, in my email I see the titles of what is published there. Currently, only when one of the titles catches my attention do I visit that webzine. But only AmRen has been these days on my list of what I visit every day, at least to see its titles.

I am afraid to say that perhaps I should discontinue this practice. Yesterday Jared Taylor published an article about the last of his videos: here.

What Taylor mentions is shocking: in his country, the open war against the white man is on a crescendo. But if I think I shouldn’t even visit AmRen anymore it’s because Taylor’s attitude, like that of the sites mentioned above, is ultra-feminine. It reminds me of what I said this March about the Game of Thrones episode in which, during the Battle of Blackwater, the women entered a hidden castle compound while the men fought outside for Stannis to be defeated. This is what I wrote in March:

Unlike all their ancestors, white nationalists who ‘want’ to create a white nation don’t talk about killing the enemy. They are like the ladies sheltered in Holdfast praying to the old and new gods that the city does not fall. And I don’t mean that they must fight right away. But nationalists haven’t even begun to devise a revolutionary ideology through pamphlets to encourage civil war in the future.

Just compare Taylor’s webzine and the other sites with the cover image of the English translation of Rosenberg’s book. Taylor could start talking about revolution in the far future to avoid trouble. But he and company don’t do that. They just talk like the Holdfast ladies.

Every time I visit a site of white nationalism I suffer a great demoralization. While at the moment the right tactic is only to circulate our ideas to the largest number of Aryan males possible, failing to mention a possible future revolution collapses the courage of the true man. For the same reason, I dare to say that the sites of white nationalism are becoming increasingly toxic. They work against raising the spirits of the fair race, as they prevent us from making contact with the blond beast that some of us still carry inside.

I’m not kidding about stopping visiting their sites and, instead, starting new sites and forums as if we were the last stronghold of National Socialism, even if we are not Germans or even pure Aryans. White nationalism must die so that National Socialism can revive from its ashes.

Hate Racial right

What bothers me most

This is a response to Krist Krusher’s most recent comment.

The lack of hatred of the Chinese after all the evidence indicates that they manufactured the virus does quite surprise me. Among Christians, liberals and woke people (i.e., secular neochristians), this is explained by the unconscious command to love the Other. But white nationalists’ lack of hatred is pathological: the other side of the coin of paranoidly blaming Jews for things they didn’t do, like the coronavirus.

What bothers me most about white nationalism is that the greatest subversive triumph of Jewry, the ethics of the New Testament that conquered the soul of white people (the axis of this site), goes completely unnoticed. As a concerned reader recently said, ‘The SS and NSDAP are being viewed as agents of “evil” not because of the Jewish-AngloSaxon-Bolshevik conspiracy, but because of the parasitic and self-destructive nature of Christian ethics deeply ingrained in the Aryan psyche and soul’.

Conspiracy theories Racial right

A response to Wolfrein

In this discussion thread today I was told the following:

Yes, Cesar, I am from Germany and as a regular reader of your blog I am familiar with your critique of WN.

I am not overestimating the Jews but I am also not underestimating them. If the Jews (and their goyim accomplices) are behind the virus and the vaccination agenda—with the goal of gene-altering and/or extermination of the great amount [of] the world’s population (mainly whites, of course)—then why on Earth would they use this mass destruction weapon against themselves? It seems obvious to me that there are at least two kinds of vaccines—the one for the goyims and the other for the Jews. Of course I don’t have any proofs. It just seems logical to me.

That sounds pretty paranoid, and it’s the first time I’ve heard it. If true, Kevin MacDonald, the specialist on Jewry, and his webzine writers, other experts on Jewry from the Aryan point of view, would have already published a lot of articles on such a tremendous conspiracy.

If you were really familiar with the criticism I make on this site of white nationalism, you would have noticed that I don’t subscribe to paranoid views so common in the discussion threads of nationalists (9/11 attacks, JFK assassination, and now covid-19).

I’m going to put it very directly:

To the extent that contemporary racialists embrace paranoid ideas, the race is on the way to extinction, since they aren’t addressing the cause that’s killing them. (The central theme of this site is the proper diagnosis—not paranoid diagnoses—of the darkest hour in the West.)

Conspiracy theories, by the way, haven’t been promulgated in the most serious sites of white nationalism. And I’m not just talking about The Occidental Observer, but also Counter-Currents, American Renaissance and Occidental Dissent. The problem with those theories is that they suck in great energies that lead us to dead-ends, instead of cruising down the main avenue that could potentially save the race (the stuff linked in my sticky post).

If you are German, instead of the crazy comment threads on white nationalist blogs, you should be reading the SS booklets, whose English translation I’ve been reading (and of which I’ll add more entries shortly, until I finish reading the fifteen booklets I acquired).

Conspiracy theories are a vampire sucking the mental health of the Aryan man with good feelings. The System loves that these Aryans find themselves trapped in ideological alleys instead of seeing what is really happening.

I have a long history of readings that debunk the pseudosciences because in the past I was in a dead-end, mentally trapped in a couple of pseudosciences. The younger people I interact with on the internet cannot imagine the decades of suffering and spiritual odyssey I underwent not only in them, but in investigating other extraordinary allegations that have nothing to do with reality.

I repeat, if instead of reading what contemporary racialists write you read what the Nazi leadership wrote, you would realise that the latter didn’t suffer from any paranoia but saw reality as it was. For example, soon I will start uploading entries in the German section of this site where I will be reproducing every table talk of the Führer before the damned allies killed him in his bunker.

I confess that although I recently studied, for months, a book on German grammar, I don’t know German. When I publish translations from German here, for example Karlheinz Deschner’s book, another translator does them. (Both, the books in the original German and the Spanish translations of Deschner’s books by the publishing house Martínez Roca are in my bookshelf.) But I am infinitely sorry that Germans today listen to Americans instead of Uncle Adolf, or the SS booklets I’m reading.

Changing the subject, yesterday Jared Taylor published a featured article (when he does it, he puts it in red letters on the main page) of a mulatto woman. We can already imagine the SS authors doing something similar!

I say it once again, and not only to the Germans: Stop reading the sites of American white nationalism and become familiar with the real thing…

Chess Racial right Schutzstaffel (SS)

SS vs. racialists

I just removed this image from my Monday post because I changed my mind and now I want to use the below image of José Raúl Capablanca on the cover of the Spanish version (an image of Alexander Alekhine will appear on the cover of the English translation).

Note the size of the pieces with which the masters played in Capablanca’s time and compare it with the reduced size with which chess is played in official tournaments today. And the same can be said about the clothing from a century ago compared to the shitty T-shirts of today: courtesy of American culture. The collapse of the Aryan man can be seen from the way we dress to the music we listen to, which prompts me to say something more about another of the booklets published by Third Reich Books: Translations of the Originals.

This booklet is titled The SS Calls You! and is addressed to very young Germans. When I got to page 7, I couldn’t help but think that I shouldn’t visit again the sites of white nationalism, as they are crap compared to this fighting spirit. It is precisely because the US is founded on that materialistic phrase that contains the misleading word ‘happiness’ that makes America the antithesis of the Aryan hero.

Page 64 and others mention music as career number 87: ‘SS officer and SS music officer’. It refers to classical music of course. How many American racialists repudiate the degenerate music of their country to the point of never hearing it? And page 66 says ‘Sooner or later your son will become a soldier’. We can imagine saying that to racialist libertarians!

Many of those who visit this site do not take seriously what I’ve said: here. For example, the final pages of the booklet are about the Insignia Colours of the Waffen-SS. Those in the concentration camps got light brown. Could an American racialist, say one of those libertarians who comment on AmRen, conceive one of his children with light-brown insignia during a project of ethnic cleansing on American soil?

By the way, of the original 206 participants of the 2021 Chess World Cup, in the semi-finals, which will start tomorrow, all non-whites have been disqualified. Only four whites remain: the champion Magnus Carlsen, the Russian Sergey Karjakin, the Polish Jan-Krzysztof Duda and another Russian, Vladimir Fedoseev. Yesterday, Karjakin eliminated the American Sam Shankland, who is not properly white. As long as Americans continue to mix their blood with non-whites thanks to their declaration of independence from Europe and all that stuff about ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’, they will never have another Morphy or a Fischer.

I will dedicate this weekend to polishing the typeface of The Human Side of Chess for publication.

Heinrich Himmler Jared Taylor Racial right

Jared & Kevin

Since I was disappointed with American racialism I have only occasionally been visiting The Occidental Observer and American Renaissance. But even in these sites we can see the extreme level of feminisation of the white male of today. Recall Himmler’s brief preface to the pamphlet I have been quoting, Sieg der Waffen – Sieg des Kindes (Victory of the Arms – Victory of the Child):

Men of the SS and Police!:

Two weapons are available to each folk in the struggle for existence. Its fighting strength and its natural fertility. Never forget that the fighting strength alone cannot secure the folk’s survival into the distant future. The inexhaustible fountain of its fertility is also necessary.

Read this book, which I have given to you, and act accordingly. The victory of German arms must be followed by the victory of the German child.

H. Himmler.

Two things together can save the Aryan race: their ability to fight and their fertility: two sides of the same coin that it’s impossible to separate. Since the western states of the world today are trying to exterminate the Aryans, the only chance to reverse the process is to seize power during a revolution. Only after that would the laws favour white marriages. In contrast, with an ethnocidal state and culture the advice to marry white women cannot, in the long run, be successful due to the tide of colour.

That should be obvious. But American racialists don’t think in terms of Waffen for a future revolution. Kevin MacDonald published today Was ist Weiße Identität? on the White Date website’: an article about a dating agency for whites. This is palliative, like palliative medicine given to terminally ill patients. What ultimate good is such an agency if the male cannot force the female to have ten children? Recall a passage from On Beth’s Cute Tits that appears on the sidebar: in a patriarchal society the power of reproduction lies in the male; in feminist society, in the female. With the current laws in today’s West, forcing a woman to have many babies is illegal.

The article that Jared Taylor allowed this day, ‘Proud to Be Gay and Proud to Be White’, is even worse than Kevin’s. Jared passes the microphone to a lesbian who was discriminated when applying for a job for being white. We can already imagine a booklet whose preface was signed by Himmler making concessions to homos! (The AmRen article uses the Newspeak term ‘gay’ which in Oldspeak simply means ‘cheerful’. Racialist sites should always use Oldspeak!)

What bothers me the most is that, other than The West’s Darkest Hour, no site realistically defends the Aryan race. Or is there another site that makes not a single concession to the ethnocidal ideology?

Aryan beauty Civilisation (TV series) Kenneth Clark Racial right Who We Are (book)

Hitler verbatim

Yesterday I was struck by the wise words that, in his table talk of July 21, 1941, Hitler pronounced:

Und dann unsere eigene Geschichte auf italischem Boden: Wer kein Organ für Geschichte hat, ist wie ein Mensch, der kein Gehör oder kein Gesicht hat: Leben kann er auch so, aber was ist das?! (There’s also our own past on Italian soil. A man who is indifferent to History is a man without hearing, without sight. Such a man can live, of course—but what a life?)

In the West, the religion of our day seems to be to exterminate the white race through historical slander and lies. That is why the most important subject of all we can imagine is what Hitler says: the history of the white race, the reading of which sets the record straight.

Lately there have been some videos that have become fashionable on YouTube about reconstructions, with computer special effects, of ancient Greece and Rome and how they would look with their citizens. I was shocked to discover that, along with the beauty of classical architecture, the scoundrels who make these videos have been putting the inhabitants of Greek and Roman cities as dark-skinned! They were actually very white, and Hitler implied that when he said ‘There’s also our own past on Italian soil’, referring to the migrations of Nordids (such as the Dorians or the original Latins) when they conquered the southern mudbloods.

The great failure of white nationalism is not starting with the Classical World as understood by the Greeks and Romans: a culture based not only on architecture but on sculpture that showed the beauty of the Aryan body and face uncontaminated by mud blood. (American white nationalists do not begin their narrative with the pre-Christian art because, as Sebas Ronin said, most of them are patriotards.)

In his TV series Civilisation Kenneth Clark says that in the transition from the Ancient World to Christendom the human figure disappears, although Clark failed to add that it was the figure of the pure Aryan that disappeared (pre-Renaissance Christs represent the Semitic man, not the Aryan). Lord Clark was a Christian. Yes, he had an immense sensitivity towards art, but he was a Yahweh worshiper after all. Clark’s widow said that her husband always had a profound Christian sensitivity, and that whenever he went into a church in search of works of art he would first kneel and pray.

Like Lord Clark, the history books read by whites who are under the illusion they are racially conscious were written by Christians, Jews, and neochristians. The latter are the secular whites who never abandoned the Semitic ethics that the New Testament bequeathed to us.

Only William Pierce wrote a story of the white race from the point of view that we could call the POV of the priest of the fourteen words. But Pierce’s story is not read in the circles of white nationalism because even anti-Semites continue to allow themselves to be sodomized by Yahweh. They reason in this way: ‘Indeed, the Old Testament orders the Hebrews to exterminate the non-Hebrew peoples that they are conquering. But we are good. How do we know that we are the good guys? Because unlike the Old Testament written for them, in the New Testament Yahweh commands us to love all our neighbours and we obey Him. Thus, we abhor the exterminationist fantasies of our enemies’.

It goes without saying that the only way to prevent Yahweh from continuing to sodomize us is to stop subscribing to the moral code imposed on us by his gospel. And that means even going beyond Arthur Kemp, the other historian who wrote a story of the white race from the POV of the 14 words. Unlike Pierce, Kemp is not an exterminationist. Some could even say that he is a secular neochristian. Many years ago a commenter said in this forum that Kemp had come to write about the rights of a group of blacks in an African country. I didn’t visit the Kemp article that this commenter linked to, so I can’t substantiate his claim. But we can say that the so-called human rights that became fashionable after the French Revolution are a by-product of Yahweh’s command to love one’s neighbour.

Here we see my hand holding a hard-cover copy of Uncle Adolf’s after-dinner talks in the original language. A priest of the 14 words takes Uncle Adolf’s talks as his Aryan gospel. This cannot be more contrasting with the Semitic gospel of the ‘anti-Semites’ of American white nationalism.

Racial right

Holmes quote

This recent discussion thread reminds me of something. The white nationalist’s methodology is contrary to that of Sherlock Holmes, who told Dr. Watson: ‘It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts’.

I try to be like Holmes: first comes the data and only after the theories. The data is the facts that cannot be questioned, the historical facts in the only two books written from the POV of the 14 words, authored by Pierce and Kemp. Those are the elemental facts from which we must formulate our theories to explain the darkest hour for the fair race. Now that I have finished my books On Beth’s Cute Tits and The Human Side of Chess, I have time to continue rounding out the facts that Pierce and Kemp showed us with Deschner’s series on the criminal history of Christianity.

Unlike us, white nationalists theorise before they have data. Kevin MacDonald is not a historian, so it seems easy for him to start with the JQ and end with the JQ. In the case of Jared Taylor, the grandfather of race realism, he simply confesses that for him the cause of the dark hour is a total mystery.

Among the new generation of American racialists, who are Jew-wise but sympathetic to Christianity, ignorance of historical data causes them to twist the facts to suit their theories. That’s why they regard the JQ as the sole factor in Aryan decline. White nationalists don’t want to see gigantic events that have destroyed the European race without Jews, as what happened precisely in the American continent when the Spanish and the Portuguese conquered it. (Every time I go out into the street and see a sea of brown people in the largest city in Latin America, I cannot but curse Catholicism, as it was the Church of Rome that allowed that miscegenation was practised in the newly discovered continent.)

What Holmes warned happens to Americans and not so much to Europeans because the former insist on respecting the religion of their parents. Tom Sunic doesn’t respect it that much, which is why he was able to say more than a decade ago: ‘No Jews, no Arabs, no communists have done so much damage to the White gene pool as Whites themselves’. But the supporters of Christianity who read Sunic’s words in The Occidental Observer continue to twist the facts to fit their monocausal theories about white decline, rather than letting the facts speak for themselves.

It is precisely for this reason that Pierce and Kemp’s books, like Deschner’s on the history of Christianity that I will soon continue to translate, are still ignored by American racialists.


Update: And remember that an illustrated version of William Pierce’s Who We Are is now available online: here (and hard copy: here).

Americanism Racial right William Pierce

America delenda est

Left, Sebastian E. Ronin’s latest pic on his Facebook page.

To save the white race, the United States, a country based on Christian ethics, must be destroyed. This was not seen by even the best men the US has produced, such as Rockwell and Pierce. Although both have been guiding spirits for this site, I now see that, by making concessions to Christianity in his second novel, where a Christian preacher appears almost as a saving hero, Pierce ‘cucked’ at the CQ.

I’m afraid to say that I was wrong and old Sebas was right. In 2015 I said: ‘The huge difference between Hitler and Pierce, and white nationalists, is that virtually all of them cannot break away from the grip of Christian axiology, atheists included’. Sebastian Ronin responded:

Not from their Amerikan identity, Pierce included (who, like most Murkan WNs, was simply a screeching patriotard beneath the racialist posturing). WN is fail because it has stemmed from the Murkan psyche. Nothing good and decent can stem from the Murkan psyche; it encompasses an ontology that is wretched and rotten. Once this massive blind spot is not only spotted, but accepted, then a realistic Ethno Nationalism may get underway.

By now it should be obvious, more than obvious in fact (just see what’s been going on in there), that the US is the spearhead in the Western project to exterminate the White Man. The obsession of the American white nationalists with the Jew is deciphered when we understand that they see the straw in another’s eye and not the beam in their own.

It is true that before this criticism we can spare Pierce’s Who We Are. But even in his first novel Pierce doesn’t put Christianity on the dock, and also puts American racists as the leaders of The Organization that eventually saves the fair race by exterminating non-whites.

In the real world, an exterminationist Organization that conquers the whole world, as the one that appears in The Turner Diaries, would only be possible if Americans apostatised from Christianity, secular Christianity and transvalued all its values. And as old Sebas said, the chances of that happening are virtually zero, even among so-called American neonazis.

Aryan beauty NS booklets Quotable quotes Racial right Schutzstaffel (SS)

SS booklet, 7

‘The SS-man has a healthy sense for natural female beauty’.


______ 卐 ______


Editor’s note: This is something that the more primitive American white nationalists lack. Where are the nymphs on the sidebars of their websites?