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Racial right


A commenter said something today that portrays what’s happening in the American racialist scene like a photographic negative:

My question is why do you stay in Der movement? Why not acknowledge that it’s wrong on so many levels? Why not just become a genuine Christian and leave racism behind? The movement has failed and will always fail because it’s wrong. It’s not genuinely Christian, and its focus is on the flesh, not the spirit. Wake up.

The reality, as a regular reader of this site for priests of the 14 words knows, is to reveal the photographic negative into a positive:

My question is why do you stay in white nationalism? Why not acknowledge that it’s wrong on so many levels? Why not just become a genuine anti-Christian and leave anti-racism (i.e., Christian ethics) behind? The movement has failed and will always fail because it’s wrong. It’s not genuinely anti-Christian, and its focus is on the flesh, not the spirit. Wake up.

Remember that on this site we distinguish between pseudo-spirituality and genuine spirituality.

Incidentally, yesterday I was surprised that Occidental Dissent, the site where the commenter posted the above-quoted monstrosity, receives slightly more visits than Kevin MacDonald’s webzine, as can be seen in this AmRen article from yesterday, which includes a list of most visited racialist sites:

The Unz Review
American Renaissance
The Daily Stormer
Occidental Dissent
The Occidental Observer

I would like to say something about the site that is ranked Number One. If you look closely, my literary style is diametrically opposite to that of the Jew Ron Unz. My posts are laconic. Unz publishes such a huge number of articles, with such a throng of gentile commenters, that it’s impossible to follow them closely.

He who admires laconic Sparta dislikes the verbal diarrhoea of the Jew. It’s best to say it all in very few words like our links in the sticky post.

Miscegenation Racial right

Bloodraven’s cave

Brad Griffin, better known by his pen name Hunter Wallace, of whom I recently said a few things, has started a new series of articles where he says he’s disappointed with the movement. Yesterday and today he wrote two essays under the title ‘Der Movement’ (here and here). But what Wallace fails to see is that American racialists don’t understand that they’ll never win by playing by the rules and the cultural and economic roots of their country.

It seems to me magnificent that, after Charlottesville, the movement is confused and without daring to go out into the streets again. It is a good opportunity for an odyssey into inner space, into Bloodraven’s cave: an introspection and insight into ultimate questions, such as to question the worldview that led the white race to the darkest hour in the history of the West.

Imagine how absurd it would be to want to save the very few whites of Latin America without questioning the ideological DNA, or double helix, from which the Spanish and Portuguese conquered the Americas: the Catholicism of the Counter-Reformation and the search for gold and silver by bachelor soldiers instead of bringing the families of the Iberian Peninsula so that the conquest resembled what the Anglo-Germans of the north would do.

In other words: wanting to save the very few whites in Latin America without fighting to the death the Catholicism that allowed miscegenation, or the blind thirst for the exploitation of natural resources, would be folly. As folly as wanting to understand what is happening north of the Rio Grande without questioning the Protestantism that emerged from the Reformation, or Yankee capitalism.

The basic aetiology, or double helix, of the catastrophe of both the Anglo-Germans from the north and the Iberians from the south has been the same, with the difference that those from the south began interbreeding 500 years ago, and those from the north barely 50 years ago. Gold and Christianity, Mammon and whites worshiping the god of the Jews, have been the primary cause of the dark hour. This is so true that, even before the Jews took over the media, miscegenation had already been consummated in Latin America, and the American civil war to free the slaves had already been fought.

The obvious causes of Aryan decline are the Christian religion and a treacherous thirst for riches, but religion is the real perpetrator. While China currently adores Mammon, they are not so stupid as to import millions of foreigners while developing a vicious anti-racist ideology like the one that reigns today in the West. In other words, it is possible to be a degenerate Mammon worshiper in Asia and, in turn, refuse to mix their blood with foreigners.

If racialist whites weren’t so blind, the first thing they would do is investigate the causes of the suicidal zeitgeist that’s killing them. They would seize the opportunity the System gave them by cornering them back to their moms’ basements to rethink the matter and apostatise from the religion of mom who lives upstairs.

But neither Wallace nor those who comment on his blog or other racialist forums dare to question the god of the Jews. The price of not doing so is the extinction of their race. There lies the original virus that later mutated into the mental virus that destroys them today: a virus that has not infected the Chinese because they’ve never worshiped the enemy god.

Racial right Tom Sunic

Sleeping nationalists

(David Ryckaert, Old Man Sleeping, ca. 1640-1642, oil on panel.) Two days ago I wrote ‘TOO cucks Johnson’ and today I visited that discussion thread on The Occidental Observer to see if Greg Johnson was defending himself against the author’s mild criticism. But apparently Johnson is in a semi-depressive stage. He used to argue quite a bit in the discussion threads both on his site and at the Observer. Today he hasn’t even responded with an article in his Counter-Currents webzine. However, when reviewing the new responses to the Observer article I came across this gem that commenter Chelsea Zahn posted yesterday:

It isn’t that our people are committing suicide; it’s that the Jews are committing genocide on our people. Whites might be stupid and weak… but the problems originate with Jewish supremacism and the Jews’ irrational hatred and fear of white Christian people.

This commenter’s statement is a gem because it encapsulates the myths of white nationalism. In the first place, the Jews didn’t take the West through a conventional war. If an alien saw Chelsea’s words without any historical context, he would imagine that the Jews were fearsome warriors who raided the white nations and imposed a genocidal Diktat. But it was not like that. The war was fought for the soul of the white man: a war that Judea won from the times of Constantine because of those white traitors who abandoned the Aryan gods in pursuit of the god of the Semites.

Yesterday I added a new sticky post, ‘If this site…’ containing three links in the only comment so that the new visitor becomes familiar with our point of view. One of those required readings for new visitors is the mini-book on how Christianity seized the souls of the citizens of the Roman Empire as revenge for the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and Jerusalem itself, temporarily turned into Aelia Capitolina: a fully Roman city founded by Emperor Hadrian on what was left of ancient Jerusalem.

What happens throughout the West is suicide insofar as not even secular white nationalists have repudiated Christian ethics, the little gift of that old war between Judea and Rome as explained also in the books Daybreak and On Exterminationism you can download from the sidebar.

Furthermore, Chelsea slanders the Aryan race by calling it weak and stupid. They were not like that until whites started to worship the god of the Jews. No one in the ancient world would dare to call whites ‘weak’ or ‘stupid’—say in the days when Roman emperors ravaged Jerusalem and enslaved its population. They only became weak and stupid by obeying the commands of the gospel.

Notice also how Chelsea does not say ‘Aryan people’ but ‘Christian people’, which makes me think that she is a Christian, that is, an artificial Jewess insofar as she obeys the injunctions written by the Semites who wrote the New Testament for gentile consumption. (The Jews would never follow the universalistic commandments and out-group altruism that is breathed in the words of that fictional character, Jesus.)

In sum, white nationalists are so asleep in the matrix that it controls them as ever. And they will remain asleep until their race becomes extinct. Last month Tom Sunic tried to wake up Observer readers about the dangers of their stupid religion. He lectured them with these words: ‘Eventually Whites will need to make a decision about where to choose the location of their identity, in Athens or in Jerusalem’.

But his words fell on deaf ears. Most white nationalists ignore that it was Christianity that laid the groundwork for Jewish takeover. The vast majority of white nationalists, like all other whites, continue to choose Jerusalem, not Athens.

Racial right

TOO cucks Johnson

Left, a 1799 caricature on the consequence of old husbands marrying young wives. Two couples: the young women putting antlers on the heads of the older men, displaying their cuckoldry.

A decade ago I began to distance myself from Greg Johnson. Originally it bothered me that he promoted degenerate music. Then he irritated me that in his film reviews under the penname of Trevor Lynch he failed to criticise the bad messages of Hollywood (say, as the extremely destructive criticism I do these days with Game of Thrones).

It also bothered me that at that time he promoted the degenerate homosexualist views of James O’Meara and even more that Johnson abhorred Nordicism and William Pierce’s exterminationist philosophy, explained both in his most famous novel and his only non-fiction book.

Finally, it pissed me off that even when Johnson was already editor of The Occidental Quarterly and was publishing positive articles about Nietzsche, he was secretly giving pious homilies, talking about Jesus and traditional theology, in his church in San Francisco. Fortunately, the Lutheran Hunter Wallace posted a short article on the subject that, if memory serves, he titled ‘Greg Johnson, the Christian’ although it is more accurate to call him a neochristian, due to his more recent secularism.

Today The Occidental Observer published a feature article by Richard McCulloch on Johnson’s inconsistencies. While McCulloch believes that Jews are the primary aetiology of the West’s darkest hour (I believe it is Christians and neochristians who have empowered Jewry), this is the first time I’ve read a feature article in a racialist forum criticising Johnson’s ideological inconsistencies. McCulloch wrote:

Johnson seems to be trying to attract non-White support at the expense of alienating White support, by accommodating less-than-vital non-White interests at the cost of vital White interests… We cannot save the White race and restore its possession of its homelands and also give non-Whites what they want—possession and control of those same homelands.

What McCulloch ignores is that it was precisely Christian ethics, of which Johnson was a champion in his church, that is determining that white nationalists like Johnson are so lukewarm, so ambivalent, so different from the Nazis or to use a recent neologism in racialist forums, so cucks.

Conservatism Feminism Racial right

And now his watch is ended

‘And Now His Watch Is Ended’ is the fourth episode of the third season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 24th episode of the series. Above we see Lord Tywin in his study with his daughter during the episode. The lion is the symbol of the Lannisters, the wealthiest House in Westeros.

A recurring mistake in Game of Thrones, and I mean a cinematic mistake, is putting a cruel scene and then putting a similar one immediately afterwards. Thus begins the episode, with the continuous torment of Jaime Lannsiter with his amputated hand, and then Lord Varys shows to Tyron the witcher who, in a magic ritual, had castrated Varys as a child (Varys has the witcher locked in a wooden box apparently with his lips sewn so that he can’t speak). A good director doesn’t put the two scenes together. If you have to film them, separate them so as not to overwhelm the viewer. But in these degenerate times TV viewers have already lost their taste for good cinema.

After a few more scenes in various places in Westeros we see a third scene of cruelty. This time Ramsay Bolton, the most sadistic character in the series, returns Theon to the torture chamber to torment him again. Despite three cruel scenes in the same episode, afterwards we hear a dialogue between Jaime and Brienne, from which it is worth quoting what the latter said to him in one night, in front of a campfire, both being prisoners of the Boltons:

‘You had a taste of the real world where people have important things [Jaime’s sword hand] taken from them’.

Much very true. In real life I have come across many people who are absolutely incapable of generating the slightest empathy in the face of some human tragedies simply because, like Jaime Lannister before he lost his hand, they have had a gifted life. It is precisely for this reason that I speak so badly of the racialist bourgeoisie and of those who in the US are called conservatives (a word that means something different in Europe). In fact, after the above words, Brienne tells Jaime that because of his defeatist attitude he now looks like a woman. Similarly, unlike the Nazis the racialists’ attitude is defeatist (who speaks now of taking power, as Hitler and his own did?).

But even in this episode the scriptwriters cannot control themselves and launch their typical feminist message. The Brotherhood Without Banners kidnaps the Hound and Arya and takes them to a secret lair, a cave. In a discussion with all the members of the Brotherhood and the Hound, the leader, Lord Beric Dondarrion says that perhaps the girl Arya is the bravest among all those gathered!

But that’s nothing compared to the scene that follows, in which Dany takes over an entire army by burning the slavers of Astapor with the fire of her recovered dragon, implanting for the first time in the series her Diktat of brave social justice warrior. Then she delivers a liberation speech to her army of mulattoes: ‘Will you fight for me as free men?’ They accept of course.

The triumphant music played for Dany, the conquering SJW woman, ends the crude episode.

Nordicism Racial right

Racialists who hate me

Regarding Krist Krusher’s most recent comment about a blogger after I opened again the comments section after two and a half months of closing it, this is my response:

This guy is an anti-Nordicist. And he just calls me names, never tries to rebut what Nordicists have said since the French Arthur Gobineau, the Briton Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the American Madison Grant, all Nazi raciologists, William Pierce and more recently Arthur Kemp (see also Evropa Soberana’s essays I’ve translated from Spanish to English). As to the Nordic stock of the original Greeks and Romans, see what American Renaissance has said: here. But he also lies.

That is of course Chechar’s [this is how one of my nephews called me long time ago] intention: harm Whites.

And also:

If by ‘Spanish imposter’ that means he’s a Mexican posing as Iberian, I agree.

I have never claimed I’m Spaniard. And this is libellous:

Of course he is hostile to White nationalism. He is anti-White… I’m sure exterminating Whites makes great sense to him.

Crazy guy. But those white nationalists who are also anti-Nordicists have always hated me.

Bible Racial right Trolls

Troll army

My last comment has given me an idea. Compared to the white nationalist forums this site has very few followers. It would be ideal to have at least a hundred young fans, even teenagers, to troll those forums with the arguments and historical facts of this site.

For example, to each christcuck that we meet in those forums we could call him names: ‘Jew-obeyer Joe Doe has said such and such, to which I respond like this and that’. But the term Jew-obeyer also refers to secular racialists who haven’t broken with the morals left to us by the gospel author.

As I have said countless times, Christianity in general and the Bible in particular is a recipe for exterminating the white race. Have you already read Kevin MacDonald’s first volume of his trilogy on Jewry? While the Old Testament commands strict ethnocentrism for the Hebrew people (MacDonald’s first book), the New Testament written for the Gentiles commands a loving universalism for everyone else.

Unlike the Nazis of the previous century, the vast majority of American racialists have undertaken the quixotic task of saving their race without violating the moral commandments of the fictional Jesus. And since both the Old and New Testaments were written by Semitic authors, nationalists who haven’t transvalued their values to how the values stood before Constantine are literally Jew obeyers. The term is not even an insult: it’s a simple definition of what they are.

I wish, as I said, that enough followers trolled the main sites of white nationalism every time their admins publish articles in which these so-called anti-Semites unconsciously obey the Jew. And if your comments are blocked or not allowed to pass, shake the dust off your sandals and preach my gospel at The Unz Review, which tolerates all points of view and republishes the articles of those other forums.

Racial right

A psychotic Christian

Just once a week I check Counter-Currents and I did it today. I was shocked by a recent article by Nicholas R. Jeelvy, ‘The Struggle is Real’, because just yesterday I wrote about most white nationalists: ‘They are like the ladies sheltered in Holdfast praying to the old and new gods that the city does not fall’, and Jeelvy exemplifies it:

Imagine you’re a White Nationalist activist. You have a show on the internet where you discuss our issues. It’s going okay. You’re developing a small following. You hear from a friend that there’s a group of young guys who are your fans in another town. You’re elated and start talking to them over the internet. They seem okay, maybe a little on the rowdy side, but they’re young, it’s expected of them. You arrange an event in that town, ostensibly as part of a political maneuver, but in fact it’s because you want to meet those guys. You’re expecting a group of Ernst Jüngers to greet you.

(Gustave Courbet, The Desperate Man, 1843-45.) You find a bunch of weirdos who can’t stop talking about starting a revolution.

One of them vibes like an actual schizophrenic. No, these guys aren’t agents, you double and triple checked them. You tell them that armed insurgency isn’t the path forward and furthermore, directly antagonizing policemen and soldiers will do damage to our cause. Their faces suddenly change—they declare you a cuck, a softie.

They demand you call for a violent uprising on your show; otherwise, you’re a cuck. They feel so betrayed that they start an online campaign against you that lasts to this very day. Gradually you realize that these guys aren’t LARPers, or even stupid. These guys do not seek struggle, nor victory. They seek self-destruction.

Yes: actual revolution is premature. But doesn’t it occur to this idiot that what they really want is the destruction of the System?

And as time goes by, you start seeing in yourself that same demonic will to self-destruction, and start wondering if your entire engagement with dissident politics isn’t just a long, dramatic, and roundabout suicide-by-cop. “No, it can’t be, I live for the struggle,” you say, and then you remember that you’re often suicidal and that you often have fantasies of dying heroically in struggle against the enemy…

For many, being hated and hounded by the system is precisely what attracts them to the Dissident Right. They want to be Nazis precisely because the current morality deems it morally justified to punch, persecute, deplatform, fire, and ultimately kill Nazis.

What absolute imbecility! Doesn’t it occur to Jeelvy that they want to be Nazis because white nationalism has already shown itself to be a charlatan movement (see The Fair Race and Daybreak on the sidebar)?

There’s a little bit of the sociopathic urge to be notorious and feared at play, but far stronger is the will to self-destruction. This will to self-destruction exists because it is the ultimate act of independence and self-actualization in the egotistic and thanatophobic modern world where a long life is the ultimate good. But this self-destruction cannot take the form of your bog-standard suicide, because suicide is destigmatized and excused and suicides are pitied. No, the destruction of the self must come at the tail end of a grand epic of self-denial so that the self may be actualized…

I believe that this article can help resolve the psycho question.

But who’s the real psycho?

Jeelvy doesn’t realise that he and the shitty bourgeois who behave like women sheltered in Holdfast are the psychotic ones (even though it’s still not the time for armed revolution, only of pamphlets). More and more I want the US dollar to collapse so that BLM enters the homes of these shitty nationalists to see when their balls grow.

But Jeelvy is a fucking Christian, and on this site we know what that means. In the comments section he confessed: ‘For the record, I am an Orthodox Christian, but I recognize that I write for a religiously diverse audience so I necessarily take on the perspective of other faiths. It isn’t enough to solve problems only for white Christians’.

Yes, white Christians are the problem, and Greggy is offering them his new site.

Racial right Rape of the Sabine Women


‘Blackwater’ is the ninth and penultimate episode of the second season of HBO’s medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. The Blu-ray edition of the complete seasons contains the option to listen the commentary of Martin himself, who recounts the differences between the television interpretation and his novel. Martin really liked the way the directors adapted his text for this battle. Those who don’t want to see the entire series or even a season, can watch this particular episode in isolation to appreciate it from a strictly cinematic point of view. It’s the first time that the series shows us, in detail, a battle.

From the battle at Blackwater Bay I would just like to collect a couple of dialogues. The first one, some words from Cersei who has been drinking wine, addressed to Sansa Stark. Both were in what the very voice of Martin calls ‘a fortress inside the castle’, Maegor’s Holdfast. The noble ladies are interned there under the supervision of Ser Ilyn (pic below).

His orders: kill the ladies of the fortress inside the castle if the city falls (to prevent them from being raped). His orders may seem barbaric but invader Stannis has fallen under the spell of what Ser Davos calls ‘the red woman’, a witch whose religion prompts her to burn her enemies or infidels alive. When Sansa hears the following words from Cersei she’s scared:

‘Do you have any notion of what happens when a city is sacked? No, you wouldn’t, would you? If the city falls, these fine women should be in for a bit of rape. Half of them will have bastards in their bellies come the morning. You’ll be glad of your red flower then…’

‘When a man’s blood is up, anything with tits looks good. A precious thing like you will look very, very good. A slice of cake just waiting to be eaten…’

Sansa then flees into her room to prevent Ser Ilyn from killing her if the city falls. Unaware of Tywin’s reinforcements coming, Sandor Clegane, popularly known as the Hound, has also fled the battle in which King Joffrey’s defensive forces are badly outnumbered by Stannis’ attacking forces. Sansa finds him in her bedroom and the Hound proposes to put her to safety:

The Hound: ‘I can take you with me. Take you to Winterfell. I’ll keep you safe. Do you want to go home?’

Sansa: ‘I’ll be safe here. Stannis won’t hurt me’.

The Hound: ‘Look at me! Stannis is a killer! The Lannisters are killers! Your father was a killer! Your brother [Robb, recently the King of the North] is a killer! Your sons will be killers someday! The world is built by killers’.

Nothing truer! But unlike all their ancestors, white nationalists who ‘want’ to create a white nation don’t talk about killing the enemy. They are like the ladies sheltered in Holdfast praying to the old and new gods that the city does not fall. And I don’t mean that they must fight right away. But nationalists haven’t even begun to devise a revolutionary ideology through pamphlets to encourage a civil war in the future.

Incidentally, this Hound and Sansa are the same ones whose image I picked up in a recent post when this vicious warrior rescued her from being raped by the mob.

Deranged altruism Racial right

The wolf and the lion

‘The Wolf and the Lion’ is the fifth episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on May 15, 2011.

The episode opens with beautiful shots of King’s Landing and a manly conversation between Ned Stark and a prominent member of the royal guard. Inside the castle, Ned’s studio, the studio of the Hand of the King, is so beautiful and Aryan that just for those shots the series is worth watching.

But the scene I want to focus on takes place on another side of the castle, in the room of the Small Council: a body that advises the King of the Seven Kingdoms and institutes politics under his command. It is the internal council, therefore, ‘small’, of the King that forms his cabinet. The members are appointed by him. Specifically, the scene I am referring to is a heated discussion about Dany (Daenerys Targaryen) between King Robert and Ned Stark, of which the following words stand out:

King Robert: ‘The whore is pregnant!’

Ned Stark: ‘You are speaking of murdering a child…’

King Robert: ‘I want’em dead, mother and child both! And the fool Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them dead!’

Ned Stark: ‘You will dishonour yourself forever for this’.

King Robert: ‘Honour? I’ve got seven kingdoms to rule! One king, seven kingdoms. Do you think honour keeps them in line? Do you think it’s honour that’s keeping the peace? It’s fear—fear and blood’.

Ned Stark: ‘Then we’re no better than the Mad King’.

King Robert: ‘Careful Ned. Careful now’.

Ned Stark: ‘You want to assassinate a girl [Dany] because the spider [Lord Varys’ nickname] heard a rumour?’

Spider Varys serves as the ‘Master of Whispers’, a sort of a medieval intelligence department in service of the king. The eunuch Varys is famous for possessing what he calls ‘Little Birds’: informants from all corners of the Seven Kingdoms and even beyond the Narrow Sea. His spy Jorah Mormont found out that Dany was pregnant.

King Robert: ‘A Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army. What then…?’

Ned Stark: ‘The Narrow Sea still lies between us. I’ll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water’.

King Robert: ‘Do nothing? That’s your advice? Do nothing till our enemies are on our shores? You’re my council. Counsel! Speak sense to this honourable fool’.

The Small Council—Robert’s brother Renly, Lord Varys, Littlefinger, and Grand Maester Pycelle—try to reason with Ned. Everyone agrees that the last of the Targaryens should be killed, especially the one who carries in her womb the child of non-white warlord Drogo.

King Robert: ‘She dies!’

Ned Stark: ‘I will have no part in it’.

Ned’s blunder in his heated argument with the king was even more colossal than the one his wife committed in the previous episode: so great in fact that here the series already makes me angry.

If there is something that attracts the fandom toward Game of Thrones it’s that it portrays a medieval universe without Christianity, something similar to what would have happened in Europe if Christianity hadn’t conquered Rome. But Ned’s attitude is evangelical, and it even makes me want to suspend watching the episode.

His quixotic standards of morality can only lead to the catastrophe of House Stark, which is exactly what happened in subsequent episodes. If George R.R. Martin had been consistent in devising a medieval universe without a single character whose behaviour mimics Christian ethics, he wouldn’t have written such a scene. It reminds me of an old discussion between Brad Griffin and Alex Linder on Radio Free Mississippi, where Griffin tried to corner Linder by asking him what Linder would do if he was left alone with a seven-year-old Jewish girl in a room. For the Lutheran Griffin any exterminationist ideation had to be admonished, as Ned did with Robert in the above quote regarding wiping out the Targaryen House for good.

King Aerys II Targaryen, commonly called ‘the Mad King’, had been a member of House Targaryen in ruling from the Iron Throne. Although his rule began benevolently, he succumbed to the insanity caused by his incestuous lineage and was ultimately deposed by Lord Robert Baratheon in a civil war. The Mad King was the father of both Viserys Targaryen and Daenerys Targaryen, whom I introduced from the first instalment of this series.

Years before what we see in the fifth episode, the Mad King had Ned Stark’s father burned alive! This had happened not far from where Ned’s heated argument with King Robert takes place. Despite their hyper-Nordish beauty the Targaryens had a reputation for being prone to psychotic outbursts. In the real world, as I have already said on this site, I don’t believe that white people are prone to psychosis due to genetic factors. It’s not the hardware but software issues what are driving them mad (Christian and neochristian programming).

The discussion between Ned and Robert makes me say that there should be no Christians in the Small Council of the new government once the racists take power. There should be no one like a Brad Griffin or a Matt Parrott who, in a sensitive moment, behave like Ned. What we must do is the complete opposite of what Harold Covington wrote in his novels about the formation of a White Republic in the US: that eventually the ‘pagans’ (Covington’s term) and Christians would compromise.

Why such an uncompromising attitude?

Game of Thrones consists of 73 episodes. As we will see in the penultimate episode, #72, Dany, the Targaryen girl that Ned felt so sorry for, would finally arrive at King’s Landing with her non-white Dothraki army and burn the capital of the seven kingdoms (think of what happened in Dresden).

King Robert was right!

This also reminds me of what the neo-Christian Greg Johnson wrote about The Turner Diaries: that Pierce’s novel disgusted him. The ‘secular’ Johnson, who gave homilies in his church of San Francisco has been, axiologically, identical to Brad Griffin and Ned Stark. So let’s iterate it again: No Christian or pseudo-apostate of Christianity shall be in our Small Council.

Ned removes his badge of office of Hand of the King at Robert’s table. Later he was about to lose his life not because of the king’s rage: but because of an attack by Jaime Lannister’s guard after Jaime learnt about what Ned’s stupid wife did with Tyrion Lannister on the other side of the kingdom. But what I want to get to is that white nationalists, children of Christian parents after all, are like Don Quixote Ned. They imagine it’s possible to reclaim their countries without violating Jesus’ commandments, even the so-called secular nationalists.

Stop reading their web pages! The question that the new visitor to those sites should ask himself is: Has the admin of this site abandoned the ethical code that the Jew who wrote the Gospel left us?

But what I loved about the episode was the tone in which King Robert spoke: just the outrageous tone in which I speak in my mother tongue.