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Miscegenation Nordicism Philosophy of history Sparta (Lacedaemon) Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Three-eyed raven, 3

Indented paragraphs are taken from Who We Are by William Pierce:

The Dorians of Laconia organized the Peloponnesian population in a three-layered hierarchy. At the top were the citizens of Sparta, the Spartiates, all of pure Dorian blood, ruled by their kings. At the bottom of the social structure were the Helots, or serfs, consisting of the aboriginal Mediterranean elements as well as many of the conquered Achaeans of mixed blood. No Spartiate could engage in trade or practice a craft. The Perioeci handled all their commerce, and the Helots provided all their other needs…

It is easy to imagine the Spartiates, upon their arrival in Laconia, surveying the moral decadence and the racemixing which had made the Achaeans such an easy conquest for the Dorians, and then instituting a carefully designed program to safeguard themselves from a similar fate. For a time this program succeeded; the moral character and the racial quality of the Spartiates remained famously high. But ultimately it failed in both regards…

They should have done what the Hebrews did with non-Hebrews in Canaan: exterminate them all. And this is still the problem with white nationalism today. American WNsts are not even willing to recognize that in an ethnostate the citizen of the Aryan Republic should not be allowed to marry, say, a Sicilian American. In a true Aryan ethnostate that conquers North America, mudbloods should not even have the right to reproduce. WNsts are committing ethno-suicide as they are reluctant to scientifically define the subject of who is really white. (See the article in The Fair Race, “The new racial classification”.) Pierce continues:

The Spartiates never succumbed to racemixing, but they did succumb to their own lifestyle. They would have been well advised to eliminate the Helots of the Peloponnesus and the Mediterranean population of Crete altogether and to establish a purely Dorian peasant class in those areas. Then they may well have been able to practice a successful eugenics program, maintain their moral health, and have a stable population too. But, of course, they did not have the advantage which hindsight gives us.

The other Hellenic tribes did succumb to racemixing. Their populations did not suffer the decline in numbers which the Spartiates did, but they suffered a decline in racial quality which resulted in their extermination, perhaps more slowly but just as surely—and less cleanly.

Note: The above quotations of Pierce’s book are contextualized in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (available: here). If life permits, next Tuesday I will comment on another passage from the same visionary chapter on Greece coming from the pen of the American ‘Raven’.

Axiology Deranged altruism Neanderthalism Nordicism

Hearken, Millennial Woes!

Millennial Woes is an Alt-Right commentator who blogs at YouTube. In his latest YT audio another ethnocentric commentator, Tara McCarthy interviews him. The case of this pair exemplifies why I differ so much from the tepidity of white nationalism or Alt-Right.

In one of Tara’s first questions, Millennial Woes says that the problem began in the 1950s. He thus omits that the zeitgeist of that decade was the direct result of the 1940s, World War II and the holocaust committed by the Allies on the Germans: the greatest crime of Western history (see the sidebar).

After minute 40 Tara, who is partly white partly Indian, asked a very important question: Who is white taking into account that in Europe there are mixed people (like Tara herself). The way Millennial Woes responded is absolutely typical of the Alt-Righters: that it was obvious and that all Europeans are white!

As I said in the most recent entry on William Pierce’s Who We Are, this is the kind of mentality that is destroying the Aryans: their complete inability to see that in Europe many ancestral Europeans have ceased to belong to that race. Unlike the logical distinctions made by the National Socialists, for white nationalists any frank discussion of Nordish and Mediterranean peoples is anathema.

This universal egalitarianism of out-group altruists is due, as we have stated countless of times, to the heritage of Christianity insofar this way of seeing the world did not exist before it. To be fair, at least Tara knew there was a problem because of her mixed ancestry; that’s why she asked the question in the first place. But Millennial Woes, who genetically is whiter than her, then said that the ‘burden of white on Africans’, that is the duty to help them, falls on whites because the ‘Chinese won’t do it’.

I caught you, Neo-Christian!

We can imagine not only the Greeks and Romans of the Ancient World but the Persians, the Germanics, the Celts, the Slavs and a number of pagan Scandinavian tribes loading upon their shoulders the burden of nigger welfare! See this article of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour to understand the axiological tragedy that has befallen upon the Aryan psyche, which includes so called white nationalists. (I say “so called” because with the burden of helping other races WNsts like Millennial Woes are heading towards extinction.)

The Christian ethic of Millennial Woes, presumably an atheist, also shows in how he envisions the ethnostate. He wants to deport mulattoes from Europe to Africa with their white mothers, not taking into account that mulattos are far more dangerous than blacks. For example, former President Obama used his IQ inherited from his white mother to undermine white Americans. He was planning to flood only-white neighbourhoods with blacks before the last election! This way of looking at things—‘I let you go intelligent mulatto; I won’t kill you even if your white genes are a potential threat to us’—is absolutely typical of Neo-Christian nationalism.

In the interview Millennial Woes also said that people ‘between 90 and 100 percent white’ should live in the ethnostate. Note that this implies that he doesn’t want to deport the remaining ten percent. You can imagine one of the leading voices of the Third Reich saying that it is okay to tolerate ten percent of mud people in Germany! Millennial Woes also said that the IQ ‘is the most tangible difference between the races’ when in fact the troglodyte faces of the coloureds we see on the streets are the most obvious difference. This gross overlook of the most conspicuous aspect—what I call Neanderthalism—is also very common among self-styled race realists.

Finally, before the question ‘Would you allow white liberals in the ethnostate?’ Millennial Woes replied, ‘Yes I would.’

Compare this altruistic answer, so typical of a good Christian, with what is drawn from the novels of Pierce, David Lane and Harold Covington. Right after the holy racial wars, unless the liberal is a young and beautiful chick that would be used as a breeding machine by an Aryan warrior, white liberals will stay outside the frontiers of the liberated zones, where only the crying and gnashing of teeth of these traitors will be heard.

Hearken Millennial Woes!

The Aryan race needs a religion of boldness, not your secular religion of meekness…
The Aryan Race needs a religion of war, not a religion of peace!
The Aryan Race needs a religion of hate, not a religion of love!
The Aryan Race needs a religion of anger, not a religion of sorrow!
The Aryan Race needs a religion of severity, not a religion of mercy!

Ancient Greece Miscegenation Nordicism Philosophy of history Portugal Swastika Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Three-eyed raven, 2

Indented paragraphs are taken from Who We Are by William Pierce:

The four centuries between the Dorian invasion and the flowering of the literate Classical civilization are referred to by most historians as “the Dark Age,” for much the same reasons that the period between the fall of Rome, more than fifteen centuries later, and the flowering of Mediaeval civilization is also called “the Dark Ages.”

In both cases a people of an older civilization, who had begun to succumb to racial mixing and decadence, was overwhelmed by a more vigorous and racially healthier but culturally less advanced people from the north. And in both cases a period of gestation took place over a dozen generations or so, during which a synthesis of old and new elements, racial and cultural, occurred, before a new and different civilization arose from the ruins of the old.

Unfortunately, most historians tacitly assume that the records of political and cultural activity which have come down to us from periods of civilized literacy provide all the data needed to yield an understanding of the historical process. The state of development and degree of organization and complexity of city life are taken as a yardstick by which to evaluate the significance or historical importance of a particular period. And if one’s standards of value are geared to such things as the volume of commerce, the gross national product, or even the intensity of scientific, literary, and artistic activity, such a yardstick may seem, at first glance, to be proper.

But there are other standards of value, such as those of the National Alliance, which differ somewhat from the customary ones. For it is not in the external forms of organization and activity of a people that we see the most important criteria for making a judgment as to the significance of a particular period, but rather in the actual racial constitution of a people and in the dynamic processes which, for better or worse, are influencing that racial constitution.

Unfortunately, those are not the standards of white nationalists. For instance, it is common among anti-nordicist WNsts to use the card of the Iberian conquests of the 16th century and the Iberian colonisation in the following centuries as proof that Iberians were equal to the English—completely ignoring the fact that in those centuries Iberians were polluting their blood both in the Americas and in the peninsula itself; in the case of Portugal, even with Negroes.

Although the basic racial constitution of a people is always intimately related to that people’s achievements in commerce, science, industry, art, politics, and warfare, still the two sets of criteria can lead to fundamentally different evaluations of a given historical period. This is a consequence of the fact that race building and decay are usually strongly out of phase with civilization building and decay.

Thus, the long ages between the periods of maximum civil activity—ages which the historian customarily ignores as being of only slight importance—may very well be periods of the greatest interest from a standpoint of racial dynamics.

It is, of course, true that the periods of maximum civil activity are precisely those which yield a maximum of written records, artifacts, and the other raw materials from which the historian builds his tale. But relative abundance of evidence should not be interpreted as equivalent to relative historical significance, regardless of the historian’s value criteria.

The record of the rise and fall of pure races constitutes the primary history of mankind, and the rise and fall of civilizations occupy a place of secondary importance. This statement may seem self-evident to those already accustomed to looking at history from a racial viewpoint, but it is by no means generally accepted by historians today. Until it is, much historical writing will continue to be flawed in a fundamental way.

This meta-perspective radically changed my normie POV of History. Now I see that the Early Middle Ages (or early medieval period), lasting from the 5th to the 10th century CE, is pivotal to understand Europe. Without the Raven’s powers of retro-cognition and his chapters on Greece and Rome, it would never have occurred to me that the periods when the race is consolidating in its purity are the fertile ground on which the best Aryan culture will grow. It is enough to compare English-speaking countries in this continent with those speaking Spanish and Portuguese to prove it. (Unlike ignorant white nationalists I don’t use “North America” because this term, in fact, includes Mexico.)

Something similar could be said about Europe. The anti-nordicism among many white nationalists is so religiously blind that they have not even been able to assimilate the genetic catastrophe that happened in Portugal. Anti-nordicism is one of the many reasons why I believe that white nationalism must die in the United States in the pursuit of a new religion for whites that embraces the ideals of German National Socialism.

Changing the subject, on Skype I have discussed with my friends about the Nazi symbols. Correct me if I am wrong: but it seems to me that you do not believe that we should use the symbols of the Germans of the last century.

My answer is that the swastika is a universal symbol for the Aryan race. Why not create a pro-white movement on both sides of the Atlantic using flags with the colours of the flag of each nation? From this angle, the swastika flag of American nationalists will include red, blue and white—in contrast to red, black and white in the flag that Hitler devised.

Note: The above quotations of Pierce’s book are contextualized in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (available: here). If life permits, next Tuesday I will comment on another passage from the same visionary chapter on Greece coming from the pen of the American Raven.

Ancient Greece Ethnic cleansing Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Nordicism Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Three-eyed raven, 1

(The Raven almost seemed to be a part of the tree himself, tangled up in the roots as he was. Being stuck in a tree didn’t seem to matter to the old man much as he could consciously leave the body and make observations, and also have retrocognitive visions at will.)

How guilty are whites for their condition is easy to find out if we would only heed the visions of the only American who has written a story about the white race. Elsewhere I have said that in his weekly lectures, William Pierce gave the impression of subscribing to what I call type A bicausalism. But Who We Are, a mental voyage into the past of the white race, gives the strong impression that he was inclined to B type bicausalism.

I have already quoted long excerpts from his book on this site, on the Addenda and in the collection under the cover of the printed book The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. Yesterday it occurred to me that once a week I could comment on certain passages of Who We Are. For example, in the chapter on ancient Greece, Pierce tells us:

And there were also the non-Greek Pelasgians, the Mediterranean aborigines, who occupied the lowest stratum of Greek society and substantially outnumbered the Hellenes in Mycenaean times. As pointed out in the last chapter, the Mycenaean Greeks were influenced culturally by these Mediterraneans—and, as time passed, racially as well.

‘Three-eyed crow’, in the epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire, is an honorary title for the rarest paranormal visionary man among the hyperborean visionaries. I chose the title of the Raven for this new series because Pierce was, in my opinion, the mind that saw with greater clairvoyance the past, the present and glimpses of the future of the white race. It’s a real misfortune that Who We Are has not become a bestseller among American racists. That’s because, I believe, what the three-eyed raven saw most white nationalists do not want to see.

We could illustrate it with a scene filmed below the heart tree in Castle Winterfell in the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Sansa Stark left her brother Bran, who inherited the visionary powers of the previous ‘raven’, under the heart tree because of a disturbing revelation: Bran had seen exactly how Sansa looked on her wedding day. He had not been there physically: it was an out-of-body experience of something that actually happened miles away in the real world.

Like Sansa, white nationalists also leave the scene when confronted with a vision by a three-eyed raven. Consider this passage of Who We Are for example:

The Dorians, who had settled in central Greece a few years earlier, proceeded to conquer the Achaeans, occupy the Peloponnesus, and extinguish Mycenaean civilization. But, in so doing, they prepared the way for the rise of a new civilization which would greatly surpass the old one. Displaced Achaeans, Aeolians, and Ionians migrated to new areas, sometimes displacing those people already there and sometimes amalgamating with them.

As we can observe in the forums of white nationalists, they do not want to distinguish between Nordics and Mediterraneans to say openly that there should be no genetic admixture between them. Unlike not only Pierce but also the National Socialists, nordicism scares them. For example, not long ago Greg Johnson, commenting precisely on this chapter, criticised Pierce’s value judgments on a conquest that had exterminationist tones of these mingled Greeks when the nordish Dorians started to migrate southwards. Pierce continues:

The Dorians were blonder than the Achaeans they conquered, but that is only because the Achaeans had been mixing with the Mediterranean aborigines for several centuries before the Dorians arrived; originally the two tribes had been of the same racial composition. But the Achaeans were certainly more civilized than the rude, new arrivals from the north, and it was 400 years before Greece recovered from the cultural shock of the Dorian invasion.

All of these passages from Pierce’s book are duly contextualized in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (available: here). If life permits, next Tuesday I will comment on another passage from the same visionary chapter on Greece coming from the pen of the American Raven.

Hans F. K. Günther Lothrop Stoddard Madison Grant Nordicism Racial studies Science

Raciology, 6

In the late 19th century, the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) United States Supreme Court decision upheld the constitutional legality of racial segregation under the doctrine of “separate but equal.”

Eugenicists such as Harry H. Laughlin and Madison Grant sought to scientifically prove the physical and mental inadequacy of certain ethnic groups to justify compulsory sterilisation and restrict immigration, per the Immigration Act of 1924.

Lothrop Stoddard published many racialist books on what he saw as the peril of immigration, his most famous being The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy in 1920. In this book he presented a view of the world situation pertaining to race focusing concern on the coming population explosion among the coloured peoples of the world and the way in which white world-supremacy was being lessened in the wake of World War I and the collapse of colonialism.

Stoddard’s analysis divided world politics and situations into “white,” “yellow,” “black,” “Amerindian,” and “brown” peoples and their interactions. He argued that race and heredity were the guiding factors of history and civilisation, and that the elimination or absorption of the white race by coloured races would result in the destruction of Western civilisation.

Like Madison Grant, Stoddard divided the white race into three main divisions: Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. He considered all three to be of good stock, and far above the quality of the coloured races, but argued that the Nordic was the greatest of the three and needed to be preserved by way of eugenics. Unlike Grant, Stoddard was less concerned with which varieties of European people were superior to others (nordicism), but was more concerned with what he called “bi-racialism,” seeing the world as being composed of simply coloured and white races.

In the years after the Great Migration and World War I, Grant’s racial theory would fall out of favour in the U.S. for a model closer to Stoddard’s. An influential publication was The Races of Europe (1939) by Carleton S. Coon, president of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists from 1930 to 1961. Coon was a proponent of multiregional origin of modern humans and divided Homo sapiens into five main races.
Racial policy of Nazi Germany

The Nazi Party and its sympathizers published many books on scientific racism, seizing on the eugenicist ideas with which they were widely associated, although these ideas had been in circulation since the 19th century. Books such as Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes (“Ethnology of the German People”) by Hans F. K. Günther and Rasse und Seele (“Race and Soul”) by Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss attempted to scientifically identify differences between the German, Nordic, or Aryan people and inferior groups. German schools used these books as texts during the Nazi era.

In the early 1930s, the Nazis used racialised scientific rhetoric based on social Darwinism to push their eugenic social policies. During the Second World War, raciology studies became anathema in the United States, and Boasians such as Ruth Benedict consolidated their institutional power.

After the war, the malicious propaganda by the Allied forces led most of the scientific community to repudiate the scientific support for racism.

Madison Grant Nordicism Racial studies

Raciology, 4


Joseph Deniker’s contribution to racist theory was La Race nordique, a generic, racial-stock descriptor, which the American eugenicist Madison Grant (1865-1937) presented as the white racial engine of world civilisation. Having adopted Ripley’s three-race European populace model, but disliking the “Teuton” race name, he transliterated la race nordique into “The Nordic race,” the acme of the concocted racial hierarchy, based upon his racial classification theory, popular in the 1910s and 1920s.

Statens institut för rasbiologi and its director Herman Lundborg in Sweden were active in racist research. Furthermore, much of early research on Ural-Altaic languages was coloured by attempts at justifying the view that European peoples east of Sweden were Asian and thus of inferior race, justifying colonialism, eugenics and racial hygiene.

In the United States, scientific racism justified African slavery to assuage moral opposition to the Atlantic slave trade. Alexander Thomas and Samuell Sillen described black men as uniquely fitted for bondage, because of their “primitive psychological organisation.”

At the time of the American Civil War (1861-65), the matter of miscegenation prompted studies of ostensible physiological differences between Caucasians and Negroes.Early anthropologists, such as Josiah Clark Nott, George Robins Gliddon, Robert Knox and Samuel George Morton aimed to scientifically prove that Negroes were a human species different from the white people species; that the rulers of Ancient Egypt were not African; and that mixed-race offspring (the product of miscegenation) tended to physical weakness.

After the Civil War, Southern (Confederacy) physicians wrote textbooks of scientific racism based upon studies claiming that black freemen (ex-slaves) were becoming extinct, because they were inadequate to the demands of being a free man—implying that black people benefited from enslavement.

In South Africa white scientists, like Dudly Kidd, who published The essential Kafir in 1904, sought to “understand the African mind.” They believed that the cultural differences between whites and blacks in South Africa might be caused by physiological differences in the brain. Rather than suggesting that Africans were “overgrown children,” as early white explorers had, Kidd believed that Africans were “misgrown with a vengeance.” He described Africans as at once “hopelessly deficient,” yet “very shrewd.”

Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race (1916) was “the most influential tract of American scientific racism.” In the 1920s-30s, the German racial hygiene movement embraced Grant’s Nordic theory. Alfred Ploetz (1860-1940) coined the term Rassenhygiene in Racial Hygiene Basics (1895), and founded the German Society for Racial Hygiene in 1905. The movement advocated selective breeding, compulsory sterilisation, and a close alignment of public health with eugenics.

Racial hygiene was historically tied to traditional notions of public health, but with emphasis on heredity—what philosopher and historian Michel Foucault has called state racism.

In 1869, Francis Galton (1822-1911) proposed the first social measures meant to preserve or enhance biological characteristics, and later coined the term “eugenics.”

Galton, a statistician, introduced correlation and regression analysis and discovered regression toward the mean. He was also the first to study human differences and inheritance of intelligence with statistical methods. He introduced the use of questionnaires and surveys to collect data on population sets, which he needed for genealogical and biographical works and for anthropometric studies. Galton also founded psychometrics, the science of measuring mental faculties, and differential psychology, a branch of psychology concerned with psychological differences between people rather than common traits.

In 1901 Galton, Karl Pearson (1857-1936) and Walter F. R. Weldon (1860-1906) founded the Biometrika scientific journal, which promoted biometrics and statistical analysis of heredity.

Charles Davenport (1866-1944) was briefly involved in the review. In Race Crossing in Jamaica (1929), he made statistical arguments that biological and cultural degradation followed white and black interbreeding. Davenport was connected to Nazi Germany before and during World War II. In 1939 he wrote a contribution to the Festschrift for Otto Reche (1879-1966), who became an important figure within the plan to remove populations considered inferior from eastern Germany.

Nordicism Racial studies Science

Raciology, 3

At the 19th century’s end, scientific racism conflated Græco-Roman eugenicism with Francis Galton’s concept of voluntary eugenics to produce a form of coercive, anti-immigrant government programs influenced by other socio-political discourses and events. Such institutional racism was effected via craniometric skull and skeleton studies; thus skulls and skeletons of black people and other colored volk were displayed between apes and white men. In 1906, Ota Benga, a Pygmy, was displayed as the “Missing Link”, in the Bronx Zoo, New York City, alongside apes and animals.

The most influential theorists included the anthropologist Georges Vacher de Lapouge (1854-1936) who proposed “anthropo-sociology”; and Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803), who applied “race” to nationalist theory, thereby developing the first conception of ethnic nationalism.

The Dutch scholar Pieter Camper (1722-89), an early craniometric theoretician, used “craniometry”—interior skull-volume measurement—to scientifically justify racial differences. In 1770, he conceived of the facial angle to measure intelligence among species of men. The facial angle was formed by drawing two lines: a horizontal line from nostril to ear; and a vertical line from the upper-jawbone prominence to the forehead prominence.

Camper’s craniometry reported that antique statues (the Græco-Roman ideal) had a 90-degree facial angle, whites an 80-degree angle, blacks a 70-degree angle, and the orangutan a 58-degree facial angle—thus he established a racist biological hierarchy for mankind, per the decadent conception of history. Such scientific racist researches were continued by the naturalist Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844) and the anthropologist Paul Broca (1824-80).

In the 19th century, an early American physical anthropologist Samuel George Morton (1799-1851), collected human skulls from worldwide, and attempted a logical classification scheme. Influenced by contemporary racialist theory, Dr Morton said he could judge racial intellectual capacity by measuring the interior cranial capacity, hence a large skull denoted a large brain, thus high intellectual capacity. Conversely, a small skull denoted a small brain, thus low intellectual capacity; superior and inferior established. After inspecting three mummies from ancient Egyptian catacombs, Morton concluded that Caucasians and Negroes were already distinct three thousand years ago.

In Morton’s Crania Americana, based on craniometric data, he reported that the Caucasians had the biggest brains, averaging 87 cubic inches, Native Americans were in the middle with an average of 82 cubic inches and Negroes had the smallest brains with an average of 78 cubic inches.

In The Mismeasure of Man (1981), the historian of science Stephen Jay Gould argued that Samuel Morton had falsified the craniometric data, perhaps inadvertently over-packing some skulls, to so produce results that would legitimize the racist presumptions he was attempting to prove. A subsequent study by the anthropologist John Michael found Morton’s original data to be more accurate than Gould describes, concluding that “contrary to Gould’s interpretation… Morton’s research was conducted with integrity”. Jason Lewis and colleagues reached similar conclusions as Michael in their reanalysis of Morton’s skull collection.

In 1873, Paul Broca, founder of the Anthropological Society of Paris (1859), found the same pattern of measures—that Crania Americana reported—by weighing specimen brains at autopsy. Other historical studies, proposing a black race / white race, intelligence / brain size difference, include those by Bean, Mall, Pearl, and Vint.

One of the first typologies used to classify various human races was invented by Georges Vacher de Lapouge (1854-1936), a theoretician of eugenics, who published in 1899 L’Aryen et son rôle social. In this book, he classified humanity into various, hierarchized races, spanning from the “Aryan white race, dolichocephalic”, to the “brachycephalic”, “mediocre and inert” race, best represented by the Jew.

Vacher de Lapouge’s classification was mirrored in William Z. Ripley in The Races of Europe (1899), a book which had a large influence on American white supremacism. Ripley even made a map of Europe according to the alleged cephalic index of its inhabitants. He was an important influence of the American eugenist Madison Grant.

After the War of the Pacific there was a rise of racial and national superiority ideas among the Chilean ruling class. In his 1918 book physician Nicolás Palacios argued for the existence of Chilean race and its superiority when compared to neighboring peoples. He thought Chileans were a mix of two martial races: the indigenous Mapuches and the Visigoths of Spain, who where ultimately from Götaland in Sweden. Palacios argued on medical grounds against immigration to Chile from southern Europe claiming that mestizos who are of south European stock lack “cerebral control” and are a social burden.

Arthur de Gobineau Charles Darwin Nordicism Racial studies Science

Raciology, 2

Racial theories in physical anthropology, 1850-1918

The scientific classification established by Carl Linnaeus is requisite to any human racial classification scheme. In the 19th century, unilineal evolution (a.k.a. classical social evolution) was a conflation of competing sociologic and anthropologic theories proposing that Western European culture was the acme of human socio-cultural evolution.

The proposal that social status is unilineal—from primitive to civilized, from agricultural to industrial—became popular among philosophers, including Friedrich Hegel, Immanuel Kant and Auguste Comte. The Christian Bible was interpreted to sanction slavery and from the 1820s to the 1850s was often used in the antebellum Southern United States, by writers such as the Rev. Richard Furman and Thomas R. Cobb, to enforce the idea that Negroes had been created inferior, and thus suited to slavery.

Charles Darwin

Darwin’s influential 1859 book On the Origin of Species did not discuss human origins. The extended wording on the title page, which adds By Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, uses the general term “races” as an alternative for “varieties” and does not carry the modern connotation of human races. The first use in the book refers to “the several races, for instance, of the cabbage” and proceeds to a discussion of “the hereditary varieties or races of our domestic animals and plants.”

In The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871), Darwin examined the question of “Arguments in favour of, and opposed to, ranking the so-called races of man as distinct species.” In Richard Weikart’s 2004 book From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics and Racism in Germany he wrote:

Darwin clearly believed that the struggle for existence among humans would result in racial extermination. In Descent of Man he asserted, “At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races.”

The quoted passage, in full context, reads:

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla. (The Descent of Man, 1871, Volume I, Chapter VI: “On the Affinities and Genealogy of Man,” pages 200-201).

Darwin contrasted the “civilized races” with the “savage races.” Like most of his contemporaries, except the naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, he did not distinguish “biological race” from “cultural race.” Moreover, he noted that savage races risked extinction more from white European colonialism, than from evolutionary inadequacy. On the question of differences between races, Darwin wrote:

There is, however, no doubt that the various races, when carefully compared and measured, differ much from each other—as in the texture of the hair, the relative proportions of all parts of the body, the capacity of the lungs, the form and capacity of the skull, and even in the convolutions of the brain. But it would be an endless task to specify the numerous points of structural difference. The races differ also in constitution, in acclimatisation, and in liability to certain diseases.

Their mental characteristics are likewise very distinct; chiefly as it would appear in their emotional, but partly in their intellectual, faculties. Every one who has had the opportunity of comparison, must have been struck with the contrast between the taciturn, even morose, aborigines of S. America and the light-hearted, talkative negroes. There is a nearly similar contrast between the Malays and the Papuans, who live under the same physical conditions, and are separated from each other only by a narrow space of sea.

In An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1853-55), Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882), a French aristocrat and writer, proposed three human races and claimed that miscegenation would lead to the collapse of civilization. He established the equation of the terms “Germanic race” and “Aryan race.”

Hermann Göring Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Modern day national socialists

by Joseph Walsh

I don’t think you are over-the-top with your recent post on Heimbach and the rabbits. National Socialism had very high moral standards as created and exemplified by Hitler. You ensure that Aryans understand those standards with your blog. Most present-day Aryans do not live up to those standards. They are Aryans by blood but Untermenschen (subhumans) in character. One of the tasks of the racialist movement is to create a better man (what Nietzsche called the Übermensch). Hitler is the Aryan that has come the closest to being an Übermensch in the history of our race. For example, Göring, even though he banned vivisection, used to enjoy the hunting of animals which appalled Hitler. Also, I don’t think you can expect Americans to become National Socialists like the Germans were, at least not anytime soon. Europeans stand a better chance I think.

Another thing that annoys me about Heimbach is his promotion of National Socialism as being for all races and nations. This contradicts what Hitler says: “The National Socialist doctrine, as I have always proclaimed, is not for export. It was conceived for the German people.” (Hitler-Bormann Documents, Feb. 21, 1945). A primary feature of National Socialism is Nordic supremacy, that is Hitler wanted the best Aryans of Nordic blood (i.e. the SS) to become lords of the earth, as stated in Mein Kampf. This automatically rules out National Socialism as being an ideology for all races as no other race is going to want Nordic domination (and many Whites will also not want Nordic domination).

Modern day Aryans play down or ignore the aspects of National Socialism they do not like such as non-acceptance of degenerate music, Nordic superiority, kindness to animals, even in some cases they tolerate homosexuals! This is because they do not have the discipline or integrity to be National Socialists as the Germans of the 1930’s and 1940’s did. There has been a tremendous decline in White people’s character since 1945. If our race is to achieve greatness again we MUST improve our character through intense discipline. At the moment Whites are a joke.

Alfred Rosenberg Nordicism

Today I received this mail:

Hi Cesar,

I saw your message on Twitter in response to Our German Ancestry’s tweet and was going to reply but decided I’d email you instead as I had too much to say for the Twitter space.

I’ve been thinking about how Nordic blood is really the most precious treasure this planet possesses at this point in time. Certainly of all creatures on earth, the Nordic is the natural aristocrat, but I emphasize Nordic blood rather than Nordic Man because men are born and die but the bloodline that gave them their greatness existed before them and will continue after them. Plus, you need Nordic women to continue the bloodline as well, not just Nordic Men.

Alfred_RosenbergI understand better now Alfred Rosenberg’s ‘Religion of the Blood’. It is not a religion in the conventional sense of faith in a god/gods, but rather a rational religion that recognizes ‘only in pure blood does God abide’. Nordic blood is truly holy and as Rosenberg himself said ‘Nordic blood represents the mystery which has replaced and overcome the old Sacraments’.

Biology precedes truth, and science even because without his inheritance of good blood, Nordic Man would never have evolved away from primitive superstition and developed Science (which was then learnt/copied by the East Asians, Jews etc.). So in order to preserve Science and Technology, mankind needs to recognize the importance of preserving Nordic blood which precedes everything. The Jews seem to have realized all this before Aryan Man because Judaism is very much their own ‘religion of the blood’ though Jews are of course of impure mongrelized blood and they strive to maintain their impurity in opposition to the Aryan who strives to keep his blood pure.

The bottom line is, survival of pure Nordic blood is the most important task at this moment in time. That is more important than any meta-physical ‘God’. Nordic blood will save the world, not Jesus.
