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Claude le Lorrain Free speech / association

Facebook nuked my account

‘Your Account Has Been Disabled. For more information, or if you think your account was disabled by mistake, please visit the Help Center’.

Before my page passes into absolute oblivion (there are other guys there with my name who are not even relatives) I feel obliged to say that, at the top, my Facebook (FB) page had this painting by Le Lorraine that evokes the world of my utopian imagery for the white race: a bucolic town that contrasts to the Mammon-worship cities of today.

My latest posts on FB had been links to some featured articles on this site. My FB list had a large number of friends from the white nationalist community, and a few followers including some Mexican relatives.

Among the images I uploaded to my now gone FB account were the nymphs painted by Maxfield Parrish, some of which appear on the sidebar of this site, another pic that said ‘It’s okay to be white’ and this super-quotable quote by Ron Unz. (Incidentally, the thoughtpolice also recently nuked The Unz Review FB page.)

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association Pandemics

Covid-19 vs. the 1st Amendment?

Further to my previous post. As Tucker Carlson said yesterday, big tech companies are using covid-19* to increase their censorship power over the American population. The First Amendment is no longer fashionable. I don’t know if the two books I mentioned a couple of days ago will no longer be available through Lulu but, as I said here in the comments section, we need our own publishing house.

(*) My take on the Chinese coronavirus is that I disagree with the lockdowns. All people should simply wear facemasks on the street and at work, as in Czechoslovakia.

Free speech / association

‘I am less free in the US than in Tito’s Yugoslavia’

Dr. Srdja Trifković (a.k.a., Serge Trifkovic)

Today a commenter said:

Years ago, when Communism collapsed many people left Eastern Europe and moved to America. Someone asked one of these people what was the biggest difference they noticed when moving to the U.S. I found the reply interesting and unexpected. They said that the level of propaganda in the U.S. was so incredibly high and so ubiquitous that they were shocked. In the communist countries they had propaganda, but nowhere near this level.

This reminded me of Srdja Trifkovic’s interview, where he said: ‘Today in the postmodern West, it is very hard… to exchange any meaningful thoughts on race, on immigration… without encountering some seriously strained looks! and even stunned and uncomfortable reactions from friends and neighbours, and that is why you avoid these conversations’.

Today’s West is far more totalitarian than the communist countries of the Eastern Bloc when I was also a teenager, as political correctness has possessed the soul of the man of the street, not only of the commie elites, as in my youth.

Watch Trifkovic’s interview: here. In the process of unplugging myself from the Matrix, years ago this was the most didactic interview I had ever seen.

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Free speech / association

Busy for proof reading

This February I wrote: ‘I recently flipped through the copy of the 2014 edition of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour that I own and was surprised that, since that year, I have eliminated no less than… fifty essays!’ In the later versions, I have been also adding many new essays and translations from the Spaniard Evropa Soberana and others.

Unfortunately, the PDF that a certain person uploaded to the Internet, without my permission, is the very outdated 2014 version of The Fair Race.

The United States is the country of the First and Second Amendments, which makes them superior to Europeans, at least in regard to freedom of expression and the right to possess weapons as a counterweight to the government’s power.

But the recent events in that country, as we see with Donald Trump’s pronouncements about confiscating weapons from unruly citizens, or Lindsey Graham’s super-quotable quote in my post yesterday, make me think that anti-white accelerationism has already begun. When Graham, the same senator who defended Judge Brett Kavanaugh last September, makes such pronouncements it can be said that the first snowflakes of a long winter have already fallen.

For this reason, I feel obliged to place on this site the PDF of the most updated version of The Fair Race for free. The updated book will still be available from Lulu for those who want a hard copy. It was never my intention to profit from the essays of other authors collected in The Fair Race. But it seems to me important that, if the US government were to violate the First Amendment, visitors of this site should download the PDF of the best essays collected for ten years since I started blogging.

The next few days I will be reading the more than six hundred pages of The Fair Race so that the public PDF may be as clean as possible, and I will add a couple more essays that will render obsolete even the previous edition of this year.

I apologise to regular visitors that I will not be very active these days, as I’ll be busy reviewing the long book.

Free speech / association

Bye, First Amendment

‘The guy in El Paso was on one of these white supremacist hate sites where they radicalize each other. We should shut those sites down’.

Lindsey Graham

Free speech / association

WDH backup

I have finished uploading the PDFs of, to date, the 316 pages of The West’s Darkest Hour with ten entries per page (although comments are not included). If WDH is censored in WordPress you can visit me there:


Free speech / association Welfare of animals

Black Pigeon Speaks…

has been purged from YouTube. ‘It was fully monetized, was in good standing, had no strikes and 95-99% like ratio and with almost 500k subscribers’, he said. ‘I follow the rules carefully and have not broken any of them’.

Black Pigeon Speaks is the author of the content linked in the sticky post’s first line: content about how contemporary Westerners internalised their extremely toxic foundation myth or story—something we have been discussing recently on this site.

Black Pigeon Speaks used to make a living in Japan through the YouTube monetization. He also rescued pigeons in an environment where non-whites give a shit about these cute birds.

Update of 10 pm

It looks like his channel is back thanks to the protests! YouTube did to BPS something similar to what they had done to the guy with the funny penname of Styxhexenhammer666 some time ago, another Alt Lite Youtube vlogger.

Free speech / association

First Amendment under siege

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Free speech / association Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism

I’ve now run a grammar engine to correct the previous translated entries so that I may now offer a syntactically-corrected PDF of Evropa Soberana’s essay. I apologise for the syntactic inaccuracies that may still linger on this PDF but again: my native language is not English.

Now that Facebook has said it will ‘block praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism next week’ I would recommend saving the PDF (here) in your hard disk. One never knows when will such deplatforming of our texts spread to other platforms.

Free speech / association

Amazon vs. MacDonald

The purge continues. Amazon bans Culture of Critique and Separation and Its Discontents (which I have read by the way). In five minutes in a recent Red Ice interview starting here, Greg Johnson explains why the Left is now in hysterical mode.

The internet is like the Gutenberg press of other times: it broke the monopoly that the Church had on the media.

Remember how, before the Gutenberg press, the triumphant Church was like that fireman of Fahrenheit 451 (‘It has been estimated that less than ten per cent of all classical literature has survived into the modern era. For Latin, the figure is even worse: it is estimated that only one hundredth of all Latin literature remains’).