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Free speech / association


This is a postscript to my post yesterday on the imprisonment of two Englishmen for what Orwell called thoughtcrime. I find it strange that the sites that allegedly defend white people who rebel against the System have not, to date (they were jailed on the 4th of this month) said anything about this case, while the old sage of the video I embedded in yesterday’s entry is not one of us. For the same reason, I will leave this postscript for a few days without adding new entries. Let’s see if, this way, some who belong to the English or American WN ‘movement’ will start saying something in their forums!

Since as editor-in-chief of this site, The West’s Darkest Hour, I maintained a certain friendship with Tyrone Patten-Walsh (pen name for this site: ‘Joseph Walsh’), I feel compelled to link to some of the articles Walsh wrote for this site, or in which Walsh was closely associated with the content; for example, the podcasts we maintained before the System cancelled our SoundCloud account.

But first I would like to link to an October 16, 2018 article by the other Englishman, Christopher Gibbons (pen name for this site: ‘Chris White’), also imprisoned for thoughtcrime, which we published on this site: ‘The day Covington died’. Like the well-known Paul Ray Ramsey (Ramzpaul), who visited Harold Covington and even posted videos talking to Covington on YouTube, Chris tried to visit him but had the very bad luck that Covington died right after Chris arrived in the US!

Walsh’s entries are as follows. Since in many of them, the links to the podcasts are broken due to the cancellation of our SoundCloud account, at least you can read the comments from visitors in the comments section.


The 1st commandment (15 June 2013)


White Nationalism: a pathetic joke (30 July 2015)


Modern-day national socialists (4 May 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 1 (2 June 2017)

Alex Linder was the special guest on our very first podcast.

WDH Radio Show episode 2 (12 June 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 3 (22 June 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 4 (17 July 2017)

Letter from Joseph (29 July 2017)

From Joseph Walsh’s desk (9 August 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 5 (30 August 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 6 (30 September 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 7 (15 October 2017)

Diagnosing white decline (30 October 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 8 (25 November 2017)

A podcast for Britons (10 December 2017)

Walsh quote (12 December 2017)

Walsh quote (14 December 2017)


WDH Radio Show – Episode 9 (8 April 2018)

Walsh quote (25 April 2018)

Revolutionary podcast (28 April 2018)

Hitler or extinction (16 August 2018)


Satan (March 17, 2019)

Black Wolf Radio (10 May 2019)

2 replies on “P.S.”

I hardly visit racial right sites anymore. But if any of my visitors see an allusion to the Walsh and Gibbons case, please be so kind as to let me know.

Update of January 19

Alternatively, you can also comment on the previous thread.

I feel sorrow for Joseph and Chris.

They are not the ones who should be in prison for defending the Aryan race, but all the traitors who have submitted to the decline and embrace it proudly.

Caesar, a lot of Aryans do indeed deserve extinction and/or severe punishment for their outrageous behavior towards their own race. It’s a disgrace.

I just hope that we could still salvage something out of what decent white stock remains.

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