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Conspiracy theories Racial right Real men

Spartan nostalgia

In his latest comments, Robert Morgan made a few remarks about why conspiracy theories, so popular in the comment sections of racially conscious whites, bother me so much:

Linh Dinh: ‘When your tyrants can’t even be identified, much less found, no coup, uprising or revolution is possible…’

Exactly. Preventing revolutions is the purpose of conspiracy theories. People who imagine they are being controlled by nameless others have the perfect excuse to continue doing what they are doing, which is making up conspiracy theories, or in other words, nothing.

You can score cheap moral points by denouncing vague conspiracies, attributing to them anything you don’t like. You avoid blaming the people themselves, because they’re only puppets! That’s the attraction of conspiracy theories.

I, on the other hand, do blame the people themselves. As I see it, America is just suffering the painful consequences for centuries of Christian delusions. They themselves imported negroes to their shores, and then fought a war to set them free and make them fellow citizens. Thinking this is the result of a conspiracy is ridiculous. To do so is just a transparent attempt to evade responsibility.

At another site, Counter-Currents, also in one of the comments sections a woman just recommended The Turner Diaries.

It is very positive that at least in the comments section, someone mentions Pierce’s novel. In one of the passages of that novel, blacks took a white woman in front of the police to rape her and when a white man complained, the policemen fled embarrassed by the complaint, since defending the white woman would be ‘racist’. As the negrolatric religion grows, it won’t take too long to reach that neo-Orwellian level. But I wanted to say something else about that comments sections.

A couple of CC commenters have just complained that it was useless to talk (for example, about the recent murder of a white woman by BLM) with their wives, that wives don’t get what’s happening.

Since I was liberal in the past, I treated women as if they were regular blokes. Over the decades, in my family I could only talk about the family tragedy with the direct victims of the perps: a couple of women (who, incidentally, have already died). But when speaking brutally with one of them, as we blokes do, my female cousin freaked out and for a few years we weren’t on speaking terms. Only after discovering the manosphere did I realise that I had done something wrong. If I had known what I know today, I would have refrained from talking about little red riding hoods and wolves in my dealings with my poor cousin, who had been a victim of molestation.

I don’t blame myself for that way of speaking because I was brainwashed. Twenty years ago, when I corresponded with my cousin, I had internalised the ethno-suicidal propaganda that guys and gals are all the same. Now I see more than ever that the first guideline I devised for the priest of fourteen words is really adequate: let’s try to talk about transcendental issues only with white males. For example, there is absolutely no point in trying to convey to a woman the fact that we have about ten times more sexual drive than they feel. Since they have never felt such a thing, we can’t create a bridge of true communication.

There are exceptions of course. In this site I’ve mentioned a female friend with whom I can communicate. But she is the exception that confirms the rule. Although as a woman she doesn’t have the impulse I have, her empathy is such that she once told me an anecdote. Apparently, a woman experimented with some male hormones and she felt, for a few days, a tremendous sex drive. As my friend confessed to me when assimilating the anecdote, she finally felt respect for men because we repress our sexual drive not only a few days, but throughout the years. It doesn’t matter that my friend hasn’t done such a hormonal experiment. Just by telling me that anecdote she transmitted that thanks to it she could finally understand men. But as I said, she’s the exception.

Commenters complaining on CC about their wives don’t follow the priest’s guideline. They try the impossible: to communicate with them. The ideal would be to have such guilds only for males as the Spartans had, in which all young men were forced to eat together, even after marriage in order to create the necessary mannerbund. This, in spite of the fact that eventually all Spartans had to marry.

Today’s feminised men, including many racialists, don’t even realise that, in some matters, it’s impossible to build communication bridges with the fair sex. Yes: women could be serving at the table of the Spartan warriors, but not get into discussions or camaraderie.

Civil war Racial right Real men

On sewing ladies


Melanie turned 104!

The key to understanding white decline is simply to briefly visit the sites of white nationalism, alt-right, and alt-lite each day. The first thing that strikes you is, as I have said, that they seem to be run by ladies.

Every morning I visit the vlogger Styx-666 (who has survived the recent YouTube purge), Occidental Dissent, American Renaissance, Robert Morgan’s comments on Unz Review, Counter-Currents, the McSpencer Group and The Occidental Observer very briefly. I do it basically to see the titles of the recent articles or videos and perhaps read a single paragraph, or two, from one of those sites. Sometimes I read everything that Morgan writes.

Except for the latter, there is no hate in any of them—and Morgan is just a commenter, he doesn’t have any website. In contrast to these non-haters the right attitude is, as I was told yesterday: ‘The best course of action is to stay under the radar, accumulate resources and hate. But one needs to start writing (and if possible, talking) about killing and destroying’. But none of that exists on the mentioned sites, only in some aggregations from the commenters.

It makes me laugh more and more that they blame the Jews, when it is obvious that it is whites, even those who are more or less conscious, who are committing suicide. As the climate of the time increasingly becomes openly anti-white, their spirits should’ve already been amalgamated with the spirit of The Turner Diaries. But no: these conscious or semi-conscious whites are, basically, still in happy mode. Excepting Twitter, you don’t even breathe a real angry mode on days when blacks are already beginning to physically attack whites without impunity.

The admins of the aforementioned websites are like the little women who stay home when the first KKK emerged right after the American Civil War. In Gone with the Wind and the film adaptation Frank, Ashley, Rhett and several other accomplices make a night raid. See clip: here, where they deceive their wives and yanks so that the latter don’t blame them for the white justice the southerners have just committed.

The whole movie avoided the mention of the phrase ‘Klu Klux klan’ at all—a difference from the book. But the happy news is that this month Olivia de Havilland has reached her 104 years!

The role that Olivia played as Melanie in the movie, the central woman in the clip, is just how women must become after whites grow a pair and dare to transvalue the values, becoming like Frank, Rhett and Ashley again.

It is becoming increasingly intolerable to read the prose of people who have testicles but who sit at home sewing. Fortunately the System will tighten their nuts. When ten percent of whites start dying during the upcoming holy racial wars, whites will transition from happy mode to angry mode. It won’t be until a greater percentage of whites die that they will be able to transition to combat (defensive) mode. But the only mental state that will solve the problem once and for all is the killing mode (coup).

No pain, no gain. Without suffering, real suffering I mean, racially conscious whites will continue to be the little women they are by not speaking, even academically, about Revolution when it is time to start speaking openly.

‘Can anyone think of a single revolution in history that was conducted by tricking people into gradually accepting revolutionary anti-system truths, at which point everyone got together and voted in their desired regime?’ —River Koenig.

Blacks Civil war Michael O'Meara Racial right Real men

Apollo and the cross

‘My suggested approach [regarding the anti-white system] is generally fairly mild, nonviolent, and legal’. —a phrase from the feminized piece that has just been published, today, as a featured article on The Occidental Observer.

Generally I would only recommend the Counter-Currents (CC) webzine to a little normie who wants to take his first baby steps when crossing the psychological Rubicon. Like The Occidental Observer and American Renaissance, CC is an online publication for racially conscious American conservatives, not for Nietzschean revolutionaries. They don’t deserve to be called ‘white nationalists’, the term some of them use, since creating a White Nation would obviously require revolutionary violence. God forbid!

I would go as far as claim that almost all the racialist sites that use the term White Nationalism lie, as they are not promoting revolutionary ideals to reclaim their nations. What they are actually doing is complaining, as women have complained throughout history. If the alt-right sites were run by women I would not criticise them at all. But they are administered by males, which makes these men intellectually cowards, at least compared to the author of Toward the White Republic.

Although Michael O’Meara’s last chapter is a ‘Call to Arms’, in the sense that he was not advocating mere armchair speculation or complaining, this is not the time to start a revolution as the zeitgeist is at the exact opposite pole. However, an ideology must be created that takes antichristianism to its ultimate consequences—see for example what I said this morning to a commenter—always keeping in mind that the final goal is the fulfilment of the fourteen words.

This said, and independently of the baby steps, sometimes Counter-Currents contributors say interesting things. Yesterday for example CC published a piece by Spencer Quinn, ‘Black Lives Matter is Black Supremacy’, which is worth reading. But I was more interested in what a couple of commenters said in the comments section. The first wrote:

As others have said, these riots were about black honour and power. A white policeman kills a black criminal. But blacks see only ‘white man kills black man’ and respond through vengeance upon white society.

Another one commented:

What is cited regarding people getting fired over mildly criticizing BLM doesn’t really have much to do with the organization per se so much as the extravagant social currency connected to BLM; companies are firing people because we live in a capitalist economy; criticizing BLM is equated with criticizing blacks; criticizing blacks is taboo; and a company that associates with people who commit a taboo will lose social credibility and thus money. It is really capitalism that has given the abundance of soft power to BLM— BLM just happens to be the “moral truth” at this moment in time. In the past, I’m sure in certain places you could lose your job and social capital for supporting blacks. Same system, different truth.

This second comment is important, as it was difficult to understand why companies are taking sides with vandals, rioters, and those who pull down once-respected statues in the US. But what both Quinn and his commenters omit is that the moral grammar that Christianity engendered is behind today’s taboo of criticising blacks, or other minorities, throughout the West.

The gospel commands us to love the weak, and even more so those groups who are at the bottom in society. The Enlightenment, the American Revolution and the French Revolution only started the process to secularise these axiological standards, but the background always was Christian standards of morality. As I tried to explain in my post yesterday, pulling down from the pedestal the handsome sculptures of classical culture was nothing more than degrading ancient civilisation in Rome after a cult of Semitic origin took over the empire. And what is at issue today is replacing white supremacism with ‘black supremacism’, to use Quinn’s expression. The first step to achieve this is degrading modern white civilisation through its very symbols.

It is up to the men who are now deceptively calling themselves white nationalists to leave their femininity behind and start thinking like real men. The first step in that direction would be a return to pre-Christian values, for example, beginning to love once again the handsome statues that the Semites destroyed so many centuries ago. The rest follows from there.

Down with the cross, up with Apollo!

Umwertung aller Werte!

On racist wimps

by Apollokult

The fact: all of these very educated, erudite, passionate and energetic bloggers (involved in the racially tinged verbal diarrhea) have nothing to say about the Day and the Person. What a shame: there is really nothing to speak and there is nobody to speak about it!

And you waste your time too in searching some posts with cliché pictures and trite congratulatory sentences which seem an outstanding thing and a heroic deed in those totally underground and marginal circles nowadays.

If a dollar crush and an economical collapse will happen, this chance will be fucked up by these quacks and wimps. The kingdom of Heaven as well as the paradise of Earth are taken only by force, but their Lebenskraft is at zero level. They live in the past and expect miraculous help outside. This is a deadlock. What we can expect with their genetic and intellectual decay?

Our ancestors were not worthy of the thousand-year Reich, and now we reap a thousand years of Hell. Maybe, such is the price of the ultimate awakening and the coming of absolute Avenger, as Savitri Devi predicted.

Degenerate art Hate Kali Yuga

The Aryan race is sick

Hi Cesar,

This is a piece of writing I thought I’d share with you. You can use it on your website if you’d like or if you don’t wish to do so it can just be for your own viewing pleasure.

The Aryan race is sick. Sick from rejecting the Aryan Saviour Adolf Hitler who tried to save all Aryans (one now wonders why he bothered to save such a thankless people).

Spiritually sick from the spiritual death of 1945, the almost complete triumph of Christianity over the Aryan soul. Morally sick from the Christian ethics which preach tolerance and acceptance of all that is weak and degenerate, a pacifist and submissive cowardice in the face of one’s enemies and hatred of all that is superior and noble. Mentally sick from having been defeated by the Jews psychologically. Aryans have been convinced to destroy themselves and when your enemy is internal i.e. yourself, you are your own worst enemy and can defeat yourself more effectively than any external enemy can. The Aryan race wasn’t defeated militarily. It was defeated in its own mind thus rendering its weapons and militaries useless. Our enemies didn’t need to invade our lands, they were allowed in.

Physically sick, witness the obesity, the tattoos, the drug and pornography addictions, etc.

Culturally sick as evidenced by the degenerate art, architecture and music, etc., products of the influence of alien (Jewish, Negro) culture over the High Culture of the Aryan.

Self-destructing on the collective (racial) level, the familial level and finally the individual level.

Our race’s weaknesses we’ve always had to fight in one way or another and will always have to fight. It is our own weakness and sickness that gave the Jews spiritual, mental, and economic domination over our people in the first place. Jewish power in the West is a symptom of this illness and not the cause, as so many mistakenly believe [emphasis by Ed.]. The Aryan Problem caused the Jewish Problem. It is wise to understand The Final Solution to the Aryan Problem before one can enact The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.

The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung analyzed National Socialist Germany as the awakening of the Wotan archetype in the Germanic soul. Hitler acted as an Avatar of the Germanic tribal god Wotan and awoke a collective ‘Wotan consciousness’ in the collective unconscious of the Germans that could rival the Yahweh consciousness in the collective unconscious of the Jews, manifesting itself as an ethnocentrism that was capable of matching the intense ethnocentrism of the Jews. When Germany lost WWII Jung went to work for the Allies and wrote about how the collective unconscious of the Germans felt a collective guilt for having expressed their anti-Christian pagan shadow Self, Wotan, and having thrown off the Christian veneer.

The blond beast, the Germanic barbarian had been once again wounded and conquered with guilt like when he was first forced to become a worshiper of the sickly Jesus at the hands of Charlemagne, but this time worse and more fatally than before. This guilt, this apologetic remorse for being ourselves (for nothing is more White than Nazi Germany, because Adolf Hitler, the soul and creator, the artist of National Socialist Germany, was the embodiment of the White Man), the core of the guilt and remorse being in Germany, is manifesting as a psychotic death wish that has devoured the whole collective unconscious of the Aryan race and is making the Aryan sick, indeed terminally ill.

When the majority of the Aryan race murdered their saviour Adolf Hitler on 30/04/1945 (or rather, forced Adolf Hitler to commit suicide) they may as well have murdered their own soul.

Yes, the Aryan race is sick. And sick to the death.

If Aryan males don’t learn to murder the Big Jew Jesus in their own minds and embrace the manly and heroic spirit of Adolf Hitler they should and will die a genocidal death at the hands of their enemies.

The amount of time, energy, money and sacrifice that has been expended by racists since 1945 trying to save a people, the overwhelming majority of which can’t be bothered to save themselves and indeed don’t want to be saved (because they have a collective death wish), is unreal.

The ‘movement’ has more than made its sacrifice on behalf of the Aryan race. No matter the courage of numerous ‘lone wolves’, effective action is only possible via military action. Effective action on the part of the white race is impossible if the vast majority of white males are and remain too cowardly and timid to act. If the threat of imminent extinction doesn’t cause the majority of white males to kill their enemies with weapons in hand then nothing will. Because effective action is impossible at present we are stuck just waiting and waiting… we are stuck with inaction and we wait and wait and wait while we cannot but watch in powerless horror as things continue to get worse and worse.

Despite my disagreements with you and criticisms with you Cesar, I still wish you the best.


______ 卐 ______


Editor’s reply: Not long ago I asked Jez Turner—you were listening—something like: ‘Why don’t the Brits amalgamate their minds with The Turner Diaries?’ He completely misunderstood my question and replied that it was because the novel was not being sold at the UK’s bookstores.

I should have rephrased the question thus: ‘Why don’t the Brits are already fantasising with the “rivers of blood” scenario predicted by Enoch Powell?’ In other words, ‘Why am I so able to hate and you don’t?’

Problem is, that was ultimately a subjective question (comparing my essentialy normal mind with the mind of deranged ‘normies’). It’s like George Wells asking the Eloi: Why aren’t you capable to hate the Morlocks (you simply behave like lambs at the slaughterhouse when they’re hungry)?

Present-day whites are, literally, the Eloi. They won’t fight or do anything, white nationalists included, until the first of the three catastrophes occurs (currency crash, energy devolution, and finally the use of weapons of mass destruction during the international peak-oil crises: nations desperately trying to obtain the remaining oil through war, etc.).


Chaos is a ladder

I said I wasn’t going to hear anything from TFM but I couldn’t resist the temptation to listen to a podcast of the previous year. I stopped listening at the time he talked about his tender ‘relationship’ with his sex doll, in which he even gave details of his ‘affective’ relationship with ‘her’.

Something similar I can say about what Andrew Anglin recommends today in ‘Manly [sic!] Advice: Do Not Spend the Holidays Trying to Redpill Your Family! Don’t Even Mention Politics!’

The attitude of Anglin and TFM is inconceivably feminine. A true Aryan man with principles would never do something as humiliating as getting a sex doll. And if someone says an aberration in a family reunion, we must correct her in front of everyone. In my case, not long ago, I promised myself not to sit at the table when my sisters are present, or a first cousin female, as they do not want me to speak about the JQ, politics or race. Instead of following Anglin’s ultra-feminised advice I will do the opposite: I won’t even sit with them at the Christmas table next month.

Not long ago one of my sisters simply got up and left, telling her teenage son to leave with her, when I wanted to correct her about a System lie about Richard Wagner and the lachrymose narrative of the Jewish question. My white first cousin got up a few years ago when I talked about the IQ of blacks and brown Mexicans. And my other sister complained behind my back that she doesn’t want me to touch the sexist/racial issue again as I did when talking about an Alfonso Cuarón movie in front of a Catholic priest, who was having dinner with us.

When the Wagner scene occurred I made things clear: my pseudo-family has the right to get up so as not to hear me, but I have the right not to sit at their table again. (They’ll never change their attitude with me; they’ll never listen to my reasons.)

Anglin and TFM although they sound like men, are, in fact, tremendously feminised. A true man does not allow any woman to monopolise a family’s narrative or masturbate with a doll. If family members don’t want to listen, one simply has to stop seeing them and prepare for the revolution. And this can also be said about racist pessimists, as it is always possible to do something, even as a disinherited individual.

In Game of Thrones the character Lord Petyr Baelish, popularly called Littlefinger, is not my favourite. But his biography arc shows a kind of ruthless man to achieve his goals that currently does not exist in the racialist world. Below, Littlefinger describing his philosophy of manipulation at a time when he was allied to the evil King Joffrey:

As a GoT fan said in one of my recent links, the ‘climb’ is a metaphor for achieving power, and the ladder—chaos—is how Littlefinger climbs. When things are in disarray it allows him to manipulate so that he is ahead. Chaos means the great houses overlook his birth, because they need him. It means they are weakened, so they are brought more to his level. Chaos provides opportunities for him to advance, because there are problems to be solved.

I am quoting this because, instead of the pessimism from some racialist quarters, this is the attitude we must have if we take into account that the convergence of catastrophes could open a window of opportunity to climb the ladder away from our PC family. (Remember, Littlefinger had no family either.)

Manosphere Psychohistory

Whose arc is it that will move?

– Slightly abridged in August 2020 compared to the original post –

I have not finished with what I said about TFM in one of my posts from the previous Friday (see also ‘Turd Flinging Monkey’s views quoted and paraphrased by C.T.’).

I have always complained about the ‘Empire of the yin’, in the sense that today’s Aryans behave like the Eloi blonds with Weena when she was drowning in a scene of The Time Machine, a 1960 film. What I had not understood is that the extreme feminisation of men today is due to environmental causes. See the section ‘The biological origins of patriarchy and feminism’ within the text linked above where the chimpanzee society, in which patriarchy reigns, is contrasted with the bonobo society in which matriarchy reigns.

The Eloi had everything: food, easy sex and a fair climate. In the aforementioned video TFM said that French revolutionaries rebelled because they were starving, but that human beings in general give a damn about politics.

That is very true. I have always suspected that the Westerners of today are not worse than those of before but that, having perennial bread and circus, they behave like the Eloi—in the real world, like the bonobo. Remember that the bonobos were originally chimpanzees, but were stranded in a privileged and isolated region of Congo where they didn’t have to compete with gorillas. Through the millennia they changed genetically from a dimorphic species to a species where the male is physically similar to the female.

The fundamental difference between the bonobo and the human society is that the earthly paradise of the bonobo can last millennia, while the human matriarchy of today will only last a few more years. The reason for this is that in our species matriarchy goes against nature, as Homo sapiens is a dimorphic species. Remember, ‘To understand the West’s darkest hour we must keep in mind that to reach a feminist society two things are required: abundance of resources and absence of external threats. It is my belief that both will be inverted in the aftermaths of a hyperinflated dollar and the subsequent misbehavior of blacks in America’s big cities. The flaw of the anti-white system is that the welfare state has produced a milieu of false abundance’.

Of the four modes of which I have spoken elsewhere (happy mode, angry mode, combat mode and killing mode), I already find myself in the latter while the vast majority of Westerners are in the former. That is the reason why this site receives few visits compared to other racialist sites. I am a creature of pure hatred while most of white nationalists do not think in revolutionary terms, not even as a purely academic exercise.

That has to do with the environment of course. My biographical past in Mexico was as brutal as the chimpanzee society in Africa. The gringos north of the Río Grande live in a privileged zone. But soon our barbarism will reach the whole West whose blonds, after WW2, live in an Elysian island equivalent to the bonobo paradise.

In other words we belong to very different psychoclasses. And in the next few years it will not be me who speaks more civilly and demurely, approaching the chivalry of a Jared Taylor. During the convergence of catastrophes it will be you who will gradually move from happy mode to combat mode. It will not be WDH’s arc what will move toward your side. It will be WN whose arc will be moving towards us and the characters in the novels of Pierce and Covington.

Winter is coming, and you don’t stand a chance unless the Eloi become killing machines again and your Weenas birthing machines…

Today’s Europeans

Let us compare today’s Europeans with the Spartans. We feel panic when encountering such physical, mental and spiritual degeneration; such stultification. European man, who used to be the hardest and most courageous of Earth, has become a weakling rag and degenerated biologically as a result of comfort. His mind is weak; his spirit fragile, and on top of that he considers himself the summit of the creation. But that man, just because of the blood he carries, has enormous potential.

The rules on which Sparta was seated were eternal and natural, as valid today as yesterday, but today the dualistic mens sana in corpore sano has been forgotten: the physical form has been abandoned producing soft, puny and deformed monsters; and the mental poisoning has produced similar abominations in the realm of the spirit.

The modern European knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he does not know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

(Passages from one of Evropa Soberana’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.)


Forbidden love

The relationship between man and teenager in Sparta was that of teacher-student, based on respect and admiration: a workout, a way of learning, instruction in their way. The sacredness of the teacher-student or instructor-aspirant institution has been challenged by our society, just as the männerbund. Yet, both types of relationships are the foundation of the unity of the armies. Today, children grow up in the shadow of the feminine influence of the female teachers, even through adolescence. It is difficult to know to what extent the lack of male influence limits their wills and ambitions, making them gentle beings, malleable and controllable: what is good for the globalist system.

Others spoke about the Spartan institution of love between master and disciple, but always made it clear that this love was ‘chaste’. The Roman Aelian said that if two Spartan men ‘succumbed to temptation and indulged in carnal relations, they would have to redeem the affront to the honour of Sparta by either going into exile or taking their own lives’ (at the time exile was considered worse than death).

It is noteworthy that if homosexuality was indeed so natural to the original Hellenes as it was for the Greeks of decadent states, Hellenic mythology would be infested with explicit references to such relationships, which is not, as homosexuality was a plague outside the Hellenic spirit that appeared when Greece was already declining. By the time of Plato, for example, homosexuality was beginning to be tolerated in Athens itself. However, ancient and even some modern authors make it clear that Sparta did not fall in this filth.

(Passages from one of Evropa Soberana’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.)

Civil war Michael O'Meara Racial right Real men

WN is a club for women

Edited in September 2020

We live in the darkest hour for the white race since prehistory.

This means that almost one hundred percent of whites are degenerate, including those who should be the protectors of white women and children, Aryan men.

As David Lane said in his open letter to a dead race, if there are not 30,000 warriors hiding for some reason, the white race is lost. That means that our attitude must be Revolutionary, not reactionary. White nationalism and the Alt-Right are reactionary. It is a movement basically of women, not of men, in the sense of feminized western males, and therefore inefficient. If all WN forums we see today were actually run by women for women’s readership, I would not complain, but only males can actually defend them and their children.

That does not mean that, as men we are, we have to throw ourselves recklessly for the Revolution.

It just means that we should think like Revolutionaries.

If there were those 30,000 of whom Lane spoke, The Turner Diaries would have already replaced the Bible for these 30,000 men (similar to the 300 Spartans in real history).

But since the 30,000 are missing, the 3 warriors that want to take The Turner Diaries to the real world have to do some metapolitics to convince the other 29,997 to join the Revolution. And the best way to do that is to attack the Alt-Right as I’ve been doing in my latest articles, ‘Fuck white nationalism!’ and ‘On picketing WN meetings’.

Didn’t Norman Spear say that a Revolution needs only 3 percent of Aryan males convinced of the cause? So the job is to convince them by making fun of the Club for Women.

Johnson’s mistake is the mistake of all the degenerate bourgeois of the Alt-Right who believe that it is possible to save the race without endangering their lives.

But the trick is to tell the potential Revolutionaries that it is not yet time for fighting in the real world, as Revolutionaries are far from reaching 3 percent of Aryans.

The work of these cultured thugs that still can’t get out of the trenches is to channel our hatred for the ethnocidal System in unmasking these feminized bourgeois so that the young may join ranks with the Revolutionary cause, far from the forums for women.

It may seem unlikely what I am going to say, but if I had a way to contact these would-be Revolutionaries, I would say the same thing that William Pierce told Bob Mathews: that his plans for immediate action are premature.

We have to wait for the dollar to tank. These experts recognise that we live in an economic bubble that will soon ‘pop’, as can be heard from their lips at the end of the video.

Even after the American dollar tanks we have to wait a while until we reach 3% of Aryan males who are willing to fight.

Meanwhile, as I said, the task is to convince young people that white nationalism is a Club for Women, as it is impossible to seize power without a fight in a West that doesn’t even allow us to speak in public. Only the United States has the First Amendment, but even that country has an extralegal system of penalties to silence the dissident, as seen in Silicon Valley, ADL, SPLC and let’s not talk about what happened on my birthday in Charlottesville.

Yes, ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’ (John F. Kennedy) but today’s warriors must hold their fire because of what happened to Mathews. But the spirit of Mathews, not Johnson’s, is the one that will eventually save the race.

It is curious that the best author of original texts that Johnson has published, Michael O’Meara, finishes his book—the first book that Counter-Currents has published—with a call to arms.

Although O’Meara has not rushed like Mathews, in a discussion forum before retiring from white nationalism he said he would prepare for Revolutionary action.

That is the correct attitude.

It is time to troll the Club for Women called white nationalism in order to recruit the real men from its ranks.

Remember: the goal is three percent among the Aryan males of a nation. Some would say that one percent is enough, insofar the other two percent are blind followers of hardcore leaders.