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Currency crash Racial right

On American bonobos

It is tiring to iterate the same in new entries but what I have recently said about The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents and American Renaissance in the context of the events of January 6 can also be said about other figures in the movement: Richard Spencer and Brad Griffin. Yesterday I listened to the dialogue between the latter two: the same civil and non-revolutionary thought as always.

It would also be tiring to repeat myself that Westerners, for reasons of a milieu of false abundance (see pages 13-15 of this text), are in happy mode and that they have to transit to angry mode (something more masculine than what recently happened in the US), combat mode (defend your homes with guns after the chimps-out start again) and finally killing mode (revolution).

The fact that throughout the dissident forums there is no talk of revolution, not even as a long-term goal, speaks volumes about the ‘bonobo’ state that white men, including racialists, find themselves in.

Fortunately for our point of view, the bonobo paradise for humans is artificial and soon an angel with a sword will expel them from it. In another recent interview, Spencer spoke for a while about the looming inflation in his country. But he fell short: what lies ahead once the new administration begins to distribute those two thousand dollars to each citizen during the pandemic is hyperinflation, not mere inflation.

It would also be tiring to repeat myself on the subject of the coming collapse of the dollar, although once again: the parallel with the Germans of the Third Reich, in contrast to the American racialists of today, couldn’t be more paradigmatic insofar as the Germans had precisely suffered the hyperinflationary stage of the Deutsche Mark before a genuine revolution of thought took place: something that the Americans still have to suffer.

I don’t know if the thoughtpolice is going to take down the YouTube audio linked above in which Spencer chats with Griffin. But one of the YouTube commenters nailed them with these words: ‘Richard “perfectly legal streams” Spencer’. Paraphrasing a featured author of this site, the Spaniard Evropa Soberana, we could add: The American bonobo knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he doesn’t know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

Real men

Why I almost closed the comments section

Although at the moment the sticky post on my most recent compilation of texts is open for comments, I think I must continue to confess why I basically removed the comments section on the first day of the year.

In my previous post today, ‘Peruvian Hannibals Lecter’, I’ve mentioned Day of Wrath once again. Those who have assimilated the content of that book know what I mean by the concept of ‘psychoclasses’.

Well then: if I don’t want to waste any more time arguing with most of the visitors, it’s because we belong to very different psychoclasses. To me it’s obvious that, say, the massive rape of pubescent girls in Britain by migrants of colour is reason enough for the bloodiest revolution ever told. One of the few women who used to comment here spoke of Vlad the Impaler, Dracula, as the paradigm of how whites should behave. But they do exactly the opposite: even those who demonstrated on the Capitol.

Think for a moment about the gulf that separates the 15th century Vlad from today’s whites, including those on the racialised right (‘racialised right’ is the correct term: as we also saw recently the term ‘white nationalism’ is a misnomer).

Assuming a time warp, what dialogue could Vlad the Impaler have with a typical fellow of the racialised right? None, as today’s whites don’t behave like chimpanzees but like bonobos. And they do so because of a milieu of false abundance (search for that phrase in this text).

Now, remember that a couple of years ago one of my first cousins chimped-out: he killed his daughter and then hanged himself. That tragedy pales in comparison to the hell my sister and I endured long ago. As for me defending the English nymphets (remember the painting Daybreak) is the engine that originally moved me to create this site, we can already imagine how I would defend them.

What can Vlad Drăculea, one of the most important rulers in the history of Wallachia and a national hero of Romania, have in common with the folk who went to the Capitol? See for example what Kevin MacDonald published yesterday, ‘I was at the Washington, D.C. “Save America” rally’. Neither MacDonald nor the author of the most recent article on the same subject published on Counter-Currents would be able to defend their race with the methods that earned Vlad his reputation: so much so that centuries later his patronymic inspired the name of an arch-villainous character in pop culture.

I have often said that Americans are in happy mode. People like those who demonstrated in Washington are starting to transit to angry mode. Those who will defend their houses with guns against the chimp-out assault with the new administration will be in combat mode. But combat mode doesn’t overthrow the government. Due to my hellish past I’m already in killing mode (let’s wipe out all the enemies!), and have been in that stage for decades.

Some of the folk who have visited this site are much closer to the racialised right than to the bloodthirsty methods we need to reclaim the West. But due to the false milieu of western abundance after WWII, the blonde beast of yesteryear has been emasculated to the degree that even Pierce’s fiction doesn’t resonate in his mind.

I can’t keep talking to people who, from the viewpoint of my psychological Rubicon, are stuck between happy mode and angry mode. Today’s circumstances are even direr than those faced by the Romanian hero, as the very existence of the race is at stake, and I don’t see an adequate reaction, at least an internal leap to a more advanced psychoclass (‘internal’, as as charging against the enemy is premature for the moment).

So this site will remain virtually closed to comments until they transition to combat and killing modes, although by then we’ll have moved to the dark web or even regular mail, as the repression of free speech will be greater. (I hope next week my PO box will be ready to receive letters.)


Robert and Ned

‘Civil war or the gulags… That’s now the choice of white males in America and they should take chances with the former’. —My paraphrasing of a commenter

For some time I have been imagining that, when starting the racial wars, some guerrillas will execute their victims with a photogenic message to upload on the internet: two daggers in each eye until they reach the brain, and another dagger stuck in the solar plexus of the traitor with the message: ‘This happens to me for having voluntarily given myself to Evil’.

Of course, it’s pure fictional imagery for a novel of the future, when things get much worse. But the imagery shows the gulf between the racialised right and what I imagine will be those freedom fighters who feel infinite hatred.

Yesterday for example I heard part of the podcast from Keith Woods (a brat about whom I said something last year), who invited Richard Spencer and Hunter Wallace to ask them about their reaction to the MAGA march on the US Capitol. I also heard the beginning from Jared Taylor’s podcast about the same event yesterday.

None of these hetero fags think about the bloody revolution that is coming, not even at the level of futuristic novels. But even the topic of literary fiction needs to be discussed outside of this site. I don’t think WordPress censors would like an expansion of Pierce’s or Covington’s fiction on their platform. Will the dark web be the site for the priests of the holy words? One thing is clear: I feel increasingly more and more disgusted towards everything that comes from the hetero fags of the racialised right, be it their texts, videos or radio podcasts.

But perhaps more than insulting them we have to understand what is going on in their cute little heads. They remind me of a passage near the beginning of the first A Song of Ice and Fire novel. King Robert Baratheon curses the northern climate even in summer; he tells Ned Stark that the Others (meaning the white walkers) take the light snowfalls, and he wonders what Winterfell would be like in winter. Then Robert adds a phrase that I consider key to understanding the chasm that separates the three-eyed crow from the Americans: that in the south—that is, far south of Winterfell—all citizens are drunk and have become rich.

The wealth of the West has corrupted the white man in ways never seen before in all of human history. With people like those native English-speakers who have become so rich we won’t get anywhere.

Exterminationism Hate

Infinite hate

A recent comment from Simon Elliot in my previous post prompts me to say something before I close the comments section at midnight.

In one of my recent posts I said that my friend Paulina is the only person in the world who knows me. She’s very well aware of my exterminationist ideology and, as the ultra-feminine lady she is (there are not many like her in the West anymore), she couldn’t be more contrary to this unusual mix between NK and Bran.

The serious thing that I see in Western men today is that they are exactly like my friend Paulina. For example, Simon confessed to us that reading Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm made him wish for the annihilation of all Aryans so that they won’t suffer again that hell inflicted by the Allies on the innocent German people.

Compare that yin stance with my Yang hatred, who have said on this site that if I had the power I would force all Americans to change their language to German in addition to destroying all their churches and institutions; and if they become reluctant to follow my new world order, besides all non-whites I would kill all white Christians too.

In a sense, and I don’t think anyone has understood me to date, the religion of the four words is the religion of infinite hatred: the primal fire that arises from the core of what Jung called the Self. See what Zweig wrote about Nietzsche to get a slight idea of what I mean.

I must keep this last entry short for posting it soon, as these last twelve hours before midnight, Mexico City time, will be the last chance for commenters to respond.


Why don’t those who have criticised me so harshly outside this site ask me smart questions now that they have the last chance?

One way to understand what’s going on throughout the West is simply to consider that what normie whites do is more or less what whites do in the various forums of the racialised right.

The former are found in Normieland. The latter have taken two or three steps into the river to flee Normieland, but then they are frozen stiff like statues and for decades have been unable to continue crossing the psychological Rubicon. This second group forms a sort of statuary of human figures by refusing to continue their journey some one hundred meters across the river, until they reach the lands of National Socialism.

As people who read my books in Spanish know, sometimes I pay attention to my dreams. Most dreams are indeed junk of the mind, but not all. Today, for example, I woke up with the dream that there is finally a civil war! And knowing that I could finally take up a gun, I knew we were in a state of euphoria like we had never been before!

Alas, white nationalists, petrified statues who had barely begun to cross the river, are in no man’s land. Although they cannot return to Normieland they cannot either, in their frozen stiff condition, continue to cross the river. They aren’t stepping on solid ground but with the water on their ankles without being able to return or advance.

It doesn’t take much brains to realise that the curse they suffer is the Christian ethics that prevent them from seeing the nobility of the land they see in front of them: the territories conquered by Germany in the century in which most racists were born. So petrified are they that cannot even ask me something intelligent before I close the comments on January 1. What’s left of 2020 is their last chance to ask me something…

Most likely, instead of breaking the spell, alt-lite people, advocates of race realism, the alt-right, southern nationalists, white nationalists, and even so-called neo-Nazis will be frozen stiff to the point of letting the elements dissolve them within the river.

In addition to Christian ethics, another factor in understanding what’s happening is the extreme feminisation of men, both normies and racialists. If a Spartan, Roman, or Viking could visit us in a time machine, he wouldn’t understand why Aryan males don’t fight to reclaim their lands. The fact that none of the main racialised forums is talking about a civil war, even as a cold academic exercise and without a premature call to arms, vindicates the bully’s words, nothing but a little chick!

Currency crash Racial right

More on women’s club

That white nationalism is a women’s club is noted in the latest American Renaissance article from the pen of a very prolific American racialist.

The article begins speculating what whites can do in these times that are becoming increasingly darker for the white race, but at no point does it speak of destroying the American government as the only way out. I recently reread the passages in which heroic freedom fighters killed Uncle Sam in The Turner Diaries, and I am sorry that contemporary racialists religiously obey the Christian prohibition against hate, but instead to be meek as lambs. That the Gregory Hood article was also reposted on Occidental Dissent speaks for itself.

I am increasingly disgusted by American white nationalism, American race realism, the American alt-right, and the racialist southern nationalism of some Americans.

Today I also gave a cursory glance to the latest Counter-Currents articles, a webzine as feminised as the ones mentioned above. I noticed that one of its articles is now advertising Bitcoin, which is just air. The author tells the lie that Bitcoin has a store value. I would reply that it has as much store value as paying huge amounts of money during the tulip mania of the Dutch Golden Age. Mark my words, because in our lifetimes we will see how the Bitcoin bubble bursts.

Civil war Kevin MacDonald Racial right

On hypocrisy

by Robert Morgan

Kevin MacDonald: ‘This could possibly turn out well. Civil wars are messy and disastrous in many ways, but we have reached the point where compromise and discussion are impossible’.

It’s good (I guess?) to see KMD talking out of the other side of his mouth about this for once. But how to have a civil war without violence? Without breaking the law? That’s a real problem for him. Ordinarily (examples Breivik, Tarrant, and Roof) MacDonald and his coterie of admirers vigorously denounce any move towards war. His pal Greg Johnson has even written a number of essays doing so. This one’s typical.

Kevin MacDonald: ‘The divisions in the contemporary U.S. are too great to heal… unless we can somehow develop a consensus that the country should fractionate into more politically homogeneous areas’.

Okay, never mind. A peaceful solution is possible after all! Hooray! I can hardly wait to hear the magic words that will cause the country to ‘fractionate’. But wait, aren’t the Jews in total control of everything? It seems like I heard that somewhere. Well, never mind about that too. The magic words, you see, will send their power up in a puff of smoke too! Poof! And that will be the end of them. Oh, happy day!

C.T.: ‘Sometimes I think it would be ideal if the main sites on the alt-right and white nationalism closed (including this one [The Unz Review]) in order to funnel traffic to mine’.

I seem to recall that your own site got shut down for a week or so some time back when it started to get a little too radical.

C.T.: ‘I’m not saying this is the time to imitate Tarrant and Co., but it is the time to amalgamate our spirit with The Turner Diaries, at least as an academic discussion’.

Here, I’m just objecting to the rank hypocrisy of KMD saying that a civil war could be a good outcome, while whenever any move in that direction is taken, guys like him and Johnson always use the opportunity to take a nice, long, leisurely crap all over men like Tarrant, or Roof, or Breivik; men who initiate such actions.

They want nothing to do with them! I have to wonder just what these supposedly learned gentlemen think the beginnings of a civil war would look like if not murder and terrorism. Of course, they are academics, and they are accustomed to fight with words and ideas, not bullets. They are also part of the merchant right, and actually doing something instead of talking about it would be bad for business. Might get the website shut down, and the books banned! LOL. Gotta avoid that at all costs!

If, by ‘amalgamating our spirit with The Turner Diaries’ you mean becoming an outlaw like Earl Turner, then that isn’t something that can be done just as an academic discussion. Actually being an outlaw is miles away from anything of which MacDonald, Johnson, and their fan clubs are capable.

It’s been a while since I’ve read The Turner Diaries, but as I recall Earl Turner killed people, and didn’t just write essays or novels. This is the white man’s problem. Technological civilisation has made him soft. He shrinks from violence and worships ‘law and order’. He prefers to write essays and spin tales instead of taking the steps necessary to save his race. It’s a problem that can only be addressed by destroying that civilisation, since for reasons I’ve repeatedly explained, it can’t be reformed.

Civil war Feminism Hate Patriarchy Racial right Roger Devlin

On Roger Devlin

Not long ago, in ‘Andúril: the broken sword’, one of my essays that appear in Daybreak, I complained about a video by Jared Taylor with these words: ‘Finding ourselves on the brink of a civil war or rather an anti-white, exterminationist war that gets closer and closer to Ward Kendall’s novel Hold Back This Day, Taylor gives counsel like getting married, having a good job, and trying to do politics without overtly revealing our true colours’.

Something similar happened yesterday to me while listening to an interview of F. Roger Devlin about Incels (who was annoyed by the Nazi salutes headed by Richard Spencer in that famous 2016 video because, according to Devlin, the alt-right shouldn’t endorse National Socialism). Although the interview was good, especially Devlin’s insights about feminism, he is the typical alt-right intellectual who, as we have seen, more than a ‘white nationalist’ is actually an American nationalist. (The term white nationalism suggests fighting a civil war to create a nation only for Aryan Man, something that the alt-righters don’t recommend openly.)

By the end of the interview, Devlin advises the same that Taylor recently advised: to get a good wife. The advice is quite dishonest because Devlin himself concedes in the interview that the laws of our time make it very hard for the white man to get properly married. For example, the divorce industry hasn’t been challenged, let alone eliminated along with the stupid laws that prevent males to have sex with their wives whenever they want, etcetera. Without the normal state of civilisation, patriarchy, marrying bitches that steal our children in courts and a law that commands you to send them money while she’s living with another guy is insane.

I think in the comments section I’ve already mentioned the case of a very, very Catholic family, friends of my mother since she was in Grammar School. One of their members, married to a traditional Catholic woman, after a severe illness the woman put him in an asylum and she stayed in his house with their daughter. The man is younger than me and is already committed in an asylum! His late parents were so Catholic that the Opus Dei folk were their clients. (Incidentally, they are a white family: the image of the many blond nephews of this guy now come to my mind when they were kids.)

That family proves that what Devlin said by the end of the interview is wrong. Even if you marry the most traditional girl, under the current laws the bitch can betray you to the degree that—as happened to our friend—not letting him attend even his own daughter’s wedding! The poor man stayed in the asylum during the wedding! When not long ago we visited him at the asylum, this very Catholic man came up that, despite everything, he should never hate…

The repulsion I feel for anything related to the American racialist movement can be summed up in one sentence: like this man they don’t want to hate, let alone fight. Just compare Devlin’s stance to Robert Morgan’s recent comments that I’ve collected on this site. It is more than obvious that, like Taylor, Devlin and the rest of the American racialists are held back by Christian morality. If Devlin & Co. didn’t subscribe to Christian ethics but National Socialism, they would know that only a bloody revolution could bring us back our women.

As long as male racialists don’t amalgamate their soul with the spirit of The Turner Diaries their whole movement will remain a women’s club.

Currency crash Kali Yuga London Miscegenation Pandemics Racial right Real men Sword

Andúril: the broken sword

At midnight I was talking about the feeling of unreality that I felt when I saw a video of Jared Taylor. Finding ourselves on the brink of a civil war or rather an anti-white, exterminationist war that gets closer and closer to Ward Kendall’s novel, Taylor gives counsel like getting married, having a good job, and trying to do politics without overtly revealing our true colours…

Another notable racialist webzine, Kevin MacDonald’s, recently published a terrifying article of things I had already seen in London the last time I visited the city. The island has truly become the ultimate example of what I call ‘sin against the holy spirit of life’, an unforgivable sin: doing mass propaganda for English roses to have kids with blacks. But the most serious issue about the MacDonald webzine article is that there is not an iota of hatred among the commenters, or even in the writer. And without hatred there can be no war of recovery of the English roses.

What can save the white race at this point? Only that a million white men on each side of the Atlantic develop the infinite hatred that I feel. But how likely are they to become like me?

Probabilities seem null, don’t they? However, there is a possibility of salvation: a Deus ex Machina in the real world, the convergence of catastrophes.

What would happen if in the coming winter, as happened with the Spanish influenza of a century ago, the contagion curve rises dramatically? And what would happen if that catastrophe converges with the fall of the dollar? (Both gold and silver have already started to rise—the real indicator that something big is coming, as we have been predicting on this site since 2011.) And what if in the US Biden wins and the old senile president dies so that his negress vice president transitions from soft totalitarianism to hard totalitarianism?

Several times I have said on this site that the first president of Paraguay forced whites to marry Indians, blacks or mulattas: an even ‘harder’ step to exterminate the white race than the ‘soft’ steps taken in the UK.

What happened these days on the Taylor and MacDonald webzines confirms what I have been saying: white nationalism only represents a couple of baby steps for the normie to start going to the other side of the Rubicon. It should be more than obvious that on the other side we already can see warriors ready to fight for the recovery not only of their land but… of their beautiful women! Will catastrophes converge in time to make the white male react?

Most white advocates don’t even know that the dollar is going to collapse. Still others are in a state of abject denial about the Chinese virus saying it’s like the flu. And still other racialists are reluctant to see the extreme gravity of the situation: a soft totalitarianism that aims to exterminate the white race. They cannot even imagine that historical inertia is directly aimed at a hard totalitarianism that implements the anti-white policy of the first president of Paraguay throughout the West, as in Kendall’s novel.

Lack of warrior hatred in the movement; the lack of the most elementary knowledge of history (most racialists don’t even want to read Pierce’s non-fiction book) and of the economy, make the white nationalist movement of today a sort of child throwing a tantrum in the middle of the Rubicon, unwilling to walk past his first baby steps.

But history leans toward what we say in The West’s Darkest Hour, not what they say. It is true that we cannot predict, for sure, what will happen to the Chinese virus. But if the herd’s immunity or vaccines are not created (I doubt it—cf. Chris Martenson) and that converges with the catastrophe of the dollar crashing, a window of opportunity will open for white males to start waking up in enough quantity to make a difference.

An opportunity is only an opportunity. In no way is it assured that, even if catastrophes converge with a negress president who starts to implement policies such as those implemented in Paraguay, whites will want to wake up.

‘Men will fight to the death for only the most basic of motives’, said George Lincoln Rockwell. If I understand human psychology well, in the convergence that will unfold in the following years and decades, at least thirty to forty percent of whites will have to die horribly before the survivors finally begin to wake up and wield the sword. Including this article, there are sixteen entries on this site under the heading ‘The Sword’. But when catastrophes converge, who among today’s racialists will want to wield it?

Civil war Hate

Pure hatred

Are whites waking up? In his latest video Jared Taylor has said: ‘the last few months brought hundreds of thousands of people to our site, AmRen.com’.

While his site provides the normie with tips for the first baby steps of racial realism to cross the psychological Rubicon, Taylor is not talking about preparing for the coming civil war. Nor does he seem to realise that the new feminist and anti-male laws make marriage, which he advises, risky.

He also advises normies to go to church, even non-Christians, as if Christianity was not an extension of the Jewish problem (for those who have not visited this site before, see The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour whose cover appears in the sidebar). Taylor’s only good advice is to join a club that teaches us how to shoot firearms. But such clubs are not as popular in Europe, Australia, New Zealand or even in Canada as they are in the US, and the coming civil war will cover the entire West.

In addition to The Fair Race I would recommend reading Hellstorm and The Turner Diaries. Unlike Taylor and those peaceful civilians who comment on his site, what the white man needs is to regain his capacity for pure hatred.

When you forbid your enemy to hate, you’ve disarmed him.