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Orwellian rewriting of History

Or: Portugal and the one-drop rule Below, (1) my abridgement of Ray Smith’s The Black Man’s Gift to Portugal from “The Best of Attack and National Vanguard Tabloid,” Ref: Issue No. 6, 1971; (2) Arthur Kemp’s more recent views on Portugal in March of the Titans; (3) the comments of John Martínez whose native language […]

Catholic Church Charlemagne Christendom Franks Goths Indo-European heritage New Testament Protestantism Reformation Roman Catholic popes

Kemp on Christianity

Excerpted from March of the Titans: A History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp: Although originating within the Semitic world, the religion of Christianity has played such a major role in the post Roman European world that its origins must be clearly dealt with for the sake of understanding its later influence. Genocidal evangelism […]

1st World War Christendom Christopher Columbus French Revolution Inquisition Islam Israel / Palestine Judaism Karl Marx Leon Trotsky Mainstream media Moscow Napoleon Red terror Winston Churchill

Kemp on the Jews

Excerpted from March of the Titans: A History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp: The saga of the European Jews Anti-Semitism—or, more accurately, anti-Jewishness—was not an invention of Hitler nor of his National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Anti-Jewish sentiment has always stalked the Jews, where-ever they went: it seems as if their very presence […]

Miscegenation Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Who We Are, 1

The following is my abridgement of chapter 1 of William Pierce’s history of the white race, Who We Are: Unity & Diversity in Nature, but Never Equality Miscegenation Stifles Evolutionary Progress Changing Climate Sped Eurasian Evolution   No people is morally and spiritually healthy unless it is imbued with a strong sense of its own […]

Ancient Rome Attila Crusades Demography Ethnic cleansing Genghis Khan Goths Huns Indo-European heritage Islam Jerusalem Kali Yuga Miscegenation Mongols Moscow Philosophy of history Racial studies Real men

Other darkest hours

Excerpted from March of the Titans: A History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp: The first great race war – Attila the Hun The Goths and their racial cousins kept up a continuous localized war with the Romans for many years, and would have doubtless continued to do so for even longer had a […]

Prehistory Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Who We Are, 6

The following is my abridgement of chapter 6 of William Pierce’s history of the white race, Who We Are: Civilization of Old Europe Was 2,000 Years Ahead of Middle East Most Ancient Civilization Finally Being Uncovered   Before we consider the racial and cultural complexities of the Neolithic period and the ensuing Bronze Age, let […]

Prehistory Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Who We Are, 7

The following is my abridgement of chapter 7 of William Pierce’s history of the white race, Who We Are: Nordic Invasions 6,000 Years Ago Brought Masculine Spirit to Europe Nordic Establish New Heartland in North Language Gives Clues to Racial Roots   The Nordic subrace of the White, or European, race made its first appearance […]

Prehistory Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Who We Are, 8

The following is my abridgement of chapter 8 of William Pierce’s history of the white race, Who We Are: Scientific Dating Shows Megalithic Culture Originated in Northwest Europe Megalithic Racial Stocks Were Cro-Magnon, Nordic   Northwestern Europe would certainly have switched from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic lifestyle around 6,000 years ago in any event, […]

Ancient Greece Homer Miscegenation Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Who We Are, 9

The following is my abridgement of chapter 9 of William Pierce’s history of the white race, Who We Are: Indo-European Invasions Led to Aegean, Greek Civilizations Hellenic, Pelasgian Spirits Clashed Greek Myths Hint at Ancient Race War in Mediterranean Area   From the far north they came, the xanthoi, the golden-haired ones: tall, blue-eyed and […]

Miscegenation Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Who We Are, 11

The following is my abridgement of chapter 11 of William Pierce’s history of the white race, Who We Are: Indo-Europeans Conquered Middle East, Perished through Racemixing Mighty Hittite Empire Was Built by Nordics, Destroyed by Nordics Aryan Warriors Ruled Persian Empire, India Only Total Separation Can Preserve Racial Quality   Before we deal with the […]