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Arthur Schopenhauer Autobiography New Testament Racial right

Whipping the fog and pride

‘It was as useless to fight against the interpretations of ignorance as to whip the fog’. —George Elliot, Middlemarch Throughout the first decades of my life I was very naive. I believed that it was possible to reason with people simply by citing facts and solid arguments based on those facts. I hadn’t realised that […]

French Revolution Who We Are (book)

How to properly storm the Bastille

William Pierce’s Who We Are could be the myth that would emerge in a movement that leaves behind the failed ‘race realist’ methods that Michael O’Meara warned us about a decade ago. Unlike Jared Taylor, O’Meara believed in the overwhelming power of myth to create a great civilisation. The only thing that will return the […]

Catholic Church Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History, 133

Christianity does not belong to the church! It might have once, but certainly not since the American and French Revolutions. Secularisation rarely opened doors to atheism—more often, it made the Jewish creed reborn in fierce anti-Aryan liberalism where the empty idea of money trumps the sacred matter of blood and soil. Only in Germany did […]

3-eyed crow I.N. (commenter) Trolls

Dear Mr. Cesar,

Excuse me for the lengthy text. I understand how crucial it is for you to move towards this direction [basically close the comments section] given how much you have pondered about it for years now and I applaud you for it. The fact that you tolerated this insufferable situation for so long is a testament […]

Exterminationism Hate Hellstorm Holocaust

Infinite hate

A recent comment from Simon Elliot in my previous post prompts me to say something before I close the comments section at midnight. In one of my recent posts I said that my friend Paulina is the only person in the world who knows me. She’s very well aware of my exterminationist ideology and, as […]

Child abuse Evil Racial right

On Scott Peck

Thanks to an article by Greg Johnson, almost a decade ago I got to know the work of M. Scott Peck (1936-2005). I even wrote a post on this site about it, ‘My evil parents’ which, over time, I changed the status from a public article to a private article. Peck, who also had abusive […]

David Irving

Christmas present

A paradigm shift After posting ‘Christmas Eve’ and trying to capture some vitamin D by sunning myself on the roof of the house, I came up with an idea that reflects the point of view of this site. Yesterday I read David Irving’s article on The Unz Review where he talks about the sabotage that […]

Conspiracy theories New Testament Richard Carrier

Atwill’s cranked-up Jesus

by Richard Carrier Joseph Atwill is one of those crank mythers I often get conflated with. Mythicists like him make the job of serious scholars like me so much harder because people see, hear, or read them and think their nonsense is what mythicism is. They make mythicism look ridiculous. So I have to waste […]

Friedrich Nietzsche Twilight of the idols (book)

The Aryans in India

A generous sponsor has contributed the amount that Lightning Source demands to publish On Exterminationism. Still, I would like to wait until the first days of 2021 before making the expense in case Lulu responds earlier and solves the problem of the software that is preventing me from publishing it on their platform. In the […]

Autobiography Miscegenation Racial right

Devlin postscript

I would like to clarify something about what I recently said in ‘On Roger Devlin’. Last week I visited the home of the Catholic family that I referred to in that article and, now I realise, what I wrote is inaccurate. While it is true that the woman who sent her husband to the asylum […]