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Destruction of Germanic paganism Islam Islamization of Europe Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History, 151

– For the context of these translations click here –   In 718 Charles Martell (depicted left in the French book Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum) ravaged Saxony as far as the Weser and in the same or the following year defeated a detachment at Soissons under the command of the steward Raganfred and Duke Eudo of […]

Degenerate art Film

House of the Dragon’s nigger

House of the Dragon is a Game of Thrones prequel that premiered tonight on HBO. If you are interested in my critique of all 73 episodes of Game of Thrones in eight seasons (2011-2019), you can read the final essay of On Beth’s Cute Tits (this link is temporary: when I correct one more book […]

Axiology Daybreak Publishing Science Sexual "liberation"

Relocating articles

‘A new epoch is coming, one perhaps even more revolutionary than that resulting from Copernicus’s work’. —SS pamphlet One of the advantages of not having our books published by a well-known publisher is that you can polish the content of all of them until they are just right. Now that I’ve uploaded the PDFs to […]

Miscegenation Racial right

The more normie the more hits

Not so many years ago, when YouTube cancelled the channel of Stefan Molyneux, the biggest promoter of what was then called ‘Alt-Lite’ in contrast to the Alt-Right (as Moly, whose mother was Jew, has served as gatekeeper for the Jewish question throughout his vlogging career), and moved to other video platforms, something happened that caught […]

Day of Wrath (book) Exterminationism Hate

Am I a psychopath?

I would like to add a postscript to my previous post about the book On Exterminationism. Yesterday Autisticus Spasticus asked me: César, there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for quite some time. Do you, personally, have it in you to kill non-white women and children in cold blood? Imagine they were lined up before […]

Daybreak Publishing On Exterminationism (book)

‘On Exterminationism’ – 2022 edition

This is the fifth page of the latest edition of On Exterminationism: FOREWORD There is no freedom of speech in Europe. Europeans have been muzzled since the Second World War. But if a young Aryan with great aspirations to do something in the darkest hour for his race visits the racialist webzines based in the […]

Racial right

On Wallace’s apologetics

These days Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent has been posting articles on Christian nationalism, an issue that has been alarming the US media. And yesterday he posted an article with graphs and statistics showing that white Christians in his country have more preservationist instincts than atheists. In the discussion thread, one of the commenters replied: […]

Carolingian dynasty Destruction of Germanic paganism Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Christianity’s Criminal History, 150

  For the context of these translations click here The Ascension of the Carolingians   ‘…with the help of Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords.’ – Chronicle of Fredegar ‘Soon the Franks attacked with ships and darts, riddled them in the waters and killed them. Thus the Franks finally triumphed over their enemies […]

Racial right

Enemy of whites

A couple of days ago an article by Tobias Langdon was published in The Occidental Observer, ‘The Cuckoo Cult: Mainstream Christianity Is Now an Implacable Enemy of the White West’. Langdon’s article is typical of white nationalist (WN) webzines, who see the speck in someone else’s eye (Judaism) but never the log in their own […]

David Irving Heinrich Himmler True Himmler (book)

True Himmler, chapter 2

Editor’s Note: Below are excerpts from the second chapter, ‘Flawed’, of David Irving’s book on Heinrich Himmler (available through Irving’s bookstore here).   Like water splashes, the relics of Himmler’s life lie splattered around the globe. His household papers and some diaries are in Russia, his childhood epistles to his parents are stolen property in […]