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Conspiracy theories Racial right

Leaving the courtroom

In a post that five months ago I called ‘Ron Unz and JFK: Leaving the courtroom’ I criticised Unz for believing conspiracy theories. Now this Jew goes back to his old ways in an article whose discussion thread already has more than a thousand comments.

I will not repeat what I wrote five months ago, including what I commented in the discussion thread. Suffice it to say that it seems pathetic to me that racially conscious whites continue to believe conspiracy theories like those of JFK and 9/11, discussed in the recent Unz article.

Everything has to do with what I have said several times: most humans are unable to distinguish between the structure of their inner selves and the empirical world. The fact that conspiracy theories are so endemic in the movement only demonstrates that the process of psychogenesis in the human today still carries many ‘paleological’ atavisms.

If the commenters of the Jew’s webzine were preparing for the Chinese virus pandemic instead of this nonsense, they would do themselves a great favour…

Kali Yuga Racial right

Carolyn Yeager: the only honourable

On the first day of this month I made a promise I didn’t keep (‘I have decided to freeze this blogsite with this entry’) insofar as, a week ago, I announced the translation of my first book (whose first draft, by the way, was written in 1988).

The idea of freezing that post (Chris Martenson is really the best on this subject) was for racially conscious whites to take preparatory measures for the Chinese virus pandemic, which has reached this continent.

Most of my time I indeed occupy in the translation, but once the promise of the first of this month was violated, I cannot resist the temptation to definitively distance myself from some commenters who, in the past, I had come to admire.

In this recent discussion thread on Unz Review the only person—a woman!—who in her life has dedicated herself to defending the image of the Führer has been Carolyn Yeager.

Most of the evil karma that the white race now suffers comes from their betrayal of the most heroic man of the modern age, whom I have been comparing with Leonidas and Hermann (both betrayed by another Greek and by another Germanic respectivelly). It’s a surreal shame that some American racists continue to throw dirt on the image of Hitler. From my point of view, everything has to do with the fact that whites have completely lost their story, even the white nationalists. Following the metaphor of George R.R. Martin, the perpetual night has fallen on Westeros.

Together with another racist who no longer comment here, one of the commenters who now discusses with Yeager came to opine here, last year, that Charles Manson was above Hitler! I wonder if the members of Atomwaffen, who are being arrested these days and who also admire Manson, share such infinitely surreal madness (I’ve heard that some of these losers are proud readers of Siege and despise the ‘bourgeois’ NS men)?

Don’t be surprised if I don’t let these commenters and others to comment here again now that, except for some preparatory purchases, I am so busy working in the translation. (In the afternoon I will buy more N-95 masks, which I’ll begin to use religiously from next month every time I go out.)

Film George Lincoln Rockwell Racial right William Pierce

Poisonous 1917

The Hollywood movie 1917, which I saw today, directed, co-written and produced by Sam Mendes, whose mother is Jewish, is poison to the Aryan race.

Of the most notable contemporary racialists, Richard Spencer’s voice is the least bad. I’m not saying it’s a good voice: it’s just the least bad. Let us listen, then, what together with Hollywood buff Mark, who never shows his face, Spencer said yesterday about Mendes’ movie.

The problem with Spencer is that he is very lukewarm. A truly fanatic priest of the 14 words would be furious not only against this new film, but against the entire film industry (with the exceptions of the 1995 and 2005 movies based on Jane Austen’s novels, of which I spoke this week.)

One of the problems with films like 1917 is that they are made with great craft and even art we could say. But that turns the film into an even more rhetorical poison, and therefore more dangerous, than a poorly directed film.

For me the seventh art, as a subject, is crystal-clear. As long as there are non-whites on Earth, every film must be propaganda: audio-visual spectacles that must have the imprimatur of a totalitarian Fourth Reich, as Yockey said in one of the quotations of The Fair Race: ‘L’art pour l’art values must be transvalued to Art practiced in conformity with the cultural task’. Of course, that was collectivist Germany, not libertarian, Mammon worshiper and Judeo-Christian America.

Compare the above way of seeing art—a priest’s POV—with the words of Spencer and the faceless Mark. Spencer said that 1917 ‘is valorizing WWI, and I think that is something that is extremely problematic’ (after minute 6:30, and he repeated these words after minute 34). Note the word ‘problematic’ and realise why, compared to me, I label Spencer as lukewarm. I’d simply say it’s Jewish poison for the Aryan mind. Mark added about the hero of the movie: ‘he defeated the villain, he defeated the foe… from the British side’.

Spencer also spoke of World War II but did not say a word about the Holocaust that the Allies committed on the Germans. I wonder if Spencer has read Hellstorm? This astronomic omission reminds me that Hunter Wallace wrote about Justinian I today in glowing terms about ‘reconquering the Western Empire’. These are words as deceiving as Sam Mendes’ visual art about the Great War. Does Wallace know about the Holocaust perpetrated on two Germanic peoples by Justinian I, the emperor of the capital of miscegenation, Constantinople? (see the final pages of the book I recently translated, Christianity’s Criminal History).

Just as in official history the Germanics that invaded the already miscegenated Roman Empire are presented as barbarians, in 1917 a ‘German is depicted as an insane maniac’, said Spencer around minute 36 and he added that the scene was ‘insulting to Germans’. Mark then said that in the film the German point of view is never represented, that it is taboo in Hollywood. I would add that, unlike one of Clint Eastwood’s films about WW2 where the Japanese POV is presented, the German POV continues to be taboo. Incidentally, both Spencer and Mark use the word ‘gay’ without realising that it is Newspeak to avoid.

Only until a few seconds before the 57th minute Mark said ‘I knew that the guy was a Jewish filmmaker’, something he should have said from the first minute. Then we hear, after 1:06, that the film is pro-Zionist and glorifies the two world wars that only favoured the Zionist Christians: wars that transvalued values in the US to a philo-Semitism based on the Schofield Bible. Spencer & Mark’s review aside, it is time to say a few more words about the American racialist movement.

George Lincoln Rockwell was the only one who understood racial reality. If he had not been murdered the journal National Socialist World, in which William Pierce and others collaborated, would have continued.

The wisest thing I heard in England the last time I visited the island was what Arthur Kemp told me: that William Pierce’s mistake had been not to form a political party. I recently talked about Pierce’s blunder, but degenerate music was only a tactical blunder. The fact is that Pierce committed something much more serious: a strategic blunder, not having followed in the footsteps of Commander Rockwell.

Only Rockwell tried to follow in Hitler’s footsteps. After Rockwell everyone else has been talkative, despite Pierce’s enormous intelligence (whom I cite so much in The Fair Race).

After the assassination of Rockwell, everything we have had in this continent have been impossible compromises with Christian ethics and the American way of life. The tremendous inertia of American Judeo-Christianity is such that, as a commenter said on this site today, the purported anti-Semite Andrew Anglin no longer speaks about Hitler. He now speaks about Yahweh and his son Yeshu, as the gods that the valiant visitors of The Daily Stormer must follow.

If white nationalism were a legit movement, everyone would be talking about Christianity’s Criminal History and the forthcoming revolution, although theoretically and patiently, waiting for the dollar to collapse so that the masses transit from happy mode to angry mode. But they are stagnated in the American way.

Carl Gustav Jung Christian art Racial right

Possessed whites

Jordan Peterson may be a sophist but he does well to remind us, quoting Jung, that the human being in general has no ideas: he is possessed by ideas.

Since the Imperial Church destroyed the Greco-Roman world, whites literally became possessed by Jewish ideas. Think about how many centuries the possessed ones bent their knees to deities like Yahweh and his son Yeshu.

Whites are so possessed that even the souls of the supposed rebels of the anti-white zeitgeist continue to be possessed by this idea. And I mean not only white nationalists who remain Christians. Every time I see more clearly that the fact that books like Who We Are remain unpublished, even by secular racialists, is because Pierce breaks away from Christian ethics by advising ‘extermination or expulsion’ of non-whites throughout his book.

Understand me well: like the normies, all racialists in today’s world are possessed by an unhealthy idea. And like the normies they will remain possessed until the day of their deaths, as Thomas Kuhn saw. There are exceptions of course, including some commenters who have visited this site. But in general what Jung said remains: human beings have no ideas; they are possessed by ideas. And the idea that in this age governs westerners, including secular white nationalists, remains Christian ethics.

It is true that white nationalists are not normies. But since they are unable to break openly with Christian ethics they are in no man’s land. The metaphor I have been using is that, although they left Normieland, while crossing the psychological Rubicon they stayed in the middle of the river. They are unable to continue crossing into the lands of National Socialism, and will remain unable to cross it until the day of their deaths. The magnet exercised by the precepts of Yahweh and his son Yeshu from the side of the river they left behind is irresistible.

Our only hope is to appeal to the very young generations, perhaps teenagers or children, who in the future will read The Fair Race: a compilation that, as I promised yesterday, in the 2020 edition I added a paragraph in the introduction (and deleted the PDF of 2019).

Above, Catherine gets a woman released from her pact with the devil before dying, a painting by Girolamo di Benvenutto (1470-1524). What Girolamo ignored is that Christianity itself is the devil, and that we must get whites released from their devilish pact before their race goes extinct.

Racial right

Crazy town

I remember that when I lived in California in the 1980s, from time to time I watched a few seconds of the preaching of the televangelist Oral Roberts. But I was unaware of the biographical profile about such a folkloric American until very recently.

The preacher Roberts, leader of a $120 million-a-year Christian organisation, was such a grotesque, and typically American, figure that the mere fact of his existence should invalidate the US as a serious nation.

This is one of the problems of white nationalism. They see Jewry but are unable to see the beam in their own eye: a beam that certainly has to do with the power that Jewry has gained in the country of white nationalists.

If one reads the webzine of Kevin MacDonald, for example, one finds that the subject-matter is Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew… And the Christians, that numerically are more in the country of MacDonald? Or is it that the fact that there are millions of morons who worship the god of the Jews has nothing to do with Jewish power in that country? Last year I quoted some words from Robert Morgan that are worth reciting:

Man has everywhere and at all times been a wolf to man. The big difference between Christians and others is that they lie about it, just as they lie about everything else. Case-in-point: The Christian apologists on this thread, who claim to be fighting Jews by worshiping a Jewish rabbi and calling him God. Needless to say, such people are residents of Crazy Town, with Kevin MacDonald as their mayor, and Andrew Joyce as his chief publicist and amanuensis.

But the problem is not Andrew Joyce or The Occidental Observer. It is the entire movement, and you must not have been born in the US to see something so obvious. I still remember Tom Sunic saying, after witnessing an evangelical event replete of pure whites in Alabama, that that was ‘worse than communism’—despite his sufferings in the communist Yugoslavia of Josip Broz Tito.

Autobiography Racial right

Beyond myopia

One of the things that I liked about Richard Spencer’s recent eschatological speech about his country is that he recognises that what is at stake is the entire American paradigm.

If one reviews the sites of white nationalism, they are nearsighted. They try to locate the origin of white decline in the Jewish quarter without any substantial self-criticism about what caused the empowerment of Jewry in the first place. People like Tom Sunic have said, in public conferences full of white nationalists, that the Jews ‘did not fall from the Moon’, but that their empowerment was due to factors intrinsic to Western civilisation. The same I can say about Spencer. Unlike the endemic myopia in the movement, Spencer is an intellectual who has begun to see the big picture.

Spencer is a relatively isolated case. It is a pity that the other American intellectual who wasn’t myopic, Michael O’Meara, has retired from the forums of white nationalism. But if there is something irritating in the movement, it is for Christians to go out with specious arguments such as pondering whether Christianity is compatible with racialism, given the racial history of the United States at times when they seemed not to be fighting each other.

This is a specious argument as I said. This winter, for example, I suffered a terrible respiratory illness that, in my case, is chronic. The polluted air of Mexico City is killing me: and this shows more and more every winter.

It is silly to say that the capital’s air is compatible with health as apparently the contamination doesn’t affect my sister, with whom I live. Rational would be to recognise that the air is toxic, although at first it doesn’t affect everyone. Living in a toxic environment for health and saying that it isn’t toxic because the symptoms are not yet noticed is magical thinking. As magical as saying that Christianity hasn’t adversely affected us during every single historical stage of the West.

To have the god of the Jews as our god; obeying the precepts of a supposed new testament addressed to us gentiles (out of the pen of Jews, of course) and continuing to ignore Aryan history* is a formula for the continuing ethno-suicide. In fact, if we analyse it deeply, the ideology of white nationalists, in which I include secular webzines such as those by Johnson and MacDonald, is more in line with this continuous slip toward suicide than to what would be an authentic intellectual reaction against the American paradigm.

But at least someone like Spencer begins to glimpse that the problem has a much larger dimension than what myopics see in the movement.


(*) With the exception of Jake F., Arthur Kemp and an Englishman who sat on my right in one of the private meetings of the London Forum a few years ago, nobody I know properly values the only non-fiction book of Pierce.

Francis Parker Yockey Racial right

Confused nationalists

Recently I quoted Francis Parker Yockey: ‘The Jewish-American entity is Jewish as respects its head, American as respects its body… It will not surrender, since the very existence of Jewry is at stake, and the whole United States and its population is there to secure the existence of Jewry’.

My fundamental difference with white nationalism is the diagnosis of Aryan decline. White nationalists blame Jewry. Like Yockey, who was not a white nationalist, I say that it is the Americans who empower Jewry.

If white nationalists really wanted to get rid of the Jews, they would give up Jesus. Everything else is a non-starter. In other words, seek ye first the rejection of your enemy’s god and his ‘righteousness’, and the white ethno-state shall be added unto you.

But American white nationalists are extremely confused. As an example, see what Christian RamzPaul said today.

Racial right

Victim mentality

by Mike

One of the reasons I stepped away from the “white nationalist community” is that there is a victim mentality that pervades it. Jews have gotten the best of us, and now we are their victims. “Victims” of these powerful creatures who always hand us our asses.

It’s the same dynamics of blacks who are always complaining how they are being “victimized” or oppressed by whites. But complaining about how mean the Jews are to us changes nothing.

Can’t win much of anything, or even become un-paralyzed, with a “victim mentality.” It only reinforces a feeling of powerlessness.

But by naming the “Christian problem” at least reveals how they got the best of us. And perhaps, gives us a better map on how to now proceed.

Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Drastic measure?

“A country has the Jews it deserves.
Just as mosquitoes can thrive
and settle only in swamps,
likewise the former can only thrive
in the swamps of our sins” —Codreanu.

There are times when I want to close the comments section of this site. No matter how much I say again and again that this is not a site that promotes white nationalism, many who come to comment here do so assuming it is.

I recently linked Tom Sunic’s speech in Budapest. Let’s say that people like Sunic, who blames capitalism and Christianity for white decline, is more in line with what I say. While I am far harder on the Jews than Sunic, the Croatian intellectual is more in line with Hitler’s table talks or the SS pamphlets that, in addition to Jewry, also blamed the churches instead of the all-Jew paranoia that rules white nationalism.

In their forums careers, white nationalists have eaten too many Jews for breakfast, to the point that some among them believe that they are the alpha and the omega of Western malaise.

In other words, whites are completely innocent! No swamps. No sins. Mysteriously, the mosquitoes took over their societies…!

Today, for example, a relatively regular commenter of this site said that the Jewish quarter was behind this week’s US operation to kill a popular military man in Iran. In other discussion threads of such forums I also find preposterous claims, that every bad thing is brought about by the Jews: even when there is no substantial evidence of it (say, Jews behind the mass shootings of recent years).

Another regular commenter of this site recently said that he admired Stalin because he removed influential Jews from the party—as if that diminished Stalin’s role in the German Holocaust from 1945 to 1947 or even later (as many German zeks died in the labour and extermination camps of the Gulag)!

There are countless examples of this type throughout the life of this blog (e.g., this other recent comment). But it is useless to state and restate the POV of this site, which ideologically is closer to the leadership of the Third Reich than to what racialist Americans say in their forums.

Other comments have bothered me on other issues, such as the admiration for Charles Manson from three of the smartest commenters who used to come here. While they are not Judeo-reductionists, I never got to understand what they saw in Manson (compare the pointless murder of the beautiful Sharon Tate, which was not inspired by the 14 words, with what I say about the Red Wedding).

I have very little time to translate my books, and responding to these types of comments from people who don’t even read the most elementary stuff of this site (like this other commenter) only wastes my time.

Understand it once and for all: This is not a site that promotes white nationalism. It is a neo-Nazi site, although the term has lent to abuse in recent decades from leftists and rightists alike. Read The Fair Race—every page of it—before commenting here.

Thank you.

George Lincoln Rockwell Racial right Vikings Who We Are (book)

Criticising G.L. Rockwell

by Verdigris

This is one of the problems I had with George Rockwell’s White Power. He did apologise to Europe for WWII but at the same time he was speculating on a leader for the white race and seemed to think Europe needs America to save itself. This personally irked me because Europe already had that leader. They can blame the Jews all day long but it wasn’t the Jews who gleefully pulled the trigger, they just pointed the gun.

Sometimes I get this feeling that Americans and English care about Europe only so far that they can tie it back to their own exceptionalism.

They’re also naïve and ignorant on the Christian question. They seem to think that because Christianity is “attacked”, this makes it an intrinsically white religion. They would do well to read Celsus’ On the True Doctrine: Jews and Christians, and Christians and Christians have been squabbling since the first inception of that religion.

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Editor’s reply: I have complained dozens of times why Pierce’s Who We Are, published on National Vanguard from 1978 to 1982, never was popular among white nationalists. Presently I am the only one who publishes part of it in my Daybreak Press!

Gradually the thought dawned in my mind that it’s simply because Pierce introduces the most relevant chapters of white history outside the American continent. And American white nationalists are still stuck with their provincial history (just as Mexican nationalists don’t want to know much of the history of Spain).

Recently, for example, Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent published a series of articles about the Vikings. He is stuck with the story that the Norsemen were the bad guys and the European Christians the good guys; and that only their Christianization solved the Viking problem. Just compare this interpretation of history with what Pierce wrote in Who We Are about the Vikings.

My prediction is that white and southern nationalists won’t become National Socialists in the US. They will cling to their American and Confederate flags. Fortunately, the collapse of the dollar that is coming will start their lesson in humility…