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Justice / revenge Racial right

Elephant in the room

In his article yesterday ‘Ron Unz: The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism’, Hunter Wallace is right to criticise Unz. Wallace writes: ‘In my view, we are living in the post-World War II era which is defined by self hatred or what is called “antiracism”. As such, White Nationalism has always been considered morally, culturally and politically illegitimate since 1945’.

So far so good. But Wallace, who dislikes World War II as a subject, is reluctant to concede that his nation’s astronomical crime—what they did to the Germans—is directly responsible for today’s anti-racist self-hatred: a couple pieces chosen for Part I of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

Like the Jew Unz, American white nationalism is so bankrupt that they continue to ignore the elephant in the room. Remember:

Sooner or later the world will recognise that Hitler was right and that until the West accepts this fact, they will continue their ongoing self-destruction, especially in the US and the UK.

Either way, massive destruction is unavoidable because after the Second World War the Allies must pay a massive karmic debt.

Psychiatry Racial right

Mental illness

In diagnosing the white man, these days I have been using the ‘mental illness’ metaphor, the central metaphor of psychiatry: a pseudoscience. But if I think psychiatry is an inquisitorial pseudoscience why do I use the metaphor? For the simple fact that, once we realise that the medical model of mental disorders is pseudoscientific, the trauma model of mental disorders makes perfect sense. (Except the first and last articles, Day of Wrath explains my point didactically.)

This site has been visited by those racialists who subscribe to the madness called Christian Identity (CI), in which it is simply stated that the characters of the Bible were Aryans in order to convert, in a single blow with a magic wand, the holy book of the Jews into the holy book of the Aryans!

Although I had to ban a Christian Identitarian a few years ago, CI buffs still post from time to time their nonsense on this site as a certain Adam did today. If I allowed his comment it’s because I want to illustrate what mental illness is but not from the psychiatric POV. And to make things most unfair, if Adam wants to reply I won’t let it (let’s see if with such treatment they desist to post their CI stuff in The West’s Darkest Hour).

Day of Wrath, which explains mental illness from the trauma model, is a text that I usually don’t make changes to, as most of the book is only a translation of one of my eleven books in Spanish, El Retorno de Quetzalcóatl. For those who obtained a copy I must reiterate that in the last edition of Day of Wrath I added a very short piece that had already been published on this site. Those who have the edition before that brief addition must know the short piece that I added, reproduced below.

When I speak of ‘possession’ it must be understood phenomena such as the religious ‘great awakening’ that many secular whites have suffered in major western cities, especially the Americans (e.g., the negrolatres of Seattle and Portland). They have brought what I have been calling neofranciscanism to its logical conclusion: worshiping the most dispossessed race and feel good to humiliate and detest the superior race: the transvaluation of values in its purest form!

______ 卐 ______


Possessed whites

Jordan Peterson may be a sophist but he does well to remind us, quoting Jung, that the human being in general has no ideas: he is possessed by ideas.

Since the Imperial Church destroyed the Greco-Roman world [1], whites literally became possessed by Jewish ideas. Think about how many centuries the possessed ones bent their knees to deities like Yahweh and his son Yeshu.

Whites are so possessed that even the souls of the supposed rebels of the anti-white zeitgeist continue to be possessed by this idea. And I mean not only white nationalists who remain Christians [which includes the Christian Identitarians]. Every time I see more clearly that the fact that books like Who We Are remain unpublished, even by secular racialists, is because Pierce breaks away from Christian ethics by advising ‘extermination or expulsion’ of non-whites throughout his story of the white race.

Understand me well: like the normies, all racialists in today’s world are possessed by an unhealthy idea. And like the normies they will remain possessed until the day of their deaths, as Thomas Kuhn saw. There are exceptions of course, including some commenters who have visited this site. But in general what Jung said remains: human beings have no ideas: they are possessed by ideas. And the idea that in this age governs westerners, including secular white nationalists, remains Christian ethics.

It is true that white nationalists are not normies. But since they are unable to break openly with Christian ethics they are in no man’s land. The metaphor I have been using is that, although they left Normieland, while crossing the psychological Rubicon they stayed in the middle of the river. They are unable to continue crossing into the lands of National Socialism, and will remain unable to cross it until the day of their deaths. The magnet exercised by the precepts of Yahweh and his son Yeshu from the side of the river they left behind is irresistible. Our only hope is to appeal to the very young generations, perhaps teenagers or children, who in the future will read The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.


[1] See my 2020 translation of Christianity’s Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner (links on the sidebar).

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Racial right

Con Swede, Johnson and Bardamu

In 2009 I started to wake up to the real world thanks to the Internet. It was precisely thanks to Conservative Swede that I started to grasp the Christian Question (CQ), as we see in the article ‘The Dismiss of Christianity’ that here appears in The Fair Race.

I titled that article ‘The Red Giant’ on this site. It is based on two long discussion threads from July 2009 on the Gates of Vienna (GoV) forum that can still be read here and here. I even spoke with Conservative Swede on the phone for over an hour in that year, when I lived in Spain.

Not long after, this Swede got so mad at me when I mentioned Hitler and the Reich on GoV that he swore (did the admin of GoV delete his insults from this comment?). Elsewhere he asked me if I wanted to exterminate the Jews and that made me suspicious. The next year, after a civil exchange about the JQ on the now nuked Mangan’s site, the Swede closed his blog and informed me that I had motivated him for such a drastic decision, although he added that he kept the reasons to himself.

Conservative Swede’s behaviour seemed bizarre and inexplicable to me. The only hypothesis I could come up with is that he might have some Jewish background. That was the first time that someone who allegedly defended the West left me stunned.

Although the admin is a gentile, GoV is a philo-Semitic forum, so by 2010 I had moved to Counter-Currents. But Greg Johnson, the admin of CC, would also surprise me with so many inconsistencies that it is not worth repeating. By the way, it was a comment by Johnson on April 20, 2010 in the comments section of Occidental Dissent (the whole Irmin Vinson essay that later the OD admin deleted!) that reconciled me to Hitler.

Then Johnson stopped defending Hitler as he used to do in 2010, and for the second time I left a forum that I had initially loved.

Later I would be disappointed with The Occidental Observer, Kevin MacDonald’s webzine, and precisely because of what Ferdinand Bardamu posted here, in The West’s Darkest Hour. I also chose Bardamu’s essay on why Europeans should abandon Christianity for The Fair Race. But now it is Bardamu himself who has disappointed me!

In his article published yesterday on The Occidental Observer, ‘White Nationalism and its Leftist Enemies’, Bardamu no longer uses the ‘neochristian’ term he used in his lengthy essay on The Fair Race. In his recent essay on MacDonald’s webzine, he replaced it with the term in vogue in white nationalism circles, ‘cultural Marxism’. It is true that while speaking of ‘an ideology of all-consuming, overwhelming psychotic White racial self-hatred’ Bardamu wrote:

… while elevating the virtues of his own Judeo-Christian slave morality—humility, weakness, equality—to a position of supremacy. Through Nietzschean transvaluation of all values, good becomes bad and bad becomes good.

However, as an almost orthodox white nationalist, Bardamu emphasises the JQ rather than the CQ. And what is worse, although I also published on this site his essay on NS Germany that they had rejected in other white nationalist forums (remember that NS and WN are two different animals), Bardamu doesn’t seem to have read what we say about NS Germany in Part I of The Fair Race—or even the central essay of that book. I am referring to ‘Rome vs. Judea; Judea vs. Roma’ also featured in Part I of The Fair Race. After a paragraph on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, in his essay yesterday Bardamu wrote:

Unlike Rome, the decline of America has been purposely engineered by hostile elites. The expatriate Jews of the Frankfurt School pathologized… Apparently, Whites have been so thoroughly indoctrinated by the media and education system they have come to embrace the demographic transformation of America as a fait accompli

Ignorance abounds in this quote. It was Jewry, in the form of Judeo-Christianity, that caused the collapse of Rome (cf. the part ‘Judea vs. Rome’ in the aforementioned essay of The Fair Race). And regarding the hostile elite, Bardamu seems to ignore the countless quotes I have collected on this site from Robert Morgan, who has been arguing with conservative racialists at Unz Review for quite some time, proving that anti-white and pro-black ideology to the point of a bloody civil war predates the mass migration of Jews into the United States. In fact, my post yesterday, ‘Confederate Cassandra’ was nothing more than quoting what Morgan had quoted a few days ago on Unz Review. The words with which Bardamu concludes his essay on the MacDonald webzine—:

America must die because the Whites who once formed her civilizational backbone are deracinated, alienated and milquetoast cosmopolitans. If the destructive policies of the elites are irreversible, it is because there is no longer anything for Whites to rally around, nor is there anything to draw them together. America must die, but that does not mean White nationalism must die along with it.

—I could paraphrase like this: Not only America, but Christianity must die because those males who once formed with it their civilisational backbone are now deracinated, alienated and lobotomised eunuchs. Judeo-Christianity must die, but that doesn’t mean that the ideals of National Socialism must die along with it.

Miscegenation Racial right

Christian continent

Yesterday I listened to Radio Free Northwest after a while of not listening. When Covington lived, a new podcast could be listened every week; now only once a month. I intended to find out if Andy Donner would say anything about the recent newspaper story alleging that Norman Spear, whose ‘Base’ had ties with Covington, continues to be a government agent. But Andy said nothing of the matter.

I kept listening and another interlocutor spoke from the most orthodox POV of white nationalism, using terms like ZOG and basically blaming Jewry for the problems. He also spoke about the recent negrolatric escalation. Like other sites of white nationalism, and unlike what Robert Morgan has been saying on Unz Review—let’s blame the people themselves, not just the elites—Andy and company have never blamed Christians.

If the diagnosis of a medical problem is flawed, the treatment will be unsuccessful. It is for this reason that many consider psychiatry a pseudoscience. Unlike true medical specialties, in psychiatry there are no biomarkers: only behaviours to be stigmatised with psychiatric labels.

If white nationalists’ diagnosis of white decline is flawed, the remedy will be unsuccessful too. They practically ignore the history of the continent south of the Rio Grande. For them, it doesn’t even seem to matter much the history of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California and Texas before the 1840s war, when they annexed those territories. If they introduced the history of the Iberian conquest of most of the American continent, the dogma of Jewry would be dismissed as the main cause of white decline. The fact is that Jew-wise Spanish and Portuguese, who reigned for three centuries on the continent, committed the greatest miscegenation experiment known in history, to the point of ruining their bloodline.

A Spaniard marrying an Indian with the approval of the Church

The history of most of the American continent, including the ancient history of states that now belong to the US, is of no interest to white nationalists simply because it falsifies their dogma. Remember that the Spaniards arrived here before the Anglo-Germanic colonists, and by 1521 they had already conquered the Aztec Empire. Also remember that, in New Spain, the Inquisition targeted mainly Jews and crypto-Jews. If the Iberian Jew-wise were able to perpetrate the greatest genetic ruin in an entire continent, it is obvious that the problem precedes, for centuries, what nationalists call ‘ZOG’. I’ve talked about it in previous years, but it was worth remembering.

Not only Radio Free Northwest but the rest of the WN internet movement refuses to blame Christianity for what happened on the continent.

Conspiracy theories Racial right Real men

Spartan nostalgia

In his latest comments, Robert Morgan made a few remarks about why conspiracy theories, so popular in the comment sections of racially conscious whites, bother me so much:

Linh Dinh: ‘When your tyrants can’t even be identified, much less found, no coup, uprising or revolution is possible…’

Exactly. Preventing revolutions is the purpose of conspiracy theories. People who imagine they are being controlled by nameless others have the perfect excuse to continue doing what they are doing, which is making up conspiracy theories, or in other words, nothing.

You can score cheap moral points by denouncing vague conspiracies, attributing to them anything you don’t like. You avoid blaming the people themselves, because they’re only puppets! That’s the attraction of conspiracy theories.

I, on the other hand, do blame the people themselves. As I see it, America is just suffering the painful consequences for centuries of Christian delusions. They themselves imported negroes to their shores, and then fought a war to set them free and make them fellow citizens. Thinking this is the result of a conspiracy is ridiculous. To do so is just a transparent attempt to evade responsibility.

At another site, Counter-Currents, also in one of the comments sections a woman just recommended The Turner Diaries.

It is very positive that at least in the comments section, someone mentions Pierce’s novel. In one of the passages of that novel, blacks took a white woman in front of the police to rape her and when a white man complained, the policemen fled embarrassed by the complaint, since defending the white woman would be ‘racist’. As the negrolatric religion grows, it won’t take too long to reach that neo-Orwellian level. But I wanted to say something else about that comments sections.

A couple of CC commenters have just complained that it was useless to talk (for example, about the recent murder of a white woman by BLM) with their wives, that wives don’t get what’s happening.

Since I was liberal in the past, I treated women as if they were regular blokes. Over the decades, in my family I could only talk about the family tragedy with the direct victims of the perps: a couple of women (who, incidentally, have already died). But when speaking brutally with one of them, as we blokes do, my female cousin freaked out and for a few years we weren’t on speaking terms. Only after discovering the manosphere did I realise that I had done something wrong. If I had known what I know today, I would have refrained from talking about little red riding hoods and wolves in my dealings with my poor cousin, who had been a victim of molestation.

I don’t blame myself for that way of speaking because I was brainwashed. Twenty years ago, when I corresponded with my cousin, I had internalised the ethno-suicidal propaganda that guys and gals are all the same. Now I see more than ever that the first guideline I devised for the priest of fourteen words is really adequate: let’s try to talk about transcendental issues only with white males. For example, there is absolutely no point in trying to convey to a woman the fact that we have about ten times more sexual drive than they feel. Since they have never felt such a thing, we can’t create a bridge of true communication.

There are exceptions of course. In this site I’ve mentioned a female friend with whom I can communicate. But she is the exception that confirms the rule. Although as a woman she doesn’t have the impulse I have, her empathy is such that she once told me an anecdote. Apparently, a woman experimented with some male hormones and she felt, for a few days, a tremendous sex drive. As my friend confessed to me when assimilating the anecdote, she finally felt respect for men because we repress our sexual drive not only a few days, but throughout the years. It doesn’t matter that my friend hasn’t done such a hormonal experiment. Just by telling me that anecdote she transmitted that thanks to it she could finally understand men. But as I said, she’s the exception.

Commenters complaining on CC about their wives don’t follow the priest’s guideline. They try the impossible: to communicate with them. The ideal would be to have such guilds only for males as the Spartans had, in which all young men were forced to eat together, even after marriage in order to create the necessary mannerbund. This, in spite of the fact that eventually all Spartans had to marry.

Today’s feminised men, including many racialists, don’t even realise that, in some matters, it’s impossible to build communication bridges with the fair sex. Yes: women could be serving at the table of the Spartan warriors, but not get into discussions or camaraderie.

Civil war Racial right Real men

On sewing ladies


Melanie turned 104!

The key to understanding white decline is simply to briefly visit the sites of white nationalism, alt-right, and alt-lite each day. The first thing that strikes you is, as I have said, that they seem to be run by ladies.

Every morning I visit the vlogger Styx-666 (who has survived the recent YouTube purge), Occidental Dissent, American Renaissance, Robert Morgan’s comments on Unz Review, Counter-Currents, the McSpencer Group and The Occidental Observer very briefly. I do it basically to see the titles of the recent articles or videos and perhaps read a single paragraph, or two, from one of those sites. Sometimes I read everything that Morgan writes.

Except for the latter, there is no hate in any of them—and Morgan is just a commenter, he doesn’t have any website. In contrast to these non-haters the right attitude is, as I was told yesterday: ‘The best course of action is to stay under the radar, accumulate resources and hate. But one needs to start writing (and if possible, talking) about killing and destroying’. But none of that exists on the mentioned sites, only in some aggregations from the commenters.

It makes me laugh more and more that they blame the Jews, when it is obvious that it is whites, even those who are more or less conscious, who are committing suicide. As the climate of the time increasingly becomes openly anti-white, their spirits should’ve already been amalgamated with the spirit of The Turner Diaries. But no: these conscious or semi-conscious whites are, basically, still in happy mode. Excepting Twitter, you don’t even breathe a real angry mode on days when blacks are already beginning to physically attack whites without impunity.

The admins of the aforementioned websites are like the little women who stay home when the first KKK emerged right after the American Civil War. In Gone with the Wind and the film adaptation Frank, Ashley, Rhett and several other accomplices make a night raid. See clip: here, where they deceive their wives and yanks so that the latter don’t blame them for the white justice the southerners have just committed.

The whole movie avoided the mention of the phrase ‘Klu Klux klan’ at all—a difference from the book. But the happy news is that this month Olivia de Havilland has reached her 104 years!

The role that Olivia played as Melanie in the movie, the central woman in the clip, is just how women must become after whites grow a pair and dare to transvalue the values, becoming like Frank, Rhett and Ashley again.

It is becoming increasingly intolerable to read the prose of people who have testicles but who sit at home sewing. Fortunately the System will tighten their nuts. When ten percent of whites start dying during the upcoming holy racial wars, whites will transition from happy mode to angry mode. It won’t be until a greater percentage of whites die that they will be able to transition to combat (defensive) mode. But the only mental state that will solve the problem once and for all is the killing mode (coup).

No pain, no gain. Without suffering, real suffering I mean, racially conscious whites will continue to be the little women they are by not speaking, even academically, about Revolution when it is time to start speaking openly.

‘Can anyone think of a single revolution in history that was conducted by tricking people into gradually accepting revolutionary anti-system truths, at which point everyone got together and voted in their desired regime?’ —River Koenig.

Ancient Rome Architecture Aryan beauty Classical sculpture Racial right

I’m still alone

One of the things that strike me when I say that I am speaking to myself is that some respond that they are listening to me, or that they have learned about anti-Christian matters thanks to this site. The reality is that that would be only one aspect of being accompanied.

A few days ago I quoted once again what Nietzsche said of Luther. This monk, instead of kneeling in Rome grateful for the transvaluation of visual values that had started at the very headquarters of Christendom, none of that impacted him, but returned to his dark Germany to write religious texts.

White nationalism is a basically American phenomenon. All major websites are American, not European. Europe died after World War II when two Judaised nations to the core annihilated it. But we should not blame Roosevelt’s US and Stalin’s SU one hundred percent, as both socio-political experiments were two branches that emerged from the same egalitarian baobab that began to engulf the West right after the French Revolution.

White nationalism being basically an American phenomenon, a descendant of the Calvinist Puritanism of the first colonists, is blind to the values that the Renaissance advocated: the plastic and visual arts. If we remember the texts of Evropa Soberana, a European from the westernmost part of Europe, for the Greeks and the Romans the beauty of the statuary and the temples, more than the texts—not all of them could read—was central. Remember what Greg Johnson said in the comments section of The Occidental Observer in 2012: ‘We need a regime that (1) bans pornography and (2) erects statues of gorgeous naked nymphs and athletes in every public square and crossroads’.

The texts of white nationalism, including the ones Johnson posts on his webzine, bore me (worst of all is the very verbose Unz Review whose admin is a Jew). They are a direct result of those who conquered the American continent, alienated in the Old Testament ethos and consequently inspired by Judaic legalisms and moralising rather than by the visual arts. Unlike these Judaised whites, what interests me is the beauty of nymphs, sylphs, and dryads (and it doesn’t bother me in the least that some pederasts include androgynous ephebes in the list).

Instead, the pundits of white nationalism, even those who have read Nietzsche, as little and prudish Luthers are blind not only to the beauty of the Aryan body, insofar their webzines don’t dream about it in every crossroad, but blind also about the squares that should inspire them to create the ethnostate. Remember ‘What Did Ancient Rome Look Like?’ that I embedded not long ago!

If I am alone it is because I have not been understood when I speak of the transvaluation. Perhaps many believe that I am still referring to texts or cold reason, when what I want is an ethnostate whose architecture resembles the Rome that appears in the aforementioned video.

The anti-white climate of our time is exactly the reverse of the dream of putting gorgeous naked nymphs and ephebes in every public square and crossroads. If contemporary racialists had already transvalued their values, instead of verbose texts that few read they would show in their webzines that beauty.

This is one of the reasons why I am not in the least concerned that the insane American negrolatres, and the blacks themselves, are smashing white male statues in America. All the statues knocked down by BLM and the antifa have been statues of clothed Christians: statues that had to be thrown away anyway after the Nietzschean revolution. What we need throughout the re-conquered West are thousands of completely naked pagan statues showing Aryan beauty in their full frontal glory.

To save the race, values must be revalued, and that means understanding things as inconceivable to American racists as what I said to European Vig these days in the context of how music would sound like if Christianity had not murdered our souls.

Arthur de Gobineau Friedrich Nietzsche Kevin MacDonald Music Racial right Richard Wagner

On Parsifal

The reason I practically don’t interact in other racialist forums or follow them on Twitter is that they don’t feel infinite hatred, and I strongly believe that the only way to save the race is through the amalgamation of your soul, your whole being with the spirit of The Turner Diaries: to be at the right of Himmler during the West’s darkest hour, so to speak. Furthermore, the pundits of white nationalism are ignoring the Christian problem. Counter-Currents posted yesterday ‘Kevin MacDonald’s Individualism & The Western Liberal Tradition. Part 7: White Maladaptive Altruism’ by Ricardo Duchesne. Since the pundits of white nationalism follow MacDonald and not the Führer, they are able of writing things like the following, which appeared yesterday in Duchesne’s article:

The Quakers were “highly principled and deeply Christian, with a powerful sense of fairness and egalitarianism.” They had, in MacDonald’s words, a “genuine empathy for the slaves,” morally outraged by “acts of great injustice done to their fellow human beings.” The Quakers were also “highly egalitarian” in their institutional organization; “there were no bishops or ordained ministers, and any person (including women) could speak.” They emphasized the “intellectual and moral equality of African slaves.” Although the Methodists were more into self-help, diligence, and hard work, they too believed that all humans were equally valuable, and that’s why they opposed slavery.

MacDonald’s point is not that whites were wrong to seek the abolition of slavery. His aim is to understand the excessive moral preoccupation whites exhibited about the plight of Africans coupled with their current pathological empathy for aggressive immigrants occupying their lands. In light of this reality, and the complete indifference Muslims have to this day about their thousand-year-old enslavement of Africans, these Puritan-descended movements do seem incredibly naive, child-like, and devoid of realism. What is there to admire about this?

I will make the argument that the eighteenth century was period of “radical change” in the conception of the Western self…

The 18th century? I would say that the West took a very wrong turn from the 4th century! By targeting putatively genetic rather than ideological altruism (Christian malware) this MacDonald disciple doesn’t directly blame the inversion of values on Christianity pure and simple (not only Quakers): something that Nietzsche detected for the first time in the history of ideas.

Like the Quakers Parsifal was child-like. He felt great compassion for those who suffer, especially King Amfortas, who had fallen out of favour since Klingsor struck him with the holy spear: a wound that was not healing. Nietzsche loved Parsifal’s music but hated the message of his old friend’s last opera.

Musically, I think Parsifal is Wagner’s most accomplished work. The overtures of each of the three acts, as well as the magnificent music when Gurnemanz takes Parsifal into the castle in the first act; the background music and the voices by the end of the discussion between Parsifal and Kundry in the second act, and let’s not talk about the Good Friday music in the third act, are the most glorious and spiritual I have ever listened. No wonder why Max Reger (1873-1916) confessed: ‘When I first heard Parsifal at Bayreuth I was fifteen. I cried for two weeks and then became a musician’.

I recently recycled a Wikipedia text talking about the religious aspects of National Socialism and I don’t see why not to do it again with a wiki passage about Parsifal, albeit with a pro-White spin instead of the philo-Semitic POV of that encyclopaedia.

Some writers see in the opera the promotion of racism or anti-Semitism. One line of argument suggests that Parsifal was written in support of the ideas of Arthur de Gobineau who advocated Aryanism. Parsifal is proposed as the ‘pure-blooded’ (i.e. Aryan) hero who overcomes Klingsor, who is perceived as a Jewish stereotype, particularly since he opposes the quasi-Christian Knights of the Grail. Such claims remain heavily debated, since there is nothing explicit in the libretto to support them. Wagner never mentions such ideas in his many writings, and Cosima Wagner’s diaries, which relate in great detail Wagner’s thoughts over the last 14 years of his life (including the period covering the composition and first performance of Parsifal) never mentions any such intention.

Wagner first met Gobineau very briefly in 1876, but it was only in 1880 that he read Gobineau’s An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. However, Wagner had completed the libretto for Parsifal by 1877, and the original drafts of the story date back to 1857. Despite this chronological evidence, Gobineau is frequently cited as a major inspiration for Parsifal.

The related question of whether the opera contains a specifically anti-Semitic message is also debated. Some of Wagner’s contemporaries and commentators (e.g. Hans von Wolzogen and Ernest Newman) who analysed Parsifal at length, make no mention of any anti-Semitic interpretations. However the critics Paul Lindau and Max Nordbeck, present at the world premiere, noted in their reviews how the work accorded with Wagner’s anti-Jewish sentiments. More recent commentators continue to highlight the perceived anti-Semitic nature of the opera, and find correspondences with anti-Semitic passages found in Wagner’s writings and articles of the period.

However, the conductor of the premiere was Hermann Levi, the court conductor at the Munich Opera. Since King Ludwig was sponsoring the production, much of the orchestra was drawn from the ranks of the Munich Opera, including the conductor. Wagner objected to Parsifal being conducted by a Jew (Levi’s father was in fact a rabbi). Wagner first suggested that Levi should convert to Christianity, which Levi declined to do. Wagner then wrote to King Ludwig that he had decided to accept Levi despite the fact that he had received complaints that ‘of all pieces, this most Christian of works’ should be conducted by a Jew. When the King expressed his satisfaction at this, replying that ‘human beings are basically all brothers’, Wagner wrote to the King that he ‘regarded the Jewish race as the born enemy of pure humanity and everything noble about it’.

Here we have once again the pathological altruism of influential Christians, in this case the very king. Not only the 19th-century Quakers practiced out-group altruism (Parsifal felt in-group altruism) but the Germans themselves, even Wagner’s sponsor.

It has been claimed that Parsifal was denounced as being ‘ideologically unacceptable’ in the Third Reich, and that the Nazis placed a de facto ban on Parsifal. In fact there were twenty-six performances at the Bayreuth Festival between 1934 and 1939 as well as twenty-three performances at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin between 1939 and 1942. However, it was not performed at the Bayreuth Festival during World War II.

Today at dawn, yesterday and the days before yesterday I watched the complete Parsifal directed by Daniel Barenboim (another Jew!) and compared it with other representations. It was the first time that I watch it with Spanish subtitles. After finishing my book El Grial I was impressed that in this 1993 performance the spear ended on the Grail cup at the very end. I couldn’t help but compare it to my extremely analogous metaphor in the climax of my book.

But I can’t use Parsifal in my book because the opera is riddled with Christian allusions, and my book is as anti-Christian as the last page of Nietzsche’s The Antichrist. But I also projected myself with what Parsifal says to Gurnemanz: that I lost my path for decades before finding my way back to Amfortas (all of this will seem cryptic to anyone who hasn’t read the book).

Racial right

Why American racialists ignore Hitler

by commenter

The Anglo-Saxons are an envious people of the German Accomplishments, especially with the founding of the National Socialist Movement because they beat the English and Americans to such a superior system away from the Capitalist-Democratic mode of life…

The reason most white nationalists aren’t all that interested in Hitler and despise him or prefer not to invoke his name except when and where convenient (at times) is because they don’t really identify with the Pagan Spirituality of Hitler and the NSM, especially where it violates their Christian beliefs. Americans and English will always have an inferiority complex because they lack a certain sense of real culture, and they try making up for this inferiority with their Christian Religious Cults because they have no “myth” to their existence.

The Anglo-American mode of life prides ego and wealth as their way of sizing up others, rather than a mutual love and consideration for their own kin. The latter is impossible considering how mongrelized their people have now become.

Blacks Civil war Michael O'Meara Racial right Real men

Apollo and the cross

‘My suggested approach [regarding the anti-white system] is generally fairly mild, nonviolent, and legal’. —a phrase from the feminized piece that has just been published, today, as a featured article on The Occidental Observer.

Generally I would only recommend the Counter-Currents (CC) webzine to a little normie who wants to take his first baby steps when crossing the psychological Rubicon. Like The Occidental Observer and American Renaissance, CC is an online publication for racially conscious American conservatives, not for Nietzschean revolutionaries. They don’t deserve to be called ‘white nationalists’, the term some of them use, since creating a White Nation would obviously require revolutionary violence. God forbid!

I would go as far as claim that almost all the racialist sites that use the term White Nationalism lie, as they are not promoting revolutionary ideals to reclaim their nations. What they are actually doing is complaining, as women have complained throughout history. If the alt-right sites were run by women I would not criticise them at all. But they are administered by males, which makes these men intellectually cowards, at least compared to the author of Toward the White Republic.

Although Michael O’Meara’s last chapter is a ‘Call to Arms’, in the sense that he was not advocating mere armchair speculation or complaining, this is not the time to start a revolution as the zeitgeist is at the exact opposite pole. However, an ideology must be created that takes antichristianism to its ultimate consequences—see for example what I said this morning to a commenter—always keeping in mind that the final goal is the fulfilment of the fourteen words.

This said, and independently of the baby steps, sometimes Counter-Currents contributors say interesting things. Yesterday for example CC published a piece by Spencer Quinn, ‘Black Lives Matter is Black Supremacy’, which is worth reading. But I was more interested in what a couple of commenters said in the comments section. The first wrote:

As others have said, these riots were about black honour and power. A white policeman kills a black criminal. But blacks see only ‘white man kills black man’ and respond through vengeance upon white society.

Another one commented:

What is cited regarding people getting fired over mildly criticizing BLM doesn’t really have much to do with the organization per se so much as the extravagant social currency connected to BLM; companies are firing people because we live in a capitalist economy; criticizing BLM is equated with criticizing blacks; criticizing blacks is taboo; and a company that associates with people who commit a taboo will lose social credibility and thus money. It is really capitalism that has given the abundance of soft power to BLM— BLM just happens to be the “moral truth” at this moment in time. In the past, I’m sure in certain places you could lose your job and social capital for supporting blacks. Same system, different truth.

This second comment is important, as it was difficult to understand why companies are taking sides with vandals, rioters, and those who pull down once-respected statues in the US. But what both Quinn and his commenters omit is that the moral grammar that Christianity engendered is behind today’s taboo of criticising blacks, or other minorities, throughout the West.

The gospel commands us to love the weak, and even more so those groups who are at the bottom in society. The Enlightenment, the American Revolution and the French Revolution only started the process to secularise these axiological standards, but the background always was Christian standards of morality. As I tried to explain in my post yesterday, pulling down from the pedestal the handsome sculptures of classical culture was nothing more than degrading ancient civilisation in Rome after a cult of Semitic origin took over the empire. And what is at issue today is replacing white supremacism with ‘black supremacism’, to use Quinn’s expression. The first step to achieve this is degrading modern white civilisation through its very symbols.

It is up to the men who are now deceptively calling themselves white nationalists to leave their femininity behind and start thinking like real men. The first step in that direction would be a return to pre-Christian values, for example, beginning to love once again the handsome statues that the Semites destroyed so many centuries ago. The rest follows from there.

Down with the cross, up with Apollo!

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