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Judeo-reductionism Michael O'Meara Racial right

The war on whites

In yesterday’s featured article on The Occidental Observer (TOO), ‘The War on Whites: Harold Covington’s Northwest Novels’, Edmund Connelly used my old, now obsolete penname ‘Chechar’ (I currently use my initials, C.T.). I would like to comment on some of the things Connelly said:

The War on Whites is moving to a higher level—fast. Signs are everywhere; they are undeniable. First and foremost, understand and accept that this is happening. For many, there will be no escape. If you are White and don’t yet grasp what is happening, quickly find out from someone who does. Lives will depend on it.

In my previous TOO article, I reviewed ‘collapse’ novels by Matthew Bracken as a means to put average Whites in the frame of mind needed to accept that ‘our’ government is now fully ready to attack us. All institutions are now arrayed against the White Christian founding stock of the United States of America: from the government, to the media, to education, to corporations, to the military, to the churches—all of it. And I know many of you readers see this…

This war is being waged by the mainstream, organized Jewish community. This cannot be denied.

This is short-sighted. While what Connelly says is technically true, in the West there are more traitorous whites than subversive Jews. Before Jews came to Connelly’s country in substantial numbers, the US had already waged a bloody war of secession against the white and in favour of the black. The racialised right has been particularly blind to this history, as the American Robert Morgan has pointed out so many times in the comments section of The Unz Review. (A selection of Morgan’s ideas when he was commenting on TOO under another penname can be seen: here.)

To my amazement, however, a hefty majority who correctly write about the danger facing the White race either fail or refuse to take their analysis to its obvious conclusion: Who is behind this vast swatch of anti-White activism? I would have thought that with the release of Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy on Jews in the 1990s and its subsequent filtering into the growing culture of the Dissident or Alt-Right, the matter of who is on the attack would be settled.

Technically true but still myopic, since what happens now is a re-enactment of what happened 1,700 years ago when other white traitors, incited by Christianised Semites, seized the power of the Roman Empire: as a few years ago we explained on this site with a series under the title ‘Apocalypse of whites’ (our core essay) which I recently linked on another thread at the TOO comments section.

Myopic I say because Connelly ignores not only what happened in Europe when Constantine came to power, but what happened in Latin America more than a millennium later.

By subscribing to the hypothesis that the JQ is the primary cause of the war against the white man, white nationalists have been reluctant to see that, in Mexico, its War of Independence (1810-1821) was consummated by white Criollos against the Peninsular whites, and its Revolution one hundred years later (1910-1917) lowered racial taboos and led to the rise of non-Criollos.

They don’t know either that the first president of Paraguay went to anti-white extremes that the US has not reached even in 2021: banning marriages among whites who were only allowed to marry mestizos or mulattos! Revilo Oliver knew better the history of Latin America. Who of the white nationalist pundits knows it now? It’s precisely because Connelly ignores the history of Europe from Constantine, or what happened in the Americas, that he writes:

This present essay names Jews as ‘the architects of this modern horror show’, the sponsors of this War on Whites…

Rather, I’d argue that Covington’s premises in his Northwest novels concerning a Jewish War on Whites are more relevant now.

However, Connelly’s article has good points. Earlier this year I complained that except for the retired writer Michael O’Meara, the pundits of white nationalism today are reactionary, not revolutionary. In his article, Connelly vindicates revolutionary thinking by introducing the TOO readership to the fiction of Harold Covington, especially the best of his novels, The Brigade.

One of the last chapters is [literally] an incendiary account titled ‘The Hotrod of the Apocalypse’… The point is that O’Meara has an unusually deep understanding of Covington’s intent in writing the Northwest novels.

Those who want to read my excerpts from The Brigade can do so: here. It’s on my list of must-read books.

Covington’s rendering of this White war for survival is gripping, compelling, and prescient beyond measure. I’ve read the book three times and without fail the 517 pages flew by as if it was only a few hours of reading.

After quoting some passages from The Brigade, Connelly tells us:

If I were to give you five narrow-lines pages of notepaper and let you loose on the Internet, how long would it take you to fill those pages with examples of how America is now lost to us? Not long, I suspect. And the main reason for this state of affairs is spelled out in MacDonald’s Culture of Critique and other works. We face a Jewish War on Whites.

Sorry but this is myopic once again. The pundits of white nationalism ignore the anti-Aryan war that the white man already waged both in the Roman Empire when it was Christianised and what happened in the Americas: an experiment that resulted in colossal miscegenation throughout this continent. (The Iberian whites irreparably polluted their DNA when the Inquisition kept even the crypto-Jews at bay!) I am not saying that Jewry doesn’t want to destroy the best of the Goyim, but that whites themselves have been their worst enemies because of Christian ethics: the paradigm of this site that replaces the paradigm of white nationalists.

And speaking of Christian ethics, a notable Christian among the pro-white forums is Hunter Wallace, who today published a piece, ‘Der Movement: Frazier Glenn Miller has Died in Prison of Natural Causes’, whose abstract reads: ‘The death of Glenn Miller is symbolic of the end of an era’. Wallace is the typical reactionary who rejects revolutionaries. As stupid as Glenn Miller’s act that landed him in jail may have been, Wallace picks on flawed revolutionaries like him instead of picking on mature intellectuals who advocate revolution like Michael O’Meara.

However, what Connelly later says under the heading ‘Media Silence and Distortion’ referring to Jewry is completely true. Regarding black-on-white crime, Connelly adds:

The truth is not hard to find—but paradoxically, it is impossible to see. Well, it seems paradoxical only to those who do not know about the evil surrounding the Jewish Question.

Unlike Revilo Oliver, monolingual racialists don’t realise that in Mexico newspapers like the Christian-owned Reforma are as subversive as Jewish-owned newspapers in the neighbouring country to the north. At least in the Americas, it isn’t only Jews but mestizos and Criollo traitors who promote the anti-white zeitgeist. The vast majority of Criollos I know are traitors to their race (see e.g., what I say in Spanish in a brief note: here).

Given that Connelly linked this site from TOO and some TOO visitors have come today to see what we say in the link that Conelly put in his article, I would suggest that visitors familiarise themselves with our new paradigm that doesn’t leave the JQ aside but rather expands it into what we call the CQ, the Christian Question (see the book The Fair Race whose PDF is available on the sidebar).

Exterminationism James Mason Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Siege, 51

When as it happens

Tricky, introverted and myopic “comparisons” between the sick U.S. and Western societies of today, and the “sick” Weimar society of Germany in the 1920’s have been some of the favorite stand-by’s of the Right Wing in this country since the end of the War. Clearly, something isn’t exactly jelling.

Revolutionaries can see and know the realities of both situations and can’t be kidded, nor do they kid themselves. They haven’t got the patience. The question that remains is whether a revolutionary movement will arise from out of the older, more reactionary movement that we have known, or whether it will arise literally from out of nowhere, from among those who have had no experience with the tired and dreary old ways of the past. Perhaps what follows will provide some of the answer.

Between living in the past—be it either Reconstruction South or Weimar Germany—and harping on a “Jewish Conspiracy”, the traditional Movement has no other leg to stand on, ideologically or strategically. What’s been happening, and what’s still happening as a result, has been the creation of a magnetic force attracting kooks and cranks; producing something that is, and appears for all the world to be ridiculous; thus making sure that no solid and worthwhile types will be recruited or stay for very long; and winds up by scapegoating its failures rather than engaging in serious and intelligent re-evaluation of its overview and position.

Latching onto the past as a profession begs for the System and the media to heap all their many smears and epithets onto us; is an open invitation for the System to pass and enforce such things as “Genocide Treaties”, etc.; and because it pretends to work within the System to change the System, it leaves room for doubt about those vast numbers of “System-entrenched” Whites and opens the way for Movement people to write “Dear Mr. President” letters and tell their members to “write their Congressmen” and to frantically urge “America” to “wake up!”. In reality it’s a dead-end street.

One thing we all received in our years with the old Movement was a thorough education on the Jewish Question. It’s all quite true. There is and always has been a Jewish Conspiracy ever since contact has existed between Jews and Europeans. I will say that no professional revolutionary can hope to be real unless he is fully familiar with each aspect of the Jewish Question. It is only part of his basic education. Again, it is but one factor among many and this is where the Movement has been failing for so long. The fact is that what happened to our people and our culture would probably have happened anyway. Maybe not so soon, maybe not so drastically. But it would have happened.

Going back to the close of the Renaissance period, the Jews never could have gotten their foot in the door of Western Civilization unless something had not already been amiss in the basic structure and outlook of things. One can point an accusing finger at “democracy” as being responsible for aliens entering into our affairs, but never forget that “democracy” in practice, in law, is a most recent development and only came about after the Jews and their allies got the upper hand in government matters. When the Jews made their entrance upon the scene, they were allowed in by the very leaders themselves—the kings and emperors, the upper classes. For who else had the power and decision-making ability to control this back then, before “democracy”?

The Jews are aiders and abetters in this. They are specialists when it comes to alien corruption and they are certainly reaping their share of the profits from it all. And though the number of them directly involved in it condemns them by proportion to their total population, the Beast System is still basically manned and operated by renegade, sold-out Whites. What we are fighting has always been, and will always be, a sickness from within [italics in the original].

Blame? The cause and the well-spring for all of this can be located but it would be a mistake to seek merely to place a blame. It’s been going on for too long now, it is too deeply entrenched in today’s lives to try to isolate things and individuals. But if we were to identify where it all comes from, what sustains it, and who profits most from it at the expense of the race itself, then where else and who else could we look to other than the ruling, upper classes of society? Those that let the Jews in in the first place, those that took them to their bosom, those that always set the newest “trends” for perversion and degeneracy, those that get richer while we get poorer, those who in their vilest, foulest depths of anti-life numbness find their final kicks in drugs and consorting with racial aliens. And with their government in one hand and their Hollywood in the other, seek to reduce the rest of the population to their own level of decadence. I might add that their success in this isn’t far enough away from completion to merit any discussion of just “how far”.

The final word, the last comparison between here and now and there and then with regard to repeating Hitler’s miracle in Germany would involve a statement made by Albert Speer in later years as he sought to further acquit himself, further glorify himself, and further condemn Hitler in his highly lucrative written and televised accounts of life in the Third Reich. Speer said, quite correctly, that the reason Hitler’s rise in Germany was so fast and so certain was because the very BEST in German society were behind him. This explains why the entire German nation had to be incinerated in the course of the War, why their entire government had to be murdered. It wasn’t just a man or a party, it was the whole country, or at least those elements that counted most. And so Hitler’s Movement was not the kooky, funny thing we see here in America today. It was truly representative of the will of the German people.

If you haven’t caught onto the secret yet, then I will spell out for you why any such comparison between then and now is a totally lame one. True, the Weimar society was a sick one. But it was a sickness suddenly and forcibly attached to Germany at the highest levels. The people themselves saw it and hated it and were ready for Hitler when he made his appearance. In all, Weimar lasted fifteen years. Here the sickness has been coming along, unabated, for at least three generations and probably more. It’s their own baby and they love it. They wouldn’t be parted from it. It’s part of “Americanism”. This sickness is home-grown and it is from the inside out.

What sort of Movement would it take to represent the will of the American people today? With some variations, several are already on the scene and, I might add, none of them remotely resemble anything National Socialist. Then too, there is no “American People”, only Whites who, for the most part, have lost all racial pride and identity. But they are only reflections of what their rulers, the upper classes, have made themselves into. In a plutocracy, which this is, the wealthy decide and control the mould of the society, how the future generations will take shape. And, like any god, they can predictably be expected to fashion the people of the future in their own image. Meet the future today as it was envisioned forty and fifty years ago! And tomorrow?

When we speak of the best we have no choice but to speak in very real and very practical terms. Yes, racially best, of course. But best when it comes to profession. Best when it comes to training and education. Best when it actually comes to shouldering and maintaining the country and the economy. Best in practice and performance. These were the people who supported Hitler in Germany. But who are they, where are they, WHAT are they here, today?

In terms of American and Western societies in the present day, what I described in the above paragraph, collectively, can only be referred to as Pigs of the System and Establishment. And there, in a nutshell you have the chances of repeating what Hitler accomplished in the 1920’s and ’30’s. These people went gladly off to kill Germany.

The White upper classes—which, make no mistake, rule this land—have long since been alienated from their own people, their own past; the great struggles and causes of White history are forgotten; today these people are merely managers and custodians, albeit damned well-paid ones at that; the West is no longer in competition against any coloreds; it has become the “White Man’s Burden” run amok there is no longer any “them” or “us” for all are “happy” together in “democracy” (at least in theory); all is liberalism; all is materialism. Jews are only a minority in this but they do manage to swim so very well in this open sewer they have helped to create. But the sick Whites are vying each to out-do the other in order to catch up and be the most “in” of the “in crowd”.

We’re talking about a very large body of people who have sold out, or, perhaps better put, have burnt out. With no vital signs left. Yet, to remove them would be to see the U.S. at an end. Not to remove them will be to see another Africa arise on the North American Continent. It is not so much a conspiracy as it is a head being out of touch with its body but yet striving to make certain that the body becomes as vile and perverse as the head, thus spelling doom for the entire organism. A ruling body with its own, peculiar world view in which they believe, for they are quite sincere. The Whites of this country and indeed most of the West have been betrayed by their own rotten leaders. Yes, their natural leaders, the nation’s elite! That is why no renaissance can be possible here. Only revolution.

It must be DEATH to an entire strata of the population… and a new, fresh ruling elite established from the ranks of the natural peasantry or yeomanry, before that too has been eaten away from the inside out and nothing remains of it.

Volume XV, #3 – March, 1986.


Note of the Ed.: So the good guys were exterminated, not the bad ones!

Instead of the bold-type, Mason’s letters are normal. The link to Hellstorm’s review is mine too.

Jesus Judeo-reductionism Kevin MacDonald

Morgan’s comments on Unz Review

Christianity has always been anti-racist. How could it be otherwise? It’s built upon the idea of whites worshiping a Jew; i.e., someone of another race. Jesus encouraged the apostles to make converts of all races. More, from the earliest times the church has allowed and even encouraged interracial marriage.

The white Christian cult of the victim began with Jesus, and continued through the various martyrs celebrated by the Catholic Church. Before the Christian takeover of white civilization, there was no cult of the victim. White people didn’t see any virtue in being a victim at all.

MacDonald thinks Christianity is generally positive for whites, and because of that, his way of explaining the fanatical anti-racist and pro-immigration stance of all mainstream Christian churches is to say that they have been infiltrated and subverted by Jews. Poor white people! Not even safe from Jewish attack within the confines of their own churches! No, it definitely could not be the case that two thousand years of Jesus’ message to love everyone, regardless of race, has had a weakening effect on their racial solidarity. Perish the thought! MacDonald approves of Christianity even though it came from Jews and even though it perfectly fits his own paradigm of a Jewish movement. In his view, whites were completely helpless to prevent the takeover of their churches by the devious, treacherous, scheming Jews.

His approach to issues such as feminism, corporate power, civil rights, the mass media and so on follows this same pattern. To MacDonald the vast majority of whites are mere clay, existing only to be molded by Jewish power.

Assuming he was an actual person and not just a mythic figure, and his Biblical portrayal is accurate, it would be fair to describe Jesus as the original social justice worker. He’s the prototype, and all the rest, with their foot washing and boot kissing, their uplifting of the poor, the persecuted, and the meek (like Jesus!), and condemnation of the rich, the proud, and the strong (like Satan!), are but imitators of Christ. As for racial in-group constraints, the whole point of Christianity seems to be to eliminate them, and while one can dispute all day whether that’s a proper interpretation of various Bible verses or not, it’s inarguable that that has been the effect Christianity has produced. The Christian mainstream is ostentatiously “color blind” and places no value at all on race.

This view also presents a problem for Sunic’s friend MacDonald, since if the egalitarian impulse is indeed “primordial”, and present in everyone as a matter of “instinct”, why would Jews be needed to bring it out? As an alternative explanation, could it not be that, instead of being “brainwashed”, subverted, and culturally undermined by Jews, whites are merely following their own egalitarian impulses? Hard to see why not. It doesn’t require much persuasion to persuade someone to do something they want to do anyway.

Of course, portrayal of oneself or one’s in-group as a victim is a handy way to avoid self-examination and self-blame. A man who enters on a self-destructive course of action will often blame someone other than himself. But everyone knows, or should, that that’s just an excuse.

Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Drastic measure?

“A country has the Jews it deserves.
Just as mosquitoes can thrive
and settle only in swamps,
likewise the former can only thrive
in the swamps of our sins” —Codreanu.

There are times when I want to close the comments section of this site. No matter how much I say again and again that this is not a site that promotes white nationalism, many who come to comment here do so assuming it is.

I recently linked Tom Sunic’s speech in Budapest. Let’s say that people like Sunic, who blames capitalism and Christianity for white decline, is more in line with what I say. While I am far harder on the Jews than Sunic, the Croatian intellectual is more in line with Hitler’s table talks or the SS pamphlets that, in addition to Jewry, also blamed the churches instead of the all-Jew paranoia that rules white nationalism.

In their forums careers, white nationalists have eaten too many Jews for breakfast, to the point that some among them believe that they are the alpha and the omega of Western malaise.

In other words, whites are completely innocent! No swamps. No sins. Mysteriously, the mosquitoes took over their societies…!

Today, for example, a relatively regular commenter of this site said that the Jewish quarter was behind this week’s US operation to kill a popular military man in Iran. In other discussion threads of such forums I also find preposterous claims, that every bad thing is brought about by the Jews: even when there is no substantial evidence of it (say, Jews behind the mass shootings of recent years).

Another regular commenter of this site recently said that he admired Stalin because he removed influential Jews from the party—as if that diminished Stalin’s role in the German Holocaust from 1945 to 1947 or even later (as many German zeks died in the labour and extermination camps of the Gulag)!

There are countless examples of this type throughout the life of this blog (e.g., this other recent comment). But it is useless to state and restate the POV of this site, which ideologically is closer to the leadership of the Third Reich than to what racialist Americans say in their forums.

Other comments have bothered me on other issues, such as the admiration for Charles Manson from three of the smartest commenters who used to come here. While they are not Judeo-reductionists, I never got to understand what they saw in Manson (compare the pointless murder of the beautiful Sharon Tate, which was not inspired by the 14 words, with what I say about the Red Wedding).

I have very little time to translate my books, and responding to these types of comments from people who don’t even read the most elementary stuff of this site (like this other commenter) only wastes my time.

Understand it once and for all: This is not a site that promotes white nationalism. It is a neo-Nazi site, although the term has lent to abuse in recent decades from leftists and rightists alike. Read The Fair Race—every page of it—before commenting here.

Thank you.

Judeo-reductionism Racial right


Several times I have referred to white nationalism, which is basically an American phenomenon, as ‘charlatanry’. If one keeps in mind a paragraph of the sticky post, the words of a commenter, it will be clear what we mean:

Sooner or later the world will recognise that Hitler was right and that until the West accepts this fact, they will continue their ongoing self-destruction, especially in the US and the UK. Either way, massive destruction is unavoidable because after the Second World War the Allies must pay a massive karmic debt.

My friend Paulina, whom I have referred to elsewhere and whom I constantly quote from the third book of my eleven autobiographical books, sent me a letter to Manchester telling me ‘Cómo es necesaria la humildad para reconocer los propios errores’ (‘How humility is necessary to recognise one’s mistakes’). She was referring to my parents who never recognised what they did. But the same can be said of Americans, including many racialists, who don’t want to see what their parents and grandparents did in the last century: the direct cause of the strange phenomenon of white suicide today.

Paulina, I, and those who have delved into the labyrinths of the human mind know that ‘people do not change’. Even if monthly lists of the 10 most popular WN internet sites existed, my intuition is that none of them would constantly denounce what the Americans did in Germany.
This site is for those Aryans on both sides of the Atlantic who, unlike most white nationalists, are humble enough to acknowledge the mortal sin that their ancestors committed—mortal, as it will cost the fair race its very existence. As long as they don’t atone it, and that means that books like Tom Goodrich’s would have to be on their list of must-reads, white nationalism will continue to be a charlatan movement.

The West’s Darkest Hour does not appeal to racialists who currently hold the highest ratings in Alexa Internet, Inc., but to new generations of racists who are willing to question the dogmas of white nationalism. I am referring to a blind, deaf and self-righteous mono-causality that places all evil in Jewry omitting that it was whites that empowered them. (In today’s America the mere fact of being a Christian empowers Jewry, as it validates both the god of the Jews and their Old Testament.)

The power of the Jews in the West is mere punishment for the mortal sin of whites. Do you want less Jew power? Repent. Straighten your ways. Reject the figure of the fictional Jew from which the West counts its calendars and place a real man, Hitler, in his place. Not doing this is pure ethno-suicide, and white nationalists are an integral part of this disease. If they weren’t part of it none would have held the enemy flag in Charlottesville. (Remember, the US has fought three anti-white wars: the first in the 1860s on its own soil, the second in the 1940s in Europe, and the third one is an international war based on its cultural hegemony over the West: a cold war of gradual white extermination.)

In the future things will go from bad to worse. My wish is that when it really gets black sites like this one, or PDFs like The Fair Race when the Americans repeal their first and second amendments, will come to life.

American civil war Blacks Hate Judeo-reductionism

Latest Morgan comments

Jonathan Revusky: “Oh, c’mon. The real history of all that is much more murky and complex.”

Complexify and obfuscate all you want, but what it comes down to is either the preservation of the white race is important to American whites or it isn’t.

The incorporation of negroes into post-Civil War America on equal footing with whites settled that question in the negative. All that remained was to devise the technical means of carrying out the integration. What’s happening today was set in motion 150 years ago. Except for a few isolated individuals such as these mass shooters, most whites seem at peace with it. If they weren’t there’d be many more such incidents, and “white racist” or “white supremacist” would be a badge of honor instead of an epithet.

Jonathan Revusky: “That statement is just plain dishonest.”

The statement is both easy to understand and accurate. That political equality would inevitably promote social equality and race mixing was obvious.

Sean McBride: “The unstated assumption in this Judeocentric and paranoid belief system is that Jews comprise a super-race that can bend all non-Jews to their will through magical operations of some kind.”

No, not magic. The usual story is that Jews control everyone else through their control of money, and through their domination of cultural choke points such as law, education, and mass media. But this ignores the fact that throughout history, exploited people have stood up to tyranny even at the cost of their own lives. For the question “Why don’t they stand up now?” the anti-Semites have no good answer.

It doesn’t seem to occur to them that it could be that the vast majority of whites actually agree with the cultural changes the anti-Semites deplore, or at least, aren’t sufficiently worried by them to want to revolt. They just keep on banging the drum anyway, hoping to “wake people up”. And of course, that won’t happen to any great degree, and can’t, because most are already as “awake” as they want to be. Right wing politics is a cottage industry, supporting a number of grifters posing as leaders, running the gamut from Rush Limbaugh to David Duke.

John Derbyshire: “With a hundred thousand people a month coming in across our southern border without permission, terms like “invasion” and “ethnic replacement” don’t seem hyperbolic to me… [but the shooter] was insane; and yes, the guy is a psychopathic monster.”

How else to repel an invasion but by force? Politely ask them to leave? You may say let the gov’t handle it, but plainly, it hasn’t and won’t.

Bardon Kaldian: “So, black worship among some/many whites mystifies me. I just cannot get it, both at visceral & rational levels.”

You shouldn’t have slept through class during Anti-Semitism 101. Don’t you know that whites are easily programmed by the mass media, education, and gov’t to believe anything the Jews want them to believe? As a consequence of their reprogramming, the North American stink ape, once held in contempt by white people (or so the story goes), now are worshipped as gods by them, very similar to the way cows are sacred in India.

Nicolás Palacios Navarro: “I think what stops a lot of us from being honest with ourselves about these kinds of subjects is how hate of hatred itself is inculcated into some of us from a very young age. To ‘give in’ to hate has become a moral crime in and of itself.”

This is the secularization of Christianity. That God is Love is one of the foundational lies of that religion. However, if God is Love, what does that make you if you are a hater? In a culture shaped by Christianity, one who hates automatically becomes part of Satan’s army; a devil incarnate.

Nicolás Palacios Navarro: “Hatred is not only a perfectly natural human emotion, it is also the catalyst for change and justice. To stigmatize hate is like neutralizing an opponent before they can even express dissent, let alone plan or act strategically.”

The world described by Darwin is a world of struggle, a war of all against all, in which all life ultimately ends in death and corporeal dissolution. In such a world, if there is a human emotion that could be said to characterize it, it’s hate, not love.

Counterinsurgency: “Hatred is the emotion engendered by serious threats to one’s life or the lives of ones dependents or the people who must remain alive as a support network for the aforementioned. That’s it.”

You’ve failed to understand what I said. Hatred is much more than that. It powers the whole world. That’s why the Christian lie that God is Love is such an outrageous imposture.

Civil war Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Judeo-reductionism Racial right

Advice to would-be revolutionaries

In his last article against white nationalist terrorism, Greg Johnson said: ‘Yes, Crusius did something evil…’ Despite claims to the contrary, self-styled secular Johnson, who used to deliver Christian homilies in a San Francisco church, has never given up Christian ethics:

By the “Old Right,” I mean classical Fascism and National Socialism and their contemporary imitators who believe that White Nationalism can be advanced through such means as one party-politics, terrorism, totalitarianism, imperialism, and genocide.

This was the way forward for every triumphant movement, including the conquests of Rome, Christianity (see the series on this site about ‘Christianity’s criminal history’), Islam, the Iberian conquests in the Americas and communism. What is Johnson suggesting here? That conquest is possible through purely pacifist means?

Today’s Old Right scene is rife with fantasies of race war, lone-wolf attacks on non-whites, and heroic last stands that end in a hail of police bullets. Intelligent and honorable people have emerged from this milieu. But there have been more than a few spree-killers as well. This kind of violence is worse than a crime. It is a mistake. It does nothing to advance our cause and much to set us back.

Inspiring books like the novels of Pierce and Covington are important. But just as Pierce tried to dissuade Bob Mathews, I would try to dissuade would-be revolutionaries of doing something premature. Mathews could have done much more harm to the System if he stayed alive.

(1) We must be alert to the signs of mental instability and inclinations toward violence and rigorously screen out such people, (2) we need to draw clear, unambiguous intellectual lines between New Right and Old Right approaches, and (3) if anyone makes concrete threats of committing such acts in our circles, we need to be the ones to call the police.

Pierce tried to dissuade Matthews but he didn’t call the police. Obviously, the moral standards of Pierce and Johnson are different.

But Johnson has a point. In fact, I would like to add something about my recent post challenging Charles Manson fans to tell me in what way Manson’s actions are good for the 14 words.

The only major commenter who has recently tried to rationalise Manson’s behaviour is Robert Morgan on Unz Review. A visitor to this site, Adunai, has recently tried to discuss with Morgan on that site. Morgan seems to believe that Manson’s motivations were to try to create a racial war in the United States. According to two sources in the Wikipedia article about Manson, this allegation has been questioned. Since Wikipedia is anti-white, if Manson had really been an inveterate racist his racism would have been fully supported by good sources in that article.

Here is my hypothesis as to why intelligent racists like Morgan and others are attracted to such failed figures as Manson. Many of them—as Manson himself—have suffered hell like the one I suffered as a teenager. But precisely because I have written 1,600 pages in three books trying to understand what the hell happened in my life, a painful literary adventure that started in 1988 that ended this year, I’m not hanging on spurious heroes. Rather, I try to help white nationalism in a very different way.

I refer to a profound diagnosis of the darkest hour in the West. The monocausal diagnosis accepted in white nationalism is, in my opinion, myopic: the Jews are responsible. I don’t deny the JQ. I simply expand it into the CQ: the Judeo-Christian question. That is to say: I still believe that the theoretical basis of, say, MacDonald on the group survival strategy of Jewry is correct. What I add to MacDonald’s myopic perspective is the meta-perspective that whites are infected with Judeo-Christian standards of morality. A perfect example of such axiological infection is Johnson’s use of the word ‘evil’ above (MacDonald himself has said that white nationalism is not about conquering, for instance, Mexico).

So, while I agree with Johnson that it is not time to jump into the revolution, I disagree with the Christian and Neochristian mindset that prevails in white nationalism and the alt-right.

My contribution to the movement is basically axiological. As long as they don’t revalue their values, the Judeo-Christian system will continue to beat them. Johnson is right that it is not yet time for politics but for metapolitics. What he and the others fail to understand is that they have to throw away all residue of love for the Other if they want to recover the West.

This is my advice to the desperate young man who wants to do revolutionary politics today instead of patient metapolitics: read The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour that appears on the sidebar. And if you cannot afford it print in your home the PDF. Study it closely…

Judeo-reductionism Kevin MacDonald

Robert Morgan’s comment

Jerry Attrick: To anyone curious—you cannot go wrong with The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald if you want to know more.

Robert Morgan: Actually, you can. By focusing exclusively on Jews, MacDonald suggests that other causes of cultural developments are unimportant.

Yet American whites advanced the negro to citizenship and legal equality with themselves even before mass Jewish immigration began, and when the country was virtually 100% white and Christian.

Given such a history, subsequent developments in the 20th century would likely have followed sooner or later even without Jewish agitation.


On accusing commenters of being Jews

Today Arch Stanton said that Jack Halliday is probably a Jew (link: here). A few months ago he said the same about Spahn Ranch, another respectable commenter of this site. In that April (link: here) Stanton wrote:

I note your tone is considerably different than the “Spahn Ranch” that presented a civil war battle flag juxtaposed with a portion of the national socialist flag as his avatar. Do I detect a Jew troll hiding behind an identity theft? How typical of the cowardly Jew.

What had ignited the flaming was a monocausal comment by Stanton (link: here):

Considering Jews are the sole force behind the social programming that has led to the nihilistic, suicidal bent of the white race, how can the problem with whites be any more effectively addressed than the root Jewish problem?

As far as I can guess, what moves Stanton to do these accusations is his ideology of the single-cause hypothesis: that the Jews are to blame for white decline while the Aryans are, basically, innocent of their own decline.

I have discussed monocausalism elsewhere and won’t do it in this entry. But I must say that monocausal visitors of The West’s Darkest Hour who want to discuss their views must not accuse bona fide commenters of being crypto-Jews. I myself have been called ‘Jew’ in a Majority Rights featured article for not believing in the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and know how exasperating it is trying to prove my innocence before a dogmatic author or commenter.

Arch Stanton,

If you cannot provide reliable evidence that some commenters of this site are Jews, please abstain from further accusations if you want to continue to comment here.

Thank you.


Traitors are worse than Jews

I find it increasingly exasperating to discuss with white nationalists, even with those who come regularly to comment on this blog.
A few seconds ago I had the following soliloquy remembering a taxi driver, a native Englishman, who took me to the train station in Essex, just outside of London, a few years ago. I asked him what he thought of the coloured immigrants in the area. He answered:
‘I love them!’
Now, what is worse: this native Englishman or the Jews of London?
It is obvious that the white is worse, as the traitor is worse than the enemy.
The monocausalists who leave their comments on this site are unable to see something so obvious. And don’t come up with the lame excuse that the poor Englishman was brainwashed by the Jewish media. Twenty years ago, when I lived in England for a year, I was shocked to see black men with English roses on the street. It was a time when I did not even know there was such a thing as white nationalism. I was a normie in many senses. But my instincts were noble.
If we take as a parameter of elemental nobility my sentiments when I was a normie twenty years ago, any Englishman—or white European or American male—who does not feel the same shock to see a subhuman walking with a white woman is a thousand times worse than any fucking kike you can mention. The traitor is worse than the enemy.
How is it possible that monos are so blind, so absolutely unable to see something so obvious?
Is it is because they suffer from the gravest sin of all: pride, and a sort of self-righteousness for their race? As I said in the epigraph of a recent entry: And why beholdest thou the mote that is in the Jude’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?