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Jesus Judeo-reductionism Kevin MacDonald

Morgan’s comments on Unz Review

Christianity has always been anti-racist. How could it be otherwise? It’s built upon the idea of whites worshiping a Jew; i.e., someone of another race. Jesus encouraged the apostles to make converts of all races. More, from the earliest times the church has allowed and even encouraged interracial marriage.

The white Christian cult of the victim began with Jesus, and continued through the various martyrs celebrated by the Catholic Church. Before the Christian takeover of white civilization, there was no cult of the victim. White people didn’t see any virtue in being a victim at all.

MacDonald thinks Christianity is generally positive for whites, and because of that, his way of explaining the fanatical anti-racist and pro-immigration stance of all mainstream Christian churches is to say that they have been infiltrated and subverted by Jews. Poor white people! Not even safe from Jewish attack within the confines of their own churches! No, it definitely could not be the case that two thousand years of Jesus’ message to love everyone, regardless of race, has had a weakening effect on their racial solidarity. Perish the thought! MacDonald approves of Christianity even though it came from Jews and even though it perfectly fits his own paradigm of a Jewish movement. In his view, whites were completely helpless to prevent the takeover of their churches by the devious, treacherous, scheming Jews.

His approach to issues such as feminism, corporate power, civil rights, the mass media and so on follows this same pattern. To MacDonald the vast majority of whites are mere clay, existing only to be molded by Jewish power.

Assuming he was an actual person and not just a mythic figure, and his Biblical portrayal is accurate, it would be fair to describe Jesus as the original social justice worker. He’s the prototype, and all the rest, with their foot washing and boot kissing, their uplifting of the poor, the persecuted, and the meek (like Jesus!), and condemnation of the rich, the proud, and the strong (like Satan!), are but imitators of Christ. As for racial in-group constraints, the whole point of Christianity seems to be to eliminate them, and while one can dispute all day whether that’s a proper interpretation of various Bible verses or not, it’s inarguable that that has been the effect Christianity has produced. The Christian mainstream is ostentatiously “color blind” and places no value at all on race.

This view also presents a problem for Sunic’s friend MacDonald, since if the egalitarian impulse is indeed “primordial”, and present in everyone as a matter of “instinct”, why would Jews be needed to bring it out? As an alternative explanation, could it not be that, instead of being “brainwashed”, subverted, and culturally undermined by Jews, whites are merely following their own egalitarian impulses? Hard to see why not. It doesn’t require much persuasion to persuade someone to do something they want to do anyway.

Of course, portrayal of oneself or one’s in-group as a victim is a handy way to avoid self-examination and self-blame. A man who enters on a self-destructive course of action will often blame someone other than himself. But everyone knows, or should, that that’s just an excuse.

5 replies on “Morgan’s comments on Unz Review”

In your closing sentences of the above article you have expressed the naked truth.
A lack of self respect and self knowledge in KMD makes him blame the Jews for a weakness of white Europeans that is properly seen only spiritual, psychological and even biological degeneration.

I have read quite a few of Morgan’s comments at the Unz Review pages.
I consider this piece to be one of his best. Deadly accurate.

Actually, it’s a collection of several Morgan comments of this month. Unlike the other entries on this site, here I omitted the asterisks between each quote. But the point is the same anyway.

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