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Ethnic cleansing Heinrich Himmler Nordicism Third Reich

Lebensraum, 1

As I explained in my update yesterday, there was still a tail of enemy propaganda in the quote I made from a military encyclopaedia, and therefore I’ll merge that information, albeit with anti-NS propaganda expunged, with content from another source.

The latter source was written in Spanish and I’ll now translate it in my next six posts starting with this one (below), albeit modifying it in order to spin it in favour of the fourteen words. (In Spain it is not possible to publish books praising German National Socialism. Pedro Varela has suffered more than one sentence in prison for doing so.)

Keep in mind the image that I published in my previous post showing Himmler with a child from an occupied country. The fact is that people with the right genes were in high demand in Hitler’s Germany and the Germans of that time did everything possible to provide the Reich with blond and blue-eyed citizens. In that endeavour, they even adopted children from occupied countries; and sexual relations outside of marriage were promoted to bring more Aryan children into the world.

These are the fourteen words in action!—exactly the opposite of today’s System throughout the West with its campaign of slow genocide against whites.

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Heinrich Himmler was happy. October 7, 1939 was a very special day for him. Not only was he turning thirty-nine, but Hitler had appointed him Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of the German People which, among other things, made him responsible for the inhabitants of Poland: a country that Germany had occupied a month before.

Himmler wasted no time. He immediately ordered a report and, a month later, had a forty-page text on his desk. The document contained a detailed plan to effectively use human resources in the conquered areas to the east.

Most of the population had to be displaced or used for work, so that the Germans could settle in and enjoy the living space called Lebensraum in German. Those who stayed had to be raised German and be part of the dominant race.

The report recommended that the selection be made mainly among the youngest: ‘We must exclude racially valuable children from deportations, to grow up in Reich educational facilities cared for by German families’, ending with another recommendation: ‘They must not be older than eight or ten years because until that age their national identity can be completely changed and their definitive Germanisation achieved’.

After reading the report, Himmler decided that the solution for children in Poland and other countries should begin as soon as possible, even if it meant handing over those children to parents in a foreign country. The acquisition of new Aryan citizens for the Third Reich had absolute priority.

Ethnic cleansing Eugenics Lothrop Stoddard Nordicism Third Reich

Great personalities defend eugenics, 7

by Evropa Soberana

José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), Spanish philosopher and writer. Perhaps because he studied in Germany, we can read ideas in the eugenic line from a philosophical point of view.

If Spain wants to resurrect, a formidable appetite of all perfections must take hold of her. The great misfortune of Spanish history has been the lack of egregious minorities and the undisturbed empire of the masses. Therefore, from now on, an imperative should govern the spirits and guide the wills: the selection imperative.

There are no other means of ethnic purification and improvement than that eternal instrument of a will operating selectively. Using it as a chisel, we have to start forging a new type of Spanish man.

Political improvements are not enough: much deeper work is needed to produce the refinement of the race (Invertebrate Spain).

Below, Conklin on the cover of Time Magazine, July 3, 1939.

Edwin G. Conklin (1863-1952), biologist, zoologist and American professor, head of the Department of Biology at Princeton University. The quotation below has a lot to contribute in the fight against the pernicious individualism that ravages our time and that underlies, together with self-centeredness, at the bottom of most people who oppose eugenics and strong political and authoritarian regimes.

The freedom of the individual is to society what the freedom of the cell is to the human being. (The Direction of Human Evolution, 1921.)

Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), American nurse and precursor of some feminist currents that I don’t find very funny. She is notable for advocating ‘birth control’ and the controversy for opening a clinic in Brooklyn, an area of New York inhabited by Jews, blacks and Italians, with the intention to diminish their birth rates. The police closed the clinic and Sanger was imprisoned for thirty days. She was a friend of Stoddard and also the girlfriend of Havelock Ellis and H. G. Wells, both pro-eugenicists.

Sanger pointed out that one of the reasons for the high birth rate of the worst human elements is that ‘sexual control’ decreases the more it descends on the evolutionary scale, setting the example of Australian aborigines who, according to her, were the lowest human race; a step away from the chimpanzee, and the only reason they didn’t ‘get sexual satisfaction in the streets’ was because of police repression.

Sanger’s problem was that she saw badly the high birth-rate in general and also large families, when precisely what the First World needs is an overflowing birth, while the Third World must reduce their birth rate greatly, with the aim of favouring a constructive colonisation of areas that are now Third World because they are inhabited by inept races.

Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950), political scientist, journalist, historian and American anthropologist. Lothrop was a friend of at least two American presidents, and he had a great influence along with his colleague Madison Grant in laying the foundations of immigration policy and in defining the need for white supremacy. Anti-communist, he wrote key racial books like The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, his most known book; The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man, and the pamphlet ‘A Gallery of Jewish Types’.

From a neutral point of view, he testified about a few months stay in the Third Reich in his book Into the Darkness: Nazi Germany Today, in which his admiration is manifest for the German people and the eugenic policies that were carried out in Germany. Until the end, he maintained that the greatest danger to civilisation was neither the ‘reds’ nor the ‘Germans’ but the dark races.

The glitter of civilization has so blinded us to the inner truth of things that we have long believed that, as a civilization progressed, the quality of the human stock concerned in building it progressed too. In other words, we have imagined that we saw an improving race, whereas all we actually saw was a race expressing itself under improving conditions.

A dangerous delusion, this! Especially for us, whose civilization is the most complex the world has ever seen, and whose burden is, therefore, the heaviest ever borne. If past civilizations have crushed men beneath the load, what may happen to our civilization, and ourselves? (The Revolt Against Civilization, chapter I.)

These two phases of race betterment clearly require totally different methods. The multiplication of superiors is a process of race building; the elimination of inferiors is a process of race cleansing. These processes are termed “Positive” and “Negative” eugenics, respectively. (The Revolt Against Civilization, chapter 8, ‘Neo-Aristocracy’.)

Racial impoverishment is the plague of civilization. This insidious disease, with its twin symptoms the extirpation of superior strains and the multiplication of inferiors, has ravaged humanity like a consuming fire, reducing the proudest societies to charred and squalid ruin. (The Revolt Against Civilization, chapter 3, ‘The Nemesis of the Inferior’.)


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Editor’s Note: In my hatnote on the first entry of this series, about a few words from the prologue of Evropa Soberana I wrote: ‘These words are key to understanding what I have been calling “the extermination of the Neanderthals”, and I hope that the abridged translation of this long essay, published six years ago in Spanish and that I will be translating this month, sheds light on the subject’.

The same can be said of the above Stoddard quote and the Laughlin quote below. The only difference is that I use more inflammatory language than that of Soberana, Laughlin or Stoddard because I believe that, in the darkest hour of the West, our language must be like fire.

It is almost seventy years since Stoddard passed away and, although his books now seem the work of a Cassandra, in 1950 it did not seem that the white race was heading for sunset.


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Harry H. Laughlin (1880-1943) had different priorities for European immigration. He prioritised the Germanic peoples: ‘Teutons’ (North Germans), Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians and Dutch. At the bottom, the Chinese. Hitler was inspired by his eugenic laws to elaborate on the ‘racial hygiene’ of the Reich.

In his time Laughlin advocated the need to sterilise ten percent of all American society, those considered of lower biological quality. He became president of the Pioneer Fund, a group established in 1937 to finance research projects in matters of race, genetics and eugenics.

The sum of human freedom and human happiness will be greatly promoted, in the long run, by eugenical processes which call for the elimination of degenerate and handicapped strains, from the racial stocks, and the increase of numbers of citizens highly endowed by nature with splendid mental, physical and moral qualities. The state, then, must exercise its undoubted right and duty to control human reproduction along the lines of race betterment, and so doing is fully justified in putting into effect such measures as, in keeping with the Bill of Rights and human principles, will bring about the desired ends. (Eugenical Sterilization in the United States, 1922, p. 339.)

Misael Bañuelos (1887-1954), a Spanish doctor, gynaecologist and a Nordicist who drew attention about a certain Asian and African influence in the Iberian Peninsula. He was also a professor in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valladolid.

Influenced by eugenicists and American and German Nordicists, as well as the racial authors (Gobineau, De Lapouge, Chamberlain, Grant, Günther, Rosenberg), he thought that the salvation of the West consisted of taking care of the race; that only the nationalist governments were in a position to carry out such a task and that, among them, the Government of Nazi Germany ‘is the only one that has understood, in all its transcendence, the value of blood and the race’. In pre-war Spain, Bañuelos was one of the men who unconditionally admired Hitler.

When linking by marriage, the family must always take into account the value of a new relative belonging to a racial group of superior selection, that s/he may be a beautiful specimen of their race and also well endowed intellectually and morally. That is worth more than thousands of pesetas that families usually grant when it comes to linking by marriage. (Antropología de los Españoles, pages 133-34.)


Below, original plates of Darwin and Mendel from Volume 1, Issue 1 of the American Breeders Magazine, 1910.

The American Genetic Association, formerly the American Breeders’ Association, founded in 1903, was active in eugenic research, in the promulgation of certain laws and the regulation of American immigration. This committee was responsible for letting large numbers of individuals of Germanic descent into the country [1]. The Association included, among its ranks, men as prominent as Charles Davenport, David S. Jordan, Alexander Graham Bell, Edward L. Thorndike, Henry H. Goddard, Walter E. Fernald, and the founders of the Immigration Restriction League Robert DeCourcy Ward and Prescott F. Hall.

The time is ripe for a strong public movement to stem the tide of threatened racial degeneracy… America needs to protect herself against indiscriminate immigration, criminal degenerates, and… race suicide. (1910 Committee of Eugenics letter sent to prominent citizens requesting support and militancy. The letter also warned about the ‘destruction of the white race’ if it did not follow a preservation policy.)


[1] Understandably, the American immigration policy was once praised by Adolf Hitler himself, who saw America as a Germanic stronghold, and its measures as the precursors of racial hygiene of the Third Reich.

Amerindians Carl Gustav Jung Ethnic cleansing Vikings

Time-tunnel fantasy

Recently I came up with the idea of starting to change our colloquialisms, residues of Judeo-Christianity, for expressions like ‘For the Gods…!’ If people answer us by saying that there is only one god, we shall answer: ‘I don’t believe the god of the Jews exists!’ (not long ago I told exactly that to my very Catholic mother).

It does not matter that the Aryan Gods do not exist either. They exist in another sense. As Jung said, they represent healthy archetypes of the Aryan psyche. Just remember the high opinion of Jung about Hitler and Wotan as a Germanic Renaissance.

Yesterday and today I have continued watching the fifth season of Vikings. My favourite dialogue of everything I’ve seen since the first season appears in S5-E15, after a war against the Christians on English soil (YouTube clip: here).

Harald Finehair: Magnus, son of Ragnar… What is to become of us now, eh?

Magnus: I think our Faith should prevail. No doubt at all. Our Gods will ultimately triumph over the Christian god [contempt in Magnus’s voice] who is a usurper, who has no meaning; is not real. One day not so far away the name ‘Jesus Christ’ will be utterly forgotten [emphasis in Magnus’ voice].

Oh how many times I have fantasised about a time tunnel that will take me to the 9th century to deter the Vikings from entering Europe at the moment…

First, I’d advise, they should conquer the Mesoamericans and the Incas. In a couple of centuries of ethnic cleansing, with all the gold of the New World and those fertile lands producing hundreds of thousands of American Viking warriors, they could then conquer Europe to make Ragnar’s son’s dream come true…

Ethnic cleansing Goths Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Kriminalgeschichte, 60

Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal.

The Emperor Theodosius ‘the Great’
Theodosius I (reign 379-395) found in the father of the Church, Ambrose, an energetic travelling companion. ‘There is hardly a year of his reign’, says the Protestant theologian Von Campenhausen, ‘that he does not proclaim a new law or other measures to fight against paganism [Note of the translator: Hellenism] and to suppress heresy and to favour the Catholic Church’. ‘The annihilation of those who thought differently was, from the beginning, the goal of his government, and the ecclesiastical tradition, which describes Theodosius as an indefatigable protector of Catholicism and an enemy of all heresies and paganism [Hellenism], has portrayed him with complete fidelity’.

(Above, a Nummus of Theodosius.) However, the special merit of the Catholic sovereign consisted in a new policy towards the Germans. In his reorganization of the army, seriously severed, he incorporated ‘barbarians’ (they followed a trend that existed since Constantine) even in the leadership: Franks, Alemanni, Saxons and especially Goths, and with this ‘Gothfied’ army he cleansed the Balkans of Goths, that although officially they belonged to the Empire were not citizens but servants. In his first year of reign, he thus won victories over the Goths, the Alans, and the Huns.
Theodosius, as they always say full of ‘magnanimity towards the vanquished’ (Thiess), ‘the last great protector of the Germans on the Roman imperial throne’ (von Stauffenberg), never fought battles following every rule. Following Valens’ hunting of Gothic heads, he carried out a kind of guerrilla warfare, for which he sacrificed ‘unscrupulously or intentionally’ also the Gothic troops themselves (Aubin). The same as Gratian, he sought to annihilate one after another the various groups of ‘barbarians’.
Thus, he attacked isolated Goth contingents where he thought fit, as for example in 386 a troop of Ostrogoths led by Prince Odotheus. In autumn, they had requested permission to cross the river at the mouth of the Danube, although at first Promotus, the Magister militum that ruled Thrace, denied it. However, a dark night drew them to the river to fall into the hands of the Roman army. They set out to cross it with three thousand boats—the river was full of corpses—and were immediately defeated, while the women and children were left in captivity. However, surely the emperor’s Goth policy would have been different if he had had enough strength.
Theodosius hurried to celebrate the feat and on October 12, with his chariot drawn by elephants (a gift of the Persian king), entered triumphantly in Constantinople, where he had a commemorative column of 40 meters high in memory of this and other massacres of ‘barbarians’. Some years later, his general Stilicho caused a serious setback to another group of Goths. Bishop Theodoret informs with joy about ‘killings’ with ‘many thousands’ of ‘barbarians’ massacred. On the other hand, the prisoners of such operations flooded the slave markets throughout the East.
And from then on, thanks to the ‘merits’ of Theodosius, in all the battles of the invasion of the barbarians there are Germans fighting on both sides.

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Ancient Rome Architecture Art Aryan beauty Christendom Constantine Eduardo Velasco Ethnic cleansing Hadrian Jerusalem Judaism Judea v. Rome Slavery

Apocalypse for whites • XXIII

by Evropa Soberana

Consequences of the Palestinian revolt
The revolt had paramount consequences both for Rome and for Jewry. To begin with, the Roman losses were such that, in addition to Hadrian’s refusing to say in the military offices to the Senate that everything was going well, he was the only Roman leader in history who, after a great victory, refused to return to Rome celebrating a triumph. Titus Vespasianus had only rejected a crown of laurels in his day; Hadrian took it to the next step.
However, if the Roman losses were considerable, the Jewish losses were huge. According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews were killed, 50 cities and 985 Jewish villages were completely destroyed—and they were not rebuilt—and hundreds of thousands of Jews sold as slaves throughout the Empire.
It is not surprising that the Talmud called this process ‘the war of extermination’, and that it even made outrageous statements to mythologize the conflict, such as ‘Sixteen million Jews were wrapped in parchments and burned alive by the Romans’ (Gittin, 58-A). The Jews, in any case, were definitively deprived of the will to rise against Rome by force of arms. On the other hand the Jewish threat, which had caused so many headaches to Rome, was going to increase throughout the Mediterranean due to the greater extension of the Diaspora and the ideal breeding ground that this meant for the expansion of another anti-Roman rebellion: Christianity.
The conditions of the defeat imposed on the Jews were even harsher than the triumph of Titus in the year 70. As measures against the Jewish religion, Hadrian prohibited the Jewish courts, the meetings in synagogues, the Jewish calendar, the study of the religious writings and Judaism itself as a religion! He executed numerous rabbis and burned masses of sacred scrolls at a ceremony on the Temple Mount. He tried to eradicate the very Jewish identity and Judaism itself, sending them into exile, enslaving them and dispersing them away from Judea. This persecution against all forms of Jewish religiosity, including Christianity, would continue until the death of the emperor in 138.
Furthermore, in another attempt to obliterate Jewish identity and dismantle its centre of power, the eastern provinces were restructured, forming three Syrian provinces: Syria Palestina (named in honour of the Philistines: a people of European origin and enemies of Jewry who had inhabited the area); Phoenicia under Roman rule and Coele-Syria.
In the new territorial order decreed by Hadrian, Judea became Syria Palestina, and Jerusalem was turned into Aelia Capitolina: a Greek and Roman city in which the Jews were proscribed. The three Syrias form the Levant: an extremely active and conflictive strip in history, to this day. From there came the Neolithic, the Phoenicians, Judaism and Christianity, and practically all the civilizations of antiquity, creating an ethnic chaos that always ended up in conflicts. Centuries later, these areas would see the establishment of European Crusader States.
As for the city of Jerusalem, Hadrian carried out with it the plans that had unleashed the revolt: the Jewish capital was demolished and destroyed, and the Romans ploughed over the ruins to symbolize its ‘purification’ and its return to the earth. Hadrian finally built the projected Aelia Capitolina over the ruins, introducing a new urban planning, so that even today the old city of Jerusalem coincides with the one built by the Romans.

In the centre of the city a forum was established, which contained a temple dedicated to Venus. In the place of the temple Hadrian had two statues erected, one of Jupiter and another of himself, although he respected the Wailing Wall.
Also, next to Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, Hadrian placed a statue of Aphrodite. This was intended to symbolize the triumph of Rome over Orthodox Judaism and over Christianity, considered a Jewish sect like so many: another sect that in Rome was persecuted without distinguishing it from official Judaism. For the Greeks and Romans, the statues of their gods were representatives of the divine, solar, luminous and Olympic spirit on earth, while for the Jews, including the Christians, nothing stirred their stomach more than a naked, strong statue, beautiful, of Nordic features and invincible aspect.

To top off the de-Judaization of the city, Hadrian prohibited any Jew from settling in Aelia Capitolina, on pain of death. (This law would only be revoked two centuries later by Constantine, the first Christian emperor.)

Ancient Rome Eduardo Velasco Ethnic cleansing Final solution Hadrian Jerusalem Judaism Judea v. Rome

Apocalypse for whites • XXII

by Evropa Soberana


Third Jewish-Roman War:
The Palestinian Revolt or
Rebellion of Bar Kokhba (132-135)

Hadrian at first had been minimally conciliatory with the province of Judea. He allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, began rebuilding the city as a gift from Rome and even gave them permission to rebuild the Temple. However, after a visit to the ‘Holy Land’, he had a sudden change of mind and began again to make Roman authority felt in the troubled province.
While the Jewish quarter was preparing the construction of the Temple, Hadrian ordered it to be built in a different place from the original, and then began deporting Jews to North Africa. Planning the complete transfiguration of Judea, its de-Judaization, its repopulation with Roman legionaries and its impregnation of Greco-Roman culture, he ordered the foundation, on Jerusalem, of a new Roman city, called Aelia Capitolina.
This implied the massive irruption of the classic art, extremely hated by the Jews, besides the construction of numerous Roman buildings—and the construction of a Roman building necessarily went through a ceremony of consecration of religious character that, according to the Talmudic mentality, polluted the Holy Land for being a pagan ritual. Jerusalem, before the nervous eyes of Jewry, was going to become the scene of a highly ‘profane’, ‘impure’ and ‘pagan’ place for their mentality, such as streets decorated with naked statues with a prepuce!
The Jews, again indignant, prepared for a rebellion, but Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah calmed them down, so they were content to prepare themselves clandestinely in case they had to rebel in the future, which seemed every time most likely. They built caches in caves and began to accumulate weapons and supplies. Although they did not carry out an open rebellion, in 123 terrorist actions began to take place against the Roman forces of occupation.

The Hellenistic education of Hadrian is evident in his beard. The Romans, a people of soldiers, like the Macedonians, had the deep-rooted habit of facial shaving. Although Nero brought partial beard at some moments of his life, it was Hadrian the first emperor to leave it permanently. Such a man would naturally be more inclined to take a stand for the ethnically Greek populations of the Eastern Mediterranean against his main rivals: the Jews, especially Alexandrians.

Hadrian, who was increasingly regretting his previous indulgence for the Jewish quarter, brought the Legio VI Ferrata to act as a police force. To make matters worse, the emperor was a man of Hellenistic education. In addition to the anti-Judaism traditionally associated with it, the Greek formation considered circumcision as a barbaric act of mutilation.
Although they admired the nakedness of a beautiful human body, the Greeks, who in Judea formed the most influential social sector after the Romans, considered it an act of extreme bad education to show the glans in public (for which those who had too short a foreskin from birth, had to cover the glans with some accessory). Instead, according to Jewish tradition, Adam and Moses were born without foreskin, and the Messiah will also be born circumcised. The Jews were not the only people to practice circumcision: it was also practiced by other Semitic peoples such as the Syrians and the Arabs. But in the case of the Jews it was a religious matter: a sign of covenant between them and Jehovah. To make matters worse, Hadrian also decided to prohibit the observance of the Sabbath, which forced the Jews not to work and practically do nothing on Saturdays.
The year 131, after an inauguration ceremony by the governor Quintus Tineius Rufus, began the works of Aelia Capitolina, and the following year coinage was minted with the new name of the city and works were begun on a Temple dedicated to Jupiter in the location of the ancient Temple of Jerusalem. Rabbi Akiva ben Yosef convinced the Sanhedrin to proclaim as Messiah and commander of the coming rebellion Simon Bar Kokhba (‘Son of a star’): a cunning, bloodthirsty and shrewd leader. Bar Kokhba must have planned carefully, noting the issues where previous rebellions had failed.
Instantly, as soon as Hadrian left Judea, that same year of 132, the Jewish quarter rose, attacked the Roman detachments and annihilated the Legio X (Legio VI was encamped watching the passage of Megiddo). The Jews from all the provinces of the Empire and beyond began to attend, and also obtained the support of many Syrian and Arab tribes.
With their fundamentalist Semitic hordes—supposedly 400,000 men, of whom it was said to have been started by cutting off a finger or plucking a cedar from the roots—they stormed 50 fortified plazas and 985 defenceless towns (including Jerusalem), exterminating the Greek communities, the Roman detachments and all the opponents they encountered; atrocities being common. Later, they dedicated themselves to the construction of walls and underground passages; in short, to entrench themselves in each square.
After these fleeting victories, the Jewish state in the area was reorganized. In Betar, a mighty fortress in the mountains, Bar Kokhba was crowned Messiah in a solemn ceremony. During the years of the revolt, Ben Yosef and Bar Kokhba reigned together, one as a dictator and the other as a religious ‘pontiff’ who proclaimed the ‘era of the redemption of Israel’ and even minted their own coins.
General Publicius Marcellus, governor of Syria, was sent to support Quintus Tineius Rufus; but both Romans were defeated by forces vastly superior in number, which also invaded the coastal areas, forcing the Romans to fight with them in naval battles. At this moment so worrying for Rome, Hadrian called Sextus Julius Severus, who at that time was governor of the province of Britain. He also required a former governor of Germania, Quintus Lollius Urbicus. With them, he gathered an army even greater than the one that Titus had gathered last century, a total of perhaps twelve legions: from one third to half of all the military troops of the Empire.
In view of the vast number of enemies and the desperation with which they acted, the Romans avoided open battles; limited themselves to attacking scattered groups and destroying the populations where they could find sustenance: the tactics of anti-partisan warfare. The Jews had fairly well entrenched themselves in some 50 fortified cities, many of them truly impregnable complexes in the mountains, so the Romans advanced slowly by besieging the squares, cutting off supplies and entering when the defenders were weak.
This painful tactic, which also required long journeys through hostile areas, cost the Romans innumerable deaths—in fact, it seems that the Jews annihilated, or at least caused very heavy losses, to the Legio XXII Deiotariana which had come from Egypt. To confirm the hardships passed by the legions, Hadrian eliminated from his military reports to the Senate and the people of Rome the traditional opening formula ‘I and the legions are fine’ for the simple reason that the legions… were not fine.
After enormous sacrifices and waste of discipline and feeling of duty, the Romans were triumphing little by little. In the year 134 the Betar fortress remained, where Bar Kokhba had become strong with the Sanhedrin; his most loyal followers, and thousands of Jews who had come as refugees. The same day of the anniversary of the fall of the Temple of Jerusalem, the fortress fell into the hands of the Roman soldiers, who put the entire population to the sword and did not allow the dead to be buried for six days.

‘Even if they swear to become good Roman citizens and worship Jupiter and our other gods, kill them, if you do not want them to destroy Rome or conquer it by the secret and cowardly means that they usually do’.

—Emperor Hadrian to his legions

Ancient Rome Civil war Eduardo Velasco Ethnic cleansing Judea v. Rome

Apocalypse for whites • XXI

by Evropa Soberana


Second Jewish-Roman War:
The Rebellion of the Diaspora or Kitos War

‘The Jews, overwhelmed by a spirit of rebellion, rise up against their Greek fellow citizens’.

— Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History

This section will deal with the Jewish revenge on the Greeks and Romans for the destruction of the Second Temple. While Judea is still exhausted and under a heavy military occupation, we will see an attempt to establish ‘communes’ or Jewish states abroad, starting with secession in Cyprus, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Cyrenaica. The constitution of these Jewish territories happened to exterminate the local Greek communities.
The First Jewish-Roman War made it very clear that the Jewry, under the ‘coexistence’ with the Greeks and the authority of the Romans, had absolutely no chance of prospering or reaching levels of power as they did in the past in Egypt, Babylon and Persia.
The ‘ghettoized’ situation of the Jews submitted to Rome contrasted radically with that of the Jews who, in Mesopotamia, were subjects of the Parthian Empire. There existed many ancient Jewish communities, especially in Babylon and Susa, who saw themselves as prosperous, rich, powerful and with a long tradition. They had enjoyed ample freedom for six centuries, and they were horrified by the situation of their coreligionists within the Roman Empire.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the ‘international Jewry’ unconditionally supported the Parthian Empire during this time, partly because it treated them much better and partly because it was the only really serious enemy that lurked the borders of the Roman Empire in the East, therefore they were the only power capable of liberating Jerusalem. After all, the Parthians were the ones who killed the hated looter Crassus during the Battle of Carrhae, and if the Romans were anti-Jewish and the Parthians were enemies of the Romans, the opportunist strategy of the moment considered the Parthian Empire as a pro-Jewish regime. At this time, nothing would have pleased the Jewry more than a military campaign that conquered Judea, Syria, Asia Minor in general and, if possible, Egypt, as the Persians had done before.
In 113, Trajan, who admired Alexander the Great, was about to start a series of campaigns against the Parthian Empire, with the aim of conquering Mesopotamia. To carry out such an action, he concentrated troops on the eastern borders, at the expense of leaving many more western places unguarded. Knowing the conflict in the province of Judea, Trajan forbade the Jews to study the Torah and observe the Shabbat, which, in practice, did nothing but irritate the Jewry.

Bust of Trajan in 108 CE, in the Museum of Art History in Vienna, Austria. Trajan, the first emperor of Hispanic origin, had the honour of having ruled the Roman Empire when its borders were most extensive. Under his reign, Mesopotamia was annexed, but soon it was to be clear that every step taken by Rome towards the East would encounter as a reaction an uprising of the Jewish quarter.

In 115, the Roman army conquered all of Mesopotamia, including towns that were important Jewish centres. Throughout Mesopotamia the Jews, horrified to see themselves falling into the hands of their mortal enemies, aligned themselves with the Parthians and fought the Romans with ferocity. This open hostility, which was soon heard throughout the Empire, caused a wave of indignation and provided the perfect excuse for the Greek ethnic communities of the provinces of Cyrenaica (current coast of Libya) and Cyprus, with strong anti-Jewish tradition, to start riots against the ghettos, taking advantage of the absence of the Roman legions, which could have appeased the situation.
Several Jewish extremist leaders again preached agitation against Rome, proclaiming the end of the Empire, travelling through all the Roman provinces of Asia Minor and North Africa and exhorting local Jewries to rise up and fight against European occupation. The Jews, already angered by the disturbances with the Greek population, took advantage of the absence of Roman soldiers to begin, that same year, a bloody insurrection.
The rebellion began in Cyrenaica, led by Lukuas, self-proclaimed messiah. The Jews, in a swift stroke of hand reminiscent of their rebellion in Jerusalem half a century earlier, attacked Greek neighbourhoods and villages, destroyed Greek statues and temples dedicated to Jupiter, Artemis, Isis and Apollo, and also numerous Roman official buildings. (These actions were a mere foreshadowing of what Christians would later do on a massive scale and throughout the Empire.) The famous Roman historian Cassius Dio, in his Roman History, describes the terrible massacre that was unleashed, referring to Lukuas as ‘Andreas’, probably his Greco-Roman name.
At that time, the Jews who lived in Cyrenaica, having as captain one Andreas, killed all the Greeks and Romans. They ate their flesh and entrails, bathed in their blood and dressed in their skins. They killed many of them with extreme cruelty, tearing them from above head down the middle of their bodies; they threw some to the beasts while others forced them to fight among themselves, to such an extent that they took 220,000 to death. Cassius Dio also tells us how from their intestines they made belts, and anointed themselves with their blood. These testimonies, although perhaps should not be taken literally, are certainly interesting to see the negative image that the Jewry had in Europe, as an odious and misanthropic people.
Also noteworthy is the character of ethnic cleansing implicit in Jewish actions in Cyrenaica: let us think that, at that time when it was much less populated than now, 200,000 dead (although it may be an exaggerated number) was a monstrous figure; to such an extent that, according to Eusebius, Libya was totally depopulated and Rome had to found new colonies there to recover the population.
After the genocide in Cyrenaica, the Lukuas masses went to an unguarded city that had long been the world centre of wisdom and also of anti-Judaism: Alexandria. There they set fire to numerous Greek neighbourhoods, destroyed pagan temples and desecrated Pompey’s tomb. But this Rebellion of the Diaspora was not limited only to North Africa. Jewish terrorism in Cyrenaica and Alexandria had emboldened Jews throughout the Mediterranean, who, seeing the absence of Roman soldiers, felt the call of the uprising against Rome.
While Trajan was already in the Persian Gulf struggling against the Parthians, crowds of Jews, fanatized by the rabbis, rose up in Rhodes, Sicily, Syria, Judea, Mesopotamia and the rest of North Africa to carry out the ethnic cleansing against European populations. In Cyprus, the worst massacre of the entire rebellion took place: 240,000 Europeans were massacred and the capital of the island, Salamis, was completely razed, according to Cassius Dio. A similar cruelty was shown in Egypt and on the island of Cyprus under one Artemion, the chief of barbarism. In Cyprus they massacred another two hundred and forty thousand people, so they could no longer set foot on the island.
To quell the rebellion in Cyprus, Syria and the newly conquered territories of Mesopotamia, Trajan sent the Legio VII Claudia under the orders of a Berber prince, General Lusius Quietus. The repression of Lusius Quietus in Mesopotamia was so ruthless that the rabbis in that place forbade the study of Greek literature and eliminated the custom of brides adorning themselves with garlands on their wedding day.
In Cyprus, Lusius Quietus exterminated the entire Jewish population of the island and prohibited, under penalty of death, that no Jew step on Cyprus. Even if he was a castaway who appeared on a beach, the Jew should be executed on the spot. These actions left a deep trace in the memory of the Europeans of those places. As a reward for the services rendered, Lusius Quietus was made governor of Judea.
For the pacification of Alexandria, Trajan took troops from Mesopotamia under the command of Marcius Turbo, who in 117 had already quelled the rebellion. To rebuild the damage caused there by the revolt, the Romans expropriated and confiscated all of the Jews’ goods and wealth. Marcius Turbo remained as governor of Egypt during a period of reconstitution of Roman authority. Lukuas, who was at that time in Alexandria, probably fled to Judea.
Throughout the Rebellion of the Diaspora, well over half a million Europeans were massacred, mainly those belonging to the noblest social strata of Cyrenaica, Cyprus, Egypt and Babylon: that is, the European people of these places, men, women and children who were at that time the aristocracy of the Eastern Mediterranean. Although thousands of Jews were put to the sword and the rebellion was ruthlessly crushed by Trajan, Lusius Quietus and Marcius Turbo, many Europeans were killed after suffering atrocious tortures.

Audios Axiology Ethnic cleansing

Greg & Styx

I am relocating this entry I had posted yesterday—:

Further to ‘Alt-Right vs. the sceptics’. I have heard part of two more audios with Greg Johnson: the one about Carl Benjamin (‘Sargon of Akkad’ in the YouTube subculture) and an exchange with a vlogger who uses the ridiculous pseudonym of Styxhexenhammer666.
Even if I could talk fluent English I’d never debate the Alt-Lite: they’re goners far from my left. I can only punch those on my immediate left (including Greg). However, those who are at my immediate left, like Richard Spencer and Johnson, may be winning the debates against those at my far left; and therefore could be considered stepping-stones towards our side.

—because exercising on my stationary bicycle this morning I listened fifteen more minutes of the Greg/Styx exchange. What is really notorious is that both, white nationalist (Greg) and civic nationalist (Styx) thoroughly subscribe Christian ethics. They’re perfect examples of what in this blog we have been calling ‘secular Christians’: both seem to be more concerned about not using violence on non-whites in the formation of the ethnostate than on the survival of their race.
This is typical of atheists, that I call secular Christians.
I also removed the link to one of my recommended articles on the sidebar (a link beside of which I had recently added Alice’s white rabbit little pic), ‘A postscript to Dies Irae’ because it is too strong meat for the newcomer. But yesterday a friend called to my attention ‘The White Man’s Destiny’ he found on /pol/ that sharply contrasts with Greg & Styx’s Neo-Christianity:
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures
This is exactly what we should be striving for. A highly militant, exclusionary, technocratic meritocracy built around the ideas of radical Traditionalism.
A society hell-bent on expansion and the preservation of one’s own kind and culture, at the detriment of all others.
This is the only natural, sane response to a world filled with sub-human filth and degenerate untermensch whose only goal in life is the extermination of everything just and pure.
We tried to give the Other its chance.
We bent over backwards accommodating them; we shared our technology, our art, our literature, our accomplishments; we educated them, fed them, allowed entire broods of them to settle in our ancestral lands; we humbled ourselves, apologizing for imaginary slights and groveling at their feet for the perceived transgression of taming this planet and bringing the torch of civilization to the world—and for what? All our efforts were rewarded with scorn, hatred, jealousy, and outright malevolence.
We need a new system—something more noble than the petty mercantile aspirations of Semites; something greater than the slave-like morality imposed upon us by alien religions.
A society built on unshakeable, indelible foundations, woven from our own racial stock and governed by the guiding light of Apotheosis: that driving, all-consuming framework of beliefs that the White Man is his own God, that he is God, the keeper of his own destiny—noble by birth, master by choice, tyrant by need, and ruler by right! We tamed this world once, and we can do it again.
But first, we must burn the heretic, kill the mutant, and purge the unclean.
And then, when we’ve freed ourselves of weakness, empathy, remorse, and guilt, when the last sub-human has been cleansed from Terra, and the last trace of their existence purged from this planet, we’ll ascend to the stars, and make them our own—and the galaxy will tremble.
This… is Our Destiny.

Civil war Eduardo Velasco Ethnic cleansing Josephus Judea v. Rome Nero

Apocalypse for whites • XV

by Evropa Soberana

Chapter 2

The Jewish-Roman wars
In the previous chapter we discussed an anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish and anti-Christian) repression that the Roman Emperor Nero ordered in the year 62. Now we will see how all the previous events evolved into an escalation of ethnic violence, which will culminate with the unleashing of three immense wars in which, for the first time, we will see the eradication of the Greek ethnic communities of Asia Minor and North Africa at the hands of the Jewish uprisings.
In 64, Nero sends Gessius Florus as procurator to the province of Judea. The historian Josephus blames Florus for all the tumults that happened in the area, but the truth is that, as we have seen, they did not start with him—and, because he was a Jew and a Sadducee, the works of Josephus must always be read with caution (for example, he has a writing called Against the Greeks, in which he makes apology for Judaism).
In Caesarea, a Jewish sympathizer of Hellenism sacrificed several birds in front of the synagogue, which, in the traditional Jewish mentality, ‘contaminated’ the building, as we have seen several times before. With this precedent, but with a long history of previous hostility, the Greek and Jewish communities of Caesarea became entangled in a judicial dispute in which, with Roman mediation, the Greeks won. Under the advice of Gessius Florus, Nero revoked the citizenship of the Jews of the city—which left them at the mercy of the very anti-Jewish population of Greece.

Nero Claudius Caesar
Augustus Germanicus

The Greeks soon began a massive pogrom during which they massacred thousands of Jews. Florus and the Roman military—who logically identified with the Greeks rather than with the Jews, and perhaps even planned to use the Greeks as the vanguard of ethnic cleansing in the area—did not intervene to protect the Jewry or pacify the city, allowing Jews to be murdered and synagogues to be profaned on port and starboard.
According to Josephus, when the rabbis took away the sacred scrolls to save them from being burned by the flames, Florus ordered them to be thrown into dungeons. This was too much for a group as cohesive as the Jews, and they reacted with more violence, which only intensified the pogrom and made it spread to other populations, with the consequent Roman reprisals.
Jerusalem, then, began to fill with Jewish refugees from Caesarea and other areas whose houses had been burned and whose property had been confiscated by the Romans, claiming vengeance and oozing resentment from all pores. The massacre of Jews in Caesarea turned out to be the trigger of a great war that, in any case, had been taking place for some time.

Ethnic cleansing Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Three-eyed raven, 8

Indented paragraph is taken from Who We Are by William Pierce:

The hard lesson taught by the different results of the European colonization of North America, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, India, and southern Africa is that the only type of colonization with lasting significance is racial colonization; and that racial colonization can succeed only when Whites are willing and able to clear the land of non-White inhabitants and keep it clear.

Note: The above quotation of Pierce’s book is contextualized in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (available: here).