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Day of Wrath (book) Lloyd deMause On Exterminationism (book) Pre-Columbian America Psychohistory

Millions of Dahmers!

As I have watched more documentaries about Jeffrey Dahmer, I have continued to think about what I wrote about this serial killer at the end of last month and the beginning of this month.

Even in the recent Netflix miniseries, there is a moment when detectives ask the arrested Dahmer if his irresistible compulsion to possess body remains of his victims had to do with an unconscious desire to control males. Dahmer replied, ‘Yes’, and added that everyone wanted to tell him what to do, and he mentioned his dad. Dahmer also said that by his horrible actions he wanted others to ‘see his movie’, i.e. what he had suffered. The unspoken implication is that it was revenge in the form of transference onto substitute objects, in that it was finally Dahmer who had the power.

In my September post, I said that Dahmer’s behaviour reminded me of the behaviour of Mesoamerican Amerindians before the Spanish conquest. I don’t know how many of my visitors have read my book Day of Wrath, but there I call Mesoamerican civilisation a civilisation of serial killers. Today, while reviewing an article from another of my books, On Exterminationism, I came across this passage:

Tiesler and Cucina let us know that modern Mayanists are using, in addition to Spanish chronicles and iconographic evidence from pre-Columbian art, the science of taphonomy (skeletal analysis) as tangible evidence of human sacrifice in Mayan civilisation. On pages 199-200 [of the academic book pictured left] the authors mention the techniques the Maya used in their practices, now corroborated by taphonomy: the victim could have been shot with arrows or stoned, his throat or neck could have been cut or broken, his heart could have been extracted through the diaphragm or thorax; he could have suffered multiple and fatal lacerations, or have been cremated, disembowelled or flayed or dismembered. The bodily remains may have been ingested, used as trophies or in the manufacture of percussion instruments. The authors deduce this from direct, physical evidence from the skeletons studied (or other remains) and also mention a form of sacrifice I hadn’t heard of: the offering of human faces in the context of the influence on the Maya of the Xipe-Totec deity, ‘Our Lord the Flayed’, who was widely worshipped in northern, central Mexico.

As bizarre as it may seem, the psychoclass to which Dahmer belonged is virtually identical to the psychoclass of the ancient inhabitants of the civilisations of Mesoamerica. There were millions of Dahmers in Mesoamerica back then! (presently central Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica). In other words, the way to decipher minds like Dahmer’s is to be found in psychohistory, or more specifically, in the appropriation I made in Day of Wrath of the ideas of Lloyd deMause, who died a couple of years ago. (He was a typical New York liberal, and his liberal ideas had to be appropriated and given a racialist spin: what I did in my book.)

Bible Day of Wrath (book) Human sacrifice Judaism Psychohistory Racial right

On blood libel

One of the problems I see in white nationalist forums, something that can also be said of the literature for the German people that came out of the printing presses of the Third Reich, is that by focusing on Jewry the historical perspective is lost: a perspective that only appears when Hitler was talking to people he trusted; only then did he also blame Christianity (remember Hitler’s Religion).

The difference between American white nationalism and German National Socialism is that, in the absence of a Führer, there is no canon of writings to follow, only a diversity of views (‘Let a thousand flowers bloom’, a white nationalist, Trainspotter, once said). Worse, after the deaths of Revilo Oliver in 1994 and William Pierce in 2002, it could be said that the historical perspective is over and we are left with provincialisms in which only Jewry is discussed in these forums.

That provincialism distinguishes me from the American racialists of today, in that it seems obvious to me that only minds like Hitler’s, or Pierce’s on this side of the Atlantic, could provide the historical perspective to understand what is going on. From this angle, I would like to respond to Gaedhal’s interesting letter to us today:

I am not at my desktop. I don’t want to trawl through hours of stuff. However, this guy [YouTube interview: here], an atheist Jewish Rabbi, makes the same points that Bible Skeptic did. There are clues in the text of the Book of Genesis as we have it today that there was an earlier source in which Abraham went ahead with sacrificing Isaac to Yahweh.

During the time of the Babylonian exile, attitudes to human sacrifice changed. This is why in the Book of Ezekiel, Yahweh essentially apologises to the Jews for giving them ‘evil laws’ which included child sacrifice. Perhaps in the time of the exile, the story of Abraham and Isaac was altered such that Abraham no longer went through with the sacrifice.

In an earlier mail Gaedhal had said:

There is a reason why these people have been accused of ‘blood libel’ for 3,000 years… Yahweh, the Jewish god, in the Old Testament says that he will make people eat their own children. In my view, there is nothing libellous about ‘blood libel’.

There is a lot to talk about here! But as I said, it requires a historical perspective. It is a pity that at the moment not all the PDFs of our books are linked in the current featured post. As you know, although I am reviewing the books, my mother tongue isn’t English. I’m using a program that allows me to change the syntax I used when writing some of them to a syntax that sounds less strange to the native reader (the same program I’m using to write this very post). The problem is that it’s very time-consuming, and at the moment even The Fair Race, the only book linked in the featured post, isn’t syntax-checked with this program in the translated articles written by a Spaniard.

However, to answer Gaedhal you should read pages 183-192 of my Day of Wrath (provisional PDF, before the syntax check: here). Once you read those pages, it becomes clear how the historical perspective makes us understand much better the sacrificial practice of the early Hebrews before the Torah was edited right down to the ‘emasculated’ text, so to speak, that came down to us in the Bibles.

The key word is perspective. In Mexico where I live, for example, the learned indigenistas get very angry when a foreigner tells them about sacrifices—including ritual child sacrifice—in the pre-Hispanic world. It doesn’t occur to them that the simplest thing to do would be to point out that other cultures also sacrificed their children. I don’t like to defend Mexican indigenistas from such accusations, nor the Jews Gaedhal is talking about. But I insist: the historical perspective says it all, as I tried to show in the central part of Day of Wrath.

Regarding Jewry, it is clear that there was a change after the Babylonian exile: captivity at the hands of gentiles civilised them somewhat. But once the story of Abraham was modified so that the angel prevented him from sacrificing Isaac, my guess is that they abandoned those practices. Here in Mexico, the same thing happened with the ‘captivity’, so to speak, that the Mesoamerican Amerindians suffered at the hands of Europeans from 1521 to 1821, when the mestizos gained independence from the crown of Spain. Once independent, not even the Indians returned to their sacrificial practices (the sons of bitches do continue to ritually sacrifice animals, which is why I still hate them).

But my point is clear, and only those who have read Day of Wrath could get it. Historically, there are quantum leaps in psychogenesis, in the sense that there is more empathy now towards children than in the remote historical past. Infant sacrifice in Judaism is a thing of the past. Despite what many white nationalists believe, there is no forensic evidence that rituals such as the one represented by the oil painting at the top of this entry continue into our century.

Day of Wrath (book) Exterminationism Hate

Am I a psychopath?

I would like to add a postscript to my previous post about the book On Exterminationism. Yesterday Autisticus Spasticus asked me:

César, there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for quite some time. Do you, personally, have it in you to kill non-white women and children in cold blood? Imagine they were lined up before you, black and arab women and children, sobbing, pleading desperately for their lives as you level a machine gun at them. Could you bring yourself to do it? I’m genuinely curious. Have you ever given it much consideration?

The best way to answer him and others who ask me similar questions is through an experiment of the imagination, already mentioned in the final pages of another of my books:

It is enough to see the photographs of mammals in laboratory experiments that are carried out throughout North America and Europe to perceive that the human being is truly a wicked species. I will not incur the rudeness of adding those photographs in this text: a task I leave to my readers.

My exterminating fantasies would not seem unhealthy if we do another thought experiment. In Dies Irae I quoted a non-fiction book by Arthur Clarke where he talked about the ‘judgment from the Stars’ that earthlings could experience. If we imagine that in real life someone similar to a Karellen visited our planet, what is the first thing he would see from his distant silver ships, far above the human tingling? Urban spots. Industries that destroy the environment and, bringing his cameras closer, abject human misery and inconceivable suffering of the other species that share the planet with us. If, as in Clarke’s novel, the visitor also possessed machines to open a visual window to the past to study the species, he would perceive that, besides the hell that the naked apes subject their cousins, through history and prehistory they had behaved in an absolutely horrendous way with their own children. It does not hurt to summarize the revelations of the previous pages.

With his machines to literally see the human past this hypothetical extraterrestrial would be taken aghast by the magnitude of infanticide: nine percent of all human births. He would see thousands of young children slaughtered ritually, offered to the goddess of Babylon. He would see the infant sacrifices of the Pelasgians, the Syrians, the sacrifices in Gezer and in Egypt of the centuries that the earthlings call 10th to 8th before Christ. And let’s not talk about what the visitor would see with his machines when focusing on the ancient Semites of Carthage, where the burning of living children ordered by their own parents reached levels that surpassed the exclamation of Sahagún. Something similar could be seen by our visitor about other Phoenicians, Canaanites, Moabites, Sepharvaim, and ancient Hebrews: who in their origins offered their firstborn as a sacrifice to their gods. With his magic to see our past, the alien visitor would learn that both the exposure and the abandonment of infants continued in Europe until a council took action against the custom of leaving the children to die in the open.

With technology based on unimaginable principles the visitor would also see much worse behaviour in the lands of coloured people: thousands of babies, mostly women, abandoned in the streets of ancient China, and how those babies that were not abandoned were put in cold water until they died. He would see how in feudal Japan the baby was suffocated with wet paper covering her nose and mouth; how infanticide was systematic in the feudal Rajputs in India, sometimes throwing the living children to the crocodiles; and how in pre-Islamic Arabia they buried alive not a few new-borns. The visitor would also see that the sub-Saharan inhabitants of Africa killed their children much more frequently than other races did. He would even see that the sacrifice of children in Zimbabwe was practiced as recently as the beginning of the century that the earthlings call the 20th century. The window to the past would also make visible the incredibly massive slaughter of infants among the natives of the countless islands of Oceania, New Guinea and even more so among the extremely primitive aborigines of Australia, Tasmania and Polynesia. He would realize that in the American tribes, including the redskins, infanticide continued at a time when the practice had been abandoned in Europe. The same happened not only in Central American and South American tribes, but also in the civilizations prior to the Spanish conquest: where the ritual sacrifice of women and children suggests that they did it out of pure sadism. Finally, the visitor would see how, after the Conquest, the sacrificial institution of the Mesoamerican and Inca Indians was forbidden only to be transferred to the animals in the so-called santería in times when our visitor no longer has to use his devices to open the Complete Book of History and Prehistory of the species he studies.

It’s clear where I want to go… If it is legitimate for this hypothetical extraterrestrial to remove from the face of the Earth a newly-arrived species whose haughtiness blinds them from seeing their evil ways, how can it be pathological for an earthling to arrive at identical conclusions? Just because, unlike the visitor, he lacks technological power? The sad truth is that the infanticidal passion and cruelty of primitive humans have not been atoned, only transferred to our cousins.

In answering questions like those of Autisticus Spasticus, it is essential not to fall into stereotypes like the films that Jews make about Nazis.

Unlike the archetypical Hollywood Nazi, in the real world the scenario I imagine would mean liberating various zones in the US, and, from there, launching calls for white males who want to fight in the HRWs, and white women who want to procreate, to flee to the liberated zones—away from the archipelago of Gomorrahite cities that are about to be punished. Once those whites who want to survive take their families to the liberated zones, cut off electricity to the degenerates and deprive them of oil. It is obvious that those who stay in Gomorrah would start dying like flies. (In the sacred book of the Jews it is Yahweh who punishes and exterminates; in the HRWs it will be the Aryan man who does it, whose religion will no longer be Judaic but panentheistic.)

As you can see, none of this resembles the stereotype of the Hollywood Nazi, especially if all this is done in the name of the 4 words, like the alien of our Gedankenexperiment. On the contrary: it is something that could be done with the utmost coolness and preferably without eye contact with those who are about to be exterminated, or with as little contact as possible. I call what the Gomorrahites would suffer necessary suffering (remember that the four words say something else: eliminate all unnecessary suffering).

It’s the same as starting to exterminate the gangs of killer whales that torture a whale calf for hours by drowning her slowly. By shooting them with Apache helicopters, the object wouldn’t be to make them suffer, but to eliminate the whale calf’s unnecessary suffering. That the gang of orcas would suffer during the slaughter (let’s imagine that even one would evade the rockets and survive, traumatised) is what I call necessary suffering. Needless to say that after exterminating the offending species there will be no need to use the Apaches in the oceans.

With the Neanderthaloid versions of humans we would proceed in exactly the same way. The distinction between necessary and unnecessary suffering is fundamental to understanding our point of view.

Day of Wrath (book) Daybreak Publishing Sponsor

‘Day of Wrath’ 2022 edition

A publisher of racialist books asked me for the manuscript of the slimmest of my books and I have been busy preparing a PDF I have just sent him. But here I wanted to talk about another of my books in English, one of which I am one hundred per cent the author: Day of Wrath.

I have just finished the revision of this book; its PDF is linked below. My first words, now edited, are as follows:


The texts under this cover are essays on a wide range of topics. Even so, I venture to publish them under a single cover because they represent an introduction, in English and a readable book, to my vast work in Spanish. Most of the texts of this book are Spanish-English translations of chapters of my volumes Hojas Susurrantes and ¿Me Ayudarás? But the first two articles are blog essays.

The first article gave the title to this book.

I wrote ‘Dies Irae’ at the end of 2012 for mi website The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH). This article must be contextualised from the fourteen words: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children’, the axiom of WDH. In many words, to fully understand the 14 words see the selected compilation of WDH articles in the book The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (document available on my website).

The next article, ‘Possessed whites’ appeared on my website in early 2020. The rest of the book consists of translations from Spanish.

Hojas Susurrantes consists of approximately 260,000 words. It is the first volume of my philosophical trilogy. In 2006 I wrote the text reproduced here, ‘Unfalsifiability in Psychiatry’: a piece that appears in the second chapter of Hojas. In that essay, I try to show that the profession called psychiatry does not meet the scientific requirement to distinguish it from pseudosciences.

I finished the fourth chapter of Hojas in 2008. In this translation, I interpolate some square brackets in italics, and also some explaining passages, for those who have not read my thick volumes in their original language. The texts ‘The Trauma Model,’ ‘The Feathered Serpent’ and ‘Psychohistory’ are taken from this fourth chapter of Hojas. In these chapters I establish the basis of the trauma model: the opposite paradigm to the pseudoscientific medical model of mental disorders taught in psychiatry departments. The trauma model aims to demonstrate that abusive parents have driven their children mad throughout prehistory and recorded history.

The second volume of my autobiography, ¿Me Ayudarás? consists of approximately 225,000 words. The piece reproduced here, ‘God’, is a translated text of its first chapter and ‘Dying in a Louis XVI-style bedroom’ is taken from the introduction. Like the other chapters, it has been adapted for this English translation. This last text is a portrait of my soul that connects with the first essay, ‘Dies Irae,’ day of wrath in Latin.

January 2020
(edited in 2022)


The PDF of this edition is available here.

I will now add the above image to the featured post.


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Arthur C. Clarke Autobiography Day of Wrath (book) Film Mainstream media Psychohistory Welfare of animals

Flawed sci-fi genre

On Mondays a ‘market on wheels’ passes near my house that doesn’t exist in the neighboring country to the north: Indians who sell food and other household items to the more bourgeois classes. For the ridiculous price of $15 pesos (0.72 dollars) yesterday I bought this year’s version of Dune.

I still remember when I saw the first film version of Frank Herbert’s novel in 1984 and I thought it was a very bad movie. But the 2021 version is worse as the accelerating trend toward Evil continues in these eschatological times, as Savitri would say. I mean the mania of putting more and more non-white actors on the big screen. The $15 pesos I spent yesterday for a pirated DVD of Dune was a good investment, as I prefer to give that amount to an Indian than to Hollywood dogs (tonight my sister and my nephew will watch Dune on the Imax screen).

Although, with the exception of this darkening of actors, the visual aspect of the 2021 film improves on previous versions, there will never be a good movie because Herbert’s novel is flawed.

When I saw the 1984 film, I was unaware of the existence of psychoclasses. Recently, in one of my comments on Savitri’s book, I said that the Spaniards belonged to a higher psychoclass than the Aztecs, who killed and ate their children. The mistake of Herbert and all fans of science-fiction is that they ignore the existence of psychoclasses. With the exception of the books that I’ve been promoting on this site from the pen of Arthur C. Clarke, the only thing that the authors of the futurist genre do is extrapolate the present of this fallen West to a future where technology has been developed.

But that is not the future.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, the future of the Mesoamerican and Inca world would be the destruction, thanks to the Europeans, of an infanticidal psychoclass, a psychoclass of serial killers (see the central part of my Day of Wrath) through an amalgamation between Indian and Spanish in which, at least, the filicide aspects of the Amerinds were overcome.

That doesn’t mean that I identify myself with the Castilians. I represent a psychoclass superior to theirs inasmuch as I have always been repulsed by bullfighting (as I tell in one of my autobiographical books, my grandmother and my godmother were fans of this sadistic art). In other words, internally I already made another quantum leap from the Spanish psychoclass to a psychoclass that feels infinitely more empathy for animals.

The mistake of Herbert, who once had a personal fight with Clarke, is that he was blind to psychogenic evolution; that is, to the development of empathy (think about how Hitler’s first measure when he came to power was to pass laws to prevent the cruelty to animals). Herbert extrapolates the human psychoclass from our time to the future as if there won’t be any psychogenic breakthroughs. For example, one of the anachronisms of the movie that I saw yesterday is the hobby of the House Atreides (the movie’s good guys), who had representations of bullfighting art in their palace, including the head of a sacrificed bull on a wall.

In fact, it is impossible for the current psychoclass of humans to grow indefinitely because with such advanced technology they would only end up self-destructing (which is why we receive no signs of intelligent life in the Milky Way). Only the Aryan overman, the followers of a new Hitlerite religion, could inherit the stars.

Unlike Herbert’s Dune, in a few of Clarke’s futuristic novels humans stop abusing children and animals. When in 1992 I wrote him a letter, and asked him what was his favourite novel among the many he wrote, the famous British author informed me that it was The Songs of Distant Earth (except for my address that I’ve just deleted, Clarke’s letter can be read: here). The novel has its problems, of course. Clarke was bisexual and this shows in The Songs of Distant Earth. But at least he acknowledges that psychoclasses may evolve in the future.

But I would like to say one more thing about the darkening of the actors in the 2021 version of Dune and Hollywood in general.

Yesterday I saw a segment of Fox News. The axiological lie on which the US is based, a lie that is exterminating the white race in that country, is something that even anchors like Tucker Carlson share. Last night Carlson said: ‘…the funding principle of the United States, to sum up, is the Christian belief that all people, regardless of their skin color, are equal before God’.

Well, they certainly aren’t equal before me.

3-eyed crow Child abuse Day of Wrath (book) Human sacrifice Neanderthalism

Day of Wrath’s pdf

Yesterday a new visitor posted this comment arguing that we shouldn’t criticise Greg Johnson so harshly. I pointed out that there were many entries on this site about Johnson and that I had summarised my views about him on pages 9-11 of Day of Wrath (DOW), indicating that my book appeared on the sidebar. But this morning that I checked the sidebar I noticed that while there is a link to get the hard copy of the book, there was no link for the PDF, which I just added it to.

DOW also contains English translations of some chapters of my books in Spanish on the terrible, even infanticidal treatment with which entire cultures treated children. In a crucial scene from Game of Thrones we see Bran freak out when the three-eyed raven shows him the human sacrifice of an adult in the remote past of Westeros. What this book shows is that, in real human history, these sacrifices were made even with children, including the American continent in which I find myself.

Those who wish to know why I have gone so far into the dark side of our past to understand the present—just what the raven wanted Bran to know!—should consider this book. Reading it together with watching the Russian film that I talked about in my previous post will help the visitor understand why I have generated the austere, and sometimes sullen gravitas, of my current personality.

Day of Wrath (book) Evil Human sacrifice

The dance of dragons

‘The Dance of Dragons’ is the ninth and penultimate episode of the fifth season of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 49th overall. In the image we see Jaime Lannister in Dorne toasting with the prince in a building that looks like a copy of the Islamic buildings.

It is also in this episode that Stannis takes his little daughter Shireen to the stake despite the girl’s horrifying screams when she’s burned alive. I couldn’t resist seeing the scene again since it was released and I better hit fast forward on my remote control. However, it’s good to know that these things happened for thousands of years. Let us remember that the Bible itself speaks of some parents ‘passing their children through the fire’ in the context of human sacrifice.

But even here there is anti-white propaganda in this HBO series, as in Martin’s novel Shireen remains alive and well at the end of A Dance with Dragons. Furthermore, in real history it was the Semitic peoples, including the Hebrews, who passed their sons through the fire, not the Aryans. Here they put a white man, Stannis, influenced by a white woman, Melisandre, as the ones who commit the unforgivable atrocity.

Day of Wrath is a better product than this episode of Game of Thrones. But degenerate whites prefer to continue consuming their Semitic shit…

Day of Wrath (book) Racial right

Creatures of Dad’s introject

Many times I have said that, in sharp contrast to National Socialism, white nationalism is charlatanism and recent cases exemplify it.

Everything has to do with what in this site (and in my books in Spanish) I call a state of mental slavery due to the introjects that our parents and society implanted in our heads.

The superiority of Hitler and his closest group compared to the racialist Americans of today is extremely evident in his intimate talks not only at dinner time, but in what remained in the memories of the Germans who knew the Führer in private.

For Hitler, the greatest calamity in our history was the advent of Christianity. White nationalists, on the other hand, are stupefied and paralysed in the middle of the psychological Rubicon because they don’t have the balls to face the programming of their asshole Christian parents (at least not the balls I have when exposing my parents in my books). They are ‘creatures of Dad’s introject’ as I say to myself in my soliloquies, and they will remain in that state of psychological immaturity until, apparently, their race is extinguished.

As I said in a comment yesterday, Hunter Wallace is such a case: as are the vast number of Christians who comment on his blog. But even in the forum of the most respected white nationalist in the US, this childishness of not wanting to break away from Dad’s introjects is evident. The title of the most recent article on The Occidental Observer begins with the words ‘Hail the Catholic Church for…’ There, Ricardo Duchesne tells us:

Many on the dissident right today blame Christianity for promoting universal values and the equality of human souls across the earth in the eyes of God. MacDonald does not blame Christianity. He does not argue that the Catholic Church created the conditions for the subsequent rise of multicultural collective norms.

It irritates me greatly that currently only one person is willing to systematically take issue with this blindness about Christianity in racialist forums. I am referring to Robert Morgan, who today commented on these words of Gregory Hood: ‘Many 19th century abolitionists were not peaceful idealists but blood-crazed fanatics, who cloaked their dreams of war and slaughter in apocalyptic, Biblical language. John Brown, whose band began its infamous raid on Harpers Ferry by killing a free black man, is the primary example’. Morgan replied:

John Brown was a nineteenth century version of an antifa or BLM rioter. He wasn’t just a “blood-crazed fanatic”, he was a blood-crazed CHRISTIAN fanatic. For a good picture of him and how he was regarded by a great many in the North, read Thoreau’s A Plea for Captain John Brown, wherein he is compared favorably to Jesus Christ and the angels. There’s a reason that all of the movements and personages Hood is complaining about resemble John Brown, and that is because, in their egalitarianism, their utopianism, their vision of a raceless future, they are displaying their true colors as just another version of Christianity. Belief in the crucified rabbi has become optional for some of them, true, but the rest of the Christian moral vision remains.

Hood’s essay isn’t very good insofar as it obscures this connection by calling the current goings-on a “new” religion. Referring to it this way is a hackneyed trope that attempts to strengthen the very root of the plant from which all the evil tendrils spring. Only when it is widely understood and accepted that all men are NOT brothers will the root finally die, and the evil tendrils wither. The white man has this lie as the centerpiece of his culture of lies primarily due to Christianity, not because some “new” religion has sprung up in opposition to it.

One might think that not all white nationalists or alt-right folk are as blind as those cited above. Before they nuked his YouTube channel I used to watch some videos that Richard Spencer uploaded on his McSpencer Group. My last two posts dealt with the topic that one of this trio, young Keith Woods, recently regressed to what I have been calling paleologic thinking on this site. (People who really want to argue with me should read Day of Wrath, which is not only available in hardcover but whose PDF can be read for free: here.)

What is striking is that a member of Spencer’s group has apparently deserted in the sense that he has apparently abandoned the main principle of the alt-right: Gens alba conservada est, the white race must be preserved. And if Woods sticks to that position, it seems that he’s doing it because the unconscious introjects that he suffers ordered him not only to stay paralysed in the middle of the Rubicon, but to take a few steps back.

I don’t know if the white race is going to survive. But if there is something I feel morally obliged to say—although as someone on Twitter told me I am like a voice crying out in the wilderness of white nationalism—it is that Judeo-Christianity fried the brains of whites. If they go extinct, at least posterity must have an exact diagnosis of what really killed them.

Child abuse Day of Wrath (book) Human sacrifice Neanderthalism Psychohistory

Blaming mankind

On this site I have quoted a lot from Robert Morgan. Although he’s right about Christianity, Morgan seems to be saying that technology was something like the apple of knowledge that men ate and were expelled from paradise. That vision of man presupposes the Golden Age of humanity, which for some reason was corrupted in the Bronze Age and eventually in the Iron Age: a myth.

Morgan’s mistake, blaming technology for everything, is due to his lack of knowledge of my appropriation of psychohistory, as massive child sacrifice in pre-technological civilisation speaks horrors of humanity. (In our time there is almost no ritual sacrifice of children, but society allows parents to mistreat their children’s egos to the extent of schizophrenizing them.)

Morgan’s position reminds me of Marxists who blame capitalism, as if before capitalism there had been no horrors in the world (see for example what I say about schizophrenia and pre-Columbian Amerinds in Day of Wrath). The only thing technology does is empower even more a modified ape that does very bad things for the reasons outlined in my book: the ‘long childhood’ that lends itself to all kinds of parental abuse, traumas and a pandemonium of cruelty and severe mental disorders. However, under another pseudonym Morgan used to comment here without reading Day of Wrath where I explain psychohistory.

The trick is not only to blame capitalism, Jewry, technological civilisation or even Christianity but man himself or rather what I call ‘exterminable Neanderthals’. And only the Aryan race has the potential to leave human Neanderthalism behind.

When Morgan commented here, to rebut his technological reductionism (‘Eve’s apple’) I pointed out to psychohistory. He said something to the effect that I had focused on Amerindians. But pure whites also did similar things.

Among Scandinavians, the practices of throwing living offerings in holy waters began in the Stone Age and continued during the Bronze and Iron ages. There was never a Golden Age, as shown in the remains of sacrificed children even in the days of our pre-human ancestors.

By the 3rd century BCE whites were already offering human lives in Scandinavia: hundreds of men, women and children have been found in lakes that were sacred. In 1839, a Danish newspaper published an article about the exhumation of a body from a peat bog in Jutland, and to date several hundred mummified bodies of Scandinavians who had been dumped in the bogs, slaughtered 2,400 years ago, have been exhumed.

The 1974 book The Northmen by Thomas Froncek and the team of Time-Life shows several photographs of those victims, including the mummified body of a girl who, preserved by the peat bog, shows that she was a beautiful young blonde woman, who was attached to a large stone to drown her. Her entire body was found in 1952 at the bottom of a Schleswig-Holstein bog.

Why did even the beautiful Nordics do these things with their crown of the evolution they had created through sexual selection (the Aryan woman)? Recently a commenter sent me a very good edition of James George Frazer’s The Golden Bough. But Frazer lacked the tool of psychohistory because it did not exist when he lived (1854-1941). In his truly encyclopaedic work Frazer was unable to explain why on earth can people sacrifice their own children or their women, a practice that sometimes included torture.

As psychohistory explains, everything has to do with the traumas caused by ‘the long childhood’ in our species: traumas that demand not only repetition, but also sublimation of the parents onto figures of demanding gods (or a demanding monotheistic god).

Lloyd deMause, who died this year, figured out much of the why such horrible rituals cropped up in all human races since prehistory. But who among the commenters is interested in my work? DeMause was such a deranged liberal that I had to take over his psychohistory, turn it, and use it as a tool for the priest of the 4 and 14 words.

Conspiracy theories Day of Wrath (book) Pandemics

Dissident right insanity

The Ferdinand Bardamu article I was mentioning yesterday, published on The Occidental Observer, reflects a sane approach to what the coronavirus represents. But a considerable percentage of the dissident-right folk are, literally, insane.

Unlike one of my old friends with whom I spoke about the trauma model of mental disorders in the previous decade, among my racialist readers no one has thoroughly considered what I say in Day of Wrath where I use terms like ‘psychogenesis’, ‘psychoclasses’ and ‘paleologic thought’. If the Day of Wrath content were popular among racialists, the conceptual bases for understanding cognitive distortions in humans in general, including the dissident right, would be better understood.

Today, for example, Hunter Wallace complains about the insults he received from a recalcitrant coronavirus sceptic:

There are people who are “dissidents” in the sense that they believe things like the earth is flat, the moon landing was a hoax, the victims of mass shootings are “crisis actors,” viruses are not real, microchips are being implanted in our brains to create “a worldwide slave grid,” SARS is the flu, women are the enemy of men, Harvey Weinstein is a hero, and so on. It makes no sense to continue to use a term that lumps together people who have such radically different values, perspectives and temperaments. Many of these people tend to overlap with the fringes of conservatism and libertarianism.

I just shake my head in disbelief…

In a recent Occidental Dissent discussion thread, another irrational coronavirus sceptic challenged Wallace to tell him if he believed in ‘the official story’ about the 9/11 attacks. To avoid another shitstorm, Wallace avoided a frank and direct response, but he may very well have included 9/11 in his list above.

For believing in the ‘official story’ abut the coronavirus, Wallace was told yesterday: ‘I bet niggers fuck your wife and you probably jack off while watching’. Worse things have been said to me. For not believing the 9/11 conspiracy theory, in a Majority Rights article—not in the trolling comments section—an author of that webzine called me ‘jew’.

Since then I’ve decided not to discuss with them again for the reasons stated in ‘On paleologic nationalism’, nor will I discuss with them below in the comments section (I won’t even approve their comments). Wallace is more patient with these types of people than I am.