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Currency crash Pandemics

Covid update

Left, The four horsemen of the apocalypse in the time of covid-19 by Joseph Hutchinson.

Chris Martenson has confirmed tonight what was said in his previous video: apparently, there will be no herd immunity or vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus.

Everything seems to indicate that it will truly be an apocalypse rider, as the devastation it will create in the service sector in the US (70 percent of the American economy) will surely contribute to the financial collapse we have been predicting.

Deranged altruism Pandemics

Dr Peters update!

Chris Martenson just dropped a bomb.

But first, compared to the flu, I’d like to ask what’s the coronavirus death rate in the US? Some people are saying it’s almost fifty times higher than that of the flu. A few months ago I read it was twenty times higher.

At any event there is a possibility that covid-19, synthesised in a Chinese laboratory, will stay with Homo sapiens forever, just like the common flu. Much research and hard data are still lacking, but the possibility exists that our species will never achieve herd immunity with covid-19, just as is the case with the flu.

If this is proven I must blame Christianity and its bastard son, neochristianity (‘Let’s love the Other! Let’s awaken the Oriental Dragon that Napoleon warned us about!’) for this horseman of the Apocalypse. If Anglo-Saxon Christians had allowed Germans to have their empire, Japan would have taken over China. Since the Third Reich would now cover from the Atlantic to the Urals, and this Greater Deutschland would have nuclear weapons, the Germans would never have allowed the Orientals to develop biological weapons.

But that did not happen, courtesy of Anglo-Saxon Christians…

If the mere possibility that Martenson explains in his last video turns out to be more than a possibility, the Apocalypse that I imagined later in the 21st century (after oil ran out) has begun. And it would have begun not because covid-19 is going to kill as many humans as Dr. Peters’ virus killed in that movie, but because the radical change of our lifestyles cannot be greater.

American civil war Evil Pandemics William Pierce

Are Americans doomed?

On Twitter Will Westcott recently said:

The US right-wing is dominated by liberal conservatism, a perverse ideology that prioritizes extreme individualism and selfishness over the public good and GDP [Gross Domestic Product] as the reason for existence.

That’s why taking measures that hinder individualism or economic growth are opposed.

In order to justify this ludicrous value system, liberal conservatism engages in denialism or ridiculous conspiracy theories to explain away the pandemic.

Facing up and admitting there’s a real pandemic would mean exposing their real ideological motivations.

They can’t state what they really believe—that their personal autonomy is more important than public health and they don’t care how many get sick and die as long GDP keeps growing—because that would be deeply unpopular. Thus, they descend into denialism and conspiracy theories.

On the flip side, the US left-wing is dominated by liberal progressivism, an equally perverse ideology that believes “racism” and “white supremacy” is the real virus and more important to fight than an actual pandemic that’s infecting and killing thousands of people.

That is why the US left-wing initially opposed closing borders and isolating foreigners when the virus first appeared—that would be “racism” and “xenophobia” and then decided to form huge crowds to protest white supremacy in the middle of a pandemic.

Liberal progrssivism does not have to devolve into denialism and crackpot conspiracy theories to minimize the coronavirus because they openly state they believe fighting racism is more important than fighting a pandemic.

Liberal conservatism also agrees that racism is the greatest evil so the progressive left receives no pushback or condemnation for such an insane belief. Also, the conservatives want an excuse to deny taking public health measures and the protests give them that.

Based Barsoomian added:

At the same time they are doing nothing to stop blacks from destroying the city and killing people on the streets.

Michael Tracey commented:

The US right-wing impulse to deny the severity of the coronavirus has never made any sense ideologically. In other parts of the world (India, etc.) it’s the total opposite (right-wing extra “tough” on the virus). This is just nihilistic, knuckle-dragging, know-nothing posturing.

My two cents:

That’s the United States. Half of the population having Mammon as their god to the point of devolving into crackpot theories, and the other half indistinguishable from the Jews regarding what the Talmud says: that the best among the Goyim must be exterminated.

In a video, yesterday I listened a few words from William Pierce that Hunter Wallace embedded in his site. I had not listened to Pierce for some time and it made me reiterate what I already knew: that the Pierce who spoke once a week on the radio and the Pierce of Who We Are are two Pierces. Similarly, the Hitler who spoke to the masses was not the same as the one who spoke to his friends in private.

Perhaps the reason the National Alliance doesn’t publish Who We Are (the equivalent of Hitler’s table talks) is for not showing the most authentic Pierce to ordinary people, as Who We Are touches on taboo issues for American white nationalists: Nordicism, anti-Christianity, exterminationism and the story worth investigating to understand the white man is the European, not the American.

There is another problem with Pierce’s referred speech. Like Hitler’s public speeches, it seems monocausal, and it contrasts sharply with the posts we’ve been collecting from Robert Morgan about the American Civil War, which show that a fanatic, suicidal anti-racism already existed in the US before Jews came en masse to this continent. But the bottom line is what Will Westcott said above: almost all Americans, on the right or left, are bad people in one way or another. The only way to save them would be precisely what

Morgan said five years ago:

In order to accept being called a racist or a Nazi with equanimity, normal American whites would have to reconcile that with their country’s history of being violently opposed to racism of any kind, from the Civil War forward. They would have to admit to themselves and to others that all of that blood shed in trying to stamp out racism had been shed in vain, and in fact, worse than in vain, in an evil cause. They would have to admit that their ancestors were evil, and that they themselves had also been evil before they saw the light and became racists.

It’s safe to say the chances of that happening on a mass scale are almost zero.

Carl Gustav Jung Hermann (Arminius) Leonidas Pandemics Racial right

On Yellowstone fantasies

I recently said that I would no longer visit racialist sites because they do not honour Uncle Adolf’s memory. But that doesn’t prevent me from clicking on those who link this site, generally the comments section, to see if they are not saying something false about me.

Recently, in a Unz Review discussion thread, an anon from Tennessee tagged as ‘scum’ Hitler’s fans who comment on that webzine. It is unnecessary to link such a comment but I would like to clarify a few things.

If the white man does not resurrect his old archetypes and memory of their heroes, as the Nazis wanted to resurrect them, he is doomed to extinction. And that means honouring figures who fell in the fight, like Leonidas, Hermann and Hitler, not just the winners.

The admins of the white nationalist sites I no longer want to visit are not resurrecting those archetypes. On the contrary: they are possessed—remember that Jung said that archetypes can take possession of the human soul—by a Semitic archetype, the Jesus who preaches universal love.

The last time I checked the WN sites, there was a debate between two sides: those who are in favour of the covid-19 lockdown for humanitarian reasons, and their libertarian opponents. I said that this discussion strikes me as Byzantine. The former follow the archetype of the loving Jesus who doesn’t want anyone to die, not even the white trash of today. The latter believe in lunatic conspiracy theories, and have not realised that the Americanist cult of individualism is directly related to the darkest hour in the West.

Do these misnamed white nationalists honour representations in their homes of Leonidas and Hermann, or do they have representations of the crucified rabbi? And if they don’t honour the fallen Aryans of the past but this fallen Jew, how will they have images of the heroes who still lived when my parents were children?

The Jews honour their heroes. But many Aryans who comment on Unz Review and other racialist forums apparently hate them. No wonder old Sebas Ronin dreams of Yellowstone exploding as the only way for these Judaized Americans to rethink their ways…

Daybreak Publishing Free speech / association Pandemics

Covid-19 vs. the 1st Amendment?

Further to my previous post. As Tucker Carlson said yesterday, big tech companies are using covid-19* to increase their censorship power over the American population. The First Amendment is no longer fashionable. I don’t know if the two books I mentioned a couple of days ago will no longer be available through Lulu but, as I said here in the comments section, we need our own publishing house.

(*) My take on the Chinese coronavirus is that I disagree with the lockdowns. All people should simply wear facemasks on the street and at work, as in Czechoslovakia.


Prognosticator extraordinaire


Winter is coming

I have said that I would not visit the forums of racialist Americans who fail to condemn what Uncle Sam did to Uncle Adolf the century they were born. But that doesn’t mean I am prohibited from seeing what Sebastian E. Ronin said today on his Facebook page, as this German-speaking Canadian does condemn what Uncle Sam did. This is what Ronin said today about covid-19:

The highest cases per one million is registered by Spain at 4,367. Amerika, by comparison, is at 2,475. Herd immunity would require 80 percent of any given population, i.e., for Spain roughly 37 millions, for Amerika roughly 260 millions; global 6.2 billions. Precautions are slowly being wound down. The second wave, whenever it hits, will be vicious, as was the second wave of the Spanish Flu.

It will be funny to see how Reality hits the racialist flu bros next winter…

Arthur C. Clarke Film Mainstream media Pandemics

Lady revisited

If there is something that draws my attention from the pundits of white nationalism it is that they make reviews of recent films omitting that, unlike the cinema of yesteryear, they are pure poison for the white race. For example, in this quarantine millions of whites are actively poisoning their souls with Netflix and few complain.

In contrast yesterday I finished watching, once again, My Fair Lady of which I had already written something on this site in 2013.

Like classical music, it is a type of cinema that the younger generations of white advocacy are not only incapable of watching on the big screen, but even incapable to appreciate if they obtained the DVD to watch it on their televisions.

The disconnect between the pundits of the alt-right with the traditional legacy of the seventh art is so enormous that, when they opine about an old movie, they can say things that only reflect their ignorance. Not long ago, for example, commenting on my favourite film 2001: A Space Odyssey, in a conversation with Richard Spencer a certain Mark, a Hollywood expert, interpreted absurd things about the intentions of Kubrick. I know they are absurd because I have studied Arthur Clarke’s philosophy since the 1980s and read his biography, and Kubrick’s too, so I know the message of his most famous sci-fi novels thoroughly. (I even exchanged correspondence with Clarke in the 1990s, who was very impressed by a journal I sent him as it mentioned the obituary of a certain Benson Herbert, whom he had not dealt with since before World War II.)

But I wanted to talk about something else. One of the reasons this site doesn’t talk about news is because after a few days the media sometimes picks up info that the most radical bloggers had already said on their websites. For example, some of my recent posts mention that the Chinese virus may have come out of a Wuhan lab. I didn’t imagine, when I posted it, that Hannity would talk about it on Fox News soon after, inviting senators who also show their outrage about how these revelations change our views on the pandemic. I could have kept my policy of not talking about that kind of news. But the thing is, I never expected the MSM to bring up the lab scandal so soon. So I generally prefer to talk about things that won’t be said in the mainstream media.

What I experienced these nights before going to bed, for example, watching some minutes of My Fair Lady every midnight until after a few nights I finished it, is a subject not only that won’t appear on MSM but also on racialist forums. And it’s important to talk about it because in these times of lockdown racially conscious whites could try to start getting acquainted with the old cinema that contained good messages (recently I was talking about the movie Shane for example).

If there’s one thing I liked about My Fair Lady now that I saw it once more it’s that it reminds me of the days when men were men and women women (when Hollywood and TV now re-enact older times they put women as early feminists). Ever since I saw My Fair Lady as a child I have loved the idea of learning to speak English—real English—through phonetic exercises: the passion of Professor Henry Higgins. The original musicality of Shakespeare’s language should be a goal to be achieved in the ethnostate, in the unlikely event that Anglo-Saxons save their stock from extinction.


What a beast!

1) Even Fox News is now saying that covid-19 escaped from a Wuhan lab.

2) Instead of clinging to libertarianism, the flu bros, who increasingly resemble the 9/11 truthers, should listen to today’s episode that Chris Martenson titled ‘What a beast!’ referring to the virus, who also talks about how the economic damage has really just begun.

3) This English doc isn’t race-wise and suffers from out-group altruism, but he still gives sound prophylactic advice against the virus, already mentioned on this site. Whoever doesn’t want to listen to the whole video of the old man can only watch the first couple of minutes, when he summarises his advice.


Wuhan, two years ago

First and last paragraph of today’s article ‘State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses’ on Washington Post:

Two years before the novel coronavirus pandemic upended the world, U.S. Embassy officials visited a Chinese research facility in the city of Wuhan several times and sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats […].

“I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory. I think it’s a legitimate question that needs to be investigated and answered,” he said. “To understand exactly how this originated is critical knowledge for preventing this from happening in the future.”

No, it isn’t a conspiracy theory.

Chris Martenson Deranged altruism Pandemics

Covid-19 attacks our immune system!

Recent findings say that, like HIV, covid-19 also attacks the T-cells: the cells that protect us against viral invasions. Definitively, this is not just the flu. This is what Chris Martenson says today about this new research:

The covid-19 virus, while incredibly tiny, continues to confound researchers with the myriad ways in which it can wreak havoc in the human body. Today’s surprise is that the virus may have a completely second pathway, separate from targeting ACE2 receptors, for attack. New research indicates that, similar to HIV, covid-19 compromises the immune system’s T-cells and “turns off” their protective function, allowing the virus to replicate without interference.

What I find most intriguing is the open question if the virus was deliberately synthesised in a Chinese lab. What I fear is the coming winter, as the coronavirus seems to like cold weather and sooner or later people will have to break the quarantine looking for jobs and food. Those who the McSpencer group criticised yesterday are saying that people are overreacting to a non-doomsday event. But a convergence of catastrophes—this HIV-like virus and the possibility that the economic crash also occurs in winter—could be a game changer.

Whatever happens to the economy, if covid-19 attacks the T cells as HIV does, this sounds like an engineered bio-weapon. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck… As a commenter of Martenson’s video said: ‘Wuhan Institute of Virology: “Lets take SARS, hybridize it with a bat-only SARS-like corona virus which is more durable, add in some HIV receptors and we’ll call it “vaccine research”, yeah, that’s what we’ll do’.

Now comes to my mind the first days when this exploded in China and the virus had not reached the West. A news item that I didn’t understand then is that the Chinese were treating the virus (not yet called covid-19) with AIDS medication.

I blame Christianity for the pandemic. Those who have seen the videos that I have been linking will remember one that I put in ‘A Chinese Dr. Peters?’ The report openly spoke of the tremendous help the Chinese received from Western laboratories for a mysterious investigation they were doing in Wuhan. As Mark Brown said on the Martenson Channel, ‘Here are millions of taxpayer dollars to help your research, China’.

A few months ago the subtitle of this blog read: ‘Christian love is murdering the white race’, and I think it would still be a valid subtitle for the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour. Compared to the JQ, out-group altruism is the real killer: it directly targets whites’ immune system leaving them helpless against malicious non-whites, be they Jews or Gooks.