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Ancient Rome Miscegenation Nordicism

Vikernes on Twitter!

Varg Vikernes of Thulêan Perspective twitted yesterday what we have been saying for a long time: that the original Greeks and Romans were Nordid (for a more academic explanation see The Fair Race pages 319-350 and 659-722). Vikernes wrote:

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Daily reminder that civilization itself comes from, promotes and always results in multiculturalism and hybridization.

[Roman Emperors before Christianity took over]

The darkness of civilization moves northwards as we speak. Ancient Italy looked much like today’s Scandinavia. The future Scandinavia will look like today’s Italy.

Psychiatry Racial right

Mental illness

In diagnosing the white man, these days I have been using the ‘mental illness’ metaphor, the central metaphor of psychiatry: a pseudoscience. But if I think psychiatry is an inquisitorial pseudoscience why do I use the metaphor? For the simple fact that, once we realise that the medical model of mental disorders is pseudoscientific, the trauma model of mental disorders makes perfect sense. (Except the first and last articles, Day of Wrath explains my point didactically.)

This site has been visited by those racialists who subscribe to the madness called Christian Identity (CI), in which it is simply stated that the characters of the Bible were Aryans in order to convert, in a single blow with a magic wand, the holy book of the Jews into the holy book of the Aryans!

Although I had to ban a Christian Identitarian a few years ago, CI buffs still post from time to time their nonsense on this site as a certain Adam did today. If I allowed his comment it’s because I want to illustrate what mental illness is but not from the psychiatric POV. And to make things most unfair, if Adam wants to reply I won’t let it (let’s see if with such treatment they desist to post their CI stuff in The West’s Darkest Hour).

Day of Wrath, which explains mental illness from the trauma model, is a text that I usually don’t make changes to, as most of the book is only a translation of one of my eleven books in Spanish, El Retorno de Quetzalcóatl. For those who obtained a copy I must reiterate that in the last edition of Day of Wrath I added a very short piece that had already been published on this site. Those who have the edition before that brief addition must know the short piece that I added, reproduced below.

When I speak of ‘possession’ it must be understood phenomena such as the religious ‘great awakening’ that many secular whites have suffered in major western cities, especially the Americans (e.g., the negrolatres of Seattle and Portland). They have brought what I have been calling neofranciscanism to its logical conclusion: worshiping the most dispossessed race and feel good to humiliate and detest the superior race: the transvaluation of values in its purest form!

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Possessed whites

Jordan Peterson may be a sophist but he does well to remind us, quoting Jung, that the human being in general has no ideas: he is possessed by ideas.

Since the Imperial Church destroyed the Greco-Roman world [1], whites literally became possessed by Jewish ideas. Think about how many centuries the possessed ones bent their knees to deities like Yahweh and his son Yeshu.

Whites are so possessed that even the souls of the supposed rebels of the anti-white zeitgeist continue to be possessed by this idea. And I mean not only white nationalists who remain Christians [which includes the Christian Identitarians]. Every time I see more clearly that the fact that books like Who We Are remain unpublished, even by secular racialists, is because Pierce breaks away from Christian ethics by advising ‘extermination or expulsion’ of non-whites throughout his story of the white race.

Understand me well: like the normies, all racialists in today’s world are possessed by an unhealthy idea. And like the normies they will remain possessed until the day of their deaths, as Thomas Kuhn saw. There are exceptions of course, including some commenters who have visited this site. But in general what Jung said remains: human beings have no ideas: they are possessed by ideas. And the idea that in this age governs westerners, including secular white nationalists, remains Christian ethics.

It is true that white nationalists are not normies. But since they are unable to break openly with Christian ethics they are in no man’s land. The metaphor I have been using is that, although they left Normieland, while crossing the psychological Rubicon they stayed in the middle of the river. They are unable to continue crossing into the lands of National Socialism, and will remain unable to cross it until the day of their deaths. The magnet exercised by the precepts of Yahweh and his son Yeshu from the side of the river they left behind is irresistible. Our only hope is to appeal to the very young generations, perhaps teenagers or children, who in the future will read The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.


[1] See my 2020 translation of Christianity’s Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner (links on the sidebar).

Homer Richard Carrier

That tiny mustard seed…

‘Traditional Christianity is mature viper venom that has settled, whereas liberal, enlightened Christianity is recycled and of equal effect’. —Albus

Neochristianity, or following Jesus through secular self-immolation—e.g., white fans of BLM—is today’s religion. But how did such florid psychosis originate? How did the tiny mustard seed grow into such a huge weed that it’s now covering the West? Let’s take a good look at the smallest seed…

Watch this homey interview of Richard Carrier.

At 14:48 Carrier comments about the intention of the evangelist Mark (the other evangelists built upon him): ‘It’s all part of the gospel’s model reversing the order of society’.

23: 10: ‘Homer is the Bible, essentially, of the pagans… So what they want to do is called transvaluation. “I am taking stories from the Homeric tales”, rewrite them so that the value message is the value Mark wants to sell, not the value message you get from Homer, so that this book would even replace Homer… for this new society they want to create’.

28:30: ‘And it is political for them [early Christians], but subversively political’.

Later, Carrier talks about why in New Testament studies, replete of Christians, it is so hard that the most parsimonious hypothesis—the nonexistence of Jesus—is taken seriously.

Many critics of Christianity focus on the Apostle Paul, but the one who really brought this Semitic folly to the Gentile quarter was Mark’s literary genius, even if it was all pure literary fiction from his pen.

Civil war Currency crash Peter Schiff

Austrian school

Virtually no racialist knows the trauma model of mental disorders. One of the problems I see in the white nationalist movement is that there are serious blind spots from their POV. Not only do they ignore that psychiatry (which promotes the medical model of mental disorders) is false science. Nor do they know that Keynesian economics taught in universities is another ‘science’ similar to astrology.

The only one who got to talk about these two topics, pseudo-scientific psychiatry and pseudoscientific economics, before YouTube deleted his channel was Stefan Molyneux. And it is a pity that no racialist whose mother tongue is English says what Molyneux knew about the real state of the economy and the true cause of mental disorders (child abuse).

Today’s article on Counter-Currents by Robert Hampton, ‘Are We Really Heading To A Civil War?’ exemplifies blindness as to the state of the American economy.

Like the vast majority of racialists, Hampton doesn’t seem to have the remotest notion that the truly scientific school of economy is the Austrian school, which has been predicting, since Nixon unpegged the dollar from gold, that this would lend itself to abusively print fiat currency ad infinitum to the degree of currency collapse.

Now, Hampton is right that his bourgeois compatriots are not going to rebel. As I have said on this site, the One Ring has corrupted the Aryan psyche, as Richard Wagner saw in his most ambitious work. Hampton is correct in saying that his compatriots are comfortable in what I call ‘happy mode’ and that, in that mode, revolution is unthinkable. But Hampton is unaware that the precious currency of the Americans is going to tank.

Above I mentioned Molyneux whose mother was Jewish and I was sorry that a racialist Gentile did not say the same. The same could be said of Peter Schiff, whose father was Jewish, but among those who explain Austrian economics Schiff is the one who does it best on YouTube, as we see in his most recent podcast.

Those reluctant to listen to him can watch the crash curses of the non-Jews Chris Martenson or Mike Maloney, who say more or less the same as Schiff. In this matter it’s irrelevant who is Gentile or Jew. What matters is that the dollar is short on time, and that once it collapses Americans will transition from happy mode to angry mode.

True, an angry mode among whites is still insufficient for the armed revolution, but the fall of the American empire (no more pro-Israel wars after the dollar loses its purchasing power) will mark the end of the interregnum that began in 1945, when Europe lost the power they held for centuries.

The end of the interregnum doesn’t mean automatic salvation, as Americanised Europeans are as bananas as those who live on this continent. However, the end of American hegemony will start to open a window of opportunity for our cause.


Trauma model of mental disorders

The following is my response to what Joseph Walsh just told me: here.

But I sense you seem to think that because you had a troubled relationship with your parents which caused you much mental anguish, that all illnesses of the mind are due to the behaviour of one’s parents?

Have you read my Day of Wrath, or at least the Wikipedia article ‘Trauma model of mental disorders’ that I started the previous decade (or even my May post ‘On depression’)? Day of Wrath, by the way, is not autobiographical.

I could be mistaken but if that is the case that seems like a massive case of projection. Not only do you seem to think all mental illness is due to parental abuse but you’ve extrapolated that the near-extinction the white race is facing is due to erroneous white parents-white child relationships.

Please note the Schopenhauer quote in my previous post today, ‘Elemental psychology’, that people learn religions like they learn languages. That is, we have been programmed. You cannot think in Spanish or Greek however hard you try, and the same is true with religion. You can only learn Buddhism as you can learn a second language, but the whole matter is artificial and you end up thinking in your native language. Perhaps the best analogy is diseases that are transmitted through human contact, such as viruses.

The thing is, for two millennia, many white parents have been forcing their white children to worship the god of the Jews. I call that child abuse. And it is easy to see it as child abuse if we compare the religion of eternal torture even of unbaptised babies (a doctrine that Luther believed!) with the incredible beauty, majesty and nobility of classical religion.

If you know the book by Catherine Nixey that I quoted today in ‘Elemental psychology’, a woman who is your fellow citizen, you will see that what happened from the 4th to the 6th century was an astronomical trauma for converted whites: a trauma that the race has yet to heal to this day. In fact, all Christendom has been nothing other than suffering from a mental illness, analogous to how those diagnosed with schizophrenia suffer symptoms that can be traced to a very specific form of parental abuse that crashes the spirits of their children (see also Modrow’s book that I mentioned in my previous post).

But going back to Christianity and neochristianity. They are transmitted via parents. Without the malware within the operating system that abusive parents implant—that is, parents who install the Jesus archetype as a paradigm to follow (and add to it the secular programs that such operating system facilitates in schools and the media)—there is no ethno-suicidal drive.

In other words, in this secular phase of the red giant of Christianity, whites are burning in earthly purgatory for having committed, seventeen hundred years ago, the mortal sin of abandoning their Aryan gods to honour the Semitic god. And everything has to do with introjects as the infection has passed from parents to children for two thousand years…

Trying to break the chain of parental introjects is the job of the priest of the 14 words, even assuming that whites don’t want to listen to him and avoid his antivirus programs that could heal them of this age-old psychosis.

Regarding what you tell me about talking about this on Skype, I also dislike writing and prefer the spoken word (which is why my articles are so short). But that would only make sense if you read at least my book Day of Wrath. Otherwise, I would have to explain my intricate appropriation of Psychohistory through the spoken word: a miserable task considering that English is an artificial language for me.

Darkening Age (book)

Elemental psychology

This is a postscript to my entry yesterday, ‘The Aetiology of Psychosis’.

This recent thread of discussion, on this same site, shows an elemental ignorance about how Christianity seized the soul of whites.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that, as Schopenhauer says, ‘people learn religions as they learn languages’: what some psychologists call parental introjects.

The wrongdoing comes from our parents, as ‘introject’ here means a kind of malware in our mentalities without realising that we were programmed to believe in the false god of equality and out-group love since our childhood.

If it were possible to abduct from all Christian and atheist (i.e., neo-Christian) families their children and educate them under a Fourth Reich, in two or three generations (grandparents are also capable of programming their grandchildren) the spell of Christianity and ethnosuicidal neofrancisanism among whites would be broken.

It’s as simple as that. And there would be no need to destroy the few remaining Bibles that would still be in some libraries because there would never again be infatuation for the Abrahamic religions—unless the cycle of allowing Jewry to take over education in this new Aryan Empire was repeated to the degree of destroying the Neopagan temples, and that the stupid Aryan parents start reprograming the minds of their children with Abrahamic poison.

The racialists’ ignorance of this most basic psychology results in some of them blaming the Aryan genes (hardware) for something that is solely and exclusively a pandemic of mental viruses (software): the Judeo-Christian/liberal memeplex. Remember the parable of the mustard seed: the humblest of the seeds in the 1st century of the common era ended up becoming a huge plant in the 21st century.

So what’s a poisonous introject? As Catherine Nixey said after mentioning a famous Gibbon phrase about the ruins of the Capitol in Rome, it was not enough to destroy all statues, libraries and temples:

But, according to some of the most famous preachers of the time, even this was not enough to satisfy the Christian God… He wanted—He demanded—the hearts and minds of every single person within the empire.

And, these clerics threatened, He would know if He didn’t get them. As preachers in the fourth century started to warn their congregations, God’s all-seeing gaze followed you everywhere. He didn’t only see you in church; you were also watched by Him as you went out through the church doors; as you went out into the streets and as you walked around the marketplace or sat in the hippodrome or the theatre. His gaze also followed you into your home and even into your bedroom—and you should be in no doubt that He watched what you did there, too.

That was not the least of it. This new god saw into your very soul. ‘Man looketh on the face, but God on the heart,’ thundered Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage. ‘Nothing that is done is hidden from God.’ There was, congregations across the empire were warned, no escape: ‘Nothing, whether actually done or only intended, can escape the knowledge of God’—or His ‘everlasting punishment of fire’.

As I have already said on this site, ‘God’ is nothing other than the shadow of our introjected parents. We must begin to see our parents, or rather a facet of our parents, as the villains of our history: even non-Christian white parents for subscribing Christian ethics. In this way we will free ourselves from the common slander in some quarters of white nationalism of blaming white genes for what are actually the parental memes that have infected us.

Child abuse Kali Yuga St Francis

The aetiology of psychosis

The state of collapse of the most elemental manhood among whites is evident even in the forums of white nationalism. In these times when anti-white psychosis is accelerating, who among the admins of the main forums has begun to speak of a revolution like the one Pierce imagined in The Turner Diaries?

What we have is the diametrically opposite to the Diaries: a negrolatric revolution that surprised everyone less those who see recent history as the explosion of the Christian sun in its secular, incendiary form: a red giant that I have called neochristianity, although it is more precise to see it as neofranciscanism.

Today, whites are literally in a state of mind that psychiatrists call flowery psychosis: a red giant that burns their entire culture and even their genes. Since my family’s psychosis started when I was about fifteen or sixteen years old and I have studied that family tragedy, I’d like to be translated already (only most of my fourth book and a censored version of the second I have published here).

The objective would be to show how a normal family can go crazy after one of the parents (in my case, my mother) began to infect other members of the family with her mental viruses. The first to become infected was my father, then some of my siblings (folie en famille) and even so-called mental health professionals subscribed to that destructive psychosis that had originally arisen from my mother’s mind.

Talking about this topic is taboo in every part of the world. Of the alluded admins, he who perhaps could do it would is Brad Griffin (Hunter Wallace), who apparently had a past similar to the one I describe above, but due to the taboo he won’t write on the subject. I can say the same of a pessimistic commenter that I’m not going to name. If he wrote his heart-breaking autobiography in several volumes, as I did, he would know that what happens to the white man and the tragedy of his teenage life are two sides of the same coin.

A tremendous mistake some fans of this site make is to see what I write here as the main thing, and to ignore my work in my mother tongue. The reality is the opposite: precisely because of having analysed the family tragedy I was able to see the western tragedy from my privileged perspective of a three-eyed crow: a fictional entity who has spent his life looking at the past to understand it.

But unlike television movies this crow does not have a single pupil. And how can I have it if only my first book and part of the fourth have been translated into English (the second, as I said, were only censored excerpts)?

Since From Jesus to Hitler is my magnum opus, today I will begin a new reading of the fifth to the eleventh books, as some passages still contain errors of syntax and harmonization with respect to the other books. Let’s not forget that I started writing them at the beginning of 1988 and that I barely finished this year. Harmonizing them so that they may eventually appear under a single cover is a laborious and time-consuming undertaking.

If there is anything in which From Jesus to Hitler can serve the white cause it is my overriding conclusion of such a spiritual odyssey: There is such a thing as voluntary surrender to evil and the current version of human beings, especially suicidal whites, are basically evil (hence my exterminationist recipe for creating a new mankind). In my life, my late father exemplified such evil by believing the slander my mother uttered against the teenager I was. But today all whites who believe Jesus’ slanders, be it in its religious or secular version—christian, neochristian or negrolatric neofranciscan—exemplify evil.

If one is unable to understand one’s family, one will be unable to understand why his race commits suicide. To speak bluntly, I don’t think that anyone throughout the movement called white nationalism understands his family. Otherwise a few of them would have already written tragic autobiographies like mine. Or if they have had kinder lives, they would have at least read a tragic autobiography like John Modrow’s in order to understand the aetiology of psychoses and eventually the folie en mass that the West suffers from.

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Deranged altruism Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Amalric de Droevig on Christianity

‘The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity’. —Hitler.

I barely had finished my previous post and found out that Kevin MacDonald had just published, today, a critical article on Christianity, Amalric de Droevig’s ‘The Way Forward: A New Christianity, Partition, and a General Operational Plan’ of which I’ll quote most of it and offer my comments:

Other things are not so easy for Whites to let go. They are deeply embedded in our lives, our culture, and our psyche, yet they are destroying us. The two most prominent examples are Christianity and Americanism in their present corrupt state. These two things are poisons corroding the soul of our people.

So, firstly, we must separate the White Western tradition from Christianity.

As we will see, Amalric de Droevig doesn’t seem to be familiar with the violent history of the first centuries of Christianity.

Northern and Eastern Europe weren’t fully Christianized until the twelfth century, and some parts of Europe were arguably never truly Christianized. The White West has arguably been non-Christian longer than it has been Christian. Indeed, the most glorious and prolific periods of White Western history were distinctly non-Christian. The Ancient Greeks and the Romans were non-Christian. Greek civilization was particularly intellectually prolific, and Roman civilization was incredibly successful militarily and administratively. Moreover, the Renaissance and the explosion in human knowledge that has taken place from the Renaissance to the present day has occurred as Christianity has gradually withered. I doubt that is an accident.

Modern Christianity is a significant net negative to White interests. If some form of Christianity might be worth preserving, it must be a religion far different from modern Christianity.

If Droevig was familiar with the violent history of the early centuries of Christianity, he would make no distinction between modern and ancient Christianity in terms of toxicity to our cause.

For Christianity to be an acceptable religion, a useful religion for Whites, it must abandon many of its universalistic aspects. It must emphasize the local, the hierarchical, and the traditional. It must deemphasize the global, the novel, and the egalitarian. Christianity can take and has taken many forms throughout history, but rightist dissidents must make clear that certain forms of it are neither moral nor conservative, but are instead a kind of civilizational poison, eating away at the soul of our people and the societies we built.

Droevig doesn’t seem to have read what Robert Morgan has insisted so many times: that it is impossible to Aryanize a universalist religion like Christianity, to make it tribal. Even the Nazis couldn’t do it convincingly despite the efforts of the so-called positive Christianity.

When die-hard Christian corporate leaders like Dan Cathy of chicken joint Chik-Fil-A are invoking Christianity’s call to repent while literally shining the shoes of Black rappers on TV, you know something has gone horribly awry with the Christian creed. Furthermore, even if you wish to lay the ultimate blame for Christianity’s obvious numerical and moral decline at the feet of leftism, the fact is the Christian religion has a disturbing tendency to degrade and deform itself to the prevailing forces around it. It is very accommodating to power, accommodating in a way that Whites simply cannot afford any longer. We have no more ground to give as a people.

Christianity must immediately abandon its pacifistic, highly conciliatory orientation for it to be a religion Whites would do well to preserve. Frankly, I don’t see that happening, but time will tell. It is difficult to see how a religion that views us all as “god’s children” and fundamentally “equal in the eyes of God,” makes its way back to a more practical, natural, and traditional place on race. Although there are passages in Biblical scripture that are sympathetic to our views and our political objectives, those passages are consistently ignored by modern theologians, or cleverly explained away.

Which passages? Is Droevig referring to Old Testament passages that advance Jewry’s tribal spirit? That doesn’t apply to the Aryan man and he knows it.

The Christian folks and forces which possessed and cultivated more nuanced and less perfectly egalitarian positions on race, have long since been driven from the pews and the lecterns. It is difficult to see a way back to sanity.

Every day I witness Christian Whites turning the other cheek and loving their enemies and welcoming invaders and spreading softness upon softness. That level of domesticity is really hurtful to our interests as a people. A little bit of violence and rage often works. See Islam. Incessant meekness only emboldens bullies like those in BLM and Antifa. Wherever Whites are making concessions to Blacks, for example, there is either some leftist nut or some Christian nut with a microphone explaining why it is so important for Whites to give Black people ground or goodies, no matter how unreasonable their demands or rooted in delusion their complaints. That is not helpful to anything, least of all the interests of Whites.

Christianity has become one hundred percent Christ and zero percent Charlemagne, and that is a serious problem.

This is what happens when a white nationalist who wants to start criticising Christianity does not subscribe to new posts on this site. Two months ago I wrote: The only living historian for whom I have respect told me that he would rate Charlemagne well up in the top five most evil characters of European history. I recently acquired Thomas Hodgkin’s The Life of Charlemagne, which I recommend to those who have swallowed the Christian version of this evil man.

If we keep in mind the message of the historical sections in The Fair Race, we will see that even after the Aryan apocalypse of the 4th and 5th centuries, there were still many Germanic tribes in the 6th and 7th centuries who refused to worship the god of the Jews. Charlemagne forced these uncontaminated Aryans to worship the enemy god: a historical milestone related to the philo-Semitic state that the entire West is currently suffering. We could imagine a parallel world in which at least part of the Aryan populations had not been worshiping, for more than a millennium, the volcanic demon that appeared to Moses in a desert…

White Christian leaders frequently tell their flock that living on your knees is the way into heaven. I fear, however, that if Whites do not stand up for themselves and refuse to kowtow to those that hate them—and soon, the White race itself is next to be crucified. All the systemic forces in the modern West are thoroughly anti-White, and those forces reward anti-White malice handsomely. Imagine thinking you live in a “White supremacist” society where a White person can’t even politely disagree with a Black person without being labeled “racist”. It is madness, frankly. I can not help but think Americans would be walked all over a whole lot less if there were more Vikings amongst us to stand up to leftist would-be tyrants and anti-White bullies. Christian leaders tell us that our meekness is Christlike and noble and a symbol of our goodness, but the reality is that our meekness, our dovishness, our conscientiousness, these supposedly good traits are all facilitating the ruination of our people. Those traits are further entrenching us in a state of vassalage.

Pro-White rightist dissidents must actively take a hard line against modern Christianity and expose it for being what it has become, namely an appendage of the Cultural Marxist American state, and a religion that serves the multicultural, multiracial non-White masses, rather than the people and the civilization that founded and spread it.

Precisely because Droevig ignores the history of Christianity, he is seeing things backwards. The so-called cultural Marxism didn’t breed the ethno-suicidal version of Christianity today. It was the axiology of Christianity, as Oswald Spengler already saw, that spawned Marxism.

Once upon a time, when Whiteness was coextensive with Christendom, Christianity’s interests were more or less identical to the interests of Whites. Over the last four or five hundred years, however, Christianity has spread wildly, becoming a global religion, a religion for all peoples.

Since Droevig hasn’t read the ten volumes of Karlheinz Deschner’s Criminal History of Christianity he ignores that there has been no Christianity friendly to our cause. It is a universalist and egalitarian religion that sides the untermensch and vilifies the Ubermensch, or at least treat both as equal. Remember what I said this Tuesday about the conquest of most of the American continent by the very Christian Spaniards and Portuguese.

The problem therein is that the interests of the Third World and the interests of Whites are simply not aligned. Thus, the religion’s interests are no longer linked to our people’s interests. The Third World is feeding on the White race right now. It is feasting on the fruits of White genius and our penchant for charity. Third Worlders are taking over our lands and our governments and our cultures and are turning them into theirs. The lives of White people are thoroughly worse for it. As it stands, Christianity can not serve both its increasingly diverse flock and also the race that founded it and made it relevant. The religious must be made to choose.

If White Christians, on balance, continue to choose religion over the race, the religion may have to be discarded altogether for Whites to survive. How can Whites thrive, or even survive, if one third of our people are anti-White leftist lunatics, and two thirds of the remaining two thirds are Christian nutjobs who place fellow Christians above their own coethnics?! If Whites cannot shape Christianity to serve our people, what good is it for our people? Christianity must accommodate Whiteness and White interests, not vice versa.

This won’t happen because Christianity, the religion of eternal damnation, is an inherently evil ideology: a Semitic religion that cannot be reformed for the Aryan cause, only abolished.

Yet today things are exactly the other way around. Whites are constantly bending over backwards and making excuses for the flaws in Christian theology and the folly of Christian leaders. But what does Christianity do for Whites? When does the Christian religion ever stand up for White people? All I see from church leaders are empty egalitarian bromides, claims that White racial advocacy is a sin, and ever more obnoxious capitulation to aggressive, covetous non-Whites. At best religious leaders ignore us, and at worst they intentionally marginalize us. Whites, in truth, must learn to be more like the Jews. Jews put the tribe first and belief second, and they’re impervious to criticism. That is arguably the key to Jewish success. For Whites, ideology and belief come first. We are an impractical, idealistic race—prone to moral crusades (all our wars have been justified on moral grounds, and the current anti-White zeitgeist is framed as a moral imperative). That is a problem if we wish to survive. At the absolute least, Whites must strengthen their attachment to Whiteness, and dilute their attachment to Christianity.

It is quite possible moreover to remain morally consistent whilst putting the tribe first. As Jared Taylor is fond of saying, “I believe in the same principles for all peoples,” All peoples deserve self-determination. All peoples deserve ethnostates, as the Chinese and the Jews and the Nigerians have. All peoples have the right to prefer their own and to advance their own interests, certainly in moderation. Yet Whites are today denied these fundamental privileges in the modern West.

Neither the Jews nor the Chinese nor the Muslims nor the Indians of India nor the mestizos of Latin America love the white man. But as a pious neochristian, Droevig continues to love the Other to the extent of wishing them a prosperous life in their ethnostates!

Ultimately, we must accept that Christianity is not good. Certain forms of it are perhaps good…

Which ones?

…but certain forms of it are clearly bad, much like streptococcus pneumoniae and certain other strains of bacteria. Once we have cemented that position in the psyche of the political right, religious conservatives can begin recreating Christianity in a sensible form.

Again, this is a fool’s errand. It’s like trying to reform Judaism so that in this reformed Judaism the best of the gentiles won’t be exterminated!

Doing so will also lay the groundwork for defectors (atheists and agnostics) to defect on the grounds that the religion is not advancing their long-term cultural and genetic interests, which it isn’t. This kind of defection may force the religion to evolve and concede ground to the pro-White Alt-Right, or it may continue doing what is has been doing, namely reacting by doubling down on its destructive, modern form. Christian leaders today do not seem to care if White defectors are replaced with 70-IQ African believers. Like Western oligarchs, they seem more interested in quantity than quality. The pro-White dissident right is way too soft on Christianity.

Very true!

We must be much harder on it. By continually accommodating Christian power structures, we do not force Christian leaders to make hard choices. We continue to accommodate those who accommodate our enemies, those who give our enemies more and more ground, and more and more power at our expense. That is folly.

The same is true of the dissident right’s approach to the GOP. We demand nothing of them and so we get nothing from them. We must press the bastards to gain anything from them. GOP oligarch puppets, like retrograde Christian leaders, are not charitable, benevolent people, by and large. You must squeeze and threaten them, and be willing to harm yourself to some degree if you want anything from them. You cannot simply ask nicely or play nice and expect anything in return.

If we can induce a schism between modern Christians (Christians) and traditional Christians (alt-Christians), a reformation of sorts may follow. That schism will serve our movement, if only by catapulting our movement to the foreground in the public eye. We must ask, “why is Christianity not serving our people?” and “who is serving our people?”

Droevig fails to understand what’s happening with Christianity. In my previous post I talked about Conservative Swede and ‘The Red Giant’, which is worth quoting here: ‘We are witnessing the historical demise of Christianity. When a star dies, in its last phase it expands into a red giant, before it shrinks into a white dwarf. Liberalism is the red giant of Christianity. And just as a red giant is devoid of its core, it expands thousandfold [e.g., the recent negrolatric great awakeing] while losing its substance and is about to die’.

That must be the Alt-Right’s approach to everything. The White race’s interests must be on the ballot as well.

Today’s West will not allow the existence of an openly racist party. What’s Droevig’s plan? Pacific methods apparently:

We could set up a Black ethnostate in the American South, a White ethnostate somewhere in the American middle, and perhaps a number of other states with different governmental or demographic structures. However, in order to get there we need to normalize the idea of partition and related ideas. We can actually do that, but we have to be talking about them constantly. Partition has to be the locus of our memes, and our articles, and our political advocacy. Pro-White leaders must be advocating for the peaceful [my italics] partition of America as a serious solution to our intractable problems.

After knocking down the statues representing the white man who founded modern nations, what some BLM members are starting to say is that the next step will be to do that with flesh-and-blood whites. But Droevig still loves the enemy…

The most important thing we must weaken, however, if partition is to be possible, and if our movement’s broader goals are to be realized, is the White American commitment to America itself. Whites are, by and large, patriotic Americans. They are loyal to a government that is hell-bent on destroying them. That is, in a word, insane. What patriotic White Americans must become, before it is too late, is patriotic Alt-Americans, committed to the ideals of the Founding Fathers and to traditions of America prior to the cultural revolution of the 1960’s, but attached to an Alt-American / Post-American identity. We can not remain attached to a political arrangement that is hostile to our very existence, but we may be able to preserve an American identity and Americana in some limited respects.

Droevig started his essay saying that we have to criticise Americanism and now he defends it!

Robert S. Griffin is right that it is wise to root our arguments in America’s historic political and cultural ideals, but we must be careful to do so without legitimizing the modern American state or modern American ideals. Traditional American ideals and values are fine to exploit and employ, but not the ideals that have been foisted upon us since the 1960s, no matter their persuasiveness to normietards…

That’s exactly what I believed before July 24, 2009 when I was arguing with Conservative Swede. Since that month I realised I was naïve by believing that in the 1950s everything was great (cf. again ‘The Red Giant’). The wrong turn for the white race didn’t occur in the 60s. It started more than a millennium before, in the 4th century of the common era.

In this way we can reconcile the competing approaches to “America” and American identity. We can thread the needle as it were. We can retain an American identity, while still setting ourselves off and apart from modern America and the modern American state.

Here Ferdinand Bardamu is correct in his sentence from my other post today: ‘America must die because the Whites who once formed her civilizational backbone are deracinated, alienated and milquetoast cosmopolitans’.

They won’t stop failing us because we enlist in the military in greater numbers or become more religiously radical. Our institutions must change or they must go. Whites must adapt or perish. The sooner Whites recognize this harsh reality, the sooner will we get on with rescuing ourselves from our current debauched state as a race. Whites rightly pride themselves on being tenacious folk, and I understand that well-being a tenacious bastard myself, but sometimes to survive, you must let go.

Amalric Droevig’s piece, so radical to the palates of white nationalists that MacDonald disabled the comment section on that article, shows just how blue-pilled (or shall I say purple-pilled?) the commentariat of that webzine is.

Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Racial right

Con Swede, Johnson and Bardamu

In 2009 I started to wake up to the real world thanks to the Internet. It was precisely thanks to Conservative Swede that I started to grasp the Christian Question (CQ), as we see in the article ‘The Dismiss of Christianity’ that here appears in The Fair Race.

I titled that article ‘The Red Giant’ on this site. It is based on two long discussion threads from July 2009 on the Gates of Vienna (GoV) forum that can still be read here and here. I even spoke with Conservative Swede on the phone for over an hour in that year, when I lived in Spain.

Not long after, this Swede got so mad at me when I mentioned Hitler and the Reich on GoV that he swore (did the admin of GoV delete his insults from this comment?). Elsewhere he asked me if I wanted to exterminate the Jews and that made me suspicious. The next year, after a civil exchange about the JQ on the now nuked Mangan’s site, the Swede closed his blog and informed me that I had motivated him for such a drastic decision, although he added that he kept the reasons to himself.

Conservative Swede’s behaviour seemed bizarre and inexplicable to me. The only hypothesis I could come up with is that he might have some Jewish background. That was the first time that someone who allegedly defended the West left me stunned.

Although the admin is a gentile, GoV is a philo-Semitic forum, so by 2010 I had moved to Counter-Currents. But Greg Johnson, the admin of CC, would also surprise me with so many inconsistencies that it is not worth repeating. By the way, it was a comment by Johnson on April 20, 2010 in the comments section of Occidental Dissent (the whole Irmin Vinson essay that later the OD admin deleted!) that reconciled me to Hitler.

Then Johnson stopped defending Hitler as he used to do in 2010, and for the second time I left a forum that I had initially loved.

Later I would be disappointed with The Occidental Observer, Kevin MacDonald’s webzine, and precisely because of what Ferdinand Bardamu posted here, in The West’s Darkest Hour. I also chose Bardamu’s essay on why Europeans should abandon Christianity for The Fair Race. But now it is Bardamu himself who has disappointed me!

In his article published yesterday on The Occidental Observer, ‘White Nationalism and its Leftist Enemies’, Bardamu no longer uses the ‘neochristian’ term he used in his lengthy essay on The Fair Race. In his recent essay on MacDonald’s webzine, he replaced it with the term in vogue in white nationalism circles, ‘cultural Marxism’. It is true that while speaking of ‘an ideology of all-consuming, overwhelming psychotic White racial self-hatred’ Bardamu wrote:

… while elevating the virtues of his own Judeo-Christian slave morality—humility, weakness, equality—to a position of supremacy. Through Nietzschean transvaluation of all values, good becomes bad and bad becomes good.

However, as an almost orthodox white nationalist, Bardamu emphasises the JQ rather than the CQ. And what is worse, although I also published on this site his essay on NS Germany that they had rejected in other white nationalist forums (remember that NS and WN are two different animals), Bardamu doesn’t seem to have read what we say about NS Germany in Part I of The Fair Race—or even the central essay of that book. I am referring to ‘Rome vs. Judea; Judea vs. Roma’ also featured in Part I of The Fair Race. After a paragraph on the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, in his essay yesterday Bardamu wrote:

Unlike Rome, the decline of America has been purposely engineered by hostile elites. The expatriate Jews of the Frankfurt School pathologized… Apparently, Whites have been so thoroughly indoctrinated by the media and education system they have come to embrace the demographic transformation of America as a fait accompli

Ignorance abounds in this quote. It was Jewry, in the form of Judeo-Christianity, that caused the collapse of Rome (cf. the part ‘Judea vs. Rome’ in the aforementioned essay of The Fair Race). And regarding the hostile elite, Bardamu seems to ignore the countless quotes I have collected on this site from Robert Morgan, who has been arguing with conservative racialists at Unz Review for quite some time, proving that anti-white and pro-black ideology to the point of a bloody civil war predates the mass migration of Jews into the United States. In fact, my post yesterday, ‘Confederate Cassandra’ was nothing more than quoting what Morgan had quoted a few days ago on Unz Review. The words with which Bardamu concludes his essay on the MacDonald webzine—:

America must die because the Whites who once formed her civilizational backbone are deracinated, alienated and milquetoast cosmopolitans. If the destructive policies of the elites are irreversible, it is because there is no longer anything for Whites to rally around, nor is there anything to draw them together. America must die, but that does not mean White nationalism must die along with it.

—I could paraphrase like this: Not only America, but Christianity must die because those males who once formed with it their civilisational backbone are now deracinated, alienated and lobotomised eunuchs. Judeo-Christianity must die, but that doesn’t mean that the ideals of National Socialism must die along with it.